• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,486 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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To obliterate chaos

Equestria. Out in the wilds. Near Trottingham.

The ponies of Trottingham have currently taken shelter. At this point, if their homes were destroyed, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary. Ever since Eternatus, and to an extent Spike's Salamence, having their entire home being ravaged by a giant and destructive force would just be an average day or night for them. Not even an invasion would phase them.

Right now, just near Trottingham, one pony hadn't taken shelter from the current invasion yet. That pony was Big Macintosh. Early in the morning, he went out to buy something at a trade market right next to Trottingham. It took a while to get to Trottingham and a longer period of time to get stuff done there.

Right now, many ships hovered above the skies, combating the army of Celestia's Equestria while Big Mac himself plus his Machamp were hiding from all the anarchy happening everywhere. The chances of them taking a train back to Equestria was impossible. And even Machamp's impressive speed would just draw attention. If those ships can catch up to a faster Pokemon such as Pheromosa then there's a guarantee they'll catch up to Machamp. Except Big Mac wasn't aware of this. He just wanted to get home.

Big Mac and Machamp quietly moved around the land, trying not to draw any attention. Big Mac received a piggyback ride from Machamp as the two of them looked to the skies, seeing the battle take place. In the far distance, they even noticed what seemed to be green flames and multicoloured lights flashing along with electricity, most likely from the adult Dragon Spike and the robotic octopus.

Machamp moved through a plethora of bushes as all nearby Pokemon scurried away. They were already intimidated by the invasion occurring and an intimidating Pokemon like Machamp wasn't helping.

Here, many Dynamax dens resided with power spots. After all, Eternatus affected Trottingham the most, making it the most Dynamax-Prone location in all of Equestria. In fact, Dynamaxed Pokemon are fairly common near Trottingham.

Up ahead, Big Mac noticed a very familiar carriage that was near a plethora of bushes. One belonging to the magician and principal of the Great and Powerful School. Trixie Lulamoon, of course.

For the first time, seeing Trixie felt like a relief for Big Macintosh as he and Machamp ran over to the carriage to see if they could hide in it for safety and possibly have Trixie guide them back home. That is if they could fit. Big Mac could but Machamp is a different story.

As they approached it, Big Mac was ready to knock on the door until the door itself opened up, smacking Big Mac in the face, causing him to fall on his back.


"Get back!" Trixie held out a comically large wand, pointing it at Big Mac, believing that he was one of the invaders as Misdreavus hissed at whoever was near.


"Oh, wait. But then, Trixie immediately saw who she had hit. It wasn't a foe but just a familiar face. "You're Applejack's big sister, right? Big Mac?"

"Eeyup..." Big Mac groaned as he held his face with his hoof as Machamp helped him up. We need a place to hide and a way to get home soon. Think you can help?"

"A bit more talkative than I thought...I can definitely hide you in here. I'm heading for Undella Town right now. Hiding out in my school is the best way to stay safe from that." She pointed her hoof at the carnage happening in the far distance. "You can stay in here, no problem."

"Really? Thanks!"

"But you're gonna have to handle that." Trixie looked at Machamp. "No way your Machamp's fitting in here."


"Put it back in its Poke Ball quick."

"Uh...I don't have one for him...." Big Mac shook his head.

"Huh? You don't have a Poke Ball? But that is your Machamp, right?" Trixie asked.


"For a Pokemon that big you should have a Poke Ball all ready for him from the start. Here." Trixie quickly dug into her magic box, bringing out an Ultra Ball. "Catch him with this."

"Alright." Big Mac took the Ultra Ball, turning around and facing his partner with it. While Machamp preferred to stay out, having a Poke Ball in situations like this really helped. The Superpower Pokemon gave the Ultra Ball a little fist bump as the ball had pulled him in with a red light. It hit the ground, shaking and waiting for the inevitable result.

1...2...3...Gotcha! Machamp was caught. Even though he already had a trainer.

"Good. Now get in here, big guy!" Trixie grabbed Big Macintosh and the Ultra Ball, pulling him inside as she immediately locked the doors shut. And at the right time.

Four large ships appeared, passing through the nearest gateway as they had flown by the area that Trixie's carriage was on. The sound they made was haunting while trees were being blown with leaves flying out from the movements of the four ships. Not wanting to reveal themselves, Trixie placed blinds on her carriage windows, also turning off all lights inside, concealing themselves.

The ships had opened their hatches, sending out more troops and robotic creations to give their side an advantage as they advanced towards the location of Trottingham.

Large metal boxes were dropped in the middle of the wilds, shaking the ground as they were starting to open up. Out of the boxes, those same robotic rhino-like vehicles were revealed with drivers inside. They put the vehicle into full throttle before charging towards Trottingham and beyond but not before tearing through the wilds themselves with their sharp horns.

The Pokemon here whimpered as they all hurried back to their homes, fearing the empire's invading forces. Most of the Pokemon here were meek and weren't exactly brave. It didn't help that a lot of them were small Pokemon with medium-sized ones being fairly rare. Ironic considering they live in a heavy Dynamax area.

