• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,486 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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An overdue awakening

Author's Note:

Fun fact. Ghetsis's theme is Arceus's theme but slightly altered, showing that he views himself as a God-like figure. Or the devil. That too.

Sweet Apple Acres, Day.

"Is she still knocked out?" Applejack spoke. Her, the Apple family and Cold Colt were looking down at a still unconscious Emerald Aura. Still to this day, she was out cold. The aura that Ghetsis hit her with was that potent.

"Yep." Cold poked her. "Nothing's waking her up. I hope she's okay."

"Maybe she's just having a really good dream that she doesn't wanna wake up from?" Apple Bloom said.

"If she ain't getting up before the year passes, better toss her out." Granny Smith suggested.

"Hold on now. She's the first well 'friend' that Cold had. Let's just wait it out a small bit." Applejack replied.

They've been waiting for months on end for a response. And today, they'll finally get what they've been waiting for. A single grunt could be heard from Emerald's mouth as her hoof twitched. They all snapped their heads towards the direction of the grunt, picking up its sound.

"Did ya'll hear that?" Applejack's eyes widened.

"I heard it loud and clear. Is she finally waking up?" Cold leaned forward, hoping that she would become conscious once more. They all gently moved their heads forward, anticipating the outcome.

"Mrgnh..." Emerald let out another voice. Her eyes were slowly opening after so many months of being closed. The first thing she saw once she finally woke up was the sight of the Apple Family and Cold staring at her. Along with their Pokemon as well of course. "Squirt...?"

"Emerald! You're finally awake!" Cold squeed, giving his fellow Rift pony a hug.

"You're actually okay? And what are you doing?" Emerald looked down at him.

"It's a hug, duh!"

"Where am I even?" She took a moment to examine the room around her. Through her quick thinking mind, she recognized this exact room and location. "Isn't this...the Apple home?"

"Right you are!" Applejack nodded. "Glad you're up finally."

"When did I get here?!" Emerald stood up. Clearly, she was a bit taken back since her reputation in Ponyville isn't exactly a good one. Not even a welcomed one.

"I brought you here. Ash and Hollow ended up saving me from Ghetsis. It was a wild ride getting from Saddle-Arabia to here, ya know."

"Is that what happened now? But why did you bring me here of all places?"

"Well, you know...I thought it would be nice to bring you here since the Apple family is sort of my family as well."

"You suggesting we're family?"

"I mean...We are, aren't we?" Cold gulped.

"Hmmm...I guess we kinda are family in a way. But I ain't staying here." Emerald planned on transporting herself out via Rift teleportation, but a shocking surprise came her way. A surprise that was similar to what Obsidian and Cold Colt received once their jobs had been done. She couldn't leave here all of a sudden. Not by Rift travel anyways. "That can't be right..." She gave it another go, imagining a place where she wished she could be at right now. And yet, nothing. Nothing at all.

"What's wrong, Emerald?" Cold asked.

"I can't use any cosmic energy...what's going on?!"

"Oooh...You must've gotten cut off too." Cold realized, nodding his head.

"Cut off? What do you mean cut off?!" She grabbed the young colt, lifting him up and shaking him.

"Eek! It means that the Rift cut off a large majority of your energy! Don't hurt me!" He whimpered.

"No way..." She dropped her fellow Rift Pony, causing him to fall flat on his face as he let out an 'Ow'. "I've been cut off...Where's Obsidian? Didn't he come and get me?!"

"Well...Obsidian got cut off too. Looks like the Rift kinda just weakens us when we end up reaching a certain point. But I was pretty weak already." Cold Colt said with a proud face.

"Looks like you're one of him now." Applejack said to her. The look on the Earth Pony's face was one of doubt. Despite Emerald having a somewhat close relationship to Cold, she wasn't as clueless or lost as him. If anything, Applejack knew that there's a good chance she's most likely to continue causing trouble. "So you'd best live with it since you're just an ordinary unicorn now."

"Ordinary? You'd wish I was ordinary." Emerald scoffed at her. "Who cares if I'm cut off from the Rift? I can still use unicorn magic to teleport out of here. Like so." Her horn emanated and emerald-coloured aura, tapping into the magic within instead of cosmic energy. Due to her, Obsidian and Cold Colt being Rift Ponies, not only can they use cosmic energy but they can also tap into the power source of the creature they were created from. In this case, unicorns.

