• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Mega Evolution

Rarity's Carousel Boutique.

"Finally! My shop in Kalos has just opened! Right at Lumiose City. I must say that BigTime Ben fellow is a darling for helping me with this."

"But I'm gonna be all alone." Sweetie Belle pouted.

"Oh, Sweetie Belle. I won't leave you. It'll be a secondary boutique that I run. Besides, the gateways will always make sure we aren't too far." She petted her little sister's head.

"I guess so."

"I'll have three of my Sewaddle's take care of you. And you have Espurr and Opal as well. So you will always have some company. Now I have to get going. Lumiose City is waiting." Rarity walked off, heading out to her friends who were waiting near the gateway to Lumiose City.

"Took you long enough, Rarity." Rainbow Dash said.

"Sorry girls. But I have to make sure my first day is fabulously perfect."

"Come on let's get going already. I wanna catch all the Pokemon there!" Goh exclaimed.

"It's gonna be great going back to Lumiose City again. Right Pikachu?"


"And I'm gonna ace that Battle Fest too! My ranks gonna soar if I keep on battling there!"

"You two will go on and do that while we help Rarity." Twilight explained.

"Oh no, darling. I am perfectly capable of running this new boutique. You all can go with Ash and Goh in the meantime."

"You sure Rarity?" Fluttershy asked.

"Of course I'm sure. Now let's get going." As the group walked through the gateway, they were met with the Kalos Region once more.

Goh had instantly set out to find some Pokemon, heading over to Shalar City, while the others went to Lumiose City. Both for fashion and fights.

"Here we are. And there it is. In all its beauty." The new Carousel Boutique was similar to the one back in Ponyville, but with a bit of blue in the mix along with some extra rooms. "Isn't it wonderful?"

"Looks the same to me." Applejack replied. Ash ran off to the battle fest, eager to get started.

"Ash! You're off already?!" Twilight shouted!

"Yeah! I can't afford to waste any time! I'll see you there!"


"Well, I wanna see this. Catch ya later!" Rainbow Dash flew towards Ash, wanting to see this Battle Fest as well. Twilight sighed as she and the others had gone over to the new boutique. Opening the door, revealing the inside. And it was filled with other people and Pokemon inside.

"Who are they?" Twilight asked.

"BigTime Ben offered me some employees. And he picked a wonderful selection of darlings that will help me. They are all newbies so I will be able to teach them the ropes." Rarity explained.

"Morning Rarity." A woman said.

"Can't wait to get started." A man also said.

"Neither can I. Can you all be darlings and help me bring in some customers?"

"Don't they have to come to you first Rarity?" said Applejack.

"I know, but this is still a fresh boutique. It needs plenty of traction!" Rarity exclaimed. "Now then. Let's get to work, everypony!"

"But we're not ponies though."

Despite being told that she would be at Kalos, Sweetie Belle had gone through the gateway along with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

"So this is Kalos? Pretty..." Sweetie Belle gazed at Kalos's beauty.

"Come on. I heard there's a battle fest here. And Ash is going to be in it." Scootaloo shoved the two of them through the gateway as they looked back at her. "Hehe. Sorry."

Speaking of the Battle Fest, it was already underway with many trainers battling it out to reach the top. Ash had reached his match, ending up facing a Clawitzer.

"The heated battle between Pikachu and Clawitzer continues!" The announcer shouted.

"Clawitzer! Flash Cannon!" The trainer commanded his Pokemon as it charged up a burst of metal energy.

"Pikachu! Thunderbolt!" Pikachu charged up his electricity, releasing a bolt of thunder at the Howitzer Pokemon. However, the Thunderbolt was absorbed by Clawitzer's huge right claw, swallowing it up and destroying it.

"Unbelievable! Clawitzer's enormous pincer swallowed up the Thunderbolt! I'm surprised it didn't deal a super-effective hit on it considering the type!" said the Announcer. Riolu, Gengar, Dragonite and Rainbow Dash were watching this battle go down. Scootaloo snuck in, spectating over the fest as well. They weren't the only ones. A familiar trainer was watching over this as well with her signature Pokemon. A Lucario.

"What will you do now, Ash?" The mysterious figure said.

"How's that?! Completely negated your Electric-Type's attack This claw is handy for that reason!" The opposing trainer boasted.

"Heh. We've got other options. Iron Tail!" Pikachu's tail was full of iron, ready to strike as he moved forward.

"Crabhammer!" Clawitzer's huge claw lighted up, ready to hit Pikachu. They both moved in on each other as the Water-Type struck its claw forward, but it was avoided via a jump from the Electric Mouse as he hit the ground. Pikachu had jumped over the attack, slamming his Iron Tail on Clawitzer's, making it fall over and faint. "Clawitzer!"

