• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Quadrinity Dragons

Sinnoh. Near Daybreak Town. The Pokemon Festival. Day.

Right now, a fierce three-way battle was going off. Lance, Drake and Drayden were all having a battle, making this an exclusive Dragon-Type Trainer Battle. And already, during the start of their battle, the impact resulted in a destructive explosion that completely unphased them, only blowing their capes, jacket and beards.

Lance was currently battling with his Dragonite. Drake had his Salamence out while Drayden chose his Druddigon. The smoke cleared after these three Dragons stared each other down. There was a moment of silence before the wind started kicking up. This grassy field would be their battlefield with tons of space to go off.

The rustle of Drayden's beard. The intense sharp glares of these draconic eyes as they attempted to intimidate each other. And nearby Pokemon that dared to interrupt this would only be caught in the titanic crossfire. Not even an Ice-Type or a Fairy-Type would dare get in their way.

"So. We've each drawn the first hit," Drake spoke. "Now it's all a matter of who can land successful hits. Even if one of us loses a Pokemon first."

"Of course. And that will be me." The Champion of Kanto and Johto Lance declared, having his arms crossed as the winds blew in his direction, making his cape flow epically as always.

Coming to view this battle was none other than Spike after learning about these three Juggernaut Dragon-Type Trainers showing up. He came all the way from Daybreak Town just to view this. The battle was just down the grassy fields where a previously large explosion went off.

He was close, but another High-Tier Dragon Specialist would meet with him unexpectedly. Another champion, just like Lance and a pupil of Drayden. Iris. She was atop the trees before then dropping to meet with the Baby Dragon.

"Hey, Spike! Axew!" Iris said, casually dropping from a high place. Her amazing agility and acrobatics allowed her to be in such dangerous scenarios without a fear in her heart.

"Gah!" Spike gasped, falling over before his partner Axew caught him. "Oh...It's just you, Iris..."

"Gotcha." Iris giggled after succeeding in getting a scare out of him. Not like it was that hard, to begin with. "I can already tell what brings you here. You saw it, didn't you?"

"From a mile away." The baby dragon recovered. "How couldn't anyone see it? But...I guess I'm the only one who chose to come here. Not sure why."

"Why? Well, no reason to come here. Not for what they're battling for."

"Battling for? Hang on...why aren't you involved? Aren't you a champion just like Lance?" Spike questioned, wondering why Iris wasn't in the fray. He figured she'd be battling, making it a 4-way battle.

"About that...they're not battling because of sport. They're battling to win a buffet."

"Wait...This is all over food?!" The true reason for this battle was not as obvious as it seemed. It was the complete opposite. All this staring, all this intensity and even that massive explosion were over a buffet. But they took their buffets very seriously as seen by their expressions. And only one of them could claim it.

"Now, Dragonite! Dragon Claw!"

"Dra!" Lance's Dragonite went next, summoning that signature draconic energy around his claws. Each Dragon Pokemon already drew the first hit so now it was time for one of them to follow up.

"Druddigon! Meet it with Dragon Claw as well!"

"Salamence! Strike back with your own Dragon Claw!"

Fittingly, all three of them had Dragon Claw. A Dragon-Type can never go wrong with this move. All three of them approached each other but one was considerably faster than the other. Specifically, Dragonite, who reached Salamence first.

"Dragonite!" Dragonite swung his claws, landing a successful super-effective hit on the Hoenn-born Pokemon via an overhead slash. After that, he would slash Salamence from the side, knocking his fellow Dragon-Flying-Type away.


"Druddigon!" But there was also Druddigon, zooming in with his claws out. Dragonite would quickly switch targets as both their Dragon Claws would collide. The collision summoned green sparks that flew everywhere while also making the blades of grass flow.

The two Bipedal Dragon-Types tried pushing each other back, but ultimately, Druddigon's physical strength seemed to be greater as he pushed Dragonite back. "Dra?!"