Emerald's magic proved to be greater than that of Cold Colt since she was created to be an adult rather than a child like him. However, she could only reach the outside of the house, proving that the Rift had severely weakened her, even cutting off a large majority of her magic.

"Just outside?!" She shifted her head around the farm, seeing how she only got a small distance instead of a far one. "This can't be happening..." Emerald groaned, placing her hoof on her face. "It's fine. It's fine. I can just walk my way out of here...Not as fast though."

"Emerald! Wait!" Cold rushed out to catch up to his fellow cosmic creation. "You're seriously leaving?!"

"Of course I am. I don't have a reason to be here."

"But can't you just like...stay a bit longer, maybe?" He grinned nervously.

"No. I don't need to or want to. Not even for a second." She shook her head. "I won't gain anything from just staying here. Or even in Ponyville for that matter."

"Oh..." Cold lowered his head.

"Look, runt." She walked over to the little colt. "You're obviously happy here since you've kinda got a family of your own. And even some friends here in Ponyville. Which is good for you. A kid like you needs it after all. But I don't. Not after knowing what happens to us after all of this."

"What do you mean?"

"Duh? We cease to exist, remember? What's the point of making friends when none of them are gonna remember you and you'll be wiped from existence. I don't see the point. That's why I don't wanna associate myself here."

"I guess that makes sense..." He played with the dirt on the ground. "But, everypony here taught me that I can still make the most out of the time I have left. Even if I end up vanishing when both worlds return to normal. So maybe you can do the same before that day comes, right?"

"Maybe I could. But like I said, I won't gain anything. You've already gained something from being here with Ponyville and it should stay like that for you. See ya, squirt."

"A-Alright." He pouted. "But where are you gonna go exactly?"

"Ah-" It was at this moment that Emerald realized that she had hit a bit of a roadblock. Since she's been cut off, she can't exactly go wherever she wants with just a thought. Not only that, but her secret underground base she and Cold used to own could only be accessed via Rift teleportation. So at the moment, Emerald Aura has nowhere to go. She scrunched her face, turning around to the young colt with a blank expression on her face.

"Hah! You're stumped!" Cold Colt noticed as he wheezed. "Not so cool-headed now, huh Em?"

"You mocking me kid?!" She teleported to him, grabbing his face and squishing it.

"Ow! Ow! I'm sorry!" The young colt squealed, flailing his hooves about.

"Those two. They look like they've got a pretty good relationship, huh?" said Apple Bloom.


"Ain't got nowhere to go, do ya?" Applejack walked up to her. "You're not thinking of just walking across Equestria forever, are you?"

"Well...no. But we Rift ponies don't get tired. So it shouldn't be a struggle."

"But you still don't have a place to live." Applejack smirked.

"That-" Emerald paused. She wanted to make a smart response, but AJ was 100% right. She can't reach the hideout so what was the point of trying to walk off. "Urgh!"

"Come on. Just stay behind in Ponyville for a bit. Please?" Cold Colt gave puppy dog eyes, pleading for Emerald to do so. The emerald-coloured unicorn looked down at Cold, seeing how genuine he was about this.

"Mrrrgh...." Emerald groaned clenching her teeth as she raised her head. "Fine! I'll stay behind for a bit." She had accepted defeat. "But I won't like it...And after this, I'm heading off to find someplace to live. Maybe some abandoned home or something..."

"Yes! You're gonna love it here in Ponyville!" Cold jumped up, levitating himself with his own magic out of joy. Today begins Emerald's catch up on the world around her.

Heading out into Ponyville, she noticed that there was snow everywhere at the moment. Ponies wearing scarves and other essentials that help keep them warm. Some ponies even use Fire-Type Pokemon to keep themselves warm.

"Wait a sec...Snow...?" She took a moment to process this. "How long was I out for?"

"Uh...maybe 2 months? 3? In between? I haven't been keeping track after Ghetsis captured me." Cold shrugged.

