• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Whereabouts of Jirachi

Sinnoh. Canalave City. Zero Arcade. Late Afternoon.

After having a card game match with Zero, he decided to do one last thing of greater value. In his own words, he had cracked the code to Rift Energy. Entering a secret room, he had proven that as deep within his own arcade, he made a lab. Despite him now choosing to make entertainment for others, he never ceased his scientific ways.

"Here. It's a small lab, but it's something. Sometimes, I come in here to make the Arcade Games you see." Zero introduced them to this small lab. "But you see...here is where I managed to solve the enigma that is Rift Energy."

"But how? Even Princess Celestia is having trouble figuring it out." Flash Sentry asked.

"And I thought it was super hard to understand." Ash scratched his hair.

"Seems I beat them to it. I've been hearing a lot about what's been going on over in your world. Especially Equestria. It took me 2 years to figure out how it works and thanks to that time, I could understand the unpredictability of it."

"How so?" Sombra questioned.

"Yeah. It's always unpredictable unless someone chooses to make it predictable. That's what Twilight told me when Cold did it." Ash replied.

"It's unpredictable in nature, the reason for it is because there's something within it that's forcing it to make all of these random decisions. Almost as if there are two forces inside."

"Yeah, there are!" Ash shouted. "The Rift used to be two humans from another world. Now they ended up becoming one. That's Lucien and Sienna who are inside of it."

"That so? Hm. Well, that makes sense...and does raise a few questions here and there. But besides that, here's what I discovered. The only thing I could do with this cosmic power was look into what its purposes were. They're so straightforward. Just seeing what can entertain the Rift. That's been the goal from the beginning. However, it's also done everything that it can to make sure that no one can keep these two worlds connected."

"Yeah. Arceus told us. It's been messing with this world by making a lot of us forget about easy ways to keep everything connected. Totally made us forget about Hoopa. But we have Jirachi." Ash grinned.


"About Jirachi. That's the most important thing I found out. The Rift is keeping the Jirachi away from everyone. Not just leaving the trail cold for the Wish Pokemon. But worse. Let me show you what I mean." Zero had then opened a box that contained Rift Energy. He had some of his own as he held it out to the group. Zero could easily hold it without having to worry about anything happening to him.

"How are you holding it so casually...?" Flurry Heart gawked.

"Giratina's Antimatter is far more dangerous than this. It's true that it's dangerous, but it can still be contained."

"But whenever someone touches it or it touches them, something happens to them." Ash noticed how Zero went unchanged. "Nothing's happening though."


"I learned how to control this power with the time I was given, Ash. Now, it's as harmless as a child's plaything." He bounced the ball of Rift Energy without a care in the world. Indeed, Zero's genius had its benefits. "But back on topic. Here is what I found about Jirachi."

He had then harnessed the power of Rift Magic without needing to have it influence its body. Zero was by far the only individual to do so as the blue and purple cosmic light from the sphere flashed, causing everyone to squint as the room had been eclipsed by this light.

Before they knew it, Zero had shown them what had become of the Jirachi over these past 3 years. And their eyes were given the sight of an ethereal plane. Not just any ethereal plane, but the one that was identical to the Rift. Stars and everything.

Ash and his friends gawked as it felt like they were there. When in reality, they were merely apparitions at the moment, unable to interact with this scenario. But of course, they could see what it had to offer. And apart from the ethereal plane, there they were. The Pokemon that could fix everything.


Not just one. But multiple Jirachi's. All floating around. They could all be seen in this one massive cosmic space, zooming, spinning, jumping and all other forms of movement.

"Jirachi!" Ash cried out. "Is there where they've been all this time?"

"Ever since the worlds crossed over, the Rift immediately made a separate plane of existence just for the Jirachi." Zero started explaining what he had gathered. "For every Jirachi. Not just the ones from your Universe but other universes as well. They had all been grabbed from their respective universes and brought there. To this Event Horizon that I've called it."

"So...It trapped them all!" Flurry Heart put the pieces together immediately.

"That's right, princess. The Jirachi here are trapped. Locked up in this dimension with no way to leave." And what Zero said was true. The moments of the Jirachi proved this.

Being locked up here at first confused the Jirachi. They weren't sure how or why this was happening as they started chatting amongst each other with telepathy. The Jirachi were more stunned to meet more of themselves considering how rare this Legendary Pokemon was even with their respective universes.