"Clawitzer is unable to battle. As such, the winner is Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town." The Rotom Machine declared.

"Alright! We did it, Pikachu!"

"Pika-Pika!" They both celebrated their victory as did Scootaloo, wooing from the crowd as Rainbow Dash noticed her.

"Hehe. Hi." She waved as the other crusaders popped their heads out.

"Ash, right? I'll remember that." The trainer said, returning his Clawitzer.

"This was Contestant Ash's third consecutive win. If he wins his next battle, he'll breach the Super Class!" The Announcer exclaimed. Only one more battle and Ash is out of the Normal Class and he ranks up. It was a good idea to go to the Battle Fest. It is a great place to climb up to the ranks rapidly.

Meanwhile, Goh was watching as many Kalos Pokemon as he could find. Catching a Flabébé, a Scatterbug, a Phantump and a Fletchling.

"Awesome! I'm so glad that the Kalos dex is much smaller than other dexes. This'll be quick!"

On the other side of the spectrum, Rarity's shop was gaining traction actually. It ended pulling people in once they learned of who Rarity was. Kind of an important pony back in her world. Twilight and the others could hear the cheering from the Battle Fest. They decided to go and cheer Ash on and so did Goh. Eventually, they all ended up in the same spot anyways.

Ash was outside, sitting on a bench as he was preparing for his next battle to rank up. His Pokemon were gathered around him as he was looking at the Rotom Phone, getting a good look at his rank.

"There you are, Ash. I take it your Battle Fest is over?" Twilight said.

"Not yet. Just one more battle and it'll all be done."

"I can't wait to see your next battle already!" Scootaloo grinned.

"And I can't wait to get into it. Let's give it all in our next battle, okay?"





Just then, Ash, Pikachu and Riolu felt a pulse of aura reach them. It was calling them. Riolu jumped off the bench, running to where the aura was calling him.

"Riolu? Where's he going?" Fluttershy wondered. Ash and the others followed Riolu, wondering where he was headed. Riolu stopped running, reaching the one who was calling him with aura. It was Lucario. It's superior evolution.

"Huh?" Ash also stopped as he looked at Lucario. This Lucario was very familiar to him. Pikachu noticed as well.

"Who's that Pokemon?" Rainbow Dash pulled her dex out.

"Lucario. The Aura Pokemon. It has the ability to not just sense auras but can also control them. No foe can remain invisible to Lucario due to it being able to detect all forms of aura. They can tell how others are feeling within a half-mile radius."

"So that's Lucario." Twilight noticed it from the books.

"Wait a minute. Could this Lucario be..." Ash began to put it together by looking at the band.

"Hey! Ash!" It was Korrina. She skated over here, greeting her old friend.

"Korrina! I thought so!"

"Long time no see."

"I sensed Lucario's Aura. I knew it had to be yours."


"How have you been Pikachu?" Korrina petted Pikachu on the head.

"You two know each other?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Mhm. My name's Korrina. I'm a Gym Leader in Kalos. This is my partner, Lucario." She introduced herself to others. "Oh, you've caught a Riolu Ash." Korinna kneeled down to look at the young baby Pokemon.

"Yeah. Hatched from an egg."

"I hope you'll grow strong with Ash." Korrina held Riolu. Lucario nodded in agreement as Riolu looked up at his future evolution. He was instantly idolizing Lucario. Much like how Scootaloo idolizes Ash. "Ash and I had an amazing battle, ya know. All the way back at Shalar City Gym."

"Yeah. And I totally won that!" Ash boasted a bit, feeling proud.

"That's what you're fixated on?" Korrina puffed her cheeks.

"It's the most important detail!"

"Oh geez, Ash."

"So are you participating in the fest too, Korrina?"

"Of course. But today, I'm not fighting as a Gym Leader. You see... I'm entering the World Coronation Series as well. And I'm gonna take down Leon."

"Huh?!" They all shouted in unison.

"Lucario and I are both doing this to challenge ourselves." She took out her phone, showing her ranking. Rank 1001. "To train ourselves more and rise even higher. I just have to win one more battle to enter the Super Class! Same for you, right Ash?"

"Yeah! Let's battle! Whoever wins enters the Super Class!"

"This World Coronation Series sure is huge huh?" Twilight said.

"Mhm." The others nodded in agreement.

"Riolu. Watch Lucario's battle real closely." Ash said to his Pokemon.

"Riolu!" The baby Pokemon was punching the air, ready to battle.