"That Aura Ghetsis possess is potent. Insanely potent even. It wasn't a good idea to unlock his Aura potential." Emerald groaned. "What have you even been doing for these past months?"

"Oh! A lot! I got to experience a pretty sweet Rock attraction that's exclusively for Rock-Type Pokemon. It's actually super fun when you're there. And uh...oh, right! Ponyville got attacked by a giant 500ft electric monster that just started causing these crazy pulses. Then there was the whole thing with Adagio. I wasn't there when she got big but I heard it was pretty intense, some sweet games with some guru person and I even got to experience important events from the original timeline. Like the Tantabus and...yeah that's about it. Oh! Maybe I'll get captured by Chrysalis like everypony else!" The last words he yelled echoed across Ponyville, caused everypony to turn around. "Oh...right. They're not supposed to know what happens."

"Sounds like you've had a pretty eventful few months. And what about Obsidian? How did he get captured exactly?"

"How? It was pretty sweet how it happened. Rainbow Dash told me the whole thing. Twilight and her friends ended up defeating him in a Pokemon Battle and Darkrai put him to sleep with Dark Void. I didn't get to see it but I bet it was amazing!"

"Hm. That so?" Emerald replied. Her attention had been focused on something much more intriguing than what Cold was rambling on about. She noticed that Jade Skies was still here. Chatting with Pinkie Pie who had her hoof around the Jade coloured pony. "Jade? She's still here? That must mean Obsidian's plan is still ongoing."

"What plan?" Cold had quit his rambling, asking her what she meant by 'Plan'

"Don't worry about it kid. But how long is gonna take for her to understand friendship? Or at least some emotions."

"Oh...You know about Jade's whole thing with friendship? She's great. Jade's one of the first ponies I become great friends with. Me and her connect really well for some reason."

"There's a reason alright..." Emerald quietly said. "How much has she learned about friendship so far?"

"Uh...Well...Twilight teaches both of us. For me it's magic and for her, friendship. So far, she knows how to um...she can share I guess? Oh! She does know how to defend others. That's something. And she's pretty good at understanding when somepony's upset. So I'd say she's gotten pretty far. And it's only been a few months too."

"That so?" Emerald nodded. "If she can learn those in that a few months then this whole plan might occur sooner than expected." She thought to herself.

Moving away from Emerald's perspective, Pinkie Pie had actually noticed Emerald Aura standing beside Cold Colt. She was finally awake. Which only meant one thing. A new pony to introduce.

"Oooh...." Pinkie was ready to dash over to Emerald's side. "She's awake!"

"Hm?" Emerald turned her head to see that Pinkie Pie was prepared to dash right into her. "Oh no." She gulped, fearing something like this would happen.

"Hey! Emerald Aura right?!" Pinkie bolted towards the emerald-coloured unicorn. "Nice to-"

"No, you don't!" Emerald use the amount of magic she had in her to put up a barrier, causing Pinkie Pie to crash into it, sliding down from the emerald barrier. "I ain't a hugger."

"I can't believe you're actually up! I thought you were gonna be knocked out forever!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "So. How's it feel to be up and conscious?" She pressed her face on the barrier.

"Feels great." Emerald used her magic to push Pinkie Pie aside. "But I'm not up for friendly introductions."

"Oh, come on! Don't be such a grump." Pinkie Pie got a sneak attack on her, appearing from behind. "You've got a lot of catching up to do. And a lot of friends to make!"

"I don't-"

"Have a look at this!" Pinkie extended her hoof, grabbing Jade and pulling her over. "Jade's a good first friend to make! She's already trying to understand friendship. So you two will get along per-" Pinkie paused her sentence, taking a moment to examine Jade and Emerald's appearances. Something major clicked in her head. "Oooh...You two are kinda similar! Jade-coloured and emerald-coloured! You're a perfect match!"

"Ugh...Yeah... two peas in a pod." Emerald winced.

"She looks familiar," Jade commented. "Have I...seen you somewhere before?"

"Uh...I-I don't think so." Emerald stuttered.

"Oh. Jade. This could be your one clue to finding out where you came from! Maybe she's your sister! Are you her sister?"

"Me? I'm not her sister. Not one bit." Emerald shook her head. However, Pinkie Pie was half right. In a sense, Jade was a sister to Emerald since they both come from the same source.

