• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Unsurpassable vast intelligence, Psychic

The 18 Realms. Psychic Realm.

The Psychic Realm. Here, Twilight, Celestia, Luna, Starlight and even Delia and Pinkie Pie had found themselves in this realm as they all had Psychic-Types.

And within this realm, the entire area was Canterlot. From the massive castle, the Canterlot Gardens and even the sight of Ponyville from afar. This was most likely from either Twilight, Celestia, or Luna's mind. Or perhaps all three of them combined.

So far, they couldn't find anything of use so far. Nothing to take them out of this realm. Celestia had to lower the sun while Luna had to raise the moon. Little did they know, time worked differently here in the 18 Realms. But the place was huge, giving them various other options.

"Nothing here either," Luna spoke, checking the treasure room. "There's always something at least of great value in here."

"We still have rooms to spare," Celestia spoke from the other side of the hallway. "Though...it feels empty without any of the guards here. I expected our mind to be far more lively than this. Especially since it is a culmination."

"It was pretty lively when I showed up in my Mindscape the first time. I saw my friends." Twilight replied.

"We still haven't checked this one out yet." Starlight faced the room where Celestia and Luna's childhood toys were placed. An area that was rarely ever touched due to how their royal duties got in their way. But there were massive amounts of toys within this one room. Enough to satisfy an entire town of children.

"Ah, this room." Celestia and the others approached it. "It would be fitting if the one area we've barely ever touched would be the solution."

"This is the one with all the toys, right? Sweet." Pinkie spoke with a grin, eager to try some of those toys out.

"Do you think it might truly be in here?" Delia asked.

"Only way to found out." Twilight ahead, using her magic to open the door. She was expecting a barrage of toys to fly out due to how many there were. She and the others already had shields ready, just in case. Instead, what they found was something else. Something no one was expecting as the sounds of crowds cheering echoed out of it.

A Game Show room.

"Huh?!" They all said cried out with equal confusion as there were some sort of gravitational pull that instantly sucked them all in. The door had been shut tight afterwards. "Oh!" They each screamed after being pulled in by this gravitational pull.

Waiting for them were six seats in total. And on those seats, with barely any time to comprehend what was going on, Twilight, Delia, Celestia, Luna, Pinkie and Starlight had been placed on them. They blinked for a second as heavy straps emerged from the seats, wrapping around their hooves and arms.

As for their Pokemon, Espeon, Passion and Mew had been placed within the crowd seats. Speaking of crowd seats, they were made up of hundreds of Psychic-Type Pokemon. Not any Ethereal Lucario this time. In fact, there was not a single one to be found.

"W-What's going on?" Twilight stuttered. "I can't move! What is this?!"

"Oh my! It looks to be a game show!" Delia observed with her voice almost being drowned out by the crowd of cheering Pokemon. "How fun!"

"Very fun!" Pinkie grinned brightly in agreement.

"Not so fun when we are restrained!" Luna growled, trying to break free. Then, footsteps could be heard, approaching the centre of the game show stage. Twilight and everyone's attention were turned to the direction of these footsteps.

They belonged to the same Pokemon found within the Poison Realm and the one who had plans of her own. The same species as Passion. The Shiny Gardevoir as she showed up on the stage.

"A Gardevoir?" They each said.

"One of a different colour." Gardevoir bowed to them. "Welcome to the Game Show. I see you've found yourself here of all places."

"More like we were forced in here." Starlight pouted. "And are you someone we know?"

"I'm a new Gardevoir to you all." She shrugged. "The locations are your memories but everyone else, not so much. Although, it is nice seeing a fellow Gardevoir here." She turned to face Passion.

"G-Gardevoir." Passion waved at her.

"And I can sense great things from that Gardevoir over there. Especially you." Gardevoir then floated around Celestia's seat, sensing the ludicrous amount of magic that was radiating from her. "The magic potential in you is unreal. And I suppose I can say the same to some of you."

"I mean nice to meet you but...why are we strapped down?" Twilight asked. "Do we have to? I mean, don't get me wrong. I love quizzes but we're a bit busy."

"That's just how it is for those seats. Apologies." The straps on the seats had vanished as a button appeared next to them as well. This clearly a part of the quiz. "Now then, shall we begin the showdown? The Cerebral Quiz!" She raised her arm as a giant screen showing the Game Show name appeared with playful music added with trumpets. "We have many questions to go off of. When they're done, you will win a prize."

