• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,487 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Family Bonding

Ponyville. Twilight's Castle. Day.

Currently, Twilight was in a bit of an exhausted state. She had just stayed up all night working on the merged Pokemon Magic, Equestrian Magic and Rift energy all in one for hours.

To make things simple and having no mouthfuls, thanks to Pinkie Pie, they have aptly named this type of magic Fusion Magic. It fits the theme of it.

Working on Fusion Magic was tiring. Twilight put everything she had to try and dive deep into its properties while also requiring assistance from Togekiss, Axew and Cold Colt. After all, they're filled with Fusion Magic more than anyone here.

And all that effort was slowly starting to pay off as Twilight was finally getting to know more about Fusion Magic. Very soon, they'll have an advanced understanding of it.

But right now, Twilight was laying on the side of the table, asleep. Her mane was a mess from overworking as she was snoring. She even had glasses on but those were almost on the verge of falling off. In her sleep, she kept mumbling words that were hard to describe.


"Espeon?" Eve jumped on the table as she and the other Pokemon were awake. She poked her trainer's face by putting her paw on her, trying to wake her up.

At the same time, Starlight walked into the room, spotting a tired Twilight Sparkle who was having her face being nudged by Eve while the rest of her Pokemon play around. Minus Absol.

"Twilight?" Starlight went up to Twilight. "It's morning."

"Mrrrgh..." Twilight growled in her sleep. "Slowpoke Tail..."

"Twilight?" Starlight raised her voice.

"Eon?" Eve put both paws on Twilight's face this time.

"Is she completely out of it?" Suddenly, Sunset said while gently opening the door.

"Completely. I think she overworked a bit too much." Starlight replied. "Maybe we should let her sleep some more."

"Espeon!" But Eve wouldn't allow that as she was feeling hungry right now. By raising her voice, she shouted in Twilight's ear at max volume.

And that did the trick.

"Ah!" Twilight shot up. "I'm up! Is Emerald Aura here yet?!

"Espeon." Eve brought over an empty bowl of food as her stomach was growling.

"Oh, morning Eve. You're hungry?"

"Eon." She nodded.

"Alright, alright. Just give me a few minutes..."

"So, how far have you gotten?" Sunset asked.

"Hm?" Twilight looked up with her glasses falling off.

"The whole Fusion Magic thing?" said Starlight.

"Oh, right. It's going good." Twilight used her magic to bring over some Pokemon Food in a box. She then opened it, pouring all of the food into Eve's bowl. "Just a few more weeks or maybe a month and I'll have it all figured out. Maybe even create something out of it."

"In that state? You look like you're ready to fall asleep again." Sunset pointed her hoof at Twilight.

"No need to worry..." Twilight's eyes widened. "I'll have all the sleep I need once this is all done."

"You still have to head to the Pokemon School though. But I'm not sure they'd be a fan of you sleeping in class." Starlight shook her head.

"Good point...I don't want that." Twilight sighed. "Anyway...have they found Emerald Aura yet?"

"Nothing yet from Princess Celestia or her parents. She must be evading them somehow. I don't know." Sunset shrugged.

"Hm. Okay. Well, we can wait. What to do today, I wonder..." Twilight sat up.

"Well, two days ago you said something about having Ash meet your parents, right?" Starlight spoke.

"Meet...parents..." Twilight closed her eyes before taking in Starlight's words. "Ah! I almost forgot!" The young alicorn shot up as she bellowed. "It's today! I promised mom and dad I'd be there!"

"It's not too late. The afternoon's just about to arrive." Sunset pointed her hoof at the clock.

"Has Ash shown up yet?!" Twilight zoomed around her castle, getting ready.

"He's out training with Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash. So yeah. But he's been waiting patiently." Sunset looked outside. "This is all happening because your parents are excited to experience some time with Ash, right?"

"Ash has only seen my parents a few times. He's never actually talked with them fully before. This is a major opportunity for all of us. Even Delia will be there since it's some sort of Parent Meeting." Twilight said while sorting everything out.

"She's most likely doing this for a chance to get extra close to Ash..." Starlight whispered to Sunset.

"I heard that!" Twilight exclaimed as all of her Pokemon were almost ready to go after they finish their food. "And yeah...it's true."

