• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Nightmare Night is here! Welcome back Luna.

Nightmare Night. An annual festival where youngins go from door to door to get some sweet delicious candy. All of this is named after the sister who was banished to the moon. Luna. On the other side, the Pokemon world celebrates its own form of this. The more known Halloween. On this day, Everypony has their own costumes they bring to the table.

Twilight will be going as the legendary Starswirl the bearded, while Spike, another dragon.

"Come on Twilight. We're gonna be late for the Nightmare Night festival." Spike said, pacing back and forth, waiting for her to show. And in her costume, he finally showed. Took her long enough. Spike looked at the costume and was not familiar with it. "Are you.. that one kooky grandpa from Ponyville retirement village?" Twilight didn't expect Spike to not know who she was. At least, she expected everyone knew who Starswirl was.

"I'm Starswirl the Bearded. Father of Amniomorphic spell." Spike still had no idea who he was talking about. "Did you even read that book I gave you about obscure unicorn history?"

As those two were on about costumes, the door had been knocked with Spike getting it. Out were three little fillies led by Granny Smith.

"Nightmare Night! What a fright! Give us something sweet to bite!" The three said in unison, needing candy.

"Hi, everypony. Great costumes, Happy Nightmare Night Granny Smith."

"I should've been asleep five hours ago," Granny said as Twilight lent each of them one piece of candy. Then a little colt known as Pipsqueak came along in his pirate costume. Followed by the sudden appearance of a costume-clad Pinkie Pie.

"Enough chit chat! Time is candy!" Pinkie said. Out of everyone else, she desired more candy. More than the kids.

"Pinkie Pie. Aren't you a little old for this?" Twilight asked.

"Too old for free candy? Never!" So Twilight gave her candy as well, knowing she wouldn't leave without one. Twilight then showed off her costume, hoping that Pinkie Pie would notice.

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah great costume, Twilight. You make a fantastic weirdo clown." And with that, she left, off to find more candy. As the two went out into Ponyville, along came Ash and Pikachu with their costumes.

"Ash. Pikachu. What are you wearing?" Twilight asked.

"Hehe. I'm the Legendary Sir Aaron! The aura guardian!" Ash flaunted his costume, pulling his cape. "Pretty awesome right?"

"That is a pretty cool outfit. The blue looks great on you." Spike complimented him.

"Thanks, Spike."

"Then what is Pikachu meant to be?" Pikachu was dressed up the Deep Black Pokemon. Zekrom.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu showed off its sleek outfit as it did a pose.

"He's the dragon pokemon known as Zekrom. It fits ya know. And you're a wizard aren't you Twilight?"

"Yes! Glad you actually noticed it!" Twilight was happy that at least somepony could tell what she was. "So everypony in your world celebrates Nightmare Night too?"

"Well in our world, it's known as Halloween. So why is it called Nightmare Night anyways?" Ash asked.

"You're about to find out right now," Spike said as he pointed at Mayor Mare wearing a clown costume. Ponies were clapping and cheering, preparing to hear a speech.

"Thank you everypony. And welcome to the Nightmare Night festival." Mayor Mare started.

"Now. All the little ponies who have been out collecting sweets should follow our friend Zecora, to hear the legend of... Nightmare Moon! Muahahaha!"

"The spooky voice might work better if she wasn't dressed like that. Spike said quietly to Twilight as she giggled a bit. On the stage came green smoke and out popped the witch doctor costume that Zecora was donning.

"Follow me, and very soon. You'll hear the tale of Nightmare Moon."

"Listen close my little dears.. I'll tell you where you got your fears." A statue of Princess Luna's dark side appeared to their little eyes. "Of Nightmare Night, so dark and scary.." She blew green dust that created a dust projection of Nightmare Moon herself. "Of Nightmare Moon, who makes you weary." The illusion closed in on the young ones, as a cloud of green dust enveloped them all.

"Every year, we put on a disguise.. to save ourselves from her searching eyes." Pikachu held Ash's legs close, getting a bit spooked as he was shaking. "But Nightmare Moon just wants one thing.. to gobble up ponies in one quick swing."

