• Member Since 28th Feb, 2018
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For some people, small, beautiful events are what life is all about!

More Blog Posts177

  • 3 weeks
    Apr-Jun 2024 Art Dump


    Time Ram - Sensorites and Sensibility

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    3 comments · 25 views
  • 16 weeks
    Jan-Mar 2024 Art Dump


    Time Ram - Terror of the Crablikes!

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    1 comments · 78 views
  • 27 weeks
    Supermassive 2023 Art Dump

    So! Back. Not dead. Big surprise. Life's been kinda hectic for awhile now for a variety of reasons I won't go too much into, but I've had a nice long break and am feeling ready to get back to a semi-regular writing schedule! However, I have still been doing art for the past,,, six months, has it really been that long? Jeez. So, here's a big ol' pile of stuff that I haven't shared here, by month.

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    5 comments · 103 views
  • 56 weeks
    Hues of June Week 3

    Hues of June 18a - Flesh!Big Macintosh
    (Spoilered for body horror)
    Nothing like a hard day’s work to get up an appetite.
    tbh, this might be one of the best things I’ve ever drawn in terms of anatomy and shading.

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  • 57 weeks
    Hues of June Week 2

    You know what time it is!

    Hues of June 11a - Eye!Sunset

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Creeptober Week 4 · 4:49pm Oct 30th, 2022

Hello and happy Halloween to all! Final art blog of the month, I'll wrap up the end of Creeptober next week with the beginning of Huevember, which. I may have gone slightly overboard with Huevember. I really enjoy the challenge of focusing on one dominant hue in a piece, so I ended up doing the whole thing twice. And a half. You'll see. In non-art news, I've got plans to put up the next chapter of The Sunset Archives today and another tomorrow for a Halloween-y double feature. Anyway, the art! Standard content warning for a bit of blood and gore and general horror themes.

Creeptober 24 - Floral Horror
Cover for ch. 11 of The Sunset Archives, ’Caretaker
“Statement of Fluttershy Breeze, regarding a sick dog,”

Creeptober 25 - Unidentified
The Star / MAG 39 - Infestation
“Hello? I see you. Show yourself.”
“Hello? I see you.”
“I see you.”

Creeptober 26 - The Fun Never Ends
TMA Furry AU - Carousel Horse Nikola Orsinov

Creeptober 26b
Bonus Furry AU - Beaver Sasha James and Otter NotSasha

Creeptober 27 - Stars Align
The stars will aid in her escape

Creeptober 28 - Preserved
The Hanged One / MAG 094: Dead Woman Walking
“There’s no… difference between the present and the future, no other me that will suffer the indignity of death while I live on. It’s all a single moment, and there’s… there’s no difference between that last moment that ushers us out into oblivion and the one we experience now. ”

Creeptober 29 - What Comes After Us
6 of Discs / Father Adelard Dekker
“I have never envied you your position, Gertrude. I have never coveted your gifts, as I know the terrible costs that come with them. But honestly, trying to get a description of these… things, these… Inheritors from Bernadette Delcour made me wish I could just pull the image from her lips, like you would have been able to. In the end, she would say nothing of them, except that “there is nothing done in the history of humanity that deserves the things that come after us.””

Creeptober 30 - Something Fishy
Cover for the Sunset Archives chapter 6 - ‘Sirens’ Call’
“Statement of Aria Blaze, regarding the restoration of her siren gem.”

Yours Spookily

Report Sixes_And_Sevens · 59 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

I do love the contrast of the Dazzlings, of monster, witch, and seductress. Perfect illustration of the siren condition.

Hope you have a Happy Halloween 🎃

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