• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Scootaloo's First Gym Battle

Author's Note:

This takes place at the exact same day as the episode Amending Fences.

This is it.

The day that Scootaloo partakes in her first Gym Battle. She has a few Pokemon on her. One that she got from BigTime Ben, one from the Pokemon House and the other she was given to by Twilight as an extra starter. It's safe to say that she's prepared to take on the first gym which was Grass. She had a Ponyta with her and it was her ace even. Plus a Cyndaquill as well. So she was betting it all on Ponyta and Cyndaquill to win this. Her friends were there to support her at the gym of course. They wasted no time heading towards Whitetail Wood, the first area where the Grass Gym was located and where the Swords of Justice hang about usually. And as a bonus, Ash and the others come along to support her. However, Twilight wasn't here today. She had something that she needed to solve on her own.

"Here it is." Scootaloo gulped. "Bit nervous." Her hooves were shaking, her tail twitching, she wasn't sure what to expect at all.

"Don't worry about it. You'll do great." Sweetie Belle reassured her.

"Mhm. With us supporting you, ya can't lose." Apple Bloom nodded her head.

"Right. Thanks, girls. You're all going to support me too, right?" Scootaloo turned to Ash and the others.

"Of course we are. Do your very best, Scootaloo!" Ash exclaimed.


"Shame Twilight can't be here to see it. But we can tell her what happened anyways." Rainbow Dash shrugged.

"Alright. Here goes." Scootaloo pushed open the doors of the gym, ready to tackle it. Inside, it was still the same as it was when Rainbow Dash first came here. Nothing has changed really. But what has changed is the Gym Leader. Previously, Gardenia was the Gym Leader since there wasn't anypony to fill in as the Grass-Type Gym Leader so Gardenia was assigned. But now that there is a pony who's taken the role of Gym Leader, things are about to be vastly different from Rainbow Dash's first Gym Battle.

The Gym Leader was now Roseluck.

"Hm?" Roseluck heard the doors open as she turned around to see everypony there. "Oh! Challengers? Wait! I'm not ready!" Roseluck panicked, shuffling through her Pokeballs. She ended up causing them all to fall on the ground. "Oh..."

"Roseluck? You're the Gym Leader instead? What happened to Gardenia?" Applejack asked.

"About that. I ended up taking the role as the first Gym Leader. So Gardenia could leave and return to being Sinnoh's Gym Leader." Roseluck explained. Her Pokeballs were rolling on the ground as now they were all scrambled. "Sorry. I' 'm not quite used to this Gym Leader business yet." She went to gather the Pokeballs as the others helped her.

"Are you sure that you want to be a Gym Leader?" Rarity asked her, picking up a few of the Pokeballs.

"Positive. I know it may not seem like something I'd be into but...surprise. I am."

"Well, you are great at battling right?" Rainbow questioned.

"I'm decent at best. Guess that's why I decided to be the first gym leader. To get young upstart trainers ready for tougher battles along the way. Now, which one of you is here for the Veld Badge?"

"Oh! That's me!" Scootaloo ran up to her. "I'm starting out my trainer journey to the league!"

"Alright. How many Pokemon do you have?"


"Four, huh? Then, in that case, I'll use four Pokemon as well for fairness. At least I think that's how it goes. Now I just have to figure out which Pokemon isn't too strong so that it doesn't become unfair for you." Roseluck was going through the options.

"I already know who I'm leading with first. Ponyta and Cyndaquill won't let me down for a second."

It's battle time. Everyone else took their seats while Scootaloo and Roseluck went on their own sides. There was the usual referee unicorn to call the battle.

"The battle between Challenger Scootaloo and Gym Leader Roseluck will be a 4v4. Four Pokemon only and the battle will be over once four Pokemon on one side are unable to battle. Only the challenger will be allowed to substitute Pokemon for this challenge." He announced.

