• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,489 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Pep talk for the other side

The Human World. Canterlot High. Day.

After Rainbow Dash's enthusiastic song that got everyone psyched and confident for the Equestria Games, she met her friends backstage. Everyone was riled up thanks to her encouraging song.

"Rainbow Dash, that was amazing! Even I feel like we can win!" Fluttershy giggled.

"I feel like my school pride is at an all-time high!" Rarity squeed, getting all giddy.

"Is anybody else wonderin' how Dash ponied up without playin' her guitar?" Applejack brought up how Rainbow Dash's magic had been showcased during the pep song.

"I know, right? It's probably because I'm so awesome!" Rainbow Dash hyped herself up as always, showing similarities to her Equestria counterpart.

"Maybe." Sunset pondered for a moment. "I mean, you are awesome, but there's gotta be more to it than that, right? It just seems so random." An unsure Sunset Shimmer was still cautious about the sudden pop-up of magic constantly. It's not this frequent.

"Well, it would be nice if you girls could get a handle on it." Appearing from behind, much like how Equestria counterpart seems to show up from the shadows was Vice Principal Luna. "We'd like to keep magic as far away from the Friendship Games as possible. Including your Pokemon especially. We don't want to be accused of cheating.

"We don't need magic or Pokemon to defeat those hoity-toity Crystal Preppers." Rarity scoffed, giggling as everyone agreed.

"Yep. Although..." Rainbow Dash actually thought what it would be like if her Staraptor participated. But Luna gave a quick glare that prompted her to forget about it. "Yeah! No Pokemon or magic! Hahaha!" A nervous Rainbow Dash laughed.

"Still, the Friendship Games are serious business. We don't want any surprises. Especially the kind that could cause us to forfeit. Sunset Shimmer, you came here from a world of magic. Perhaps you can get to the bottom of our magical development." Luna requested.

"I'll do my best." She put her hand on her chest, swearing to it.

"Okay. Anybody have any guesses what the events are gonna be?" Rainbow Dash asked everything, waiting for an answer.

Pie eating? Cake eating?" Pinkie rambled before gasping, coming up with an imaginary event that she would excel in. "Pie-cake eating?!

"They won't even let us see what they're doin' to the field. You think they'd at least tell competitors what they're competing in." Applejack shrugged.

"It could be anything." Fluttershy shuddered.

"Anything?!" Rarity was agape with shock. How will I ever pick the right outfit?!

"I really wanna help, but I think I better go focus on figuring out why Rainbow Dash ponied up. See ya later!" Sunset would do her own thing in the meanwhile, running off.

"Seems like she's got everything under control. Nothing to worry about." But Despite what Pinkie Pie said, Sunset was worried a bit. And why wouldn't she? Anything related to rampant magic from Equestria reaching here would always have her on her feet.

Crystal Prep Academy. Afternoon.

Meanwhile, at Crystal Prep, Ash stood around the academy, having the cart of Poke Balls by his side. Pikachu laid in the cart of Poke Balls, moving his arms around while relaxing. Ash was told to stay here until Principal Abacus Cinch was ready for him.

But since he was standing out in the open, he attracted some attention. Mainly the attention of this world's Cadence. Dean Cadence to be exact. She came around the corner before noting Ash, Pikachu and the cart of Poke Balls.

Ash soon noticed her as well, recognizing the similar hairstyle and colour palette that Princess Cadence had. "Cadence?" He uttered before squinting his eyes. "Oh, wait. You're this Cadence?"

"Um. Do I know you?" Cadence asked.

"Oh. Sorry. Guess that sounded pretty weird. My name's Ash. And this right here is Pikachu." Ash turned to Pikachu, rubbing his belly as he made the Mouse Pokemon giggle.


"Oh, you're Ash." Cadence gawked, walking over. "Twilight talks about you a bit to me. A pleasure to meet you at last. And this little cutie right here." Cadence also started rubbing Pikachu's stomach.

