• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Nothing but a burden

Equestria. Faye Mountains. The Changeling Hive. Afternoon.

Currently, Mellifera was here on a mission which was ordered by Rosa Maledicta. The Lich Queen. However, this mission was already going through slow progress as she was spending time with the changelings here, much to her chagrin. Mellifera most certainly despised this. Mainly due to the new changeling ways.

As long as she was within Changeling Territory, Chrysalis being the current Changeling Queen meant that no matter what, Mellifera had to stay. The one instance where her teachings to Chrysalis backfired hard.

"I wish we could put an end to this right now." Mellifera groaned as Anthophilia was still latching onto her grandmother's face. "The only good thing about this place is the amount of love radiating from it. Except you aren't responsible for so much of it."

"Why are you always so bitter?" Chrysalis turned to face her mother, showing agitation towards her constant nagging.

"Why are you still a constant disappointment?" Mellifera asked with a rude retort.

"You should be more into this, mother." Chrysalis said. "Right now, this is the best age of the changelings by far. The love we receive now is far more frequent and healthy to us."

"Mmm. It may be better but it's still bone-chilling. What is all of this anyway?" Mellifera asked, noticing the various Pokemon-focused objects laying around. Many of these objects were meant for the Pokemon as they had also been transformed into decorations to give the hive some extra flair. The special healing cocoons were also healing some of the Pokemon that have already been through a battle today.

"Oh, these? Well since we've become accustomed to Pokemon, we need to have the essentials needed to take care of them. They're one of us now."

"These cocoons heal..." Mellifera poked one of the healing cocoons, startling the Spritzee inside. "How?"

"I made them." Just then, a confident smirk came to Chrysalis. One that made herself feel proud as she shifted her eyes towards her mother. Even after entering her purity form, Chrysalis did not lose some of her proud ways. "My magic is responsible for these special cocoons."

"Impossible!" Mellifera backed up. "It took me years to try and craft a healing cocoon! And I never managed to! And you did so?"

"I suppose I'm not a constant disappointment as you thought, eh?" Chrysalis chuckled. "With this, I can heal just about anyone from any injury. I've also been thinking of getting it to heal illnesses."

"Tch!" Mellifera scoffed. "I-I could've made them eventually if given more time." Despite what Chrysalis had crafted, Mellifera felt the need to make herself seem higher, which made Chrysalis facehoof. "But..I'll admit, it is impressive. It seems that the potential in you hasn't died out yet."

"That same potential you tried to force out of me, right? You could've waited for me to unlock it by myself. That's just one of the reasons I left."

"I needed your magic to reach staggering heights as soon as possible, foolish child. My magic paled in comparison. The love that I could gather was minimal during my time. And yet you were lucky to be born in a time where love is the most prominent."

"Is that why your hive died out?"

"That's right. If you must know, if a changeling queen ever gathers enough love, their magic absolutely moves past their peak, allowing them to do great things. That kind of magic is what I needed for my hive to thrive more than anything. And yet, you fled."

"With how things were over there, I had to. I'd say it was best that I went on my own path." Chrysalis turned away from her mother, hovering in the air before then crossing her hooves. "All that potential you so wanted showed up without being there."

"Kh!" Mellifera growled, stamping her hoof. Unfortunately, she didn't have a clever remark. She also turned away, only feeling like hitting something. Chrysalis could already feel her mother's reaction. The words she spoke were instantly regretted in Chrysalis's ears, despite them being true.

"I-I'm sorry." Chrysalis apologized. "I shouldn't be saying things like that. Especially when you came here to spend time with me and everything."

"Mmmrrgh..." Mellifera grumbled as that was only half true. She certainly did come for Chrysalis, but her intention was not to genuinely spend time with her daughter. It was only about the Human World. Speaking of which, she got back on that topic immediately. "Forget about it. Anyway...I can come and see this hive any other time. I'm more concerned about the rest of your friends outside of the changeling hive."

"Oh, right. Why do you want to see Ash so much?"

"He's your friend, isn't he? You clearly care more about him than me. I need not say much more than that..." Mellifera scoffed. "Aside from maybe learning more about Pokemon."

