• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Frenzy in the Big City

The Human World. A forest near a small town. Late Afternoon.

Up in the orange sunset skies and the majestic glow of the setting sun, Ash, Pikachu and Dragonite could be seen. They've been searching for the Human counterpart to Sunset Shimmer ever since they had been caught up with the situation.

Their journey led them to this forest near a town as Dragonite had descended. They were going to take a break for the moment and this was the best place to do so.

"Thanks, Dragonite. Let's rest here for a bit," said Ash.

"Dra." Dragonite nodded before sitting down. Pikachu hopped off of Ash's shoulder, landing on Dragonite's belly, using it as a pillow. "Dragonite."


"Okay..." Ash sighed before taking a moment to collect his thoughts. "Since we're looking for Sunset...What's gonna happen when I find her? If she did all of that then..."


"Hmm..." Ash was in a bit of a rough spot. One of his friends could be guilty most likely. And there was a high possibility that to save the Equestrian Sunset Shimmer, the Human Sunset would have to come upfront and reveal the truth. "They're both my friends but...I gotta make sure that everything's set right."

"Dra...Dragonite." Dragonite could see that Ash was starting to gain some form of doubt. And why wouldn't he? Both of his friends despite essentially being the same person paradoxically were in trouble. One more than the other. The Dragon Pokemon spotted some wood laying on the ground before flying over to grab it.

Dragonite then brought the wood over, placing it on the ground right in the middle. Afterwards, the Dragon-Flying-Type had used a tiny bit of Hyper Beam, hitting the woo. That tiny piece was enough to start a fire. A way to calm everything down.

"Thanks, Dragonite."


"Hmm...What to do...I guess I could ask her and-"

"How about I throw a suggestion in?" Just then, King Sombra showed himself, exiting out of Ash and appearing as his shadowy self. "From what we've gathered about all of this, you have two approaches to this. Let it be or issue a break in at that place and free her."

"I'm not gonna break-in." Ash immediately turned that suggestion down. "I wanna solve this for both of them."

"Pointless. If you come up front with her and tell her everything, seeing as your friends are oh-so loyal to you, she will have no choice but to tell the truth, resulting in her being sent to that juvenile place. A part of me would rather enjoy seeing the outcome of that. Would she remain your friend afterwards despite you being the one to bring her to justice? Curious."

"Pikachu...!" Pikachu didn't enjoy Sombra's tone. Especially when the words were meant to try and conflict with his best friend as electricity flared from his red sacs. Sombra was not intimidated at all.

As for Ash, he lingered on Sombra's words for a bit before taking a deep sigh. He had made up his mind, closing his eyes before opening them and taking a serious expression. "I know what I gotta do."



"I'll do it when I meet with Sunset. And then we'll see where things go from there."

"Hmph. You're more mature than you look." Sombra nodded, slightly impressed by Ash's maturity. "I will be all ears and eyes when I witness your encounter with her.

"Dra...Dragonite?" Dragonite, after taking a yawn due to the warm campfire making her feel comfortable, heard some rustling nearby. She stood up, turning her head to the rustling bushes, being on high alert. Pikachu did the same, running in front of Dragonite.


"What is it, guys?" Ash asked, standing up. Sombra went into hiding within Ash once more, waiting for that fateful encounter and discussion with him and Sunset Shimmer that he was looking forward to.

However, it seemed that he wouldn't have to wait for long. Because despite the rustling, there was no threat nearby. Emerging out of the bushes was a Pokemon that seemed like it would be a threat. Pyroar. But not just any Pyroar. Also appearing out of the bushes was the girl of the hour.

Sunset Shimmer.

"Ash...?" Sunset Shimmer uttered while standing beside Pyroar.

"Sunset!" Ash gasped as they had found her. Or rather, she found them. "So you're here!"

"Yeah...I heard some electricity and saw something big and orange fly in the sky so I came here." She referred to both Pikachu and Dragonite before petting Pyroar on the head. "I didn't think it'd be you."

"We're just stopping by here." He chuckled. "Great to see you and Pyroar are doing good."

"So...Did you get my letter? Sorry if it sounded pretty empty. I didn't give you any other way to contact me at all." She scratched her hair, feeling a bit guilty for that. "Shouldn't have ghosted you like that."

