• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Burning and blazing spirits, Fire

An unnamed realm.

A realm that was made by the combined minds of Ash, Twilight, Celestia and Luna respectively. Appearing with an ethereal area and 18 doors that had the symbol of all 18 Pokemon Types that stood there.

And appearing in this mind realm were Ash, Twilight, Celestia, Luna and almost everyone they knew. Ranging from Gym Leaders, Ponyville and Canterlot Residents and more.

Due to the doors being type sensitive, responding to anyone who has a Pokemon of a certain type, many of them split into 18 groups and would choose different doors.

And amidst all of this, a strange force was on the move. Not the Rift Energy that had meddled with this realm but something else. As everyone selected specific doors, an enigmatic force watched them. Ash did mention how there was this force that was seemingly linked to Delayed Aura Ataxia. Little did he and everyone know that this force was watching them.

This strange Aura entity had then decided to follow them. And it did so by flying into every door simultaneously, going undetected. It was unclear as to if this force was being hostile or not.

At the moment, Sunset Shimmer, who was in her human form at the moment, passed through the Fire gate with Fluttershy and Scootaloo. And once they opened it, the Rift Energy that affected via Sienna's interference this realm crackled in front of their eyes for a moment.

Immediately, they had come across what seemed to be an amusement park. Not the first thing to come to mind when entering a Fire-related location. But of course, there was still fire. Mainly how almost everything either had fire around them or were made out of fire as a construct.

The buildings were fire constructs, the rides all either had obstacles of fire or even magma flowing out of them. And coupled with this were volcanoes that were casually acting as mountains for this area. Anything that would build up complete an utter fear, the roller coaster also had fire wheels.

There was a boat-based ride where the ship was sailing on a sea of fire. Miraculously, it did not burn up. Almost as if it was made to withstand the flames. There was also a carousel that had plastic Rapidash on them.

To say that this place had heat was an understatement. The only thing not related to fire were the skies as they were still blue.

"Yeesh...!" Sunset uttered, squinting her eyes at this blazing sight. "This is some heat!"

"Saw this coming a bit. This is a Fire-Type Pokemon's paradise." Scootaloo said before sending out her Ponyta and Cyndaquill for them to soak up this heat. Sunset Shimmer's Braixen was already taking it all in along with Fluttershy's Raboot.

"But I didn't expect it to be a theme park. What's up with that?" Sunset Shimmer said. "I thought it would be some kind of crag area or something like that."

"It looks fun, doesn't it? Although dangerous." Fluttershy replied before spotting Fire-Type Pokemon within this area. Of course, it was to be expected for them to live here. However, she soon noticed something else that was not a Pokemon roaming around. From the corner of her eye, a strange fiery force zoomed past one of the volcanoes in the blink of an eye. "Hm?"

"This means we can have fun, right?!" Scootaloo ran ahead along with her Pokemon, wanting to explore this amusement park. That was only natural. She was a child so this was the perfect place for her to be. Plus, her Pokemon share her child-like tendencies.

"Huh? Wait, hold on!" Sunset gasped, holding her hand out to Scootaloo before promptly chasing her. "Can't you see all the fire here?!"

"It'll be fine! We can't be hurt in this place since it's a bunch of minds, right?!" Scootaloo giggled before getting on one of the rides. The first one she chose was the rollercoaster. Certainly a massive first choice.

The rollercoaster was modelled after a Charizard, having its body elongated to fit the rollercoaster theme. She and her Pokemon hope onto it, getting the front seats.

Sunset was still cautious about this considering how there were still visible threats in a world of fire. But then again, Scootaloo could have a point about them not being hurt. But Sunset was going to take any chances. She got onto the rollercoaster seats along with Braixen.

"So eager. Taking things slow here isn't going to happen, is it?" said Sunset Shimmer. "But what do we even do here? Besides, explore."

"Duh. We have fun. I don't know why this amusement park's here but I'm gonna have a blast with it too. You should do the same, Sunset."

