• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Top 3 trainers

The sun was slowly setting. It gave off a tranquil and gorgeous orange light that shined over all of Canterlot, blessing it with its calm, radiant and vibrant light. Staravia's and Pidgeots could be seen flying in the orange skies, heading off to rest somewhere in Equestria or maybe even their own world.

This meant that the Canterlot Tournament was finally reaching the end of its first day. And closing off the first day were the remaining trainers. Many trainers have won or lost with each of them having their own unique battles. Some long. Some short. Some intense. Some easy-going.

But enjoyable nonetheless.

At the moment 12 remain. And among those 12 were the top 3 strongest trainers in Equestria who rank the highest.

Spitfire, Daylight Blazer and Princess Luna.

And they lived up to their title of Equestria's Top 3 strongest trainers. The opponents they had each gone up against barely stood a chance against the three of them and their Pokemon.

And they went a little something like this.

For Princess Luna, she had used her Aurorus for the first round, going up against a trainer with a Conkeldurr. Their battle was currently underway since it had just begun.

"Aurorus! Aurora Beam!"

"Aur!" The Tundra Pokemon opened her mouth wide, summoning the powers of the northern lights themselves.

"Conkeldurr! Use Bulk Up!" The opposing trainer commanded.

"Con! Kel!" The Muscular Pokemon tossed his two concrete pillars into the air as he flexed his muscles, increasing his attack and defence. Once Aurora Beam hit, Conkeldurr had tanked the Ice-Type attack as if t was nothing. The pillars came back down as Conkeldurr blew away the mist from Aurora Beam's aftermath. "Conkel."

"Sorry, Princess Luna. But you won't be getting past Conkeldurr at all. Superpower!"

"Durr!" Conkeldurr's body became surrounded in a light blue aura, channelling all his strength into the concrete pillars he owned. The Muscular Pokemon charged forward whilst dragging the pillars on the ground.

"Oh? I wouldn't get to close if I were you." Luna smirked. "Aurorus, use Earthquake!"

"Wait what?!" The opposing pony pulled back, not expecting that move to be used.

"Rorus!" The Tundra Pokemon slammed her feet on the ground, causing the ground itself to tremble the entire battlefield, throwing Conkeldurr off balance.

"Con?!" Conkeldurr had dropped his concrete pillars, getting down on his knees.

"Freeze Conkeldurr with Ice Beam!" Following up the attack, Aururos had shot a chilling beam of ice from its mouth. The Ice Beam had immediately frozen the opposing Pokemon, keeping Conkeldurr in one spot.

"Ah! Conkeldurr! Break free with Bulk Up!"

"Con...Kel..." The Muscular Pokemon had a way out of this. All he had to do was flex his muscles and that ice was long gone.

"I don't think so. Freeze the battlefield!" Continuing to use Ice Beam, the entire stadium had been frozen over by Aurorus's attack.

But during that, Conkeldurr had broken free with Bulk Up. And as a bonus, he was much stronger and had higher defence at his disposal. "Con!"

"I don't see how freezing the ground's gonna stop us. Conkeldurr! Rock Throw!"

"Durr!" By using his own concrete pillars, the Fighting-Type launched them towards Aurorus as if they were baseballs.

"Hmph. Flash Cannon!" With ease, Aurors had destroyed Conkeldurr's pillars into tiny little stone pieces with a steel-clad blast.

"Conkel?!" Conkeldurr pulled back along with his trainer. Both of them didn't expect the concrete pillars to break.

"They can break?!" The trainer gasped.

"If I were you, I wouldn't dare to lose focus! Earthquake!" Luna's strategy had come into play. By causing an Earthquake on the frozen battlefield, not only did it rupture the ground, but the ice that filled the area experienced a destructive outburst.

Huge chunks of ice erupted from beneath, smacking the Muscular Pokemon square in the face repeatedly.

"Kel! Kel!" Conkeldurr took a volley of ice chunks that wouldn't stop rising. Not only that, but tiny shards of sharp ice were unleashed as well, pelting the Fighting-Type.

"Blow them away, Conkeldurr!"