"That's the spirit! But it's best if you watch today. Pikachu, Fluttershy, look after Riolu."


"You can count on us, Ash." Riolu hopped onto Fluttershy's back.

With Goh, he was still looking for more Pokemon to catch. That's when Raboot thought it could sense a Pokemon nearby.

"What is it?" Goh asked. Raboot tried, but nothing there. "Nothing huh?" But in a few seconds, Raboot could finally sense someone there as it kicked a rock up, kicking it towards the bush as it was engulfed in fire. Out of the bushes came a Lucario, destroying the rock. "Oh! Lucario?!" Goh got his Pokeball out ready to catch it.

"You have sharp reflexes." A man who owned the Lucario said. It was Gurkinn. Korrina's Grandfather.

"Huh? You're its trainer?"

"Haha. Sorry if we got your hopes up. But I don't think greed is a bad thing either."

"Sorry. I totally thought it was a wild Lucario."

"Is it your first time seeing one?"

"Yes! We came here to catch Pokemon. It's my first time in the Kalos so I wanted to catch tons!"

"I see. So how many have you got?"

"Oh, let's see.." Goh look at his Rotom Phone, showing the Kalos Pokemon he's caught so far.

"Quite impressive. You've gotten quite a few Flabébé petal colors. Catching an orange one is particularly impressive."

"Now I just need the white one!"

"They say the white one is particularly hard to find. I'm not sure they'd show up around here."

"Do you know this area?"

"Well yes. My granddaughter is battling over there today, so I figured I'd come to see how she's doing." Gurkinn pointed at the Battle Fest.

"Oh! My friend is participating as well! Both of us come straight from Kanto! He's here to battle and I'm here to catch Pokemon!"

"Kanto, huh? Haven't heard that name in a while. My granddaughter is friends with this trainer from Kanto named Ash."

"ASH?!" Goh yelled.

"Y-Yes, that's right. He's partners with a Pikach-"

"That's my friend!"

At the Battle Fest, the battle between Ash and Korrina was about to begin. Twilight and the others were ready to watch this go down as Scootaloo got her Ash hat, putting it on.

"We will not commence this Normal Class battle on the Rock Field!" The Rotom Machine said. "Contestant Ash Ketchum vs Contestant Korrina! This battle will be a 2v2."

"Come on Ash! Make us proud!" Pinkie Pie yelled.

"Isn't this exciting girls?!" Scootaloo said getting all giddy and jumpy in her seat.

"Mhm! Glad we came here!" Apple Bloom agreed.

"It's our very own Shalar City Gym Leader, Contestant Korrina!" The announcer said as Korinna was waving to everyone else. "Her opponent is Contestant Ash who hails from Kanto!"

"Let's do this!" Ash held his hat, ready to go. Pikachu and Riolu were both pumped as well, but Ash put them on the sidelines to watch. "Oh sorry. You two stay here." They both drooped their ears down, not getting a chance to battle.

"Hey! Riolu! Cheer my Lucario on okay!" Korrina shouted at Riolu. We'll show you something cool!"

"Huh?! What are you on about?! Riolu's gonna be cheering for us, Korrina!"

Gurkinn and Goh entered the fest as well.

"Oh, there's Ash!" Goh pointed at his friend.

"Well, this is a surprise. His opponent is my granddaughter."


"Hey, Goh! Over here!" Pinkie Pie waved her hooves at him.

"Alright! Both sides send out your first Pokemon at the same time!" The Rotom Machine said. "3. 2. 1. Go!"

"Come out!" They both said, throwing the Pokeballs out and sending their partners in. Korrina sent her Mienshao which used to be a Mienfoo back when she battled Ash. Ash had sent out his Gengar.

"Check that one out." Rainbow Dash pulled her dex out to see Mienshao.

"Mienshao. The Martial Arts Pokemon. Mienshao signals its entry into battle with a strange cry. As it wears down its opponent with an onslaught of lightning-fast kicks and arm chops. It carefully builds up its own power to prepare for a finishing move."

"Oh. This is the evolved form of Thunderlane's Pokemon."

"Battle, start!"

"Acrobatics!" Mienshao made the first move, hitting Gengar quickly before he could even see it coming, along with Ash.

"Talk about speed!" Ash said.

"Gengar couldn't even have enough time to dodge Mienshao's blindingly fast Acrobatics." The announcer shouted.


"U-Turn!" Mienshao was ready to land another hit in.

"Gengar! Psychic!" Gengar lifted up one of the rocks, tossing it at Mienshao. But the Martial Arts Pokemon kicked the rock away as it struck its foot on the Ghost-Type, switching out to Lucario.