"Oooh! How fun!" Celestia, Delia and Pinkie each said.

"A voice from above will be giving us the questions. And if you lose and you'll win nothing. But you'll earn something unbearable that could be considered gratifying in a way. And seeing as how you're all in a realm out of your reality and focused around your mind, the questions that will come your way will be tailored to your personal life as well. Now then, shall we begin?"

"Well...I've been itching to try a Pokemon Quiz one day so...now's a good time as any," Twilight said. " Didn't think it'd be here of all places."

"I do love a good brain test!" Delia giggled.

"But..." Gardevoir then went towards them as another seat appeared. She sat down on it as well, joining in on the game. "I will be partaking in this. I want some fun too, you know."

"Question One." The voice could be heard around the room. The first question showed up on the screen. On the screen, it showed manestyle with a familiar colour palette. A white mane that had purple streaks in them. Plus there was a blacked-out silhouette at the top. "Who could this be?"

"Hah!" Twilight slammed her hoof on the button. "That's my mom! Twilight Velvet! Easy." She had a confident smile on her face, knowing exactly what her mother looks like. But just like that, she heard a buzzing sound that gave the indication of incorrect. "Huh?! How?!"

"Mm." Gardevoir smiled as even Celestia was confused by this wrong answer. The Embrace Pokemon had then pressed the button, deciding to give the answer. "That would be Twilight Sparkle."

Just then, the image became fully realized. The figure of a pony appeared as it had a pink coat with multiple stars as its Cutie Mark. Certainly more than what Twilight Velvet's Cutie Mark had. Just three. Another buzzer came through as it was a correct answer for Gardevoir.

"That's a simple misunderstanding. This is how you appeared when the Desire based around retro and nostalgia attacked. You had a similar appearance to your mother with the only striking difference being your coats and a slight increase in Cutie Marks." Gardevoir explained.

After getting the answer wrong, Twilight had then been pelted in the face with a pie. That was her first punishment. Twilight groaned as the pie dripped down her face. "Ugh..."

"First point for me." Gardevoir giggled. "Don't worry. The punishments ramp up each time."

"Good to know..." Twilight sighed.

"Question two!" The next question appeared as it showed the appearance of a cake. Celestia's favourite food. Celestia was already getting hungry just by looking at it. Her eyes opened with her tongue sticking out.

"That cake..." Celestia gawked. "I remember that cake...Ultimate Cookies and Cream Vanilla Overload Cake...Hoh...I haven't had it in centuries."

"What a name," Delia replied.

"My mother was the only one who knew how to make it. It took so much time, making it a cake that could only be rivalled by time itself...I miss it so much..." Celestia lowered her head. Meanwhile, Luna also licked her lips just looking at it. As did Pinkie Pie who felt like passing out from its view

"On the night before Celestia's birthday, the entire cake had been devoured, leaving Celestia distraught when the fateful day came. Who was the one who devoured it?" Celestia pressed the button afterwards, having the answer.

"I know. On that birthday, my parents got me Philomena. It was meant to be a surprise for tomorrow morning but she managed to sneak out of her cage and went for the fridge. It was a shame...I never had another one ever again. But at least I got Philomena after that."

Wrong again. The buzzer made sure she was aware of that as Celestia gasped. Luna then scrunched her face, slumping on the seat. Celestia wasn't sure how this was possible. "Impossible! I was there!"

After getting it wrong, Celestia's punishment was cake. Not a bad punishment at first, but Celestia glared at the cake, noticing the flavour. "...Carrot Cake..." She uttered as it was flung at her. "NO-" Celestia screamed with fear as her face had been struck by her least favourite type of cake.

"Awww..." Celestia groaned and moaned.

"Hm-hm." Gardevoir chuckled as she pressed the button. "It was Luna. In the dead of night, she went over to the kitchen, eating the cake for herself. It was only a coincidence that Philomena ended up in the same area. Afterwards, Luna used a camouflage spell to disguise herself with the night, going undetected when Queen Sunlight arrived in the room."

"That was you?!" Celestia turned to her little sister as the buzzer rang for the correct answer. Once she turned her head, the cake flew off as her face was a mess with carrots poking out.

"I'm sorry!" Luna screeched, pulling her hair. "It was just so...So good! I would've stopped at just a lick, I swear!"