"I don't know...I've got this strange sensation in me. I feel like I really do know you." Jade replied.

"Whatever your connection is, it's gonna be even greater when you become good friends! Or maybe...good sisters? If you are that is."

"Great...could you let me down now?" Emerald sighed as Pinkie dropped both her and Jade.

"Let's introduce you to the rest of my friends!"

"I'm not up for-"

"Hey! Rainbow Dash! Over here!" Pinkie yelled at a passing Rainbow Dash.

"Hm? What is it?" Rainbow Dash snapped her head to the pink pony.

"Look who's up?!" Pinkie was pointing her hoof aggressively at Emerald.

"Oh...OH! She's actually awake?!" Dash dashed down towards Emerald, getting a good look at her.

"Can everypony please stop getting so close?" Emerald groaned.

"Heh. You two kind of look similar." Rainbow Dash pointed out the similarities between Jade and Emerald.

"I know right?! I thought they were sisters, but apparently, they're not. But Jade here's got a gut feeling in her that she knows Emerald."

"Really? Jade doesn't remember anything before the Pokemon Festival," said Rainbow Dash.

"I know right? This means that we're getting close to solving Jade's origins. Hopefully."

"Origins? What origins?" Emerald asked.

"Jade here doesn't really know where she came from. She just ended up being at the Pokemon Festival all of a sudden and doesn't remember anything before that time. Right, Jade?"

"Right. Everything before the festival is a blur. But maybe Emerald can solve that mystery for me. I just know there's something familiar about you."

"Even if there was something familiar about me, how would I be able to help?" Emerald pushed Jade away.

"Duh! You've got cosmic energy in you. You can basically do anything you want!" Rainbow Dash answered. "Hold on...maybe you can zap Jade's memories back! Do that!"

"Oooh, about that, Rainbow." Cold spoke. "Emerald can't do that. At least not anymore."

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash tilted her head.

"Well...she's kinda in the same boat as me. Both of us have gotten our cosmic energy cut. So now all we have left is unicorn magic and just a tiny bit of cosmic in us."

"You're kidding. So you're basically powerless?" Rainbow Dash pointed her hoof at Emerald.

"I am not powerless! I just...don't have the right amount of power in me anymore. And what makes you think I'll just bring her memories back?"

"Wouldn't you?" Cold Colt looked up at her with a frown. Emerald stared back, not wanting to upset the young pony.

"Well...It's not that I can't it's just..." Emerald scratched her mane, looking to the side.

Pinkie Pie's eyes shifted across the group, looking at both Cold and Emerald at the same time. She noticed how quickly Emerald changed in tone and personality when talking to the young pony. That can only mean one thing. Emerald is very caring of Cold Colt like an older sister. Little did she know she was an older sister to him in a cosmic way.

"Ahh...I get it now." Pinkie Pie nodded. "You're a big ol' softie for Cold here aren't you?"

"What?!" Emerald jerked back.

"It's okay. You know...you kinda remind me of Limestone. She's just like you but your face says even more! How weird is that? Oh! Maybe I can have you meet Limestone! Jade's already met Maud so you and Limestone will go great together! It'll be a perfect double duo of personalities!"

"Do you ever stop talking..." Emerald dug her face on the ground. She wanted to leave this conversation and entire town pronto, but again, she had nowhere to go so she's basically stuck here. "How long do I have to keep this up?"

"Just a bit longer. There's still Rarity, Twilight, Spike Fluttershy and Starlight left." Cold patted her back.

"Starlight...?" Emerald popped her up from the ground, having a piece of the earth around her neck. "I WAS UNCONSCIOUS FOR THAT LONG?!"

"Yep. Starlight's already apart of the group." He nodded. "Took longer than the original timeline though."

"Runt! Tell me!" Emerald picked him up. "Has the Crystalling happened yet?"

"Y-Yeah...Rainbow Dash and the others were there at the Crystal Empire when Flurry Heart broke the Crystal Heart."

"And Spike. Has he met Ember yet?"

"Mhm. And she's the new Dragon Lord in charge." He nodded.