"I didn't think I'd meet another me." One Jirachi went up to another with both of them touching hands and faces in perfect unison as if they were on the same wavelength.

"Same here. It's strange."

"Very strange." All of them said in unison, causing an echo within this endless space.

"Where are we?" Another Jirachi wanted to know where they were. It wasn't anywhere they recognized despite them appearing in the cosmos. "It doesn't look like home..."

"I was with Brendan and now I'm here." Another Jirachi revealed that it had a Pokemon Trainer. A name that was familiar to Ash's ears. Brendan. A Pokemon Trainer from the same universe that Red and Gold come from, further confirming that each of these Jirachi come from different worlds. It also made Ash wonder if the Brendan he met owned a Jirachi or if it was another Brendan out there.

"I wasn't supposed to wake up for another 1000 years. Oh well!" A Jirachi didn't seem to be bothered by this. So far, most of them weren't. This was all an early experience for them. It wouldn't take long for them to realize something was off.

And it started with one of the Jirachi already trying to leave here. And it figured that the best way to do so was via teleportation. But soon, the one Jirachi realized that it couldn't teleport from this dimension. "Hm? That's weird."

"What's weird?" Another one of its species hovered over whilst being upside down.

"I can't leave." That same Jirachi tried it again, attempting teleportation, only to fail completely. "I can't teleport!"

"That's silly. You're silly." The other Jirachi laughed, poking its fellow Wish Pokemon in the face before also trying to leave here via teleportation. However, soon, it would also discover that it was unable to leave as well. "Huh?"

"Told you. Silly." The Jirachi poked its fellow Steel-Psychic-Type in the face once it found out. Soon, the rest of the Jirachi tried the same thing. They were known for always teleporting but in this instance, the only place they could teleport to was this vast endless cosmic horizon.

They were hoping to come across some walls, potentially feeling their hands on them, only to find out there was nothing solid here at all. Thus, knowing that there was seemingly nothing but an endless space was starting to worry the many Wish Pokemon. Reasonably so. This realm, while beautiful to look at, felt haunting in a way. Staying in it any longer could make it feel unusually eerie for the Jirachi.

"W-What do we do?" With a majority of them starting to panic, some wondered if they were still within their universe, as questions started flooding in.

"That's easy!" A more optimistic one had a solution for them all. "Let's all wish to leave!"

"Oh that makes sense." All of the Jirachi said in unison once this simple recommendation came along. Indeed, they had the power to do practically anything they wanted. All they needed was for a wish to come true. Fittingly, since so many of them were in one spot, they could all receive and grant wishes from each other.

In unison, they all focused on one wish. Leaving this realm. Their powers were ready to combine. However, something far worse than having no end in sight within this realm had struck them. It seems that only their teleportation abilities were active as the moment they focused on one wish, nothing happened.

Not a spark. Not a glitter. Not a glint, flash, shine, shimmer or even a faint sparkle. Nothing happened. And upon noticing this, all of the Jirachi had found out that their power to grant wishes had been taken away.

"It's gone..." One of them spoke with a weak voice. This came as a tragedy to them. The one thing that makes them all so special had been robbed of them.

"I can't feel it anymore." Another one whimpered as all of the Jirachi were now fully worried for every right reason. With their powers being absent and only teleportation being allowed within this vast endless space, hope was fading.

Cries and whimpers started echoing across the event horizon. Aside from teleporting, they started flying around in a frenzy with some Jirachi bumping into each other. Witnessing this past event made Ash and the others see how instantly the Rift wanted all chances of the worlds remaining connected to be nothing.

The Jirachi were now sent into a state of sadness. And that could soon lead to despair as many of them still tried using their wish-granting powers, only to be reminded that it was a total failure. What else could they do? Some started crying while others remained silent, unsure of what can be done. Despite having the power to do anything, they could do nothing.

"Jirachi..." Ash uttered, clenching his fists after seeing the Jirachi being stuck here. For three years. That time frame of the Jirachi being here meant only one thing. "Away from their own universes...and they've got nothing else to do or see here."

"Those poor things..." Flurry Heart put her hooves over her mouth as her heart went for the Wish Pokemon.

"This was on the very day that the worlds crossed over. The Rift knew which Pokemon to target before anyone else. Jirachi was vulnerable. All of them across every universe." Zero spoke.

"Hey, don't worry!" But just then, within all of this sadness, another Jirachi stayed positive. Ash and the others turned to face this singular Jirachi. "We'll get out."