"Pika! Pikachu!"

"What are you doing standing around here in the academy? And what's with these Poke Balls? Some of them look so different."

"Yeah. I came here since Twilight asked me to bring some for everyone in this academy. Well, the principal said to do it first. Abacus Cinch. And then Twilight passed it on to me. Good thing I stocked up on a ton of them."

"A ton is right. This could cover at least 75% of our students." Cadence picked up a Love and Heal Ball. "Ooh, these ones are nice."

"Like 'em? You can take some if you want. They're for everyone after all. I'm gonna be giving them out once Abacus is ready for me. Plus, I gotta cheer Twilight on at the Friendship Games too."

"Oh, so you're the reason why." Cadence nodded.

"Hm? Me?" But Ash wasn't sure what Cadence meant by that.

"You see, before, Twilight would've never chosen to go to the Friendship Games at all. I was afraid that she would end up missing out on other things. Not being around others as well. I do what I can sometimes to get her into the spirit. But so far, just 2 weeks ago, I've noticed that she's become more open. I mean...she's still a bit distant from others but I've noticed some change. And I have you to thank for that. Thank you for being her friend. You too, Pikachu."


"No problem, Cadence." Ash gave off his signature grin.

"And you don't have to wait. I'll fill in for Principal Cinch's order. Head into..." Cadence thought for a moment. "The Auditorium with that cart. I'll have everyone head there as soon as I can."

"Alright. Thanks a bunch, Cadence. Come on, Pikachu. Let's go." Ash got a move on as Pikachu hopped onto this shoulder. He started running while pulling the cart, having high energy always. Cadence watched as he went out of view.

Except, 5 seconds later, Ash came back, walking slowly while chuckling nervously too. "Uh...Where's the Auditorium?"

"I'll show you." Instead, Cadence would show Ash the direction to the auditorium. She also toured Ash across the academy, allowing him to see what it entailed.

And as they went along, eyes were locked onto Ash. He was finally in the more populated area of this academy. Many of them had locked their eyes onto the cart he was pulling but also Pikachu. This was the first time a Pokemon was inside of their school. They all started discussing, stopping what they were doing just to see the cart and the Mouse Pokemon.


"Excuse that. Everyone here isn't too used to Pokemon, after all," said Cadence.

"Yeah, I know. But these Poke Balls are gonna help a lot."

"I hope so. Many of our students haven't been able to focus on work because of certain Pokemon around their neighbourhood, city, etc. The same goes for me."

"What kind of trouble have you been dealing with?" Ash asked.

"I haven't been having the amount of trouble. The best I get is a loud racket or unnecessary light that seems to shine everywhere. But I'd say I have it easy. Everyone else, not so much. Twilight told you about what everyone is going through, right?"

"Yeah. And I learned a bit more from my other friends too. It's pretty wild."


"Wild is right. There's this Pokemon that tends to put others to sleep earlier than usual. That's a major problem in its own right. There are rumours of many valuables from everyone being stolen by smaller Pokemon. Food shortage suddenly spiked out of nowhere from this...dark blue bear? It's a mess really. But, I have a good feeling about this."

"Good feeling about what?"


"Now that you're here. Twilight talks a lot about you and how much of a help you are. I can put my faith in you if she does. Right?"

"Sure thing!" Ash snapped his finger before shifting into a thumbs-up. "Pikachu and I won't let you down! Plus, we're gonna cheer Twilight on at the Friendship Games too!" He pumped his fist into the air.


"Hold on. I didn't know she was taking part in it? Looks like you helped out more than usual." Cadence stopped suddenly.

"Huh? Why's that?"

"Twilight didn't have any interest in the Friendship Games prior to this. In fact, Principal Cinch was aiming to talk to her about maybe joining it. Did you help her get into it?"

"Nope. She just sorta told me and Pikachu to come and root for her. We're just gonna do just that." Ash chuckled along with Pikachu.