"If it makes you feel better, Princess Celestia, I'll make you a new one." Just then, Pinkie quickly diffused the scenario by giving an amazing suggestion.

"Really? Oh. That would be nice." Celestia was at peace. And so was Luna as she essentially dodged a supernova. She took a moment to catch her breath from that.

"Only 8 questions remain. A tad embarrassing that you've been losing. But it's fine. The last two were just misconceptions and mistakes, that was all." Gardevoir chuckled as she radiated a passive-aggressive aura.

"Next question." The next question came into view as it was something in the shape of a ball. "Who's that Pokemon?"

"It has a circular body..." Twilight observed as she and the others looked closely, making sure not to slip up. "How many Pokemon do we know have that kind of shape?"

"Not many, surprisingly." Delia shook her head. "But it could be some that are common from the looks of it."

"I own no Pokemon that has this shape, but I have seen some," Luna explained. "Are you all having the same idea as I am?"

"Sure are!" Pinkie raised her hoof. "But we could totally mess it up! Because...ya know."

"Right. It's either Voltorb or Electrode." Celestia replied as they all nodded in unison. "So we have the same answer then. But take a closer look at it." She instructed as they once again observed the image with a sharper view. "Compared to the other images we've seen, this one is on a smaller scale. Even more so than Twilight. So...that means this one is..."

"I'll take it!" Pinkie Pie pressed the button. "It's Voltorb!" But the buzzer gave the incorrect sound as Pinkie Pie was wrong. "Huh?! Darn..."

"Aha!" Delia tapped the button next, deciding to answer. "It's Electrode then!" But the buzzer also made it give the incorrect sound as Delia was also wrong. "No?! T-Then who is it?!"

"I know!" Luna did the same, having another answer in mind. "Could it be...Spheal!" But Luna was also wrong as heard by the buzz. "Not even Spheal?"

"It's Rowlet then!" Starlight went next as well, pressing the button and giving her an answer. They were truly tackling every Pokemon that resembled a ball or any spherical shape. But even that was wrong.

"Hm-hm-hm." Gardevoir chuckled. "This is my favourite." She then pressed the button, revealing the true answer to them all as the image's full image came into fruition. "It's Jigglypuff seen from above." And with the buzzer going off, it was the correct answer.

"HUH?!" Flabberghasted, they never saw that coming. An answer that none of them would've ever predicted. Or were probably too late to give it out. They then fell over, landing flat on their faces or on their sides as the answer truly blew them away.

And since most of them got it wrong, they were pelted with punishments as well. Or rather, drenched in it. From above, a bucket of juice was dropped onto them. Extra cold too. They all shivered once the juice met with them. Their hairs and coats became wet along with Delia's clothes. "GHHH..." They shuddered together.

"Hohohohoho!" Gardevoir laughed at their failure, finding absolute enjoyment out of this. Celestia and the others too. Even if it was humiliating.

But they were very bitter about the Jigglypuff question. Nothing will ever make them forget this moment and how they were robbed from a point.

"Next question."

"Garde." Passion spoke whilst watching this game take place. She was obviously rooting for Celestia. But as the game continued, Passion's reactive senses were acting up as always. Passion's smile formed into a frown and soon into an open mouth.

She could feel something. Something was calling to her. And it was coming from the other Gardevoir. She looked at the Shiny Gardevoir. And the Shiny Gardevoir looked back at her. She spoke to Passion via telepathy, making sure that only they could communicate.

"I sensed all that you had, Passion." said Gardevoir. "You're a special Gardevoir. I can tell. A point-one-percenter as they say."

"How did you know?" Passion replied telepathically.

"You should know. All Gardevoir can tell potential. But then again, you're a Gardevoir that had her full potential unlocked at only the young age of a Kirlia. Aside from that, can you feel it?"

"Feel what?"

"The Aura. All of the Aura permeating throughout not just this realm but the other 17 as well. The feeling it gives off is wonderful, is it not?"

"I guess so...It's good but, I don't get what the big deal is."

"Let's just say it has something to do with my freedom."

Grass-Type Realm.

Meanwhile, over at the Grass Realm, Applejack, Fluttershy and the others were speaking with their friends through the Xtransceiver, revealing the secret Gardevoir and the Giga Lucario that were present.

"So there's a Gardevoir plotting right now? And a giant Lucario head too." Rainbow Dash replied.

