• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Passion's World

Author's Note:

How can Dialga fly? Palkia and Giratina and I get but...

Another power surge has gone off.

Passion is once again feeling an uncontrollable amount of magic building from within her and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Previously, she was capable of messing with minds and causing objects of any size to float up via some sort of levitation. But this time, it went a step further. Many steps further. And with all of Ponyville and Canterlot in one spot, every last one of them was about to feel the sudden effects of Passion's extraordinary potential.

"Kir...Kirlia!" An echo of her cry resounded across the halls of Canterlot. The bubble that surrounded Passion seemed to grow in intensity, shooting out destructive rays of pink energy. The sound the bubble made was horrific as well. It almost sounded like the roar of an unknown monster.

"Rio?" Riolu was holding a plate of sliced cake as he could sense something wrong. His aura was picking up strong waves coming directly from Celestia's room.

"What's wrong Riolu?" Ash asked.


"Audino?" Audino's amazing hearing also managed to pick up on something come from Celestia's bedroom.

"What do you hear, Audi?" Fluttershy asked.

Soon, the entire party in the throne room was being gifted an intensive tremor. They could feel all of their legs shaking about with this unexplainable force heading their way.

"What is this?" Virizion asked, confused.

"An Earthquake?" Terrakion thought.

"This is no Earthquake..." Cobalion replied to Terrakion, knowing what this might be.

"Passion's having another surge." said Darkrai.

"Everypony! Get behind me!" Celestia stood in front of all her subjects, placing a protective barrier in order to defend them all. She knew that the surge would just break through it but she had to try and protect them all.

But, this surge wasn't as destructive as the others. In fact, it wasn't destructive at all. Once Passion's magic spread out far enough, a flashing pink light that emanated across the room. Passion hadn't even moved from her spot, she was floating in midair while her magic expands far across Canterlot. Before everypony knew it, the last thing they all saw as a pink light that engulfed them whole.

Adagio stood from afar as she was lucky enough to escape from there without getting caught up in this mysterious magical light. Whatever it did, the outcome is unpredictable.

"Pika...Pikachu?" Pikachu slowly opened his eyes, noticing that he was completely unharmed. That light wasn't damaging at all thankfully. But it did do something that was unexpected to everyone else.

It sent them to what seemed to be a whole other world.

"What is this?" Ash gasped.


The world that they were in was seemingly representative of a forest of some sorts. Not just a forest, but a forest of Ralts and Kirlia's. Hundreds, no, thousands of them. Each walking about. But it wasn't just your average looking forest. Parts of the forest were flipped to the side or upside down with everypony standing on each side of it all.

This entire world was topsy-turvy and confusing to look at. In both feel and appearance. Floating in the skies were Gardevoirites. The Mega Stones that will allow Passion to Mega Evolve when she finally becomes a Gardevoir. It wasn't just those but also the seat that she had when she sits next to Celestia's throne. And Celestia's throne was floating in the air as well.

From this entire scenario and setting, it looked like this is all what Passion has seen through her life and what she loves. Her evolution from being a Ralts to a Kirlia, the Mega Stone that will allow her to become Mega Gardevoir one day and the seat that she enjoyed sitting next to with Celestia before the surge obliterated it into ash. There was more. Heads of Princess Celestia herself were floating in the air as well, saying these exact same group words over and over again.

"I love you, Passion."

"Passion, you're the best."

"There's no better Pokemon I'd rather have."

"My sweet little Passion."

"We'll never part ways even if our worlds are normal once more."

"We'll be together forever."

"...This is disturbing..." Rarity's eyes widened. "Yet somehow enchanting."

"Is this an example of Passion's surges Princess Celestia?" Twilight asked.

"It might be. But I didn't expect something like this to happen as well." Celestia was taken aback by this as well. "From what I can tell, we might be in Passion's World."

"Her world? How is that possible?" Luna spoke as she was floating about. Not by her own wings but by the odd gravity in this world.

"I've heard that magic at times can reach levels that have yet to be discovered. One of these involves a whole other dimension created by either willpower or consciousness. And that world can be shaped after the conjures interests. But nopony's ever done it before."

"So this stuff is all Passion sees and loves?" Rainbow Dash bumped into Fancy Pants as they were both floating in this wide space. "Freaky."

"How do we get out of here?" Fluttershy asked as she was standing on an upside-down piece of land.

