• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Cocoon of Destruction

Holon. Mysterious Island. Day.

Yveltal's Cocoon had been found. Hidden by an immaculate illusion of Dark Aura and also layered by the cliffs, the cocoon containing the Destruction Pokemon could be seen there once the illusion was destroyed. The Cocoon of the Destruction Pokemon was no longer concealed and hidden from the eyes.

Reshiram feared that the cocoon would be found eventually and now that it's been seen, he was currently recovering after having his own Dragon Pulse explode in his mouth. All thanks to Opal Vivacity.

At this moment, with the position of the cocoon being revealed, two important figures were set to arrive here. Lich Queen Rosa Maledicta and Daybreaker. The vampires would not advance to the island. Rather, staying behind to keep Reshiram at bay was their goal. Rosa would do the rest.

But, while the troops from Daybreaker's side would call for Daybreaker, they weren't hesitant to enter the island. Right then and there, once the message was relayed to the messenger, they left their camps, quickly rushing to the island. Discreetly of course. They would end up using Reshiram's large body and the rubble as cover, creeping their way past the eyes of the vampires. Well, mainly the vampires, not so much the Trickster Dragon, who would soon alert them by nudging Opal.

"Hm? Hey!" Thanks to the Trickster Dragon, Opal noticed them, creeping and scampering by. "Oh, you think you'll get the advantage over us? Just you wait...Her Majesty will be here soon. And her Black Crusade will be realized."

"That's funny. Because our majesty is coming here too." A guardsmare replied, hitting Opal with an effective response that startled her. "But at least we're going ahead~" She giggled before rushing toward the island with the rest of the troops.

"You shall not!" Opal stomped her hoof before using her mane to try and change fate. But swiftly, the Trickster Dragon got in her way, preventing Opal from taking action.

"They certainly won't." Just then, a familiar voice came through, halting the vampires and even Daybreaker's troops. A portal opened up, revealing the one who wanted Yveltal the most. After learning about Yveltal's location, the Lich Queen arrived with little time to spare, bringing her dreadful presence with her.

Reshiram, who was still recovering, could see just how things were starting to spiral out of control. Now that the Lich Queen was here, the situation was starting to escalate.

"I've wanted for this since last year and potentially having to go a few more years wouldn't do at all," Rosa spoke. "At first, I couldn't believe such a Pokemon exists. A Pokemon that causes life to end. All my years of planning with the Black Crusade can be made so much easier with just one Pokemon. Ah...I wish I was born in the Pokemon Universe."

The troops all stuttered and stammered upon seeing Rosa arrive. Reshiram slowly got up, at last, shaking his head before breathing out leftover smoke from the Dragon Pulse explosion.

"Step aside. That cocoon and the one that sleeps in it is mine." Rosa Maledicta lowered her tone in the face of Reshiram and Daybreaker's forces.

The troops looked at each other before then slowly backing up to the island. They certainly wouldn't want to stay around the Lich Queen at all. But the moment she witnessed their movements, Rosa took action. With a dark green flash from her horn, she managed to unleash her signature thorns. The thorns that were capable of adapting to anything as they sprouted from the ground with vicious strength. They passed the Trickster Dragon and the vampires while targeting Daybreaker's troops and even Reshiram.

The Vast White Pokemon took notice of these aggressive thorns, taking flight as he narrowly avoided them. One of the thorns grazed his foot, however before then reaching Daybreaker's troops. When trying to fly away from these thorns, they were only met with restraint as the thickness of them immediately felt like being grabbed by a Machamp. Daybreaker's troops were held in place by these thorns and the only thing to protect them from the sharpness was their armour.

"As for you, Reshiram..." Rosa looked up at the Vast White Pokemon before casually walking ahead. "I'll let everyone else handle you while I get what I want."

But Reshiram wouldn't just let her enter. He would stand in her way as he went for a Fusion Flare. That signature attack of his had been summoned, appearing with a blazing flash. But the one to stand in his way once more was Opal and that Fate-Changing Mane of hers. All it took was her to unleash a piece.

