• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Tirek arrives

Author's Note:

The Season 4 finale. But the way things will happen in this are vastly different. But mostly still the same.

The Crystal Empire. Day.

Twilight, Eve and her friends had arrived for apparent important business. They saw all the ponies glistening like crystals once more.

"Seems like only yesterday I was saving this place from being totally destroyed." Spike boasted as he walked with a proud strut. "Hey, you guys remember that?" He stopped near a statue. Which was of him.

"You only mentioned it about 15 times on the train here." Rainbow said.

"Yes, and we never hear a peep out of you about your exploits." Rarity said to Rainbow Dash, knowing she does it all the time.

"Heh. Point taken."

"I'm glad you all wanted to come. But I don't think it's going to be that exciting." Twilight commented. "I pretty much have to smile and wave as the dignitaries arrive."

"Yes but you get to smile and wave like a princess." Rarity responded.

"How exactly is that different from smiling and waving like... not a princess." AJ asked.

"It isn't." Twilight sighed, being a bit worried about something.

"What's wrong Twilight?" Fluttershy asked her.

"Why the looooong face?" Pinkie stretched her friends face.

"I've just been feeling a little unsure about things lately. It doesn't seem that my new role as a princess equates to all that much."

"That's just silly." AJ uttered. "You've got a real important role in Equestria."

"Princess Celestia wouldn't have asked you to come today if she didn't think so." Fluttershy spoke.

"I guess you're right..."

"Of course we are," replied Rarity. "Now hurry along. You don't want to risk having that important role diminished because you're tardy for your regal meet-and-greet.


The sounds of trumpets blew all over the kingdom.

"The Duke and Duchess of Maretonia!" Flash Sentry announced. Four royal and well-dressed ponies walked forward towards Celestia, Luna and Cadence. Twilight stood on a balcony, watching from above. Twilight used her magic to remove a rope that held a flag together. The flag opened up, revealing the symbol of Maretonia. They all bowed at each other as a greeting, and that was it. They all walked onwards, not saying a word as Twilight waved from above.

"That was it?!" Spike exclaimed. "Princess Celestia had you come all the way to the Crystal Empire just to do THAT?!" saving that made Twilight lower her head and close her eyes. "Uh, I mean Woah! Really regal and important." He gave off a nervous laugh as the other looked at him in disappointment with Applejack smacking his head.

Twilight was inside the castle as she greeted the Duke and Duchess herself.

"Your highness." The Duke spoke. "Thank you for understanding our desire to keep a number of those privy to these confidential discussions to a minimum."

"Of course," Twilight replied as they walked past her. She just smiled and waved them off. Along came Celestia with her Passion, Luna with her Darkrai and Cadence with her own Pokemon which ended up being a Sylveon. One she caught and evolved from an Eevee while ago. "Is there anything else I can do to assist with their visit?"

"I'm sorry, Twilight. But their visit is already over." Cadence answered.

"Oh." She lowered her head.

"Something wrong?" Luna asked.

"I guess I just don't really understand why I'm here. Couldn't one of the Royal Guards unfurled the banner?"

"Having all 4 of us in the empire to greet them lets the dignitaries know that the visit is considered an important one." Celestia explained.

"Plus, it gives me an opportunity to see my favorite sister in law." Cadence put her hoof around Twilight.

"And I'm happy to see you. All of you." Twilight still had a distraught look on her face.

"But...?" Cadence knew what she was going to say next.

"But I... well it's just that. Princess Luna raises the moon, Princess Celestia raises the sun, you protect the Crystal Empire. And all I seem to do is... smile and wave."

As Twilight wondered what she was even worthy of being a princess for, there was a familiar figure lurking about. Obsidian. Recently, he had just gotten a change in appearance. He asked the Rift to make him into a unicorn. Wings were cool, but magic was much more useful. As he listened to their conversation, he heard Twilight go on about what her role is meant to be. All the other princesses do something important and major. From the sun to the moon and love. Just like the 3 princesses, Twilight will play her part.

She became an alicorn for a reason.

Obsidian had vanished from the empire, returning to wherever it is that he hides. "I recognize that conversation. That means on this day... Tirek's coming back." Obsidian remembered the original timeline in the original universe. And this is the start of how Tirek returned and Twilight and her friends defeated her. "I've waited for this moment. Might as well get started." Obsidian had teleported to Ponyville, appearing to the underground hideout that Emerald Aura had been in for days and days.

"Oh! Obsidian! I was so lonely!" Emerald said with bags in her eyes. "Please don't leave me again!"

"Alright, calm down you. It's time you proved yourself useful."