"Hm...Sure. Not sure what everyone else is doing right now, but I'll have some fun. Let's get this rolling!" Just as she raised her arms, getting in the mood of things, the enigmatic force with the body of fire suddenly appeared behind the rollercoaster. No one else saw it except for Fluttershy.

"Huh? Hey!" Fluttershy cried out once noticing it. The enigmatic force had then lightly tapped the back of the rollercoaster which was the tail of a Charizard. Just a single touch and the rollercoaster started moving without any of the usual commands.

"Wooooooaaaah!" They started screaming once the rollercoaster moved. And it instantly reached a high velocity without any proper buildup. It went upwards to the upper part of the coaster as Fluttershy watched the enigmatic force of fire wisp away.

"This is some ride!" Scootaloo cried out with her face muscles being wobbled from the adrenaline and speed that the ride was giving off. Sunset Shimmer's long hair flowed in the wind as Braixen was the most terrified. It was revealed that she had a fear of heights. Especially at a rapid speed.

"B-B-B-B-Braixen!" The Fox Pokemon screeched with tears flowing out as she held onto Sunset Shimmer for dear life. The coaster was only increasing in speed, not even reaching its top velocity yet.

All of the Pokemon watched the coaster move as Fluttershy decided to go after them, hoping that they would be okay. As for the ride itself, apart from the high-velocity coaster, the obstacles that it entailed were just as intimidating. In between one of the tracks, a pillar of fire could be seen, violently flowing as it stood between the next track.

"!" Sunset's already startled and amazed face expanded into one of pure shock and terror. The Fire-Types would be fine if they came into contact with this pillar but the same couldn't be said for Sunset Shimmer and Scootaloo.

They couldn't do anything to stop this from happening. The coaster was moving too fast and any sudden movements could result in them flying off with a horrible result. All they could do was close their eyes.

"Oh no!" Fluttershy certainty wasn't fast enough either as she closed her eyes, hoping that they would make it.

"Boot!" But Raboot felt like he could do something at least. The Rabbit Pokemon jumped onto Audino's head, using her as a platform for extra height. After leaping through the air, he had then jumped on Fluttershy's back for another boost in height.

After getting that second height boost, he had used High Jump Kick next, zooming through the air and towards the rails of the coaster at considerable speeds that were just enough to get him close before the jump to the next rails could happen.

"Ra...Boot!" By the skin of his teeth, Raboot had kicked the bottom of the rails that the coaster was on, using the force of High Jump Kick to make it bounce slightly. That was all Raboot could do as he started falling.

"Raboot!" Fluttershy cried out, grabbing Raboot before he could hit the ground. That was a valiant effort on his part as he was hoping that his interference at least did something.

And it did. That momentary bounce allowed for the coaster to zoom over the pillar of fire once it left the rails. Only by a smidge. The bottom of the coaster had been burnt but it still managed to get through without anyone being hurt, touching the next rails.

"Hoh!" Sunset's heart was beating as for a moment there, she felt as if that was the end. But Scootaloo was absolutely loving this.

"Woohoo!" Scootaloo cheered with a thrill as Braixen was passed out from the shock. Ponyta was fine with it considering he was a Pokemon all about speed. Cyndaquill just stayed curled up in a ball to make himself feel safe.

The ride continued as next was the signature loop that most coaster rides have. But this one was close to one of the volcanoes in the area. The enigmatic force appeared once more, touching the volcano. Immediately, it started rumbling, ready to erupt with magma flowing out.

The nearest volcano erupted, shooting out magma into the sky azure sky. And from the looks of it, it was threatening to fall onto the tracks. And it did. The lava and even the droplets touched the rails, melting them. But only the ones behind the coaster.

Speaking of the coaster, eventually, with little time, the lava had touched it. Mainly the back of the coaster, melting the tail and a few other seats behind it.

