• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Plasma Rebirth

Author's Note:

Next is the big 900. Nice.

Unova. Liberty Garden. The Pokemon Festival. Afternoon.

Liberty Garden. An island symbol of hope for a world where humans and Pokémon live free. It was only south of Virbank City which also led to PokeStar Studios. Arriving here at this island was Ash's group. The time for Equestria's movie over at PokeStar Studios wasn't now. Not when its biggest star Princess Celestia was exempt from this region at the moment.

Right now, they weren't doing anything important. Compared to everything else happening across the world, their experiences weren't flooded with vampires yet. But that didn't stop them from finding excitement.

"Looks like we have a lot more in common. This Z-Crystal of mine is related to Arceus as well." Showing her human counterpart the Twilightium Z, both Twilights held up their respective Arceus-related objects. The Arceus Pendant and the Twilightium Z. Once both items were placed next to each other, they resonated, forming beautiful golden lights that continuously flowed out of them.

"Lucky...I wish I had a Z-Crystal based around me." Hilbert added, feeling jealousy toward these two unique items. "I can see it now. My own Z-Crystal? How could would that be?"

"Giving you any further power is a disaster waiting to happen," said Hilda, shutting down Hilbert's dreams in an instant. "Let's keep that from happening."

"The number one trainer needs to have the best equipment possible." Hilbert boasted. "Isn't that right, Ash?"

"Uh yeah! That'd be great and all!" Right now Ash was occupied with some fishing, catching something massive in the process. Massive enough to force him to struggle.

"Melo." Meanwhile, Meloetta was having her own problems. This island was close to Virbank City, meaning PokeStar Studios would be involved. Naturally, hearing about this special location and what would be done there, Meloetta yearned to involve herself but the main problem came with her appearance. The Melody Pokemon wanted to take on a new appearance during the movie, just for flair and style points.

The problem was that she couldn't think of anything. The only thing that came to mind was her Pirouette Forme but that was natural and could only present so much. "Meloetta..."

"Why so glum?" Hoopa arrived, appearing upside down in front of the Melody Pokemon. "It's a fun day right now!"

"Gotcha!" Ash managed to finally reel in the Pokemon who put up a fight. It was only natural that the one who gave Ash a hard time was a Wailord. Emerging out of the ocean was the Float Whale Pokemon, appearing as titanic as always, sending a huge flow of water in everyone's direction.

Everyone was immediately drenched and soaking wet while Ash fell on his back, feeling successful about this gargantuan pull. There was something oddly satisfying about reeling in a Wailord.

Naturally, Wailord carried on with its day after drenching everyone here. But going the whole day with a drenched appearance wouldn't do for some of them. Luckily, that's where Victini came in.

"Tini!" Victini would have them all in tip-top shape. All he needed to do was exert his own energy. With his infinite reserve of power, Victini's body shined, emanating a beautiful dazzle of flames. His flames weren't just enough to show how much power he possessed, but also enough to match that of summer.

Ash and the others marvelled as their wet clothes and hair were immediately warmed up as all forms of water were taken away from them. Wet clothes were no longer wet by the power of Victini and wet hair became warm and smooth once more.

"Pretty sure it would take some time for the heat to restore this but...what's the point in arguing against Pokemon Logic, honestly?" Sci-Twi just went with it.

"I feel you. I tried understanding it myself and failed completely." Twilight agreed. She was the first to ever question the logic of Pokemon, trying her best to figure out how they work. Alas, trying to do so was pointless as Twilight only got so far. The logic of Pokemon was best left to its own mystical and ever-wondrous devices.

"Melo. Meloetta." Ignoring the water, Meloetta shared her problem with Hoopa, explaining the minuscule problem that was big to her.

"Okay! Hoopa can solve that! Melokan will have all the dresses you need!" Hoopa heard Meloetta's wish. Naturally, he would utilize his wings as a gleaming joy formed on the Melody Pokemon's face. "Alléhooparing!" By holding his ring out, Hoopa tapped into Space, seeing what he could grab.