"My friends got it but they told me everything. You don't have to worry about leaving all of a sudden." ASh then approached the counterpart to Equestrian Sunset Shimmer. Despite this friendly reunion, the serious words were bound to come by soon. "How have you been doing since you got away from your home?"

"Oh, I've been fine. I do miss my home a bit but, I already made my choice on getting out there. This town and forest are as far as Pyroar and I have gotten. We don't know where we're gonna end up at the end of this..."

"So no purpose huh..." A pondering Ash stood there, thinking for a bit. "I gotcha. But I gotta ask you something. It's super important.

"I know what's it gonna be, right?" Sunset Shimmer spoke before pulling her hoodie up, grumbling with nervousness. Ah was taken aback as Sunset might have already caught on.

"You do?"

"Yeah...When I got around public, it was like people knew me or something. That's when I realized that I got on the news. It was weird, seeing myself there since I wasn't even at the same place. You get what I mean right?"

"So you saw your counterpart for the first time then, huh?"

"I do. And I'm glad it's not me. But hiding my face is still a drag. Hope it all blows over soon." In reality, Sunset Shimmer was glad that she wasn't the one behind bars at juvie. She didn't think much of her counterpart at all.

"Sunset. She's also my friend. Just like how you are." Ash quickly changed the tone, making Sunset Shimmer cease her chuckling and laughter. Sombra was ready to hear everything play out. "Please. I wanna get her out since she's innocent. I can't let her take the blame for what happened. If everything I'm hearing about that mall thing is true."

"It is true but...No way." Sunset Shimmer turned around. "I'm not coming forward with it."


"You heard me. There's no way I'm going back there or letting them all know at all. I'm as free as I can be right now and I won't let that go."

"Well, I'm not letting my friend go through something so harsh just because of a mistake. I can't let her go through that, no matter what." Ash shook his head as Sunset Shimmer grit her teeth, scoffing for a bit. "This can all be solved if you try and-"

"I thought you were my friend!" Sunset Shimmer roared, cutting Ash off. "Don't friends watch each other's backs and not betray them?!"

"I am your friend."

"No, you're not. If you were, you wouldn't try and make things hard on me. Making me go up to them and turn myself in." Showing some disdain, Sunset Shimmer pointed at Ash. She absolutely refused to come forward at this point. Her mind had been made up.

"I'm not turning my back on you, Sunset. I just wanna help you both."

"You call this helping? Everyone back at the underground...I couldn't fully accept them as my friends even after everything. Especially with what happened back at the mall. I didn't even fully agree with them when they wanted me to use you to work better with our Pokemon, just to try and rob that mall. But I went with it anyway. You're someone I could call a friend for real! You were there for me when I was hurt and now you go ahead and do this?!" She lashed out at Ash. But Ash was not phased at all.

"Sunset..." Ash uttered as Pikachu and Dragonite were getting worried. So was Pyroar as well.

"You..." Sunset Shimmer showed visible signs of aggravation as her temper was getting to her. Sombra liked what he was seeing as he peered around Ash. "My fault for getting my hopes up."

"Yes...Ooh, I can feel something wonderful coming from her. Let's take a look into those fears!" Sombra then took action, using his magic. Albeit limited, he could still cast fears onto others as his eyes met with Sunset's.

"Sombra, no!" Ash cried out but it was too late. Sunset Shimmer's fears had already been found by Sombra's magic. And upon being triggered, Sunset Shimmer could think of one of her fears. That being the Juvenile Detention Centre.

She gasped before seeing it in a worse light. Considering how she knew that her counterpart was serving three years, longer than what she had to go through, Sunset Shimmer could see herself with that length. Possibly even greater if revealed that she was the true culprit.

She shook her head violently as the visage of Warden Tempest Shadow and others loomed over her. She even saw the forest different, matching a tight space with thick bars. However, the location soon changed to match something beyond juvie. Jail. And perhaps beyond that, prison depending on how things go.

Overwhelmed by Sombra's fear magic, Sunset Shimmer had fainted on the spot, unable to handle magic for the first time. Ash ran over, quickly catching her before she could fall. For now, she was out of commission.