Young ponies and Pinkie who was apart of the group screamed as some of them held close to Pikachu, making it hard for him to breathe.


"Hungry, she soars the sky... if she sees no pony.. she passes by. So if she comes and all is clear... Equestria is safe another year!" The illusion went up, vanishing into the air. Everyone moved away from the electric mouse, giving him space to breathe.

"Oh, man. That's pretty eerie. I got goosebumps." Ash chuckled as he was sweating a bit.

"You should've seen Nightmare Night in person. I know I did." Twilight said. All of a sudden, the wind started to kick up. The clouds move away, making the moon much more visible. And all of a sudden, a white flash occurred in the skies and from the skies came a chariot with two stallions clad in black armour and everything. And in the chariot was a hooded figure. Everypony was both nervous and scared as the chariot reached the lower ground.

"Its Nightmare Moon! Run!" Pinkie Pie cried out as she and the little ponies along with Zecora took off.

She's here. Ash and Pikachu were seeing her for the first time as well. This was just as intimidating as Darkrai if not more.

Dark clouds swarmed over Ponyville as the chariot had arrived there, coming down from it, she landed on the ground having everypony still. Letting down her hood, she fully revealed herself finally.

Princess Luna. Everypony kneeled to bow down to her. Ash from first glance had thought it was Celestia due to the horn length and the flowing cosmic hair.

"Oh, sweet costume Princess Celestia!" He said out loud. Everypony including Twilight and Spike heard this and freaked out internally. Luna turned her attention to Ash and his partner Pikachu. Their eyes met and Twilight was sweating nervously. Princess Luna walked over to him as the wind kept blowing with bats flying about.

"Please Ash.. for the love of Celestia why can't you bow..?" Twilight said quietly, not trying to cause any potential trouble. Luna arrived face to face with the immortal boy and his electric friend, speaking to them.

"YOU WOULD COMPARE US TO OUR MUCH HIGHER APPRAISED SISTER, STRANGE CREATURE?" Her Royal Canterlot voice was being used as it let out a powerful echo that just the wind much more intense than it already is. Ash held his hat as Pikachu held onto his partner's leg again.

"Huh? SISTER?!" Ash was surprised to hear that Celestia had a sister.


"Did you hear that everypony? Nightmare Night said she's gonna feast on us all." Pinkie made it worse as her the kids ran off, again. Luna managed to let her voice down finally to normal speaking volumes.

"What? No children, no. You no longer have reason to fear us. Screams of delight are what your princess desires. Not screams of terror." One stamp of her hoof, a crack on the ground. Luna turned to Ash, still focused on talking to him. Twilight had to do something before Ash's carefree attitude made it worse. Everypony slowly backed away, not wanting to be noticed as Twilight got up to stop Ash from whatever he might do.

"Princess Luna! Haha! Sorry for my friend here! He's from the other world. Ash, please bow next time, I beg of you.."

"We see that. The creature of blue and you are the only ponies that do not cower before us."

"Well, that's great. My name is-"

"Twilight Sparkle. IT WAS THOU WHO UNLEASHED THE POWERS OF HARMONY UPON US! AND TOOK AWAY OUR DARK POWER!" She used her royal voice again, blowing Twilight's fake beard in her face.

"Power of harmony? You must've done some awesome stuff a while back didn't you Twilight?" Ash said.

"Creature of blue. Explain to us about the other world." Luna asked him.

"Well, you see.." A few minutes of explanation from the flash all the way up to Darkrai, everything was explained.

"What a peculiar situation. And we assume that our sister has taken action to handle this crossing of worlds?" Luna said.

"Princess Celestia said that she'd leave us to handle the rift and all of its future plots. So it's all in our hands." Ash replied.

"Very well. We understand that the responsibility of this. If thou can eliminate the darkness within us, then we can certainly trust thou will put everything right from both worlds. Now then. We wish to co-operate with the ponies to make this dreadful night beloved."

"That should be easy though. You can just talk with them and hang out ya know." Ash said, despite not knowing how terrified everypony else is of her.

"It's not that easy Ash. Princess Luna has been banished for a long time in the moon. The stories left behind her were about Nightmare Moon. So her appearance is gonna be met with mixed results."