But of course, Hoopa is never specific so the best option for him was simply bringing in everything. And that's exactly what happened. Everyone looked up at Hoopa's ring before witnessing the objects that dropped from it.

Dresses. Massive quantities of clothes dropped from above. They already experience the wave of water earlier. Now there was this. Millions of dresses came raining down, landing everywhere on Liberty Garden. Big, small, various clothes that all looked like they came from both worlds were dropped on everyone's heads and bodies.

They especially dropped on Wailord who had large quantities of dresses on it. But even these large quantities were not enough to cover the entirety of the Float Whale Pokemon.

"Hoopa!" Hilda bellowed before receiving a dress in her mouth, preventing her from speaking any further. Despite how wild this looked, it was wondrous to the people and ponies here. The beautiful dresses that faced them were too extravagant not to acknowledge. Hoopa may have gone for random dresses but the Mischief Pokemon certainly knew style.

"So, no one's going to address how it can just summon whatever it wants?" Cloudchaser asked while Flitter frolicked in the sea of clothes.

"Oh! My old dress. I thought I lost it when I was a child." Meanwhile, Bertha ended up discovering a dress from her childhood that was once thought lost. Not anymore as she held it in her arms. It was dirty however from years of lost and absent solitude.

"See? No issue choosing a dress now." Hoopa said proudly, succeeding in granting Meloetta's wish. At least, the issue of finding a dress had been solved. With all of these options, Meloetta discovered that these dresses were either too big or not small enough for her.


"If you're looking for the best dress, count on Rarity to sort it out for you," Ash added, giving the best suggestion to Meloetta. He knew of one individual who could make the perfect dress for pretty much anyone.

"Hoopa, this is pretty and all, but could you please send it all back?" Twilight spoke while buried in a sea of clothes before freeing herself. Upon freeing herself, she spotted a familiar dress that widened her eyes. "Hang on! Isn't this my Gala Dress?!"

"Hehehe!" Cheeky as always, Hoopa would send only some of them back. But, it was still admirable for him to try and grant Meloetta's wish.

"Well, let's at least see what they're up to at PokeStar Studios," Ash suggested. "I wanna see what they come up with over there. Ya think they'll use Pokemon Clothes for this one?"

"Ash! Hey, Ash!" But before that could happen, a familiar voice called out to him. Arriving here at Liberty Garden via a ship from Liberty Pier were Applejack and Fluttershy. Noticeably, Spike wasn't with them at the moment and he wasn't there at Kanto either. Calling out to her friends, Fluttershy flew out of the ship before it could even dock near the island. There was something far too critical that Ash needed to see.

That of course would be the new Galaxy Master Comic Books that had suddenly appeared. If anyone needed to see this, it would be Ash Ketchum, the original creator of this character.

Unova. Ruins of a town out in the hills. Afternoon.

Out in the hills, there lived a remnant of an old town that used to exist here in Unova long ago. Now, they were all in ruins with no one living there. This area was now only meant for sightseeing more than anything. And the cause of this destruction?


At a young age, he exacted revenge on those who betrayed his family, resulting in the destruction of this town. Which is exactly why he showed up here, of all places. Before he destroyed this place, his family lived here. This was his home.

"This is perfect." Ghetsis observed the ruins as he already had plans for them. After leaving Kalos, he came to Unova just for this area. Living in that strange dimension for 30 years which only amounted to hours changed him. And for Equestria, it was for the worse. "I can think of no better place than to start it here. Don't you agree, Rift?"

Ghetsis was now aware. Still possessing a semblance of Rift Energy, he could detect the Rift at this point, who was watching him. The Rift revealed itself when Ghetsis called out its name, appearing in its usual cosmic form.

"What are you planning on doing here, Ghetsis?"

"I was actually hoping that you'd do it for me." Ghetsis confidently smirked. "I planned to rebuild the castle that belonged to my sorry excuse of a son. But this time, for my own benefit. Right here where my home used to be."