"Seriously?!" Sunset Shimmer turned around, noticing the lava as more of it kept coming. "What's with this ride?!"

"This is awesome, isn't it?!" Scootaloo cheered as she was loving it more than Sunset Shimmer Fluttershy was hoping that this ride could just end soon.

Thankfully, that looked to be the case as the ride, despite being wild, was fairly short. But the lava kept coming, melting more. They moved around the loops, managing to be free from the lava in that instance.

The enigmatic force faded away afterwards as the magma didn't fully catch the entire coaster. Eventually, the ride came to an end, moving in a twist before ending up at the same location it started at.

"Haah...Hah..." Sunset Shimmer breathed in and out, hyperventilating as she had never experienced such a rush before. Braixen was still passed out from all of that as Scootaloo giggled.

"Are you all alright?!" Fluttershy flew over, holding Raboot.

"We're still alive..." Sunset trembled, giving a shaky thumbs-up.

"Wasn't that amazing! That was just as fun as Pokemon Festival ride!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "Totally worth it!"

"Not totally worth it!" Sunset begged to differ, startling Scootaloo. "We could've been burnt or melted! This new realm might not make us safe even if it's in our minds!"

"Oh. I-I'm sorry." Scootaloo pouted after the shout. "I was just excited about the amusement park and..."

"Sorry, sorry." But it was Sunset who gave the bigger apology. "I was getting heated there...Heh." She then let out a slight chuckle, realizing she made a fitting pun. "This is all so new after all."

"You have a point, Sunset." Fluttershy chimed in. "I think there's something planning on harming us. Right behind the coaster, I saw something push it to make it go fast in an instant. It's not just us and the Pokemon in here."

"So something did this on purpose? Where?" Sunset Shimmer stood up, carrying Braixen on her back, getting off the coaster along with everyone else. And with great timing without them knocking. The entire coaster had caught on fire instantly. Sunset and the others backed away once the flames sprouted. "!"

"I think everywhere!" Fluttershy stood close to Sunset, shuddering. Sunset Shimmer held out a Poke Ball, ready to tackle whatever was coming their way as the rollercoaster ended melting into nothing.

That's when she and Scootaloo also saw this enigmatic force moving. Their eyes tracked it as it had an unidentifiable appearance. Something they just couldn't make out. But it did have the force of fire around it. "What's that?!" Scootaloo asked as the enigmatic force kept moving. Then, it disappeared seconds later, entering one of the rides in the distance.

"That's what I saw earlier," said Fluttershy. "I don't know what it is other than just fire."

"Why's it here? Is someone doing this?" Scootaloo asked.

"Could be magic," Sunset replied, waiting for the force to do something. And it did something. But nothing hostile like before. It appeared outside of the ride it had passed through, floating there as it was facing Fluttershy and the others.

It was hard to tell if it had a face. But if it did, then it was definitely staring them down. But the intent was unknown. It would be assumingly volatile considering that it made one of the volcanoes erupt, damaged the coaster and almost destroyed the tracks as well.

This staredown lasted for a few seconds. 30 to be exact. Almost a full minute. It just went from intimidating to awkward with total silence. Even the Pokemon and the constant flames and volcanoes couldn't drown out this silence.

"This is awkward..." Sunset scratched her hair. "Why isn't it doing anything?"

"It's not too violent from the looks of it." An equally confused Fluttershy shrugged. "But there's still something off about it."

"I don't know what's up with that thing but..." Scootaloo squinted her eyes, getting behind her Ponyta. "If it's up to something then me and my Pokemon can maybe handle it. I mean, they're fire so they gotta resist it, right? We can maybe pull off something awesome on it! Then we'll be heroes just like Ash and Pikachu! Isn't that right, you two?"



"Hey now. I like your passion but don't get too ahead of yourself." Sunset slowed her down. "And talking more gracefully instead of aggressive is the hero way."

"Really?" Scootaloo responded.