"Mhm." Fluttershy nodded. "That's what we mean. Sunset and Roxie told us the moment they found out about these poisonous necklaces. It nearly took us all out. I'm afraid we're not entirely safe in this realm."

"Well, the Gardevoir's new. Not the Lucario. We're kinda seeing what you guys mentioned." Rainbow Dash then showed them a view from her Xtransceiver. Indeed, the Giga Lucaro was here with its face flaring in the skies. "Isn't that so cool?!" Rainbow Dash was impressed even though it was a threat to her.

"We need to warn everyone, right now," said Sunset. "From how things are going, we could end up being trapped here. Or worse. Does everyone at least know about the rest of the Lucario? The ones with Ethereal bodies around them?"

"Mm." Rainbow shrugged. "I'm just knowing about this. We've been flying up in this realm for a while now. But I'll call Rarity, no problem."

"Then I'll call Starlight right now." Applejack went for her Xtransceiver, ready to call. "We've already got something we can head to here in the Grass Realm. Once we find out what it is, we'll find that Gardevoir too."

"And uh...Can we also avoid that?" Scootaloo gulped, pointing her hoof in the sky as the Giga Lucario's visage could be seen, flashing constantly. It was everywhere. Not just in one place.

If it wanted to stop everyone, it would need to be everywhere at once. And it certainly was, ready to do what it could under Gardevoir's orders.

Psychic Realm.

Back at the Psychic Realm, the questions kept coming as Gardevoir was the only one succeeding in these questions. Twilight and the others couldn't get one thing right, much to their chagrin.

"Next question. During the journey at Eindoak Town, which Pokemon did Ash team up with to help stop the Dragon Force and keep the Sword of the Vale in place?"

"It was Reshiram!" Delia shouted but her answer was wrong. Gardevoir then spoke normally, pressing the button.

"The correct answer is both Reshiram and Zekrom." She said. "By a strange universal disruption, Ash managed to gain the assistance of both Reshiram and Zekrom in the same town with the same line of events but with a different Pokemon. This strange anomaly remains a mystery to this day, however, Palkia has readjusted it so that one event remained while the other was an alteration. So, the actual correct answer is Zekrom."

Gardevoir got that correct as it took a few words to get there. Delia's punishment was a barrage of spicy Cheri Berries that rapidly flew into her mouth. Once they entered, Delia's face turned as she breathed out fire. "Hot! Hot! HOT!"

As for everyone else, most of them had gotten questions wrong so far. They had either received spicy food in their mouths, juice all over them or other kinds of food. But it was about to get worse.

"I don't believe it...She's crushing us at this..." Starlight's jaw dropped.

"I know...How does she know more than us? I mean, to be fair, the Jigglypuff question was just ridiculous but still...That's odd, isn't it?" Twilight felt like banging her face on the wall from how many questions she got wrong.

"Very. This quiz also seems to have questions that would seem easy at first but have deeper cuts to them." Luna replied. "This is embarrassing."

"It is..."Celestia sighed. "But fun too. Wish this flavour of cake wasn't on me though. I would've preferred chocolate.

"Yeah!" Pinkie licked the food off of her face. "Tasty too!"

"Next question. What is Passion's full name?"

"HUH?!" Everyone gasped after that. No one was expecting a question such as this. Mostly due to the fact that Pokemon are never seen with last names. They always have their species names and sometimes nicknames given to them by trainers. Learning that Passion had a last name was shocking to them.

"Passion has a last name?!" Celestia shouted. "How were we supposed to know that?!"

"No Pokemon has ever revealed to have a last name before." Starlight shook her head. "This doesn't feel fair..."

"Tricky...But I'll go for it anyway!" Twilight took the risk, pressing the button to take a crack at it. She already had something in mind. "Is her full name Gardevoir...Gardevoir?!"

Silence for a moment. Truly a bold answer. But one that would make sense in a way. Unfortunately, it didn't make sense here as the buzzer echoed an incorrect tone. Twilight's eye twitched as Gardevoir had touched the button next.

"Passion's last name is Wailord. Gardevoir Wailord."

"Wailord?!" They all said.

"Her father is a Wailord." Gardevoir shrugged. "Crazy how some Pokemon families work, isn't it?" She then let out a pompous laugh as Twilight's punishment had arrived.