"Works for me! Let's go Cyndaquill!" Scootaloo sent out Cyndaquill first.


"Fire, huh? I was afraid this would happen. Then I'll start with you. Out you come, Leafeon!" Roseluck sent out her first Pokemon. A Leafeon.


"Ooh. Another Eeveelution?" Scootaloo pulled out her dex.

"Leafeon. The Verdant Pokemon. A Pokemon that lives a quiet life in a deep forest where rivers flow. This Pokémon’s tail is blade sharp, with a fantastic cutting edge that can slice right through large trees. It does not usually fight, but if its friends are threatened, it will end up fighting. Just like a plant, it uses photosynthesis. As a result, it is always enveloped in clear air. Its cellular composition is closer to that of a plant than an animal. The younger they are, the more they smell like fresh grass. With age, their fragrance takes on the odour of fallen leaves. Galarians favour the distinctive aroma that drifts from this Pokémon’s leaves. There’s a popular perfume made using that scent."

"Oh. So that blade's a problem, huh? Be careful of it Cyndaquill!"


"Do your best, okay Leafon?"

"Leaf." Leafeon nodded.

"Good luck, Scootaloo!" Both Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom cheered.

"Battle start!"

"Watch this! Flame Wheel!" Scootaloo made the first move. Cyndaquill cloaked itself in flames, charging at Leafeon whilst spinning even.

"Yikes! Leafeon! Dodge and use Swift!" Roseluck commanded. Leafeon was much faster than Cyndaquill, making it easy for it to avoid a super-effective move. The Grass Eeveelution unleashed Swift stars towards Cyndaquill, pelting it with stars.

"Shrug it off and use Ember!"

"Cyn!" Cyndaquill burned away the stars by shooting an Ember straight towards Leafeon. A direct hit followed by a super-effective hit as well.


"Are you okay, Leafeon?!"

"Leaf...Leafeon!" The Verdant Pokemon was feeling pretty hurt from Ember but she could keep on going still.

"Great! Then in that case...Dig!"

"Leafeon!" The Verdant Pokemon quickly moved its paws on the floor as fast as it could, digging a hole. She burrowed a hole in the arena itself, heading inside of it.

"Huh?! It can do that?!" Scootaloo pulled back, never seeing a move like this before. Leafeon was heading towards Cyndaquill whilst moving underneath the arena. Both Scootaloo and Cyndaquill were unaware of where Leafeon was. "Where is it?!"

"Cynda? Cyn?" Cyndaquill was looking around for any trace of Leafeon. Then all of a sudden, Leafeon jumped out of the floor, striking Cyndaquill in the back of its head with its bladed tail. "CYNDA!"

"Oh, no! Cyndaquill!"

"Cyn!" Cyndaquill was knocked back by Dig. It proved to deal some huge amount of damage to the Fire-Mouse Pokemon. Thankfully, Cyndaquill didn't faint, but boy did it take some damage.

"Cyndaquill, return!" Scootaloo made the call to return her Pokemon. "Oh, that was close..." She sighed.

"Talk about a rough start." Rainbow Dash shook her head.

"That move almost took Cyndaquill out in one go...I need to move faster than it. Go! Ponyta!" Scootaloo sent out her fastest Pokemon to handle this. As well as being her ace.


"This is our first gym battle, Ponyta! So let's win this!"

"Ponyta!" Ponyta stomped his hooves down.

"Leafeon! Use Quick Attack!"

"Lea!" The Verdant Pokemon moved at blinding speeds, getting an early hit on Ponyta.

"Gotcha! Flame Charge!" Ponyta, despite being knocked back, recovered fairly quickly. As a result, it charged into Leafeon at a close range, dealing a super-effective hit on it. Leafeon went flying across the area, unable to handle an attack that powerful. Leafeon had fainted in two hits.


"Leafeon is unable to battle! Ponyta wins!"

"Yes! An early win! Great job Ponyta!"