"Really. I mean...I don't wanna brag or anything..." Sunset chuckle, adjusting her jacket with a glimmer in her eyes. "I'm sort of a hero back in the human world. Even though I'm mostly known around Canterlot High and stuff."

"Oh, right. You never told us about what you've done in the Human World, Sunset." Fluttershy said as their focus on the force had quickly diminished due to this conversation about heroes and otherworlds.

"Guess not. I should catch you up to speed someday about all of that. Plus, this is mostly advice from Rarity in the other world, but a hero should always speak elegantly." She raised a finger, quoting Rarity. "And I think so too." It'll make you come off as more striking that way, Scootaloo."

"Huh? Nah. That's kinda lame. Heroes gotta be cool and all that, ya know." Scootaloo revealed her preference for the best kind of hero. Mainly by how they act. And since her biggest inspiration was Ash, it was a massive contrast to everyone else and how they would be as heroes.

"Lame." "Lame." "Lame." That voice rung through Sunset's ears like a horrifying premonition that sent shivers down anyone's spine.

"L-Lame?!" Sunset pulled back, surprised by that comment. She may not look like it but she does take interest in Presentation. Whether by her own traits or the influence of her friends. "Wait a second! It's not lame!" She leaned in on Scootaloo with a cross face.

"Guhh!" Scootaloo froze on the spot with a grimace, pulling back. "S-Sorry?" She squeed, intimidated by Sunset Shimmer's fiery passion.

"I think you both make great heroes," Fluttershy spoke, as she liked both kinds of heroes. Whether they're the energetic and cool ones or the elegant and sharp ones.


"I-In any case. Let's just see what's up with that thing." Sunset cleared her throat, facing the enigmatic entity.

"I know what to do. I say we battle it!" Scootaloo chose to battle against the entity. "We'll make it just Fire on Fire on this! Cyndaquill, use Flame Wheel! Ponyta, Flame Charge!"

"Cynda...Quill!" Cyndaquill curled into a ball, summoning a wheel of fire around his body before rolling ahead. Ponyta did the same, stomping his hooves on the ground before gaining an aura of fire. He then galloped, running alongside Cyndaquil.

"Boot!" Raboot wanted a piece of the action as he had also used Flame Charge, running alongside his fellow Fire-Types.

"Oh! Wait, Raboot!" Fluttershy cried out. The trio approached the enigmatic force, creating a trail of fire that could be seen from afar.

And as they approached it, the entity had suddenly changed shape. Scootaloo, Sunset and Fluttershy squinted to see what form it was taking. From the looks of it, it was forming the shape of a human. More specifically, a human wearing an outfit as the shape of a hat and a cape could be seen.

But more than that, in the blink of an eye, something appeared right in front. Someone. A giant force of Aura emerged out of thin air, blocking the three Fire-Types. The Aura had then blown Ponyta, Cyndaquill and Raboot back, shaking the area.


"Ponyta!" Scootaloo cried out, attempting to catch Ponyta. But Ponyta was too heavy as he crashed into Scootaloo. Sunset Shimmer managed to catch both of them, saving them from taking further harm.

"Are you okay?!" Fluttershy asked with a worried tone. Raboot grunted before looking ahead. Then, the Aura began to part, showing a figure within it.

It was a Lucario.

Rather, a Lucario that had an ethereal appearance. Its entire body from top to bottom was flowing with ethereal-like energy, akin to a wisp.

"Lucario?" Fluttershy uttered as they all gawked as this Ethereal Lucario. It felt like they had just witnessed a spectre. The Lucario then stared at them for a moment before descending. It didn't make a sound when it touched the ground. Just then, the Pokemon within this amusement park had suddenly vanished, leaving behind blue sparkles.

"Raboot...!" Raboot then growled at the strange Lucario, hopping out of Fluttershy's grasp as he felt provoked by that push.

The human-shaped entity of fire then went up to Lucario, placing its hand on the Aura Pokemon. Just then, as there was abrupt silence within this area, Sunset asked a question to the Ethereal Lucario.