"Well, you go on ahead and do that." Sunset Shimmer walked up to Twilight Sparkle. "Besides, the second time Ash has a family gathering with your parents, you two will be a thing, huh?"

"Hmmrgh..." Twilight turned away, blushing. "Anyway! I should be going now! Eve! Everyone! We're leaving now!"





"And Togekiss. Stay here alright? I'll be right back. Sunset and Starlight will look after you."

"Togekiss!" Togekiss raised her wing.

"We'll take good care of her," Sunset vowed.

"Great! Let's go, everyone!" And with that, Twilight and her Pokemon were off to spend a family gathering with Ash, her parents and Delia. She had a great feeling it would go swimmingly and everything would be calm and sophisticated.

But then again, Twilight remembered that Ash is neither of those things.

Canterlot. Afternoon.

They had already taken the train to Canterlot once Ash had finished training with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. Along the way, Delia was already discussing what they could do in this family gathering.

"I'm looking forward to many thrills in this, you know," Delia said. "I'm sure we'll have a ball of a time, right Ash?"

"Sure will!" Ash nodded. "I can't wait to see what we're gonna do at this family meetup. You psyched, Twilight?"

"I wouldn't say fully psyched. A bit nervous actually." Twilight laughed. "But I'm also excited to not only spend time with my parents more but even having you all a part of it too. So I'm feeling two things right now."

"I know that feeling." Delia nodded. "Some of my family meetups are like that as well. But I'm expecting great things."

"So am I. I just know that this will get us all closer. Isn't that right, Eve?" Twilight rubbed Eve's belly.


"Really wish dad could come along though. Then it might be a full-on family meetup. Is Shining Armor gonna be there too?" Ash asked Twilight.

"No." She shook her head in response. "He's obviously occupied at the moment. It'll just be my parents and yours. Though, it would be fitting if your dad did show up for this. I know a lot of ponies who've been looking forward to the day we meet him. Whenever that happens."

"When he comes back, I'll have a lot to tell him! I could start from Kanto all the way up to Equestria!" Ash grinned. "It could take a long time though...Telling him everything."


"Oh, but for Equestria, it could be short. There's still that memory book, right?" Ash remembered.

"Oh, yeah." Twilight turned to Ash. "There's always something new being added into it. Although, judging by how much has happened, the book is running out of pages by this point."

"Aww!" Delia clapped her hands together. "You made a memory book together? That's so adorable, you two!"

"What?!" Twilight gasped as she was starting to get flustered. "No-no! My friends are the ones who made it! Ash had nothing to do with the book! Besides, it was Pinkie Pie's idea! Haha!"

"You should check it someday, mom. It's a pretty neat book. Might have to make a second one soon." Ash slumped on the seat.

"I certainly will~!" Delia giggled as she had just finished teasing Twilight.

"Oh..." Twilight sighed as she was no longer flustered. She then started thinking to herself. "I should've expected Mrs Ketchum to do a little teasing...I hope mom and dad don't also overplay my crush. Especially mom. Just gotta get through this day and that's it."

After a while, the train had arrived and stopped at Canterlot finally. And standing at the train station was none other than Twilight's parents.

Twilight Velvet and Night Light.

Everyone on the train who were coming to Canterlot had gotten off one by one. Or if they were younger, they just bolted out with high octane energy along with their Pokemon.

Two of which were Ash and Pikachu as they both jumped out of the train, landing in front of Velvet and Night Light. Afterwards, Twilight and Eve were next to come out while Delia and Mimey were last.

"Mom! Dad" Twilight exclaimed, running over to her parents.

"Twilight!" Both her parents outstretched their hooves, letting their daughter enter their warm embrace with a loving hug.

"Right on time too, thankfully." Velvet said as she moved her head to the right, looking at Ash and Pikachu. "There you two are. Ash, Pikachu."

"Hey, Mr and Mrs Sparkle!" Ash raised his hand.


"And Delia, right?" Night Light looked over at Delia and Mimey.

"Hi-Hi!" Delia waved to them both.


"It's still early in the afternoon. We have a lot of time to spare." Twilight said.

"Certainly. By the way, where is your husband, Delia?" Velvet navigated her head, looking into the train and around Canterlot.

"On a journey still. A very long one. Sorry that he couldn't join us today."

