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  • Wednesday
    You ever wonder why we're here?

    Rooster Teeth is coming back under new old management.

    Now the $64,000 question is, what becomes of this?

    Because by now, all of the old guard have come out and said that RT failed because they could no longer make the content they wanted to make, and were instead beholden to algorithms.

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    13 comments · 97 views
  • 1 week
    Tell Your Tale: The Alicorn Path

    This week, we've got another leaked animatic, with additional Skyros lore, and... Filler music from Steven Universe. Guess we're at the point where the composer wasn't even finished.

    Ugh, just... Tying the life of this series to toy sales in 2024...

    Fuck you, Hasbro.

    20 comments · 158 views
  • 1 week
    The things I find when doomscrolling YouTube...

    So I found a channel that put YouTube comments to song, this video in particular, reactions to the latest Snow White live-action remake:

    What's more? It's actually pretty fire.

    The trailer in question (I saw it leading up to Sonic 3 in theaters) is on pace to cross one million dislikes by morning.

    7 comments · 78 views
  • 2 weeks
    So I decided to start speedrunning Freedom Planet last night...

    ...and tonight, I'm questioning my sanity.

    That final boss is a fucking brick wall.

    Still getting writing done too, no worries. Hope to have the next chapter of Meet The Lings ready to go over the weekend!

    4 comments · 47 views
  • 3 weeks
    Hope to have story updates soon!

    So its been about a week since I sat down to write, spending my free time with another Skyrim run instead. Hope that changes after work today.

    First up will be a short update to Roots of a Cold Heart, then another update to Meet the Lings.

    Haven't forgotten about Unicorn Attack either.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    3 comments · 62 views

Got nothing done yesterday. · 12:55pm Dec 3rd, 2022


Got home from work with a headache, fell into bed, and didn't move for 14 hours. Just ate for the first time in 21 hours.

So, let's do that again, shall we?

In gaming news, we have the Players' Voice portion of The Game Awards, where it appears Sonic Frontiers is currently beating out entries like Elden Ring and God of War Ragnaraok. I've never given much credibility to these award shows, because I believe a great deal of them are bought, but it's nice to see players vote up a return to form over other AAA titles for a change.

In pony news, I love when toys spoil what has yet to happen in the show.

Because we have Opaline's last name now, and what potentially happened to Misty's cutie mark. Spoilers after the break.

Report milesprower06 · 376 views · #mlpg5 #opaline #misty
Comments ( 7 )

In pony news, I love when toys spoil what has yet to happen in the show.

And in multiple languages.

The CMCs would hunt her flank down.

Their spirits would haunt her forever, if they could.

So she found out Starlight's cutie mark spell and takes them for herself instead of hiding them away. Yet again Starlight fucked everything up

I think the latest iOS game from gameloft may hold some story elements that may appear in future installments. Just a guess...

Opaline Arcana is a cool name!

Agreed. I wonder how much longer we'll go before Misty starts to come around.

I have a nice headcanon backstory for Opaline that I'm mulling over. Might do a fic or twelve about it.

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