"You didn't have to do that, Sombra! I had it under control!" Ash shouted at Sombra.

"No one usually faints from my Fear magic," Sombra smirked. "Besides, judging from how she was acting, I doubt further reasoning would be effective. If anything, this is the best solution. Now you can do what needs to be done. Take her in, boy."


"..." Ash looked at the fainted Sunset Shimmer for a moment. Sombra was right. Ash could fly back to the city and turn her in right now. It would be that easy. That is until something else was made up in Ash's mind. "I'm not gonna lose her trust."

"What?" Sombra pulled back.

"Sunset's never had that many friends before. She's got little and I guess Pyroar, Pikachu and I are her newest friends to date. I don't want her to get the wrong idea. And I also don't want this kind of moment to be our last."

"Do you not hear yourself?! I swear...your pathetic friendship will be your downfall one day! It's already getting in the way of what needs to be done!"

"You can say what you want. But I'm not gonna do it. Not to my friends." Ash's words were final. Try as he might, Sombra knew that there was no getting to him. Convincing Ash is one of the most impossible things in existence unless it involves Pokemon Battling and Food.

Pyroar whimpered as Dragonite walked over to comfort her. He placed Sunset Shimmer on the nearest tree, being gentle with her. Ash chose to let her relax before doing anything else. He needed time to think things through once more. To keep her warm before nightfall arrives, Ash took off his jacket, placing it on her. Both the jacket and campfire would keep her warm, including Pyroar's existence.

Ash then looked at the distance, spotting the town nearby. Hopefully, no one would come for Sunset Shimmer is what Ash was thinking. She was already on the news so some form of publicity would be made considering the scope of the incident.

Ash sat down with Pikachu, Dragonite and Pyroar, watching over Sunset Shimmer. However, before they could prepare themselves to call it a night, a ferocious explosion had been heard from afar. Not only that, but a pillar of fire sprung into the air.

"Huh?! That came from the city!" Ash stood up, noticing the direction of those flames. After seeing them, he knew that it wouldn't be a good sign at all. Naturally, Ash had the instinct of checking it out to see if everything was alright. However, that would mean leaving Sunset Shimmer behind. But he had faith in Pyroar. "Pyroar. I'll be right back. Take care of Sunset Shimmer, okay?"

"Pyroar!" Pyroar would do just that. After all, she was far too intimidating for many to approach. A fire breathing lion was a good indicator to stay away. Especially one that is protective of someone else.

"Pikachu! Dragonite! Let's go!" Ash adjusted his hat before hopping onto Dragonite's back. Pikachu then leapt, latching himself on Ash's shoulder as well.

"Dragonite!" Dragonite roared before spreading her wings. At the speed of the sound, she took off, leaving a shockwave on the ground, blowing the campfire away. However, Pyroar had used her flames to reignite the campfire as she watched Dragonite soar off into the sunset.

Speaking of the sunset, the moon was finally showing itself as the skies were becoming dark blue. Not just that, the clouds were also being met with a cloud of purple smoke. That smoke was made responsible by one of the rogue Pokemon currently loose in the city. Weezing.

Out in the big city. Nightfall.

Speaking of the rogue Pokemon, after being unleashed from their Poke Balls, they started causing mayhem, resulting in massive panic throughout the streets. Everyone screeched as a majority if not everyone in this city did not have Pokemon to defend themselves.

Loudred was enough to sake the buildings, shattering glass in the process. The soundwaves also startled most of the people, causing them to fall over, harming their eardrums too. Causing trouble on a more electrical scale were a group of Magneton.

They went around, absorbing all forms of electricity from different machines and electronics, not stopping for a second. Some people had their phones drained via the overwhelming magnetism along with cars that were trying to escape from this frantic scenario.

Nearby TVs were done for as their displays had been corrupted. Any news of this current situation had been cut off, preventing anyone from seeing it. They also sent out their strange radio waves that were painful to the ears. As if Loudred was not enough. Weezing's poison was also moving through the air, already proving to be a greater threat. It was just a mess at this point.

The police would normally take care of this if they weren't already dealing with the rogue Pokemon within their station. Many had been caught by Ariados' webs, unable to move. Herdier, one of the Pokemon that belonged to the officers, was tearing the webs apart along with the Aipom. The playful Aipom all moved across the station, using the webs as trampolines.

