• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Time Capsule Comics

Author's Note:

Recently I found out that the reason Alder carries more than six Poke Balls on him is simply because he never learned how to use the PC so all the extra Poke Balls just come with him for the ride. That's pretty funny.

Kalos. Shalour City.

Returning to the Food Stand where Team Rocket was working was Nightmare Moon. After all, she was the newest member of Team Rocket and thus, she was bound to stick by them. But this time, the group that she sought out to form was now growing. First Team Rocket, even though she was the one working for them and now Princess Luna's Pokemon who vowed to help her find Luna, reuniting with her.

"Finally, you're back. Thought you ended up running off but I'm surprised you showed up again," said Jessie before passing more brownies to the customers in front of her.

"I was merely increasing our group size. After that recommendation of having Luna's Pokemon enter our group, it was only a matter of time before I successfully got them to our side." Nightmare Moon, feeling the need to boost her ego, slightly exaggerated it. While she did get them on her side, it was not extremely simple and neither was it something she could do on her own. "Now. Let us hurry along already. We must retrieve my other half at once."

"We're almost finished here. Come to think of it, if Princess Luna's missing...won't that mess up a lot of things? This is sort of a national problem for Equestria when you think about it." James added.

"It is. And I wouldn't want to be the one to take the blame for it since we have her along for the ride." Jessie referred to Nightmare Moon. "Who knows what'll happen if she doesn't show up again?"

"I will take over, obviously." Nightmare Moon stepped forward.

"Princess Luna's missing?" Naturally, hearing this conversation were nearby ponies who grabbed some of the brownies that were offered up. Upon hearing this, they froze with some of them dropping their brownies. This kind of news was bound to throw Equestrian residents off guard.

"OH!" Team Rocket's eyes bulged open as this was the worst time to bring up Princess Luna. If at least one pony hears it, it will spread. But multiple heard it so the news would spread like wildfire at this point as the expressions of the ponies remained stunned.

"Not quite. She's right here." But along came Nightmare Moon to stave off their worries, revealing herself to the ponies.

"Oh..." Sighs of relief came through. The same went for Nightmare Moon, who had only one fear in mind. She feared that the ponies would recognize her as Nightmare Moon from the obvious appearance. But there was one key factor that surprisingly protected her from being exposed.

She didn't have her armour. Nightmare Moon's armour was easy to spot, making her appearance well-known. But to Nightmare Moon's surprise, that one missing detail and her entire regalia being stripped away made a difference.

"Had me worried there." A pony chuckled. "You look a bit taller now, Princess. What's up with that?"

"Magic. What else would it be?" Nightmare Moon made up the perfect excuse. Does something seem off? Use the Magic Excuse. Works every time and no one can counter it. "That was close. Who knew so little could affect so much?"

"Anyway, that's enough for today~ Thank you for your patronage!" Jessie whistled before bidding farewell to her customers. They would depart from Shalour, transforming the food stand into its standard van appearance. Nightmare Moon would have to get used to this transformation as just the movement of it was unnerving.

Their next destination? Undecided. But it would only be decided if they knew where Luna was or even a trace of her. Right now, they believed that Galaxy Master currently has her. Finding her would be difficult but that would give them all the time in the world to cook up some more brownies for various regions to enjoy.

Nightmare Moon was also worried about the crystal. The one thing that could stop Galaxy Master. But much like Luna, the major obstacle of Galaxy Master being unable to lose thanks to a Young Ash Ketchum was still there. It was hard to tell if the crystal would even work with that one rule in the way.

Kanto. Pallet Town. Afternoon.

Peaceful Pallet Town. The small town located in southwestern Kanto and the hometown of Ash Ketchum. To find some solace here after the events that happened yesterday, Fluttershy and Applejack arrived. To them, they chose Pallet Town for how familiar and homely it was. But more specifically, it was for Bayleef.

"Isn't this nice, Bayleef? It's great we got away from that." Fluttershy said to Bayleef, who was still feeling the effects of what Opal Vivacity did to her. The shock within her system was effective to the point where the energetic Bayleef had to take things easy now.

