• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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To save a Kirlia

The mission to save Passion was on.

The destination that they were betting it all on was the Pokemon World. Passion's homeworld. Perhaps, there's something there that can stop her rapid growth in magic and sudden power surges.

Celestia had Passion on her back, just to carry her safely. Ash, The Mane 6, Luna and Cadence had decided to come along with Celestia in order to help her Kirlia to the best of their abilities. And the first destination they decided to go with was the place Celestia and Passion first met.

Lilycove City. The Hoenn Region.

"So, why are we headed to Hoenn of all places?" Rainbow Dash asked as the group were currently on a path to the nearest gateway to Hoenn.

"Princess Celestia and Passion first met at Hoenn. Right at Lilycove City. If we head there, we might be able to find Passion's family. And they might know what to do." Twilight explained.

"Can we be sure that there are many Ralts and Kilira's at Lilycove?" said Rarity.

"There has to be. Passion's surge could kick up again at moment. And if it starts up again, the next outcome could be devastating." Twilight replied, thinking of what may happen when Passion reaches critical mass a second time.

"We're here. Lilycove City." Ash had stopped as he recognized the familiar city. From its contest halls to the Lilycove Museum. "Passion came from that direction, right?" Ash pointed west.

"That's it. That's where I first saw her arrive." Celestia nodded. "If she came from there...then there must be a group of Ralts or Kirlia's at that nearby route." Celestia and everypony were looking directly at Route 121.

Passion's home was right over there. Where she was drawn in by Celestia's positive energy leading to their meeting. If their assumptions are right, it'll lead them to Passion's home. And there might be some other Pokemon that can help if they have any knowledge about Passion.

Route 121. Passion's home area. A route that connects to both the Safari Zone and Lilycove City whilst also leading to Mt.Pyre.

In this Route, the Pokemon that can be found the most and are common are Linoone, Gloom, Aipom, Elgyem Shuppet, Pelipper and Kecleon. But no sign of a Ralts or Kirlia.

"Do you see any yet?" Applejack asked Rainbow Dash who wasn't having any luck finding some, even when she took to the skies.

"No. None here."

"Maybe there's some in here?" Pinkie Pie looked at a small little hole near a tree. A Pokemon was indeed there, but not the ones they were looking for. An Aipom came out of the tree, pinching Pinkie's nose. "Yeowch!"

"Keep searching. This route doesn't appear to that large in size." Luna commented.

"Can you pick their cries, Audi?" Fluttershy turned to her partner. Audino was doing her best, using the full capabilities of her hearing, but to her surprise, there wasn't even a single presence of a Ralts and Kirlia cry. Not at all. "Nothing. What a shame."

"Are you sure that Passion came from here?" Cadence questioned.

"Positive. We saw her coming west the first time we saw her. Meaning that she had to have lived somewhere west." Luna replied.

"Or...She might've just ended up in this Route and followed from there." Celestia stopped. "Perhaps this isn't actually her home and where she came from originally."

"So, we've been searching in the wrong area this whole time?" Rainbow Dash flew back down. "Oh come on!"

"So then, where could she have possibly come from?" Fluttershy wondered. "Ash do you know?"

"Sorry. I'm lost too. I don't really know a spot with tons of Ralts and Kirlia's just moving around." Ash shook his head.


"Kirlia..." Just then, Passion was waking up again, recovering from fainting.

"Passion. You're awake." Celestia looked back at her partner Pokemon, seeing her in a recovery state. "Are you feeling much better now?"

"Lia." Passion nodded. She wasn't feeling the greatest but she felt a bit better from that limited amount of recovery time. But, the fear of another surge going off was still lingering.

"Passion. Can you please give us an answer?" Fluttershy flew up to her. "Do you know where you came from? Where's your home originally?"

"Kirlia? Kir." Passion replied with a straightforward answer on where she came from. It was revealed that they actually got the right location. She did actually end coming from this route near Lilycove.

"So you are from here! Which means that we're at the right spot." Fluttershy translated.

"If we're at the right spot, then why aren't there any other of her evolution line?" Applejack asked.