"Unfortunately. I don't have a clue on how to reverse this. This is uncharted territory for me as well." Celestia shook her head. "But maybe, the way to escape is by heading to the source of it all. Which is Passion herself."

"That's gonna be difficult with all of this." Rainbow Dash stood on one of the many heads of Celestia.

"Can't be that tough. All we have to do is find something that looks out of place, right?" Goh said as he was upside down, floating about in this abstract space.

"Everything looks out of place here." Sweetie Belle flew by.

Everypony was all over the place. Whether they were upside down or sideways, on a giant floating Celestia head, riding on a wave of Fairy magic, it was truly bizarre. Like some sort of abstract world. It could even be considered what Passion's mind is really like. This world was large in size as well. It was representative of how huge Passion's mind really is. Seemingly endless. Celestia had also noticed that the area that this world was located in was similar to the appearance of Lilycove City, the place where she and Passion first met. When she was just a little Ralts.

"Maybe one of these Kirlia's is her." Applejack went over to a Kirlia, picking it up. But the Kirlia had suddenly vanished from her hooves, turning into fairy dust. "Maybe not."

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm loving this!" Pinkie was taking a ride of a giant floating Celestia head, loving every second of this place. Despite how bizarre and abstract it was, it wasn't actually causing any harm to the ponies. If anything, it was similar to that of a funhouse, just taken to the next level.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu had ended up being taken away by the gravity of this world, floating off Ash's shoulder.

"No gravity here at all." Ash spoke floating up with his buddy.

"I don't do good with turbulence...especially gravity." Amethyst felt like she was about to hurl.

"This is the closest I'll ever get to flying for real!" Scootaloo dashed around the skies.

Whilst everypony was trying to get adjusted to this new world, Celestia, Luna, Twilight and Cadence were on the search for Passion. Wherever the real one could be.

"Poor Passion. The strain she must be feeling with all this uncontrollable power must be overwhelming." Cadence said. "But what could've caused it in the first place?"

"Magic doesn't just suddenly skyrocket like that out of nowhere. Does it?" Twilight turned to Cadence as they were all walking on a trail of floating Celestia heads.

"Perhaps she's going through some sort of springtide?" Luna thought. "Although...I've never seen magic accelerate at this absurd rate whenever a springtide comes by."

"Maybe it's not just Passion going through a springtide phase. Maybe its-" Twilight's sentence was cut off when she fell through a tilted door, entering a room. "Woah!" Soon, Twilight was in a room that was similar to the appearance of Canterlot. Actually, it was Canterlot. The whole thing from every single detail. Which makes sense since this is Passion's World.

"Twilight! Are you..." Cadence ran in, looking at the perfect replica of Canterlot halls. "Alright?"

"Canterlot? Through this single door?" Luna had passed through along with Celestia. "This world truly is abstract."

"Very. Maybe Passion is in here since this is Canterlot." Celestia replied.

"Not just Passion...look." Twilight's jaw had been dropped as she, Luna and Cadence had seen yet another bizarre sight. There were hundreds of Celestia's giving hundreds of Passion's belly rubs all over the halls. The sight was strangely enchanting to look at actually.

"Who's a good Passion?" A Celestia commented, rubbing the Emotion Pokemon's stomach. "Yes you! Good girl!" Every single Celestia was saying the exact same thing similar to how the giant floating Celestia heads were repeating themselves.

"Does she really love you this much?" Luna turned to Celestia.

"Oh, yes. I gave her a belly rub one single time though. I didnt' expect that she'd love it this much. Perhaps I should give her more after this."

"I hope I don't have to do this with Darkrai." Luna covered her eyes, not wanting to take any more of this. The four alicorn princesses trotted along the hallway, hearing the constant sounds of every Passion giggling and the many Celestia's complimenting her. It seemed like it was endless. Much longer than the actual halls of Canterlot. And the more they went further through the halls, the more Celestia's and Passion's were being shown. This time it was switched up. Passion was sitting on Celestia's back, riding her as her trainer galloped around.

"Are we even making any progress?" Twilight asked. "It feels like it goes on forever."

"You are infact making progress, Twilight." Celestia replied, but not the real Celestia, one of the many Celestia's who had Passion in her hooves. "Just keep on going and you'll get there."


"....Y-You can see us?" Twilight stuttered.

"Of course we can. Don't give up. You're getting closer." A Celestia waved a flag along with a Passion.