Fusion Flare was thrown, going straight for the vampires, the Trickster Demon Dragon and Rosa Maledicta in one strike. It certainly had the size to do so. Rosa Maledicta kept walking as she trusted Opal to handle it. And to an extent the Trickster Dragon, who did end up reflecting the attack earlier. She was right to trust Opal as the vampire used her Fate-Changing Mane to intervene. The long mane wrapped around her fellow vampires before then reversing time.

In a flash, time had been rewound on the spot. Reshiram's Fusion Flare found itself being reversed, as if it was never fired in the first. However, only time rewound for Reshiram while it was normal for everyone else. By this point, Rosa Maledicta had also entered the island. Not only did time flow normally for the Dread League but even the thorns moved at a normal pace.

Right as Reshiram's actions were done in reverse, after the effect of the ability came to an end, the giant thorns finally caught Reshiram, violently grabbing the Vast White Pokemon. Reshiram found himself being attacked by the thorns before then being pushed against the cliffs. It felt bizarre to Reshiram to have this sudden situation as he was unaware of what Opal was capable of. Reshiram growled as Rosa even used her abundance of thorns to block off the entranceway to the island. Large thorns closed together, masking most of the island's appearance.

Reshiram growled before then trying to incinerate the thorns with his flames. Crimson flames flared out of his body, streaming across the thick thorns with a howling sound.

"No good." Opal shook her head. "I won't even need to do anything about this. Queen Rosa's thorns are immune to flames thanks to how they've adapted. So no matter what you do, they shall not-"

But Opal was cut off as she did not mention blue flames. This was something Reshiram was capable of as he started emitting blue flames from his body, showing signs of burning the thorns away. Opal gasped as she was quickly cut off.

"T-That's surprising! But it's all pointless!" Opal grinned, using her mane yet again. Just when Reshiram was starting to make a comeback, it was all rejected. Taking to the skies while also protecting herself with an umbrella, Rosa used her mane yet again, showing no signs of ever holding back its usage. Why would she? She had this amazing power to herself. Three pieces of her mane came flying out, each touching Reshiram's face.

Reshiram soon figured out that Opal played a part in his recent missteps. And this moment was certainly one of them as once they touched his face, the blue flames ended up combusting in front of him, dealing damage to the Dragon of Truth instead.

"Hahaha!" Opal laughed as she was finding this amusing. Messing with Reshiram by changing his fate was too good for her to not chuckle at. The Trickster Dragon was impressed by Opal as she definitely shared some of its tendencies. Changing fate wasn't too different from playing tricks.

"Hmm...That's taking away my fun though." The Trickster Dragon felt a bit left out though, despite appreciating Opal's actions. "Oh well. Nothing's stopping me from doing more here. I've done my bit."

"Oh, no, you don't." But Opal promptly stopped the Trickster Dragon from departing. "You'll be staying here and keeping an eye on this Dragon. A Legendary Pokemon can't be ignored at all. Isn't that right, Reshiram?"

Reshiram snarled at her. He wouldn't let these thorns keep him at bay for long but that would only start if he found a way to get past the various obstacles that stood in his way. And more importantly, stopping Rosa Maledicta. Reshiram was undoubtedly very powerful. Powerful enough to combat the adapting thorns. But what did that matter if someone in front of her could change fate so easily?

Reshiram was in a rough spot.

Universe 11. The Solar Empire. Canterlot. Day.

News about what was happening in Holon would soon travel to this world. The messenger would receive the news from the other messenger who was currently being held by the thorns, entrusting him to share it with Daybreaker.

As for Daybreaker, she was currently speaking with Ghetsis at the moment along with Empress Twilight. The odd one out was Cozy Glow, who sat in the corner, left out of the conversation they were having.

"So then. Gardevoir gets her daily intake of Aura and that eliminates that problem. I'd rather not have another kind of vampire problem to deal with. But we still need to talk about something crucial. Lately, I've been hearing rumours about someone leaking some of our plans to Pyrestar's universe. I believe we may have a rat somewhere. But who could it be?"