"Aw...you did good, Leafeon. Return." Roseluck sighed.

"So far so good. Even for an early gym battle, this makes my stomach nervous." Pinkie snorted.

"Now all Ponyta has to do is take out the other Grass-Types and they win!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"Alright. Then I'll use this against you next! It's your turn!" Roseluck sent out her next Pokemon. A Dual-Type this time. And this type could help against Fire-Types. A Ludicolo.

"Ludi!" The Carefree Pokemon started to dance.

"Ludicolo, huh? You okay to carry on, Ponyta?" Scootaloo asked.

"Pony." Ponyta turned around, nodding in agreement.

"Alright! Then in that case...Flame Charge! Head on!" Ponyta moved forward, appearing to be faster this time thanks to Flame Charge increasing speed each time it's used.

"Here it comes...Ludicolo! Protect!"

"Ludi!" The Water-Grass-Type put up a protective barrier around it, making Ponyta crash into it. Ponyta moved back, breaking the Protect, but it was unable to make direct contact with Ludicolo.

"Bubble Beam!" Ludicolo shot forward a beam of bubbles that raced towards the solo Fire-Type.

"Dodge and use Horn Attack!" Ponyta galloped to the side, avoiding the incoming beams of bubbles whilst heading towards Ludicolo. However, the Bubble Beam was manoeuvred by Ludicolo in order to hit Ponyta from all sides. The bubbles ended up making contact with Ponyta, sending the Fire Horse Pokemon back to where it started whilst dealing some big damage to it. "Rats! Then it that case! Ember!"

"Water Gun!"

Two attacks that were equal in strength made contact with each other. Ember ended up being taken out by Water Gun easily. It was just Fire at the end of the day. Ponyta gasped as it managed to avoid Water Gun by ducking its head.

"How am I gonna get past that Ludicolo?" Scootaloo thought to herself. Despite this being her first ever Gym Battle, it was also Roseluck's first time as a Gym Leader as well. So in a sense, they were both beginners. But Scootaloo had a bit more experience due to her being more invested in battling.

"That was close...if any other Fire moves hit my Pokemon, that'll be the end of it." Roseluck thought to herself as well. "Aha! Rain Dance, Ludicolo!"

"Ludi! Ludicolo!" The Carefree Pokemon was doing what it does best. Dancing. It was summoning up a heavy rain by controlling the weather from the outside. It was that powerful to affect the skies outside even if it was inside. Just then, the rain was pouring outside and inside. After all, this gym was also made out of some leaves, so it wasn't difficult for water to get in. As a bonus, this will also help Rainbow Dash prepare for the gym where weather effects are its motif.

"Rain Dance?" Pinkie said. "Does it have the move Thunder on it?"

"A move like that is bad news for Scootaloo's Fire-Types! It weakens Fire moves and boosts Water moves." Ash explained, leaning forward.


"It can just do that?!" They all said in unison.

"Who says I have to use only Fire moves? Horn Attack!" Scootaloo didn't mind Rain Dance as she sent her Pokemon forward. It was prepared to strike Ludicolo with its horn, hoping to do some good damage on it.

"Bubble Beam!" Ludicolo was firing beams of bubbles towards its opponent. If any of these bubbles hit, it could spell trouble for Ponyta.

"Avoid them and keep on going!"

Ponyta was doing its best to avoid the bubbles. As it was galloping towards Ludicolo, it was moving from side to side, leaping over the bubbles to avoid it. Thanks to it being faster due to the last two Flame Charges, it could gain some quick distance and get up close really quickly. Ponyta had managed to avoid all of them, striking its horn on Ludicolo.

"Ludi!" Ludicolo was launched back by Ponyta thrusting its horn upwards at it.

"Now! Shoot Ember!" Ponyta followed up by shooting small flames towards Ludicolo. Due to it being part Water and Rain Dance active, this didn't too that much damage at all. In fact, Ludicolo could brush it off. This battle might take a while.

