• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Sinnoh. Sunyshore City. The Pokemon Festival. Afternoon.

Either a chance or fated encounter had occurred. Twoqueensfrom different universes had met at the same spot, noticing each other in a heartbeat.

Solar Queen Daybreaker and Lich Queen Rosa Maledicta. Both had their reasons for being here and both felt the presence of a ruler. Rosa Maledicta, who usually shows up with her presence making others feel uneasy, was retaliated by Daybreaker's presence, which wasn't magical at all but rather just foreboding enough to be noticed.

They looked at each other for a while, unable to recognize each other until a few seconds later. Boh rulers recognized those appearances despite being from different worlds.

"Oh, now I recognize you. You're Princess Celestia. But you look far different from what you usually are." Rosa commented, immediately recognizing Daybreaker as Celestia. Even with pitch black eyes and a flaming mane and tail, Daybreaker's appearance was still reminiscent of the great ruler of Equestria.

"Same here. You're Rosa Maledicta. The Rosa of this universe, anyway." Daybreaker replied, also recognizing her thanks to the universe she comes from. "It seems you exist here too."

"You know me as the Lich Queen. But do you remember what I was before? Our universes should share similarities? Do you remember when I was once a student back at your School for Gifted unicorns?" Rosa questioned, peering into the past.

"I remember. It's not so different here. You were amazing talented back then much like every other unicorn. I had great expectations for you. Your sister especially rooted for you."

"She did. Without a doubt...Roseluck was the one to encourage me the most, seeing me off at Canterlot." Rosa spoke the name of her younger sister. The pony from Ponyville and the first Equestrian League Gym Leader Roseluck. "But I doubt she'd encourage me now."

"Obviously, she wouldn't. Not with that path you went down. You chose to study the dark arts, something I forbid you from ever tackling. And you did it anyway." Daybreaker continued.

Despite being from different universes, these two were speaking with some form of familiarity. They may know different counterparts to the ones they were facing but the parallels were strong, sharing a history.

"And I don't regret them one bit." Rosa's eyes flashed a malefic green and black. "Thanks to those Dark Arts, I learned so much and gained s much. Especially becoming the Lich Queen. No one could appreciate my dark talents. I can tell the same goes for you in your world."

"Even here, you still ended up as the Lich Queen. If I knew about alternate realities, I would've never brought you into my school. Or even let you study magic in your life."

"Harsh. Your presence matches mine. I'm not too surprised by this though." Rosa smirked. "I was expecting to meet the ruler of Equestria when my Black Crusade would occur but meeting one from another universe is unexpected. What brings you here anyway"

"My name is now Daybreaker. And as for my reasoning for being here, I'm only here to gather some light for Necrozma. But meeting you already ticks something off within me." Daybreaker and Rosa started pacing around each other with an intense staredown, The tension was already prominent.

"Why's that? Is my presence actually managing to affect you?" Rosa said with an excited tone. She thrived off of something like this, much like how the sirens thrive off of negativity.

"Back in my world, you're the catalyst for so many awful things." Daybreaker thought back to how her world's Rosa was responsible for atrocities back in her war-stricken world. "You're the one who gave Chrysalis those lethal objects of magic, terrorizing many cities and towns. So many friends of mine were taken away because of what you lent them."

"Ooh. Those would be from Tartarus. You can find all the best-accursed items down there." Rosa then started chuckling, wishing to provoke Daybreaker. "Let me guess...the best one to terrorize a city would be the Septic Mist, right? Just a guess."

That only provoked Daybreaker some more. Mainly because it was completely true. A horrible green mist was the cause of so many towns and cities back in her world being torn apart, affecting the residents there as well. She could remember that even now and how it forced matters into her own hooves. But for Daybrekaer, it was for the better as she had grown stronger.

"Ah. And it would make sense that Chrysalis would use it. The Changelings and the Dread League go way back. A shame they aren't as close to us as before. But perhaps...that can change if I can reach your world."

"You're planning to travel to another universe?" Daybreaker stopped in her tracks as her full attention was grabbed by this.

"I was already made aware of them in the beginning." Rosa shrugged. "The Pokemon World was just the start. That massive invasion from two years ago opened my eyes to a bigger picture. The Black Crusade can go beyond just my world and this world. I could also mend relations with the Changelings by starting it anew that way."

Those words rubbed Daybreaker the wrong way. Dissecting what Rosa had spoken, brought a certain image to mind. It could all happen again. The horrors that Daybreaker encountered to reach this point would repeat themselves. Images of the Dread Leauge flashed in her mind, reminding the Solar Empress about what they did to her nation in the past. A repeat of the past is one of the many things Daybreaker vowed never to allow ever again.

