• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Chaotic Clash at Canterlot.

Trapped. Only with Pikachu to be there with her, Twilight and him were trapped in an unknown cave region.

"Hello?" She called out for anypony else but there was only an echo.

"Is anyone else there?" She moved around with Pikachu as all they could see were their reflections around the glass-like walls. They could only hear the laughing of Cadence.

"Where are we?"


"The caves beneath Canterlot. Once home to greedy unicorns who wanted to claim the gems that could be found inside." Cadence's reflection appeared everywhere. "And now..you two are imprisoned."

"Help! Help!" She called out for help but to no avail.

"Its no use. No one can hear you and no one will ever think to look you two either. Most ponies have forgotten that these caves even exist. Which is why they are the ideal place to keep the ones who try to interfere with my plans. Hahaha!"

"Plans? What plans?"

"The plans I have for your brother of course. "

"Don't you dare do anything to my brother you.. you monster!" Twilight charged up magic in her horn out of anger.

"Only way to stop me is to catch me." She playfully responded. Her laugh echoed everywhere as Twilight's anger was boiling, just getting hotter and hotter, until she finally fired a magic beam that bounced off the crystal-like walls. Pikachu couldn't keep track of all the moving Cadences all over the place. That is until Twilight fired a beam at a specific chunk of crystals, destroying it. And the pony that was behind it was... Cadence. But she looked different. Almost as if she had been roughed up. Twilight and Pikachu locked eyes on her with Pikachu preparing a thunderbolt. Twilight rushed in towards the now exposed Cadence in front of them.

"No, wait!" Cadence said, backing up and putting her hooves out, telling Twilight to stop for a bit. But it was too late. Twilight already initiated her pounce, pinning her to the ground as she was cowering.

"Please. Don't hurt me!" She looked up to see her old friend Twilight. "Twilight it's me. Please you have to believe me. I've been imprisoned like you. The Cadence who brought you down here was an imposter."

"Likely story!" Twilight wasn't buying it one bit until...

"Sunshine. Sunshine. Ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake." She reenacted the signature dance they used to do when Twilight was still young. Twilight had followed this dance, realising that it really was her.

"You remember me." They both embraced each other with a heartwarming hug, reunited for real this time. Pikachu stopped charging his thunderbolt. No need for any shocking now.

"Of course I do. How could I forget the filly I love to sit for the most." The fake Cadence's laugh still echoed through the caves, taunting them.

"We have to get out there. We have to stop her." Twilight proclaimed as her, Pikachu and Cadence moved further into the caves, trying to find a way out.

Back in the populated Canterlot Castle. Everypony, Pokemon and human were inside, already seated for the wedding, except for Ash.

"Where is that boy..?" Delia said silently. Not only was he not here but Pikachu as well. Ash was still in the halls, searching for Pikachu.

"Pikachu! Where could he be..? he was with the girls so what gives?" He searched high and low for his little buddy until he came across the bride's room. That's when he heard something that threw him off.

"What they don't know is that I have fooled them all." Those were the words he heard from her. Then he took a moment to remember what Darkrai said. About someone at this wedding who aren't what they seem to be. He kept on hearing about how she didn't care about the groom at all or anything else that everypony worked so hard to make this wedding the best it can be. So that's who was not what they seem to be.

"This is not good," Ash said silently, moving away from the door. "I can't just barge in there. I gotta find a way to warn everyone. Oh, where's Pikachu when you need him?" Ash thought for a bit, thinking of what to do. Only one thing he could do. The distance between his home and Canterlot wasn't too far. He would be betting on getting to his home, asking Professor Oak to send him a Pokemon whilst still making it back.

"I'd better make it quick! And I know just the Pokemon who can help." Ash ran out, leaving the castle as he made to his home as fast as he could. Meanwhile, with Darkrai and Luna, the two of them were still trapped by Cofagrigus. Who was avoiding their every attempt to free themselves? They tried zapping the coffin Pokemon but because of their drained strength, it was no use. Cofagrigus could do this all day. That is until...

Passion who had seen what happened to Twilight and Pikachu had to do something. She couldn't tell Celestia since she was so nervous and still timid and shy. And Celestia was already at the wedding with everyone else. So she had to do something. And that something was taking matters into her own hands. What made it worse is that she saw Luna and Darkrai being held up by Cofagrigus outside the window. She forcefully decided to take on Cofagrigus on her own..at least, distract him.

"Can't move... strength.. fading." Luna's magic was dropping rapidly as she had fainted.

"L-Luna!" Darkrai said as he was losing strength as well, but he was hanging in there thanks to him being a Dark-type and all. Cofagrigus watched them lose all the power they had until it felt something bump it in the back of its coffin.