"N's Castle? You want that place back? Why's that?"

"Seems like you became so weak to the point where you don't know what I was doing." Ghetsis taunted the Rift for its vast weakness drop. "Being in that dimension for 30 years gave me a striking realization. Perhaps something I needed for a while. But...I'd rather not bore you with it. Anyway, I have a request. Restore the castle of my son at once. But, in my image."

The old castle that used to belong to N was long gone. Its destruction predates the two worlds crossing over. Ghetsis could still remember that image. The image of Reshiram showing up to burn down the castle, ruining the ceremony and causing it to be lost to the ashes. Which is why Ghetsis wished to revive it.

"Why should I? Frankly, I'm busy at the moment to even bother with you."

"Then maybe you'd take this as an equal exchange." Ghetsis had the perfect response. He would give something great to the Rift to ensure that his wish was granted. His own Rift Energy. By holding his hand out, Ghetsis began transferring the energy originally given to him the Rift, giving it all up.

A large flow of Rift Energy came flying out, stunning the Rift as it never expected Ghetsis to do something like this, especially to someone who was greater than him. The Rift gasped, feeling an astronomical flow within it. Galaxy Master wasn't the only one giving power back to this cosmic entity.

Ghetsis went the distance to the point where he expelled it all from his body. Just like that, all the Rift Energy Ghetsis once possessed was gone, just for the Rift.

"A-Amazing!" The Rift was amazed before appearing bigger thanks to this power transfer. "You gave back such a tremendous amount!"

"Rift Energy just feels like an afterthought to me. Have all of it back. And that should suffice as an equal exchange...right?"

"Fair play, Ghetsis. This helps greatly. The fact that it comes from you means its bound to be colossal." The Rift was certainly pleased by its tone shift and the way its body vibrantly flashed constantly from this recovered power. "Very well. You want N's Castle back. But in your image? I think I can do one better."

"Hm? How so?"

"I will pull another N's Castle from another world and reshape it!" The Rift returned the favour, just as Ghetsis wanted. But the Rift would end up taking Ghetsis' wish to the next level.

With this restored power, the Rift could do much more now. That involved interacting with other worlds parallel to this one. With a flash of cosmic power, the Rift began summoning that certain castle.

Ghetsis stepped back upon seeing the ground itself split in half. By giving the Rift more power, it could now affect the Earth itself to this degree. Once the ground split apart, cosmic lights flew out before then trembling this entire area. That's when it arrived.

A gigantic castle was birthed from the split ground, standing on a tremendous scale that took up all the ruins here. In fact, the ruins had been absorbed into the castle via Rift Energy. As to be expected, it resembled N's Castle, but not only was it larger in size but within that castle, there were certain changes.

And for Ghetsis' taste, a massive Team Plasma Insignia was at the top of the castle along with a flag. This was no longer N's Castle. This was Team Plasma's Castle or specifically, Ghetsis' castle.

"This will do." Ghetsis approved. "The old one was a waste. I can make use of this one. And I'll start by doing something I should've done a long time ago. This entire area...whether it be the hills or the sea nearby...is under my property."

Despite having his castle now, Ghetsis wanted to make one little change. And that change would be highly beneficial to him. He would claim this area. It was his home after all. But he wasn't just claiming it because it was his home. Making this entire area his property would bring stellar advantages that he could thrive off.

"But, no castle is complete without quantities of life." Ghetsis continued. "All of Team Plasma shall reside here. But...I'm shooting for more."

"More? Where could you go from here?"

"There's strength in numbers. But there's also strength in a civilization. I aim to start one here. Rebuild what was lost in this area by forming a new town." Ghetsis' goals kept being revealed. This still fell in line with his quest for power. But now, Ghetsis knew what other forms of power he could obtain. "Frankly, I'd prefer...maybe outcasts. Or those without anywhere else to go. All the more for what's to come."