The aerial drones activated their headlights, scanning the entire area as they shined lights across the wilds. For this invasion to be successful, every little action counts. That involves any ponies that could be threats such as the Canterlot soldiers, Wonderbolts and more.

Eliminating and capturing those threats were important. Especially if those threats could benefit the Twilight Imperium. Empress Twilight was already aiming to make the Pokemon a part of her army. Creatures as powerful and destructive as Pokemon can get anyone far depending on who's training them.

Or in the Empress' case, using them as just tools.

Trixie and Big Mac stayed silent close to each other as they just wanted to get out of here away from the mess. They each heard the roar of the adult dragon Spike in the distance. It was absolutely terrifying as there was a very good chance that Spike and the giant robotic octopus could continue their rampage towards here.

"Looks like we're gonna be in here for a while," Trixie spoke within the silence.

Speaking of which, the Wonderbolts and Canterlot Soldiers were still struggling against these two giants. Spike's flames and amazing strength were difficult to counter and the octopus' hard metal appendages were nigh-impossible to avoid.




Each of Spitfire's three Pokemon, Scizor, Electivire and Froslass had been knocked back by both Spike and the octopus along with other Pokemon belonging to the Wonderbolts and the Canterlot soldiers.

"Froslass..." Froslass and a few others had fainted after hours of battling. Spitfire returned the Snow Land Pokemon to her Poke Ball, thanking her for a job well done.


"Electivire!" But Scizor and Electivire gound still go on.

"We need more help here! Come out, Flygon! Sharpedo! Gallade!" Spitfire sent out the rest of her Pokemon for extra assistance.




"Let's make this quick!" Spitfire suddenly put her hooves out as she revealed her Mega Bracelet. That meant only one thing. Scizor was about to Mega Evolve. They wanted to end this rampage before it got out of control. If they didn't then all of Equestria would be demolished by these two giants.


"Scizor! Mega Evolve!" Not wasting any time with a catchphrase, Spitfire raised her hoof, summoning the golden lights from her Mega Stone while the red lights came out of Scizor's keystone.

They formed the DNA symbol before covering the Pincer Pokemon in it. Scizor's body rapidly changed with all the excess energy from Mega Evolution flowing through him. He eventually emerged out of the light, revealing his Mega Form.


"Now! Scizor! Night Slash! Electivire, Thunder! Sharpedo, use Aqua Jet! And Flygon, Dragon Claw!"

"Zor!" Scizor, the rest of his teammates and other Pokemon approached the two giants with their own moves in store. Scizor's pincers lit up with a dark aura while Electivire stood back, building up electricity from the skies. Sharpedo moved ahead of everyone due to its amazing speed as it was covered in a veil of water, leaving a liquid trail.

"Sharp!" Sharpedo was the first to crash into the giant metallic octopus, knocking it back a tad before using the speed of Aqua Jet to fly away as the octopus swung its appendages at the Brutal Pokemon.

After missing its swing, the octopus and Spike were both met by Scizor's Night Slash. In the blink of an eye, Scizor had rapidly swung his pincers, hitting both Spike and the octopus at the same time, square in the face. Spike roared as he swiped his claws at Scizor before missing from Scizor's quick fly back.

A flock of Flying-Type Pokemon repeatedly attacked from afar, distracting their targets with air-based attacks, catching their attention. While Spike was distracted, Electivire sent a giant blast of electricity from his body, shocking the adult dragon. The giant electricity spread out, reaching the octopus, causing it to stop in its tracks for a brief moment.

Once both large forces were restrained, all the Pokemon took the opportunity to unload everything on them. All at once, they all used their best moves. Far or up close. A collection of various elements filled with infinity energy went soaring towards the adult dragon and robotic octopus.

Spike cried out with a bellowing roar. He moved back as he most definitely felt the force of all those Pokemon moves. The adult dragon was hit so hard that he fell on his back, destroying the surrounding buildings behind him. That certainly knocked him off his feet for a while.

As for the giant robotic octopus, it had taken more damage than Spike from all the moves thrown at it. The ponies and Pokemon it held in its appendages had been freed due to its grip being weakened. The octopus almost fell on its back but it had recovered.

Visible dents were made on the octopus. Its aluminium body had suffered immense damage as it was showing great signs of weakness. Even its tentacles had taken damage.

Everypony could see that if they kept this up, the octopus would be taken out in no time. Spike was a bit harder to dictate. It was hard to see how close he was to being defeated as he was starting to get up with flames snorting out of his nose.

However, by using its AI, the robotic octopus saw that it needed to do something fast or else it would be obliterated by the next heavy combination of moves. Aside from the many sharp and hard tentacles it possessed and fast spinning tactics plus blinding lights from the multicoloured spheres, there was one thing that the robot had that was an ace in the hole.

And those spheres were that ace. Apart from blinding foes, they had one other use. A use that could be considered terrifying and unstoppable in a sense. The robotic octopus regained its balance as all the spheres on its body starting beeping and glowing repeatedly.

Then, before everyone knew it, the octopus had transformed these seemingly lifeless spheres into something that had life. The spheres automatically flew out of the octopus' body, flying across the skies as they blocked out the moon from how many there were.