"Your majesty!" The messenger came rushing in, almost falling over. "B-Big news! Very big news!"

"Don't just repeat the words. Spill it out." Daybreaker stepped forward with Ghetsis and Empress Twilight stepping out of the way for her.

"It's the cocoon! Yveltal's Cocoon has been found!"

"What!?" Daybreaker gasped as a burst of fire came from her mane via her reaction.

"Yveltal?" Ghetsis was stunned by this two. He knew exactly who Yveltal was. And no matter who hears about this Pokemon, it always results in shock and sometimes fears. Fear of the destruction that this one Pokemon can bring casually.

"But...the Dread League have spotted it too. And we fear that their ruler has already shown up there."

"Say no more." Daybreaker didn't have to hear anything else. Those batches of words were enough to let her spring into action. "I'll be there."

"What are you going to do exactly when you get there?" Ghetsis asked. "I know Yveltal very well and what it's capable of."

"Isn't it obvious? I'll be taking that cocoon elsewhere. Anywhere but near those vampires." Daybreaker would choose to conceal Yveltal's cocoon. Funnily enough, Yveltal already did that for itself via that Dark Illusion. However, after it was now exposed, Daybreaker would rectify that and choose somewhere else.

Of course, that involved interacting with the Dread League. Empress Twilight and Ghetsis chose to stay out of this one. They'd rather not tackle it. Daybreaker seemed to be bold enough to do so though.

Holon. Mysterious Island. Day.

Rosa Maledicta entered the mysterious island that was filled with crystals. These crystals were familiar as they matched the ones found at Geosenge Town.

Yveltal's cocoon was out in the open, seemingly close. But the more she walked, the more she realized this was another illusion. Though, it didn't involve any magical abilities. It seemed to be an optical illusion more than anything. The cocoon was actually farther than she thought. But that meant she had a bigger drive to get closer and reach it.

She didn't have time to sightsee this island at all. Most would consider doing so with how mysterious it was. All that mattered was Yveltal's Cocoon and nothing else.

"Aero! Aerodactyl!" However, there was also the Pokemon to take into account. Such as the Aerodactyl in the sky. Delta Pokemon were obviously going to be found here on this secluded island. But so far, it was only regular Pokemon that had been affected by Delta Storms, changing their types. No alternate forms could be seen.

Speaking of the Aerodactyl, when soaring through the skies, it noticed how Rosa was avoiding everything else on the island going straight for the cocoon. The beautiful waters were avoided completely along with the mysterious crystals. Delta Pokemon weren't important to her in any way.

However, getting in her way was that same Aerodactyl. It came swooping down, crying out at Rosa Maledicta. The Lich Queen looked up, already sensing hostility coming her way. She knew quite a lot about hostility after all. And when sensing Aerodactyl, the Fossil Pokemon exuded that.

"Trying to stop me?" Rosa said, detecting Aerodactyl's intentions. Even Aerodactyl knew the severity of that cocoon. But Rosa could care less. "You would be scared of such a Pokemon being unleashed, especially by me. I understand. All the more reason for me to retrieve it. So, you can also step aside."

Rosa would immediately interact with Aerodactyl the second it approached her. Her eyes flashed a mix of blue and purple as the clouds above Aerodactyl began shifting. Via the power of her magic, she conjured a swirling cloud formation that resembled that of a wormhole. And out of that wormhole-like cloud, giant blasts of purple lightning came crashing out.

These blasts struck down Aerodactyl immediately. The Fossil Pokemon was caught off guard by this. These lightning bolts were unlike anything it felt. It didn't feel like standard lightning bolts or even a Pokemon's lightning bolt. Aerodactyl found itself crashing into the nearby lake from its immediate downfall, unable to stop Rosa at all.

The Fossil Pokemon would take even greater damage by touching the water before then sinking. Rosa Maledicta would even check to see Aerodactyl's status. She was that confident in her victory.

But there would be other Pokemon here.

Every Pokemon here knew the importance of Yveltal and what it could do. But they knew more than just what Yveltal was capable of. There was something else. Helping Aerodactyl out of the lake was a Delta Sharpedo, lifting the Fossil Pokemon and saving it from drowning.