"If that's the case, I know a place and a group of people you can find." The Rift already knew what to do about this, choosing to help Ghetsis some more. They both had the same target in mind. Ash Ketchum. At least, the Rift did. Ghetsis, while he was Ash's enemy, wasn't crazy about going after him anymore.

"Good. But I'll also find some of my own." Ghetsis then closed his eyes, flowing with ideas that he's never had before. "If Ash Ketchum has his group of friends who are always by his side...then, I should have the same aside from the Shadow Triad. The Seven Sages...Ever since Reshiram interrupted that ceremony at the old castle, they ran in terror, never to be seen again."

"Them? In this world, they're relatively young...but time has certainly passed ever since that day. Are you sure want them?"

"I do. Team Plasma is coming back in full swing." Ghetsis aimed to bring Team Plasma back to its former glory. Before the day Reshiram came and burned the old castle down.

"Fine then. But I'll make my own suggestion. How about this? I bring you new Sages? They also come from another world. Will that work?"

Temporarily, these two would work together. By paying each other back, both benefited greatly. The Rift received a large part of its power back whilst Ghetsis' rebuilding process was in full swing.

Unova. Liberty Garden.

"Awesome!" Back at Liberty Garden, Ash marvelled at the sight of these books. Brought over by Applejack and Fluttershy, Ash got to witness new editions of a series he only did one issue on. This wasn't his work but it didn't matter to him. He loved it as he read one of the stories, sitting down with glee as if he was a child again. "This is the best!"


"So you just found these? And they piled up?" Twilight asked while Ash geeked out. His enjoyment was joined by Hilbert, Hilda and even Raboot.

"Mhm. We think they only exist because of what Galaxy Master has done so far. Whatever happens involving him, these books will appear." Fluttershy theorized. "At least, that's what I think."

"It seems like the most likely answer," Bertha replied. "It's also fun to think about. Every experience he has and any conversation involving him will bring new books. It makes it all the more entertaining."

"Yeah, it does! He used the Andromeda Flash! It looks way cooler with this upgraded style!" Ash exclaimed as his eyes lit up. The fact that this looked like it came from an official comic book artist made it way better for him. "Oh, thanks for showing me this!"

"Figured he was being controlled by the Rift. Check out all the good things he's done." Hilda flipped the pages, witnessing Galaxy Master's good deeds.

"Tini..." Glued to this story was Victini, reading one of the books as it already gained great traction. "Victini!" Naturally, the stories were enough to even make a Mythical Pokemon interested. Then again, Victini enjoys practically almost everything. And the same went for Hoopa who was reading one of them upside down.

"We're thinking of showing this to Princess Celestia too," said Applejack. "There's uh...probably gonna be a large pile of books back home, Ash."

"Fine by me. I rarely clean my room anyway." Ash chuckled, keeping his eyes glued to the book. "But man...I knew he was good. Even with what he's trying to do."

"It's only because the Rift changed the story. But at least he can listen to reason." Twilight shrugged. "I wonder why though? Wouldn't the Rift make it so that he could never sway to the other side?"

"Weird, right?" Pinkie Pie added. "Oh well! Works for us, anyway."

"It could just be in his character, right?" Hilda added. "Ash. You made him at such a young age. Makes sense that you'd only think about making him a pure paragon of good."

"Yeah. But it's also because of how he's based around my dad."

"He's based around your dad?!" Twilight exclaimed, as to her, this was a big deal. Very little is known about Ash's faster. Any information on this one mysterious and elusive individual felt like a treasure. "Really?!"

"Yeah. My dad has always been my hero. He's the one who inspired me to start my Pokemon Journey. Without him, I'd probably never be here with you guys. So, that's why I made Galaxy Master in the first place. I had the name and everything, I just needed someone to base him on. Who better than my dad?"

"That's fair. I'd do the same for my parents as well." Sci-Twi added. "So...does that mean he sounds exactly like your dad does?"