"Cofa..?" The coffin pokemon turned around to see Passion the Ralts. Shaking in fear as she had grabbed its attention. Cofagrigus grinned, shooting out a shadow ball at the defenceless Ralts. Ralts teleported away, ending up onto of its head. Cofagrigus looked up as Passion screamed in fear just by being near it. This was Darkrai's chance. He was quickly distracted, so all he had to do was release one dark type move. And so he did. A dark pulse was released by him, as it hit Cofagrigus without it knowing. Passion was fine from the dark pulse thanks to her type advantage. This broke the chains that were holding the two of them down as Darkrai luckily managed to retain some of his strength left. But Luna was still down and out.

Cofagrigus took some time to recover as it attempted another chain to stop them. Darkrai saw through this though, phasing through it before it could drain him as he tossed a Dark void at Cofagrigus, sending it into a deep sleep. Fitting for a coffin.

Darkrai took some time to breathe as he picked up Luna, carrying her. He looked down at the Ralts who managed to save them by being a coward and accidentally teleporting on Cofagrigus's head out of fear and with no control of her teleportation.

"Thank you," Darkrai said to her. Passion had a small smile on her face, feeling that she accomplished something great. "We have to stop this wedding. Quickly."

Back at Pallet Town, Ash was asking Professor Oak for a Pokemon, but he couldn't decide. "What do I do? That lady's totally got everyone underneath her hoof without them knowing. How can I stop her without causing too much trouble?"

"Hm. A Pokemon for this situation would require some sneaky tactics.." Oak recommended.

"..What if we caused a scene!"

"A scene?"

"Yeah! And I know just how to do it! Sorry Princess Celestia, but I gotta do this. Professor Oak! Can you send me Hawlucha and Snivy?"

"Will do."

All the way back underneath the castle caves, Twilight, Cadence and Pikachu had come across the old bridesmaids. This is where they were.

"You're not going anywhere.." They all creepily said in unison. Pikachu readied another thunderbolt ready to retaliate.

"Pikachu wait! Don't hurt them! There's another way!" Cadence said as Pikachu halted. Cadence got out the bouquet. A bridesmaid's greatest weakness. Using her magic to send it far off where they'd be too distracted fighting over it. Their luck was also starting to turn around. A light-up ahead, indicating the outside.

"There! Come on!" Twilight said as the teleported towards the location of the light.

And now.. the moment has arrived. The fake Cadence was there at the wedding. Everything was going her way.

"Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. It is my great pleasure to you-" Before Celestia could finish a single shout was heard across the room.

"STOP!" Through the doors came Twilight as everypony turned around to see her.

"Ugh. Why does she have to be so possessive of her brother... Why does she have to ruin my special day?" The fake Cadence said, switching up from rude to sad.

"Because it's not YOUR special day! Its mine!" The REAL Cadence was here. Still rugged up. This blew the entire crowd back. There's two of em?

"WHAT?!" The fake Cadence said. "But how did you escape my bridesmaids?" Pikachu hopped over Twilight and Cadence, revealing himself, charging up another thunderbolt, this time eager to zap the fake Cadence without any hesitation.

"Pika.." He said with anger in the tone of his voice.

"Pikachu?" Delia said. "Where's Ash?"

"I don't understand. How can there be two of em?" Applejack was just as confused as everypony else.

"She's a changeling. She takes the form of somepony you love and gains power by feeding off your love for them."

The jig was up. Saw right through her and everything. Now it was time for the fake Cadence to finally reveal who she truly was. Green magic surrounded her, erupting a pillar that engulfed her, Her true form was here. A bug-like wings, Pitch black skin, holes in hooves and a crooked crown. All matching with that dark blue hair and devious green eyes. It was the Queen of the Changelings. Chrysalis.

"Hahaha... Right, you are a princess. And as Queen of the changelings.. it is up to me to find food for my subjects. Equestria has more love than any place I've ever encountered. My fellow Changelings will be able to DEVOUR so much of it that we will gain more power than we have ever dreamed of." She said, walking over to the pony she impersonated for a while.

"You'll never get the chance! Shining Armor's protection spell will keep them from ever even reaching us!" Cadence yelled at her.

"Hmmm. Oh, I doubt that. Isn't that right dear?" She began controlling him, making him nod his head. Pikachu had seen enough of this. It was one thing to deceive everyone but to play with someone's emotions just to rob them of their love was unacceptable. So without any more waiting, Pikachu released a thunderbolt that shocked Chrysalis, making her scream.

