A Weird Thing just happened... · 2:10am Dec 31st, 2022
Okay, so I'm on my computer, reading, when I hear a loud "POP/BOOM" sound in my house. I go to check it out... and I find out my two-liter of Cola just exploded in my pantry cupboard!
I have no idea why!
I recently bought it, it wasn't shook, it was at room temp, I cannot, for the life of me, understand why this bottle of pop just popped!
I had to clean out the cupboard, rinse and clean off the stuff I had in there, and then clean the area around where it exploded (don't want ants or other creepy-crawlies skittering around for the sugary/sticky aftermath), all the while I just can't figure out how or why this happened!
It wasn't shaken, it was recently bought, it was at room temp, and it was just lying on its side! It hadn't even been opened yet!
Duz anyone have an idea as to why this bottle of soda seemed to just explode for no apparent reason?
I’ve had that happen before sometimes it’s just some pressure shifting the atmosphere, and it just goes boom
Could have just been a weak spot in the plastic. On the other hand, it could have been a contaminated bottle and it eventually started to ferment, increase in pressure and boom. or sudden drop in air pressure I don't know if it could drop far enough to do this but ???