"U-Turn hits its mark!" said the Announcer. "Mienshao quickly returns to its trainer, bring Lucario out!"

"A move that can send a Pokemon back?" Twilight said, taking notes.

"Yes. A fine call." Gurkinn replied.

"Hang in there, Gengar!"


"Bone Rush!" Lucario summoned energy bones as weapons, rushing towards Gengar.

"Dodge and use Shadow Ball!" Gengar avoided the Bone Rush as it tossed some Shadow Balls downwards at Lucario. Lucario avoided one of them but not the second one. The bone acted as a shield as Lucario took a bit of damage, backflipping onto a rock as it launched itself off it, striking Gengar rapidly with the bones.

"Gen? Gen!" Gengar was overwhelmed by it as it was hit to the ground, fainting.

"Gengar is unable to battle! Lucario is the winner!" And with that Korrina takes out Ash's first Pokemon.

"Oh, man! They've gotten much faster." Ash said, surprised on how fast they were moving.

"Gengar got absolutely overwhelmed there. So much for being a ghost." said Rainbow.

"It ain't over yet! Come on Ash!" Scootaloo yelled.

"As expected from the Gym Leader! Her Lucario and Mienshao have an amazing combination attack!" Bellowed the announcer.

"Gengar didn't stand a chance. It was so quick." Goh was stunned.

"Korrina and her Pokemon are one. That is their strength. Therein lies their advantage. But don't count Ash out yet." Gurkinn replied. He knew that Ash wasn't one to just stop here.

"You did your best Gengar. Come back."

"Switch out Lucario." Both trainers returned their Pokemon. "Mienshao! I'm counting on you again!" Mienshao was back out to battle. Both Mienshao and Lucario were perfectly healthy, so Ash was backed up into a wall. But he wasn't worried.

"I choose you!" Tossing his Pokeball, he sent out the Dragon-Type Dragonite.

"Dragonite, eh? A worthy opponent. Let's go, Mienshao!"

"Dragon Claw!" Dragonite's claws were enveloped in green draconic energy as it flew up.

"High-Jump Kick!" Mienshao jumped from rock to rock as its kicked clashed with Dragonite's claw, causing a powerful wind pressure to reach even the crowd. "Double Slap!" Mienshao then took off from the ground, moving its arms around, slapping Dragonite with floaty but powerful arms.

"Dragon Dance!" Dragonite had powered through the attack, spinning around. Mienshao kept using Double Slap on Dragonite while it was spinning, but the Dragon Pokemon was still dancing while getting hit. This was only making Dragonite spin faster. Ash was using Dragon Dance, not as a way to power up Dragonite, but to neutralize Mienshao's attacks.

"That thing can take a beating!" Yelled Applejack.

"What did you expect from a dragon? Duh!" Spike said. Mienshao jumped back as Dragonite landed down, stronger and faster than ever. It let out a mighty cry.

"How's that Korrina?!"

"We're not done yet! High Jump Kick!" Going for another one, the nimble Fighting-Type rushed forward.

"Dragon Claw!" Dragonite was ready to strike Mienshao down. The Martial Arts Pokemon kneed Dragonite in its wide belly, but it looked like it did nothing. Dragonite smiled as it smashed its claws down on Mienshao, sending it back. This caused the fast Pokemon to faint.

"Mienshao is unable to battle! Dragonite is the winner!"

"Great job Dragonite!"

"Wow. At first, I thought it was just a friendly dragon that just loves hugs.. but it's a total tank!" Rainbow Dash gawked.

Now it was fair game. Both down to one Pokemon.

"Come back Mienshao." Returning Mienshao, Korrina knew what was coming next. And so did Gurkinn. "Lucario! You're up!"

"There's Lucario again. It just radiates a powerful presence doesn't it?" said Twilight.

"Mhm." They all nodded in agreement.

"Ash! Battling you gets me really fired up!"

"Yeah! Same here! I think it's time you showed us what Lucario can really do!"

"Here it comes..." Gurkinn uttered. They all looked at him, wondering what he meant.

"What do you mean, Mr Gurkinn?" Fluttershy asked.

Korrina was ready. And so was Lucario.

"Alright... Here we go!" Korrina had suddenly given off a series of fighting moves. "Bursting with life!" She raised her hand up, revealing her mega stone.

"Mega Evolution!"

A surge of energy was racing through both Korrina and Lucario. This adrenaline, this rush, this feeling. Lucario let out a mighty cry as its full potential was being awakened. Ash had a huge grin on his face. He was waiting for this. Bright lights of energy engulfed Lucario, evolving its body. Twilight and the others were in shock. They had no idea what was going on.