"How...?" Another Jirachi asked with tears flowing. This one optimistic Jirachi flew over, using the wish tag on its head to wipe away the tears.

"My friends Max and Ash taught me to never lose hope."

"Huh...?" Hearing this made Ash realize that this Jirachi was one he's met before. The one that had befriended him and especially his old travelling friend from the Hoenn Region Max. This Jirachi he's met before. "It's that Jirachi!"


"We'll get out of here someday. I know it." The optimistic Jirachi helped the others up. "I don't know how long...but it won't be long for us, will it?" It laughed, joking about how the Jirachi all sleep for millenniums. It was the only one here looking on the bright side, thinking back to Ash and Max and how their actions gave it the spark to look for hope. "So let's have fun until that comes! I know a lot of things we can do!"

The other Jirachi weren't sure about that. They don't even know who Ash and Max are. But if there was ever a time they needed something to uplift them, this one Jirachi could do it. With a grin on its face, it would do what it could to keep them all hopeful until that day comes for their freedom.

"So that's why Arceus wanted us to make that staircase!" Ash put it together. "But why would he make us start at Equestria...?"

"Pikachu..." Pikachu wondered that as well. Then again, this unknown realm that the Jirachi are trapped in wasn't exactly made by a Pokemon. Hard to say if it was even located somewhere in the Pokemon Universe.

"Another Legendary Pokemon you know personally." Zero chuckled at Ash knowing about this one Jirachi.

"Yeah. A good friend of ours. Jirachi's probably been helping them out for these past 3 years."

"But to be here with nothing else to do is haunting." Flurry Heart shook her head.

"This memory of the Rift answers why you could never immediately keep the worlds connected in the earlier days." Zero continued. "But of course...that's about to change. You mentioned that staircase. The one located Canterlot."

"You know about that too, Zero?" Ash turned to him.

"I may have ended my pursuit for Giratina apart from the card I own, but I never stopped my curiosity on dimensions. Especially now that we have parallel universes. I've caught wind of the other world remember? I'm well aware of this golden stairway that reaches for the sky. That thing might be the only way to Jirachi if it works out."

"It's gonna work out no doubt!" Flurry Heart exclaimed with confidence. "When everyone works together, they get so much done. I know. I've seen it."

"Yes, yes. I know." Zero slowed Flurry Heart down. "You don't have to tell me that. I know that as well from experience. Isn't that right, Ash?" He then looked at Ash, referring to when they were still enemies.

"You bet." Ash chuckled in response.


"But I also plan to help. Help the Jirachi free themselves." Zero ended the memory projection. "I managed to gather this piece of Rift Energy by visiting the Arcane Seas in the Unova Region, also made by Rift Magic. This piece has the ability to see memories as I just demonstrated."

"That's all it does?" said Flash.

"Yes. But I've been working hard to change that. Which I did. I can also make gateways with this thing. Change hair colours, create food, see through the dark and caves or even grow trees. Among a few things that I managed to get from it."

"You managed to make it develop that much? Wow...You really are a genius!" Flurry Heart's eyes widened.

"Thank you. But I have to thank science for it."

"Science is so amazing!" Ash and Flurry Heart both said, amazed by Zero's scientific capabilities.

"At the end of the day, Rift Magic is not untouchable." Zero placed it back in the box. "Much like Infinity Energy and even the magic from your world, it has its inner workings. And with enough hard work, it can be tampered with."

"Zero. Thanks for being such a big help." Ash had to show his gratitude once more. "I didn't think you'd be helping us one day. Especially in a super big way. Now we know where all the Jirachi are."


"It's my pleasure, Ash. I already made up for what I tried years ago. So, I might as well use what I still learned from my years of working with Professor Newton to solve our cosmic problem before it becomes a cosmic crisis."

"Cosmic crisis?" Ash, Flash and Flurry Heart said in unison.

"Right. You're a big name in Equestria, Ash. And I know of what you did. You managed to affect the Rift with your Aura. But now, you've essentially poked something far more ferocious than a Tauros by the horns."

"Yeah. I get what you mean." Ash put on a serious face, nodding in response. "It already tried to get ma few times one day."

"You've damaged and angered a force that is just as powerful as Arceus. It helps since it's weakened now, but also this means that the Rift will take it out on you in ever-increasing ways. I fear that it could get out of hand soon and threaten not just this world, but the other world too."