"Durr!" Conkeldurr made an attempt to blow the ice shards and chunks away with his huge buff arms. He managed to destroy the larger ones but the smaller ones were harder to deal with.

"Finish it with Aurora Beam!" The finishing blow had been delivered. By firing a rainbow-coloured beam, Conkeldurr was met with his unfortunate end as he was too distracted by the ice shards.

"Con?" Once the beam hit, a rainbow explosion followed afterwards. With a strategy like that, it wouldn't come as too much of a shock if Conkeldurr had fainted. Which he did. Once the smoke cleared, that was it. "Con..."

"Conkeldurr is unable to battle! Aurorus wins! Thus the victor is Princess Luna!"

"In less than 2 minutes, Princess Luna won her first match without her Aurorus's having a single scratch on it! That's the quickest one yet!" said the announcer.

"I didn't even get a hit in..." The pony dropped her jaw, completely taken aback by this.

"A fine job, Aurorus."

"Ro? Aurorus!" The Tundra Pokemon ran over to Luna, ready to glomp her.

"Eeugh!" Luna winced as she attempted to back away, but it was too late, Aururos somehow caught up, tackling Luna and pinning her to the ground. "Aurorus! Please!" She attempted to push the Tundra Pokemon off her, but a Pokemon's love is just too powerful.

"Ah, well. She's a princess. What was I expecting." The earth pony shrugged. "Good job anyways Conkeldurr.

"Durr." Conkeldurr looked at his hands, noticing that the one thing that makes him who he is had been destroyed. "Con...KEL!" The Muscular Pokemon got on his knees, tearing up. His pillars. Gone.

It wasn't even him losing the battle that made him upset. He could care less. What he does care about are his concrete pillars.

"Ah! Don't cry! We'll just uh....borrow some from another Conkeldurr!" She comforted her heartbroken partner, giving him a pat on the back.

"So like...Conkeldurr's pillars...Do they grow back or...?" Pinkie squinted her eyes.

"They find or make new ones." Ash and Fluttershy answered.

"Ah." Pinkie nodded.

Luna's battle was regarded as the quickest one yet, further making it clear as to why she was ranked #3. But what of Spitfire and Daylight? Their battles were just around the corner after a few more matches.

Once Daylight's battle came, he demonstrated why he was ranked number 2. Instead of finishing the battle quick like Luna, he was more on the mind-game side of things.

And the one Pokemon he owned that was a perfect representation of that was none other than his Medicham, who is well known for being a dodging expert. Mostly due to his sixth sense.

"Cham." The Meditate Pokemon was currently battling against a Talonflame was trying desperately to hit Medicham. The Fighting-Psychic-Type had successfully avoided each of Talonflame's attacks by further enhancing his capabilities with his signature move Meditate.

Not only does it put Medicham in a peaceful state, it even raises his attack up, granting him more strength.

"Tal!" Talonflame had kept on using Brave Bird to try and hit the Meditate Pokemon, but so far, not a single scratch. Not even a graze.

"This is getting ridiculous! How's it avoiding Brave Bird every single time?!" The pegasus who owned Talonflame groaned. "It's fine. If we can't hit you up close...then how do you like long-distance attacks? Talonflame! Use Hurricane!"

"Talon!" The Scorching Pokemon had flown around in the air, kicking up a mighty hurricane in less than a second with ease. Even Medicham could tell that this was a bit of a threat.

"Yikes. That's a big one. Medicham! Jump back!"

"Med!" The Meditation Pokemon had carefully eluded the incoming hurricane by simply backflipped a few times and finishing it off with a zip to the side.

"Gotcha! Aerial Ace!" Talonflame had found its opening. By moving at high speeds, it looked like the Scorching Pokemon would end up getting a hit in finally.

"Block it!" Even he knew that Aerial Ace was tough to dodge, even with Medicham's sixth sense. Talonflame's speed was no joke after all.

"Medicham!" He put one of his legs up as a defence tactic. Which worked well in his favour. Talonflame made direct contact with the Meditate Pokemon's leg, causing a mild shockwave afterwards.

"Now! Thunder Punch!"