"Bay..." Bayleef felt some comfort here. Perhaps, it was the homely feeling of Pallet Town that could bring some peace. But there was something bothering her. Could her Leaf still work after Opal took that power for herself or was she now fully exempt from that? There was also the fact that Fluttershy was now a major target and Bayleef potentially didn't have the proper means to change her fate anymore just to protect her trainer.

"Aw. No need to worry. We got out of there, didn't we?" Fluttershy replied. "And I have everyone else who can protect me. Isn't that right, Raboot?"


"What about you being a vampire?" Applejack asked. "They wanted to take you in because of that. Uh...you're not still a vampire, are ya?"

"I'm just a bat pony but it looks like it's the same thing. From what she said to me, it's still somewhere there. But I don't turn into that anymore when nightfall comes so..."

"Guess we never did figure out if that spell would run out." Applejack pondered, thinking back to when they resolved the Bat Pony issue. "Uh, sleep with one eye open tonight, maybe. Just in case."

"I'm not too worried at all, Applejack. Way back then, I would've been but not anymore. Not when I have the greatest friends by my side." Chipper, Fluttershy hugged a tired-out Bayleef, expressing her gratefulness to all of her friends. "Plus, there's also how I had no idea Riolu could do that. But I guess every Riolu and Lucario can do that."

"Oh yeah. When he got Opal good in the face. That was pretty funny." Applejack chuckled. "But uh...where was that strength before RIolu?" She then looked at the Delta Variant of Riolu, wondering where this spark of Aura came from.

"Rio...?" Riolu rubbed the back of his head, shrugging in response.

"Ooh! I know!" Fluttershy raised her hoof, flapping her wings as if she was in class. "I learned about this, actually. It was from Valerie when I had an extra class with her. It can happen with Fairy Magic but it's way more effective Aura."

"What is?"

"Apparently, Emotions can make certain Pokemon stronger. Thinking about others helps that Pokemon in strength, pushing it even further. Valerie told me how Fairy Magic can be better depending on the thoughts of our friends. And the same goes for Aura. In fact, it's way better with Aura."

"That so...?" That made Applejack wonder even more. "Eh. Nothing new. Kinda suspected that honestly. Ain't the Elements of Harmony just like that?"

"I think so. Aura and the Elements do have the same similarity. Riolu really didn't want us to suffer, so he caught some second wind. And it worked out in our favour. Well, don't Riolu." Congratulating the Embalming Pokemon, Fluttershy patted Riolu's head, making him feel proud and important.

"Rio!" And Riolu loved it. This kind of praise was nice to the Delta Variant.

"Isn't this much better?" Fluttershy brought them all together. "Even if a whole league of vampires threatens us, nothing's going to stop us from having a good time, right?"

"Nah. We never let anything else stop us after all." Applejack agreed. Though there were still the shocking events of yesterday to think about, they couldn't let it all get to them. If there was one thing they knew how to do it was to kick back, relax and take a load off.

Thus, they had the right spirits to continue the Pokemon Festival. No vampires were going to stop them from having fun even if one of them currently possessed the power to change fate itself with an endless resource being her own hair.

One of the best ways to uplift spirits would be by consuming food. According to many. And it was true. By eating the food, they could already feel at greater ease. They had themselves some Pasta with a sauce that was served by a Tangrowth. They could almost melt from it as the food in this world was wonderfully amazing as always to all species.

Soon, they passed by different buildings in Kanto, which weren't many since it was so limited. However, when passing by Ash's home, Fluttershy spotted something through the window which revealed Ash's bedroom. She only took a slight glance at it while passing by before halting, seeing if she spotted something correctly.

"Oh?" The pegasus uttered, grabbing the attention of her friends. "Look at that! Did Ash borrow from Twilight?"

"Hm? What's up?" Applejack asked before climbing up Sceptile's head, just to see what Fluttershy saw. She saw what she meant when mentioning Ash and Twilight. Inside Ash's room, there was a large pile of books suddenly stacked up in his room.