"Learning about Pokemon? Why didn't you say so? Ash can help you. And so can I." Chrysalis fluttered over.

"Excellent!" Mellifera shouted, almost blowing Chrysalis back. "Where does he lurk around?"

"Well, his home is at the Pokemon World in the Kanto Region. But he could be anywhere. Ash is a massive adventurer after all."

"Joy. There is no consistent location." Mellifera sighed as her hopes dwindled once more.

"But, I can use this." Luckily for her, Chrysalis had the object to rekindle that hope. The Xtransceiver. "Just one call and we'll find out where Ash is."

"Oh. Wonderful." A smile returned to her face. Finally, some progress was being made. All she had to do was learn of his current location, discover the home of Sci-Twi, pass it on to the vampires and she was free to go.

The Human World. Canterlot High. Day.

Speaking of which, the Twilight Sparkle of that world still had the book with her, showing up at school with it. There, her friends were free to see it as well and that was fine with Twilight as long as no vampires were nearby. She sat down with them in the cafeteria, placing both her book and bag down.

Spike popped his head out of the bag whilst Zoru hid. And for safety measures, considering she was in a cafeteria, Twilight kept Munchlax in his Poke Ball at all costs or else a repeat of what happened in Unova could transpire once more.

"Twilight. You're still carrying that book around with you?" Sunset pointed.

"I know. I don't know what to do with it." Twilight held the book out as it was by far the greatest obstacle she's ever had to face. She just didn't expect it to be a book.

"I say we just get rid of the thing." Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Tear it up or burn it. Either one works. That way they won't get zilch about that Y-Y...Yah-vel..." She struggled to say Yveltal's name. "Whatever it's called."

"Gah! No way!" Twilight gasped, stunned by Rainbow Dash's suggestion as she stood up holding the book close to her. "This is valuable history! History of the Pokemon World no less! We can't get rid of it!"

"Ah, come on, Twilight! That thing's gonna bring nothing but trouble!" Rainbow Dash pointed at the book, knowing of the dangers that could come with it.

"Rainbow Dash has a point." Rarity nodded in agreement along with the others. "Keeping it around is only dangerous to you, Twilight. Something has to be done about that book. You already told us what those vampires tried to do to you once they found out you had the book."

"Giving it to anyone else could jeopardize them..." Sunset thought for a moment. "We need to think hard. What's the best thing we can do..."

"I still say we just destroy the thing." Rainbow Dash stuck by the destruction approach.

"Even if we do, they'll still keep trying to find Yveltal." Twilight sighed. "They won't stop until they get to it. They could unleash those demons inside of that box of theirs...Maybe I shouldn't have taken this book with me." Now, Twilight was starting to regret ever bringing the book along with her. So many unclear decisions were now bombarding her head, only further increasing her worries and fears.

"Hmmm. What if..." Pinkie Pie got to thinking. "We put it in...one of those other universes?!"

"What do you mean by that?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well, Sunset here said that there's a massive number of universes out there. Why don't we just leave the book there?"

"I mean...They wouldn't know about it but someone could still use it and if they somehow figure out universal travel, they could head to that universe and-" Twilight was starting to panic again.

"Nevermind." Pinkie Pie pulled back once Twilight went off.

"Alright. This is way bigger than we excepted." Sunset stood up with all of her friends doing the same, forming a group huddle. "We need to handle this book, now. There has to be someone out there who can reach that knows what to do."

"Ya thinking about the Pokemon World?" Applejack asked. "Might be the best place if ya ask me."

"The Pokemon World and those that live there have a much better chance at holding their own than us." Rarity replied. "I'm sure that a vampire is nothing compared to the world-threatening beasties they have there."

"That's true. It would be best to leave it to professionals..." Twilight thought about the Pokemon World suggestion. It didn't sound so bad. "I thought about giving it to Professor Oak but I don't want to put him in danger."

"Ah, all of Ash's Pokemon live there, right? Those vampires will be blown away by a bunch of attacks before they know it." Rainbow Dash chuckled.

"So someone has to watch it carefully. And someone will know how to conceal it." A pondering Sunset squinted her eyes before twitching. "Gah! All this thinking is making my head hurt."