"What do we do then?" Flash Sentry asked.

"For now, it's best you all focus on what you all need to focus on. Like that stairway. As for me. I'm going to focus on the Rift Energy I've managed to gather. And run this arcade, of course. My progress isn't going the way I want it to, but I'm sure I'll have something."

"I got it!" Ash put his hands together. "How about you come over and help out with Twilight back in Equestria?"


"Hm? Oh, right. Her student is a Rift Pony." Zero thought for a moment.

"Not just that. Twilight's got another student there too. If you and her team up, you could get somewhere fast." Ash saw this as an opportunity to have two geniuses work together. Twilight was the smartest pony he knew and Zero was up there with one of the smartest humans in the world.

And there were a lot. For better or for worse.

"Not a bad idea, Ash. I'll see you there tomorrow." Without hesitating, Zero found it to be a good idea to bring these two minds together. He agreed to it right after.

"Awesome! Plus, we're waiting on Phione to give us the next signal. Or I guess Arceus. Or both." Ash continued, mentioning Phione's massive play in all of this.

"We should be heading off now." Flash intervened. "It's getting late and tomorrow's the last day."

"Just 2 days is kinda lame." Flurry Heart pouted. "Wish it was longer. But we'll make the most of it I guess."

"Well, gotta go, Zero. See you tomorrow!" Ash and his friends were off with the beautiful moon showing itself along with the glorious stars. He and the others were let out of this lab as the arcade was already closing, reaching late hours.

"Hm. See you tomorrow." Zero bid his farewell to them as well. And by tomorrow, a collab of geniuses was due.

Zero himself knew he had to get ready, leaving his lab and preparing for a good night's sleep. Although, for some, mainly Flurry Heart, it would be difficult to sleep knowing that there were so many Jirachi trapped within an unknown dimension.

Route 218. Nightfall.

Speaking of which, near Canalave City was Route 218 as Ash and the others would sleep there before advancing. A nice comfy tent given to them by Cadence had been set up.

As expected, Flurry Heart, as well as Ash and Pikachu, couldn't help but think about the Jirachi. Flash Sentry tried to stay up and be the night guard, but having so much fun in the arcade for the first time in his life had drained the pegasus, causing him to doze off next to a tree.

"Hey, Ash." Flurry Heart spoke, asleep next to Ash.

"Yeah?" Ash replied with his eyes half-open. Pikachu got comfortable around his best friend, lying on his stomach.

"Do you think the Jirachi will all be okay? You know...with that one Jirachi helping them?"

"They'll be fine. I know that Jirachi well so there's no need to worry. Besides, it did say that a millennium's nothing to them." The Champion of Alola smiled. "And it's never gonna be a millennium for when we free them. We'll get them out of there soon. With Phione and Arceus helping us along the way."

"That's nice to hear, Ash." She giggled. "Glad I got to travel alongside you. You always have a lot of stories and adventures to share and learn about."

"Thanks, Flurry." Ash laughed back.

"But you know...those Jirachi reminded me of my mom and dad." Flurry Heart's tone changed with her ears dropping. "From my universe. I don't know where they are either. Auntie put them someplace where nopony can find them. Seeing those Jirachi being stuck in that place brought me back to it."

"Yeah...I get what you mean."

"I really miss them. I love the parents I have now but...even if they're the same, I still want mine back." Thinking about it made the young alicorn tear up. She was starting to feel like the Jirachi right now. She didn't fully break down into tears as she had the Cadence and Shining Armor from Universe One to fill that void. But her true parents were still those ones she wanted back.

"We'll get them back." Ash narrowed his eyes, seeing his mind on another objective for a friend. "I don't care if she hid them in a place that's tough to find. We'll go the distance to find your real parents. No matter what."

"Thanks, Ash." She wiped her tear before thinking to herself. "I can see why auntie's so into him now. I'm glad I have all of these friends with me. Especially you, Giratina." Flurry Heart then looked at Giratina's Ultra Ball, thanking it for being a close friend to the young princess.

"Now...Let's see what we can do tomorrow." Ash yawned. "What are you thinking, Flurry?"

"Me? Well, I was thinking we try and go for that-" But before Flurry Heart could give out a recommendation, Ash had already knocked himself out, entering a peaceful sleep. Flurry Heart simply smiled before choosing to sleep afterwards. "Goodnight, Ash."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 767 End.

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