And it was something she feared. The ladybug species. Combined with Ledyba. They appeared from a box, swarming towards Twilight immediately. "Ah...AH!" Twilight let out a prolonged gasped before screeching in fear. She closed her eyes, attempting to hop out. However, the restraints from the seats instantly reacted to her movements, forcing her to sit.

"Ledy! Ledyba!"

"Wait! No! NO! KYAAA!" She cried for help as they surrounded her, climbing on her body as well.

"Espeon!" Espeon sat up from her seat after seeing her trainer in potential danger.

"Uh...I believe that's taking it too far," said Celestia. "Twilight's fear of ladybugs and I suppose now Ledyba is fairly large."

"I did say the punishments would get worse each time." Gardevoir snickered as Twilight kept squirming around these bugs, feeling greatly uncomfortable.

"Well, I can't stand to see Twilight ha-" Celestia stood up, ready to help Twilight even in the middle of a game show. But just like with Twilight, the restraints around the seats activated, grabbing Celestia. "Hey!"

"You can't move until the game is over, my little ponies." Gardevoir shook her head. "Understand that this is all in good fun. Part of the show."

And the Psychic-Types agreed as they all cheered, enjoying every second of this. Passion, not so much. Seeing Celestia like that did sit right with her. "G-Garde."

"You need not worry, Passion." Gardevoir spoke to her via telepathy once more. "But aside from that, I need a favour from you. You're clearly a special Gardevoir. More than me. I need you to help me find Aura."

"Aura? Why?"

"I've been stuck here for years, obviously. I need a way to escape and the only way for my escape is by absorbing the energy that exists within these 18 Realms. Delayed Aura Ataxia exists here as well. If I want to escape, I need a gigantic amount of Aura or at least something close to it. Unless, you would want some too, just in case?"

"Me? Oh, no I don't have that kind of Aura."

"Oh, but you do, Passion. You have a larger Aura than any other Gardevoir I've known. While it's no Lucario, it's still impressive either way. The perks of being a special Pokemon, hm?"

"Well...if you want to escape, I can help. I wouldn't you or anyone else to be trapped here."

"You're a sweet girl, Passion. I'll finally be out of here, thank Arceus. Your friends will help me too. I can tell. They seem to be the kind to do so."

"They are. Celestia and everyone are so wonderful." Passion giggled.

"The answer is-" Just as Starlight was ready to pitch in her answer, her Xtransceiver started ringing. "Hm?" She then took it out, seeing who was calling. "Oh. It's from Applejack." Starlight answered afterwards. "Hi, Applejack."

"Starlight. You doing okay there? We've got a problem." Applejack asked.

"What problem?" Starlight replied, only for Gardevoir to look at Starlight with narrowed eyes. She was hoping that none of the others would get in contact with each other. The last thing she was expecting was a pony holding an object such as that. And doing it perfectly without any issue.

Passion then noticed what her fellow Gardevoir was up to. She saw how her hand was moving, slowly going for the Xtransceiver to cut Applejack off. And it would be done via a small Psychic bolt. Espeon noticed it as well. But her notice came via the gem on her forehead that had the power to predict.

"Espeon!" Acting quickly, Espeon had fired a beam of Psychic energy that had intercepted Gardevoir's beam, causing a Psychic explosion that was on a small scale but still startled the others.

"Oh!" Starlight pulled back as she was the closest to this tiny outburst. "That was close..."

"Was that Gardevoir?!" Applejack shouted through the Xtransceiver.

"No? I don't know. Why?"

"Starlight! That Gardevoir's-"

"Espeon!" Espeon then jumped off the crowd seats, landing onto the stage and facing the Embrace Pokemon, seeing her as an immediate threat. "Eon! Espeon!"

"What Eve said."

"Espeon...!" The Sun Pokemon growled as Passion joined her.

"Voir. Gardevoir." Passion pointed at her fellow Gardevoir, ranting at her as no one else could tell what she was talking about so far.

"I didn't lie to you at all, Passion. I truly need the energy to leave this place. But...I should've known you would end up seeing past me. The intelligence of Psychic-Types after all."

"What is happening exactly?" Luna asked. "Is the game still going?"

"Starlight! If you're hearing this! That Gardevoir's massive trouble!" Applejack exclaimed through the Xtrasceiver as Gardevoir got off her seat.

"You?" Starlight turned to the Shiny Gardevoir. That's when doubts came through. This once fun game show of quizzes was coming to an end after this revelation. And from how Gardevoir was smiling, the reveal was as clear as day.