"I don't think it's that difficult." The only one exempt from all of this hard thinking was Fluttershy. "No matter what, we'll just keep going back and forth on where to put it. You don't have to find someplace crazy to put it, you just have to make sure that you guard it as well as you can. Sometimes, that's better than a complex hiding place."

Her words reached her friends. It reached them so well that they froze for a moment, looking at each other. The group pouted before then nodding in agreement. "Right. You're right, Fluttershy." Twilight nodded before sitting down. "It doesn't have to be somewhere complex. Just keeping it safe at all costs matters. But I still don't think I should be the one to keep it. I think someone else should do that."

"After school, let's head out then," Sunset suggested. "Then we can see how we can keep it safe without going the extra mile. Cause I'm sure not keeping it."

"Me neither." Applejack refused to take the book either. So did everyone else. That book was a target for them. But they were all in agreement that someone capable needed to keep this book. For their sake. For the sake of this world.

Equestria. Outskirts of Faye Mountains. Afternoon.

Chrysalis and Mellifera were ready to set off, however, nearby, the vampires were present. Mainly Opal Vivacity, Spectrum Shade, Sweet Fang along with a few others. They kept themselves safe by either staying in the shads of the trees or wearing hats, cloaks and coats. The best way to protect them from the Sun.

"Sounds like she's managed to get Chrysalis moving..." Once again, Opal was eavesdropping, using her heightened senses as a vampire to listen in.

"Finally." Spectrum sighed as she and the other vampires have been waiting for a while. To kill some time, they picked some apples from trees while also checking out the Poke Balls given to them by Opal. "We can get somewhere."

"Mhm. But first, did everyone check their Pokemon?" Opal asked.

"Uh...No not really." Spectrum shook her head as none of the vampires have even utilized their Poke Balls yet. The Pokemon inside were a mystery.

"If we're going to call it a successful mission, we need to learn how these creatures work, much like the 100 Demons Box we have." Opal held out the box containing the demons.

"Do we have to? I mean, we're gonna make them skeletons someday so what's the point in-" As Sweet Fang babbled on, Opal stompned her hoof, making the ground shape with a dent and a crack being formed as Sweet Fang and the others were startled. Opal kept her signature soft smile, getting up close to Sweet Fang. Howevever, a menacing aura was forming around here.

"Listen here...I'd rather not be the one to get absolutely obliterated by a Pokemon Trainer if the chance that Ash Ketchum catches on happens. So you'd best start bonding with them. Okay?" She chuckled while also having a dangerous intent with her.

"G-Got it..."

"As for the box...when we get there, I know exactly which demon we can use to speed things up. Now everyone, let's get going~" She whislted, being the first to start moving as everyone else followed after her.

"She's way too scary for me..." Sweet Fang sighed while Spectrum merely laughed at that whole interaction. They were off t continue tracking Mellfera down. But it would mainly be one moving force that would do so.

And the answer was the box. Opallooked at the box before then opening it, ready to unleash another one of the 100 Demosn inside of it. With a horrific crash in the atmosphere and a whistle of metal, the demon inside of the box had been unleashed.

A bat-like creature that was mainly an orb with an eye while also having 8 wings on its back. Its dark complexion had its singular cruel eye stare with an eerie foreboding, and another shrill pierces from its cavernous mouth which would intimidate almost anyone who laid eyes on it. A slim, skeletal ridge adorns its rounded body on the top, which itself is otherwise surprisingly smooth. An intense heat escaped this ceature's body.

"We'll have this keep an eye on them." said Opal. "Once the girl is discovered, this demon can instantly track down her scent and know exactly where we need to be. Just like what her highness said. We have to work smarter, not harder."

Kanto Region. Vermillion City. Cerise Lab. Afternoon.

"You're spending time with your mom, Chrysalis? That's great!" Ash was currently at Vermillion City in Cerise's lab, speaking with Chrysalis on the Xtransceiver.

"Thank you. But...it isn't exactly the most cherry family bonding time." Chrysalis shook her head. "I believe she's only focused on you, Ash."