"That's fine. I'm sure Ash carries most of the traits and energy from his father." Night Light nodded.

"He sure does!" Delia patted Ash on the head. "With Ash, it felt like my husband never left."

"Aw, mom." Ash adjusted his hat.

"Anyway. Let's get started." Night Light turned around, leading the way with Velvet to their home. "There's a lot to do and look forward to."

"And I have everything planned out too." Twilight took out a long list. "All of this will be enough to cover the whole day and-"

"Oh, no, no, no dear." Velvet suddenly stopped Twilight's list. "We won't be needing that at all."

"We won't?" Twilight raised an eyebrow.

"No. Your father and I already know what we're all going to do. It'll be simple but we'll still cover the whole day." Velvet nodded. "I'm looking forward to what exciting moments we can all be a part of. I know for sure I'm waiting for a Pokemon battle!"

"You? A Pokemon battle?" Twilight suddenly stopped.

"Of course. I enjoy thrills after all and Pokemon just so happens to have a plethora of thrilling activities. And I want to be a part of those before all of this eventually returns to normal."

"That's if it returns to normal," said Night Light. "We have options to keep both worlds connected after all. Like that one Pokemon that grants wishes. Jirachi."

"You know about Jirachi?" Twilight asked.

"Sure we do. Were not slacking with our Pokemon knowledge even at our age." Night Light grinned confidently. "Like everypony else, we took a lot of time to learn about these strange and wonderful creatures. And it paid off."

"Certainly. We even caught our own Pokemon because of it." Velvet held out an empty Poke Ball.

"Oh! Your own Pokemon?!" Twilight's eyes widened as she let out a prolonged gasped.

"Mhm." Velvet nodded as she opened the door to their home. "Your father and I both. You two! Come out here!"

"Kirlia!" It was quickly revealed which Pokemon they both owned. A Kirlia came floating towards Velvet, hugging her.

"Umbreon." And at the same time, an Umbreon walked over to Night Light.

"Say hello, you two." Velvet picked up the Emotion Pokemon. "This is our daughter, Twilight that we've talked about and shown you pictures of. And you know about Ash and Pikachu, don't you?

"Lia," Kirlia said her hello's along with Night Light's Umbreon as she floated towards Twilight's direction.


"Hey you, two." Ash and Pikachu greeted both Pokemon.


Twilight grabbed ahold of Kirlia, feeling how soft, pure and comfortable her skin was. "I've never actually felt a Kirlia before. This is what they feel like?"



"Nice place you have here." Delia looked around the house. "I've never actually been into an Equestrian home yet. Other than the Town Hall, that is."

"Let's have an afternoon dinner before we really get out there." Velvet offered. "I took the liberty of bringing over some food from the Pokemon World as well. How does that sound?"

"Yes please!" Ash nodded.


First, a quick meal before they get into the action.

The table had already been laid out with food of both worlds. Twilight's favourite dishes that she always used to eat as a filly and some of the most popular foods from the Pokemon World. They weren't easy to buy, that's for sure.

Ash and Twilight sent out the rest of their Pokemon for the meal. They had all lined up on the table, but first, Dragonite had to obviously grant Twilight Velvet and Night Light a traditional Dragonite Hug upon seeing them for the first time.

"Hah..." Ash and his Pokemon gawked at the food in front of them as they were eager to start devouring with their mouths' open.

"It's a been a while since I've had these. Wish I had the recipe...Or even the ability to really cook it," said Twilight.

"What are you waiting for Ash? You don't have to hold back and act polite here. Dig in." Night Light said.

"Huh?" Ash looked over at Night Light. "Oh! Thanks for the food!" With that, Ash and his Pokemon started consuming the food in front of them as well as Twilight and the others.


Now everyone was having an afternoon dinner. At the same time, Velvet and Night Light had their own plans for this meeting. Obviously, Velvet is interested in thrilling activities involved with Pokemon while Night Light has a different approach.

"So, dad. What do you plan to do today?" Twilight asked.

"Your mother wants to experience the thrill of Pokemon. I'm looking for something more laid-back and stationery. Like...Pokemon bingo!"

"Pokemon Bingo?" Velvet looked over at Night Light before taking a bite out of her food. "Actually...That sounds like it would be incredibly challenging now that I think about it."

