• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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A lookback on everything

Equestria. Ponyville. Twilight's Castle. Day.

"Just a few more days until the new year," Twilight said, looking at a calendar. Indeed, only 4 days remained until the new year arrives. 2 years of Pokemon. "2 years. Feels like so much time has gone by. And yet little time too." She sat on her back as her Pokemon gathered around."Good thing we have records of what's happened so far. Eve."

"Espeon." The Sun Pokemon had then brought over a memory book that essentially keeps records of every adventure that had happened within the Pokemon World so far. Mainly concerning Twilight and her friend group along with stories from everyone else near and far.

Twilight had opened the book, deciding to take a trip down memory lane for a while. Everything from the current day was logged within this book. And Twilight felt that it was fitting to start with her Pokemon and how she met some of them.

"Right here." Twilight pointed her hoof at a page. "When I was first met you, Minccy. You were still a cute MInccino. Now you're an adorable Cinccino."


"Oh, let me see." Appearing out of nowhere without warning were Nyx, Starlight. and Cold Colt. Twilight and some of her Pokemon got a scare out of it.

"Gah!" She gasped. "You three...You scared me."

"Sorry, mom. But we wanted to take a look now after what you said. I'd love to know what happened prior to my arrival and essentially everything else." Nyx replied.

"Same here." Starlight raised her hoof. "It'd be great if I was caught up to speed. Because it's pretty obvious that a lot happened before we met."

"Sure. You can hear too. By the way...where are Cocoa and Rosestar lately? Still at their universe?" Twilight asked.

"Still yes." Nyx nodded. "After the defeat of the Empress during the invasion, they went back to assist their universe which had recently been attacked. They're just busy in the meanwhile."

"Oh! I showed up pretty early, didn't I?!" Cold exclaimed. "Start from when I showed up. That was fun, wasn't it?"

"Fun is a stretch. Back then you were a pretty big threat that we were a bit worried about." Twilight chuckled at Cold's words.

"I'm still a threat in some way, ya know..." Cold puffed his cheeks, seeing himself as a threat. And he technically was, being a talented Rift Pony everything.

"We met you right at Oreburgh City. When all those Weavile showed up, freezing everything over." said Twilight, reading the memories.

A year ago. Sinnoh Region. Oreburgh City. Day.

We had just met with one of Ash's friends. Brock. And also Roark, the Oreburgh City Gym Leader. Both Rock-Type specialists. Brock was and still is one heck of a character. I was surprised by how instantly he fell for Rarity.

"WOW! WHAT A BEAUTY!" Brock zoomed over to Rarity, kneeling to her. "My dear. Though we may be of different worlds and different species, I can feel our bond is close. Closer than anything in both our universes."

"Uhh.." Rarity was unsure of what to say. Brock was usually attracted to females. It seems ponies are no expectation if they are beautiful. But it was certainly beyond his human limit. For once.

And to put a stop to it, out of his Pokeball came his Pokemon Croagunk, who let out a Poison Jab that struck Brock's back, making him fall on the ground to stop his shenanigans. Someone always has to be there to do it. Human or Pokemon.

"Ah good to see you're still the same Brock." Ash hadn't missed Brock's charisma and personality one bit. And he certainly won't even in the present with Brock being a Pokemon Breeder.

Come on. Get to the part where I show up. I made a cool entrance when I showed up. Heh. Get it?

Alright, alright. I'll get there. I was hoping to build it up a bit more. When you showed up, we didn't take you too seriously, Cold. I mean, you were and are still a foal.

One day, I'll grow up and look dashing, don't you think? Wait, can I grow up since I'm a Rift Creation?

That's something you'll have to figure out eventually. Anyway, when we met you, we thought you had parents. Rarity especially brought it up before us.

"You ruined my fun." A voice came from atop the Oreburgh City Gym roof. A colt of ice blue skin and a dark blue mane along with navy blue eyes was seen. His cutie mark was a mixture of both an icicle and a rift, with the icicle piercing through the rift. Still having the same appearance to this day. Cutie Mark and everything."So much for that."

"Who are you?" Rainbow Dash asked him, ascending a bit off the ground.

"None of your business granny." He said to her, calling her old compared to his age.

"G-Granny?!" Rainbow Dash twitched her eyes and grit her teeth.