"Precisely." Mellifera's head came into view of the Xtransceiver. "You are an expert on this Pokemon thing, are you not? I'd better learn something valuable."

"Yeah, I can do that, no problem."


"Good." Now Mellifera decided to get straight to the point. But she decided to clever, masking her true intentions before soon spewing out what she needed to hear. "I've heard about a certain Pokemon. What is it called and how do you pronounce it? Y-Yvel..." Even Mellifera was having some trouble pronouncing Yveltal's name as she rarely says it.

"Yveltal." Ash finished. "You wanna know about that Pokemon first?"

"I would like that." Mellifera smirked as the bat-like demon was ready to gather all of the info that it could grab from Ash. This was potentially the moment of truth.

"Well...it's the Destruction Pokemon so it takes lives..." Ash started off with Mellifera noiding slowly. "It can turn others to stone when it does that.."

"Go on..."

"And...that's about it." Ash shrugged as Mellifera fell flat to the ground. Opal twitched as she was listening in on this conversation as always. That wasn't the answer she was looking for as she tried not to let up her soft and beautiful smile, keeping her composure. "Haha! My bad! But that's not that much about Yveltal! It's pretty limited info if you ask me."


"Obviously someone like you would have limited knowledge." Mellifera snarled. "Well, then do you know someone who does?" What of that parallel world that is opposite to us? I've heard about it."

"Parallel world? Oh you mean the Human World. Yeah, what about it?"

"How does one even get to that world in the first place?" Mellifera asked.

"Well, there's a portal for them. But I sometimes use the gateway over at Eindoak Town in Unova." Ash explain. But as he was doing so, the creature that had been summoned from the box was already on the move. The vampires were always close. "Do you wanna go there?"

"Ugh! Absolutely not!" Mellifera almost felt like throwing up from that question. "I'd rather keep my appearance, thank you very much."

"Then why ask about it?" Chrysalis squinted her eyes. "If you aren't aiming to visit there."

"None of your business. I am no longer in Changeling territory so I do not have to answer to you." Mellifera smirked while Chrysalis shook her head. "Anyway. Does someone there know something?"

"Nope. Everyone's new to Pokemon still so all that knowledge's pretty limited right now." Ash shrugged. "My friend Twilight over there has a book about it but she said she was gonna keep it safe and hide it a few weeks back. Don't know where she's put it thought. But it's gonna be safe."

"He doesn't know?" Opal's eyes widened. This was a shocking answer. Even though Ash gave out the name, the book's whereabouts were only getting scarce at this point. However, even unbeknownst to Ash, it was only today that Twilight was reaching for a solution to keeping the book safe. Not just by hiding it, but by also entrusting it to someone.

Mellifera felt like her progress had been bogged down by Ash's information as it made her groan. The vampires already knew that the book had been taken to the Human World and was owned by a human currently, but now, the location of it only became harder to discover. They already had trouble trying to find out where Twilight's home in the Human World could be and now hearing that Twilight had potentially taken it elsewhere started to gut their plans.

"No biggie." But Spectrum thought otherwise. "We still have a chance, even if we don't know where it's being hidden now. Let's head for that place and the demon can take things from there."

The demon had gathered up information concerning a gateway. The gateway near Eindoak Town. All it had to was head for the Unova Region. The demon did just that, flying faster than it normally did while also leaving behind Chrysalis and Mellifra, no longer spying on them. Mellifera's ear twitched from this, causing her to turn around. She was too late eto catch the demon flying off. The vampires would soon follow suite.

"I know! How about we have something big to eat?" Ash suggested. "That's one way I know we can get things started with this family bonding."


"Oh, not ab ad idea, Ash." Chrysalis was in full agreement of that.

"I proper to eat love and nothing more." Mellifera crossed her hooves, refusing to eat anything else that was physical.

"Oh, come no. You're older than me so you need to experience the wonders of real food." Chrysalis insisted. "Trust me. Perhaps that bitter look on your face will vanish immediately once you get a fill of the food."

"I doubt it."

"I like this one, boy." Just then, showing up as a shadow was King Sombra, choosing to stay in the form right now as he had nothing better to do. He had heard everything Mellifera had said and those words were humour to his ears.