"Good luck!" All of the Celestia's said at the same time.

"T-Thank you." Luna smiled nervously. She had never been surrounded by this many Celestia's before, all just staring at her.

With everypony else still floating around the abstract world, they were all having hard time figuring out what to do. This place wasn't boring by any chance, it was actually somewhat entertaining. But just constantly being here without any explanation other than the mysterious pink flash that engulfed them was getting to their heads. Some had even tried falling asleep, but realized they couldn't. Almost as if time in this world is non-existennt. Making the concept of sleep unpresent.

"...How long have we been here?" Rainbow Dash groaned.

"No idea. And nopony knows what to do. They're just wandering around confused." Applejack replied.

"Some of them seem to be having fun." Fluttershy pointed her hoof at the younger ponies who were riding on the fairy dust trail while eating the sliced cake that passed by.

"Lighten up you silly ponies." Pinkie flew by. "Enjoy the party! A space party!"

"Maybe Passion might end up sending us all back eventually." Rarity said to her friends. "I mean, she can't intend to keep ups all in here forever, right?"

"I'm sure she's not doing this on purpose. After all, they did say that she couldn't control." Fluttershy responded.

"Yeah, well. I wish she'd control it already. This place is getting boring." Rainbow Dash flew back, bumping into yet another pony. But this time, it was her. A perfect image of her from every little detail. "WHAT THE?!"

"What's with you acting all surprised?" The other Rainbow Dash commented.

"How can I not be surprised! There's a second me!"

"You'd better believe it. And I'm just as awesome as well." The other Rainbow Dash flexed her hoof muscles.

"There's a second Rainbow Dash. Amazing." Rarity flew over towards the double. "And it looks, sounds and acts like her as well."

"Well, yeah. Of course I do. You guys are in a mirror world after all."

"Mirror world?" They all said together.

"Mhm. Name's pretty self-explanatory. It's basically your world but mirrored. Minus the appearance and all that."

"....This doesn't look like our world but mirrored. Not at all." Rarity looked around. She was right. This place didn't exactly scream mirrored.

"Well not by place. But check that out." The other Rainbow Dash nudged her head over towards a second Rarity and second Fluttershy, just standing there in the distance, chatting. Not only that, but it seems some ponies have managed to bump into their mirror selves. "Convinced now?"

"Very..." Rarity's jaw dropped.

"Wait so...this whole space is huge because...it's Canterlot?" Applejack realized.

"Got that right. And if you go south, you'll find Ponyville." The other Rainbow Dash replied. "So...why are you guys here?"

"We're here because we got pulled in here by Passion's magic acting up. Got any idea on how to get us out of here?" Rainbow Dash asked her other self.

"Beats me. I just live here." The other Rainbow shrugged.

"How can this place exist? And how is it that you're all able to live normally like us?"

"No idea. But if you want some answers, why don't you head on over to Passion herself. You can find her...somewhere. Just look for the door that leads to Canterlot." The other Dash pointed at all the doors plastered across this vast space. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a gym battle to prepare for. Come on, Braviary." She flew over to her own Braviary which was revealed to be a Shiny Braviary instead of a normal one.

"Is anypony still lost?" Applejack said.

"Lost on what?" Pinkie floated over with her parallel self. "Oh! I should introduce everypony here to me!"

"Hello!" The other Pinkie waved at them. "Wow! You really do look like us. Isn't that weird!" Both Pinkie's laughed.

"I think I need to lie down..." Rarity fell on her fainting couch, this time resting instead of fainting.

"We all do. Where's Apple Bloom?" Applejack looked around for her sister.

"Right here!" Her little sister replied, but just like everypony else, she had her double with her. "You won't believe this place, sis!"

"I already don't." Applejack put her hat over her head, groaning. "Twilight...I hope you've found something."

Speaking of Twilight, after a long walk, the 4 princesses finally made it to the throne room after an unusually extended trot to it. This was much longer than the original Canterlot. It felt like ages, but in this world, time is off so who knows how long they've actually been walking for.

"Finally..." Twilight fell on the floor, exhausted. "Is she there?"

"She's there, alright." Celestia nodded as she immediately set her eyes on Passion who was floating over Celestia's throne. That same pink bubble was still surrounding her even in this abstract world of hers. "Passion!"

"Kirlia..." Bolts of pink plasma shot across the room, obliterating the entire ceiling of this Canterlot.