Everyone looked up, witnessing the spheres come to life as they gained mini tentacles of themselves They were expecting them to cause miniature flashes, similar to their multi flashes. However, what came next was unexpected.

The eight-limbed spheres gained singular eyes as they dropped down at high speeds, suddenly latching onto the backs, heads, arms, hooves and more of anyone they came in contact with.

"Oh!" One guard gasped as the sphere had latched onto his hooves, attaching itself to his body. And the same went for his allies. "W-What's it doing?!"

The soldiers tried removing the spheres by simply pushing them away. However, when they attempted to do so, their hooves just went through as the spheres were unphased. The same went for the Pokemon. The Golurk, despite their great strength, couldn't remove this. However, they had different results. While everyone's limbs went through, the Golurk were able to stretch the spheres like rubber. But that wasn't doing much either way.

"They won't come off! It's like ink!"

The spheres then started to expand, gradually covering their bodies. Some ponies tried rapidly shaking their hoof while backing away as well, trying to free themselves of these parasitic spheres. Those that had been caught by these spheres started panicking. Especially those caught in the head.

The spheres covered the faces of those hit in the head by them. Muffled screams started coming out from the ponies who had their faces covered by these spheres as they fell to the ground, trying their best to free themselves. They couldn't do so as the spheres were starting to consume them all until they were nothing but colourful statues, unable to move their bodies. That would be their fate if they couldn't stop this.

"It's on me! It's on me!" Soarin cried out as he started rapidly screaming. He tore off his Wonderbolt outfit to try and escape from it but that was no good. While he got most of it off by removing his outfit, a small portion of this ink-like substance remained on his skin, growing in size. They seemed like they were rapidly expanding with each passing second.

"S-Scizor!" Noticeably, Scizor could actually break free of these spheres with his Meg Evolved form. His pincers had torn the spheres apart, ignoring their ink-like physiology. Scizor had destroyed the spheres by doing so. And once he did that, the robot octopus actually took some visible damage. Almost as if those spheres were still tied to it physically or spiritually.

After doing so, the Pincer Pokemon rushed off to try and free everyone else from the spheres. More of them kept dropping from above, chasing after the Pokemon and ponies who were doing their best to evade being caught by these parasites. The Bug-Steel-Type was able to zigzag around, using the heat around his sharp pincers to destroy any incoming spheres that almost latched onto someone.

And if the spheres would try and attach themselves to Scizor, the intense heat that exuded from the Pincer Pokemon's body in his Mega form was so intense that the spheres would end up being obliterated by the heat itself.

Scizor was the perfect counter to the spheres as he freed those that had been made colourful ink statutes, ripping the ink apart with his pincers. He would also use the heat from his body to melt them away as well.


"Ah!" Those freed gasped for air after being covered in all that ink. Those that hadn't been caught yet could see that the key to this was most likely either fire or something sharp. Luckily, some had some Fire-Type moves in-store as well. Since their main enemies were mostly focused on metal, many prepared for this invasion by either cathing Fire-Type Pokemon or teaching their Pokemon Fire-Type moves.

Those with Fire and Steel on their side got to work. They generated high amounts of heat with various Fire-Type moves such as Fire Spin, Heat Wave, Flamethrower and more.

Spike had just recovered as he ascended into the air, holding his breath in for another large fire breath. While everyone was focused on the spheres, the adult dragon dropped had advanced onwards, continuing his momentous rampage. This time, Spike moved on all fours, roaring at the prey in front of him. The adult dragon generated fire in his mouth, ready to unleash it.

"Zor?!" Scizor turned around as he noticed that a giant Spike had unleashed a furious blast of green flames from his mouth. This time, he wasn't quick enough to evade it. Thus, the flames finally hit him, The Pincer Pokemon had been engulfed by Spike's horrifying green flames as the flames moved onwards, torching everything else nearby.

"Ah! Scizor, no!" Spitfire gasped as the flames were heading towards her and her fellow Wonderbolts. To shield them once more, a wall of Golurk stood in front of them all, taking the flames directly.

However, after breathing the flames, Spike went for his next destructive move. The adult dragon smashed his claws on the ground, creating a ground tsunami with giant dust clouds flowing forward. Spitfire and the others gasped as they closed their eyes. The Golurk continued to stay as walls for the ponies and their fellow Pokemon as they were the first to be caught up in this. Them being Ground-Types meant that they could resist this for sure. But, the ground tsunami was so vast that even if they were walls, the sheer width and scale of it.

Spitfire put her hoof over her face as everyone around her had been engulfed by the ground tsunami. Very soon, even the skies themselves were covered by this massive wave of dust. Not even the Flying-Type Pokemon could escape from it as they dragged down by its overwhelming force.

After reaching a far distance, practically moving so far it almost met with Trottingham, the dust cleared as large piles of rubble were littered everywhere. Seemingly, barely anyone else was around. They had been buried in the rubble and the visible ones had fallen over. Even the Golurk were down, face first.

Spike roared, declaring victory over this area. He ascended into the air as he continued his rampage, flying off to the next area to cause more destruction. And the same went for the robotic squid. The spheres that originally used to be on its body regenerated as they had gained new ones. The ones it had already sent out were mostly destroyed thanks to Scizor.