"What kind of Lucario are you? And who is that?"

"Rrr..." But Lucario didn't respond properly. It merely put its arms out, exuding Aura. Afterwards, its Aura started spreading, gripping onto the amusement park and replacing the crimson flames with an ethereal azure blue aura. The human-shaped entity even changed colours.

As this odd phenomenon was occurring, Fluttershy ended up noticing something. Once the entity's colours changed and its visage was trembling from Lucario's actions, Fluttershy recognized the cape and the hat.

"Wait a minute..." She uttered quietly before booming her voice. "Is that an Aura Guardian?!"

"An Aura Guardian?!" Scootaloo gasped as the only one unaware of Aura Guardians was Sunset Shimmer. After shouting the name 'Aura Guardian', the volcanoes erupted. But no magma flew out of them. Instead, a blinding light of Aura came their way. They covered their eyes, unable to do much against this bright light.

But thankfully, this did not last that long as the light faded away. Fluttershy's group could safely open their eyes. And once they did, the amusement park was in a less favourable state. Mainly because the Ethereal Lucario had damaged it from its sheer Aura exertion. Any further destruction and it would most certainly become a crag area for Fire-Types.

"What's it even trying to do?!" shouted Sunset.

"I think it might be trying to tell us something!" Fluttershy replied as the Ethereal Lucario started approaching them with ethereal footsteps. Constant Aura pulses were flowing out with each step it took.

"Tell us what?!" Scootaloo turned to her fellow pegasus as Fluttershy was the only one who could seemingly understand Lucario. This helped since she had some Fairy magic in her to hear Pokemon, courtesy of her bond with Audino.

"Lucario's angry. Very angry! So is that Aura Guardian! Something's driving its anger!"

"Lu...CARIO!" Lucario finally spoke, letting out a cry that echoed as if it was in the cosmos. A flare of Aura emerged afterwards.

"Whatever's making it angry, can we do something about it?! It looks like it could hit us at any moment!" Scootaloo asked.

"I'm already ah-" Sunset was ready to send out one of her Pokemon, only for Fluttershy to stop her.

"No! We shouldn't battle!"

"We shouldn't?!" They both screeched. "They felt that if they didn't defend themselves, it could end poorly. Usually, Pokemon Battles are the best self-defence. But according to Fluttershy, that wasn't the case right now.

"We should just try and escape right now! Just trust me!"

"Escape? But-" Sunset uttered, cut off once more by Fluttershy. The pegasus grabbed her hands with her hooves, pleading with her.

"Just trust me, okay? As your friend."

"A-Alright." Sunset could trust Fluttershy as she seemed truly earnest about this. And from the tone of her voice, this was a scenario where for once, Pokemon Battling would not be the ultimate solution. She immediately ran for the door that led to the outside, hoping to make a quick getaway instantly.

The Lucario just stood there once it saw Sunset run for the door. It didn't try to stop her. Mostly because once Sunset reached it, the door had vanished before her eyes, going out in a blaze of flames. FItting.

"Huh?! No-no-no!" Sunset came to a screeching halt, witnessing the door fade away. "Another entryway I have to see vanish! Where'd it go this time?!"

Right after the door vanished, seemingly eradicating a chance of leaving this area, Lucario continued moving. And this time, it picked up the pace. It was now in a running motion.

"Run! Now!" Fluttershy exclaimed as they all had the same thought. Although, Raboot and Ponyta felt like having a battle. But they trusted Fluttershy in her choice.

They all began fleeing from the Ethereal Lucario with the Aura Guardian of Fire turning into a wisp and following them afterwards. A chase ensued between them with Lucario suddenly hovering off the ground. The group would have to use the amusement park and beyond as a way to potentially escape.