"Cham!" Barely feeling Aerial Ace at all, Medicham had smashed his thunder-clad fists onto Talonflame's jaw, launching the Scorching Pokemon back.

"Talonflame! Use Flare Blitz!" Recovering from that devastating Thunder Punch, the Fire-Flying-Type shifted into the always effective Flare Blitz as its body was set ablaze.

"Medicham! Gravity!"

"Medi..." Instead of avoiding the attack, Medicham put his hands out, manipulating the laws of Gravity itself. There was a reason why Medicham had this move and it was to deal with its Flying-Type weakness.

"Ta?!" All of a sudden, Talon had stopped flying, crashing down onto the ground as it slid past Medicham.

"W-What just happened?!" The trainer was puzzled. "Talonflame! Try using Aerial Ace!"

"Lon..." Talonflame attempted to ascend high up into the air like it usually does, however, this is where Gravity came into play. The Scorching Pokemon had realized that it couldn't get off the ground at all. In fact, a powerful Gravity field was forcing Talonflame to stay on the ground at all costs.

"What's this?! Talonflame's can't seem to get itself up into the air!" Even the announcer was confused.

"Try Hurricane!" A second attempt was made. Maybe Hurricane might work? Not at all. For Talonflame to pull it off, it would need to fly around in the air to do so. Which it couldn't. "What gives...?"

"That's Gravity for you. It makes it so that Flying-Types are forced to stay on the ground at all times. Plus it helps against Pokemon with the ability Levitate."

"You're kidding!" The pony held her head in confusion. "How is that even fair?!"

"Look on the bright side. Just be glad that I don't have a Ground-Type move on me. Alright, Medicharm. Thunder Punch!"

"Medi!" Medicham went up to Talonflame, raising his thunder-clad fists into the air to finish the battle.

"Ah! Talonflame! Run away!"

"Lonflame!" Unfortunately, Talonflame's speed only excels in the air. On the ground, not so much. Perhaps if it was building up speed to fly, but since its natural talent has been stripped from it, that wasn't happening.

"Med!" Medicham easily caught up to the Scorching Pokemon as he smashed his thunderous fists down onto Talonflame's back, creating an explosion of lighting that followed afterwards. After something like that, the outcome was clear as day.

"Talon..." Talonflame had fainted.

"Talonflame is unable to battle! Medicham wins! Thus the victor is Daylight Blazer!"

"Gravity huh...?" The pegasus sat. "There's a Pokemon move for everything, isn't there?"

"Got that right." Daylight nodded. "Good job anyways with your Talonflame."

"Thanks." The pegasus picked up her Talonflame. "I need to figure out how these Psychic-Type Pokemon work. Manipulating Gravity...how is that even fair?"


With that battle coming to a close, very few remain now. And among the few trainers left until the first day of the tournament ends was none other than the highest-ranked trainer in all of Equestria. #1.


Luna and Daylight have their own unique way of battling. Luna uses the battlefield to her advantage via moves that have the capability of affecting the environment. She does own a Pokemon of every type after all. So she's developed a strategy where the types that are most known for distance can interact with the battlefield. An example being her Aurorus.

Daylight prefers to utilize either a Pokemon's natural traits or even interfering with their traits. For most of his Pokemon, 5 out of 6 have moves that are focused solely on status, powering themselves up, nullifying moves etc. He's got something that can help his Pokemon exceed.

Spitfire, however, is completely different. Her battle style is similar to that of Limestone Pie. Where she puts the pressure on with an aggressive approach. However, unlike Limestone, not only does she have way more experience than her, but she's even found a perfect mix between aggressive and laid-back.

She owns Pokemon that are known for being combative and quarrelsome. Pokemon that are all about rushing in and dealing major damage Especially her Scizor, which is a Pokemon are most known for beating their enemies to a pulp until they are nothing left but scraps.

And yet somehow, she's transformed the usually advancing Scizor into a Pokemon that can also keep its cool at the same time.

And speaking of Spitfire, her battle was about to arrive. In fact, it was the final battle for the day. That sun's already disappearing over the horizon. Everypony was about to witness just how the number one trainer in Equestria battles.

