• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Destruction Pokemon

Holon. Mountain Range. Day.

Yveltal was awake. Interrupted by the malicious and greedy actions of the Lich Queen Rosa Maledicta, the Destruction Pokemon's cocoon had been shattered, bringing it out of its long and peaceful slumber. Rosa Maledicta's own magic was around Yveltal, attempting to put this dangerous Legendary Pokemon under some form of control.

Yveltal fought back, however, using a black and red aura to clash against her dark green magical aura. Rosa failed to sneak her control over Yveltal. It wouldn't be that easy compared to Fantina.

"Nice resistance..of course, I have more ways to catch you. You didn't think I'd just keep you out in the open back at Magehold?"

Indeed, Rosa had another method of obtaining Yveltal. The only method most who search for Pokemon would go for. Hidden underneath her cloak was none other than a Master Ball. The Ultimate Poke Ball. Rosa Maledicta truly came prepared.

Yveltal ceased any telepathic comments to Rosa. Now, it was only focused on getting rid of her. Though Yveltal was not evil and did not cause destruction for the sake of it, it was certainly vengeful as proven by stories of it. The Destruction Pokemon unleashed its signature roar at Rosa Maledicta, attempting to intimidate her. Unfortunately, that did not work. The roar did not make her flinch at all.

Yveltal saw that Rosa Maledicta was unapologetically evil. She rode on the cruelness of toying with life, especially with her ultimate goal. Even the Destruction Pokemon could see that she was dangerous. Terrifyingly dangerous. Yveltal will end Life for new Life to spring but she would end life just to fulfil a goal and leave it at that. Yveltal decided that someone like this shouldn't be allowed to exist.

After deciding on that, Yveltal struck first. It used Dragon Rush, covering its body in a black and red draconic aura. It came crashing down with a trail of darkness that would complement well with the Dread League but considering it stood against Rosa Maledicta, that would never happen.

Putting on a grimacing face, Rosa Maledicta would pull that illusionary spell once more. She divided herself into multiple colourful afterimages, allowing her to evade Yveltal's Dragon Rush by obscuring its vision. Yveltal struck the illusions instead before leaving a trail of destruction on the ground. It tore up parts of the ground just from its Dragon Rush before coming to a screeching halt.

Smoke was left behind on the ground itself, leaving a crater in the process. Yveltal hadn't even touched the ground for something like this to happen, stunning Rosa Maledicta. She soon found herself entering a battle with the Destruction Pokemon. But with the Master Ball, if she could find an opportunity that conflict could end.

Granted, it would be easier said than done. The anger that Yveltal was currently exhibiting would involve aggressive movements. And right after using Dragon Rush, Yveltal would continue attacking, preventing Rosa from having much time to react.

Meanwhile, out of the island and around the cliffs, Reshiram was still in a predicament. He was blocked from reaching the island thanks to the Dread League while these massive thorns from Rosa Maledicta were getting in his way.

The Vast White Pokemon was currently zooming through the air, doing his best to fend off the thorns. To do so, he used his blue flames which seemed to be effective against the thorns, incinerating them, only for the thorns to regenerate right afterwards.

It didn't help that the Trickster Dragon got involved along with the Pokemon belonging to the Dread League. Reshiram had to avoid thorns and Pokemon attacks, making it increasingly difficult. However, even though the thorns regenerated, Reshiram's blue flames managed to burn them up once more.

"I don't understand! How can Queen Rosa's thorns not adapt to those flames?!" A vampire gasped, wanting to know why Reshiram's blue flames kept incinerating them. Right as he wondered how Reshiram could do such a thing, the Vast White Pokemon would smack any incoming Pokemon attacks right back at his opponents. But that would only prompt Opal to change fate yet again with her mane.

All it took was one touch to make that happen. The attacks were redirected elsewhere, hitting the nearby mountains instead. Reshiram wished he could do something about Opal. But as long as she had that gigantic mane, she could change fate as many times as she wanted.

"That's easy. It seems to have flames so strong that even those amazing thorns are struggling to keep up. Blue Flames are exceptionally hot if you didn't know."