And for Ash's room, this was not natural at all. His friends know that much about him. More importantly, these stacks of books had something consistent with them. Their names.

All of them had Galaxy Master on them. There were Galaxy Master books stacked up, sitting atop the oldest version of the book which was made by a younger Ash Ketchum. But now these ones looked new and fresh, not possessing a child-like text but rather one that looked to be from an official publication.

"That can't be right. I thought this Galaxy Master character was a one-time thing Ash ended up doing?" Applejack shook her head. "That's what Princess Luna shared with Equestria, right?"

"Right, but look. They're all brand new like they just came in." Fluttershy pointed out how fresh they looked. There wasn't a lick of dust or any blemish on them at all. This raised new questions. But those questions only increased once they saw the titles.

One of them involved vampires and the other involved two individuals. Luna and Darkrai. Now, they truly needed to know what this was about. How and why did these books exist?

"Excuse me! Mrs Ketchum!" Fluttershy knocked on the door, expecting to see Delia respond. But there was no response. Delia Ketchum was out enjoying the Pokemon Festival in Unova right about now, making this home empty. "Oh...She's probably enjoying the Pokemon Festival. Right."

"Well, I don't think we have to worry about breaking and entering. Not us anyway. But they wouldn't mind and plus, this is too important to ignore. Golett. You're up." All it took was Applejack's Golett to sort it out.

7 of them emerged from their Poke Balls before being ordered to retrieve those books. They had the strength and numbers to do so. And of course, as Ghosts, they could phase through the house, entering it with zero effort.

Soon after, the books had been retrieved and there were revealed to be at least 20 of them. 20 of these books were dropped in front of Applejack and the others in their massive numbers. They saw it correctly. These were indeed Galaxy Master comic books. But the surprises would keep on coming.

"Check this out!" Applejack grabbed one of them. "This one's got Princess Luna and Darkrai on it!"

"This one looks like it's the Dread League too." So did Fluttershy as each of these books correlated with individuals they knew and have encountered. "Ths one's called...Galaxy Master: Dread. Ooh, how eerie and interesting."

"Galaxy Master and the Nightmare Duo." Applejack read out the title involving Luna and Darkrai as Sceptile and the others grabbed the rest, seeing what they entailed. "Well, they look interesting enough. But did Ash make these?"

"Well, Ash isn't exactly a master artist. This art looks too good. Almost like it's official." Fluttershy investigated. "But what about the rest of the book?"

Further investigation was needed. And that involved opening the books. And upon opening them, yet again, they were smacked in the face by more surprises. With their jaws open, they saw how the stories appeared. Specifically, the one involving Luna and Darkrai.

Applejack saw how it perfectly captured the day Galaxy Master appeared. The day he showed up in front of those Canterlot Guards and introduced himself to Equestria. Every event that the guards shared with Luna which soon passed onto Celestia and eventually Equestria could be seen here.

Even his Pikachu. Especially his Pikachu. The entrance of Pikachu via Galaxy Master summoning him and even a direct copy of the original quote he used to summon the Mouse Pokemon. "Ain't this what happened last week?!" Applejack gasped.

"It even got the news about how he stood in the way of the vampires last night." Fluttershy's eyes widened. "It was all in one night though. How was this made since then?"

"Funny...These pages have Princess Luna and the Canterlot guards in them." Applejack squinted, reading the next page, finding new mysteries. "Right here, Princess Luna's talking to those guards after they showed up all drenched and defeated."

"It has that?" Fluttershy slid over to Applejack's side. "I thought it was just telling Galaxy Master's story."

"It is. Everything involving him looks like." Applejack was quick to learn what this meant. These pages were a good indicator of the truth behind these comic books. "It's like these books tell the story about everything that's happened with Galaxy Master, making it all show up here."

"Amazing." Fluttershy gawked before continuing the comic she had in her hooves. The book that Applejack held seemed to be the continuation of the very first one Ash ever made judging by the way the story went.