"Hm." All Cadence could do was no in response. But she knew that Ash's enthusiasm is what prompted Twilight to try new things. Things that are daring to say the least. And with the Friendship Games being this year, Twilight chose to tackle this and see what would happen.

"Dean Cadence. What is that thing?" A student came over.

"It's adorable!" Naturally, there were many students who were attracted to Pikachu's cuteness. Instantly, Pikachu had been surrounded by those easily swooned by cuteness.

"Pi? Pika..." The Electric-Type sighed, knowing that this was inevitable in every new area in this world he would go to. Equestria included. All he could do was accept defeat and hope no one touches his red sacs. Cuteness is both a blessing and a curse for most Pokemon.

"Just endure it, okay, buddy?" Ash said to Pikachu.

"Pikachu." Pikachu would try as some students were taking out their phones, snapping pictures of the Mouse Pokemon to save later.

"Forget that." One of the students, Indigo Zap, who was a part of the Shadowcolts went up to the cart. "Check out these Poke Balls. I didn't know they made them in different styles?"

"A whole bunch. And they all work in their own way too." Ash nodded, twirling around a Hyper Ball.

"Uh, who are you actually?" Indigo asked, looking at Ash.

"Oh, I'm-"

"Ash!" Saying his name out loud for him was one of Ash's good friends. That friend was Twilight Sparkle after coming into view. Pikachu's defeated frown then turned into a jolly open-mouthed smile.


"Oh! Hey Twilight!"

"Ash? He's real?" A few of the students said. They didn't believe that Twilight was serious about a person that was experienced in Pokemon. Lo and behold, that person was standing in their academy.

"I-" Twilight was about to run over before seeing the horde of students nearby, looking over at her. She was still distant from others despite her gaining new friends. However, she's growing. She cleared her throat before slowly approaching Ash, not trying to draw attention to herself.

While walking, some nearby students who were heading off to class treaded within her vicinity. Twilight's timidness around others led to instances where she would bump into others.

"Excuse me." She said to those she bumped into or almost did. "Sorry. Pardon me." Eventually, after getting past that traffic, she stood before Ash and Cadence. "Um, is it okay if we talk in my room and not...here?" She requested.

"Oh. Sure-sure. But first I gotta get these to the Auditorium." Ash nudged his head at the cart.

"I didn't think you were telling the truth about this Ash guy, Twilight." Indigo Zap said. "But it looks like he's as real as the eye can see."

"Well..you know..." Twilight laughed nervously. "I stay true to my word with every truth."

"I think we should be moving now." Cadence intervened for Twilight's sake. "Let's head to your workroom, alright Twilight? Ash, just leave the cart near the Auditorium up ahead. We'll meet up with Twilight in a bit."

"Got it." Ash saluted before dragging the cart along. Pikachu was grateful to be free from this mass attention. For now at least.

Indigo Zap, Lemon Zest Sour Sweet, Sugarcoat and a few others looked at Ash afterwards. They weren't sure if he was radiating the Pokemon expert energy that Twilight mentioned before. He looked unimpressive to them.

"Are we sure he's the expert here?" Lemon Zest whispered. "He looks like he could go here like the rest of us. I mean, I'm an expert myself, ya know."

"Meh. I don't know." Indigo Zap shrugged. "We'll see it when it happens."

Twilight's private workroom.

Twilight had entered her room, taking a deep breath before smiling again. She then looked at the locket that she had personally made. She went to pick it up as soon as she could, holding it close.

"Okay, okay! Last night's field test confirmed it, Spike. Zorua. With this device, I can track and contain the bizarre energy coming from Canterlot High." She sat down while looking at the locket.

"I still don't get why we needed to do that." Zorua rubbed her ear with her paw. Spike growled after Twilight had brought up Canterlot High.