"Passion says that her family can't be seen because they're all hidden somewhere here that they can't be detected by just looking and hearing."

"Hidden somewhere they can't be detected? How is that possible? And where would they even be? This route isn't even that large." Twilight raised her hooves up as her voice echoed throughout the route.

"Because it can't be seen by ordinary eyes, my little pony." Twilight got her reply from an unknown voice. This resounding reply resulted in the wind kicking up as leaves circled the entire group as if a powerful presence was coming their way.

"What now? Is Passion acting up again?!" Rarity lowered her head, fearing the worst. The Pokemon around the area made a run for it as they knew what was going on. A surge of psychic energy was felt for sure. But it wasn't coming from Passion. Not at all.

In front of them all, an enigmatic orb of psychic energy graced them, gently landing on the grass as the trees around them were almost whisked away just by the absolute sheer force of it. What could be giving off so much power? The Pokemon that caused this and spoke them had been revealed. The final evolution of the Ralts line.


Beautiful, imposing and majestic all at once. This powerful Psychic-Fairy-Type stood before the ponies, giving off a mighty sense of importance by just being here. Passion hid behind Celestia's hoof, intimidated by its final evolution.

"What. Is. That?!" Rainbow Dash pulled out her dex.

"Gardevoir. The Embrace Pokemon. Gardevoir has the ability to read the future. If it senses impending danger to its Trainer, this Pokémon is said to unleash its psychokinetic energy at full power, reaching the peak of its power along the way. To protect its Trainer, it will expend all its psychic power to distort the dimensions around it, allowing Gardevoir to create a small black hole. Gardevoir is even willing to risk its own life for the trainer it loves."

"That's what Passion's final evolution is?!" Rainbow dropped her dex.

"Amazing..." Fluttershy gasped.

"That's right. Gardevoir." Ash nodded.


"Did it just speak? Like Darkrai?" Luna just noticed.

"It using Telepathy. Lots of strong Psychic-Types do this sometimes." Ash explained.

"Are we gonna ignore that black hole part?" Spike tried to point that out to everypony.

"Gardevoir...Are you by any chance... aware of this Kirlia?" Twilight asked the Embrace Pokemon.

Gardevoir looked down at them all, scanning them each with her eyes. She then noticed that they indeed had a Kirlia with them on their side. But not just any Kirlia. A Kirlia that she could recognize by the energy she was giving off.

"Come here." Gardevoir easily brought the Emotion Pokemon towards her like it was nothing with her Psychic ineptitude. Passion hid her face by putting her arms over them. She didn't seem to want to be here. Mostly because she feared the response of this specific Gardevoir. "Look how much you've grown, dear." Gardevoir kneeled down, giving Passion a hug. Passion was no longer afraid as she embraced Gardevoir's caring and loving hug. She felt at ease now. No longer afraid or worried thanks to this single instance. It was known as the embrace Pokemon for a reason. "Have you been well? Do you sleep at a regular allotted time?"

"Kirlia!" Passion nodded aggressively.

"Oh! Are you two by chance..." Cadence was putting the pieces together on their relationship.

"You are assuming the right thing. We are indeed Mother and daughter." Gardevoir revealed as Passion held her mother's leg.

"Mother and daughter?! Well, it's nice to meet you, Passion's mother!" Rarity went over to Gardevoir, shaking her hands as a greeting.

"Passion?" Gardevoir was confused by the name they gave her daughter.

"Sorry if this seems a bit sudden. And sorry if we might've accidentally taken your child without notice!" Fluttershy gave her sincerest apologies to the Embrace Pokemon.

"I certainly wasn't expecting this. Then again...I should expect the unexpected when it comes to Pokemon." Luna said.

"Talk about a jump in evolution. If I had known that, I would've caught myself a shy looking Pokemon long ago." Rainbow Dash grinned.