With new spheres on, the giant aluminium covered octopus hovered through the sky, heading off to the next destination to continue its part in the invasion. This area was considered dealt with. And it looked like Trottingham would be next since it was close by.

And the one who watched the whole thing play out, well most of it anyway, was once again, Discord, who witnessed the chaos occur. It was safe to say he was having a good time as he ate some clouds as popcorn.

"That's that. Let's see how Trottinghamn goes." Discord was excited to see how the rest of this invasion will play out. He wanted to see it through to the end. However, before Discord could follow the chaos that was the invasion occurring on different parts of Equestria, someone was here to pay him a quick visit.

Or rather, deal with him more physically and less pleasantly. The one who was responsible for this invasion happening in the first place.

Empress Twilight Sparkle.

"Discord." She called out his name.

"Hm? Discord took a sip out of his cloud cup, turning around to face the Empress. After seeing her face, in just three seconds, he stopped drinking his aerial snack, burping out a lightning bolt that had just missed the Empress' face, clipping her mane. "Oh! Empress Twilight, right?"

The spirit of chaos then vanished before reappearing behind the Empress with an elongated lion paw wrapping around her neck. "Quite a nice event you've started. Well, there's never a dull moment in this world thanks to those Pokemon, but this just makes it better."

"Of course the first thing you'd do is babble without any fear..." The Empress sighed.

"So, are you finally getting into the action? Because if so, that's a shame, I would've wanted this to last longer. Not skip to the final boss already." Discord placed a video game health bar and level number over the Empress' head.

"Like I need to." She scoffed after shoving Discord aside. "Through this all, I won't let anyone even get close to defeating me. Not this world's Celestia, my younger self or anypony else. Especially not that Ash Ketchum. And that goes for you too, Discord."

"Oh well, I never said anything about doing so." Discord shrugged before floating around the Empress. "But you're right about the rest. Losing to a younger and less experienced version of yourself would be embarrassing, wouldn't it? Seeing you breakdown after that might be glorious! Oh, but losing to Ash would be on a grander scale, wouldn't' it?"

"You would like that, wouldn't you?" The Empress looked at him with scorn and disgust.

"Without a doubt." Discord admitted with honesty.

"That was a silly question for me to ask." She groaned before regaining her composure. "But it's fine. Yet again, that's one of the many reasons why I'll constantly keep obliterating you all the time."

"...I'm sorry come again?" Discord's ears flew out of his body, heading close to Empress Twilight's mouth after hearing the words that she uttered.

"You heard me. Like every other Discord out there, I've dealt with them personally." The Empress began walking around the Spirit of Chaos as Discord's attention and mood had shifted drastically. "And yet, I still can't seem to find a way to harness your Chaos magic for myself. Pinkie Pie succeeded to an extent, and yet I'm exempt from it. How frustrating..."

"You're here to destroy me?"

"I can't have any threats getting in my way. And you're by the biggest one without equal. And even if I can't harness the full potential of your Chaos Magic, I can take it, either way, only fueling my magic capabilities."

"Hmm..." Discord put his talon on his chin, stroking his goatee before thinking about this. "No. I don't think so." He wasn't just going to let the Empress steal his magic all willy-nilly.

He gave out a quick chuckle before sending a bolt of Chaos magic to try and mess with the Empress in various wacky instances and scenarios he can think of.

But then, he was taken back by surprise when he witnessed the Empress hold his Chaos magic all casually, freezing it in place and disintegrating it into nothing but cosmic dust in the cold night wind. Discord's eyes popped out before retracting as he was processing what he had just seen.

"That can't be right."

"Surprised? But you should've expected this. I've absorbed countless magic from other worlds, including alternate versions of you, obviously. And with my ability to open up the Rifts themselves, some of that cosmic energy resides in me." She then asserted her dominance and power by causing a thunderous explosion in the air before ascending with her eyes and body glowing a sinister aura. "I've made sure that not even a Spirit of Chaos can get in my way, understand?"

"Mm." Discord put up a poker face as he had quickly realized that was probably chatting to the worst possible individual right about now. Someone that can not only obliterate him but also nullify what he can do. He then let out a nervous chuckle. "Well then...this has been an interesting meeting. I look forward to seeing what this world's Twilight grows up to be. I'll be heading home and wait for this whole thing to blow over if you don't mind."

"Tch." Not wanting to hear any of Discord's nonsense and babble any further, the Empress wasted no time as she surrounded Discord in a rainbow aura, holding him in place as the Spirit of Chaos could feel his bones hardening and freezing.

"Ow-Ow!" He winced and cried out, unable to move his body.

"Feel familiar?" The Empress smirked. "This is the same way you were turned to stone two times in a row. Only this time, when you're petrified, you'll be as fragile as glass and I'll shatter you with one go. Or blast you into nothing. Or compress you. Either way, it doesn't really matter. As long as you're gone."