The mighty and fierce Mega Evolution. Transcending a Pokemon to the next level. Awakening an ancient surge of power in their body. And this was Mega Lucario.

"Mega... Evolution." Twilight and the others all said in unison.

"Rarity's missing out." Sweetie Belle chattered.

"First time seeing it?" Gurkin said to them. "It truly is something huh? Mega Evolution is a phenomenon first discovered in the Kalos Region, that brings out a Pokemon's hidden strength. It is brought forth by a strong bond between trainer and Pokemon."

"This wasn't in any of the books I read! I have to get back to Canalave Library after this! This is unbelievable!" Twilight was going crazy. Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash looked like they were about to pass out from all of this.

"Don't worry about it Dragonite! Just do what you always do!"


"Alright! Dragon Dance!" Dragonite took the skies once more, spinning around.

"You're being careful, huh, Ash? That's not like you. Aura Sphere!" Lucario focused its aura as it charged up a ball of pure energetic aura, ready to fire.

"Fly around, Dragonite!" Dragonite was now flying around, and thanks to Dragon Dance increasing its speed, it was fast enough to throw Lucario off.

"You'll need more than that to dodge Aura Sphere! Go!" Lucario fired its Aura Sphere forward as it raced towards Dragonite, creating a powerful sound once it took off.

"Hyper Beam!" Dragonite was ready to counter with Hyper Beam, but the Aura Sphere had already hit it.

"Let's finish it! Power-up Punch!" Korrina made Lucario jumped up as its paws lighted up with energy. The Aura Pokemon unleashed a barrage of rapid-fire punches onto Dragonite, sending it flying down. A barrage like that would take any other Pokemon out, but not Dragonite. Dragonite got up from the ground, still ready to go.

"How is still standing?!" Sweetie Belle clamoured.

"Man. Mega Evolution is still tough to this day. What to do...?" Ash thought for a bit as he then got one of his insane ideas. "Dragonite! I've got a plan! Hurricane!" Dragonite had kicked up a Hurricane by simply flapping its wings. This strong wind was once again reaching the crowd. "Keep the hurricane going!" Rocks were flying about everywhere, heading towards Lucario. Lucario hit each of them away but some hit it in the face. The hurricane was growing in size as it surrounded Lucario. "Just as I planned!"

"There goes another one of Ash's crazy tricks!" Pinkie howled.

"Lucario! We won't give up! Aura Sphere!" Lucario had blown away the Hurricane by sending two Aura Spheres to separate it. The leftover Hurricane and the force of the Aura Sphere managed to make yet another wind flow. This time it even blew away someone in the crowd, including Apple Bloom and Spike. "Power-up Punch!" Lucario went into for another devastating hit.

"Dragon Claw!" Both Pokemon had moved towards each other. They both hit each other in the face with their attacks, rocketing them both back to the ground. There was a moment of silence. No one knew who won the clash. That's when the two Pokemon stood back up. They stared each other down. Both had taken considerable damage. But only one of them could keep on going. Lucario had eventually given out, falling to the ground as it went out of Mega Evolution.

"Lucario is unable to battle! As such the winner is Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town!"

"HE WON! WOOHOO!" Pinkie Pie celebrated by tossing confetti everywhere on the crowd. Scootaloo jumped off her seat in joy as Fluttershy took a deep breath, glad it was all over.

"We won! Yeah! You were awesome Dragonite! That was incredible! Thank you!" Ash went up to hug Dragonite. Dragonite had hugged its trainer back, filling itself up with so much joy. Ash's rank had now rose up. He was rank 921 and in the Super Class! "Yeah! I'm in the Super Class!"


"You did great Lucario." Despite them losing, Riolu was starstruck by what he saw. "Sorry. I guess we were pretty uncool back there." Riolu didn't think that. He thought they were awesome and wanted to strive to be like her Lucario.

All of them were outside, ready to head back.

"Congratulations on moving up a class, Ash."

"Thanks, Gurkinn."

"But, too bad for you Korrina."

"We're not done yet, grandpa! Right Lucario?"


"You were cool as always Ash!" Scootaloo shouted.

"So cool!" so did Rainbow Dash.

"Ash! You and your Dragonite were the best! Can you teach me?!" Spike said.


"Oh, there's the white Flabébé!" Gurkinn pointed out.

"AH! Wait! Come back Flabébé!" Goh said running off to catch it.

With Ash's rank now up, his road to the World Coronation Series and Leon is on the way. And with Rarity starting her new business at Kalos, the journey continues for both worlds.

Chapter 57 End!

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