"You seem to be very acquainted with these ponies, dear. Are they perhaps your friends?" Gardevoir looked down at her daughter. Passion nodded as she pointed over at Celestia. "Oh. So this is your trainer?" Gardevoir walked over to the sun princess. Gardevoir towered over every single one of them. Ash was taller than everypony else and just slightly taller than Celestia in height. And Gardevoir easily exceeded him in that, meaning that she was basically a giant. But then again, lots of humans and Pokemon are considered giants to the ponies.

"Yes. I am Princess Celestia. Kirlia's trainer. Or as I call her, Passion."

"Hm..." Gardevoir began to sense Celestia from up close. She wanted to see if this pony was worthy of being a great trainer to her daughter. She was very judgemental about trainer choices. There was an awkward silence that filled the air with Gardevoir's intensive stare. Both the Sun Princess and the Embrace Pokemon had locked eyes, staring each other down. No one knew the outcome of what would happen when they stopped looking at each other like that. "You're an amazing trainer to my daughter. I can sense it."

"Phew..." Twilight let out a sigh of relief. "You can tell?"

"Of course I can. I can sense the magic within others, no matter how small it may be. And sensing each of you...you're all good trainers. Some even great and just as amazing as your princess."

"Really? So like, am I great trainer?" Rainbow Dash dashed over to Gardevoir.

"You are indeed great. But you could improve."

"Yes!" Rainbow Dash pumped her hooves.

"But, I wonder. Why are you searching for more of my kind? Are you perhaps here to return her to me?"

"Well...The reason we came here is that...something is wrong with Passion. Her magic seems to be unstable." Celestia replied.

"Unstable? How so?"

"She's been going through sudden power surges that have been affecting all of Equestria. And each time her magic skyrockets, she faints afterwards. And when she wakes up it seems to be stronger than before." Luna explained.

"Fainting, you say?"

"And we worry that she might end up causing a massive explosion the next time she gets another surge." Cadence commented.

"So, please. You're a Gardevoir. The final evolution of the Ralts line. You must know a way to stop this." Twilight pleaded.

"...Come here, dear." Gardevoir turned to her daughter, holding her face. She and Passion were connecting on both a magical and psychic level. A mystical and dazzling pink aura surrounded the two as they were in a state of meditation.

"What's she doing?" Fluttershy said.

"No idea..." Pinkie Pie whispered back.

The two Psychic-Fairy-Types had finished their small spiritual connection state as the aftermath was shiny fairy dust flowing across the skies. Passion rubbed her head, feeling a bit doozy. Gardevoir had come to a conclusion, ready to give a straight answer to them all.

"She's not unstable. This is actually normal."

"It is?" Everyone spoke at the same time, surprised at the answer.

"Indeed. What is actually occurring is simple. Kirlia here has managed to somehow obtain the capabilities of a Gardevoir. However, since she's still a Kirlia, her body can't handle all that power. The mind is strong but the body is weak. But, that is to be expected from my daughter. She is a point one percenter after all."

"Point one-percenter?" Twilight questioned.

"You see, for every Pokemon, out of the vast amount of species that exist, one of each Pokemon species is a one of a kind. A special Pokemon if you will. They exceed the normal limitations of what they're capable of. Essentially becoming the best of their entire species. Some even gain unique abilities that are rare to come across. I can already sense one other among you all." Gardevoir pointed over at Pikachu.


"Ash's Pikachu?" Fluttershy turned to him.

"That's correct. Like my daughter here, that Pikachu is much more powerful than the rest of its kind. A rare find."

"Hear that buddy?" Ash scratched Pikachu's chin.


"Like Ash's Greninja." Twilight realized.

"My daughter here is another example of those. She's already much more powerful than our ancestors, even for just being a Kirlia."

"Is that so...but how do we stop the sudden surges that cause her to faint?" Luna asked.

"That requires something far more complex. I looked into Kirlia and noticed that there was something unusual within her. It didn't seem to be magic at all."

"Then, what was it?" Applejack commented.

"It seemed to be of cosmic origin. Deep within her lies some sort of sparkle brimming with it. That must've caused her latent potential to suddenly awaken."

"Cosmic...That can't be right. Obsidian's locked up in the dungeon. There's no way he could've done this." Twilight shook her head.

