• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2021
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Joe Toon

Administrator of a Pocket Universe that monitors other worlds. You can offer your support here in Ko-fi. Your contribution is most appreciated.

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Delays and updates · 9:10pm Feb 27th, 2023

G'day all!
First, I'd like to apologise for the delays on several stories. The past few months have been hectic at best and murderous at worst. Christmas, New Year and *Summer clean up (*I live in Australia), home renovations and several failed job applications have taken most of my time and pushed me to the breaking point. There is no cancellations other than Armello due to a rewrite, but there are massive delays on all if not most of the projects.

Secondly as I mentioned, I have been looking for a stable source of income due to our home's mortgage, renovations, and business venture that screwed us over. I have been considering opening a Ko-fi account to supplement that (peanuts I know, but every little bit helps at this point) and I might be needing to see a therapist due to several issues that came recently.

Finally, updates. A rewrite for my Armello crossover is coming, and may just be my proudest writing yet. I'm halfway done with TBC:Thera's new chapter, Heart's of Harmony's (the Curse of Strahd fic) new chapter is about a quarter done, I've finished setting up A Sword in Equestria's new chapter, all what's left is to start, Words of Advice is currently on hold but I have already started on it, and Thera Victoria is unfortunately going to get a massive rewrite and is on hold.

To top that all off, I have been also editing Connercooper's In the dark series, so bear with me folks. There has been a lot in my plate but I'll get through this. Just give me time, patience, and little bit of help and support.


Comments ( 2 )

Here’s hoping things start to get better for ya Joe. It sounds like you’re going through the wringer. I can’t pretend to know how you’re feeling, but I did have a similar situation with being unemployed. It was less an issue of being financially strained for me, but more a matter of my self-worth taking a hit. Being idle hurts the soul. I’ll be wishing ya the best and supporting you where I can!

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