"Hold on, hold on!" Discord began pleading. "Y-You don't want to get rid of me, do you? After all, this is the best version of Equestria, right? So just maybe, all the full potential of Chaos magic could be yours, don't you think?" He gave the Empress a possibility to use the full potential of Chaos, making her do whatever she wanted without that much effort.

"Hmph. My Equestria is the best version of Equestria. Period." The Empress refused as she wasn't going to fall for Discord's tricks. "Goodbye."

The body of the Spirit of Chaos was being petrified all over. Just like before with Celestia and Luna and the Mane 6, history was repeating itself. But in this case, it was with a sinister nature and a less righteous force. What's worse is that this might be the end of Discord if this fully goes through. No one's threatened to destroy him before. Not even Tirek.

Unable to anything to save himself, the Spirit of Chaos closed his eyes, believing this was truly the end for him. His entire body had been turned to stone, right on the spot with the rainbow magic.

And to rub it in, the Empress quickly revealed something that would enrage Discord. Out of the gateway she came from, the source of her turning Discord to stone had been unravelled.

The Elements of Harmony, her old friends who were now just tools for her to use the magic of friendship to solve all of her problems.

And one of them was Fluttershy. A very old Fluttershy as she and her friends were being carried by the Empress, fueling her with the Magic of Friendship against their will. Discord witnessed this while in a stone prison. He was beyond furious right now but also scared by what he was seeing.

The Empress just wanted to torture Discord by having him see a very close friend of his in a horrible state while also being the source of his defeat.

"Splendid!" The Empress chuckled as she already knew how devastated Discord was. She then pulled Fluttershy towards her, caressing the pegasus' mane and further taunting Discord. "That's always my favourite thing to do to every other Discord. Get's them every time."

This was something that Discord would not laugh at. Even he would find disgust in it considering it was a close friend to him. Even if she wasn't from the same world.

The Empress then tossed Fluttershy and the others back into the gateway like ragdolls before her cackling ceased. She had no care for them at all. She was now ready to end Discord as she was charging up a giant blast of magic to put an end to this world's Spirit of Chaos forever.


Breaking through the clouds and shooting upwards, a beam of magic came soaring along, hitting the Empress right under her chin before knocking her on her back.

"Ugh!" She groaned as she had almost been sent back into the gateway from that hit. And it stung. So much so that even she was bewildered by it.

That magic came straight from an alicorn. But the alicorn in particular that performed that staggering attack was from an alicorn who also came from another world.


She flew through the clouds, appearing before the Empress as Discord's petrified body was starting to fall, in imminent danger of cracking if he would hit the ground. Not wanting that to happen, Nyx carefully used her magic to grab Discord from a faraway distance.

Afterwards, she made a magic slide that connected to the ground. She placed Discord on the slide as the petrified Spirit of Chaos was moving away from the area and heading straight for a safe and soft spot. AKA, magic pillows that Nyx had made.

Discord went down the slide, successfully landing on the pillows as he had been saved from a horrible outcome as Nyx let out a sigh of relief.

"Nyx!" The Empress roared as she turned to face the other alicorn. "Again, you just love getting my way, don't you?"

"This will be the last time." Nyx turned to face the Empress. "This world and those living in it will most certainly be your downfall."

"That's what I'm hoping doesn't happen. Anything in this world is far too dangerous to be ignored. This is the world where my Empire will gain new additions and power that will be unmatched by other worlds that even dare try and oppose. You should know what that's like, right? After all, you are technically Nightmare Moon, hm?"

"Not anymore. I may take on her shape but I'm not that manifestation in the slightest. But, everything she could do, I can do too."

"And you think that'll be enough to beat me?"

"I won't be able to beat you. But Princess Celestia, mother and everyone else can. The princess has already found a solution to render your magic pointless...I'm just here to stall for time! Besides! I've learned some tricks along every other world to deal with you!" Nyx grinned as she used her magic to create a simple blinding light. Nothing too extraordinary.

"Agh!" The Empress yelled as she had been temporarily blinded by Nyx's midnight light. Afterwards, Nyx had forced the Empress down by charging forward, putting her hooves out as she and Empress Twilight were falling.

The Empress regained her vision with a quick Eye recovery spell as she looked Nyx in the eyes with aggravation. She saw that Nyx was forcing her to the ground, right towards the nearest hillside. In response, the Empress used her magic to blast Nyx away, forcing the dark-coloured alicorn off her.

Nyx flew through the clouds before recovering as she and the Empress were now in the midst of a scuffle. One that was only meant to delay the Empress until this plan for Celestia could arrive. Since Nyx originally came to this world via planewalking, she could also interact with gateways. And she did so by closing off the Empress' gateway, making sure she wouldn't head back instantly.

As if that mattered since the Empress could just open a new one at any time.

The dark-coloured alicorn knew how powerful the Empress was with how many spells she had in her arsenal. Spells that were stolen of course. But, she wasn't here to win. It was practically impossible for her to do so. All Nyx had to do was keep her busy until the time was right.

And the Empress knew this. She could see it in Nyx's eyes. Irritation only met her mood with her eyes and eyebrows twitching. She was going to enjoy harming Nyx as much as she could and then afterwards, Discord would be obliterated as the two alicorns faced off in the night sky.