"Druddi!" Surprising Dragonite after gaining the advantage in raw strength, at least in this exchange, Druddigon would then unleash a string of Dragon Claws. But even with this string of Dragon Claws, Dragonite would eventually catch one of them, preventing Druddigon from going on a streak. "Dru?!"

"Gonite!" After catching the Dragon Claw, Dragonite would then use his own raw strength, throwing the Cave Pokemon to the side.

"Now! Blast him with Hyper Beam, Dragonite!"

"Dra...!" Dragonite would follow up after throwing Druddigon away. By breathing in, a crackling and pulsating orange ball of Infinity Energy formed in front of Dragonite's mouth. As if an earthquake was moving through the sky, Hyper Beam was unleashed, eradicating the blades of grass while also approaching Druddigon.

"Throw it back, Druddigon! Use Dragon Claw!"

"Druddigon!" But Druddigon wouldn't have that. It immediately used the strength of Dragon Claw to try and cease Hyper Beam's actions. Alas, that was a failure. He did manage to hold it back a bit, but the destructive power of Hyper Beam succeeded, engulfing the Cave Pokemon in its fury.

"I have you both where I want you. Salamence, use Flamethrower!"

"Salamence!" Salamence would strike them both with the searing flames of Flamethrower. A stream of crimson flames shot out, alerting Dragonite. The Dragon Pokemon braced himself, putting his arms up to block the flames while Druddigon didn't get time to rest after the Hyper Beam explosion. Both of the opposing Dragons were engulfed by the flames which did not fizzle out. Salamence made a continuous flame that would only go out unless he allowed it.

The grassy fields were being scorched, receiving even more damage than they already do. Their battle was only going to intensify from this point. All for a buffet. Spike could care less about the reason they were battling. This was too amazing and thrilling to his eyes.

"That's enough time to recharge! Blow it away with Twister, Dragonite!"

"Go!" Within the flames, Dragonite managed to viciously flap his wings. A dark purple tornado erupted from Dragonite's body, immediately gathering all the flames into a single point. Salamence's Flamethrower was overpowered as Dragonite then sent a draconic tornado towards his fellow Dragon-Flying-Type.

"Mence!" Now Salamence was the one engulfed by an attack as the Twister immediately carried him through the air, dealing super-effective damage as well.

"Pursue him, Dragonite! Dragon Claw!"

"Dra!" Dragonite would follow up by attacking Salamence in the air via Dragon Claw. However, he had to watch his back for what came next.

"Flash Cannon, Druddigon!"

"Druddigon!" Druddigon also recovered as the crimson flames left his body with just the pressure of his roar. Afterwards, a silver flash of light energy came roaring out of his mouth, hitting Dragonite in the back. The Dragon Pokemon was prevented from reaching Salamence as he was shot out of the sky.

"Now, Dragon Tail!"

"Gon!" Druddigon wouldn't stop there. Before Dragonite could even hit the ground, the Cave Pokemon too flight, intercepting and reaching the Dragon-Flying-Type in time. With his tail coated in draconic energy, he swung it like a whip, smacking Dragonite in the face, just moments before he could even touch the ground.


"Not yet! This year, that buffet is mine! Dragonite! Hyper Beam! Straight to the ground!"

"Dragonite!" Dragonite would then recover, even after being hit by that vicious Dragon Tail. He stabbed his claws into the ground, scraping the dirt off and leaving claw marks by skidding. Afterwards, he unleashed Hyber Beam but directly to the ground instead of Druddigon.

This resulted in a violent outburst of energy that spread out across the fields. Druddigon used his arms and wings to try and block this attack which would inevitably consume him. Spike was almost knocked off his feet because of this as well as Axew, only for Iris to catch both of them.

Once the smoke cleared, Druddigon could be seen keeping that defensive stance, taking the Hyper Beam directly. But he had tatters all over him while giving an intense glare from the smoke. Alas, Druddigon couldn't fully withstand it. He did his best but that Hyper Beam did the trick, causing him to faint.