"That's him! That's the pony I saw with the other guy." Roark pointed at the colt. "Cold Colt!"

"So that young troublemaker is Cold Colt? How could such a small little pony cause so much damage?" Rarity responded.

"Cause I'm awesome like that." Cold Colt said looking up with snarky pride.

I wish I did something better than just mind-controlling the Weavile when I first showed up. It would've made my entrance that much cooler with whatever I did.

"You call this awesome? This is ridiculous! This whole city's been frozen over!" Rainbow Dash bellowed at the little unicorn, showing him the damage he had done. While minuscule was still present.

"Where are your parents? I'd like to have a word with them about your silly and irrational behaviour." Rarity exclaimed, yelling at Cold the same way a teacher would yell at a student that had gotten themselves in trouble.

And during the earlier days, Cold was certainly the equivalent to that. He was a troublemaker through and through, carrying out the demands of the Rift just to create action and entertainment. And while his superiors far exceeded him at that, especially in magical aptitude, Cold wished to not fall behind.

"What parents? Ah, whatever. I wanna have some more fun!" The young unicorn's horn started glowing as it shot out the blue aura only this time. The aura engulfed the Weavile's turning them back to their previous state. Fluttershy backed away as the Weavile's were now aggressive once more.

This was when we all got involved in some real action. We didn't know how dangerous Pokemon could be and what they were capable of in the beginning after all. The ice from those Weavile were harsh too. And they were just as swift as a cheetah if not more. Unlike anything, we've felt.

This was shown by how Rarity needed to use her magic for a shield against the ice. However, it was so chilling that even with a shield, Rarity couldn't help but shiver along with her friends who were behind her. This snow hurricane bombarded her shield.

In the meanwhile, Rainbow Dash pursued Cold Colt who was currently moving around with teleportation, laughing with each time he evaded her. Normally, this would frustrate Rainbow Dash. And it was certainly agitating her. But she was a quicker thinker, already hatching up an idea.

And it involved the snow. She descended to the ground, only hovering above it from a few feet as she spun around near the snow. The multi-coloured-maned-mare was moving so fast on the snow that a snow hurricane had formed.

The hurricane reached Cold Colt, pulling him in. Rainbow Dash flew up as he saw him spinning around inside the snow hurricane. This made him sick, naturally.

If we didn't have Ash, Roark and Brock to help us, we could've been frozen in Oreburgh forever, maybe. The ice could've spread out to other regions but I'm not so sure about that one.

I could've totally won that if the snow didn't distract me. Rainbow Dash just caught me off guard that's all.

How did it feel? Surviving such a horrifying chill that was unlike what you were used to. Because I understand that Pokemon elements are similar to natural elements but amplified.

Oh, it was something. Some of us could've caught a cold or worse if that carried on. Oh yeah. On that same day, we saw Lucien for the first time. To think that we didn't know about Rift creations yet. We thought that all the Rift could do was just put universes together and see what happens.

The hurricane that Rainbow Dash had made was still going on. It eventually died down, stopping completely as the Rift Pony dropped out of it. The result was a face plant into the snow. Rainbow Dash emerged victorious, hovering above the planted pony.

"Well, that settles that. You couldn't measure up to me kid." Rainbow Dash taunted the little unicorn.

"Just you wait! The Weavile are gonna come here and freeze you along with your buddies!" He said whilst being stuck in the snow. His voice was a bit muffled but he could be understood. He flailed his back hooves around, trying to break free. Even then, Cold's magical capabilities were still limited.

"What? You mean those Weavile?" Rainbow Dash nudged her head over at the Weavile before facing Cold's planted body. "Oh, right you can't see you're stuck." Afterwards, the group had appeared with the Weavile on their side. Fluttershy's calming proved to be strong enough to fizz out the possession.

"Good job Rainbow!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed with an applaud. Now, all we gotta do is return him to his parents back home."

"What home?" Another voice was heard somewhere else. It was the man that Roark described. Lucien. At this moment in time, his appearance was obscured by the weather and shadows but he was certainly there on that very day. His hands illuminated blue as he picked up Cold Colt from the frosty and fluffy ground via telekinesis. "We're leaving, boy. There are other locations that we can have fun at."

Present day.