As for the sirens, they were currently trying to get far away from this scenario as they can. Sunset Shimmer's Pokemon had already been retrieved. If only it didn't result in this anarchy. Braixen, Volcarona, Litleo and Talonflame were with Sonata and Aria, jumping over the asleep officers and ducking under the various webs made by Ariados.

Eventually, Sonata and Aria had met with Adagio, almost bumping into each other before coming to a screeching halt. "You two! What happened?!" Adagio roared. "I don't know how you could screw this up...!"

"It wasn't us! It was the Aipom!" Sonata exclaimed before looking at the Aipom that was still latching onto her back. "Uh, no offence."


"At least we've got the Pokemon! Let's just find mom and get to that juvie place! The police have already seen our faces anyway, even if for a bit. "Where is mom, by the way?"

"Right here." Startling her daughters was Vivace. She had shown up, still under the disguise of one of the officers. She raised her hat, looking down at her daughters. "Hm. This spiralled out of control, didn't it?"

"I'll say..." Adagio nodded. "We could've just gone on our way and none of this would've happened."

"Hey, at least we're making progress, huh?" Sonata nudged her big sister, looking at the positives. "As long as we're out of trouble, we'll be smooth sailing later on."

"Yeah. If we can get through all of that..." Aria's jaw dropped, noticing the continuous carnage in the form of Magneton droves and the array of webs made by Ariados, who currently had the station on lockdown. Not to mention, they would have to somehow get past the poisonous smoke in the sky.

"Hm..." Vivace observed the scene, thinking of a way through this. "This is a difficult situation indeed."

"How can you be so calm, mom?!" Adagio shouted as she saw this as a terrible predicament to be around.

"You can learn to keep your cool in the most aggressive of situations. I taught you that much, Adagio. Come along. Before the van gets destroyed." Vivace and her daughters would continue on their way to leaving the police station.

To get through some of the obstacles, they would have their Pokemon help out along with Sunset's Pokemon. "Braixen!" Braixen had used Fire Spin, shooting out a spiral of flames that burnt the spider webs away. Volcarona, Talonflame and Litleo did the same, making short work of the abundant webs.

"Magne!" Some of the Magneton returned to the station, here to absorb the energy and disrupt everything. They swarmed inside, appearing in front of the sirens and the Pokemon.

"You're in our way!" Aria exclaimed as she and Sonata held out Poke Balls, throwing them into the sky. Out of them came Ledian and Lopunny. "Ledian Mach Punch!"

"Lopunny! Double Kick!"

"Ledian!" Ledian and Lopunny moved ahead of everyone else with Lopunny leaping majestically into the air. Both of them knocked aside the blockade of Magneton with a blitzing four-armed blow and two consecutive kicks, dealing super-effective damage.

They kept moving with the Fire-Types blasting the Magnemite in their way. All the incoming Fire-Type attacks were not enough for them to handle. The Magnemite could barely do much against them despite them swarming in. Their opponents were too fast.

But during their escape, they had passed by some of the officers who were stuck on the webs, unable to do much but lay there. Sonata came to a screeching halt while her family continued moving. Sonata' out of the goodness of her heart, couldn't ignore these helpless officers.

"Hey, wait!" She cried out, alerting her family. "Let's get them down first!"

"Say what?!" Aria shouted, bumping into a wall after coming to a halt. "Uh...in case you've forgotten, but-"

"I know, I know! We got caught in the Evidence Room so we're practically criminals now, aren't we?" Sonata already knew that they were now made aware by the police along with them being seen at the scene of the released Pokemon. "But, we can't leave them here. Lopunny, help me out here!"

"Lo!" Lopunny ran over, using her destructive kicks to break the webs. Aria shrugged before she, Ledian and Sunset's Pokemon went to do the same. Adagio's jaw dropped as her sister's were wasting time once more. They started freeing the officers with flames and their bare hands. Although, Sonata and Aria weren't able to tear them apart, but they were at least trying.

"Ugh..." Adagio groaned. "Where was this much help years ago?"