"Hm, I guess so. How about this?" Ash had picked up his partner Pikachu, showing him to her. "Try talking to Pikachu. He won't mind. He's just as much of a talker as I am."

"Pikachu." Luna looked at Pikachu as it wasn't anything like she'd seen before. It was much different from a normal animal.

"Greetings, a creature known as Pikachu. We are pleased to have this chat."

"Pika-Pika," Pikachu responded even though Twilight and Luna had no idea what he just said.

"Pikachu just said, nice to talk to you as well."

"Oh. That is pretty easy. Though I'm sure it'd be much better if we talked to the ponies who are scared of her."

"Right right." Meanwhile, behind the buildings was the Pitch Black Pokemon himself. Darkrai. Darkrai had returned here due to how different this night felt from others. It was lurking around, noticing Ash, as he was the one who helped him break free of Emerald Aura's magic. Pikachu had turned around, spotting Darkrai as he pointed him out.

"PIka-Chu!" They turned to where Pikachu was facing, spotting Darkrai.

"What is that creature of darkness that appears before us?" Luna asked.

"That's Darkrai. The pokemon I mentioned earlier."

"So that is the one who caused such a terrible disaster that almost doomed Ponyville. Such actions will be delivered with great consequences!" Luna's horn glowed as she was about to attack Darkrai, but was stopped.

"No, you got it all wrong Princess! Darkrai only causes nightmares on others if its territory is being invaded. It was just under a spell so it wasn't it in its right state of mind!" Ash said, pleading that Luna doesn't attack Darkrai. Luna's horn had stopped glowing, ceasing her attack.

"I came here to thank you, Ash." Darkrai had suddenly talked to them, via telepathy.

"Wait.. it can talk?!" Twilight was surprised. She didn't think Pokemon could actually form English other than that Meowth she met.

"That's telepathy. Some pokemon can do that to communicate with us humans. You're welcome Darkrai. Hope I wasn't too aggressive back there."

"I also came here to experience this... Nightmare Night. This type of night is good for us Darkrai. Darker nights help us improve more."

"Oh, I know!" Twilight got an idea as she put her hooves around both Luna and Darkrai. "Why don't you two try and experience Nightmare Night together? I'm sure you two can learn from each other and bond with everypony much better. That way it won't be awkward, right?"

"Hm. What thou speaks of is somewhat smart. Very well. Creature of darkness known as Darkrai. We request that you help us turn this dreadful night into a night of wonder." Darkrai looked at Ash and Pikachu as they nodded in response.


"Great! Then it's settled! You're going to love it! We have tons of fun activities on Nightmare Night. I bet even Pokemon would enjoy it."

As they all entered Ponyville, everypony saw not just Luna but Darkrai in the same place, together. They were already terrified but now there are two times the nightmare here. Everypony was quaking in their boots, barely able to move.

"They seem afraid. Of both of us." Darkrai said as little fillies were trying to avoid being seen by them.

"I can't blame them. They're all pretty shaken up after what happened last time. But don't worry. All you gotta do is just.. have fun." Ash said.

"Fun? What is this fun thou speaketh of?" Luna asked. Twilight pointed to an attraction involving spiders. She went up to the attraction, not sure what they're meant for. "Prey tell. What purpose do these serve?"

"T-Try to land the sp-sp-spiders on the web." A scared pony wearing a bee costume instructed as she cowered. Luna picked up the spider, locking onto the web as she gave it a throw, however, the spider missed the web by hitting the floor only.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu cheered her on, encouraging her to try again. Luna picked another spider as she threw it one more time, this time hitting the web, square in the middle too.

"Ha! Your princess enjoys this.. fun." Darkrai wanted to give it a small go as he used a black void to pick up the spiders, shooting them at the web.

"Nice Darkrai. Though I'm not sure voids are allowed." Twilight said.

"In what other ways may we experience it?" The next activity was a pumpkin catapult. The aim was to hit the targets dead on.

"Fire away Princess!" Twilight yelled as Luna launched the pumpkin. It hit the targets right in the middle perfectly.