"Sharpedo!" Sharpedo, after saving Aerodactyl let out a cry. This cry was meant to alarm everyone else here. Someone was here, approaching Yveltal's Cocoon, as Sharpedo exclaimed. This garnered the full attention of all the Pokemon living here.

In a way, they were guardians of Yveltal's cocoon. Each Pokemon stopped what they were doing, scurrying and flocking over to Yveltal's cocoon or even Rosa's location.

Rosa already knew that she'd be interrupted. She's gotten used to it by now. But rarely is it ever Pokemon. Now was the time for a consistent string of Pokemon to stand in her way, much to her annoyance. From one universe to another. It spoke levels to how terrifying her plan was considering how she planned to use Yveltal's power on a grander scale to the point where even Daybreaker got involved. Getting in her way this time was an Ampharos and a Croconaw, holding their arms out to block the Lich Queen's path.


"Croconaw!" Ampharos and Croconaw cried out, trying to reason with Rosa Maledicta. But that was pointless. Nothing was changing her mind or stopping her at all. She then started galloping just to get a scare out of them both, while also making sure she was closer to the cocoon.

Seeing as she wasn't stopping for anything, Ampharos and Croconaw tried pushing her way. That was done with Thunderbolt and Hydro Pump as these two elements that don't usually go well with each other were in perfect sync when uniting against an enemy.

If only that enemy wasn't royalty. They were met with an illusion. Rosa Maledicta winked at them before creating these black, purple and green illusions of herself that also acted as afterimages. That was a sign she had already evaded these two attacks. The illusions faded as they were then hit back by a violent whip of thorns that sprouted from the ground. By this point, Rosa Maledicta was behind them, walking ahead while the thorns assaulted the two Pokemon.

The thorns ravaged the land, moving as if they were worms, protecting Rosa Maledicta from any further interruptions. Any Pokemon attempting to emerge from the lake would be met with these thorns jumping underwater, adapting to the point where they could do so. Sharpedo and other Water Pokemon were occupied by the thorns, unable to reach Rosa. To make things worse, Rosa kept the clouds she formed active as the lightning bolts struck down on the lake, endangering the Pokemon residing there.

"Lickitung!" A Lickitung used its tong tongue to try and grab the Lich Queen, only for her to step on it with her bare hooves. Lickitung's eyes widened as it flailed its arms around. Having its tongue stepped on with such force was unpleasant. "L-Li! Lickitung!"

"Jynx!" But as Rosa stepped on the tongue, she was soon met with a chilling feeling. Around her hooves, ice began to form, starting from the bottom and gradually going up. This was done by Jynx, of course, who was then assisted by another Psychic-Type.

"Kirlia!" A Kirlia levitated in front of Rosa Maledicta, following up where Jynx left off by using Hypnosis. A spiralling wave of hypnotic powers came out of Kirlia's eyes before then meeting with Rosa's eyes. "Kir...!" But something was amiss. Rosa was not showing signs of blinking or even drowsiness.

"Trying to put me to sleep? Sorry but...I haven't slept in years." Rosa Maledicta revealed that something like Hypnosis was pointless against her. She had never slept before, according to her. Right after revealing how she never slept, the Lich Queen would use her magic to not only shatter the ice around her but release a mental shockwave that acted like a tornado.

"K-Kirlia!" Kirlia was the first to be blown away by this magical expansion before Lickitung and Jynx were then hit by its radius too. Rosa then shook her hooves, barely feeling the chill around her.

"I haven't had to sleep ever. Not ever since I became the Lich Queen." Rosa continued on her way before spotting more Pokemon in the distance, waiting around the cocoon or approaching her.

Unfortunately, all their defences failed them. A wall of SHelgon was formed, only to be blown away by the thick thorns that Rosa manipulated, grabbing them in droves. This was the worst time to be in such a stacked position as the thorns could perfectly snag them. Even those who could evade the thorns with their agility were stopped. Swellow, Gligar and Togetic found themselves failing to be safe in the skies. There was the threat of those dark clouds along with the thorns that could reach great heights. No one could stop Rosa at all. Once the thorns grew more violent, some Pokemon started trying to escape from them, but the thorns would only hunt them down with no rest.