The Pokemon of her choice this time wasn't actually her ace Scizor. Instead, she had one Pokemon in particular that shares a similar trait to Medicham.

"You may both bring out your Pokemon!" said the referee.

"Here goes! Excadrill!" An opposing unicorn had sent out her partner in the form of the Subterrene Pokemon.


"You're up." Spitfire used her wings to send out the partner of her choice in this battle. None other than the separate final evolution of the Ralts line. Gallade.

"Gallade!" The Blade Pokemon roared.

"What is that?!" Sweetie Belle leaned forward.

"Doesn't look like Gardevoir, that's for sure." Spike shook his head.

"I gotta see this!" Sweetie Belle whipped out her dex for this seemingly alternate form of Gardevoir.

"Gallade. The Blade Pokemon. The male variant of Ralt's final form, opposite of Gardevoir. A master of courtesy and swordsmanship, it fights using extending swords on its elbows. When trying to protect someone, it extends its elbows as if they were swords and fights savagely. Because it can sense what its foe is thinking, its attacks burst out first, fast, and fierce."

"Hm. Definitely a varying look from Gardevoir." Celestia nodded.

"Kirlia." Passion looked over at the Blade Pokemon Seeing it reminded her of home and her father who was also a Gallade.

"Battle start!"

"Okay, Excadrill! Dig!"

"Exca!" Starting off strong, Excadrill's natural talent had been utilized. With its strong steel claws, the Subterrene Pokemon burrowed its way underground.

And this is where Spitfire's battling style came into play. "Follow Excadrill underground!"

"Lade!" An unexpected command. Gallade had dashed over to the spot where Excadrill originally burrowed. Since Excadrill's digging skills are superb, the hole it left behind was very visible and wide, allowing Gallade to enter it without any issues.

"Follow?!" The unicorn shot up. The same could be said for everypony else.

Whenever a Pokemon uses dig, most of the time, a way to counteract the move is to either fly into the air to evade or use Earthquake to force the Pokemon out.

Heading after the Pokemon after it dug a hole is the last thing anypony would expect. But that's exactly how Spitfire plays. She's unpredictable despite being aggressive.

"Gall!" Gallade ran over towards Excadrill who was currently in the midst of escaping the Blade Pokemon. Even Excadrill was shocked. Usually, it's other Ground-Types that chase it underground.

"Gallade! If you can hear me, use Close Combat!" Spitfire yelled.

"Excadrill! Head back up!"

Two commands were given whilst both Pokemon were still underground. Their response? For Excadrill, he made an attempt to get out of the ground as soon as possible. Excadrill was slightly faster than Gallade, but not by much.

As for Gallade, he had repeatedly struck his bladed arms everywhere underground. The force of his hits was enough to shake the ground itself. Essentially creating his own Earthquake.

Because of this, Excadrill's drilling had been interrupted as well as his exit to the surface. This gave Gallade the chance to rush in while Excadrill's guard was down. What followed next was something that everypony, unfortunately, couldn't witness for themselves.

And speaking everypony, they were all puzzled at the sudden disappearance of the two Pokemon. Once Gallade followed Excadrill underground, the rest of the battle was now a mystery to them. Even Excadrill's trainer had no idea what was happening down there. But she did hear and feel constant tremors. Most likely from Gallade's Close Combat.

Spitfire wasn't bothered at all. If anything, she knew exactly what was going down underground.

"A-Are they coming back up?" The announcer stuttered.

There was a moment of silence for a few seconds. Everypony didn't say a word. The suspense was pretty potent. But what much more potent was the eventual emergence of the two Pokemon.

Excadrill did in fact resurface, but not instinctively. Instead, it was Gallade who forced him out. Once the two erupted from the ground with a huge crater being left behind, the next thing everypony saw was Gallade continuously striking Excadrill with his blades.

"Llade! Lade! Gallade!" Over and over again, Gallade was dealing heavy hits to the Ground-Steel-Type until he finally put a stop to Close Combat by delivering a final strike to Excadrill, rocketing the Subterenne Pokemon down to the ground.


"Oh! Excadrill!" The pegasus gasped.

"Alright, Gallade. Finish it with another Close Combat."