"Come on, Adagio. Support your sisters. I have to support my family at all times." Vivace said, patting her on the back. She also had the drive to help others. It's why this scenario of trying to save Sunset Shimmer was even possible. Adagio wasn't winning this fight as Kricketot jumped out of her mane to help out as well.

Outside, the poison, after spreading into the air, was starting to get worse. Very soon, everyone could start breathing it in as they were already trying to withstand themselves against the attacking Pokemon.

"Dragonite, Hurricane!" That was when Ash, Pikachu and Dragonite had arrived.

"Draaaaaa!" Dragonite roared, letting out a grand echo that alerted everyone in the skies. They all looked up to see a Dragon, right before their eyes. They had seen different Pokemon as of recently. But a Dragon was the most surprising one to all of them. Dragonite then flapped her wings, creating a mighty gust of wind.

This gust of wind was powerful enough to blow away the poison that Weezing had generated. Right before it could get worse and started affecting others. Once arriving, Ash had observed the situation around him. It was pandemonium no doubt. Sombra somewhat enjoyed this sight.

"Isn't this lovely?" Sombra smirked. "Perhaps I was too hard on these creatures. The destruction they can cause is one to marvel at."

"And one I'm gonna stop." Ash turned his hat as everyone couldn't help but gaze at the massive Dragon in the sky. The Magneton also noticed Pikachu before flying towards Dragonite. They wanted some of that sweet Electricity. "Pikachu! Overload those Magneton with Thunderbolt!"

"Pika...Chuuu!" Pikachu leapt off of Ash's shoulder, gaining some airtime. Within that airtime, the Mouse Pokemon released 100,000 volts from his body. The electricity had met with the Magneton directly, giving them what they wanted. However, Pikachu's aggressive output had overwhelmed them.

"M-Magne!" Because of this, they had fainted from their overwhelming force, falling to the ground. That was one problem down. But there were still some more from what Ash could see. Weezing was the last outside problem to handle at the moment.

"Weezing!" It was about to unleash another toxic gas while approaching Pikachu who was freefalling. Dragonite came swooping in, catching Pikachu. The toxic gas came out, ready to pollute the three of them.

"Lucario! Come out and use your Aura! Dragonite, Dragon Claw!" Ash acted accordingly, throwing out Lucario into the fray.

"Lucario!" Upon emerging, Lucario's immunity to steel had kicked in. It didn't phase him at all as he had then utilized his Aura. The Aura Pokemon crossed his arms, allowing the Aura to flow out of his body. He then caused it to burst as the Aura had blown away the poison.


"Gonite!" Dragonite then descended at rapid speeds, using Dragon Claw to strike Weezing from above. The Poison Gas Pokemon's eyes bulged before being sent rocketing to the ground.

Afterwards, Lucario stuck a stylish landing from high up while Dragonite hovered just above the ground. People applauded as they had been saved by these four. While there were still some other Pokemon to handle, they were still grateful to Ash and his Pokemon.

"Oh! Thank you so much!" A relieved shopkeeper spoke as cheers filled the atmosphere.

"Is everyone okay?" Ash asked.

"Mhm. Say...a-aren't you that one kid who went into the mall?" Some of them recognized Ash as he had been here before.

"Yeah. I'm just here to help out right now. How'd this all happen?"

"It started at the local police station and just went out of control afterwards. We saw a lot of those Pokemon come and go." A businessman explained, pointing in different directions. "One of them went towards the town up north.

"That's where Sunset is...!" Ash gasped before closing his eyes. "He knew that Pyroar would keep Sunset Shimmer safe but he didn't want Pyroar to go at it alone considering how many Pokemon there were. "Okay. I'll deal with the ones in the station next. Dragonite. Lucario. Let's go."

"Rrr!" Both Lucario and Dragonite nodded before going for the police station next. The people watched them head off as all eyes were on Ash at the moment.

Speaking of the police station, Adagio and her sisters managed to free some of the officers from the webs. Upon rescuing them, the officers were grateful for this.

"Oh...Many thanks..." An officer sighed, sitting down. "I don't know who you all are, but much appreciated."

"Aren't they the ones who entered the Evidence Room...?" Another officer pointed at them as Aria and Sonata scrunched their faces. "Ah, it doesn't matter right now. Those Pokemon are going to cause continuous problems if they aren't returned to their Poke Balls."