"Principal's request is obsolete, Zorua. And I know you didn't like me going over there Spike, but I just couldn't wait. And soon, I'll have all the time I need. All of Crystal Prep is gonna be there for the Friendship Games. I just hope all that 'rivalry' nonsense doesn't get in the way of my research. If I can collect enough data on these EM frequencies, I should be able to extrapolate the waveforms to determine their origin. That would practically guarantee my entrance into the Everton Independent Study Program!"

She got so excited that she ended up falling over off her chair. Thankfully, it wasn't a hard landing as a piece of paper landed on her face. "Oooh..."

"Mmm..." But Zorua was bored about that. None of that interested her as she was aiming to go to sleep for the afternoon on the spot.

"Sorry for the delay." Just then, entering the room was Cadence. And joining her was Ash after he had placed the cart in the auditorium. Zorua squeaked, seeing Cadence as she hid behind the table. "Twilight, you know the rules against pets." She said after seeing Spike.

"Well, Spike isn't a pet, Dean Cadance. He's the focus of my research project. Human-canine cohabitation: effects and implications." Twilight held Spike up. "Like Ash and Pikachu."

"Hm. Well, apparently they're allowed since Principal Cinch isn't highly allergic to these Pokemon like she is to dogs. At least...not the ones we've seen yet."

"Oh! By the way! I wanted you to meet one of my new friends. I ended up catching a Pokemon of my own not too long ago." Twilight got all excited.

"You did? Where is it?" Cadence searched the room.

"Zorua. You can come out." She turned to the side of the table as Zorua's wispy tail was poking out. "Don't worry. Cadence is fine to be around."

"Really?" Poking her head out of the table was Hisuian Zorua as she looked over at Cadence. Zorua was timid, meeting new faces so soon in such a brand new world. Twilight picked Zorua up, holding her up. Zorua stayed close to Twilight in case something went wrong, holding her face.

"Ow. Zorua." Twilight winced a bit.

"D-Did it just talk?" Cadence pointed out Zoru being able t speak like her, Ash and everyone else in this world and beyond. She pointed with her arms shaking and her mouth open.

"She did. Well, it's actually Telepathy. She's not really moving her mouth at all." Twilight explained instantly.

"R-Right. Um, I'll think about that later. But right now, Principal Cinch wants everyone at the Auditorium for the Poke Ball demonstration. "I'd suggest you put on a clean shirt. Just in case."

"I was hoping she wanted to speak to me about going to Everton maybe. That would've been exciting!" She squeed. "Oh, but your demonstration could be fun too, Ash."

"I've been meaning to talk to you about that. Are you sure that's what you really want?" asked Cadence.

"Why wouldn't it be? A program that allows me to focus all my attention on my own advanced math and science projects? What a dream come true!"

"But there aren't any classrooms with other students. You'll be doing everything on your own." Cadence continued to ask her further questions.

"Own?" Zorua turned to Twilight, whimpering as she didn't want to be alone away from Twilight. And right when they were starting to get attached. "You're leaving me?"

"Oh, Zorua, no!" Twilight patted Zorua on her head. "I won't be leaving you at all. But honestly, I'm not sure even Everton is ready for Pokemon yet. It's all so new."

"Sorry if I gave you a scare there, Zorua." Cadence walked up to the Spiteful Fox Pokemon. "It's just that...Twilight. You've started making new friends already with Ash and Pikachu here. I'm surprised that you're still aiming to head there."

"Well, Ash, Pikachu and I are from separate worlds. But, we're still friends, aren't we?"

"We sure are," Ash replied. "Even if we're near or far."


"I guess it would be a shame leaving when I'm just learning about Pokemon. I might not have a chance to continue learning about them at Everton if I'm so busy. But, I like taking risks, don't I?"

"I just don't want you to miss out on anything," Cadence said, putting her hand on Twilight's shoulder. "At least, spend the most time with your friends before you head to Everton. Whenever that comes by."

"I understand."