"Gah! You rat!" She let out a pulse of magic that made everypony else lose balance, destroying the seats they were all sitting on. Pikachu jumped up, using iron tail, slamming it on Chrysalis's head which really stung. "Agh!"

"Let Pikachu handle this for now." Celestia stopped the girls from taking action, as she had put her faith in Pikachu.

"Drop dead you rat!" Chrysalis fired a magic beam from her horn but this was also powered by all the love she gathered from Shining Armor. Pikachu dodged it barely as it created a huge hole in the ground.

"Pika.." Everypony stood back, watching this go down. They didn't even think about running out since they had learned about the Changelings outside.

"Come on Pikachu! Show her who's boss!" Rainbow Dash suddenly yelled out. Pikachu used his speed to his advantage, moving all over the place. Chrysalis couldn't keep up with the zipping rodent. Then from behind, an electroweb was dropped on her.

"Gogh! Why you.." The electroweb kept her there whilst also shocking her in the process. Everypony applauded Pikachu for handling that so well. Managing to overpower her like that so easily.

"H-How?! I have the power of Shining Armor's love on my side! How are you much stronger than it?!"

"That's because of my son!" Delia stood up, saying to her.


"My son Ash and his Pikachu had a bond greater than the false love you stole from someone else. Hmph!"

"Well. Seems like your little plan has failed. And by a creature much smaller than you." Celestia said walking up to the trapped Chrysalis. "You were never going to win. Take her away."

"Oh... it's not over yet. OBSIDIAN!" Out of nowhere, Cofagrigus had returned. Back from the dark void.


"It's a Cofagrigus!" A man said. Celestia and Pikachu looked up at the coffin pokemon, ready to deal with that as well. Obsidian showed himself as well, flying above Cofagrigus.

"Yeesh, Chrysalis. Talk about a wipeout. You didn't even stand a chance."

"Be silent and help you buffoon!"

"Have it your way. Cofagrigus! Will-O-Wisp!" Cofagrigus spat out some fire that spread across the room rapidly. A ghostly fire that is. The entire crowd was panicking. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were hiding behind their sisters along with Scootaloo behind Rainbow Dash.

"Stand back." Celestia stepped forward as she immediately blew away Cofagrigus with a magic beam without no hesitation.

"Ooh, scary princess. But now.." Obsidian said, smiling as he knew what was coming next.

"Princess Celestia! Look out!" Everypony tried to warn her but it was too late, Chrysalis had shot Celestia in the back as quickly as she could. The power of Shining Armor's love dealt a heavy blow, knocking Celestia back.


"Hah! That feels much better. Now I am the new Queen in charge."

"Cofagrigus. Grab em." Cofagrigus used its dark ghostly grabby hands but thanks to the rift, its hands multiplied from 4 to 129. Each of them grabbed as many ponies, pokemon and people in that room. Even grabbing Celestia's crown.

"Let go of that crown!" Twilight tried to do something but was also grabbed by Cofagrigus. This Pokemon knew how to move its hands fast. Pikachu jumped up, going for an iron tail but was stopped by Obsidian who flew in and bucked Pikachu into the walls, making him crash.


"Pikachu!" Fluttershy cried out.

"Now that the ruckus is out of the way.." Cadence couldn't do anything because she wasn't strong enough at the moment. So Chrysalis was free to do whatever she wanted. "I believe we have a wedding to finish. Now I truly make him all mine. Shining Armor.." She walked over to the still controlled stallion.

"Don't you dare! Don't!" Cadence decided to try but was stopped via Cofagrigus's many hands.

"Now then." She placed her hoof around him, ready to declare them truly married. "I now pronounce us.."

"Snivy Attract!" From the front of the door, a ray of hearts hit Shining Armor's eyes, swaying him away from Chrysalis. Ash was here. With his charming Snivy who knows how to nail that attract.

"What now!?" Chrysalis glared at Ash as Shining Armor walked over to Snivy.

"Wow. Wonderful." Thanks to attracting, he was smitten by Snivy.

"Ash!" The mane 6 said along with Celestia.

"Now for the big entrance! Hawlucha!" Ash raised his fist as from above, came Hawlucha, making an entrance as always.


"How many more interruptions are there going to be?!"

"As many as it takes to stop you.." The next interruption was here. Darkrai who was carrying the no longer fainted Luna along with Passion on his head.

"P-Passion? Luna." Celestia said, barely being able to stay conscious. Ralts jumped off Darkrai heading to her own. She hugged Celestia despite her being on the ground, hurt.


"You're outnumbered lady. It's us against you and those two."