"Even in this world, she can't control herself! What shall we do?" Luna asked.

"I'll try and reach her! Passion!" Celestia walked over to her Pokemon. "Listen to my voice!"

The bubble around her was blocking out Celestia's voice, making it impossible for Passion to hear her trainer. Her bubble seemed to be growing in size each time she strained. And she couldn't stop it no matter how hard she tried. It seemed like she was about to reach critical mass from the intense sounds emitting from the bubble. It sounded like a horrifying roar from an unknown monster.

"Celestia! Get away from that!" Cadence exclaimed as she noticed that the bubble looked like it was about to explode. The sun princess ran back in order to avoid getting blown away by the seemingly incoming explosion. But to her surprise and the others, nothing happened.

What did happen, was Passion finally exhausting herself. The bubble faded with the plasma bolts vanished from thin air. It seems that everytime she reaches a point when she's at her absolute best, she tires herself out. And when she wakes up, she reaches new heights and the cycle repeats itself. Passion fell softly on the throne, tired out as she had passed out.

"Passion!" Celestia gasped running over to her Pokemon. But before she could get the chance to reach her, this entire world was being engulfed by that same pink light that brought them all here. This meant that due to Passion's energy coming to an end, everypony will end up leaving this world in the process.

The pink light expanded across the endless world, devouring it whole. And before they all knew it, they were back to reality. The real Canterlot in the real Equestria. Most of the ponies were lost on what just happened, so all they could do now was continue the party or just go home. Most went with the party while some decided to head home to rest after all of that.

"Aww...over already." Pinkie whimpered at the sudden departure of her other self.

"What was that?" Hollow held his head out of pure confusion.

"Another world." Rainbow Dash stood up. "A completely different world from ours. We met our doubles!"

"Did you just say doubles?" Twilight turned over to Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah. I met and had a talk with my double. She was everything like me. Even had a Braviary." Rainbow Dash scratched her mane.

"So that's why there were so many Celestia's..." Twilight gasped.

"Many Celestia's? We only saw one of each pony, darling." Rarity replied.

"It was Passion's World. She created it by herself." Celestia walked over to the Mane 6. "Which means that everything in that one world is a parallel of us but different and abstract. And what she loves. Her magic has grown to such a degree that she can simply create her own world with her own interests."

"More than that. It seems that she managed to end up in that world as well, despite being the one who unleashed the magic." Luna commented. "She has greatly improved from last time. Almost as if she's constantly growing with each power surge."

"Well, what'll happen if she gets another surge?" Fluttershy gently said.

"Back in the other Canterlot, Passion looked like she was about to cause a mass explosion judging from all the magic that was building up from within her. Her body was reaching critical mass. But she couldn't handle it anymore, so she passed out." Cadence explained. "If she manages to get yet another surge...then..."

"She might explode?!" Twilight gasped.

"Correct. And I don't know when the next one is bound to happen." Twilight lowered her head.

"Isn't there a way to like...stop it? There has to be a spell somewhere that can just do that, right?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I've searched Rainbow Dash. Every book in Canterlot doesn't have a single solution to something like this. This is beyond Equestria's knowledge."

Twilight pondered for a bit. Then she lingered on what Celestia said. Hearing those words made her realize there might be a possible way around this. "Maybe the reason why we haven't been able to solve this... is because it's Pokemon territory and not our world's territory."

"What do you mean, Twilight?" Cadence went up to her.

"What if the solution is in the Pokemon World? There might be something there that can fix this. At least, I assume there is."

"You raise a good point, Twilight Sparkle." Luna replied. "Perhaps this is something that requires the assistance of her original homeworld."

"It might be the only way." Celestia turned to the room that Passion was still in. Her bedroom. "Alright. I'll head to the Pokemon World and see what we can find."

"You aren't going alone. We're coming with you." Ash spoke.


"We'd like to do our best to help you, Princess Celestia." Twilight and her friends nodded. "After all, this is something that's stressing even you out."

"Ash Ketchum and his friends are right, sister. You cannot do this alone. We will support you along the way with all that we can." Luna was ready to assist her older sister along with Cadence wanting to help her aunt.

"You all. Thank you so much. It really means a lot to me." Celestia wiped away some leftover tears from before, truly grateful for having such wonderful subjects and a wonderful family as well. "Alright. Let's get a move on. To the Pokemon World."

Chapter 170 End!

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