"Haha! The fun has been doubled!" Everypony cheered her. It was becoming much easier to bond with them. Darkrai was watching all of them have fun. He wouldn't normally be able to see this, since Darkrai's aren't really the fun type most of the time. Suddenly, without anyone noticing, all the apples that Applejack had left for her bobbing apple game had gone missing. All of it is eaten by the only Pokemon that would eat so much.


"Hey! That huge vermin done stole all my apples, gobbling them up!" Applejack called out the Snorlax.

"A Snorlax!" Ash said. Snorlax went over to the pumpkins, eating them as well. It was practically going on a rampage. Nightmare Night had tons of food to select from. Candy was no exception to a Snorlax as it looked at everypony's candy bags.

"I think it sees our bags.." A little filly said.

"That Snorlax won't stop until everything in this entire area is eaten," Ash explained.

"Then we must cease the hunger of this gargantuan." Luna's horn glowed as she had used magic to lift the Snorlax. A normal unicorn wouldn't even be able to get Snorlax off the ground, but Alicorn's had a chance. It wasn't easy though. The weight of Snorlax was overwhelming so Luna barely managed to get him off the ground.

"Come on Princess Luna! You can do it" A pony cried out. The Snorlax was being sent further away but it was not enough. Luna could only him 8 feet away as she dropped him.

"Phew. We are surprised by how heavy that beast is." Luna breathed, trying to get past that weight. Snorlax stood up as it locked eyes on the candy, running towards the fillies at unexpected speeds. The young ponies, along with Pinkie Pie screamed as they running away from the hungering Snorlax. Snorlax was destroying everything in its path with its immense size and weight as it was on the hunt.

"How do we stop it?!" Twilight yelled, starting to panic. Darkrai had to do something as it sent a dark void towards the Snorlax, putting it to sleep as it fell, shaking the ground and making everything jump. "Phew. Good job Darkrai." Twilight said in relief.

"No... that's not gonna help." Ash said suddenly. Twilight, Darkrai, Luna and everypony looked to him. "Snorlax's can still eat even in their sleep." Snorlax was asleep and was still chasing them.

"What can stop it then?!" Luna thought for a minute as she had an idea. "We have an idea!" As the Snorlax kept chasing them, they were led into a forest, where Snorlax suddenly stopped. Piles of candy and cake had been placed down as a trail. Snorlax turned its attention to this since the cake was much bigger and there was much more candy there. Snorlax began chomping down on them, eating the wrappers as well. As it went down the piles of candy and cake, it went deeper into the forest, coming across a mountain of sweets and a tower of strawberry cake. Snorlax jumped into the sugary feast, feeling that it was in paradise. Luna looked over. The plan was a success.

"Great job using its favourite thing as a distraction. Now it can eat away here all night without any interruptions." Ash said. The ponies had also seen this, congratulating Luna.

"Princess Luna! That was genius!"

"Not only are you good at games but you're also a genius of trickery."

"And a great plotter too!" Ponies were going on, flattering her as she felt a bit embarrassed.

"See, Princess? With the right attitude and actions, everypony can warm up to you. At least... I didn't expect it to be with this kind of situation."

"We thank thee Twilight Sparkle. And thou as well, creature of blue."

"Oh. My name's actually Ash Ketchum. And this is my partner Pikachu."

"Then we thank thee Ash Ketchum and Pikachu. As for thou creature of darkness. We are now understanding of thou's nature. Misunderstandings are no longer on our minds."

"Thank you. All of you."

"Well, the night's still young you guys. I saw we have some more fun don't you think?" Ash said, putting his arms around the two.

"Pikachu!" On this night, Twilight had learned a new lesson. Both Luna and Darkrai, two individuals who had trouble fitting in because of either their actions or what they're capable of. But after learning to understand them and get closer to them, she realises that everypony, even the most terrifying deep down also need friends. Even if they have trouble making some. The world of Pokemon now didn't seem so bad. In fact, it was an interesting world for her.

But deep within the shadows, Malamar continues its evil plots. With Darkrai around it thought.. why not use a piece of it. Whatever Malamar was plotting, it was sure to be unworldly.

Chapter 11 END!

Author's Note:

This chapter follows the same premise as the original episode Luna Eclipsed but with huge differences here and there.

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