"If anything, that was the start of a long chain of events. Lucien and also Sienna weren't as present as they were today. But boy, they sure caused some problems. Even still, not as much as Obsidian. He made something that nopony in Equestria will ever forget." Twilight finished that part of the memory.

"Hold on, let me guess!" Cold interrupted. "The Storm Behemoth, right?"

"That's right. The Storm Behemoth. The reason why Equestria and even the Pokemon World had a total blackout. It's a good thing Passion had plasma or else we would've been done for."

"Tell me all about that one," Starlight asked. "I only got to briefly see the Storm Behemoth when Second Wind summoned it. I want to know what happened when it first showed up."

"I'll do it but..." Twilight smiled, shifting her eyes from side to side. "I think I'll do it chronologically before I get there. Like Rainbow Dash's first Gym Battle." Twilight opened the page to when Rainbow Dash began her career as a Pokemon Trainer, battling against the first gym.

A year ago. Whitetail Wood. Day.

Ever since the Pokemon League was announced for Equestria, Gym Leaders were needed. If we had known BigTime Ben was a Rift Creation as well, we would've understood more about how he managed to form it all so quickly. Since not many ponies were skilled in battle, BigTime Ben hired already existing Gym Leaders to fill in empty spots. One of them was Gardenia.

About that. Does Ben know he's a Rift Human?

Ash told us that he's aware of something about him but BigTime Ben sees himself as a full-on human. Anyway, for her first battle, Rainbow Dash did great. Won it on the first try and everything. I'd say it's the fact that the pegasi were a tribe of warriors. That spirit still lives in them. But Gardenia wasn't easy at all.

In this battle, Rainbow Dash's Rufflet had defeated Gardenia's Steenee. This was way before Rufflet evolved into a Braviary. It was a tough yet swift battle but Rufflet emerged victoriously. Impressive considering how experienced Gardenia was.

"Steenee is unable to battle! Rufflet wins!" The referee said.

"We won... YEAH!" Rainbow Dash boomed with excitement along with Rufflet as they both started flying around.

"Ruff!" Afterwards, they ended up giving each other a hug, chuckling.

"Good job Steenee. You were wonderful." Gardenia returned the defeated Grass-Type to her Poke Ball. A smile met her face as she was thoroughly impressed with Rainbow Dash's skills as a trainer considering how new she was to all of this. "I gotta say...What's your name?"

"Rainbow Dash." The pegasus said as she hadn't before given her name out to Gardenia when showing up here.

"Well, Rainbow Dash. You're pretty good for a beginner. That biting tactic was pretty clever. But let's see how you handle this one. An old friend!" She launched her last Poke Ball. Essentially her ace, Roserade.

"Roserade!" Once emerging, Rainbow Dash just had to see what this Pokemon was about. Her Pokedex, which was also new, gave her that information.

"Roserade. The Bouquet Pokemon. With its beautiful blossoms, enticing aroma and graceful movements, Roserade are quite enchanting- but watch out! Its arms conceal thorny whips, and the thorns carry poison.

About that...how come the Pokedex sounds like that Tempest Shadow from Universe 6?

Umm....Oh. Let's move on.

"We'll do the honours of starting off this time. Roserade, Sweet Scent!" From out of her arms, Roserade unleashed a sweet and soothing scent that reached not only Rufflet but even Pikachu. Pikachu was the only Pokemon amongst the crowd as the beautiful scent wafted in this direction.

"Pikachu..." He mumbled with ecstasy.

"What the hoof is this? Oh well," Rainbow Dash shrugged. Back then, she didn't know many Pokemon moves. Especially status moves. "Wing Attack! Head on!" Rufflet didn't move after the command. It was too caught up on the sweet scent. It did actually decide to close in, but not for an attack. Just to get closer to the scent. "Uh, Rufflet?"

"Wide open. Now Roserade! Poison Sting!" Roserade then attacked the defenceless Rufflet, by using some of its thorns to strike. The thorns, covered in poison, struck the Eaglet Pokemon square in his belly. That strike was enough to put the Normal-Flying-Type down on the floor.

"Oh no! Rufflet!" Rufflet had fainted after that devastating impact. With his guard being down, he couldn't power through it. He had fainted.

"Rufflet is unable to battle! Roserade wins!"

"Aw..and they did so well in the first round." Pinkie Pie sighed with her ears down.

"If it weren't for the sweet scent thing they could've taken it." Applejack replied with a shrug.