Then, she saw pages that involved Galaxy Master's heroic actions. Such as how he helped a young filly get some ice cream which ended up being an interlude chapter, something that didn't receive major attention. For Sceptile, the hook was the image of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They were involved in this story as well.

"Sceptile?!" Sceptile passed his book to Applejack, causing her to pause the current one and focus on this. It involved her sister after all.

"Apple Bloom?!" Applejack's hat flew off before being caught by Riolu. And since it showed her, this involved the thorns that were summoned by Lich Queen Rosa Maledicta. She read about how the thorns attacked the young fillies when they attempted to accomplish one thing with Scootaloo's Quilava.

Applejack was in absolute disbelief by this. These books seemed to retell history itself. Mainly surrounding the Pokemon Festival as that was when Galaxy Master started making the most moves. Plus his appearance was only one week before the festival began.

At this point, Applejack was reading with her heart beating rapidly. She feared that this book would tell her about the horrible things that happened to her little sister. And it did until Galaxy Master showed up in the book once more. There, she saw how he saved Apple Bloom and all her friends from those thorns.

"He saved them?" Applejack said as her perspective on Galaxy Master had been altered just like that. So much for being Equestria's new problem when he ended up saving someone so near and dear to him. "Huh..."

Fluttershy read onwards, seeing more about Galaxy Master and his encounter with the Dread League before stopping. "Oh! There aren't any pages here."

"Say what now?" Applejack peered over.

"Look. These pages are empty. It stops right here when Galaxy Master mentions teaching his Bayleef Sunny Day. Looks like he talked about Princess Luna in this one too."

"Sunny day? Why didn't we think of that?" Applejack chuckled, realizing how useful that move would be against the Dread League considering a majority of them were vampires.

"Um...N-Nevermind! It doesn't end there!" Fluttershy screeched as something new was happening to this book. Those blank pages weren't blank anymore. Right after she brought it up, the light particles that were reminiscent of Galaxy Master and the Sea Temple had shown up.

They emanated beautifully from the book before then forming something. New images. A new panel. Specifically, a panel about this very moment.

This panel involved Fluttershy's group discovering the books and opening them to see what they entailed. All of that had been recorded here, throwing the ponies and Pokemon off guard. When turning the page, they discovered that their discussion about the mystery of these books had been recorded too. It was all coming together for them.

These books were like Time Capsules.

"Whatever happens outside...happens in there," Fluttershy said, figuring it out. This is unreal..."

"It's messing with my head." Applejack groaned. "But...this kinda feels familiar. Didn't this happen with that Power Ponies book Spike had?"

"Mhm. But that one already told the story and we were just reenacting it. This looks like the opposite and these books are too important to ignore!" Fluttershy closed the book before making up her mind. "I think we need to show this to the others right away."

"With ya on that one. Plus...these can help out a lot." Applejack said before grabbing the other books. "We can find out what he ended up doing and best of all...we can give these to Princess Celestia. Everyone's gonna think Galaxy Master's a bad guy, but after he saved my sister? I don't think so."

"Neither do I. But some of these are short." Fluttershy looked at the other books. While they were plentiful, most of them had small pages. These pages covered short stories involving Galaxy Master's actions prior to the Pokemon Festival. It involved small good deeds he did while the bigger books that led up to the Pokemon Festival were larger.

And so far, only two of them had been made. One was about the further interactions with Luna and the actions over at the Dread League plus the thorns while the other was still new, filling itself out depending on what happens on the outside.

This kind of information would be shared with Princess Celestia. But there was also someone else too who they wanted to show this to. Someone who would love this to the core.


It was off to Unova to meet with their friends and if they were lucky, they could catch Princess Celestia in that region too. Thankfully, with the gateway nearby, travelling to Unova, specifically, PokeStar Studios would be incredibly easy.

Sinnoh. Floaroma Town. Afternoon.

Floaroma Town. A town of flower lovers, Floaroma Town is always perfumed with the sweet scent of flowers. A short, floral pathway opens up to a sprawling sea of flowers in bloom at the right time during this festive moment. This town was famous just for its honey and vividly scented flowers that grow everywhere.

