I’ve Just Declared War On The Brony Fandom + Misty Saga Updates · 4:43am May 1st, 2023
Well…I’ve done it. I’ve declared war on the fandom. With the G5 defense video being so close to completion, I’ve figured now was as good of a time as any to announce my passion project to the world. It’s not in video format though in case you’re checking my channel. No no no. I wanted to do that, but I refrained from doing so because I feared that it would spoil the specialty of this 9-month project. I may still make a video announcement after school ends just to make sure everybody knows I’m not joking with this, but we’ll see. No, my declaration of war was in comment format. Basically what I did was copy and paste this message to every G5 hate channel:
Dear _____ + all G5 haters,
Your hold over the Brony fandom’s court of public opinion will be ending soon. You guys may think you can spread misinformation about what G5 actually is and manipulate people into hating G5 as well, but I see right through it and I’m here to prove otherwise. For the past 9 months, I have been working tirelessly on a video essay in defense of G5 that covers all of its associated mediums (A New Generation, A Maretime Bay Adventure, Tell Your Tale, Make Your Mark, the comics, etc). I’ve gathered up evidence that refutes everything negative you and others have said for this generation.
I’m finalizing a cut of the video as we speak and it is currently projected to release in late June. As someone who finds great value/merit in G5, I am not content to just sit here and tolerate all of the hate videos that keep coming out. Rest be assured, I am responding to ALL of them. My intention is to spread what I believe in my heart to be the truth. MLP Generation 5 is not only good, but amazing. And I’m going to prove it whether you all like it or not. I’m announcing this now so you can start preparing for my video’s release. Despite how angry you all may be at me for this news, I invite you all in advance to attend the premiere. You may be surprised at what I have to say.
Hawk Nightwing.
Some have already responded to my comment (I’ve just had to clear up a misunderstanding on the Weird Place’s channel, where the creator thought I was threatening them and their audience specifically with the message when it was actually directed at the G5 hatedom in general) and some responses I’m still waiting on. The main thing is, the war of public opinion has begun and I intend to win it. This project has been 9 months in the making and I cannot wait to share my work with all of you. Unfortunately, marketing and trailers will not be dropped on the channel until after school is done. I need to focus on my studies and salvaging the semester (specifically Math), so I will be dipping from the site until the semester is finished and done. I was able to take a couple days break, but this has been a distraction. That means most likely, there will be no more updates from me unless I have something of substance to say.
On the bright side, I finally have a release date for this big baby that I’ve locked in. With production about 95% done, I say ‘A Passionate Defense of My Little Pony Generation 5’ should be released around June 27, 2023. By then, Make Your Mark Chapter 4 should be out if the rumors are to be believed and I can start doing episode reviews and growing my channel further before the following four parts inevitably drop as well. These other four parts will be, you guessed it, focused on character analyses for each of the Mane Five (and Misty). I haven’t scripted any of the following parts yet as I’m waiting to see if Chapter 4 gives me more to talk about. So…we’ll see what happens with that.
In the meantime, you all still have something to be hyped for in my absence. I’ve officially finished work on The Fall of Opaline (for real this time)!!!! Yep, the Misty Saga is back in action, everybody!! What an emotional rollercoaster writing this was. BUT I’m not releasing it yet as I need to have the time to mass spam, I mean, promote the story all across the site. And I can’t do that while stressing out about the semester. So, the official release date for The Fall of Opaline will be June 12, 2023, with Redeemed soon to follow at July 2, 2023. If anything goes wrong, then the date will be pushed back July 2 the latest. I’m tired of keeping you guys on hiatus, but this is for my own good. As for Izzy Moonbow: Beyond The Multiverse of Randomness…well, I’ll get to it when I get to it. That story’s not technically part of the mainline Misty Saga story per se, but still in the same universe.
Here’s an official timeline of release dates for you all to keep track of in the style of Zack Snyder’s “Save The Date” message tweet from Lord Darkseid:
- The Fall of Opaline: June 12, 2023
- ‘A Passionate Defense of My Little Pony Generation 5’: June 27, 2023
- Redeemed: July 2, 2023
Let the hype levels commence!!!!!! So…yeah. This is goodbye for now, but don’t worry. I will not be completely silent. You will still see more installments of my “MLP G4 VS G5 (but accurate)” YouTube short series on my channel as those don’t take long to make and I can easily create them while studying. But no story updates, PMs, or chapter writing for a good while. So there’s still that to look forward to. I somehow managed to turn MLP Fever’s scathing upload into my own series and that’s certainly crazy to say the least. Also, don’t worry about the Princess Luna audition. With a heavy heart, I’ve made the decision to scrap Luna’s role in the video as nobody stepped up to voice her. The video will just start with the second scene of the skit with Hawk in his cottage. Don’t blame yourselves for this. I recognize that I was a little too ambitious with this idea and I’m not yet such a big presence that I can start hiring VAs now. I have to keep my expectations realistic, so it’s not any of your faults in the slightest. I will be releasing the completed animatic as a deleted scene alongside the video with me doing all the voices. Finally, I know I keep saying this, but I’m grateful for all the support I have gotten thus far. Believe me, when I came out as a fan of G5, I was not expecting the amount of support I’ve gotten. From I’m Looking Out For You to now Forgiven, the G5 story train is still going strong and I assure you, it will not be stopping anytime soon. The best is yet to come!! Thanks to all of you, I’ve been able to help others write their stories and that’s helped me make my presence known across the site. That’s been incredible special to me.
