• Member Since 29th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Apr 12th, 2018

Wolfy Hige

chicken nugget

More Blog Posts87

  • 437 weeks

    0 comments · 583 views
  • 570 weeks
    Flutter be Flutterin'

    I haven't done one of these in sooooooo long... FimFic has changed alot!
    Btw, I have some stories in the making, I've been able to learn alot from other writers!

    11 comments · 659 views
  • 593 weeks
    Collab is up!

    Rainbooms Over Miami has finally been posted!

    0 comments · 445 views
  • 599 weeks
    My OC Drawn!!!

    Well a few weeks ago I went to the mall with a friend and met another brony. We actually became pretty good friends and I checked out his tumblr and realized he's really good at drawing. He told me he'd draw my OC... I couldn't say "No"...

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    16 comments · 569 views
  • 605 weeks
    You're kidding...

    10 comments · 555 views

You're kidding... · 2:29am Dec 17th, 2012

Report Wolfy Hige · 555 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

No regrets

Gosh darn it! I wanna make a pregnant-related pun, but I can't think of anything that makes sense. Urgh...

Ow... I can feel the after effects of that pun bleeding into my subconscious. One day i will remember it and burst out laughing for no reason than having remembered it years later.


Only twenty emoticons? That doesn't show my shame.

:rainbowlaugh: i find the sheer stupidity and the lengths at wich shell go to do a joke funny.

620512 then there was a pregnant pause

whois the daddy? :twilightoops:

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