"I told you that I was waiting for this day. The whole Tirek event that went down."

"Oh yeah. So it's finally here. What do we do first? Do we get Ghetsis involved?"

"Yeah... we're not getting that maniac involved with this one. Instead... I got a better idea." Obsidian rubbed his hooves together.

"Hold on! I already know how this is gonna go!" Emerald stopped him.


"Tirek ended up snatching every unicorn's magic in Equestria in the original timeline, even the alicorns."

"And your point is?"

"Uh, hello? We're unicorns too! He's gonna steal our magic too! And I may be nothing but a fake creation formed by cosmic dust, but I love magic okay?! Makes me feel cool."

"Oh, he won't have to. Because I've got a much better source of magic he can steal." Obsidian grinned.

Over at the streets of a town, a stallion was walking through the streets at night with a basket of food. He heard a noise, starting to worry. But it just ended up being a can rolling about. He let out a sigh of relief as he was about to continue walking, but halted when he saw a hooded figure in front of him. "Very sorry. Haha. You came out of nowhere."

"Is he friend or is he foe...? The pony wonders..." The hooded figure said with a fairly weak voice. "I can assure you, I am no friend. I am Lord Tirek." His hand came out of the darkness, rising up. He suddenly began to steal the unicorn's magic from him. "And I will take what should have been mine long ago." All that magic was entering his mouth, feeding him. Not only did he steal his magic, but his Cutie Mark had vanished as well. The poor Stallion fell down on the ground with his eyes all dull and locking vibrant colors like it used to. Tirek's body started to grow as well, increasing in size.

Over at Canterlot, Celestia woke up, having a fright. She just had a vision of Tirek. Luna rushed to her sister as she saw it all.

"Sister, are you alright?"

"I've just had the most terrible dream."

"Why do you think I'm here? You know as well as I that this was not a dream. But a vision."

"Then we haven't much time." Celestia got off her bed. "The stronger he becomes, the more we are all in danger."

The next day, Celestia and Luna had summoned Twilight and Cadence to Canterlot, giving them some information on who Tirek was.

"Tirek and his brother Scorpan came here from a distant land. Intent on stealing Equestrian magic. But Scorpan soon came to appreciate the ways of Equestria, even befriending a young unicorn wizard." Celestia said.

"Scorpan urged his brother to abandon their plans. When Tirek refused, Scorpan alerted us to Tirek's intentions." Luna explained.

"Scorpan returned to his own land and Tirek was sent to Tartarus for his crimes. But it appears he has found a way to escape." Celestia finished the story.

"We believe it happened when Cerberus left his post at the gates." Luna uttered.

"But that was a long time ago," Twilight commented. "Why is just now starting to steal magic?"

"His time in Tartarus left him very weak. He has just now gained enough strength to use his dark powers." said Celestia.

"But with each passing moment, he grows stronger still." Luna commented.

"And I know just the princess who could stop him." Cadence spoke.

"Yes. I'll find him and-"

"No Twilight." Celestia had halted her. "I'm afraid I must call in another to stop Tirek. Discord." Twilight, Luna and Cadence all gasped at what Celestia just said. It sounded like the worst-case scenario.

Back at Ponyville, Twilight had informed her pony friends about this.

"As in, Discord, Discord?" AJ said.

"Yes." Twilight replied.

"I don't think it's that big of a surprise." Fluttershy stepped forward. "He can be very helpful." The rest of her friends did not agree with that all.

"He can sense when there's a magical imbalance. The next time Tirek steals magic, Discord will be able to track him down." Twilight explained.

"So, what are you supposed to do in the meantime?" Rainbow Dash asked her.

"Nothing." Twilight sighed, turning around. "Unless of course one of you needs me to smile and wave." She then walked off.

"Where are you going?" Spike asked.

"To the Castle of the Two Sisters. I'm not really needed anywhere else. Might as well catch up on some of my reading."

"You want some company?" Dash questioned as the others followed her.

"It was been a while since we've visited the castle. Might be fun." Applejack babbled.

"Maybe I could use a little company right now."

As they were headed to the location of the castle, they came across the area where the Tree of Harmony was.

"I still can't believe we had to give back the elements." Rainbow Dash uttered.

"It had to be done or the Tree of Harmony wouldn't have survived." Rarity retorted.

"But Twilight was right." Fluttershy spoke. "Even without the elements, our friendship is as strong as ever."

"I just hope another FRIEND of ours never makes us sorry we had to give them up." AJ was referring to Discord. And speaking of Discord, his laugh could be heard. He arrived by flying in with an umbrella and a bag.

"You're talking about me I presume."