"Right? There are over...how many Pokemon?" Night Light squinted his eyes.

"An infinite amount by the looks of it." Delia raised her finger. "It's hard to really count them all, even with how many species there are."

"I guess so. That's why it'll be fun to have that kind of bingo. Right over at the Pokemon School where they do afternoon activities once the lessons are all over. But you wouldn't want to do that, would you all?"

"I'll have a go at it with you, Mr Sparkle." Ash offered with his mouth full.

"I say we have a Pokemon battle first." Velvet sat up. "And then later, maybe some of that Tangela Bungee jumping. Some of those Pokemon Festival attractions have become common activities here since they're so beloved."

"Right! We'll battle first!" Ash pumped his fist in the air. "What about you, mom?"

"Go on with your battle first. I'll have something to show Mr and Mrs Sparkle here later on. But I do actually want a bit of that bingo action. And then some. Oh, there's just so much to do!"

"That's why I say we follow this." Twilight brought out her list. "It'll be worth it, honestly."

"Hmm..." Velvet looked at Twilight's long list, reading the first few tasks. "Hm. Most of them actually take place at the Pokemon School?"

"All those afternoon activities are worth it. Trust me." Twilight grinned. "Heading for Ms Olympia's afterschool classes helped with that."

"Oh, yeah! You were learning how to be like a Psychic master, right?" Ash tossed some food into Dragonite's mouth.


"Mhm. Just like how Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are working on the Fairy magic they have inside of them. I still can't believe they're now part Fairy."

"Speaking of masters. Ash. You're still set on that major goal of becoming a Pokemon Master, right?" Night Light pointed his glass at Ash.

"Sure am." Ash nodded.

"What is a Pokemon Master exactly? I would've thought that a Champion would count as one. Then again, you're the Alola Champion after all." Velvet wondered.

"No one really knows. If anything, no one's accomplished it yet." Delia answered. "The only thing we have on it is that it's beyond the title of Pokemon Champion, apparently. Not sure myself. Ash, this is your speciality. Mind explaining further?"

"Sure." Ash swallowed his food. "Becoming a Champion is cool and all, but it's just one really big step to becoming a Pokemon Master. Everyone out there wants to be one. To me, being a Pokemon Master is more than just being the strongest Pokemon Trainer. And I'm gonna find out what it really is. I'll become the greatest master of them all. Even if it means taking a long time to really know what a Pokemon Master is. And I have my friends to help me with that. Right everyone?"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu and the rest of his Pokemon agreed.

"That's a mighty fine response from you, Ash." Velvet replied. "I can see why you draw others in. Especially my little Twilight here."

"Mom!" Twilight pouted her face as she sat up.

"We'll be looking forward to the day you become a Pokemon Master, Ash." Night Light uttered while petting his Umbreon. "Whenever that day comes."


"What about you, dear?" Night Light turned to his daughter. "You're three roles in one. Princess. Pokemon Trainer and Pokemon Professor. I'm still surprised by the princess one."

"Mhm." Twilight nodded. "I'm still getting used to all three of them. They're not easy. I still think being a princess is the hardest one out of all of them. But actually, I think I have four roles. I'm a bit of a teacher now too. To Starlight Glimmer of course."

"Twilight's also got a bunch of Pokemon. The most out of anyone in Equestria, I think. Fluttershy may have more." said Ash.

"Right. I was given PokePark along with the lab from BigTime Ben. I haven't had the chance to fully explore everything in it but I know about every place there. And all the Pokemon too. Queen Serperior reminds me a lot of Princess Celestia. Bisharp and Dewott are very loyal. Almost to the level of bodyguards. Princess Snivy's a bit stubborn but she means well. Everyone else, I can't say. There's just so many. But I'll get to know every last one of them."

"Ah. Maybe you can take us there, one day? Hm?" Night Light. suggested.

"Sure. I'm sure everyone there would love to meet you. I could take you to some resorts too! We went to visit a place called Undella Town and it's very relaxing."

"I'd like that..." Night Light sighed. "Silver Shoals could work too someday. But I'm a bit too attached to this house, really."

"But anyway. I think it's about time now. Ash. Are you feeling an urge to have a Pokemon battle now?" Velvet grinned.

"You bet! I'm all fired up and ready to go." Ash stood up.