"Oh no..." She dropped him. "Oh, no-no-no...I couldn't have been knocked out for that long...come on." She sat down, lowering her head.

"Hold on. What do you mean by took longer?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Oh, don't you remember? Us Rift ponies know how every event is gonna play out and how it ends. From start to finish. And we knew that Starlight was gonna become good eventually. But in the original timeline, the amount of time it took for her to be reformed was shorter." Cold explained.

"No way...Hang on. If you knew this...then why didn't you tell us that the Crystal Heart was gonna break during the Crystalling?! We could've saved up tons of time and trouble!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Well uh...I didn't want to ruin the surprise. Sorry." Cold squeed.

"Cold's right. Ruining surprises is a big deal. Even in other universes." Pinkie Pie crossed her hooves, nodding.

"Besides...Only Emerald and Obsidian know every little detail. I just know the beginning and end. And a few details here and there. I'm just a kid after all."

"What's the point in telling them? They're not gonna remember anyway? Not when the worlds return to normal." Emerald removed the dirt off her.

"Yeah, we know. But we're making the most of the time we have!" Pinkie Pie squeed, grabbing all of her friends together in a group hug.

"I don't think you all realize what I actually mean by that. Runt. You're gonna have to hear this too."

"What do you mean, Em?" Cold turned to her, ready to hear this.

"Look. When the world's return to normal and the Rift leaves...not only do your memories vanish. But even your progress dials back. All the adventures you've had will be sent all the way back to when it all began. In the case of this timeline, the worlds crossed over one day after Discord had been defeated. So when that day comes, you'll be set back to that day and you'll have to re-do everything. The Royal Canterlot Wedding. The Crystal Empire. Tirek. Starlight Glimmer. Every little thing in your life will be reset to match the original timeline once more. The same goes for the Pokemon World. It's gonna head back to when Ash finished his adventures in Alola. Back to square one."

What Emerald just said stunned every single one of them, minus Jade. And by the look of her face, she wasn't joking. She meant what she said. The worlds being reverted back didn't just mean the loss of memories but it also meant a loss of time itself.

"Y-You're kidding...R-Right...?" Pinkie said in a worried tone.

"Not for a second. And it won't just stop there. You know those two? Aria and Sonata? They'll never be apart of Ponyville anymore. Their destiny is to be trapped in the parallel world with no hope of returning here. And to go even further beyond... certain ponies will cease to exist too. Not just us Rift ponies. But normal ponies as well."

"W-What do you mean by that?" Rainbow Dash stuttered.

"Those little foals that Hollow guy teaches will fade out of existence. They were never meant to exist in the first place. Same goes for some of the humans of the Pokemon World. They'll be nothing. Nothing at all. It'll all go back to the way it was supposed to be from the start. The true timeline."

"...That can't be..." Pinkie Pie sat down, perplexed by this. In a few seconds, she was already tearing up. "It's not true. You're lying!" She covered her ears.

"It's the harsh truth, I know. But I'm sorry. I just had to tell you all so that you can prepare for when that day comes." Emerald turned around.

Jade looked over at Pinkie Pie to see her weeping, covering her tears with her puffy mane. Rainbow Dash was speechless. Instead of crying, she just stayed silent. That's when it happened. Jade's inner cosmic energy started to flow through her mane. Just like what happened with Pinkie Pie back when they were searching for a Pokemon with Secret Power. The instinct to help a pony she sees as a friend. That was Jade's unique ability. It was fairly rare since it didn't' show up during the Ultra Beast situation but in this case, it sparked up. It seems to only appear during specific situations from the looks of it so far.

"...Maybe...there's a way to change that," Jade spoke.

"What?" said Emerald, turning to her fellow Rift Pony.

"Jade?" Pinkie wiped her tears away, looking up at her friend.

"What if somehow there was a spell or something that could make sure that the worlds stay connected forever. Even if the Rift left. Or even keep our memories...?"

"Say what now?" Rainbow Dash spoke.

"Think about it. Even if there isn't a spell or artifact that can do that...maybe...there's a Pokemon that can."

"Are you suggesting...there's a Pokemon that can change fate?" Cold Colt asked.