"Drudd..." Druddigon was the first to go down, meaning Drayden wouldn't get that buffet at all. Disappointed by his loss, Drayden clenched his fist, closing his eyes right afterwards. Spike wasn't sure who to root for. Drayden was a teacher of his but so was Drake. With Drayden out, that meant Drake was the one to root for. But Lance was a champion and a Dragon Trainer with that much strength that couldn't be ignored thanks to Spike's love for the Dragon-Types.

"Thank you, Druddigon. In the next round, I'll be sure to avenge you." Drayden returned Druddigon.

"Next round? They'll go at it again?!" Spike gasped as this wouldn't be as quick as he imagined.

"Yep. Whoever wins this gets the first buffet." Iris explained. "Then the second and third buffets are all that's left to try and win."

"Why can't they just share...?" Spike wondered, sighing afterwards as there would be three buffets for them each. But it wasn't that simple.

"That buffet rarely comes around and is always meant to be competed for. It's how it's been for a long time. The Pokemon Festival only ended up making it a tiny bit more frequent. Whoever wins gets to have that entire buffet for themselves and their Pokemon while the losers have to wait for their chance another time. It's made up of some of the best ingredients out there and it's so delicious to look at!" Iris gushed as she was starting to get hungry just thinking about it. "Why wouldn't they make it so that you had to battle for it?"

"All that for a buffet? It must be so good for a battle to come out of it. Now I can see why no one else wanted to challenge the three of them." Spike could see the reasoning now. "But why not you, Iris?"

"Because if Drayden won, I'd get to have one of the buffets. Looks like I'll have to wait for the second one then. Bummer..." Iris sighed.

"Don't lose sight of me! Salamence! Stone Edge!"

"Sala!" Salamence was still in the gain, soaring high above the skies before then unleashing large crystals from his body. Salamence took advantage of Dragonite's recharge time, causing the stones to connect. Dragonite was forced to receive super-effective bombardments that almost knocked him over.

"Evade and advance with Dragon Claw!"

"Gonite!" Once his recharge time was over. Dragonite would focus on his final opponent. Salamence. He would take flight yet again, this time finally having the chance to be airborne now that Druddigon was out of the picture.

"Stone Edge, once more!"

"Mence!" Salamence would unleash another barrage of stones from above, attempting to shoot his fellow Dragon Pokemon down. Dragonite would evade some of the stones, swishing, swaying and zooming in different directions while also using the strength of Dragon Claw to break some of the stones apart.

By destroying the stones, Dragonite managed to reach Salamence, getting up close and personal. He delivered a staggering slash to Salamence's face.

"Fight back with Dragon Claw!"

"Sala!" Right after getting slapped by Dragon Claw, Salamence would do the same with his own Dragon Claw. Dragonite received a retaliated slap before hitting Salamemnce back. This prompted Salamence to do the same. It became a back-and-forth exchange of claws between these two ferocious dragons. Green sparks went off in the air as these two airborne Pokemon would fly around, making this battle faster than usual.

Spike had to record this, using Xtransceiver to do so. He wouldn't want to forget such an amazing moment. The sparks intensified, almost appearing as lightning bolts. The two of them would then butt heads, proving to be somewhat equal for the most part. Neither has really overcome the other.

"This ends now!" Lance bellowed as his cape swayed to the air from his intense movements. "Dragonite!"

"Finish him, Salamence!" Drake put effort into his shouts as well, making his jacket flow to the point where it almost flew off along with his hat.

Hearing the roars of their trainers, Dragonite and Salamence would give it their all with these final hits. One last Dragon Claw to settle this. And whoever emerges the victor shall taste the wonderful buffet. They flew back before approaching each other, zooming through the air.

A direct hit! Both attacks met, resulting in a verdant explosion that eclipsed them both. The wind would finally settle once this Dragonic Clash finally came to an end. And right now, only one Dragon would emerge the victor from all of this. Out of the smoke, Salamence could be seen dropping with the weight of a bowling ball. He hit the scorched ground, damaging the grass even more than it already has been.

And Dragonite was still in the sky, flapping his wings. It was clear who won this first exchange. Salamence had fainted, leaving only Dragonite as the final Pokemon that was conscious. Thus, Lance was the victor.