"Thanks, Rufflet." Rainbow Dash retrieved Rufflet back into his Pokeball.

Wasn't that the battle where Rufflet's Bond Phenomenon flashed for a second? Just like how Ash said? And how come Gardenia's Roserade used Poison Sting? I thought it knew Poison Jab.

No, that would be the second Gym Battle against Misty. Plus, Gardenia, and other Gym Leaders, sometimes cycle between Pokemon moves to make it fair to Trainers. Gym Leaders are always holding back since they're so strong. But even when holding back, they're a force to be reckoned with. And we all saw just how much of a force when it came down to just Whirlipede and Roserade. Both Pokemon essentially resisted each other and that was our first taste of how Pokemon Types can affect a lot.

"This is gonna be tricky and could go either way.." Ash said, knowing how this battle could go either way due to Whilripede and Roserade's advantages and disadvantages against each other.

"What makes you say that Ash?" Fluttershy asked him.

"Both of them cancel each other out. Whirlipede's a Bug and Poison-Type. Great against Grass Types. But Roserade is a Grass and Poison-Type. And the Poison type is great against Bugs. If one of the two lands a strong Bug or Poison move then either one's gonna win."

"But Whirlipede still has the advantage of being two types strong against Grass. From what I've learned." Twilight replied to him.

"This will be tricky." Gardenia nodded, knowing the difficulty as well. That was one of the few roadblocks of identical types or types that mesh well with each other. "But no matter! Sweet Scent once more!" Roserade went for another Sweet Scent.

"Not this time... Rollout!" Whirlipede instantly rushed in, rolling about as it charged into Roserade, hitting her dead on.

"Oh, quick!" Gardenia exclaimed, impressed with Whirlipede's speed. "In that case! Poison Sting!"

"Use Poison Sting as well!" Both Pokemon had clashed with their own Poison Stings, pushing each other back. It was thorns vs tendrils with the clash.

"Roserade! Poison Sting once more!"

"Rose! Roserade!" Roserade slid on the floor with her eyes and bouquet glowing. The Bouquet Pokemon rushed back in with another sting.

"Roll away!"

"Pede!" Whirlipede evaded the thrust of Roserade's bouquet hands via an instant drift on the floor as he rolled away. He even evaded the thorns that flew out.

"Follow Whirlipede and don't stop until you get a hit in!" Roserade pursued Whirlipede who kept rolling on around the gym.

"Oh, this is making my head dizzy!" Pinkie Pie said, holding her head, struggling to keep up with this speed. Everyone else except for Ash and Pikachu were struggling with it as well.

"Now! Rollout!" Rainbow Dash bellowed.

"Whirl-Whirl!" Whirlipede adjusted its angle as it then zoomed towards Roserade.

"Perfect! Use your thorns to grab Whirlipede!" All of a sudden, Whirlipede was grabbed by Roserade's hidden thorns, stopping it in its tracks.

"Oh no!" Rainbow Dash gasped, seeing that Whirlipede was now vulnerable without any momentum anymore. She was hoping to use that to her advantage.

"Gotcha! Now slam Whirlipede around!"

"Rade!" Roserade swung its thorns and Whirlipede around, hitting the Curlipede Pokemon across the ground and walls. Whirlipede was taking consecutive damage from all this swinging.

"W-Whirli!" Whirlipede cried out as even his hard shell could only protect him for so long. Back then, Whirlipede was a bit fragile. Nowadays, he's almost an unstoppable wall.

"Gotta do something! Whirlipede! Roll with the thorns!" Whirlipede understood as it rolled its circular body around in one spot. All this spinning was twisting the thorns.

"Trying to jumble up my thorns huh? Too bad! Let go of Whirlipede!" Roserade let go of Whirlipede as Dash saw an opportunity.

"Go! Rollout! Head on!" Whirlipede had used rollout but this time it was much faster. Due to it already spinning in the thorns, it had built up speed thanks to his ability Speed Boost.

"Ros-" Gardenia command was unable to be finished as Whirlipede smashed into Roserade at high velocity, knocking it back.

"R-Rose!" Roserade's boy staggered from this impact for a moment. Even though it was not very effective, the velocity and build up made sure that even a resistant Pokemon such as Roserade would feel it as her mouth was wide-open from it.