"I knew mom was into thrills but Pokemon battling?" Twilight whispered to Night Light.

"Watching the Canterlot Tournament simply sparked up that burning fire." Night Light hushed back.

"What do you say? Should we make it a double battle? We'd be a fairly dynamic duo if that was the case." Velvet turned to Night Light.

"Hm? Me? No thank you." Night Light would stay out of this.

"Suit yourself. Just watch what Kirlia and I can do."


"Bring it on!"


Canterlot Gardens.

Of course, this was the perfect place for them to have a battle. Sitting on the bench were Twilight, her Pokemon, Delia Night Light, Umbreon and Mimey along with Ash's other Pokemon except for Pikachu.

At the same time, over at the castle which was always near the gardens, Celestia and Luna were currently watching from above. They were curious to see how an encounter between Ash and Twilight Velvet would turn out.

"You won't go easy on me, will you Ash? Even for my age."

"Not at all." Ash tightened his gloves. "Pikachu and I are gonna go all in!"


"Who do I root for?" Twilight pondered, unsure as to whose side she could pick. So, for simplicity, she chose Pinkie Pie's philosophy. AKA, cheering for both sides in the end. "Good luck, mom! Ash!"

"Don't go too overboard, dear! This is your first Pokemon battle after all!" Night Light exclaimed.

"I'll be fine. Watching all those battles has given me certified inspiration."

"Looking forward to it. Alright! Pikachu, I choose you!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu hopped off Ash's shoulder.

"Just watch. Off you go, Kirlia!"

"Kirlia!" Kirlia floated in front of Velvet.

"Dear. Make the call." Velvet spoke to Night Light.

"Hm? Oh, right! Battle start!" Night Light exclaimed, causing the battle to begin.

"'Kay, Pikachu! Let's show them your speed! Use Quick Attack!"

"Pika!" Pikachu went first. The Electric Mouse Pokemon bolted off the ground at blinding speeds, leaving behind a silver trail of light behind him as he approached the Emotion Pokemon.

"Quick, Kirlia! Use Grass Knot!" Velvet commanded.

"Lia!" Kirlia quickly put her arms together as her eyes and body were outlined in a blue aura. Then, Kirlia manipulated the ground itself as two green-glowing vines grew out of the ground near Pikachu's feet.

"Pika?!" Pikachu gasped as one of his legs had been caught by the first vine while the other vine grabbed him by the stomach. "P-Pika...!"


"Not for long! Break free with Iron Tail!"

"Chu...Pika!" Pikachu's tail lit up while being hardened to the same level as iron. He then swiped his tail downwards and sideways, destroying the vines that were holding him down with ease.

"Now! Circle Kirlia and use Iron Tail!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu then advanced, still keeping Iron Tail active as he moved to the side, starting to run around the Emotion Pokemon while waiting for the right moment to strike.

"Kirlia! Let's switch their speed with ours. Use Trick Room!"

"Lia...!" Kirlia raised her arms, generating a bright red and large light-blue rectangle with light-blue transparent walls as a ceiling appeared around the battlefield. Then, the light blue glow faded away as the walls and ceiling became invisible.

"Trick Room, huh? That's fine! Now, Pikachu! Strike!"

"Pika!" Even though the speed levels had been reversed, Pikachu went in for an attack either way as he jumped into the air, swinging Iron Tail down.

"Not so fast now! Counter it with Shadow Ball!"

"Kirlia!" Kirlia outstretched her arms, creating a purple blob of shadows, shooting it towards the Electric Mouse Pokemon.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu's tail now came in contact with Shadow Ball, pressing on the blob of shadows. Pikachu's physical strength far exceeded Kirlia's as his Iron Tal was strong enough to cut the Shadow Ball in half. "Pika!"

"Oh!" Velvet and Kirlia gasped.


"Pikachu!" Pikachu then landed on the ground after destroying Shadow Ball.

"Awesome job, buddy!"

"Oh my." Velvet pulled back. "That Pikachu might be a bit too strong for his own good. I should've seen this coming. But it's fine. Kirlia! Use Signal Beam!"

"Lia!" A light blue ball of energy formed in front of Kirlia's forehead. She then fired a rainbow-coloured beam from the ball at the Electric-Type.