"You have a point there," Opal replied. "The stars in space also possessed a vibrant blue. If we're not careful, we could receive the worst of it. Perhaps stopping Reshiram from using those flames at all will do the trick. I've yet to use the full extent of this ability." Opal would then use a piece of her hair on the thorns themselves. After all, objects weren't out of the question and even so, the thorns were sentient.

Reshiram grabbed onto the incoming thorns, using his brute strength o try and hold them in place. While holding onto these thorns, Reshiram would try and unleash his Blue Flare from his body, only for the thorns to then grew new parts and wrap around his neck. The Vast White Pokemon found himself being choked by the thorns, but that didn't stop him from retaliating. He managed to spew out sparks of blue flames that flowed across the thorns around his neck, incinerating them.

Reshiram would once again retreat from the thorns, holding his own while multitasking. His eyes turned to the side, swiftly spotting Opal Vivacity's next move. She was ready to change fate once more and make it harder for Reshiram. He couldn't allow that to happen. So, Reshiram figured that the best way to stop her was by interrupting her.

And he did so by using Noble Roar. Reshiram unleashed his signature roar but with extra volume and intensity. A giant soundwave plus shockwave came raging out of his vocal cords, having enough strength to reach a vast radius. The grass and trees trembled as the vampires all closed their ears. Even the thorns were held back by this.

"Ugh...!" Opal growled as she was especially hit by this the most. To this day, she still had Audino's ability to hear extremely well. Unfortunately, that backfired heavily against her as the sound of Reshiram's roar attacked her enhanced eardrums, making her cower. "Gaaah!"

Now was his chance. Opal suffered the most from her enhanced senses. Reshiram struck while the iron was hot, using Blue Flare once more. But this time, he didn't aim for the vampires. Instead, it was the ground that was his target. A giant sphere of blue flames shot from his mouth, blasting through the thorns that would get in his way.

The attack connected with the ground but it did not explode. Reshiram aimed to keep the sphere there as a defence mechanism. The sphere of blue flames burned brightly at that one spot, constantly sparking without destroying the land at all. And it proved to be effective.

This acted as a secondary Sun. The vampires were already using hooded clothing to protect themselves but now with the Blue Flare at a lower level, the light could even go past their hoods. Naturally, blue flames surpassed orange flames, resulting in the vampires moving back. They hissed and screamed as the flames were even starting to burn their clothes away.

"N-No need to fear...!" Opal cried out, manipulating her mane. "Not even this...will stop us!" Instead of touching someone else with the mane, she used it on her. By using her ability, Opal managed to change fate around her, warping space yet again. Even Reshiram couldn't reach her in time if she did it on herself. It didn't help that the thorns were still active, wrapping around Reshiram's wings and legs.

By warping space, Opal saved the vampires from this aggressive heat by changing the land itself. The ground itself was readjusted with extra landmass, reaching new heights that would immediately block any view from Reshiram. These warped hills even shielded them from the azure light.

The vampires still had smoke coming from their bodies after just a few seconds around that blue star. It felt like the Sun itself truly did come down to Earth. Or rather, a greater Sun had arrived.

"Hah..." Opal sighed as she even twisted the hills to bend and form a shade, granting protection for the vampires. "That Reshiram...It lives up to its status as a Legendary Pokemon without a doubt."

"Mhm." The Trickster Dragon agreed, suddenly appearing in front of Opal in an upside-down position.

"Hey! Why aren't you doing anything?!" Opal roared at the Trickster Dragon.

"You took away my fun. It's no fun if someone else gets involved. I like to play it solo." The Trickster Dragon shrugged. "I've never been one for big battles such as this. My own battles mainly involve messing with my opponent so..."

"Kh! It doesn't matter! Queen Rosa chose you for a reason." Opal yelled.

"She chose me so that tall, white and majestic could help find Yveltal. And judging by how it turned out, I'd say I played my part perfectly by helping in the destruction of that illusion."

"Ugh...Can you at least subdue Reshiram? Do that and call it a day. You're far too dangerous to keep out for a long time considering what happens to you."

"Yes, yes." The Trickster Dragon nodded. "I already thought about turning him into a baby earlier. I can still get that chance." The Trickster Dragon stretched its arms, setting out to do what it planned from the start. The vampires would have to stay back due to the Blue Flare in the ground. As long as that flare exists, they could not get close to Reshiram. But none of that mattered as long as their queen reached her goal.