"Ga!" The Blade Pokemon made a landing with his bladed hands stabbing the ground. All he needed was one final Close Combat and that would be the end of this matchup.

"Quick, Excadrill! Iron Defense!"

"Drill!" Excadrill got back up, still having some fight left in him. Even if he was tattered. By covering himself with his own steel claws, the Subterrene Pokemon had increased his defence in order to withstand the hits from Gallade.

Unfortunately, against something as powerful as Close Combat, it won't help too much. Especially if you've already taken massive damage earlier on. Once Gallade made direct contact with Excadrill once more, two single strikes from both his blades were enough to put an end to this entire battle.

"Gallade!" With the final strike, The Blade Pokemon made Excadrill spin around in defeat as the Ground-Steel-Type landed right next to his trainer, finishing the final match of the first day.


"Excadrill is unable to battle! Gallade wins! Which means the victor is none other than Gallade!"

"Gallade!" Gallade got out of his stance, declaring his victory along with his trainer.

"And with that, the final match of the first day comes to an end!" The announcer spoke. "What a way to end it! Shame we didn't get to see the rest of it underground..."

And the expected response from the crowd had been heard. Their cheers and applause far exceeded the previous ones and for good reason. For the first day of this tournament, it was a blast to sit through. Despite one particular match that made them all uncomfortable.

"Awesome work as always, Gale." The nickname that Spitfire gave her partner as she spoke to him.


"I can't believe it followed you down..." The pony helped her Excadrill up from the ground. That one instance with Gallade and Dig still had her at a lost for words.

"Exca." Excadrill felt the same way. That was the last thing he was expecting from the Fighting-Type.

"Finally." Aria stood up. "I was wondering when the first day was gonna end. My back is killing me."

"It was worth all the sitting!" Pinkie and Sonata both said at the same time.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu hopped off his seat, stretching his tail and arms. "Pika..."

"What a day." Ash held his head. "But it was so exciting!"

"Ah...It's a good thing I'm all about collecting. Battles are a bit too much for me to handle." Goh spoke.

"I'm sure all of us are tired out. I know Chikorita is." Fluttershy held her exhausted Chikorita.


"Now that the first day of the tournament has come to an end, I think everypony deserves a nice long rest until tomorrow!" The announcer went on. "And I surely can't wait to say a bunch of stuff next time! But my throats getting kinda sore..."

"Well, Passion. It certainly was an enjoyable first day, wasn't it?" Celestia picked up her partner.

"Lia." Passion nodded in agreement.

"Canine..." Arcanine had fallen asleep. Mostly due to the sunset. The calming nature of it tends to make him drowsy.

"Even though everypony's excited for tomorrow, I can't help but think about Adagio. You should rest up in the meanwhile. I'll be a bit busy."


Over at the waiting room, the trainers were feeling the exact same way. Tuckered out. With the first day closing off, they were all requested to stay inside the spare rooms of Canterlot until tomorrow. But before that, Ben had an important announcement to make as his head popped out of from the side of a wall.

"Uh. Before you leave everypony. Just a few quick words and a question. Outside, there are Rental Teams that I've brought along. Because tomorrow, we're moving it to a 2v2. Since some of you only own one Pokemon."

"2v2? I thought it was just 1v1." Twilight said.

"Yeah..." Ben grit his teeth. "Should've made it clearer that the first day was a 1V1. So for those who don't have more than one Pokemon, you're free to take any from the Rental Teams. And don't worry. They're well trained and easy to work with."

"What else is there?" Scootaloo asked.

"This one's a bit of a question that depends on you all. Would it be okay if we shuffled the matchups?"

"Shuffled?" Everypony said.

"Right. If you want, I can always randomize the matchups to switch things up. If that's okay with you guys."

"I'm cool with it!" Rainbow Dash liked the sound of that. "If it means that there's a chance I reach Spitfire and Daylight quicker."

Other ponies seemed to go along with it. The idea of switching up matchups sounded interesting. Mostly due to the fact that some of them were a bit nervous about their upcoming matches, so changing it up might be a saving grace. Keyword being 'might' since one unlucky pony might end up facing off against the Top 3.