"Oh am I now?" The shield that protects the entirety of Canterlot had finally been broken. By the Changelings. Similar looking to their queen but on the smaller scale. They instantly swarmed Canterlot like the weird pony bug hybrids they are, charging in headfirst with magic surrounding their horns. They crashed down inside and outside of Canterlot. "Behold! Now, who's outnumbered, boy?!"

"Oh, man. So that's what that thing was...Pikachu!" Pikachu got up, running back to his friend.

"With them all here, they'll feed on all the love you each hold. Then I truly will be unstoppable!"

"We'll see about that. Pikachu! Hawlucha! Snivy! Let's do this!" Ash and his Pokemon readied themselves as they faced off against Chrysalis, Cofagrigus, Obsidian and the Changelings. Everyone else was being held by Cofagrigus so it was just him. With the additional help of Ralts and slightly weakened Darkrai and Luna.

"Pikachu! Iron Tail! Hawlucha! X Scissor! Snivy! Leaf Blade!" Ash commanded all 3 of them as they did their part. Pikachu and Hawlucha both aimed for Chrysalis and her changelings whilst Snivy went for Cofagrigus.

"Cofagrgius. Will-O Wisp." Cofagrigus let out another ghostly fire, but the grass snake pokemon avoided it, dealing a hard hit onto Cofagrigus's head. This managed to free only four ponies who luckily managed to escape. However, the second Will-O Wisp had hit the floor once more, only making the fire worse.

"It's not safe here. Gotta everyone else out first. Pikachu! Spin with thunderbolt!" As Pikachu was fighting off the Changelings, he used the old tactic from Sinnoh, but improvised. This time it was moving around sideways and downwards instead of upwards. This frantic bolt of thunder shocked the changelings and Cofagrigus as well since it was so chaotic. This did end up jolting the ponies, pokemon and people who were caught by Cofagrigus though, but they were freed from its clutches.

"Now everyone! Get out!" They all did just that as they rushed out, running for their lives. Darkrai carried Celestia as well, flying out with both Princesses in his grasp.

"You brat!" Chrysalis, the changelings and Cofagrigus all chased them down.

"They're gonna eat us alive!" Pinkie screamed.

"No, they won't! Leaf Storm!" A storm of leaves conjured up by Snivy got in their way, blowing them back a bit. Everypony managed to escape outside as Ash kept holding them all back with thunderbolt and leaf storm. However, there was the issue of the Changelings outside.

"There's so many of them!" Twilight said as her and everypony else were backed into a corner. Surrounded by Changelings who outnumbered every pony in Canterlot. Even including humans and pokemon. Ash was still inside, holding them all back as Chrysalis had caught up to him.

"You meddling kid! How dare you get in my way!" Chrysalis struck her horn down towards Ash however he managed to catch it with his bare hands.

"How dare you?! You try and ruin someone's wedding.. the best day of their life! I may not get weddings and all that stuff.. but I know you shouldn't get in the way of people who care for each other with all their heart! I won't let someone who steals and treats someone else' love like a source of food get away with this!"

"Silence!" Chrysalis knocked Ash back with some magic as he slid on the floor.

"That's why I can't let you win. I'll stop you no matter what! Hawlucha! Go outside and help everyone else. Snivy. Head back home to Professor Oak's lab and warn everyone else.

"Sni!" She nodded in understanding, running outside as what she saw was everypony trying to escape from the Changelings, with only the Mane 6 and the guards fending them off, but there were so many of them. The Changelings had shapeshifted into other ponies that the everypony cared about, just to get the drop on them.

"Don't let them distract you," Twilight said as that line was repeated by multiple Twilight's. Changeling's crafty nature was a go. It was chaos outside and inside. Darkrai managed to place Celestia and Luna down near a secluded spot where there was no one else. Passion went up to Celestia, feeling sad that she got hurt.

"Passion. Sorry to worry you so much. But I'll be fine." Celestia said. Passion looked at her back, seeing the damage that was caused by the beam Chrysalis fired. She had to help her owner. So she used one of many moves that can heal wounds. Heal pulse. Light green and soothing pulse of nature like magic surrounded her. The wound on Celestia's back had been wiped out.. as if it was not there anymore.

"Passion. Did you heal me? You can do that?"

"Ralts.." Celestia stood up as she hugged her Pokemon.

"Thank you. Now. I have to protect my subjects from her. I can't do it alone either. Luna.." Luna struggled to stay up on her feet, still drained.

"We are still able to move sister. No coffin can stop us."

"Darkrai. Can you help us?"

"I can place some of them in nightmares, but I'm drained as well. I can't release as much as I normally can now."

"Then there's only one thing we can do. Twilight, Ash and the others are doing their best to protect everypony else. We'll go on ahead and get the Elements. Passion. Stay here. It's too dangerous with all of that happening over there."