Suddenly, a blast of magic came flying in. Grazing Opal's mane was a blazing flame that soon tore through the hills that were formed by Opal's power. Opal gasped as her mane was grazed by this magical flame, exposing a hole that revealed rays from Reshiram's Blue Flare.

Daybreaker had shown up at the Holon after being alerted about Yveltal's Cocoon. And she showed up just in time to see the mess that was being caused by both sides.

"Move aside. I'm here you for your queen." Daybreaker menacingly said as she was focused on reaching Rosa instead of confronting the vampire in front of her. Despite her hatred for them, she preferred to prevent them from ever obtaining Yveltal in any way.

"D-Daybreaker...!" Opal cried out as the rays from the Blue Flare could finally reach them once more. Opal and the rest cowered from the immense heat, only for the Trickster Dragon to repair what had been destroyed. The landmass from before was sprung back to its original form by the Trickster Dragon. The vampires were once again safe from the flames.

However, none of that was stopping Daybreaker. She spread her wings out before ascending above everyone else. Her eyes met with the cliffs ahead and the passageway they gave. There, she saw the Mysterious Island. "There you are."

"Hold it!" Opal Vivaicty yelled at Daybreaker, grabbing her attention for a bit. "Don't think you can just head in there, Daybreaker. Our majesty is already ahead of you at this point. And it's our job to keep pests such as you from intervening. Much like how we're dealing with Reshiram at the moment."

Speaking of Reshiram, he had been thrown by the giant thorns. His body could be seen flying high before reaching one of the mountains. The mountains came crashing down from Reshiram's impact, resulting in large chunks of rocks dropping the Dragon-Fire-Type. Reshiram had one eye open, eyeing down the vicious thorns that he was constantly struggling with. Those thorns were unrelenting though. Right after the Vast White Pokemon found himself crashing through the mountains, the thorns pursued him, not allowing this massive threat to even rest.

Reshiram hated that he couldn't reach the island at all thanks to these thorns. While he could burn them away, they would only regenerate with greater numbers, forcing the Dragon of Truth to keep fighting back.

Daybreaker saw Reshiram's struggle in the distance but chose not to acknowledge him. Instead, she made her way towards the Mysterious Island to find Rosa Maledicta and Yveltal's Cocoon. Reshiram would have to wait for another time.

"Hey! Didn't you hear me?! Or maybe I need to change your fate for you to realize..." Opal dug her hoof into her mane before then spreading out her wings.

"Try doing that when your mane's on fire," Daybreaker replied. Opal Vivacity raised an eyebrow to that. But it didn't take long for her to realize what Daybreaker meant by that. That graze of flames from before mattered more than she expected.

Due to her massive mane, the flames were a bit hard to see with how deep they were hidden. But once they lasted for a certain amount of time, that's when they spread. Crimson flames spread across Opal's mane, startling the other vampires and especially Opal herself.

"Huh?! Aaaaaaah!" She screeched with genuine fear in her voice. That dazzling mane of hers was being consumed and wiped away by Daybreaker's flames. And much like Reshiram's flames, they were not natural at all. "My beautiful mane!"

Daybreaker smiled, knowing that Opal's power came from her mane. Mainly with how large she made it. And because it was so massive, it was an easy target for her. Parts of Opal's hair came off immediately with the other vampires receiving damage to their bodies from being too close to her. Opal's body was smoking the most since she was the victim.

Not only that but since her hoof was in her mane, that received some damage too as she now had a burnt hoof. Unable to properly focus and change fate, Opal Vivacity found herself suffering hair loss.

But it only took the Trickster Dragon to put the flames about by absorbing them into its fingernails as if it was a vacuum. The flames were sent away from her, however, it came with a cost. A majority of Opal's mane was gone.

It almost looked like she reverted to her original manestyle with how much of it was gone. Just like that, her massive and dazzling mane was essentially trimmed down.

"You...!" Opal growled, holding one hoof over her eye as she looked at Daybreaker with great disdain. "It doesn't matter! I can just grow it back whenever! You think this is enough?!"