"How'd you guess..." AJ replied, not amused.

"My ears were burning." His ears were burning as he put them out with water.

"What are you even doing here, Discord?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh, just a bit of light reading before I head off on my extremely important mission." He donned a military outfit with the Equestria flag behind him. "I suppose you all know I've been tasked to capture a certain escapee."

"Big deal!" Spike spoke.

"You're right Spike. It is a big deal." Discord blew a bubble at Spike, trapping him in it as it flew up, popping. Luckily RD caught him. "Seems I possess a magic that gives me quite an important role in Equestria. Maybe they should make me an alicorn princess." He gave himself a horn and some wings, mimicking Twilight.

"In your dreams." Rainbow knocked the crown off his head.

"Oh, I never dream of such things. Ask Princess Luna."

"Don't you have a creepy magic stealing villain to track down?" Applejack reminded him.

"Yes, yes, yes. Of course." He pulled them all together, sending them to the Tree of Harmony. It's just that I couldn't help but notice that Twilight hasn't yet opened this little chest of hers." Discord referred to the mysterious chest with 6 keyholes. "It got me thinking, what if what's locked inside is something that could help her prove her royal worth? I only bring it up because she said that she's been feeling like her role as a princess doesn't equate to much."

"Wait a minute! How do YOU know how she was feeling!" Pinkie bellowed.

"Oh? Is eavesdropping not the way you're supposed to find out what your best pals are up to? Woe is me. Will I ever learn the intricate nuances of being a good friend?" He was acting all dramatic. The rest of them, except for Fluttershy were not amused. "Ahem. Well, in any case, I suppose now is as good a time as any for me to make my exit." He hopped on a moped. "Tell Ash I said Hi!" He had teleported away.

"And good riddance!" shouted Applejack, thinking he was gone, but he appeared right behind her.

"Oopsy doopsy. I almost left with the little journal you've all been keeping." Discord held the journal in his hands. "What a fascinating read. Haven't you girls just learned so much? I've bookmarked a few more interesting passages, you really should take a look." He placed the journal on Twilight's horn. "We're still for later, aren't we Fluttershy?" Discord whispered to her.

"I wouldn't miss it." She kindly replied.

"Oho! Well, I'll bring the cucumber sandwiches." He finally left, exiting through a random door.

"Sometimes I think the 'Reformed' Discord is more obnoxious than the before he was reformed Discord." said Applejack.

"Indeed." Rarity agreed.

"But he could be right couldn't he?" Fluttershy joined in. "What if there is something important in that chest?"

Twilight wondered for a bit. "There's only one way to find out."

They had eventually reached the Castle of the Two Sisters, searching for any information about the chest.

"Anything?" She asked them. They all said various forms of no, not making any progress. "There must be something in this library that can help me figure out how to open it. The answers' in one of these books. I just know it." She rapidly read through them, searching for anything.

Meanwhile, Tirek was continuing to steal as much magic as he could. Going up to every unicorn he could find and eating their magic. He continued to grow as he spotted another unicorn, slowly creeping up on him. The unicorn turned its head around, revealing to be Discord.

"Tirek. I presume?"

Tirek froze for a second, recognizing Discord.

"Discord? You're free?"

"As a bird." He transformed into an odd bird.

"I commend you on your escape."

"I'm afraid the feeling isn't mutual." Discord snapped his fingers, causing chains and cuffs to appear on Tirek's arms. Tirek, in response, fired a magic beam at Discord's head, but the Lord of Chaos split his head apart, making the beam miss.

"Oh, I should've known you would want to have Equestria all to yourself."

"Oh, I'm not doing this for me. I'm doing this for my friends." He said wearing a cop outfit. "Just between the two of us, it's mostly for Fluttershy." He whispered.

"Fluttershy? You're not saying you're friends with... ponies?"

"Surprise!" He popped out of a cake as some got on Tirek.

"I am surprised that someone with your intellect does not see this 'Friendship' is but a new form of imprisonment. Clearly you've had to abandon your true nature to stay in their good graces."

"I have done nothing of the sorts." He responded, playing a harp as an angel halo was above him.

"Oh, please. I've seen this before. But he was always weak-minded." He was referring to his brother, Scorpan. "You are Discord. You are a legend. You cannot fall into the same trap that claimed my brother. He'll need to grow strong and be rewarded with something far greater than 'Friendship'. Freedom." This grabbed Discord's attention. "Once I've stripped these ponies of their magic, nothing will give me greater pleasure than to see their world turned upside down. Who better to do so than the Master of Chaos himself?"

Discord was actually thinking about it for a bit.