"Meet you in the Auditorium in a few minutes?" Cadence then nudged her before leaving the room. "Nice meeting you, Zorua."

"What's she so worried about? Everton is exactly what I need right now." Twilight said to Spike as the little puppy wasn't sure how to answer that. "It's not like I have anything left to learn at Crystal Prep. Oh, Ash. Almost forgot. Do you have something to say too?"

"Not much. I'm just here to show everyone how all the Poke Balls. But I'm also gonna be cheering you on at the Friendship Games today. Make sure you ace it, okay?"


"I will." Twilight nodded in response as Ash was off to give a demonstration in front of multiple students. "Oh, and Ash." But Twilight stopped him for a quick word. "Even when I go to Everton, will we still see each other again."

"Trust me, Twilight. I always see my friends again, no matter where they are or how long it's been. Even if you wanna stay here or go somewhere else." Ash was right about that. He's always reunited with a majority of his friends over the years. And there are still more out there.

"Alright. Thank you." Twilight gave her last word before Ash left. Soon, Twilight would have to head to the office for a quick chat. But she chose to leave Zorua in here with Spike. Just in case. "I'll be right back, Zorua. Just try not to cause any trouble while I'm gone, okay?"

"I won't. I'll just sleep for a bit." Zorua went right back to sleep. Spike would watch over her so Twilight wouldn't have to worry about anything.


Over at the Auditorium, many of the students were told to show up here to see a demonstration on how to use a Poke Ball. And the one to teach them would be Ash. His experience as a young baseball player back in the day helped him to have excellent throwing skills.

Everyone sat properly as this would be Ash's first time giving a demonstration in such a large school. Not even the Pokemon School in Alola or the Pokemon Summer School in Sinnoh had this many students. But Ash had zero fear around them. No sign of stage fright.

"Hey. My name's Ash. And you already know my partner Pikachu." He introduced himself as always as Pikachu hopped on his shoulder.

"Pikachu!" Upon letting out his signature cry, many of the students who were attracted to cute things started gawking and gushing over the Mouse Pokemon. At least he wasn't surrounded on all sides this time. "Pika..."

"I know some of you know how to use Poke Balls. But not all of you. No need to worry. I'm gonna show you how to use one to catch Pokemon and even how some of them work differently."

Entering the room was Twilight as Abacus Cinch was standing with the rest of the teachers, witnessing her best student show up. Not only that, but her brother Shining Armor was present here too. If Cadence was here, so was he. Even in a different world.

"This right here's the standard Poke Ball. You always gotta have this one on you. No matter what. It works well on any Pokemon. It's not the best, but it gets the job done when you need it to. If you wanna catch a Pokemon, you gotta make sure you throw it extra hard. But not too hard, okay? If it connects with a Pokemon after it's thrown, it'll automatically send them in."


"Like this. Okay, Pikachu, stand back for a moment."

"Pikachu." Pikachu then moved back, gaining some distance for Ash's demonstration to go on.

"Okay!" Ash then grinned, tightening his gloves before gripping the Poke Ball tightly. "Poke Ball, go!" He then threw the ball as it spun around rapidly in the air while also moving forward. Pikachu put his arm up as he stopped the Poke Ball's velocity, causing it to drop.


"Pikachu's already got his own Poke Ball, so this one doesn't work. You can't use Poke Balls on Pokemon that already have them." Ash picked up the Poke Ball. "And if you wanna send your Pokemon out, you do the same thing you did to catch them. Throw it. And if you wanna send them back, just hold it out."

"Your friend there is a good teacher, despite his...interesting appearance," said Cinch as Twilight stood next to her. "This could change a lot for us. This Pokemon issue could come to an end at last."

"He is. He's been a teacher to me too when I was introduced to Pokemon." Twilight replied. "I owe him a lot."

"A lot indeed. I wouldn't be too shocked if he was the reason you're joining the Friendship Games."

"You knew about that too?" Twilight looked at Cinch.

