• Member Since 19th Dec, 2015
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just a dude with minor autism trying to get through this little thing called life

More Blog Posts50

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    Made a New Group: Spikelestia

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    Five World of Darkness Games We Will (Probably) Never See

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  • 43 weeks

    So, after a bit of thinking, I made a slight change to Days of Ruin's title so readers wouldn't get confused between this story and the other Ladies of Darkness story.

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Ladies of Darkness Stories · 11:56pm May 13th, 2023

Here’s a list of stories for Ladies of Darkness to which I’m making a series of. Granted, it’s not a complete list but this is what I have so far:

Ladies of Darkness: The first entry (obviously) where Spike runs into some monster girls who take an interest in him and help him fight off other monsters while discovering some dark secrets like the many conspiracies around the cities, his adopted family’s history, and the stone he found as a child.

Ladies of Darkness: Angels and Demons: Spike finds himself between an angel and a demon fighting for his soul… and his heart. But the two would later find themselves working together along with Spike’s other girls to save him from a bigger threat. Based off of Demon: The Fallen and Demon the Descent.

Ladies of Darkness: Of Skinchangers and Changing Breeds: Here, Spike begins to learn more about the Changing Breeds (humans who shapeshift into animals) while several of them take an interest in him. Based off of Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Werewolf: The Forsaken, and the various books on Changing Breeds and Skinchangers. 

Ladies of Darkness: Into The Deep End: Spike always had a complicated view of the open sea. On one hand, he suffers a bit of thalassophobia. But on the other hand, he can’t help but admire its beauty. However, he’s soon dragged (Both figuratively and literally) into the depths by a Siren who wants to have him as her mate as well as other underwater monster girls. Based off of Atlantean: The Longing, Leviathan: The Tempest, and Siren: The Drowning.

Ladies of Darkness: The Dreaming and The Lost: Here, Spike learns about the Fae and their topsy turvy politics but soon realizes that there’s a dark conspiracy among some of them. Based off of Changeling: The Dreaming and Changeling: The Lost.

Ladies of Darkness: Sovereign: Spike and the girls must stop a rogue A.I. from taking over the world while a more benevolent one is aiding them. Based off of Sovereign: The Autonomy

Ladies of Darkness: Beyond The Stars: In this one Spike and the girls face off some threats from outer space while helping an alien princess getting used to life on Earth. More or less based off of the fan games Greys: The Abduction, Tech Infantry, and Alien: The Stranded.

Maidens of Exalted: After playing with a mysterious puzzle box, Spike finds himself in a strange world called Creation. Spike needs to find a way back to his world while many ladies in this world take an interest in him. Based off of Exalted.

Ladies Of Darkness vs. Maidens of Exalted: Spike managed to return to his world and the girls he met over at Creation managed to follow him home. However, The girls from Creation begin to square off with Spike’s monster girls for his attention. Things get complicated when a powerful vampire suddenly appears in Canterlot and the two groups of women must put aside their differences to stop him. Based off of Exalted vs. World of Darkness.

Report Mechazilla88 · 319 views · Story: Ladies of Darkness ·
Comments ( 6 )

(whistles) You definitely thought these out. Spike's gonna have a lot to deal with

Bro please write these stories I can't wait to cut when they come out. I'm excited

Boy do you have your work cut out for you. Especially since the first story hasn't been updated since Halloween of last year.

Thanks, I’m just taking a page from your book when you said that your making Feral World into smaller stories but yeah, I’m just thinking ahead here.

Also which one do you find the most interesting?

Man you got your work cut out for you. Cant wait to read them!

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