"Join me Discord. And reclaim your greatness. Unless of course, pony errand boy is the role you've always wanted to play in this world?"

Discord looked over at the portrait of him and Fluttershy along with the Discord Lamp he made from the destroyed fragments of her old lamp.

"Hold it!" A voice called out to them. It was Obsidian with Emerald Aura hiding behind him, quivering. "I've got a better source of magic for you."

"Hm? A willing unicorn?"

"Oh. Those are just those Rift ponies. What do you want?" Discord said.

"You're off to eat unicorn magic aren't ya, Tirek?"

"Correct. And I see two new ones in front of me."

"Wait! What if I told you... there's something greater than unicorn magic?"

"I know. Alicorn magic."

"Even better. How would you like a taste of the apex of all magic? Fairy Pokemon magic."

"...Go on."

"You can still eat up your unicorn magic. But I'd say that Fairy-Type magic will benefit you a lot. Pokemon are all magic by nature, but the Fairy-Types are brimming with the most magic. Alicorn magic is powerful, but Pokemon magic has no limit. Pokemon continue to get stronger. Learning new moves and achieving new forms and evolutions they didn't even know they had."

"Interesting... All that magic power in this... Pokemon creature." Tirek rubbed his chin.

"What do you say? How about we all pitch in and steal some magic eh?"

Kanto, Pallet Town.

"Alright, Ash. Here you go." Delia handed his son a refill on Pokeballs.

"Thanks, mom."


"You know the other day, that Sonata girl and her sister Aria came along here again. They just couldn't get enough of that Slowpoke tail. They eat just as aggressively as you." Delia laughed as Ash laughed back. "Although when I asked them about their other sister, Adagio, they said they fell out. I hope they didn't get into some sort of horrible argument or fight."

"Don't worry mom. The two of them are pretty distant from Adagio, but I'm sure eventually they'll work it out with her."

"If you say so. Then again, you have a habit of sticking to your word. Now run along. Some of those Pokeballs are meant for your pony friends too, you know."

"Alright! See ya!"


The two of them ran out of their house, entering the gateway to Ponyville. There he was greeted by Derpy who came flying in, crashing into him.



"Oh, hi Ash. I've got a delivery for you." Derpy handed him a package. "Straight from Pinkie Pie."

"Thanks, Derpy."


"You're welcome." Derpy flew off.

"Let's get a good look inside shall we Pikachu?" Ash started to open the package.


He opened it as inside revealed to be a band of some sorts. The band had 8 colors in total. All of them represented his friends. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Spike and his color which was a mix of blue and yellow. It was a friendship band made just for him. "Oh sweet." He placed it on his right hand. "A friendship band, huh? I like it! Guess we got something to remember them by when it's all over huh Pikachu?"


"But... I am gonna miss this world when everything reverts." Ash took a look at Ponyville, getting a glance at its vibrant view. "But, let's enjoy it while it lasts, kay buddy?"


Back with Twilight and her friends, she had just found something in her journal that might help.

"I think I found something! I've been reading our journal, and there's something interesting about the sections that Discord bookmarked." They all gathered around her. "Applejack. Do you remember when you had to tell everypony that the tonic Granny bought from the Flim Flam Brothers didn't really work?"

"How could I forget? It was one of the hardest things I ever had to do." Applejack reminisced that moment. Being honest and telling the truth to her Granny who looked so happy and energetic was a tough thing to do. "But in that moment, I knew I had to be honest. I just knew it. But, what's that got to do with opening the chest?"

"I've found that each of you has had to face a situation. Where living up to the Element of Harmony you represent isn't easy. Fluttershy, it was when you realised that the way to show kindness to the Breezies was by forcing them to leave your home."

"Oh, the looks on their poor little faces. But I knew that was difficult as it was...pushing them away was the kindest thing I could do."

"Rarity. Even after Suri took advantage of your generosity at Fashion Week in Manehattan, you didn't let it cause you to abandon your generous spirit."

"I simply couldn't have lived with myself if I didn't do something special for the friends who have always been so generous to me."

"Rainbow Dash. You had the chance to fly with the Wonderbolts at the Equestria Games. But instead, you chose to compete with your friends."

"Sure. But being loyal to my friends was way-"

"Oooh! Ooh! My turn! My turn!" Pinkie interrupted Rainbow Dash.

"Pinkie Pie. You realised that seeing your friend laugh was more important than proving you were a better party planner than Cheese Sandwich."

"Best party I've ever had." Rainbow placed her hoof around Pinkie.

"It's clear we've all had our moments to shine Twilight." Rarity spoke. "But I'm with Applejack. What does any of this have to do with the opening of the chest?"