But something else came up in Daybreaker's mind. A last-second thought. She thought back to when she encountered the Princess Luna of Universe One within the Hyperdream. Having all the power to finish her off there, Daybreaker was unable to bring herself to do so since that was her little sister. Should the Black Crusade happen in this world, that meant one thing.

Daybreaker would lose her sister yet again.

"I can't have you do that." Daybreaker's mane flared up after replying. "Not again. Not ever again."

"Why? Did I strike a nerve?" Rosa replied, flaring her own mane with her magic. The tensions rose as both of them started affecting the area around them.

Necrozma would have to wait. Daybreaker's original goal was to come to this world and retrieve light for Necrozma. However, this encounter changed things. Daybreaker was too focused on history repeating. She couldn't allow history to repeat once more. Not after what she went through.

"Before I give Necrozma some light...I'll first get rid of you and soon your entire league." Daybreaker declared, threatening Rosa and the entirety of Magehold as she expressed her resolve in the form of a large blazing wave of magic that expanded out of her.

Rosa replied by doing the same, only hers was a black and green wave of magic. Both large forms of magic clashed with each other, causing a rippling shockwave effect. The collision between these two grandiose magics sent red cracks that could be seen forming in the skies themselves.

And it didn't take long for Sunyshore City to be affected. Despite being on the outskirts of this city, their magic was more than enough to reach it. Daybreaker's magic began sending a pressure of heat that would soon be picked up by everyone.

Everything they were doing had been interrupted in a matter of moments. The temperature for them had risen but in reality, it was Daybreaker's magic that was causing this heat wave to come through.

Ice cream desserts began melting just from this pressure, unable to withstand this heat as even drinks were starting to heat up. No longer were they cold and refreshing. They immediately boiled up while some of them evaporated, startling those who were enjoying their drinks.

This heat wave was so prominent that it even reached the Pokemon Center. A place where Pokemon can come to heal and recover. Now, that wasn't the case. In the middle of healing some Pokemon for Trainers, Nurse Joy and everyone else indoors felt a sudden heat increase.

Aside from the ice cream, there were other things that were melting via Daybreaker's magic. Destruction was also following from this. Glasses from buildings had shattered from the pressure while also melting out of nowhere. Roofs were starting to come apart as the peace was being disrupted.

As for Rosa Maledicta, her presence was self-explanatory as revealed within Hearthome City. She made everyone here feel uneasy by utilizing her magic. In response to Daybreaker's magic heating others up, Rosa's magic would send uncomfortable afflictions to this city.

Eventually, their magical auras went far enough to eclipse the city as everyone within it noticed two different colours pass by. It looked like the skies had changed colours to them. It didn't take long for all of them to realize that something was wrong, something frighteningly wrong. An overwhelming feeling of dread took over and for a moment as they thought the burning and cruel sensation was just temporary.

It would only be temporary unless these two stop.

To make matters worse, the pressure from these two magics was enough to make them faint. Pokemon Trainers started fainting on the spot. They dropped like flies, one by one and sometimes in unison while the buildings and attractions around them were beginning to be sullied.

Black cracks from Rosa's magic were forming around the buildings with a parasitic instinct. They brought along a terrible sound as this cursed biomass was already spreading. This biomass had a grip on it, clenching the buildings and adding to the cracks.

Daybreaker's magic would be equally as destructive but quicker. A wildfire was imminent. Nurse Joy, who was tasked with taking care of everyone, would have her hands full as she rushed outside to see the chaos that had emerged unexpectedly. Many had fainted as soon even the Pokemon fell.

"What's happening?!" Nurse Joy gasped as she was still standing despite the pressures.

"!" It was then that Daybreaker realized that she couldn't go any further. She needed this city for Necrozma. In her frustration, she almost destroyed this place that provides a great source of light. The solar panels had even been attacked thanks to this. Thus, Daybreaker, removed her magical aura, controlling the wildfire as well. The wildfire would not start.

"What's wrong? Change your mind?" Rosa taunted.

"I can't afford to ruin Necrozma's chances. I'll destroy you in another way!" Daybreaker wouldn't stop there. She wanted the city left intact for Necrozma. So to do so, it was off to the seas with Rosa. Out of Daybreaker's horn, a large blazing blast of magic had been sent out.