"Ralts.." Celestia looked up as she saw the wedding room was burned into nothing due to Will-O Wisp. And the fire was still spreading across the castle.

The struggle against the Changelings continued. Twilight, the girls and the guards were tired out. Their numbers were too overwhelming. What made it worse was Cofagrigus who was trapping them all in chains. Twilight sat on the ground, breathing heavily.

"Too many of them. Can't keep this up."

"Don't worry Twilight. It'll be fine." Rarity said, however, she had passed out from exhaustion, being grabbed by Cofagrigus as it pulled her into it. Rarity had been placed inside of Cofagrigus.

"Rarity!" Twilight cried out. Cofagrigus's onslaught continued as it was grabbing more and more people, ponies and pokemon, trapping them in its seemingly endless coffin body. Applejack was doing her best to try and escape but was halted when one of the Changelings turned into Big Mac, stopping her. This allowed Cofagrigus to grab her, sending her inside as well.

"Applejack!" Pinkie Pie wasn't lucky either. While she was having a blast blowing them away with her somehow lethal party canon, Cofagrigus sneaked from behind, trapping her as well.

"Pinkie!" Fluttershy was beginning to panic. She had never been in this kind of situation before. She was about to be grabbed by Cofagrigus until Rainbow Dash stepped in, knocking it back.

"Stay away from her your multi-armed freak! Rufflet! Whirlipede! Go!" She sent out her two partner Pokemon to pitch in. "Rufflet! Wing Attack! Whirlipede! Rollout!" Both of the two Pokemon attacked the creepy coffin ghost pokemon. A wing to the fangs and a head-on hit from a rolling Whirlipede. Rufflet and Whirlipede got some great distance since one could fly and others could roll incredibly fast. However, there was one major advantage Cofagrigus had. The ability to phase through solid material. It was a ghost type after all. And it did just that, grabbing both Whirlipede and Rufflet.

"Whirlipede! Rufflet! Let them go!" Rainbow Dash zoomed forward, but that's exactly what Cofagrigus wanted. And so it opened up its coffin, baiting Rainbow Dash into it, trapping her with everyone else along with her Pokemon as well. It was now just a few ponies who were captured by Changelings and Twilight and Fluttershy who were the last ones left.

Ash and Pikachu were still facing off against Chrysalis, doing everything they can.

"How can your love be as strong as mine?!" She said as she clashing with Pikachu's iron tail like swords.

"You wouldn't understand! I and Pikachu have more love than you'll ever have!"

"PIKA!" Pikachu jumped over Chrysalis, slamming his iron tail on her back. The speedy little guy moved back to his trainer.

"In that case.. who needs Shining Armor's love... I JUST TAKE YOURS!" Chrysalis charged forward, aiming to sap the love from both Pikachu and Ash. Their bond has lasted much longer than Shining Armor and Cadence's. So if Chrysalis gets her hooves on it.. it'll be ugly.

"Twilight was about to faint with Cofagrigus aiming for next, but it was stopped by Hawlucha who had used X-Scissor to intercept it.


"Hawlu.." All of a sudden, Hawlucha was restrained by Obsidian who landed down, stepping on his back. "H-Hawlucha! Haw.."

"Nuh uh uh. No moving." Alright. Grab this one next if you want Cofagrigus. As the coffin pokemon was about to, it was stopped by a flamethrower to the face.


"Hm?" Obsidian, Twilight and Fluttershy all turned around to see where the suddenly huge wave of fire came from. And to their surprise and Hawlucha's happiness.. it was all of Ash's Pokemon that was in Oak's lab.

Ash looked outside, seeing his old Pokemon there.

"Awesome! They made it! Great job Snivy!"

"Snivy." She had a look of confidence on her face, knowing she did well.

"What is all of this?!" Chrysalis yelled.

"These are just my friends. Nothing to it."

"You think your group of mish-mashed creatures are a match for me and my army? Nonsense! My Changelings have already gained so much love and some of your precious friends have been trapped inside that coffin thing. Celestia has been defeated and the entire castle is burning down. I've already won!"

"It ain't over till we say it's over," Ash said with his Pokemon behind him. It wasn't just the ones who were at Oak's lab. But the gateways that led to the other regions bought along with the Pokemon that were with Professor Kukui and Burnet, along with his Greninja and co.

"Ash.." Twilight said as she was about to faint.

"Get a good rest Twilight. We'll handle it from here. Let's not hold back one bit you guys." They all nodded in unison.

"Let's go! Greninja! Full Power!"

Chapter 21 END

Author's Note:

Holy moly this was the longest one I've done yet.

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