"Pika...Chu!" Pikachu sparked up an aura of electricity around him as he quickly shot out a blast of lightning from his body.

Both ranged attacks met, entering an immediate power struggle. But ultimately, in just 2 seconds, they equalled each other out, blowing up on the spot.

"Mom's really good at this actually." Twilight's eyes widened.

"I told you. Watching the Canterlot Tournament sparked something in her. Her love for thrilling activities works well with something like battling."

"This is what I was waiting for, Ash! Now, Kirlia! Hold Pikachu down with Grass Knot!"

"Lia!" Kirlia was about to manipulate the ground once more.

"This time, we'll slow you down! Pikachu! Jump up with Quick Attack and use Electroweb!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu stomped his feet on the ground as the aura of Quick Attack surrounded his body. He then zoomed into the air at lightning speeds, having enough swiftness to move away from the ground before Grass Knot could catch him.

But the vines could still chase Pikachu down as they were ascending towards the Electric Mouse Pokemon.

While in the air, Pikachu's tail lit up with electricity surrounding it. He then created an orange-yellow orb of electricity on his tail, flinging the orb, which then transformed into a circular yellow electrical net.

The net of electricity ended up landing on the vines, holding them down and preventing them from advancing any further, protecting Pikachu from being caught. The vines were now caught.

"Now! Dash down and use Iron Tail!"

"Pika!" Pikachu, still using Quick Attack, zoomed downwards while hardening his tail, ready for an overhead strike.

"That looks like it might hurt a lot! Quick, Kirlia!" Signal Beam!"

"Kirlia!" One more time, Kirlia released a rainbow-coloured blast from her forehead, sending it straight at her fellow second-stage evolution Pokemon.

"Breakthrough!" Ash raised his fist.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu grit his teeth as he smashed his tail onto Signal Beam, causing sparks to fly out. Pikachu and Kirlia were now in a power struggle to see whose move would come out on top.

"More Kirlia!" Velvet's adrenaline was rising as she stood in a bipedal position, encouraging her Kirlia to go even further beyond.

"K-Kirlia!" Kirlia growled as her arms were trembling with one of her legs bending. She poured more energy into her attack as Signal Beam grew in size.

"Go, Pikachu!" Ash also encouraged his partner.

"Pi...Pika!" Pikachu's eyes flashed yellow as he clearly had more power and energy within him. With that, Pikachu's Iron Tail intensified as he let out a loud yell.

Then, with a rush of energy, Pikachu broke through Signal Beam by spinning around with Iron Tail as if he was a ball. The Electric Mouse Pokemon was now rolling towards Kirlia with Iron Tail.

"Lia?!" Kirlia's pupils shrunk as her attack had been destroyed. Before she knew it, once Signal Beam had been destroyed, Pikachu had then smashed his tail onto Kirlia's head, causing the ground below to erupt with a large dust cloud forming.

"Ah! Not my little Kirlia!" Velvet wailed as Pikachu backflipped out of the smoke.


And after the smoke cleared, it was clear which Pokemon was still standing and which was out cold. It was revealed that Kirlia had fainted.


"Yes!" Ash pumped his fist after that victory.


"That's that. For her first battle that wasn't too bad," said Delia as Twilight and the others nodded.

"Aww..." Velvet used her magic to bring Kirlia over. "Good job, Kirlia."


"But that was truly exciting!" Velvet pranced on the spot. "It's everything I was hoping for! Well, almost. I was actually hoping for more Pokemon but Kirlia's all I have but still!"

"Pokemon battling sure does get the blood pumping doesn't it?" Ash walked over.

"Absolutely! The adrenaline! The rush! It's all so wonderful! Let's have another go!"

"Kir?!" Kirlia's eyes shot out after hearing that.

"Oh, um. Perhaps after you get yourself some rest. Sorry. I can get a bit carried away." Velvet laughed.

"Well then." Night Light got off the bench. "It's about time we swapped. I'm itching for some bingo now."

"Oh, right. I'll be waiting at the Tangela Bungee Jump then. Come on, Kirlia. Let's get you healed up." Velvet walked off.


"Oh, I'd actually like some bungee jumping. That'll definitely take me back." Delia went along with Mimey by her side.


"It's just us now." Night Light looked at both Ash and Twilight. "Let's win that bingo game. Or rather, I'm winning."