"Emerald Aura's still passed out too. Somehow..." Applejack replied. "And Cold would never do that. Not that his magic is that good, to begin with. Don't tell him I said that!"

"Isn't it obvious? The Rift did it." Rainbow Dash gave her own answer. "No other explanation."

"Sounds about right. It can just do whatever it wants after all." Twilight nodded. They were all unaware of who was actually the cause of it. But, they haven't seen Lucien and Sienna in months, neither have they even learned of their names. And it's almost been a full year since the two worlds crossed. "But we can just get it out of her right? I mean, Ash's aura can cancel out cosmic energy."

"Removing something like that is not as simple as it sounds. It would require the actions of the one who was effected in the first place. As it stands, my daughter is unable to remove the cosmic sparkle from within her. At least, not as a Kirlia."

"Then...what can we do?" Celestia was getting worried.

"There is one other way. The one that truly loves Kirlia must enter her mindscape and free her of this. And that is you." Gardevoir turned to Celestia.

"Enter her mindscape?"

"Correct. After all, our evolution line is part Psychic. Meaning that half of our power lays within our mind. If you can somehow breakthrough and reach Kirlia, you can free her of the cosmic sparkle that lingers around her. You must combat her mind."

"Combat her mind." Celestia thought for a second.

"Wait. Is that even possible?" Rainbow Dash was confused.

"It kinda is. Trust me. I know." Ash nodded, having similar experiences a few times.


"But I must warn you, princess. Once you are truly inside her mindscape, if something horrible happens from within or from the outside, you shall be destroyed in the mind world. Lost to the history books forever. Not only that, but my daughter's mind may be harmed as well." Gardevoir gave Celestia a warning, making hers and everypony's heart race.

"...You know. Maybe this isn't such a good idea." Cadence of all ponies wasn't up for this at all.

"I agree! This sounds way too risky!" Twilight gulped. "If something horrible does happen from both sides, we could lose you forever Princess Celestia!"

"They're both right sister. Please do not accept this." Luna pleaded. "If she has another power surge at the right moment, that could be the end. And we'll be powerless to stop it!"

Celestia was already at a decision state. She understands the risk. If she goes along with it, these could be her final moments. But, if she doesn't, it'll instead be the final moments of her world and everypony else due to Passion's magic on the verge of reaching critical mass.

The Sun Princess already made up her mind long ago. She's always stuck to her guts. She'd sacrifice herself for the safety of her subjects and all that she loves. So the decision had been made. She'll take the risk.

"I'll do it." Celestia said with power behind her voice. Everyone gasped, surprised at her answer. "It's for the safety of everypony else."

"But, sister!" Luna got in front of her. "It's far too hazardous! I cannot let you go!"

"We can't let you go either, Princess Celestia!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"And we can't do anything to stop the power surge!" Cadence bellowed.

"I will try and stop it." Gardevoir spoke. "I have enough power to hold it back. But, my daughter holds far greater potential than me. So I do not know how long I can hold it when it is unleashed. But I shall do my best."

"I understand your fears and worries. Honestly, I'm terrified and nervous as well. My heart is racing unthinkable speeds at this moment. I don't know if I'll be able to make it in time. Or even make it through the mindscape. But I have to try. If I give up, it's over."

"But-" Twilight was about to say something until Ash stopped her. Ash knew that this was the best option they had. He understood sacrifices and knew that Celestia was making the one decision that could save them all.

"I promised to keep my subjects safe. I have to live up to it. I'm ready Gardevoir. To head into the mindscape."

"Very well then." Gardevoir spread her arms out, drawing heaps of psychic energy that filled the route, even reaching Lilycove City. Twilight and the others went up to Celestia, giving their ruler an embracing hug. They felt like this would be the last time they ever saw her after all. But Celestia was determined to make sure that everyone goes home smiling at the end of it all. They all backed away as Gardevoir connected both Celestia and Passion's mind, allowing their mental thoughts to intertwine.

Whatever happens next is all dependent on Celestia.

Chapter 171 End!

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