But Daybreaker did not acknowledge her. She was out of view by the time Opal roared. Daybreaker would come across the giant blue flame in the ground, unbothered by it. The flames didn't even make her sweat or any mention that might indicate she was slightly affected. But there was nothing at all. The only thing standing in her way now was the blockade of thorns that protected the entrance to the island.

Daybreaker descend, facing these thorns that were even sentient here while still battling against Reshiram in the distance. The thorns would obviously try and block her out from entering. These thorns rose up like snakes before then homing in on the Solar Empress.

Right as they came close to her, the next reaction was a sudden flare of crimson flames. These flames emerged from Daybreaker's body, consuming and even blowing away the thorns. The vampires watched as Daybreaker effortlessly incinerated these thorns into nothing, similar to how Reshiram could incinerate.

"But...how?" A vampire said with disbelief.

"I've dealt with my world's Rosa Maledicta. You don't think I haven't encountered these thorns before?" Daybreaker gave the best answer possible before making her way to the island once the path was clear. The Trickster Dragon would lean in, raising its finger with some magic flowing out, only for Daybreaker to give it a menacing glare. That glare instantly repelled the magic that was sent her way

"!" The Trickster Dragon wasn't just intimidated by Daybreaker's glare, but it also found itself stuck. A red aura was outlined around its body the moment it received that heart-piercing glare. "Oh my...I-I seem to be unable to move. She repelled my own magic against me..."

"S-Same here...!" The rest of the vampires discovered the same feeling. Daybreaker revealed that she had the power to deflect magic with just a glare. No one even saw her horn glow at all. With this power, Daybreaker was free to enter the island with no interruptions.

The Mysterious Island.

Back at the island, Rosa Maledicta was still confronting Yveltal. Or rather, avoiding it. Yveltal started using Dark Pulse, unleashing a beam imbued with dark thoughts that caused stupendous destruction. Rosa started jumping from tree to tree, avoiding as hard as she could. The trees were destroyed by just one stream of Dark Pulse which mercilessly followed the Lich Queen.

Yveltal spread its black wings of destruction around, putting the pressure on Rosa as it certainly had the speed to keep up with her. Rosa tried defending herself from these attacks with what she had. Out of her horn, an ebony claw of mental magic raged out, clutching the Dark Pulse. It managed to hold back the Dark Pulse and with all of its might, these claws crushed the attack.

However, this was soon followed up by Yveltal using Hurricane. Without taking breaks from thinking about its next move, Yveltal was throwing everything at the Lich Queen. A large hurricane formed from just one wing flap, reaching great levels of pressure. Rosa Maledicta's cloak and mane were affected along with her hooves. The Hurricane had the intention of pulling her in.

Rosa managed to counteract this by using her own tornado. Out of her horn, a baneful tornado that rivalled that of Yveltal's was summoned. This tornado seemed to carry a dreadful aesthetic to it as there were transparent skulls flying around them. The sounds didn't even match the wind. Instead, the howls were that of screams as the two forms of wind clashed against each other.

Neither came out on top as it only ended up with some of the trees being ripped out of the ground and even the water being lifted, bringing about a large wave. Right after the destruction settled, along came Yveltal with Acrobatics. Rosa Maledicta grimaced before being finally struck by Yveltal. It was a direct wing strike to her face. Feeling the first hit befuddled her. Rosa found herself being carried into the air by Yveltal's wing, no longer being able to keep her distance.

Now that Yveltal had her, the Destruction Pokemonbegan doing what it does best. Sapping away at her life. And Rosa felt it. By just attacking its opponents, Yveltal could eat away at their energy. This was mainly seen by how Yveltal's wins started glowing red, indicating that it began eating away at her life force.

Seeing this, Rosa Maledicta summoned a rose on Yvelta's wings with just a drop of magic. The moment the rose sprouted from Yveltal's wings, they blew up. This rose acted like a bomb, consuming Yveltal in a paroxysm of malice while Rosa was free to break away from Yveltal.

She didn't have wings of her own despite ruling over vampires, but she could rely on her telekinetic levitation to keep her airborne. That vicious smile on her face returned before fading once Yveltal flew out of the smoke. Those explosions didn't slow it down at all.