"What makes you think you'll win, dad?" Twilight asked.

"Just watch, dear. Whether it's normal bingo or Pokemon bingo, victory will be right before my eyes!"

Pokemon School. Afterschool Bingo club.

Many ponies were already inside of the club, in the midst of playing Pokemon Bingo. And the one running it was Roxanne who tends to stay behind longer than most teachers.

Night Light and Ash both had serious looks on their faces while staring at their bingo cards. Their eyes were twitching while sweat dropped from their foreheads.

This Pokemon Bingo was themed around many things such as certain Pokemon, items and popular events that have happened in the Pokemon World. Whether history related or even something involving Equestria when both worlds merged. Luckily, most ponies here were able to learn about the history of the Pokemon World during their time at the Pokemon Festival. Every region all had some lore behind it.

But then again, this was Canterlot. So studying is highly prominent here.

"Come on..." Night Light bit his lip as he was waiting for Roxanne to mention the next call. There were 40 images in total and the goal was to cross out 15 images. So far, he had only managed to cross out 10 images. He just needed 5 more.

"Luxury Ball," Roxanne said.

"Luxury Ball?" Night Light's eyes shifted as he was searching for the Luxury Ball image, but only found a Quick Ball, Sports Ball and Master Ball. But no Luxury Ball. "Curses!"

"Yes!" But Twilight ended up getting one as she marked off the Luxury Ball.

"Sinistea antique form." said Roxanne.

"Antique form?" Even Ash didn't know about this. Then again, he hadn't seen a Sinistea yet, neither does he know about its antique form. But he searched either way for the Pokemon that might match that name via appearance. "Uh..."

"Aha!" A pony called out as they had managed to get Sinistea. "A bit more and this game is mine."

"Gh!" Night Light yelped as he was aiming to come out on top. But so far, it wasn't looking good for him. "If I can just get 5 more.."

At the same time, right next to the Pokemon School and near the club room, Delia and Velvet were having the time of their lives, taking part in the Tangela Bungee Jumping activity.

Their screams of excitement could be heard from outside as it travelled through the room and everyone in the bingo room. Usually, Bingo games are silent, but not this one. A lot of chatter could be heard with active movements so it was fine to have massive reactions. Especially if someone ends up getting a bingo.

"Hm?" Roxanne turned to face the window.

"Not so loud honey...I need focus..." Night Light closed his eyes.

"The Pokemon War."

"Oh!" Night Light got one along with others." Yes!"

"Pikachu Libre."

"Got it!" Multiple ponies cried out at the same time in the room. Night Light was also one of them.

"The Totem Kommo-o in Alola." Night Light also got that as well as Ash. Things were heating up while Delia and Velvet's screams kept going on. "Prism Scale."

And again, Night Light had something he could cross out as some ponies had given up since they had made barely any progress. Night Light was now down to just 2 options and he wins the prize.

"Just a bit more..." Night Light growled.

"Heh. No longer looking slow there, Night Light?" One of Night Light's Bingo rivals taunted him as he was glaring right at his fellow unicorn.

"Gordian...You won't best me this time. I'm this close to victory!" Night Light replied.

"Man this bingo stuff is pretty tough!" Ash looked at his card as he only had 4 options left.

"The Darkest Day."

"Got it!" Ash and Twilight both crossed the Darkest Day out as Night Light was getting nervous. He could see that some almost had their cards finished. Around 4 or 3 images on each card that had yet to be crossed out.

"Heart Spotted Spinda."

"Heart Spotted Spinda, what?" A pony raised an eyebrow, searching aggressively for that one specific Spinda. Coincidentally, every single card in this Bingo Room had at least one image of a Spinda on them. So everyone was analyzing their cards, searching for the Heart Spotted Spinda.

"Hah! Yes!" Gordian got it. "Beat that, Night!"

"Grrr!" Night Light bit his card, almost tearing it apart. Please, Celestia. Arceus. Smile on me today..."

"Malamar Invasion of Canterlot."

"Alright!" Night Light got that one. Now he only had one option left and the game was his.

"Sinnoh Pokedex design." Night Light didn't get that one and neither did anyone else as a series of calls came out of Roxanne's mouth. "Sir Aaron's staff." He didn't get that one either. But Ash certainly got it as he was close to winning this.