"Ludicolo! You okay?!"


"This isn't going anywhere. Why did it have to be Water-Grass." Scootaloo growled. This battle, compared to others was simple and laid back instead of being fast-paced. But even then, it was enough to keep the group on the edge of their seats since nopony knew the outcome due to the Pokemon that had currently been shown. So far, all of Scootaloo's Pokemon are either good or bad against Roseluck's Pokemon. At least, the ones she's shown so far. Scootaloo realized that if Bubble Beam makes contact once, it's game over for Ponyta. So she was ready to try and use one thing that might work. "I got it! Ponyta! Run into Ludicolo!"

"Pony!" Ponyta ran forward, not going for a Pokemon move this time, but just simply running towards Ludicolo.

"Huh?" Roseluck was confused. "Okay then. Ludicolo! Bubble Beam!" The same move was used once more. Yet again, Ponyta proved to be capable of dodging them easily, however one bubble managed to hit it. Ponyta ignored it, even though it did sting. It ran into Ludicolo, smashing its body against it. This tactic didn't actually harm Ludicolo all that much at all. It did push it back though, so that was something. "That wasn't too bad. Water Gun!"

Before Ludicolo could so something, Scootaloo's plan had come into focus. The reason why she wanted Ponyta to just simply run into Ludicolo was because she planned to take advantage of Ponyta's Hidden Ability. Flame Body. And everypony knows, if Flame Body is activated, the opposing Pokemon will have a burn effect on it. And Ludicolo was now a victim of the burn.

"LUDI!" Ludicolo pulled back, feeling the effects of the burn.

"What the?!" Roseluck perked up, surprised at this. She wasn't too knowledgeable about the effects. She knew they existed, but had no clue how some of them were activated most of the time. Neither did she know that it could be activated by abilities as well.

"Yes! Now! Flame Charge!" Scootaloo took advantage of Ludicolo being wide open due to it still being burnt. Ponyta charged into Ludicolo, launching the Carefree Pokemon far back. Due to Rain Dance, it didn't deal tons of damage, but it helped Ponyta increase its speed. "Head in and use Double Kick on Ludicolo!" Ponyta chased after Ludicolo, giving the opposing Pokemon a good old fashioned buck to the face.

"Ludicolo! Recover and use Bubble Beam quick!"

"Don't let them! Horn Attack!" Ponyta interrupted Ludicolo's attack by striking the horn on them. Ludicolo couldn't handle that sudden assault of attacks. From being burnt to being kicked in the face and having a horn strike its belly, all of them were enough to make Ludicolo faint on its back as it tumbled towards Roseluck. Due to Ludicolo fainting, the Rain Dance had ceased.


"Ludicolo is unable to battle! Ponyta wins!"

"Phew! That did the trick. Alright, Ponyta. Have a rest in the meantime." Scootaloo returned Ponyta.

"Good job, Ludicolo." Roseluck returned Ludicolo. "I must say. You're pretty impressive Scootaloo. Then again, I'm supposed to hold back a bit when facing young trainers. It's my job as a Gym Leader."

"Is that true, Ash?" Fluttershy asked.

"It is. The earlier Gym Leaders hold back constantly to give younger new trainers a fair chance. That's why Misty didn't use Gyarados when Rainbow Dash battled against her."

"So that means...Gym Leaders are much more powerful than we can imagine?!" Rainbow Dash gulped, realizing that all this time she's been battling against trainers who were just simply holding back while she was giving it her all.

"But, once you get past the 4th Gym, that's when things get difficult."


"Alright. You're up next!" Roseluck sent out her third Pokemon. Bellossom.

"Bellossom!" The Flower Pokemon was dancing as well, swaying its hands about.