"There has to be. There's a Pokemon for everything isn't there? But which one? Please, Emerald. You may not want to do it for us or everypony here in Ponyville...but you'd do it for Cold Colt, wouldn't you?" Jade was speaking in a way that wasn't common for her. The energy within her body was causing this.

"...Hmmm." Emerald thought for a bit. What Jade said was true. Emerald would do anything to make the young pony happy. After all, like Emerald said earlier, it's good Cold already has his own family along with great friends here in Ponyville. A kid like him needs it. And that involves lost memories and existence erasure. "Fine. I can tell you this."

"Yeah...?" Pinkie Pie leaned forward, wiping her tears away.

"There is one Pokemon that can change fate."

"Yeah....?" All of them leaned forward this time, eager to hear the answer.


"Jirachi?" Rainbow Dash and Pinkie looked at each other.

"That's right. The Wish Pokemon. As the name suggests, it has the ability to grant any wish that you give it. No matter what. It doesn't matter how absurd it is or how out of this world it may be, Jirachi can do it. Hence why it's called the Wish Pokemon."

"Of course! Why didn't I think about that? Duh!" Cold Colt hit his head.

"So you mean...if we get Jirachi to hear our wish..." Pinkie uttered.

"It'll keep everything when the Rift leaves?" Rainbow Dash finished Pinkie Pie's sentence.

"That's right. Jirachi is the only Pokemon that can cause this. Although, there might be another Pokemon out there that can do it but...who knows."

"This..." Pinkie Pie's already puffy mane had somehow puffed up even further. "THIS IS AMAZING!" She flew up into the air with joy, causing a powerful soundwave as result. "THIS IS THE GREATEST NEWS SO FAR!"

"Yes! That means we're gonna keep everything!" Rainbow Dash pumped her hooves, picking Cold Colt up. "Isn't that awesome, Cold?!"

"Yeah, it is!" The young colt raised his hooves up in the air. Joy had filled the area around them. Pinkie Pie was eager to rush off and tell the others about the great news. Once Twilight and everypony in Ponyville hear this, their spirits will be lifted to the max. But before that could happen, something else abruptly occurred. Something cosmic.

A booming sound emerged in the sky, grabbing the attention of everypony there. Pinkie Pie stopped her cheering, falling straight on her back as result. What caused this boom? Why none other than the Rift itself, who was here to respond to the ponies and their revelation. The rest of the Mane 7 had stepped out, looking up into the sky to see the Rift present there.

"Well done, my little ponies. Well done indeed. You've actually managed to finally solve the obstacle that is the reversion of both worlds."

"What's going on? What does he mean by that?" Twilight flew over to Pinkie Pie's group, curious.

"Didn't you hear, Twilight Sparkle? Your friends here have finally discovered a way to not only maintain the memories of both worlds when they return to normal...but they have even managed to find a way to keep both worlds connected, even with my departure."

"No way...That's amazing!" Twilight Sparkle squeed. "In your face! We've found a way around your shenanigans!"

"Yeah! In your face!" Pinkie Pie blew her tongue at the cosmic entity.

"Hm. Hm." The Rift suddenly chuckled. "HAH! Do you think you're the first beings to solve this?!"

"Uh...Y-Yes? Maybe?" Pinkie Pie shrugged.

"You are not even among the top 5 universes who've solved it. Some human in a bat costume figured it out in three days, much earlier before any of you could. If anything...your revelation was much slower."

"Well, whatever! We solved it and we're gonna be able to keep all of this stuff!" Rainbow Dash flew up at the Rift.

"Indeed you have. But answer me this. Can you achieve it on time?"

"What do you mean?" Starlight asked.

"I know how this universe plays out and the deciding outcome that closes off this story. Meaning, I know exactly when to leave this world at what time. And that time is closing in. It is slow, but it is approaching."

"Pssh. Please. All we have to do is find Jirachi and get the wish. Easy peasy." Rainbow Dash scoffed.

"Oh? But do you know the one drawback to Jirachi? There is a reason why it is a Mythical Pokemon after all."

"And what would that be?" Rarity questioned.

"Jirachi is a Pokemon that sleeps every thousand years."

There it was. The words that shot them all through the heart.

"T-T-T-T-Thousand?!" Pinkie Pie yelped.