"Finish it with Poison Sting!" Dash commanded. Whirlipede moved in closer with it preparing a poison sting.

"Quickly! Dodge and use Sweet Scent!"

"Don't let up! Focus on Roserade!" Whirlipede moved in closer as Roserade dodged the poison sting, preparing a sweet scent. However, Whirlipede turned around, drifting as it struck a poison sting on Roserade's arms. The poison sting made contact as Roserade could feel the sting.

"Go!" Whirlipede then slammed itself onto Roserade as they both hit the ground. And with that powerful follow up, Roserade had fainted.

"Roserade is unable to battle! Whirlipede is the winner! And that means the victor is Rainbow Dash from Cloudsdale!"

"We won our first gym battle! YEAH!" Naturally, Rainbow Dash was hyperactive about this. And she should be. Winning a Gym Battle for the first time always feels like a great accomplishment. "Whirlipede we rocked!" She then flew over to the Curlipede Pokemon, gracing him with a hug.

"Whirli.." Whirlipede was still dazed from all of that, but he was A-OK. He shared Rainbow Dash's happiness as did all of their friends as well.

The moment Rainbow Dash won her first Gym Battle, I could tell a lot of great things were to come. It was her first win that inspired everypony to join the Pokemon League in the first place. It sure did kick off something entertaining and fun, didn't it?

"The memories of all of my friends having great moments are just the best." Twilight giggled, flipping the page. "Just like with what happened with Princess Celestia and Passion. Everything that happened before wasn't great but what happened after. Sorry if I skipped ahead."

"Oh, I remember this." Cold uttered. "That's when Passion's Psychic abilities went wild, wasn't it?"

"It was. The world was almost destroyed because of this. Both of them. Passion didn't know how to handle all of that power. She was still just a Kirlia with more power than a fully grown Gardevoir. It was scary for everyone but absolutely terrifying for Passion."

"To think someone that small could've destroyed both worlds..." Nyx gawked. "I would find that impossible if we weren't living with Pokemon."

"Luckily, Princess Celestia was there to help Passion. No one could connect better with her than Celestia at all."

An event that almost destroyed both worlds. The uncontrollable power of Passion and how she could not manage it. It looked like everything would end until Celestia came.

A series of events led up to this point. And this very point resulted in Passion's mind. Celestia ended up reaching Passions mind to communicate with her.

They awoke to this empty void, seeing that they were completely unharmed. No injures of critical natures were made. Even with Passion's overwhelming rampant power.

"Well. We're still in one piece, aren't we?" Celestia spoke, trotting within the void and approaching the Emotion Pokemon.


"Oh, Passion. I'm sorry that I was unable to solve this much sooner than I should've. If I did, then none of this would've happened." Celestia felt guilty in this instance. She believed that since was the Ruler of Equestria, she would have a solution to this already. "But...I guess that's to be expected since your world is beyond my knowledge. "

In response, Passion hugged Celestia face's for comfort, telling her not to worry anymore. Who cares about any of that when she's here unharmed with her trainer. That was Passion's view. Even during crucial moments.

"Kir." Just then, with another cry, something happened. Something that surprised Celestia. From what Passion uttered, it sounded like she was speaking the same language as Celestia.

"Passion...Did you just speak?" Celestia felt as if she could understand Passion's words on a deeper level. This was not Telepathy at all. If it was, she would've known by now.

This was the result of their harmonic connection. Connecting on such a level that it was possible for her to Pokemon speech. At least, the speech of a Kirlia and possibly the entire Gardevoir line. But since Passion was still a young Kirlia, it was faint. But Celestia could hear them either way. "It's alright."

"Lia!" Passion cheerfully cried out, hopping off of Celestia's face and jumping around in this white void.

"After this, let's have a nice long break, okay?" A gentle smile came from Celestia. That smile was what Passion adored the most. It made her hug Celestia's hof in response. She needed this. They both did.


A moment to breathe had been made by them. A long break was due for them. And they would take advantage of it as their synergy was another great example of a loving trainer and loving Pokemon.

Because of this, they created another phenomenon that exists in the Pokemon World. It came from their bond and love combined.

The unification they possessed exuded happiness, going past just transforming their bonds into power. It was also the purest form of magic.