Along with that, a trail of fire flew beside Lucario, aiding it. The group had run up one of the rides that had a downwards and upwards slope. Thankfully, they had enough momentum to get past them. Mostly Audino, Cyndaquill and Sunset who was carrying Braixen. Fluttershy just flew over it while Scootaloo hopped onto Ponyta's back. Raboot, being a rabbit-based Pokemon was self-explanatory.

"LU!" The Ethereal Lucario had then summoned an Aura Sphere that seemed to have fire around it. The Ethereal Lucario then threw them as they flew with a streak of fire. Once the group moved past the slope, the sphere had combusted, releasing an explosion of both Aura and Fire.

The ground had been destroyed as a result as the group hopped into one of the vehicles of the ride. This vehicle was shaped like a Graveler with its mouth open. There were seats in there as they hopped inside of the seat mouths. And thanks to an explosion of the flaming Aura Sphere, the shockwave allowed the vehicles to move.

The vehicles and their wheels moved with quick acceleration thanks to what the Ethereal Lucario had done. It had moved through the ride, going through another loop akin to that of the rollercoaster.

They then moved through a tunnel that had Arbok faces on the side, breathing out fire. It was hard to tell if this was the doing of the realm or how the amusement park actually played out. Either way, they ducked from the flames of each Arbok head as the tunnel had been lit up.

As for the Ethereal Lucario, once it entered the tunnel, it had effortlessly moved past the flames. The travel of fire simply absorbed some of the fire around the Arbok heads to increase its size.

The Ethereal Lucario then started throwing consecutive Aura Spheres violently with a barrage of explosions following afterwards. The vehicles jumped from Lucario's shockwave as Braixen was finally waking up.

"Braixen...?" Once she woke up, she saw everyone in these Graveler vehicles. The Fox Pokemon then turned around to see the Ethereal Lucario right before her eyes. "Braix?!"

The ride then had a two-way track as Sunset and Fluttershy's vehicles ended up splitting up once they came across that split track. That prompted the Ethereal Lucario and the trail of fire to split up and follow one.

The Ethereal Lucario zoomed through the air, moving so fast it left afterimages of itself. Its Aura permeated through the tracks, causing them to rattle along with the vehicles riding them. "Woah!" Scootaloo held on tight to Ponyta. Suddenly, The Ethereal Lucario caught up thanks to the rattling appearing beside Scootaloo and Sunset. "Yikes!"

"LUCA!" It prepared another Aura Sphere as all of its afterimages entered it afterwards.

"I still have to do something at least! Braixen, Fire Spin!"

"Xien!" Braixen wasn't sure what was going on, but she knew what to do if her trainer ever felt threatened. She held her stick out, generating a sphere of fire. That sphere then released a spiral of flames that went towards Lucario.

However, the Aura Sphere instantly obliterated the Fire Spin as if it was nothing. Braixen gasped as the Aura Sphere struck the Graveler vehicle, damaging it with a hole in the side. Scootaloo and Sunset Shimmer cried out, almost falling off of the vehicle.

The vehicle went off track, leaving the ride. It had then started rolling its wheels on the floor with less velocity than before. The Ethereal Lucario pursued them either way. Obstacles of fire suddenly emerged that were in front of Sunset and her group.

Sunset Shimmer then tried doing something else. And that was steering the Graveler vehicle if she could. She nudged her body to the side with all of the efforts that she could muster, pulling off a powerful lean to try and control the vehicle. Scootaloo saw this as she tried the same. So did their Pokemon as their combined strength could maybe move it.

And it did. They ended up moving past one of the pillars of fire but the rest of them were still a threat. They tilted their bodies once more, avoiding the pillars of fire as if they were a part of the ride. Which they weren't. As for Fluttershy, she flew out of the vehicle once the fire caught up with her.

Audino and Raboot jumped out of it as the fire had consumed the Graveler vehicle. Fluttershy then saw a spot for them to hide as she quickly went to alert Sunset Shimmer and the others while the trail of fire was chasing her down.