"And that is how it ends," Lance smirked before adjusting his cape. "The first buffet is mine."

"Hmph. Well done, Salamence. We'll get the next one. I promise." Drake returned his Salamence, accepting defeat. "Good on you, Lance. You are the Champion of Kanto and Johto for a reason."

"Many thanks. But I expect nothing less from you two old-timers." Lance walked up to both of them. "You may be a Gym Leader Drayden. But you're incredibly powerful. Are you sure you don't want to join your region's Elite 4?"

"I'd rather not. Everything is fine the way it is." Drayden shook his head. "As for you, Drake. You might be slipping in your old age. I can still keep up with you."

"Hmph. You're one to talk about age. Still wearing those suspenders, I see?" Drake replied as they laughed at each other.

"But...don't think the next two battles will give you rays of hope. I'll be winning both of the final buffets this year." Lance declared.

"You wish. The next round will be mine." Drayden begged to differ. The friendliness between them was strong as their competitive nature. Spike still couldn't believe that this battle happened over food.

But good food is good food.

"Hm? Well, look who it is." Drake was the first one here to notice Spike standing next to Iris. The presence of the Baby Dragon caught his attention. "Spike."

"Oh! Uh, hey!" Spike waved, finally introducing himself. "Mayor Drayden. Captain Drake. It's been a while."

"Who's that?" Lance wondered. This was his first time even meeting Spike. And his first time seeing an Equestrian Dragon. "Is that a Dragon from Equestria?"

"That's right. His name is Spike. And right beside him is that unique Equestrian Axew of his. You've heard about them both, haven't you, Lance?" Drayden introduced.

"H-Hello, Lance! I'm a big fan!" Spike stuttered before regaining his composure. "I mean...I haven't seen much of you, but I've heard a lot! You're one of if not the best Dragon Master out there, right?!"

"Well...That'll soon be me." Iris boasted as she was still shooting for her goal of becoming a Dragon Master despite her status as Unova's Champion.

"Spike..." Lance narrowed his eyes, wondering if he's heard that name before. And indeed he has. While he hasn't shown up at Equestria as much. Possibly never at all, he was still aware of all the ongoing there. And since he was friends with Drake and Drayden, he had further knowledge. "Oh. You're the kid these two bring up."

"I'm brought up? Yes!" Spike loved to hear it. He was getting some recognition. And in front of an important figure as well.

"It's certainly new for an actual Dragon to want to become a Dragon Master." Lance approached them both. "Especially since you're a baby. Usually, trainers don't become full-on trainers until the age of 10."

"Well, I'm not actually a baby. I mean I am but I'm not a baby baby." Spike shrugged. "Been around for a bit now and I think I'm pretty mature."

"Right." Iris scoffed. "If you say, Spike."

"I'd love to see more of your species in your world. A world where Dragons can become Pokemon Trainers..." Lance closed his eyes. "Isn't that something?"

"It's not that bizarre. You have Ponyta, Rapidash and Ponies working alongside each other. Among more other things." Drake added.

"SO. You want to become a Dragon Master, right, Spike?" Lance kneeled to face the Baby Dragon.

"Yes sir!" Spike spoke with gusto in his voice.

"Well then...I can believe that you've already got the basics down. You're a skilled trainer in your own right."

"Aw, gee. Thanks." Sike loved the praise he was getting from Lance of all people. It made him blush. He doesn't always get praise but when he does, it's satisfying to his heart.

"But...since you and every Dragon in your world are now Pokemon Trainers, you'll have to go through the hardships of being a Dragon Trainer. Especially one that's so severe it endangers yu as much as it does your Pokemon."

"Eh...W-What's that, Lance?"

"Spike. You're cold-blooded. Just like your Axew. And just like my Dragonite. Just like more Dragon-Types honestly. You can be a powerful trainer, but what will you do against the cold? I'm not vulnerable to it. Neither is Drake or Drayden."

"I kinda am." Iris raised her arm as she was iffy around the cold.