"Of course. From the way you were acting before. I'm fairly good at reading body language from my personal experience. I'll also have to thank him for that."

"Well, I wasn't that interested in it at first." Twilight scratched her hair sheepishly. "I was thinking about skipping it like always, learning in my room. Even though there's not much to learn for me here so far."

"And what made you change your mind?" Shining Armor asked.

Twilight closed her eyes before smiling, thinking of the events leading to this decision. She was reminded of how Ash took her on a ride with Dragonite through the forest and skies. It was an exhilarating moment for her. And she also recalled the other fun moments.

Her meeting Joltik and the Carbink in the cave, trying out Pokemon Contest moves to see how they worked. Having a fun ride on another Pokemon. This time, it ended up being a School Form Wishiwashi and Ash's Pokemon in general. "Quite a bit. But it was super-effective." She giggled.

"Good. But I wouldn't get too comfortable." Abacus said. "This will be your first time at the Friendship Games. You are my top student and I know you're capable, but Canterlot High seem to be going through something of a renaissance. Test scores are up, grades, even athletics are on the rise. You see, they are developing somewhat of a reputation. This can not happen." She then narrowed her eyes while Ash gave his demonstration.

"What's so threatening about that, Principal Cinch? I mean, it doesn't matter if we win or lose, right?"

"The important thing is we are expected to win because Crystal Prep has a reputation. And it is that reputation... my reputation that is responsible for everything we have here. For everything you've done here. And you've done quite a lot, haven't you?"

"I don't know. I guess." A sheepish Twilight twirled her hair.

"Oh, don't be modest. You're the best student this school has ever seen." She patted Twilight on the shoulder. "Soon potentially headed to Everton. And with my influence, I can make that a reality. But, with a minuscule reputation, that reality could shatter in the long run, ending the Everton dream. And that would be terrible, wouldn't it?"

"I wouldn't want that." Twilight looked to the floor with a head shake. "I'll try my best. And I think with Ash cheering me on, I can go...well...as he says, past 100%."

"Does he say that now?" Abacus raised an eyebrow.

"You gotta go past 100%!" Judging from the demonstration he was giving, Cinch had seen that he indeed says that. "Plus, it helps build a bond with your Pokemon. They may be dangerous and do some crazy stuff, but just like me and buddy here and so many others, you can make a bond with them too."

"Make friends with Pokemon?" A student said as chatter filled the Auditorium.

"Yep. A Pokemon's a friend you can have. Big or small. Slow or fast." Ash patted Pikachu on the head, making the Mouse Pokemon smile with pleasure. "So, when you wanna catch one, try and make friends with whatever Pokemon you can. Be careful though. Some are pretty tricky."

"I've caught one." Indigo Zap raised her arm, showing the Poke Ball she had. "I caught some um...small bluebird. Whatever it is."

"Oh, Tailow. Great stuff. Take good care of Tailow and you'll have a fun friend to fly around with it. Especially when it evolves."

"Really now?" Indigo then looked at the Poke Ball, aiming to take Ash's advice since he knew what he was saying being experienced and everything.

"Yeah. Plus, I don't know about the Friendship Games, but if you ever get into some kind of competition with your Pokemon involved, be sure to do what you can. I know this was about Poke Balls in the beginning, but Poke Balls are connected to that too. If you wanna be in a Pokemon Battle, share your energy with your Pokemon to push you further. And hey, you can do that for the Friendship Games today."

"Oh. Go on." Lemon Zest and a few students leaned in, curious as to where Ash was going with this.

"You wanna do your best at the Friendship Games, right?" He grinned, raising his fist to his chest. "Then put in everything you have. Whether it's winning or losing, you're gonna show everyone what you're capable of, right?"

"Yeah, we totally are!" Another student bellowed as Ash was psyching them up for the Friendship Games. He had a gift for pumping others up. Soon, everyone was getting psyched.

"We're gonna win! Like we always do!"