Rarity was all for it for one reason. If by some chance she manages to get paired up with Adagio, that'll give her the opportunity to stop the siren before things get out of hoof any further. And if not, then she'll have to wait for that chance later on in the tournament.

"Then it's settled. Gothitelle."

"Telle." The Astral Body Pokemon used her psychic attributes to manipulate the tournament brackets. Her psychic power can go that far.

With the matchups being altered as everypony's faces were moving haphazardly on the screen, anticipation was building. Their opponents were now unpredictable. It wasn't just the trainers viewing this. The huge screen on the outside of the battlefield had shown the shuffling to the crowd and spectators. They were wondering who would get paired up with who.

Once the shuffling came to an end, the results were clear. Matchups that were originally not meant to happen, will end up happening. Whether it be against trainers from the same town or city as them or even trainers they hoped they wouldn't go up against, there were some visible reactions on everypony's faces.

Rarity looked over to see that it would be Twilight going up against Adagio instead. From the lineup, it looked like it would be the 20th battle tomorrow. Even if it wasn't her, she had faith in her friend that she could do it.

"Looks like I'll be facing Adagio tomorrow, huh?" Twilight gulped, feeling a bit nervous about this.

"Seems to be the case. I have faith in you, Twilight." Rarity placed her hoof on Twilight's neck. "Just make sure that you are no way paralyzed by that Pheromosa creature."

"I will. I promise Rarity."

Adagio had seen the results for herself. And to say that she was looking forward to this was an understatement. She was expecting to up against Twilight a few days later. Tomorrow sounds good to her. This is what Adagio was waiting for the most.

And with more events concerning Adagio, Luna and Darkrai looked at each other, nodding in understanding. Soon, everypony will head into Canterlot Castle, using the spare bedrooms to rest up. There, both of them will enter Adagio's dream in order to see the result of what Xatu had foreseen.

Speaking of which, everypony had scattered with some heading home for the day. They plan to come back tomorrow since Canterlot Castle's bedrooms are very limited despite how many there are. Some trainers had decided to rest in the waiting room. Those couches are pretty comfortable.

As Celestia lowers the sun whilst Luna raises the moon, the two sisters had their own plans for tonight. For Luna, it was about Adagio's dream. Celestia on the other hoof had a separate plan concerning Adagio.

Finally. Night has arrived.

The trainers and most of Equestria is asleep at this time. Which means that it was time for Luna to act. Darkrai and her were lurking in the shadows, perfectly blending in as the guards watched them pass by.

Luna's horn lit up in the darkness as she and Darkrai stood by a door that led to the room where Adagio would be resting.

Luna quietly opened the door with her magic, making sure to not cause any noise whatsoever as Darkrai was on standby. However, to her surprise, her magic aura was quickly overtaken by an orange one. More specifically, Adagio's magic.

Turns out, she wasn't asleep. At all. And it was made very clear once she opened the door herself, sitting on the bed with her hooves behind her back.

"Good evening, Princess Luna." Adagio greeted.

"You're awake?!" Luna gasped.

"Did you really think I would let you invade my dreams? You wish." She stood up from her bed. "Us sirens have exceptional hearing. I could hear your little dream scheming back there in the waiting room."

"So it would seem." Luna narrowed her eyes at the pony-siren hybrid. "In that case, I suppose I can do the next best thing. Regarding what you did to that Breloom."

"Oh, I remember. Honestly, that was my favourite moment of this stupid tournament. Seeing the horrified looks of every single pony's faces was just beautiful. And the best part, the animosity directed towards me was a good fill."

"So, you truly are here for another reason!" Luna leaned forward. "Your goal was to only feed off the negativity that you created."

"Duh. That's what I do." Adagio scoffed. "It's common siren knowledge."

"Well then. Now that I know your true intentions, I can deal with you here and now." Luna's horn illuminated.

"Hoh?" So did Adagio's. "I would rethink that. Unless you want this entire castle to come crumbling down." She held out the Ultra Ball that had Pheromosa, threatening to unleash the Ultra Beast.

The two of them were actually about to engage in conflict with both of them blasting magic towards each other. Both of their rays had been stopped by none other than Celestia herself, who used her wings to push the rays back.