Rosa's smile quickly faded away once seeing this blast of magic. Its solar appearance was something to behold as it even made the Lich Queen jump. Acting quickly, she conjured a magic shield to protect herself. The blast engulfed the shield like a wild beast, tearing up the ground itself. Rosa's shield had been pushed back along with her, forcing the Lich Queen towards the sea.

The sea itself was receiving some evaporation in the process via Daybreaker's flames. The intensity of that blast had an overwhelming amount of heat, enough to affect even the largest bodies of water nearby. Daybreaker had also unknowingly saved everyone else.

Nurse Joy noticed how the heat had vanished as if it was never there. It was unusual for a hot temperature to disappear like that. Not only that but because Rosa Maledicta had been forced away from Sunyshore City toward the ocean, her presence had been taken with her. The people, ponies and Pokemon here could no longer feel that dreadful presence. But the afflictions remained either way.

Nurse Joy felt it too, however, she seemed slightly better than everyone else. Especially her Blissey, who appeared to be just fine. "Blissey! Let's get everyone inside!"


Back at sea, Daybreaker's beam kept going, forcing Rosa back and further away from the city. By this point, Rosa Maledicta was away from the city with her shield being active. But as her shield was streaking over the sea, the water kept evaporating by Daybreaker's continuous beam.

Having enough of this, Rosa Maledicta expanded her magical shield, blowing away the magical blast at last. The result was an explosion that caused a large splash. A tidal wave formed from this as Rosa Maledicta hovered up with her now-gone shield.

"That heat of yours is stupendous." Rosa Maledicta applauded with a cheery smile on her face. "I'd say that rivals or even surpass the flames of Tartarus. Honestly."

But while applauding and giving Daybreaker a stern face just for what she aimed to do, Rosa conjured a spell in retaliation. Daybreaker already made a great first impression. Now, it was Rosa's turn. Underneath Daybreaker, a symbol had appeared.

The Solar Queen gasped, looking down to see this enigmatic symbol from below. Coloured black, it was large enough to almost reach the city while also forming a magic circle around it. The moment Daybreaker tried to move, the symbol and the circle's effects kicked in.

She was unable to move, locked in one position with her hooves only barely moving up. Daybreaker scoffed as this was clearly a restraining spell. Or rather, one-half of it was. The other half was an offensive one. Moments after she had been restrained, Rosa summoned a conflagrant burst of darkness that stormed from below Daybreaker.

Daybreaker's body had been engulfed by a black and purple storm of magic with Rosa deviously smiling, hearing the horrific sounds that were sweet to her ears. It sounded like screaming from how it erupted, reaching far enough to echo across Sunyshore City. Granted, many of them were unconscious but some of them managed to hear it.

However, within the storm of darkness, Daybreaker appeared unaffected. In response to this dark pillar, the Solar Queen had casually incinerated them. Flames erupted out of the pillar, destroying the darkness entirely with its overpowering light.

Daybreaker walked out of the flames while also incinerating the magic circle and the symbol that came with it. Rosa had to be impressed by this. So far, it seemed that Daybreaker could just burn down anything that stood in her way. After walking out of the flames, the Solar Queen then took flight, leaving the ground with the power and velocity of a rocket, approaching the Lich Queen.

Rosa Maledicta summoned a veil of darkness that greatly resembled that of the Aurora Borealis. It appeared in front of the Lich Queen, acting as a barrier while gravitating towards Daybreaker. Daybreaker eyed down the dark aurora before then stopping in her tracks.

This aurora had already grown to stupendous proportions, wrapping around the sea and near Sunyshore City as well. She was already within the Dark Aurora's surroundings. The Aurora then closed in on her, no longer having the transparency of one. Now it felt like a solid force, smashing into the alicorn from all sides.

The impact of this Dark Aurora crashing into Daybreaker let out a paroxysm of combusting darkness so vast that it caused yet another tidal wave. This tidal wave was bigger than the last, reaching a height so colossal that it threatened Sunyshore City.

Nurse Joy and others who were still conscious saw how strange things were happening around here. From the flash of multiple colours to the horrific sounds. Something was amiss. And it looked like a disaster was approaching as a tidal wave, which then became a tsunami was headed this way, threatening to crash onto the city. Not only that but the flare of darkness in the distance was so large that it covered up the clouds themselves, giving everyone a bad omen as they started running and hiding from this tsunami.

"Hahaha! You're not my Celestia, but it still feels so satisfying to do this!" Rosa chuckled while the dark explosions went off, appearing to be continuous. It wasn't a singular explosion at all. It was a multitude of them that just kept going.