"Bellossom, huh? Do I send Ponyta back in or put Cyndaquill in again." Scootaloo thought. "Both of them took some huge damage from Leafeon and Ludicolo...and who knows what other Water-Type moves she's hiding in her Pokemon. I'll just have to try and confuse her." Scootaloo sent out her next Pokemon. A Pokemon that was not good against Grass-Types. Pachirisu.


"Pachirisu? Why did she go for Pachirisu?" Rainbow Dash said. Ash smirked, knowing why. He's been teaching Scootaloo a few tricks in battling that'll allow her to get the jump on her opponent.

"I'll make the first move this time. Bellossom! Use Giga Impact!"

"SAY WHAT NOW?!" Scootaloo exclaimed. She didn't expect a Pokemon as gentle as Bellossom to have that. The Flower Pokemon used every ounce of its strength to charge towards Pachirisu at full force with destructive energy surrounding it. "DO-" Scootaloo couldn't give out the dodge command in time. Bellosoom made contact, crashing into The EleSquirrel Pokemon. The impact was so severe that it almost made Pachirisu faint in one hit. In fact, if Pachirisu gets hit a few more times, that's game over. A powerful shockwave was left from the impact as Pachirisu was tumbling on the ground. "Pachirisu! Are you okay?!"

"Pachi..." Pachirisu was slowly getting back up.

"That was intense...I didn't expect it to have that move."

"I may not be well-versed in battling, but I know what moves are good for dishing out huge damage." Roseluck smiled.

"Oh, yeah? Pachirisu! Quick Attack!" Pachirisu moved at lightning speeds, charging into Bellossom.


"Bellossom! Petal Blizzard!"

"Keep using Quick Attack!" That was Scootaloo's strategy. Having Pachirisu constantly crash into Bellossom, just to make sure that it doesn't get a single move off. And thanks to Pachirisu being an Electric-Type, it was naturally faster than Bellossom. Each Quick Attack was slowly whittling Bellossom down.

"Bellossom! Use Sleep Powder! Roseluck was aiming to halt Pachirisu by having it be put to sleep. The moment Pachirisu finished the next Quick Attack, Bellossom can have the opportunity to shoot out at least a few bits of powder. And that's what it did. Bellossom scattered a few drops of powder with the amount of time she had left to breathe during the Quick Attack onslaught.

"Pachi?" Pachirisu's nose had picked up on the powder as it got all over its face. The powder was working its magic, making Pachirisu slow down all of a sudden. And before the EleSquirrel Pokemon knew it, it had been put to sleep. The last action it did before dozing off was attempting to bash its head at Bellossom until it fell on its face. "Risu..."

"Huh?!" Scootaloo's jaw dropped.

"Yes! It worked!" Roseluck pumped her hoof. "Now! Petal Blizzard!"

"Bello!" Bellossom summoned a violent blizzard of petals that raged towards Pachirisu, picking it up.

"Not good! Pachirisu! Wake up!" But it didn't wake up. The petals were beating on it with massive amounts of damage being dealt.

"Let's finish this! Energy Ball!" To seal the deal, Bellossom drew tons of power from nature itself, firing a ball of energy towards Pachirisu whilst the petals continue to damage it. The combined might of the ball and petals was enough to make Pachirisu faint, even when it was asleep.


"Pachirisu is unable to battle! Bellossom wins!"

"Return, Pachirisu." Scootaloo sighed. She had lost one Pokemon, but she still had three left. "I'm not out of this yet. It's time for you to shine, Cyndaquill!" Cyndaquill was thrown back out. It was still pretty badly hurt from Dig earlier, but it could probably deal some damage to Bellossom before it faints. "Watch out for that Sleep Powder!"

"That's not all you have to watch out for! Giga Impact!" Roseluck was about to use the hard-hitting Giga Impact once more.