"We can solve that." Aria stepped forward. "Some of the Poke Balls are still in that room."

"Uh, let them handle that." Adagio nudged Aria. "They can grab the Poke Balls while we can do something else. Such as leaving, hm?"

"Ariados!" Catching them off guard was the Pokemon responsible for catching the officers. Ariados appeared from above, using its webs once more. This time, the sirens were the newest targets. From their backs, the web had connected before wrapping around them.

"Oh!" Caught off guard, along with Sunset Shimmer's Pokemon, right after they had been wrapped up, Ariados pulled the webs bag, forcing them to become airborne. They were now hanging around the walls due to Ariados' sneak attack.

"Dos." Ariados crawled over, observing its prey after catching them. Adagio at this point was sick of all the surprises. One news story and here she and her sisters are, caught within some webs in a police station of all places.

"How fun. But pointless too." However, Vivace proved that Ariados' webs meant nothing to her immediately. And she showed this by letting the magic flow through her body. The officers watched in amazement as the webs come off of her. Ariados was even taken aback as Vivace had freed herself so easily.

Vivace then adjusted her hair, making sure it was tidy. She then ended her disguise by negating the power of the Shift Stone, showing her true appearance. "The moon is already up. I can say that we've wasted enough time as it is. Let's wrap it up, shall we?"

Juvenile Detention Centre. Nightfall.

Much like what was said to Ash back in the city, the Pokemon went in different directions. One of those directions was the juvenile detention centre where Sunset Shimmer was located.

A Cloyster was approaching, using its ice to freeze the ground as it moved. The nearby guards had already seen the frantic activities coming from the city at a far distance, courtesy of binoculars. They had also noticed Cloyster's arrival. The alert had been made to the rest of the guards. Mainly to Warden Tempest Shadow since she owned a Pokemon. No one here was going up against that thing by themselves, that was for certain.

But aside from that, within the centre, Sunset Shimmer was currently on her lonesome. She had previously been sent to the leisure room by Warden Tempest. There, Sunset Shimmer could read a book or watch some TV. However, thanks to the Magneton having such powerful radio waves, the TV's were not functioning properly.

Sunset Shimmer sat quietly with a guard outside the door. She looked outside, gazing at the night sky and thinking about her Pokemon. She believed that her Pokemon might've already been released, no longer being under her ownership. But despite all of this, her hope had been rekindled.

This was because of one Pokemon. Shuppet. Speaking of Shuppet, it had phased through the floor, appearing before Sunset Shimmer in her moment of sadness. "Shuppet?"

"Oh...hey, Shuppet." She said to the Puppet Pokemon, petting it on the head. "At least you're still here."

"Shu. Shuppet." Shuppet flew over, getting close to Sunset Shimmer.

"Listen. I need you to do something for me. If you can, I want you to try and find some of my friends. They're all I have to depend on right now."


"They can be found over at Canterlot High. It's a school with a horse statue and-" INterrupting her was a sudden tremor. She fell over from this tremor as the alarms went off. "What just happened?!"


Cloyster happened. It had found its way inside, alerting all. The inmates were inside their cells, feeling this tremor. They were hoping that a form of jailbreak would happen. But the guards wouldn't let that happen. If they could stop Cloyster that was. Which they couldn't.

Upon arriving, Cloyster had used Ice Beam to freeze the guards immediately. They stood no chance whatsoever as the walls and ceiling had also been frozen over. Many had been put in an icy prison while the rest ran off to try and warn Warden Tempest, only for Cloyster to catch up to them.

"It wants trouble? Fine. Its biggest mistake was intruding in my centre. Noctowl. Dartrix." Warden Tempest Shadow was already made aware. She stopped what she was doing, standing from her desk. Noctowl and Dartrix knew what was coming. And since it was nightfall, they had some advantage. Being an owl-based pokemon has its perk. Warden Tempest put on her hat, adjusting her suit afterwards.

She set off to put a stop to Cloyster before it tries anything else. The centre wasn't the only place exempt from trouble. Soon, if this ere to continue, everywhere else could be in danger from these Pokemon that used to belong to criminals. But there were those to stop them. Ash, Vivace and Tempest especially as the journey continues.

Chapter 684 End.

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