"But you aren't. That'll be a problem, won't it?"

"Gah! You're right!" Spike exclaimed, realizing the major drawback to being a Dragon Trainer while also being a Dragon himself. A double dose of weakness for both sides.

"It's an honest and traditional mistake," Drayden said. "Most Dragon Trainers always forget their weaknesses. The power of a Dragon-Type is so vast that you always forget the drawbacks. Why wouldn't you?"

"Hm-hm. True." Drake nodded in agreement. "It's why you wrestle with Dragons. To ease those weaknesses."

"You wrestle with dragons, Mayor Drayden?!" Spike finally found out which one of them wrestles with Dragons. And judging by Drayden's physique, it made complete sense.

"I do. It's to improve myself. Sometimes, caching Pokemon, especially Dragon-Types, can get very physical fast."

"I'm not one for wrestling my Pokemon. I don't stand a chance. But I have my perks. So does Drayden. And of course, you as well, Iris. You'd be surprised how many Dragon Trainers do unorthodox things to improve."

"Oooh...So I could do something special with my Dragon Pokemon too?" Spike gawked. "Just like every Dragon Trainer out there?"

"You're late to the party but your world is still new to the World of Pokemon, so it makes sense," said Drake. "But, I hope you're not thinking of copying Drayden. If you wrestle with your Pokemon, you'd get crushed. Unless you kept Axew as an Axew."

"If I had to guess...your first special trait is getting past that weakness to ice," Lance suggested. "To become a Dragon Master, you must go through rigorous scenarios. This involves visiting unfavourable locations and habitats. Especially a snow-clad land. Understand?"

"I do." Spike gulped. This was potentially spelling out his future and what he could encounter. "Actually, I remember going to Kyurem once."

"You went to Kyurem?!" Lance and the other Dragon Specialists gasps after Spike dropped that bomb.

"Yeah. He had a castle. But when I got there, it wasn't that cold. And Kyurem's all about ice." Spike scratched his head. "Hm. Maybe I got lucky. Or maybe I've already got my special talent! Hahaha!"

"Did he already withstand the cold?" Drake asked.

"Not sure. He's so young. A baby would've perished in moments under Kyurem's cold. And he isn't even fully grown yet." Drayden shook his head.

"I think I know why." Then there was Iris, putting on a cheeky grin. "I know which Kyurem he's talking about. When I first met Kyurem, it was cold, but not unbearably cold. It felt like it was controlled. Almost as if Kyurem was anticipating a challenger."

"You know all of this, Iris?" Lance questioned.

"Yeah. But not sure how Spike resisted it. I mean, he's an actual Dragon." Iris couldn't fully answer why Spike resisted the cold. Iris only resisted it because she was a human so that made sense.

"Hm. Well, we'll think about it later. Right now. I have a buffet to feast on. Iris. Spike. I'll gladly invite you both to join in my victory feast."

"Why can't you three just share?" Spike asked. "Wouldn't it be easier that way?"

"No." All three of them said, refusing to share the food. It was tradition. Only one can have a different buffet.

"While you're here, this is a good time to teach you, Spike." Drayden walked past Spike, planning to teach him more, just like how he taught Iris.

"And tell us more of what you've done. A good adventure is always welcomed." Drake would love to hear about the adventures instead. Spike was feeling on top of the world right now. He was friends with three important Dragon Specialists and potentially one more.

"I'd love to!" Spike exclaimed with joy. "And maybe...I can head back to Kyurem!"

"Head back to Kyurem? Why's that?" Iris asked.

"I was gonna go to him after I was done here. I want to see how I stack up to him now. He's waiting for me one day and I can't wait!" Spike grinned. This was interesting to the high-level Dragon-Type experts. None of them have ever seen Kyurem in the flesh before. Perhaps sticking around this baby Dragon would bring more to the table than they expected.

Spike's adventure was vastly different to what Ash and the others were experiencing at the Pokemon Festival. But it was just as exciting in his pursuit to become a Dragon Master. As the journey continues.

Chapter 952 End.

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