"Not this time...Cyndaquill! Flame Wheel!" Scootaloo was planning to make contact with Giga Impact from the looks of it. Both Pokemon charged themselves up, dashing towards each other. The collision between the two attacks could result in a fairly destructive outcome. Or perhaps, one might overpower the other. However, Scootaloo wasn't planning on just going up to an attack as powerful as that. "Move to the side!" She suddenly commanded Cyndaquill to move to the side whilst in Flame Wheel, throwing Bellossom and Roseluck off balance. "Gotcha! Now go!" Cyndaquill made a quick turn around, charging into Bellossom from behind.

"Yikes! Bellossom! Behind you!"

"Bell?" Bellossom had just come out of Giga Impact, prepared to turn itself around. But the moment it tried to do so, Cyndaquill had already landed Flame Wheel on it. "BELLOSSOM!" A direct hit. And as a bonus, it even left a burn on Bellossom.

"YES! Way to go Cyndaquill!"

"It's not over yet! Sleep Powder!"

"I don't think so! Jump back and use Ember!" Cyndaquill avoided the cloud of powder by jumping back, spitting flames that landed on Bellossom. Both the Ember and burn effect were obviously bad news for Bellossom. Both of them combined could make it faint. Which it did. Bellossom had fainted due to the Fire attacks.

"Bellossom is unable to battle! Cyndaquill wins!"

"Woohoo! That just leaves one more! Awesome job, Cyndaquill!"

"Cynda!" Cyndaquill's flames erupted in victory.

Roseluck returned Bellossom to its ball, thanking it for its help. Now she had one Pokemon left at her use. And this Pokemon was going to be a bit of a problem. "You've made it this far, Scootaloo. But just so you know...I don't want to lose either. This Pokemon's going to test you to the fullest!" Out came the final Pokemon. This Pokemon was the same as Gardenia's when she and Rainbow Dash were reaching the final moments of their battle.

A Roserade.

"Rose! Roserade!"

"Roserade? Guess both Gardenia and Roseluck have them both as their final Pokemon." Applejack commented.

"Roserade, huh? It's that poison that I gotta look out for."

Cyndaquill and Roserade were eyeing each other down, anticipating each other's movements.

"Here goes nothing. Flame Wheel!"

"Cyndaquill!" Cyndaquill was cloaked in flames, rolling over towards Roserade.

"Here it comes...Roserade! Extrasensory!"

"Rose..." Roserade was conjuring up a peculiar power with its mind alone. This attack was odd and unseeable, making it difficult to predict. Cyndaquill was unfortunately hit by this unseeable move, getting knocked back and out of Flame Wheel.


"Cyndaquill, no!" Scootaloo leaned forward to see Cyndaquill roll towards her. The moment the Fire Mouse Pokemon came up to her, it was revealed that it had fainted due to that single attack.

"Cyndaquill is unable to battle! Roserade wins!"

"That just leaves two of Scootaloo's Pokemon now. Ponyta and Horsea," said Sweetie Belle.

"I'm a bit nervous..." Apple Bloom was biting on her hoof.

"Don't worry. As long as Scootaloo can land a Super-effective hit on Roserade, she should win." Applejack said. "I hope."

"I should for Ponyta...but what if it has a move that can take Ponyta out in one go? But Horsea doesn't have any good moves that work well against Roserade." Scootaloo was thinking hard about what she could do. Then she came to a conclusion. "This is my best bet. I'm putting everything on Ponyta!" And out came the Fire Horse Pokemon one final time. Ponyta wasn't looking too good due to the Water attacks that hit it earlier. "Let's do our best to finish this, Ponyta!"


"Roserade! Show them your flash! Petal Blizzard!" A blizzard of petals ravaged their way through the arena, aiming at Ponyta.

"Run through with Flame Charge!" The Fire Horse Pokemon charged forward, burning through the blizzard of petals with ease. And as a result, it crashed into Roserade, launching the Grass-Poison-Type back. "Awesome! Now! Ember!"

"Use Venoshock!" Roserade recovered on its feet, drenching Ponyta with a special poisonous liquid.

"Pony!" Ponyta felt the poison drench all over it, crying out in pain.