"Alright. Who are you really?" Twilight asked.

"I'm still a Gardevoir. And despite what all of you may think, I didn't lie. Well, you don't know yet. Only Passion does." Gardevoir explained.

"Passion? What's going on?" Celestia asked her partner.

"Gardevoir." Gardevoir then used her abilities to make a Psychic pulse, passing it through everyone's minds. In an instant, she had sent them everything they needed to know.

"Oooh..." Slow nods were made by Celestia. "So that's it. Then this game show is some sort of ploy then?"

"A bit. But I just generally wanted to try it out. But the game show isn't my main concern." Just then, all of the Psychic-Type Pokemon, including the Ledyba surrounding Twilight had suddenly vanished. They were never real to begin with it seemed. "It's getting out of here."

"Do you truly want to leave here?" Luna asked, judgemental about Gardevoir's words.

"Obviously I do!" Gardevoir suddenly exclaimed. She felt offended by that. "Do you honestly think I'm happy being here? I do want to leave. More than anything. It's a shame that my amazing Psychic abilities are not even enough to leave this wretched realm. And it all has to do with that wretched Ataxia. Sometimes I regret making it. Sometimes."

"Wait..." There it was. An even bigger revelation that no one saw coming. The true creator behind Delayed Aura Ataxia was apparently standing right before them. Twilight raised her hoof slowly at the Embrace Pokemon. "Y-You made it?"

"I did. I'm the creator of Delayed Aura Ataxia. Or as some humans like to call it; the Universe's Malison. Cute." She smirked in front of them.

"You made something so destructive?! Why and...how!?" Luna questioned.

"How else? By using the same source that Ataxia came from. Aura. I may look like your standard Gardevoir...for the most part, but I am as old as practically every other region in the world. My time predates all of you, dating back to the rapid disappearance of the Mew population. Much like every Pokemon that descended from Mew, I was the same. But I knew I was destined for greatness the moment I found out that I could absorb Aura. This amazing life force that permeates throughout our universe could do more than just manifest into an attack. For example...it could slow down my ageing."

"So that's how you're still around even after all those years," said Starlight. "And is that why Ash still looks young...? Or is it still Ho-oh?"

"Bang on. It's an amazing thing, isn't it? Once I figured that out, I knew I could live on even further, never having to worry about passing on too soon or too late. But I discovered this only exists within Lucario and Aura Guardians. And occasionally some Pokemon that happen to know Aura Sphere. I ventured the land, gaining as much Aura as I could to continue my lifespan to a point where it could be eternal."

"You couldn't have gone to Ho-oh for that?" Pinkie Pie asked, scratching her mane.

"As if. Ho-oh only gives its eternal life to those who are worthy. I was not. So I made myself worthy of Aura. Of course, there were fools who stood in my way to stop me. Mainly the Aura Guardians. Many saw my method of Aura stealing as archaic. Then again, it's the only method, making it disastrous in their eyes. And they have a point. But as if that stopped me. Hahaha! So, I became the natural enemy of the Aura Guardians. And they were troublesome. Very troublesome. The Aura Guardians were too powerful for their own good. It made me jealous, honestly."

She then made the seats all merge into one bigger seat. Gardevoir then ascended onto the seat, sitting on it with a nonchalant attitude as if she didn't have potential enemies right in front of her.

"The Aura Guardians had equal Aura to mine despite not absorbing any. How frustrating. So, to solve this little issue of mine. I created Delayed Aura Ataxia. A disorder that would infect only users of Aura or high amounts of Aura, harming and overloading the limits of their body to the point where the only thing they can do is pass out. And when they do pass out, it's free Aura for me to take. I can't even keep track of all the Aura Guardian's I've defeated with this idea."

"That's horrible!" Twilight roared as her horn started glowing out of anger along with her wings flapping. Espeon snarled at her while Mew just made a cross face. Mew is a Pokemon that rarely gets angry and he's never good at showing his anger.

"Ah, but I'll give you an upside to this story for a few minutes. There was one Lucario that gave me so much trouble. During the biggest battle of my life, there was a young Aura Guardian who approached me. He was new to it all, making him easy pickings. But apparently, his bond with his Lucario said otherwise. Plus, I was already damaged from the previous battles I had on that day. And that Lucario...Curse that Lucario!"