Kanto Region. Vermillion City. Cerise Laboratory. Night.

"Ah!" Twilight gasped as she sat up. Right now, she was resting on a bed along with some of her friends. More specifically, the Cerise Lab dorms.

Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rarity had all woken up afterwards as they also gasped collectively. The only ones who hadn't fainted or were resting were Rainbow Dash, Spike, Starlight and Goh. That was mostly because they came to their rescue.

"You're awake!" Starlight said. "And early too."

"Wha...We're still in one piece?" Rarity looked around before gazing at her own hooves. Before she knew it, Pheromosa, who had woken up before her, hugged her partner with joy.


And the same went for Espeon and the rest of Twilight's Pokemon plus Togekiss. They had been healed up at the nearest Pokemon Center beforehand, jumping onto Twilight Sparke and hugging her. Aside from Absol who sat in the corner.




"How long were we out for?" Twilight breathed in and out.

"Just about an hour," Goh spoke. "But it wasn't too long."

"Where's Ash?!" Fluttershy gasped.

"He's gone off to help stop the invasion right now," Chloe said while holding Yamper. "Everywhere in Equestria's being flooded with that Empress forces from what we've heard."

"The invasion...We need to be there!" Applejack sat up.

"Yeah, I hear ya." Rainbow Dash nodded. "But maybe you girls should just rest up a bit more, ya know?"

"A bit more isn't going to cut it." Twilight got off the bed. "We have to put in everything and lend as much help as we can if we want to stop this invasion and prevent our world from being conquered. Are we winning?"

"Ehh..." Spike shrugged.

"I feel pretty refreshed right now." Pinkie Pie stretched her hooves. "We should get going now."

"I second that." Rarity got off the bed. "Now that we've cleared up the whole Aur and staff problem, we should focus on the larger task at hand."

"I got a Travel Sphere from one of those soldiers." Starlight held out a Travel Sphere that was on the verge of breaking. "But all that battling damage it so it's kinda hanging in there. We can head there as soon as we can and maybe catch up with Ash."

"Right." Twilight placed her saddlebag back on while stretching her neck.

The rest of her friends got ready with Applejack placing her hat on, Rarity readjusting her Mega Evolution accessories and sorting her mane out while Fluttershy placed Chikorita on the bed, allowing her to continue resting.

Chikorita's leaf hadn't grown back yet and the sun wasn't up at this time. The Leaf Pokemon would have to stay behind until the morning and summer sun arrive.

Starlight put the Travel Sphere forward as she was thinking of the one place she wanted to head towards. Right now, almost anywhere was a red zone in Equestria. With all those ships flying around, wherever she and friends head to, they'll bump into the Empress' forces regardless.

But, Starlight thought of one place. Or rather a spot. One where her friend Trixie Lulamoon is commonly seen with her magic carriage. Possibly one of the smallest towns in Equestria. A place that was so insignificant and small that not even the invading forces would even pay much attention to it.

It also helped that it was a fairly well-hidden place, making it perfect to hide. Which was actually Starlight's main instinct. Unlike the rest of her friends, she wasn't super willing to get knee-deep in many high-octane actions. But, much like the Eternatus situation, when it comes down to it, she'll switch her instincts and take action.

She thought of that spot as she had opened a gateway to that specific area. The small town had been revealed to everypony as it was hidden behind an assortment of bushes, right near the wilds. And this was the same place where Trixie's carriage was as everyone could see it moving.

"Good luck, you all!" Chloe wished them good luck about saving their home along with Professor Cerise.


Equestria. Out in the wilds.

The gateway originally opened by Starlight had been closed. Starlight and everypony passed right through it as they had re-entered Equestria. And with how loud the opening of the gateways usually are, that obviously startled Trixie, causing her to scream inside of her carriage.

If anything, her screaming was louder than the gateway itself. Hearing the sound of Trixie screaming, Starlight quickly rushed over to the carriage, knocking on the door.

"Trixie! It's me!" Starlight knocked as everyone stood by. "Starlight!"

"Drea?" Misdreavus used her intangibility to phase her head through the door. There was confirmation that Starlight was indeed here along with some friendly familiar faces. "Misdrea!"

"Huh?" Trixie opened the door with Misdreavus flying back. "Oh! Starlight! What was that noise?!"

"It was just this. The Travel Sphere. Sounds like a gateway opening up." Starlight looked at the Travel Sphere as it had finally broken down after that one use. "Looks like that's it..."

"Hm?" Big Mac poked his head through the door, seeing that the coast was clear.

"Big Mac?!" Applejack gasped. "Why are you in there? Matter of fact, how come you're out here and not at the Ponyville shelter right now."

"Uhh..." Big Mac looked to the side as he knew he had finished his errands too late and not early enough to avoid the invasion.

"I'm just getting him back to Ponyville. While I head back to my Great and Powerful School. Anywhere away from all of this."

"You haven't been caught up yet in all of this?" Goh asked.

"Not yet. Not ever." Trixie shook her head.