"Now! Swift!" Roserade continued the attack by pelting Ponyta with stars. Ponyta was knocked on its back from the overwhelming assault of stars. Thankfully, it hadn't fainted yet, but it took some considerable damage from all of that.

"We can do this, Ponyta! Ember!" Ponyta got back up, spitting an Ember that was approaching Roserade. The Bouquet Pokemon avoided this by gracefully dodging the Ember. Roserade then replied by drenching Ponyta in poison once more.

"Pony!" Ponyta could feel more of the poison affect it.

"Now! Pin Missile!

"I don't think so! Ponyta! Dodge and use Double Kick!"

"Pony?!" Ponyta snapped out of it, galloping to the side whilst avoiding the missiles of sharp pins being thrown at it. Thanks to Flame Charge, its speed had increased, allowing it to get closer.

"Look out, Roserade!"

"Rose?" Before the Flower Pokemon knew it, Ponyta's horn had struck its body, launching it upwards. "Rade!"

"Petal Blizzard from above!" Even if it was launched in the air, it could still attack from above. So that's what it did. A blizzard of petals raced down towards Ponyta.

"Burn them away with Ember!" Ponyta spat an Ember at the aggressive blizzard of petals. That single ember was potent enough to burn away all the petals with ease. Scootaloo and Ponyta were finally feeling the adrenaline of a full-on Pokemon battle. They were performing much better than before. Roserade was coming back down, giving Scootaloo the opportunity to strike. "GO! DOUBLE KICK!" Ponyta turned around, kicking both its legs at Roserade's face. The kick was powerful enough to launch the Flower Pokemon far across the gym. Roserade actually ended up crashing into the walls due to the force of Double Kick.

"Rose!" It cried out. The aftermath was Roserade coming off the wall and falling flat on its face. That impact was enough to seal the deal. "Rose...rade..."

"Roserade is unable to battle! Ponyta wins! Therefore the victor is the challenger Scootaloo!"

"SHE DID IT! YES!" Sweetie Belle raised her hooves up in victory as she and Apple Bloom hugged each other, jumping up and down.

"I-I won?"

"Yes you did, Scootaloo." Roseluck picked up her Roserade, walking towards the young pegasus. "And you did it with such aggression at the very end."

"Heh...sorry. A rush kinda came over me at the last second." Scootaloo squeed.

"Well, you managed to defeat all my Pokemon even without using your fourth Pokemon. You definitely deserve the Verd Badge." Roseluck had the badge in her hoof, revealing it to Scootaloo.

"Woah..." She gazed at the badge, seeing how it dazzled in the morning sun. "My first gym badge..." She was given the badge, holding it in her hoof. "Look, girls! Look at this!" Scootaloo ran over to her friends, showing them the badge.

"Look at you! You're already one step closer to becoming a great Pokemon trainer like yours truly!" Rainbow Dash placed her hoof around Scootaloo's neck.

"We're so glad that you won! Are ya gonna keep the badges on a wall?" Apple Bloom said.

"Maybe. But I know one thing for sure, with this win, I might've ranked up. Last place isn't my problem anymore."

"Glad you're happy with your victory. Now... I need some rest. Running a gym isn't easy." Roseluck yawned. "Come on, Roserade. Let's get a quick rest."


"I don't need any rest though. I'm already planning on heading to the second gym soon!"

"That fast? Are you trying to get one up on me?" said Rainbow Dash.

"What? Pssh? No." Scootaloo replied. Rainbow Dash chuckled, causing them all to chuckle as well. With Scootaloo's first Gym Battle cleared, her ranking will surely rise up, slowly bringing her up. It's a long way to go for her and every other trainer who are aiming to compete in the Equestria League. When the League finally begins, everypony from across Equestria will gather to see who can truly stand at the top as Equestria's Strongest Trainer as the journey continues.

Chapter 158 End!

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