"Keep that energy and show it. And when you end up catching your first Pokemon, make sure you do the same with them. When you and your Pokemon work together, you can do anything!"


Now all those taking part in the Friendship Games were excited and feeling the rush of potential victory. Ash had just given them all a pep talk. And it was all related to a Poke Ball of all things. Abacus looked at her school, seeing how they had more energy than they've ever had in the Friendship Games. She was amazed by what Ash had done. Seeing this gave Abacus hope that the Friendship Games would be won by her school again. But with flying colours and little fail.

"Hm." She then looked at the Poke Ball in her hand. "From what he's explained, with Pokemon, we can reach greater heights, can we?"

"Sounds like it." Cadence and Shining Armor both said.

"Look at that. Now I'm in the mood to catch something." The principal then raised the Poke Ball before placing it back in her pocket. "And I believe we have a potential new role in our academy."

"A new role?" Twilight turned to her principal.

"Indeed. How does a Pokemon Teacher sound?"

The demonstration had ended as everyone was psyched for the Friendship Games more than ever thanks to Ash. As for the Poke Ball,s they were being handed out. Ash asked them all to pick whatever they wanted. It didn't matter.

Everyone picked the Poke Ball that they thought was the coolest, prettiest or just better for catching certain Pokemon they were aware of already.

"Remember. Only use the Quick Ball if you want a quick catch. Works better that way." Ash said to a student that held a few Quick Balls in her hand.


"Hey, Ash." Just then, Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap came up to him. "Awesome speech there. You're pretty awesome. Do you wanna come over and hang out with us later after this is all done?"

"Hm? Uhh..." Ash thought for a moment. Did he have something to do afterwards? Not really. "Yeah. I can come over. Not too busy, ya know."

"Great stuff!" Lemon nudged him with impressive strength as Ash heard the blaring music from her headphones when she was near. "See you at the games!"

Afterwards, the cart was almost empty. Practically every student had taken as many Poke Balls as they wanted. Now only 15 remained inside. Ash was ready to pack things up and head to the Friendship Games to cheer his friends on. But before that, Abacus Cinch went up to him.

"That's was a fine demonstration. Ash Ketchum." Cinch applauded. "Couldn't have done it better myself. No really. It was a great call to have an expert such as yourself assist us. And a greater call for Twilight to bring you here."

"Aw, it was nothing. Anything to help." Ash gave a small giggle.

"You were a tremendous help. And you still could. How would you like a proposition?" Cinch put her hands together. "Our academy could use someone who can help us get adjusted to the magical creatures that now live in our world. Which is why I've decided to form a new role here for that purpose. Ash Ketchum. Would you be a Pokemon Teacher at our school?"

"Me?" Ash pulled back for a moment.


"There's no other clear choice. Not only do you have so much knowledge about these creatures, but you give off an energy that can inspire and electrify our students to break past their limitations. And as you say, past 100%. Certainly more energy than what our current teachers can give out.

"Pikachu. PIka-Pi?" Pikachu spoke before looking at his trainer.

"Thanks. But I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet, ya know." He shrugged.

"It'd be really great if you were, Ash." Twilight leaned in. "Honest."

"Now, now, Twilight." Cinch stopped her. "Ash is still young. Like you, isn't he? I can understand if he's not ready. But, I take it you will consider it someday? Maybe soon?"

"Yeah, I'll consider it. I mean, I could even help out when I'm not in the school, ya know? Wouldn't be the first time I've done it anyway."


"Splendid. Outside help doesn't hurt either way."

"Oh, but I know some of my friends who are awesome teachers too! But they're working at a Pokemon School already so I guess that'll just be tiring, huh?" Ash was thinking about Hollow and the others.

"Anyway. We should be going. Can't be late for the games." Cinch then walked off as everyone was off to the bus. The Friendship Games were about to start soon.