Thank you all so much for everything. With that being said, I will see you all later. Byyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
In my opinion, G5 isn't as good as Friendship is Magic, but it does have it's own charms, and I think it gets way more hate than it deserves.
Good luck with both school and your G5 defense! Hope both turn out well!
I think we all knew that G5 was never gonna be as big as G4, but it doesn't need to be. I've been enjoying it so far for the most part.
Boy, just when I'm about to announce a little update on my own stories, you come up with such a banger of an announcement!
Well, I guess it's time to save June 12, 27 and July 2 in my calendar!
Also, I really hope you G5 defense video pays off, because I'm seriously tired of all this G5 hate... You cannot like it, that's okay, but hating on it like if all it has is flaws makes me reconsider if people are actual fans of the franchise or G4 suckers that would never recognize the insane amount of flaws G4 has (specially since Season 5).
That’s definitely true.
Thanks for your support. I won’t let any of you down.
In terms of matching Friendship is Magic, I think nothing will. FIM has left such a massive impact on so many people that it’s unfair to expect G5 to live up to that legacy. But yeah, G5 is still totally awesome in its own right and that’s perfect. ‘
I hope the defense video pays off too. It’d be a shame if I put in all that work, drove myself insane listening to absolutely terrible takes, watching the same movie and episodes about 12 times to jot down notes into my script, debated so many people, and put the video together with painstaking effort, all for it to flop. But considering I’ve been mass promoting the project to everyone (both on this site and YouTube) so much, I say it’s too big to fail. I’m tired of G5 hate too, which is why I’m doing this. I’m so excited to release this video.
Okay, maybe starting a war with the haters isn’t the best way to promote your video, or really spend your time since I’m positive that MAP/Zaid (Who I’m assuming the comment was made for in the first place) will either not even notice your comment, or will and that’ll get ugly really fast.
I just hope you know what you are doing with these people
Speaking solely for myself, I don't know much about G5 beyond the characters and the overall premise, as I haven't really sat down to watch any official material. As such, any opinions I have on it aren't fully formed, and given my personal schedule, I don't see that changing anytime soon.
I'll go on record to say that I don't hate G5, so far it's been from okay to good, the good from the film and the Tell your Tale to the show Make Your Mark being okay. I just wish they would've actually done some episodes original instead of just falling back on some of the G4 material. Though, I will give credit where it's due for Misty, she's a really an interesting and sympathetic character and hopefully she'll get a good ending to her arc.
Like I said, I don't hate it, I just think that there are rooms for improvements.
Yeah in hindsight, perhaps an inflammatory statement was not the best way to go about it. I don’t know, I have a tendency to get really passionate about something and then go off the rails sometimes. I don’t like acting that way at all, but I didn’t know how else my comment would be noticed. Perhaps it would’ve been better making a video explaining my intentions first like I wanted, but I idk. Also, I love most of Zaid’s videos too, but if you’re positive on his channel…oof. Just warning you, there’s a whole section of the video that takes everything he said about G5 and tears those arguments to pieces, with some healthy criticism for his channel too to boot as I personally dislike his toxic demeanor the way it is. You can feel free to skip over that section if you wish as I’m currently dropping in time stamps for when each section ends so anyone who doesn’t like me criticizing a specific user can just skip over at their convenience.
That’s perfectly fair. I highly recommend you watch all G5 material on Netflix (and YouTube too, as those are where a lot of the Tell Your Tale episodes are located) when you find the time as I genuinely think you’ll get something positive out of it. You never know until you try!
And that is a perfectly fair assessment. Like I said in one of my debates, I agree that Hasbro shouldn’t’ve made it a sequel to G4, as it gives the wrong vibe and is the sole reason why public perception was never going to be on their side due to FIM’s perfect ending. Hasbro just saw how popular G4 was and decided to capitalize on it without thinking of the consequences. But on the bright side, at least to me, the G4 stuff seems to be largely a framing device in the background whereas the majority of G5 is its own, unique story, with some genuinely heartfelt and relatable lessons for all viewers.
Also yeah, Misty’s just the best. There’s a reason why I have a whole entire saga dedicated to her as the protagonist on my story page.
Just out of curiosity, have you seen the "Bronies react to a New Generation" Video? I think it's a very fun watch!
Oh yes, I have. I love that video.
I never said I actually liked Zaid’s work. In fact, I would see myself actually wanting to see his videos get ripped apart.
I was just warning since the guy comes off as…….overly aggressive
I don't have access to Netflix at the present time, but otherwise I'll do what I can.
Ah, I see. I must’ve misread. I’m quite aware he does get overly aggressive, and that’s putting it mildly. The dude can get downright cruel at times with some of his threats and that’s part of the reason why I’ve lost respect for him despite loving a lot of his MLP reviews. In fact, I fully expect a response video that catapults both of us into some sort of internet drama. But I highly doubt he can make any meaningful argument that makes the drama last for more than a week, so I’ll be fine on that front.
But thanks for the warning, though. I really appreciate it.
And that’s all I or anyone else could ever ask of you. Thank you.
While I agree with what Flamewarrior02 said, I'm really looking forward to this. Both the defence video and The Fall of Opaline. I can't wait to see what you've come up with!
Good luck with your studies too
Thank you! I’m definitely making major progress on studying for Exam 3, that’s for sure. I won’t let you down. And now I also have something to look forward to as well. BECAUSE MAKE YOUR MARK CHAPTER 4 IS COMING OUT IN JUNE, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! Did you see the new clip yet?
I certainly did!