Standing here was Princess Luna, who was on her lonesome. She didn't have her Pokemon or even her Xtransceiver. She was doing this alone. But she planned to fix that by summoning him. Galaxy Master. Luna knew that Galaxy Master would always help those in need. She would take advantage of that.

"Alright then..." Luna took a deep breath. "How am I to bring him out exactly? I didn't exactly plan this through..." Getting him here was the tricky part. Luna could just wait for more vampires to show up tonight but she aimed to do it now and as soon as she could. Reuniting with her friends mattered more than anything.

She sat around a field of flowers, feeling the soothing aura of this town. It was enough to put her to sleep but she stayed vividly awake during it. Luna also thought about how she would speak with Galaxy Master. Their interactions varied. But after how Galaxy Master helped heal Luna, the conversations could change with Luna knowing what he did.

"Stumped, sister?" A voice spoke to Luna, prompting her to swivel. There, that's when she saw her. A familiar face at last. And a friendly one. It was none other than her older sister and the Ruler of Equestria.

Princess Celestia.

She was still in her Human Form, revealing it to Luna for the first time while having Cynthia and Premium Polish by her side. Luna was reasonably blown back by this appearance, jumping back.


"Ta-dah!" Celestia giggled. "How do I look? I pull off being a human splendidly, don't I?"

"Uhh..." Luna had to pause and process this. Seeing her sister like this was certainly something that was engraved in her memories now. Everything else she thought about was tossed aside just for this.

"That's the reaction I love to see. Don't worry. Pretty soon, we'll have you take on a human appearance as well just like me. Then we'd match perfectly!"

"I'd rather not!" Luna bellowed, refusing to take on a Human Form just by how perplexed she was. "Have you been going around in that form the entire time sister? You look so different yet familiar at the same time...it's almost uncanny."

"Sorry if I gave you a scare. Couldn't resist. But being a human is great! You have no idea what advantages I got to experience. Anyway, I came along because I caught wind of how this whole Galaxy Master thing is ramping up. It's getting out of control, isn't it?"

"Not yet it hasn't. I plan to make sure it doesn't get out of control. But to do that...I need to speak with him immediately, sister. You have to listen to me first. Galaxy Master isn't what we think he is. Far from it."

"What do you mean by that?" Cynthia asked.

"Well..where do I begin?" Luna had a lot to share about Galaxy Master after what she learned. It was vital that her older sister learned about this especially considering how Galaxy Master was now Wanted. She began from the best place she could think of. The Hyperdream.

Equestria. Somewhere underground. Galaxy Tower.

Meanwhile, over at Galaxy Master's secret hideout, at this moment, Galaxy master had returned. And with him were new sources of Rift Energy. Once again, a majority had been pulled from the Arcane Sea as well as objects that contained this cosmic power.

He gave more of this power to the Rift, restoring the cosmic entity yet again. The Rift could feel it all coming back to it. There was still a considerable amount missing but its power was recovering in the way it hoped for.

"Excellent as always, Galaxy Master. Even when dealing with vampires, you still have time and energy for this." The Rift spoke before expanding in size after recovering some power.

"Don't mention it. Speaking of which...I need to continue dealing with that in case it gets out of control. Bayleef and I are going to learn Sunny Day just for them. Wait a bit longer, please."

"I can wait." The Rift said before seeing Galaxy Master rush off to continue his missions to help those in need. All the while, the Rift was both grateful to Galaxy Master and also plotting behind his back at the same time. "Just a bit more. if I can at least reach a good amount, I can fully have you under my control, Galaxy Master. I refuse to have someone as useful as you sway to their side. But right now...I suppose I can use my recovered power to do more now. Let's see...what should I do next?"

The Rift gathered enough power to make a big move at this point. It wasn't its full power but it would have to do for now. The RIft had many plans. Many involved Ash and taking revenge on him. But of course, the next course of action needed to be exempt from Galaxy Master getting involved. It would take some time, but the Rift would brew something eventually as the journey continues.

Chapter 898 End.

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