Eventually, she reached the cocoon. There it was. Right in front of her was Yveltal's Cocoon. The appearance of it appeared to be a black cocoon that had a pattern on it. The same patterns that could be found on Yveltal's wings. It even seemed to levitate while having a constant Dark Aura around it, having no need to touch the ground.

"Finally. Yveltal." Rosa sighed. Those that tried hiding you didn't try hard enough. This will be great...I can't think of a better Pokemon to have as my first than this one. It's fit for a Lich Queen indeed. Or perhaps there are other options out there, but I'm perfectly fine with this one."

"Why did you come here?" Just then, unexpectedly, the cocoon spoke. Or rather, the voice inside the cocoon. And the only one who could be inside would be Yveltal. Rosa was hit with telepathy from the Destruction Pokemon who immediately questioned the Lich Queen.

"Telepathy? Well, that makes communicating with you easier." Rosa then cleared her throat before announcing her name and her reasoning for being here. "My name is Lich Queen Rosa Maledicta. Yveltal. I came here for you and the power you possess. The power of destruction you hold is something I need for my Black Crusade. A crusade that will end the life of many across the planet, no, multiple planets and soon turn them into skeletal subjects for my kingdom. It was the mission of the previous Lich King, who failed to do so. So, I'm picking up where he left off. Your power will make this easier than it's ever been. So, I request that you help me and I shall help you fulfil all the destructive needs you need. We can cause mass levels of destruction together to benefit each other. And with how endless the universe is, where's the limit? What say you?"

There was a moment of silence. Yveltal did not respond for a while, leaving Rosa to wonder why it stayed silent all of a sudden. But that was for what Yveltal would say right afterwards.

"I refuse." Instantly, Yveltal shut the Lich Queen down, rejecting everything she just said. From her recommendation to her objective. All of that searching and conflict, just for the Destruction Pokemon to say No.


"I cause destruction. But not senseless destruction. My existence is needed for the balance of life. I am the embodiment of all things that end. The natural way of life. Where there is life, there is death. My counterpart brings the joy and birth of life to usher in a new path in life where I bring the destruction and end of all things that must leave, no matter how long it may take. Without it, the world. No. The universe will collapse. I do not exist to destroy for the sake of destruction. You mistake my power for evil. For that is not what it is or why it exists."

"Kh...!" Rosa Maledicta hissed as this was not the result she wanted or expected at all. Yveltal did not comply at all. Her understanding of this Pokemon had been shifted to reveal the truth. From the word of the Pokemon itself, no less.

It annoyed her. Especially Yveltal's comment on death itself. Rosa had a completely different view of it. And Yveltal did not fit that view at all.

"I-Is that so? Well then...maybe I just have to do it without compliance." Rosa twitched. "After all...what can you do in that form?!" Rosa would then attack the cocoon, using her magic against it.

A bright flash of green magic came from Yveltal's cocoon as its signature roar could be heard coming from it. The crystals here even reacted to this interaction as Rosa had the most terrifying possible look on her face. It was both a face of malice and agitation.

"I thought about something like this happening but I was hoping it wasn't from your own words! You will work under me! And I have my ways of doing so to others!" Rosa cried out as Yveltal's cocoon began cracking. Red and black flares of energy clashed with Rosa's green magic before then showing a blue eye within. That eye belonged to the Destruction Pokemon as the cocoon shattered.

And emerging out of it was a creature with avian and draconic traits. The back of its body is black with white spots along the wings and back; its front, head, and neck are bright red with branching, black lines throughout. Bright blue eyes, a black, forward-curving horn over each eye, and a thin, antenna-like growth behind each eye are what it possessed. A feathery grey ruff encircles its neck and billows out over its back. The wings themselves had a destructive presence to them as the full body of this Pokemon had been revealed.

Yveltal the Destruction Pokemon was awake.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 929 End.

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