"Maybe now's a good time." Spike gulped as he raised his claw, pointing at the approaching forces. Since the gateway had opened, it obviously attracted a ton of attention to anyone nearby. That involved the troops and robotic creations that were dropped by via the ships that were in the sky.

The robotic creations and the troops riding the vehicles identified the group of ponies, Pokemon and a single human, knowing who they were. Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and the rest were considered dangerous due to their high potential threat towards the Empire.

The rhino-like vehicles approached at high velocities, ready to crash right through the carriage and group as they had already destroyed the trees that stood in their way.

"They found us!" Trixie screeched as she ran back inside her carriage.

"It's just a few so we'll be fine! Go, Cinderace!" Goh took out a Poke Ball, throwing it and sending out Cinderace.


"Use Pyro Ball!"

"Cinder!" Cinderace repeatedly kicked a rock, igniting it into a flaming soccer ball. It then kicked the fireball, launching it at the vehicles and robotic creations. "Ace!"

The Pyro Ball hit one of the robots, blowing them up immediately as the flaming explosion spread out, destroying the rest of the aluminium creations. The ponies riding the vehicles had jumped out, evading the explosion as they immediately ran for it since they didn't have any other weapons on them.

And that was that. Fairly short but that was mostly because that the rest of the forces had already gone off to different parts of Equestria by now.

Trixie popped her head out of the door, seeing that the coast was clear. At least for now. She let out a sigh of relief afterwards.

"That's it? Hah! That wasn't so bad." Trixie grinned.

"We should get going. Big Mac. How's about I help ya back home. Ain't no way you're gonna get back in all of this without major help." Applejack suggested.

"We should also see if anypony needs help," said Fluttershy. "There might be some Pokemon out there that are really injured in all of this. Audino and I can handle that."

"But where do we go first? It's all over Equestria. Do we split up?" Pinkie Pie moved her head around.

"I don't know if splitting up is even safe or dangerous at this point." Twilight sighed. "Ash and Pikachu are on their own as always and who knows where Princess Celestia and Luna might be during all of this. Maybe we should stick in groups. What does everypony think?"

"Spike..." Rainbow Dash, who was currently above everyone as always, had her mouth open and her pupils expanded as she said Spike's name.

"Yeah?" Spike turned to face Rainbow Dash, believing that she was calling for him.

"Spike! Giant robot octopus!" Rainbow Dash screamed as she pointed her hoof at the sky.

"What? Why me? And what about a giant roboooooooot.." Spike turned to where Rainbow Dash was pointing to along with everyone else as they had spotted the unexpected. Just like Rainbow Dash, their mouths opened with their pupils expanding as well.

Titanic footsteps could be heard and felt in the distance as two giant figures were seen past the clouds of the night. One of which was very familiar.

They were coming into view with the first one being the giant robotic octopus with multiple flashing spheres around its body. It hovered over the wilds, letting out that horrible howling sound as always. Just behind it, it had already dealt some damage to the land and was about to continue doing so. But that wasn't the main attraction.

The main attraction was the creature beside the robotic octopus. A familiar face. Purple, green and of the dragon species plus giant wings as well and green smoke and flame exuding out of its nostrils. A growl echoed throughout the sky as it was followed up by a giant roar that could be heard from afar.

The giant adult Spike had shown up, flying through the sky.

"What the..." Goh was stunned by what he was seeing. "Spike?!"

"But all grown up! It's like before when he was sick!" Pinkie Pie pointed her hoof while screeching.

"Then...is that their universe's Spike...?" Rarity gasped.

"Awesome." Spike could only gawk at his adult form which also had wings. But he was also intimidated by it and for a good reason. The adult dragon breathed fire across the landscape, immediately spreading his green flames like wildfire as the giant octopus began smashing its tentacles around, trembling the ground. The robotic octopus was the first to notice the group out of the two giants.

The flames of the giant adult Spike had spread so fast that the wilds were being consumed in seconds. Along with objects. And one of those objects was Trixie's carriage which started from the bottom.

"Huh?! Hey!" Trixie squealed as she, Big Mac and Misdreavus jumped out of the carriage after seeing the flames spread out. Before they knew it, Trixie's carriage was being scorched by these green flames with everything inside perishing.

Trixie had to watch it all burn away as she sat down with her mouth open and hat falling off. Her method of hiding from the invasion had been removed by just a small flame.

"A-Ah..." Trixie mumbled unintelligibly.

The robotic octopus then approached Twilight and the others, ready to destroy them. Except for Twilight since she was heavily needed by the Empress. As for the giant adult Spike, since he was going on a mindless rampage, soared higher into the air, flying around aimlessly while breathing fire.

"It's coming right for us!" Twilight noticed as the robotic octopus started spinning its sharp and hard appendages around at high speeds. "Now might be a good time to split up so we don't get taken out altogether!" Twilight screeched as she and everyone started running for the hills.

They hadn't engaged with the robot yet because of its movements as they all ran in separate directions. Big Mac sent his Machamp out and Machamp then picked Trixie up, running away with her. The remains of Trixie's carriage had been obliterated by the spinning octopus robot.

Since they had split up, it would be hard for the mechanical cephalopod to hit them all in one spot or even chase them all down. However, that's why those tentacles existed. Seeing that it couldn't do it by just spinning, it chose to use its tentacles, extending them as they each chased down the groups.