"Mrrgh...!" Night Light's horn was twitching uncontrollably.

"Black-tip tailed Pikachu."

"Hah?" Night Light and everyone looked over at Ash's Pikachu, noticing that he didn't have a black tip on his tail.

"Pika?" Pikachu tilted his head in confusion.

But someone actually had that mysterious image on their card. And that someone was Night Light as he turned back to see that there was indeed a Black-tip Pikachu. "Oh! Bingo!"

He yelled at the top of his lungs as he sat up from his seat, declaring absolute victory while raising his card, showing everyone that he had crossed out 15 images in total.

"Finally! Woohoo!" With his thunderous victory came disappointment from the other players but also applause. And with perfect timing, Delia and Velvet's loudest screams yet came through the room.

"That's a wrap," Roxanne said as she placed the microphone away. "Well done for winning, Night Light!"

"Great job, dad!" Twilight cheered for her father.

"Hah! How does that look, Gordian?!" Night shoved it in Gordian's face.

"Hmph! You won't be so lucky on the next one."

"That was a blast. It's way difficult than I thought it would be." Ash looked at his card.


"You came really close though. But those 5,000 bits are mine." Night Light had a proud grin on his face. "I need to do this Pokemon bingo more often if it rewards this much."

"Mom and Mrs Ketchum sure were making a lot of noise during it as well." Twilight looked outside the window.

"Ah, it's fine. This room was making a lot of noise too." Night Light shrugged. "Now then. What's next? I know your mother will want to do something daring."

"I know so too. I was hoping to take things slow, but that's not going to happen." Twilight sighed as she was ready for whatever was coming next.

The dual family had a blast with each other. They all swapped places constantly, experiencing different kinds of fun. Whether it's Ash, Delia and Velvet's love for excitement and thrills or Twilight and her father's love for something more simple.

There was good synergy between both families. And even better, this wouldn't be the last time they would have a meetup as they were already planning for a second one soon.

They had fun, ate for a while and then went back to having some more fun doing whatever they each enjoy. Delia even decided to personally show off her best cooking, which greatly satisfied Night Light and Twilight Velvet.

Afterwards, the sun was setting by this point. And they had certainly done mostly everything they wanted to do. At least, until the second meetup.

"Ah..." Ash laid on his back, looking up at the night sky. "Kinda tuckered out a bit."


"I may have gone a bit overboard at that last second." Velvet sighed. "But it was completely worth it."

"Mhm." Twilight nodded as she sat down.

"I can't wait for the second one. Next time, you should definitely bring us to your world. To really experience Kanto." Night Light recommended.

"Of course," Delia replied. "And then maybe on the third one, we could visit that PokePark Twilight oversees."

"It's open any time really." Twilight rubbed her eye. "Anyway. Shouldn't we be going?"

"Right." Ash stood up. "We had a blast here."


"I hope Togekiss hasn't been causing too much trouble back at the lab. She can get a bit rowdy sometimes." Twilight gulped, fearing the worst. "Oh. By the way. Just in case you want to catch some more Pokemon..." She dug into her saddlebag, getting out some spare Poke Balls for her parents. "Here."

"Oh thank you so much, dear. I know what I'm doing tomorrow morning." An excited Velvet said.

"I should check up on Sunset and the-" Just before Twilight could finish her sentence, her Xtransceiver was suddenly ringing. She was even planning to call someone on it but the call came to her instead. "Hm?"

She picked it up to see that it was Sunset calling her. Right on time. With that, Twilight answered the call, wondering what Sunset had to say.

"Hello? Sunset?"

"Twilight! Come quick! Emerald Aura's here!"

"She's here?!" Twilight bellowed. "Um...! Gotta go now! It was wonderful getting to spend time with my family again!"

"Seems urgent. It's best that you get a move on now." Velvet and Night Light understood that Twilight should probably be in a hurry right now

"Thank you!"

An urgent call has just arrived. One that could greatly impact both worlds. Emerald Aura. A Rift Pony, who could be the key to help stop Ghetsis and Empress Twilight because of what she is capable of.

Right now, she was at Ponyville. Most likely she had been convinced to come here. However, her answers have yet to be revealed as the journey continues.

Chapter 387 End.

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