"Indeed. Once it appears and grants a wish, it immediately returns to slumber in its crystalline shell for another thousand years. And you know the last time Jirachi had woken up?"

"Uhh...Last thousand years ago?" Twilight shrugged.

"Hm. Let's just say...Ash Ketchum met Jirachi a few years ago. Around the time he journeyed through Hoenn. Meaning that Jirachi has already returned to slumber. And none of you here...well... most of you, can live for a thousand years. How sad is that?"

"No way..." Rainbow Dash stomped her hoof on the ground. "Just when we had a chance."

"It's not hopeless, ya know." The voice of Ash suddenly travelled through their ears. He had just passed through the gateway, hearing their conversation

"What did you say?"

"I met Jirachi twice. Remember that?"


"Y-You did?" Pinkie Pie stuttered.

"Mhm. A girl name Gemma ended up getting her wish granted by Jirachi to restore her valley to a beautiful vibrant land again. And Pikachu here even met another one without me even being there, right buddy?"


"So who cares about a thousand years? If there's a chance we can see Jirachi again soon. We'll take that chance." Ash smirked.


"Hm. You always know what to say, don't you Ash Ketchum? Very well. I will issue you all a challenge. Let's see who will come out on top first. Will you be able to find Jirachi before I can leave? Only time will tell when that fateful day comes."

"You're on!" Ash accepted the challenge.

"But I must warn you...It's not easy getting a wish from Jirachi. But then again, that shouldn't be a problem with you, Ketchum? I'll be waiting."

The Rift had finally left, leaving behind a booming sound afterwards.

"This is great news! Greater than anything we've ever gotten!" Twilight flew towards Ash. "Eve! Minccy! We can still be together!"



"Had me worried there for a sec." Rainbow Dash wiped the sweat off her forehead.

"Ash! You're the Pokemon Expert! Tell us where we can find Jirachi!" Twilight leaned forward along with everypony else.

"I don't have a clue!" Ash grinned with a proud face along, crossing his arms with his electric buddy.


"Eh...?" Twilight pulled back.

"Jirachi's a Mythical Pokemon. That means you'll never find it in the same spot, ya know."

"Urgh! Ash Ketchum, why are you like this?!" Twilight grabbed Ash who still had his arms crossed and grinning, shaking the trainer aggressively.

"But, we can still find Jirachi out there somewhere in the world. Don't lose hope, you guys." Ash reassured.

"Ash is right. If there's a chance we can even find that Wish Pokemon, we'll take it!" Rainbow Dash smashed her hooves together. "T-The chance not the Pokemon I mean."

"It might take a while, but we'll make sure that we find Jirachi before that day comes. No doubt about it." Ash nodded.


"Mhm. That info on Jirachi really got my spirits up to the next level." Pinkie bounced up and down. Not only that, but everypony in Ponyville had their hopes up as well.

"Well...I've seen enough already." Emerald walked off.

"You're leaving for real this time, Emerald?" Cold Colt asked.

"Yeah. I've done my part in telling you about Jirachi. Now it's up to you to find it one day."

"B-But you still don't have anywhere to go!" Cold ran up to her. "Come live here in Ponyville! The beds over at Sweet Apple Acres are the best!"

"I may not have a home...But I've decided to give that recommendation a try. On experiencing everything while it lasts. I'm gonna venture the world. Both worlds even. Maybe I'll improve on my own magic along the way."

"Oh. Okay." The young colt pouted.

"Don't worry, runt." Emerald placed her hoof on his mane. "If I feel like it, I'll come by and visit you at any time, okay?" She gave a soft smile that could cause anyone to faint if they looked at it. "And you know...if you guys actually manage to find Jirachi and change fate...then maybe I'll try and make some friends."

"Okay!" Cold grinned with a sparkle in his eyes.

And off she went. She never befriended a single pony in Ponyville. But she still kept her bond with Cold Colt at the end of the day. With the information of Jirachi spreading across Ponyville, the future yet again is completely unpredictable for the ponies. But then again, when Pokemon are involved, anything is unpredictable. It's now a race to one day find Jirachi before that fateful day arrives as the journey continues!

Chapter 199 End!

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