"Oh-" Before she could spout out her next batch of words, she was then slapped in the face by Yvetal's Steel Wing. Pure steel connected, knocking Rosa Maledicta out of her levitation and sending her crashing down. The Lich Queen barely managed to save herself, levitating her body over the ground at the last second. From the velocity she was sent at, hitting the ground would cause some visible damage, no doubt.

"Phew..." But, right as she levitated herself once more, it didn't take long for Yveltal to start dropping constant Dark Pulses. Rosa, having little time to plan her next move, could only protect herself with a shield as these Dark Pulses rained down with Yveltal's full fury packed into it.

Black explosions went off constantly, violently attacking her shield while also surrounding the area with little room to run from. Rosa Maledicta was getting judged by these black explosions. Her shield was the only thing keeping her safe as Yveltal was going non-stop, showing no signs of slowing down or fatigue at all.

Dark explosions started covering the land, even damaging the crystals here. However, despite all of this, the Pokemon living here were free from harm thanks to Yveltal's intentions. It was vengeful and agitated but still knew that the Pokemon here tried to protect its cocoon from Rosa. Thus, it left them alone completely.

"Don't mess with me, you overgrown crow!" Rosa Maledicta yelled before then overcoming the bombardment of Dark Pulses by unleashing her own darkness. It meshed well with Yveltal's Dark Pulses before then sucking them up. She used Yveltal's own strength against it, turning the pulses into pillars of shadows. These pillars rose up to smash into Yveltal's chest.

Rosa Maledicta got a successful hit in, even managing to push the Destruction Pokemon into the air. But this wouldn't be enough. Rosa knew that very well. But she aimed to catch Yveltal with the Master Ball. Al she needed was that chance. Her Master Ball was in the back of her cloak, waiting to be used.

"This will keep you down for certain." Her eyes then widened, turning black before all of her green magic soon matched that jet-black appearance. "The Baneful Mist will do!"

Out of her horn, Rosa produced a dark paralytic mist around the target that envelopes the Dark-Flying-Type, creating a massive beam of dark spirits that reaches towards the sky. It soon transformed into a giant cube while keeping the spirits around Yveltal's body. The beams would also push the cube higher into the sky. Yveltal roared inside the cube as the dark spirits attacked its body with the viciousness of feral beasts.

After that, the cube blew up along with the spirits and beams with Yveltal around all of it. The dark explosions pierced the dark clouds before then adding more dread to them. Black particles rained down out of a large black smoke that had yet to clear.

"Dumb bird," Rosa smirked, insulting Yveltal. "But..it's that kind of power that I want. I could care less about why you destroy. I just need you to destroy what I aim t destroy. For my goal alone."

But in response, something just as destructive, if not more so than her Baneful Mist was thrown out. Hiding in the black smoke in the sky, Yveltal created a transparent violet sphere in front of it, with blue electricity-like energy in it. From the black smoke, a violet beam of energy was thrown out.

"?!" Unsure of what kind of move this was, Rosa would attempt to avoid it. She did, but it was only a narrow dodge. Except, narrow dodges wouldn't matter all that much considering what attack this was.

This was Oblivion Wing.

Yveltal's Signature Move.

Once the attack grazed her hoof, Rosa got to experience the grand destructive power she sought of. Just a graze and her hoof already turned grey. She gasped before seeing cracks form around it. A massive part of her life force was taken from her as bits of her withered hoof started dropping.

Yveltal then emerged out of the smoke, still in one piece and looking healthy to boot. Rosa looked at her hoof, perplexed by what had just happened. Not only did this confirm what Yveltal was capable of but it also showed Rosa Maledicta at a disadvantage. This was unlike anything she's experienced before. She's certainly seen this kind of status but not on her.

It wouldn't stop there. Yveltal would throw another one, this time wider. Rosa was forced to try and defend this as Oblivion Wing was a different breed of power that she didn't have many responses to aside from protection. The collision between the beam and the barrier was monumental. It left a larger crater that formed with rocks flying up. The barrier was kept up while the Oblivion Wing kept coming, leaving behind red and black cracks of electricity that were violently moving everywhere, even reaching the skies.