She clenched her fist with her eyes glowing dark purple. Clearly, something about that fated day aggravated her. Something she couldn't forget despite how old she was.

"I was on the verge of defeat. But as if I would let some upstart Aura Guardian and his Lucario get in my way. So, I conjured a realm where all Lucario could be trapped inside of. Becoming power sources for me to absorb when I enter and utilize when I exit. But...In act of noble sacrifice, that Lucario managed to cause a volatile reaction with my Aura. The realm had been made, but I was trapped. I could absorb all the Aura I wanted but I could never use it on the outside. That Lucario perished as many of the ones I had absorbed Auras from ended up in this realm as well, becoming ethereal. And since then, I have been trying my hardest to break free of this realm and use what I have gathered after so long, showing the world what I am truly capable of."

"...Wow." That was all Starlight could say.

"And now that I hear there is a boy with the same Aura pattern as Sir Aaron...possibly even greater? This might be my breakthrough. Just the right amount of Aura I need to free myself."

"You mean...Ash!" Delia gasped. "My baby boy! No way!"

"Yes way." Gardevoir leaned forward. "I need to leave here as soon as I can. I dread spending another century within this realm. DO you have any idea what it's like being here for so long?"

"I do." Luna stepped forward as she could actually relate. Gardevoir's attention was turned to her. "I was trapped on the moon for an abundance of time myself. I can understand your anger. And frankly, I don't think you should have to suffer being here for so long."

"There! You get it." Gardevoir laughed. "Glad I can relate to someone here."

"However, what you have told is hard to stomach and hard to forgive. While I emphasize with your suffering in this realm, I'm not sure I can forgive what you had done to all of those Lucario from the past."

"What? Do you think you're just going to give me the consequences once I'm free? Please. This place is already a consequence enough. All I want is absolute immortality. To live forever. The Pokemon World certainly won't even find its closure. Not with the powerful cosmic forces that keep it stable. And the things I can accomplish with all that time."

"We'll help you leave this place," Celestia said. "But we won't allow you to absorb Ash's Aura."

"I was afraid you were going to say that. This is a goldmine of Aura. I've been dreaming of absorbing the Aura of Sir Aaron one day. Sadly, he's long gone. But not that Ketchum boy. It seems that he's the one that Ho-oh deems worthy enough. I need that Aura!"

Gardevir's eyes flared as she made an efficacious pressure appear within the room. Everyone could feel it as there was something so overwhelming about it. But they weren't afraid.

Just then, the head of the Giga Lucario had finally appeared here. The ceiling of the Game Show room had burst open, revealing the Lucario that apparently gave Gardevoir so much trouble in the past. Now it was definitely everywhere.

"You remember how I said that I also occasionally stole Aura from Pokemon that happen to know Aura Sphere?" Gardevoir chuckled. "Well, those Pokemon are also here. Under my control as opposed to this big Lucario controlling her fellow Lucario. I'd like to see how all your friends will do when face to face with them in these realms. I imagine you'll do well. But for how long?"

"Gardevoir!" Passion roared as it made her sick that a fellow Gardevoir would do this. But she couldn't focus on that right now. What she and everyone had to focus on was the incoming threat from all realms, targeting her friends.

"Last question for the game. How long do you think it will take fr you to defeat all of the Pokemon in 18 Realms before I can get my hands on that Aura?" Gardevoir asked.

"Give us at least 15 minutes!" Twilight bellowed. "Because even if you get there, there's no way you can just casually take it from Ash. By the time we're done with them, we'll be there to help Ash."

"Yeesh. Talk about confidence. Alright then. Have fun! I've got an Aura to steal!" And with a tiny finger wave, Gardevoir left the scene, leaving the other Pokemon to handle the rest.

"Why that no good...!" Delia was exceptionally furious about this. "She thinks she can just do that to my son? She's got another thing coming!"

Just then, the Pokemon she stole Auras from showed themselves. They burst through the walls, materializing from Gardevoir's Psychic energy. And they weren't just showing up here. They were showing up everywhere practically one or more Pokemon of a few types can learn or have Aura Sphere at their disposal.

An unprecedented issue had occurred. The true origin of Delayed Aura Ataxia and the one behind it. The dangerous Gardevoir only set on living for eternity and using that eternal life to her advantage. None can know what she could do especially in this day and age as the journey continues.

Chapter 647 End.

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