Pure magic if you will. The space they were in had been purified with this dazzling magic, spreading a mix of Celestia's magic and Passion's magic across the endless void. It glistened gloriously with a majestic radiance that could only be complemented by a divine sound.

That was the first time that the magic of Equestria could stand up to the power of the Rift. It used to be completely powerless against cosmic energy from the beginning. But not anymore because of what Celestia and Passion had done.

On the outside world, they made their beautiful return. A pillar of light erupted from the same spot Passion vanished from, causing a reappearance. The pillar of light had brought them back to the outside world, but that wasn't all. The light expanded into a colossal and grandiose light shockwave that could be felt across both worlds.

All the damage that Passion had done to both worlds was being undone by this magic. The effects of the cosmic energy had been wiped out, reversed and freed from Passion's body.

Before everyone knew it, it was as if nothing ever happened to both worlds. Canterlot had been repaired along with Ponyville and all of Equestria once they sorted it out. Their magic was unlike anything I've ever seen. I still wonder if we'll ever get the chance to see something like that ever again.

"Gets me every time..." Twilight started tearing up after reminiscing that memory. "Such wonderful partners!" She then bawled with tears flying out of like a geyser.

"Togekiss." Togekiss brought over a handkerchief. Twilight then took the handkerchief, wiping her tears away.

"Thanks, Togekiss..." Twilight sniffled. "Oh. Just holding this ook and remembering everything is getting me emotional. I don't know if I can take anymore."

"Come on. How about a few more? Or one?" Starlight suggested.

"One more would work, mother," said Nyx. "Chose something grand, if you can.2

"Esp! Espeon!" Espeon and the rest of Twilight's Pokemon encouraged her to do so.

"Alright, alright. If I had to finish it off...it would be this moment. The moment that happened last Hearths Warming and Christmas." Twilight opened the book to the previous Hearths Warming and Christmas holiday.

Kanto Region. Pallet Town. Nightfall.

It was when we all had a Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. The first one me and my friends and even the whole world could see. And it was beautiful to the core for everyone.

The Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. A glorious short ceremony that all can admire. The tree was unbelievably massive, being seen across the entire planet in every region.

Equestria as well. Ben had brought over a second tree for all of Equestria to see. That would be their first Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony for them to witness. And it was placed at Canterlot. No better place to put it. All across Equestria, this tree could be seen. No matter what species or monster, they saw it. And what a sight it was, especially in the night sky.

There was a moment of anticipation. Mostly for the ponies. This would be their first-ever lighting ceremony experience. The wait was over as the event could begin. A countdown going from 3, 2, 1 began. And once that came along, the lights flared to life.

Bursting with energy, a precious and enchanting array of lights had dazzled with an array of colours. The way they showed up was similar to that of the sun coming over the horizon as the Christmas star on top shined brighter than anything else here.

The golden star sparkled almost as much as the actual stars in the cosmos, shimmering the lands and illuminating the skies. No matter what part of the world they were in, these lights were impossible to miss with all their luminescence.

We all gazed at it and it gave us a sense of cessation and harmony. Just looking at that tree and feeling the year pass reminded us all that despite the hardships we had gone through, despite how little we knew about Pokemon, everything turned out for the better. Because our friends were with us all the way. From this world and another. And we built some amazing friendships for that.

Present Day.

"I'm so happy that all of this could happen." Twilight was getting emotional again. However, it wasn't over-the-top. It was more gentle around this time as tears flowed down her face. This book could certainly get her emotion.

"Twilight. How about you read us more of this book another time? You're getting pretty emotional over it." Starlight suggested. "Plus we learned some wonderful things in the past from it already.

"You're right." Twilight then closed the book with Togekiss wiping her tears. "But making and seeing this book reminds me of so many wonderful things. It's only going to get bigger the more that we face along the way."

"And this time, we're in it to make it even better." Cold Colt went up to Twilight.

"It'll be a joy to create even more new memories with you, mom," said Nyx with Starlight nodding in approval.

"Thanks, you three." Twilight laughed before hopping off of her bed. "Come on. How about we head to the Pokemon House in the meanwhile?"

They made their way towards the Pokemon House after going through that memory book. It was truly going to get only bigger as time went on. Memories would be made along the way that would continue to leave an impact. Whether happy, sad, incomprehensible or downright epic, all will remember it. And it will be kept in a nice book from start to finish as the journey continues.

Chapter 631 End.

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