"My mom makes a mean Slowpoke-Tail! Try that first, okay?"


The Human World. Out in the forest. Afternoon.

School had ended. Which meant that Twilight and her friends were ready to do something about this book. Someone capable had to keep it instead of either of them. And in the forest which was close to the gateway to Eindoak Town, the Pokemon World came to mind more than anything.

"Alright. Who's up for it?" Twilight asked.

"Why don't we give it to Ash?" Sunset Shimmer suggested. "No one's more capable than him, I know that much."

"Mhm-mhm." Rarity and the others fully agreed.

"I-i don't think we can do that." Twilight shook her head, holding the book close to her. "It would put Ash in danger. I don't want that."

"But whoever gets it will still be in-" Sunset spoke before pausing, realizing why she was so concerned about him. It went past just seeing him as a friend. "Ahh...Twilight. Nice catch." Sunset nudged her with wiggling eyebrows. "You found yourself the best one, I'd say."

"Quit it!" Twilight used her shoulders to nudge the laughing Sunset Shimmer aside. Twilight's face soon turned red afterwards. "Besides, I know that Ash can handle himself. I just don't want him to be flooded with problems that's he's already trying to solve across the world. T-That's all."

"Well, you didn't select Professor Oak either." Rarity replied. "And he's close to Ash's home either way so..."

"I know! How about we call him to find out who can keep it?" Pinkie Pie interjected with a suggestion. "Professor Oak might know someone. Someone as smart as him obviously."

"Great idea, Pinkie. We'll-" But just as Twilight and her friends agreed on that option, Zorua, Spike and next Twilight, picked up on something. Zorua and Spike for their creature instincts and Twilight for that staggering magic that is still lurking within her. She gasped before turning around.

"What is it, Twilight?" Sunset asked before also sensing it. Magic from her world was nearby. Very nearby. She gasped as Fluttershy and the others were lost on what their friends were feeling. But there was certainly something coming. Something threatening to them.

And it came straight for the Eindoak Town gateway. The bat-like demon from before had shown up to the Human World. It flew past the trees, cutting the leaves apart just by being near them. The creature's singular and never closing eye continued shift around as it ascended to the air while also moving further through the forest.

There, it had come to the vicinity of Twilight and her friends, ascending to the air and appearing above the trees. Twilight and Sunset were the first to spot it with their eyes shifting above. Soon, the rest of their friends did the same as they had seen this demon appear. And the demon certainly recognized them.

With its creepy eye moving down, not only did it spot Twilight, but it also saw the book. The book that contained some Yveltal information. Twilight had not taken it away nor had she hid it yet.

"W-What is that?! What kind of Pokemon is that?!" Rainbow Dash gasped.

"I don't think that's a Pokemon..." Twilight slowly shook her head. "It could be one of those demons from before..." By looking at the creature, it certainly had the same aura and slightly similar look to the deer demon from before.

Once the demon saw the book, it started to pass this information to the vampires. But it did not need to pass through the gateway to do so. The demon's eyes flashed red which were blinding to the eys, forcing Twilight's group to cover their eyes. The glowing red eye was not dangerous at all, but what it was doing was reaching the vampires. Mainly Opal.

Far from here as the demon flew faster than them, still within the limits of Equestria and not even close to the Pokemon World, Opal had received the message from the bat-like creature. The whereabouts of the book had been discovered. Just what they wanted to hear.

"Mm. So she was indecisive, as she? How adorable. We will show up there, but in the meantime, try and take the book as well, why don't you?" Opal ordered the dedmon to try and retrieve the book as the vampires would take some time to get there.

The bat-like creature would do just that. Once its red eye stopped glowing, from its circular body, mouth was starting to appear. It now gained a mouth to utilize with fangs that were barving viciously. A whip-like tail slides behind it, jagged bones protrude along its ridge. Thsi demon could do more than just spy and eavesdrop. It was a demon after all.

Zoura squeaked, heading inside of the bag. Sunset already knew that trouble had come. But little did she and her friends know, aside from Twilight, that this trouble was of archaic proportions as the journey continues.

Chapter 758 End.

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