"Stop!" Celestia spoke, causing both Adagio and Luna to halt.


"Feh. Just what I needed...two alicorns..." Adagio grumbled.

"Luna, wait. You mustn't engage any further. That goes for you too, Adagio."

"Why not? Her real goal is to feed off animosity from everypony in this tournament. That involves that Pheromosa creature. That is why she is even here in the first place! That whole dream babble was most likely a lie to catch Darkrai and I off guard!"

"Bite me!" Adagio replied.

"Luna. I am already aware of that."

"You are?" Luna pulled back.

"Yes. Both of you. Please restrain yourselves first before you start tearing each other apart."

"Hmph." Adagio sat down on her bed. "Whatever. I wasn't planning on doing anything tonight anyway."

"Sister. Why are you defending her? If you're already aware of what she does, why stop me? Darkrai and I could put an end to her plans right this instant."

"I know that already. What she does is horrible but..." Celestia looked to the side, not sure how to break the news to Luna.

"But? What?" Luna was curious.

"Adagio. Could you excuse the two of us for a moment?"

"Go ahead." Adagio used her magic to bounce the Ultra Ball up and down. "Doesn't concern me anyway."

"Thank you." Celestia led her younger sister outside while Darkrai simply hid back in the shadows, just in case Adagio ended up trying something.

"Well? What did you want to tell me? It must be of great importance if it involves you stopping my attack on Adagio."

"It is of great importance. Possibly larger than anything we've discovered so far."

"Then what is it? Just tell me." Luna tapped her foot, unable to withstand the suspense any longer.

"How do I put this..." Celestia was ready to tell her everything concerning the sirens. All the while, Adagio was in her room, listening to the conversation with her exceptional hearing.

What Celestia told Luna was exactly what Adagio wanted to hear. About the history between both their mothers and how they met. Including everything, she had just learned about sirens this afternoon. Once Adagio overheard this, a cocky smile graced her face as she nodded in agreement with everything Celestia was saying.

As for Luna, the reaction from her was exactly what Celestia was expecting. One that involved shock, confusion and disbelief.

"You're joking...Right?" Luna uttered.

"Not at all." The sun princess shook her head. "Everything I've told you is completely true."

"True as the sun in the sky." Adagio came out of the room, revelling in Luna's shock. "Like what you hear, Princess Luna? You'd better get used to it."

"Adagio, please." Celestia put her wing out, stopping Adagio's words against her younger sister. "Luna. I know this is a lot to take in but please try to understand something. If I hadn't known about this information in the first place, then perhaps I would've dealt with Adagio already."

"Glad that's not the case." Adagio scoffed.

"Then how is it that I never knew from the start?! I thought we were given all the knowledge we needed about sirens and their magic. And why is it that mother never told us about any of this when we were younger?"

"I thought so too. But it appears we still have a lot to learn bout the world we live in. Listen. Both of you. It's far too late in the night to continue all of this. Tomorrow, we shall continue this talk once we have another 40-minute break. Luna. I ask that you do not interact with Adagio for the rest of the night."

"...Fine..." Luna grumbled. She walked off, dismissing the action of heading inside of Adagio's dreams. In fact, her second plan was to force Adagio to sleep with Darkrai's Dark Void. But that wasn't happening anymore.

"Adagio. You are going to be completely inactive throughout the night, correct?"

"Yeah, whatever." Adagio went back into the room. "Just keep her and that freaky dark thing away from me."

"I have a name..." Darkrai spoke in the shadows.

"Good." Celestia sighed. "I'll figure out what to do about all of this. I might have to find somepony who also owns knowledge about sirens. But who?"

The first day of the Canterlot Tournament has come to an end. The remaining 6 days are sure to exceed everypony's expectations when it comes to excitement. All the while, Celestia continues her mission to solve this seemingly impossible task that she has involved herself with regarding Adagio. With further knowledge about sirens being spread to Luna, the young moon princess is essentially in the same boat as her older sister in terms of thoughts.

For now, she desires some time to rest and relax until tomorrows as the Canterlot Tournament continues.

Chapter 229 End.

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