Multiple buses were lined up to fill each student. Ash was invited by Principal Cinch to come along. Twilight was lagging, however. She didn't stay close to a lot of people. But she did stay close to Ash, feeling safe.

Meanwhile, Zorua was inside her bag along with Spike. And as always, she was eating away at her packed food, unable to resist. In each of the buses, everyone was shouting about how they were going to win this thanks to Ash's pep talk. But since they win all the time, that was already boosted ten-fold.

Twilight went to sit, but no one would share a seat with her. Only the back was her option. But she would have Ash and Pikachu by her side to keep her company.

"So, who are you guys going up against in this Friendship Games?" Ash asked after sitting down. "And what's gonna happen there?"

"CHS." Sour Sweet replied with a cheery grin. "The happiest school you'll ever see around town." But then she later made a gag gesture.

"I don't know why it's only that school we go up against. Pretty dull," said Sugarcoat. "It's not even that entertaining."

"CHS? Or Canterlot High?" Ash said. "Woah. I didn't know that. Guess it's gonna be a good competition then, huh?"


"I wouldn't say that. We always win. Always!" Indigo exclaimed. "I don't think we've had a good challenge in forever. And thanks to your pep talk, we'll keep that streak up, no problem!"

"You said it." Lemon Zest nodded.

"Don't get too confident. You gotta stay on your feet at all times. You never know when a surprise loss is coming your way. Everyone at Canterlot High will be working hard too." Ash gave some final advice.

"Yeah, yeah." Indigo shrugged. "We'll be fine. Don't worry about it, Ash."

"Some of your friends are there, right?" Twilight turned to Ash. "If they lose then what?"

"Not sure. Guess we'll have to see when we get there."


On another bus, Cinch looked at the Poke Ball she had gotten hold of. Two of them. One was the standard Poke Ball and the other was a Great Ball. After what Ash had said, she felt encouraged to catch some Pokemon as well. But she wondered what Pokemon.

There were so many to choose from. One thing was for certain, Cinch would not go after any canine Pokemon due to her dog allergy. "Maybe later down the road." She put the Poke Balls away. Cinch chose to catch a Pokemon when the time was right.

Canterlot High. Afternoon.

The competition would take place at Canterlot High as all the buses had shown up. Everyone got off as Principal Celestia was there to greet them all. And talking to her was Cinch.

"Vice Principal Luna can help your students get settled if you'd like me to show you around, Principal Cinch. There have been quite a few changes since your last visit," said Celestia.

"Oh, yes, Principal Celestia. I'm sure that would be fascinating." Cinch replied in a sarcastic tone. Meanwhile, after getting off the bus, Cadence and Luna hugged each other as a reunion.

"Oh, it's always such a pleasure to see you, Dean Cadance." Luna broke the hug off. "Even if it means another defeat."

"Thank you, Vice Principal Luna, but I hear it's not going to be so easy this time." Cadence replied before walking off with Luna. Ash jumped off the bus with high energy as always as he stretched his muscles.

"Whew!" He cried out. "Pulling that cart was a lot of work! Who knew a bunch of Poke Balls in one spot could be so heavy? It doesn't look heavy at all."


"Comin' through!" Rushing with little time to slow down was Indigo Zap as she dashed past Ash. Ash spun around, almost being knocked off balance from that.

"Whoa!" He held onto his hat as Pikachu felt dizzy watching Ash spin like that. "Whoo..."

"No time to dance around! Let's go!" Lemon Zest also rushed out, jumping past Ash while playing fake air guitar. "Yeah!"

Everyone lined up as Luna would take things from here. But Ash was a free soul since he wasn't limited to any school. He went ahead inside of Canterlot High. As for Twilight, she was the last to stand in line. However, her locket started acting up.

And it was only doing so because of the statue and the magic it gave off. And this time, it was increasing more than usual. This time, it wasn't the statue giving off a lot of it. Twilight was curious and had to investigate further. And the only way to do so was inside.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 593 End.

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