That's when Rosa Maledicta focused on the skies. She still had those malevolent clouds since she formed them. And there was one thing for certain. Lightning was a go-to attack for anything airborne. Of course, trying to escape Oblivion Wing was just as important too. She managed to manipulate both the weather and the barrier too, sending our purple lightning that crashed into Yveltal's back.

But Oblivion Wing would only end up combusting around the barrier, adding to that crater size as Rosa Maledicta was enveloped by the light. Both of these death-based creatures found themselves receiving something big. Yveltal nearly dropped with purple lightning around its body, only to them recover in the air. The destruction settled at last with all the rocks dropping.

The dust would settle with no signs of any green magic nearby. This island had essentially been trashed thanks to their battle. And yet, the Pokemon were unharmed. Yveltal slowly descended, shaking off the electricity around its body as if it was nothing. Not even lightning could overcome its anger at all. If anything, that attack only angered it.

The dust cleared as Rosa Maledicta could be seen standing there with her head down. Her cloak was still neat and tidy even after everything that happened but her barrier was done for. Her hoove was still damaged and withered with hols being seen. The last Oblivion Wing was barely blocked by her as her second hoof had taken some damage too. She was still standing.

Yveltal did have to give some credit for how resilient she was. But, it would only continue attacking, using Oblivion Wing once more. This time, to finish her off. Yveltal couldn't allow someone as dangerous as Rosa Maledicta to get her way considering how she threatened every form of life. This Oblivion Wing was essentially for the good of the multiverse

But it would be the end if that was truly Rosa.

The beam reached, only for it to be discovered that it was another illusion by her. A well-placed one that resembled her original colours as it faded away. Yveltal gasped as the rea Rosa wasn't there at all.

Instead, she was right behind the Destruction Pokemon. The Illusion Evasion once again proved to be highly efficient as she got the jump on Yvelta, holding out a Master Ball.

"Gotcha~" She whistled before tapping Yveltal's tail feathers with the Master Ball. Just like that, Yveltal's body was pulled in by the Master Ball by a crafty Lich Queen. The cries of the Destruction Pokemon rang out before it then shrank, entering the Master Ball. The Ball dropped to the ground as the traditional shaking would begin. But there would be no anticipation of whether it would work or not at all. After all, once it successfully hits its target, the Master Ball shall not fail.




Gotcha! Yveltal was caught. Unfortunately. All it took was one blindsided strike for the capture to be a success. Yveltal was now under Rosa Maledicta's possession. Unwillingly, of course. Rosa succeeded in catching the Pokemon she set her eyes on from the start. After months of constant searching along with back and forth against those who stood in her way, she got what she wanted.

"Yes...Yveltal is mine!" Rosa raised the Poke Ball triumphantly into the air while in a bipedal position. "I win!"

A dark moment indeed. The Pokemon who Rosa defeated earlier witnessed it for themselves. They were too weak to stop her before. And now that Yveltal was captured, what hope did they have? Rosa's laughter only made this grimmer as the black clouds above crashed out lightning.

Daybreaker saw all the destruction from afar, rushing in as fast as she could. Alas, Daybreaker was too late to stop the capture. Rosa succeeded in catching Yveltal before she could make it here.


"Daybreaker! Glad you could be a few seconds late~" She playfully whistled. "For you see, you're too late! I have Yveltal now! And that Black Crusade will go through, no matter what. No one and nothing can ever stop me from getting what I want! And I'll make sure you're alive before everyone else is gone. I want to see the look on your face when every version of Luna is destroyed by Yveltal. Only then will you join the skeletons!"

"...Don't be so sure of yourself." Daybreaker closed her eyes, growling at her failure to stop the capture. But she didn't give up hope yet. "I'm still here. And I can still stop you."

"I'd rather not waste time with you at all. But one thing's for certain, you won't let me go so easily...just like before." Rosa smirked, aiming to leave instead of confronting Daybreaker here and now.

A standoff between two Queens yet again. But this time, one ruler had an advantage. The terrifying capture of Yveltal had come true. Rosa Maledicta and by extension the Dread League, finally had the Destruction Pokemon. However, standing in her way was Daybreaker.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 930 End.

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