Sunset's group ended up avoiding most of the pillars, only for the Ethereal Lucario's Aura Sphere to absorb them and gain an extra layer of aura in the form of fire. More constant flaming explosions went off as the Graveler vehicle had suffered too much damage from the shockwaves.

Eventually, the next Aura Sphere ended up knocking them out of the vehicle as they were sent flying. Scootaloo closed her eyes as Sunset Shimmer held onto her, holding the little pegasus close.

"Audino!" Audino held her arms out once she saw them flying. She appeared in front of them, stopping in place. Audino thankfully cushioned their impact with her durable body. They crashed into the Hearing Pokemon, but thankfully, Audino resisted it, catching them all. "D-Dino!"

"Right here!" Fluttershy then cried out, showing the area for them to hide in. Some sort of smokescreen that was a part of another ride. Fluttershy went towards it as it concealed her. Sunset and the others promptly followed after her. The Ethereal Lucario and the trail of fire kept up with them still.

"Braixen!" Braixen quickly used her Psychic abilities, causing an illusion in front of them. That illusion was showing them a fake-out and twisting their point of view.

"Lu?" The Ethereal Lucario then felt itself crash into a wall that seemingly wasn't there. But it was. Braixen's illusion worked well as she had entered the smokescreen with Lucario and the trail of fire being caught in an illusion for the meanwhile.

Once they entered the smokescreen, it was revealed to be next to a volcano. Thankfully not an active one. They could have some time to breathe thankfully. They came to a screeching halt, breathing in and out.

"T-That was close..." Sunset uttered with pants. "Talk about aggression."

"Y-Yeah..." Scootaloo agreed with her. "Now what do we do? I don't think they're gonna leave us alone. And how do we get out of here since the door's gone?"

"The Lucario is angry about something. I don't quite know what it is but I can feel its rage." Fluttershy explained. "Now that we've slowed down, I think I can try and reason with it."

"Reason with it?" Scootaloo repeated whilst hearing the growls of Lucario. It was using the power of Aura to sense them. Hiding somewhere didn't matter with the power of Aura as the little pegasus gulped. "A-Are you sure."

"I should at least try." Fluttershy nodded, deciding to step out and try and speak with Lucario to hopefully put an end to this conflict. The Ethereal Lucario had already found them with the trail of fire behind it.

"Lu...!" It growled aggressively, shaking the area as its fearsome stare intensified once it saw Fluttershy step out of the smokescreen.

"Wait! Wait!" Fluttershy cried out, asking for the Ethereal Lucario to stop. "Lucario! Let me speak with you for a moment!"

"Rrr?" Lucario did stop for a bit.

"I can tell you're upset but I don't know what's making you upset. Something happened to you, didn't it? Did it involve you and your Trainer? The Aura Guardian."

"Rrr!" Lucario made an audible gasp after that as Fluttershy was on the right track with her perception.

"This place...Ash said that something relating to Delayed Aura Ataxia existed within the Aurascape. And this is part of the Aurascape, isn't it? Could it be that...the Auria Guardian over there was another Aura User who had been affected by it?"

"LUCA...!" Lucario growled, clenching its teeth as its Aura grew exponentially. A fearsome glow emerged as Lucario's Aura gained fire as well. Even the trail of fire, separate from Lucario, had intensified, showing signs of rage.

"A-Audino!" Audino gasped, fearing that Fluttershy could be harmed. But Fluttershy, who had one eye closed, held her hoof out to ask Audino to wait.

Lucario's burning spirit was growing with everlasting rage. The rage of it was just as intense as the volcanoes. Probably even more than the sun as rumbling could be heard.

"Lucario. We didn't want to interfere if we did but...there's hope."

"Rrr?" Lucario's burning spirit calmed down for a bit but it was still aggressively intense, lighting up the area with a blue and red glow.

"My friend Ash is doing what he can to try and stop Delayed Aura Ataxia. He knows how dangerous it is and is willing to find a cure for it. When he does, no one else with Aura will have to suffer."