The tentacles stabbed in the ground, just missing their targets as deep slim craters were being formed in the earth. When the group moved through trees, the octopus cut the trees in half by swiping its appendages. It then extended them even further, going straight for Fluttershy.

"Audi! Protect!" Fluttershy cried out.

"Audino!" Audino put her hands out, creating a protective barrier that had blocked the incoming appendage, creating a green pulse after hitting it.

"Bunny!" Then, Scorbunny jumped past Fluttershy and Audino, running up the tentacle of the robot as he felt brave enough to attack it.

"Ah! Scorbunny, wait!" Fluttershy gasped.

"Scorbun!" Scorbunny used Flame Charge, cloaking himself in flames as he boosted forward, going straight for the face. The aura of flames were also slowly melting the aluminium exterior.

Unfortunately, this didn't last as the robot swung its tentacle, launching Scorbunny off it.

"Scor!" Scorbunny cried out as Fluttershy flew up, catching the Rabbit Pokemon. Fluttershy, Goh, Big Mac and Pinkie Pie were had stood before the giant robot octopus.

This was the group that had to deal with this multi-tentacled aluminium creature with various spheres that could come alive and attach themselves to their prey at any moment.

As for Twilight's group that was another story. Spike himself was actually advancing towards his older self instead of running away or heading for the giant octopus.

"Spike! Why are you heading that way?!" Twilight asked. "I know it's you but-"

"I know what I'm doing!" Spike turned to face Twilight. "I'm gonna try and calm him down!"

"Calm him down?!" Rarity responded.

"He's going on a rampage. Just like Salamence. It means he's not in his right mind right now." Spike, due to becoming a Dragon Trainer and learning tricks that many Dragon Trainers possess, could tell how his older self was feeling right about now. He wasn't even a Pokemon. "Drayden and the Elder taught me about the dragons light! If it only works on Dragon-Type Pokemon then maybe it works on other kinds of dragons too! I can try and calm him down!"

"Are you sure?!" Starlight asked.

"Hopefully!" Spike was faithful that he could snap his older self out of this rampaging state and possibly gain a brand new and powerfully ally in the form of himself.

The adult Spike roared at the Pokemon, seeing them as prey immediately. Then again, almost everything was prey or vulnerable target to him aside from the octopus. The Empress had done something to this Spike that had changed him to just be a giant force of destruction.

The Crystal Empire. Night.

Much like almost everywhere else in Equestria, the Crystal Empire was also giving it everything to stop this invasion. Noticeably, because of how practically everything here was made out of crystals, they were either effective weapons or easily breakable via the aluminium that the opposing empire possessed.

But so far, the Crystal Empire had everything under control it seemed. All of the residents and citizens had taken shelter in the dungeon of all places. The Crystal Empire didn't exactly have a safe zone for scenarios such as this. And they could thank King Sombra for that.

In the dungeon, one of the maids of the Crystal Empire was holding onto Flurry Heart while her parents deal with the invasion happening above. The maid was tasked with protecting the baby and Manaphy as well.

Many of the Empress' forces had been defeated thanks to the efforts of the soldiers and of course, the Pokemon as well. Even the Sableye who are known for just snacking off on the crystals here in the empire were assisting. And noticeably, a Dynamaxed Sableye.

Thanks to the Dynamax dens nearby, the Crystal Empire had a powerful ally in the form of a giant And Sableye's sharp crystal-like skin, Dynamax moves and Ghost-like intangibility were real game-changers. The ships in the sky didn't stand a chance. Especially those down below.

Plus, Shining Armor's Doublade had done arguably the most work. Thanks to its amazing sword skills, they were able to cut the aluminium armour while Cadence's Sylveon knocked them out.

"Everything looks clear here." Shining Armor said as he stood beside some guards, soldiers, Sableye and a few other Pokemon. "We should head out and assist everywhere else as soon as possible. Let's head for Canterlot."

"Yes sir!" They all saluted. Everything went swimmingly in the Empire. The Dyanamxed Sableye was still in its Dynamaxed state since it was a wild Pokemon and most likely, Eternatus' influence was still roaming, allowing the Darkness Pokemon to continue staying in this state.

At the end of it all, Eternatus did end up bringing something of great value.

But as they were ready to head off to stop more of the Empress' forces, they had one other issue to solve before they could head out.

Actually, this issue might prevent them from going anywhere else. Just outside the gates of the Crystal Empire, the guards that stood by it had been taken out with their bodies on the floor. Their crystal armour had been obliterated as a dark aura covered their bodies while they were unresponsive. There was only one individual who had performed this and had a dark aura with him.


He was here for one purpose. To retrieve baby Flurry Heart and use her for himself. And joining him were his best servants, the Shadow Triad. The tyrannical ruler grinned and let out a small cackle as the Crystal Empire was responding to his Dark Aura, almost as if they could feel remnants of Sombra around.

"You know what you need to do. Anyone that stands in your way, just get rid of them." Ghetsis said to the triad. "Let's go."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 453 End.

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