"Judging by what you said, my counterpart in your world went through the same thing. We both were never accepted for our talents! You never allowed e to pursue my true potential and destiny, even in your world. What good is destiny if you strip it away from me? Well, it doesn't matter what else I say now. You'll be torn apart by this Dark Magic Veil. I'll gain satisfaction from this. But the grander satisfaction will come once I get rid of my world's Celestia!"

"My world's Rosa doesn't exist anymore." Just then, a voice echoed through the explosions of darkness, startling Rosa. This voice was the Royal Canterlot Voice, echoing even through the sound of an explosion. Multiple of them.

The gigantic tsunami had even been evaporated by an immense presence of flames. The tsunami didn't get the chance to land on Sunyshore as they had been obliterated with nothing but steam being left behind.

But instead of emerging out of the explosions, something else happened. The explosions began shrinking all of a sudden. They were halted as if being frozen in time. Or rather, being rewound in time. Even to Rosa, this was surprising as to how this was possible. And that's when she saw what this was.

Daybreaker was absorbing the explosion. The explosion and the dark flames they possessed closed in on Daybreaker. In fact, it was the flames that she was absorbing which allowed her to take control of the explosions. All of that destruction had been brought into her like a vacuum.

"I'm sorry. Did you just absorb the explosions?" Rosa questioned.

"If there's fire involved, I can deal with it. But can you deal with this?" Daybreaker would retaliate in response to the destructive explosions. The Solar Queen took a deep breath before then unleashing a stream of fire that destroyed a vast space of the sea itself with its sheer empowering force and size. All this from her mouth.

Yet again, Rosa needed to protect herself, forming another shield. The stream of fire lit up the skies with an orange light that made it seem like the sun was setting. The darkness that covered the clouds had been removed by Daybreaker's flames as even Rosa's shield was starting to lower itself.

"Goodness..." Rosa uttered with widened eyes before witnessing the flames settle. "This certainly isn't the same Celestia I know. She's impressively vicious." Seeing how Daybreaker retaliated made Rosa aware that the difference between her Celestia and Daybreaker was stark.

So stark to the point where Daybreaker proved to be a colossal threat. A threat that could keep the Lich Queen occupied for a long time. Or worse. Seeing that Daybreaker was strikingly powerful enough to be a match for her, Rosa decided on one thing.

"Being around you isn't the best option now. I can't be stuck here and delay my plans," said Rosa. "But your world has already been added to the Black Crusade. I'll disengage for now." Retreating was the best option in Rosa's eyes. With a combustion of darkness that was followed by screams, she vanished.

Daybreaker stayed silent for a bit as the darkness dropped on her, threatening to hit the alicorn as a final attack. But, Daybreaker's mane simply burned it away.

"The Dread League. Even here, they still exist." Daybreaker spoke before flying back to the land. While the seas had been disturbed, everything else was fine. "I can't find any other Luna in various universes...yet there is always a Dread League in others."

Daybreaker growled as this wasn't the second time she's encountered the Dread League. Not at all. This encounter has happened multiple times. And yet, an encounter with her sister has only happened once. That being Universe One's Princess Luna and nothing else.

"It's not fair...!" Angered by this, Daybreaker stomped her hoof on the ground, creating a small crater. Before she could vent some more, she calmed herself down. Afterwards, the Solar Queen heard the voice of Necrozma from the Ultra Ball. Necrozma was crying out to his trainer, needing satisfaction. "I know, Necrozma. Let's continue where we left off."

Equestria. Magehold. Dark Chamber. Afternoon.

Back at Magehold, Rosa Maledica had returned. But instead of heading to her throne room after retreating from Daybreaker, she instead headed to the Dark Chamber first.

There was a reason for this. Lich Queen Rosa Maledicta already brought along someone to the Dread League not too long ago. It was during the Pokemon Festival when she first made her presence away earlier today. This individual was to serve one purpose.

Teach the residents of Magehold about Pokemon. And Rosa happened to grab someone from Hearthome City. The Hearthome City Gym Leader.


Fantina was currently unconscious within the Dark Chamber where all the pods that hold regenerative capabilities were being stored. However, Fantina wasn't gifted the regenerative pods. Instead, she earned a pod that would just hold her and nothing. The Hearthome City Gym Leader and Contest Expert did not make a sound at all but that wouldn't last.

"Very soon, you'll be teaching us everything we need to know." Rosa walked up to the pod where Fantina was being held captive. "Everything you know about Pokemon will remain. But the memories of everything else will be gone. Daybreaker poses a problem for us. With other worlds involved, having the power of Pokemon by our side will increase our chances. So sleep tight until nightfall. That's when you'll assist us. And only us."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 873 End.

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