"All of you had tough choices to make. But when you made the right one and embraced your Element, it helped somepony else make the right choice too. Each of you received something from the pony whose life you helped change." Twilight referred to Cheese Sandwich's pal Boneless, the bit, the flower pin, the thread, the golden lightning medal. "I know it sounds crazy. But maybe there's something special about those objects that could lead us to the location of the keys. The chest is connected to the Tree of Harmony, the tree is connected to the elements, and the elements are connected to all of us. There must be a connection! I hate to admit, but maybe Discord was trying to be a good friend after all."

So, to the chest, they went, bringing along all the items they were given.

"I don't see anything on them to give us a clue on where the keys might be. They're just... ordinary everyday objects." Twilight said, examining them.

"Come on Boneless!" Pinkie picked up Boneless. "Give us that key!" She shook him about.

"I don't think that's going to work." Twilight replied. She ducked as Pinkie threw Boneless. But it was a good call, as Boneless hit the chest, connecting to a keyhole as the chest started to give off light that held the boneless chicken. They all gasped as they saw Boneless transform into a key that Pinkie Pie's Cutie Mark as the holder. The light pulled the key forward, inserting it into the keyhole. The others did the same, placing their items on the chest as well. It worked its magic, grabbing all of them and transforming them into keys with their Cutie Marks on them as well. They all entered the keyholes, but there was one left. "There's still one key missing. The key that represents the Element of Magic. My element."

"Oh, but I'm sure if we've gotten our keys, you have too Twilight." Fluttershy commented.

"Think Twilight. When have you completed a difficult magical task, and in doing so, encouraged another pony to do the same?" Rarity questioned.

"I haven't. If I had I would've written about it in the journal."

"Don't worry Twilight. I'm sure you'll get your key eventually" said Spike. All of a sudden, he felt a scroll coming through as he held his mouth, feeling the need to barf. He barfed out a new scroll. Twilight opened up the scroll as she read it. "What's it say?"

"That I'm needed in Canterlot at once!"

Twilight flew to Canterlot as fast as she could, finally getting used to those wings. She hurried inside as Celestia, Luna and Cadence were expecting her.

"I came as quickly as I could! Is something wrong? Is it Tirek?"

"I'm afraid I put too much trust in Discord. And the effect that Friendship would have on him." Celestia had caught news of Discord going about, helping Tirek steal magic. So many unicorns were losing their magic and Cutie Marks, left and right. "But... it's worse than I thought. Now Tirek is after Pokemon magic. Specifically Fairy-Types. With the combined might of both unicorn magic and Pokemon magic, who knows how powerful he's become."

Tirek was growing stronger, his body increasing in size, faster than ever. In the original timeline, it took a few hours for him to become large, but with this timeline and Pokemon, it took one hour and a few minutes tops. This Tirek was far more dangerous than the original timeline.

"How could he do this?! I thought out friendship meant something to him! I thought he had changed!"

"Tirek has stolen enough magic that he now has the strength to steal flight as well." Celestia said. And it was true. Tirek stole the flight of all the Pegasi. At the end of the day, magic is everywhere. But he didn't' stop there. Even the Flying-Type Pokemon were next. Soon, Tirek had gone after all of the Pokemon of every type. All 18 of them. "Without Pegasi to control the weather, there will be no rain in Equestria. And.. it seems every other Pokemon have had their magic stolen as well. Not just fairies. Pokemon are magic by nature, so they still have magic in them, just not as large as Fairy-Types. There is word that he has gone after Earth Ponies as well. Without their strength, they will not be able to tend the land. But even more worse, is that he hasn't stopped at Equestria."

Tirek had been taken to the Pokemon World next. He had currently been to Sinnoh, Johto and Hoenn. He returned back to Equestria to steal more magic there and he'll return to the other side for seconds.

"Ponies and Pokemon will no longer be in control of their own worlds," Luna spoke. "That power will belong solely to Tirek."

"There is no doubt that Tirek is after alicorn magic," said Celestia. "With Discord by his side, we will not be able to stop him from taking it."

"Once it is in his possession, his power will know no bounds. And all hope will be lost!" Luna exclaimed.

"But there is one solution."

Passion had peered over the corner, watching this. She was terrified of what she was hearing about Tirek.

Celestia, Luna and Cadence both flew over to Twilight as Celestia stepped forward. "It is only by making this sacrifice, that Equestria and the lands beyond it might be saved. We must rid ourselves of our magic. Before Tirek has the chance to steal it from us."

Both Twilight and Passion had gasped. What did she just say?

Chapter 84 End!

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