"Rrr...!" Lucario looked to the side with a snarl.

"I know you think he might end up like the others." Fluttershy translated. "But please, have faith." Just then, after those words, an Aura of fire also appeared around Fluttershy's body.

"Oh?" Sunset and Scootaloo said, noticing the Aura emerge out of the pegasus. But this fire was different. While Lucario's was burning and blazing with aggressive rage, Fluttershy's had a gentle blaze that had a soothing feel to it. Similar to a fireplace during the winter.

Fluttershy then flew to Lucario to show her kindness some more. Lucario did not attack at all as the pegasus appeared in front of it. "Trust me, Lucario. And since he's working hard, Ash is inspiring others to do the same. A friend of ours named Cynthia is also helping. So are more. They know about Ataxia and they want to solve it. I may not know how to, but I know they will. And then, you can be at ease along with your Aura Guardian."

"L-Lu...!" Lucario's eyes closed with its fire growing. But this aggressive fire was quickly overpowered by Fluttershy's fire. The Aura Pokemon then looked at the trail of fire which took the form of the Aura Guardian. Just then, tears formed in Lucario's eyes.

Both were from the past since Aura Guardians, a gigantic majority of them, had suddenly vanished. And the Lucario species felt this pain. All of them. The Aura Guardians were close to them in every way. So, having their loved ones perish with a force that they were unable to stop was heart-wrenching, even though they had the power of Aura on their side.

"C-Cario!" Lucario went to hug the visage of its friend with tears flowing out. The manifested fire had then calmed down before feeling itself become as warm as Fluttershy's aura of fire.

Fluttershy had just shown another form of fire. While the aggressive and violent fire exists, the one that is calming and careful was nothing to be ignored. Some say that it is the perfect duality, similar to blue fire.

This was Fluttershy's fiery kindness that permeated through the area. And because of this, a new door had materialized out of fire. And this one had a new symbol on it. It had the symbol of Fairy instead of fire.

"Check that out." Sunset pointed out. "It's Fairy this time?"


"Lucario." Fluttershy grabbed Lucario's palm. "Wait for him, okay? Wait for Ash."

"L-Lucario..." Lucario nodded as it just wanted to spend some more time with its Aura Guardian. Fluttershy left it alone for a moment of peace before descending.

She had solved the issue without instigating any conflict. Fluttershy then soon noticed the door of Fairy. "Oh? When did that show up?"

"Fluttershy!" Sunset and the others ran up to her. Amazed by what she had done, Sunset Shimmer, with her human hands, picked up Fluttershy from the ground as if she was a toy. "That was amazing! I didn't see that coming!"

"Yeah-yeah!" Scootaloo nodded vigorously.

"Thank you." Fluttershy smiled. "Not everything can be solved with a Pokemon Battle. Sometimes, it takes more or even less than that. I couldn't stand by and watch Lucario feel like this. I'm sure that we'll solve this Ataxia problem. 100%."

"Well...what about the door then? How come it's Fairy this time?" Scootaloo wondered.

"No idea." Fluttershy shook her head. "But we have somewhere else to go. Let's see if we can find anyone else and tell them what's going on."

They then made their way towards the Fairy Door. Fluttershy technically had a Fairy-Type. Mainly when Audino Mega Evolves. However, this wouldn't be like the doors on the outside as Sunset Shimmer was the first to touch. She didn't own a Fairy-Type and yet, she could move it. She could also feel Fluttershy's Aura as well.

Fluttershy's Aura was certainly the cause of this door appearing. And that allowed them t pass through even without a Fairy-Type. They would leave the fire area and allow Lucario to have a moment of peace.

And yet, Sunset Shimmer couldn't help but wonder one thing that still confused her.

"But why is it an amusement park?"

As the journey continues.

Chapter 642 End.

Author's Note:

Only 17 more types to go.

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