"Yeah? Does he?" Twilight asked.

"Yep. Made sure he sounded just like my dad. I anything, he's just my dad in a costume. Sweet, right?" Ash chuckled as Galaxy Master was the closest anyone was ever going to get to know more about Ash's father. "But those Pokemon he uses aren't my dad's though."

"That's great and all but don't you guys see how useful this is?" Hilda stood up, holding out the most recent book which showed the recent events of Fluttershy and Applejack discovering these books. "We can track him down with these books, easily."

"Yeah, she's got a point! Check it out. He's got a secret base and everything. It's called Galaxy Tower." Rainbow Dash showed a page revealing Galaxy Master's base of operations. These books truly had everything.

"Oh yeah! The Galaxy Tower!" Ash cheered. "It's a tower so massive that it pierces the heavens and goes all the way to space! But it looks like it's underground here...and a bit smaller too."

"It's somewhere in Equestria...it says so right here." Fluttershy aimed her hoof at the text box that gave away the location. Useful information indeed. "So, are we going to go after him?"

"Hmm..." Ash pondered about this. He would love to see the hero he made at last. But without any ulterior motives. He just wished to see him and speak with him as well. "Yeah. Pretty soon, let's head out there and see him."


"By the way...where's Spike?" Twilight asked, noticing that Spike wasn't present here. "I thought he was travelling with you three?"

"He went his own path in Kanto. You see, he's going for the Kanto and Johto Champion Lance." Fluttershy explained, revealing where Spike was. To continue on the path of a Dragon Master, he had to go to the best. And the best of them all was undoubtedly Lance.

Sinnoh. Floaroma Town.

"Hmm...so that's it." Meanwhile, Celestia had also been given some info on Galaxy Master, courtesy of Luna. The same things Ash shared with his friends, Luna did the same with her sister. "Well, that changes a lot."

"It does. And I'm afraid he's not under any mind control. He generally believes what the Rift has shared with him. And if the Rift grows stronger, it can make sure that Galaxy Master never sways." Luna added. "What do you propose we do now, sister?"

"Well..." This gave Celestia time to think. It took her little time to make up her mind. "For starters, I'll make sure he's not seen as the criminal anymore. At the end of the day, he is a Hero. Just a misguided one at the moment. Convincing him can be easy but getting the Rift to back away, perhaps not so much, especially since we don't know how much power he gave back to it."

"All this talk about Rifts and cosmic stuff makes my head spin." Premium Polish commented.

"When we see him again, let's make sure this chat of ours doesn't go anywhere. If the Rift wants to interfere, he'll answer to me." Celestia declared.

"Oh, thank goodness...Frankly, I was getting tired of having to choose between speaking with him or just stopping him entirely. And...I'm tired in general from all these movements."

"Not anymore. It's time you enjoyed the festival, Luna. After we get your Pokemon back, obviously. Sorry that your big sister hasn't been too involved." Just then Celestia went to grab Luna, causing the younger sister to grimace.

"W-What are you doing?! Wait! Sister!" Luna gasped as Celestia suddenly picked her up. Thanks to her size as a Human, Celestia held Luna in her arms. "I feared this would happen..."

"Sorry! I just can't get over this size difference! If it makes you feel better, we can have you become a human by going through that portal." Celestia winked.

"I'd rather not. Just help me find Darkrai and the others already."

"Right, right. Luckily for you, I have a way of doing so." Taking charge was Princess Celestia. She's already had her fun while Luna did all the hard work. Now it was Celestia's turn to work hard. The greatest sigh of relief came to Luna because of this.

Multiple scenarios and objectives were occurring all over. Whether it'd be in one region or two. Or even other worlds. The full force rebirth of Team Plasma, meeting with Galaxy Master and of course the Equestria Movie over at PokeStar Studios. Good or bad, there is always something occurring that brings in heaps of attention. And at times, leaves an impact on the world. And a new impact was coming as the journey continues.

Chapter 899 End.

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