• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,486 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Castelia City, Unova, Early Night, some random apartment.

"I think I'm good." A young teenager in a Kangashkan onesie said. What was currently happening was a bit of a mess. He had gotten heaps of wires that connected to one singular flat-screen TV in his apartment home. "I'll be able to enjoy the movie The Empoleon's New Groove at the highest definition. 24K! This is gonna be awesome. All I need is the extra energy output to bump it up. He went to the back of his TV, bumping up the settings on the back. It slowly started to build power the higher raised the settings. The amount of energy being emitted from the adapters that had all the wires in them was starting act up. Volts of electricity picked up around the wires, showing that the energy was rising to a ridiculous level. It was going well above and beyond the natural limit that the adapter could hold. The electrons were going crazy. The TV the boy had gone out immediately along with his lights due to all the overflowing electricity. "That can't be right." He looked up. He then noticed that a huge flow of electricity had picked up on the adapter as he backed away.

Every object inside the room was being lifted up by the sheer force of electrons. Everything was being pulled towards the adapter since that was the one giving off the largest amount of power. The teen held onto his sofa, trying not to get pulled in, but unfortunately, he and the sofa were being pulled in as well. Next door, his neighbours were wondering what all that noise was. Very soon, their lights actually went off as well including their electronics.

"What the..."? Very soon, the neighbours were being lifted up as by the sheer force of the electrons.

"Oh, nonononono!" The teen shook his head as he was about to make contact with the adapter along with every other object in the room. He looked over to the adapter, attempting to try and unplug it, but it was too late now. "Sweet Arceus."

The result was a massive electrical pulse that erupted the moment they made contact. The pulse was so grandiose in scale and so intense that it only spread across Castelia, shutting all forms of power down, but it even shut down all of Unova. And it kept going. It didn't stop at Unova, it even reached the other regions. Every region in the Pokemon world hit. Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, Galar, even regions that have yet to be found and discovered were affected. It was practically the entire planet suffering a blackout. But it all didn't stop at the Pokemon World. It even reached the other world. In fact, all of Equestria's power had been eradicated due to this pulse. Thankfully, the pulse finally reached a limit and it only stopped at Equestria. But it was still ludicrous that it could reach that far.

A total Blackout of the highest degree. Larger than anything anyone's ever seen before. It was so powerful that even Pokemon that linked to either Electricity, Steel and Water were affected by it, especially the Flying-Types.

The Teenager got up form the ground with his onesie being ruined by the electricity. He looked around to see his home totalled and dark with a majority of his equipment destroyed by the pulse. He coughed out smoke as he dusted some of it off his onesie.

"I'm sure no one noticed that freakishly insane pulse of electricity. Nah they couldn't have." He chuckled nervously. What he didn't know was that he basically caused a massive blackout across many lands.

All the way over at Ponyville, Twilight's Pokemon Lab was a victim of this blackout as well.

"What just happened?" Twilight used her horn to radiate some light. "Spike? Eve? Minccy? Owlicious? Are you all still there?"

"We're here Twilight!" Spike's voice called out. "This darkness is insane." Spike ended up crashing into a table.

"Espeon..." Eve used her Psychic energy to radiate some more light to the room. It wasn't enough but it was all they had right now.

"What do you think that was, Twilight?"

"A total blackout. Something must've caused a powerful electrical pulse that shut everything off." Twilight looked out the window. "Even all of Ponyville is affected. There's not a single light in sight."

"Does that mean.. WE'RE LIVING IN TOTAL DARKNESS!" Spike began to panic.

"Not for long. All we have to do is find a way to bring light back to Ponyville and we're good. There has to be some sort of generator that controls the street lights here." Twilight exited her lab, on the search for some power. That's when she bumped into somepony. "Ow! Sorry!" She shook her head, seeing her friend Rarity having a light in her possession. "Oh. Rarity!"

"Twilight! Oh thank goodness it's you. The whole towns suffering a blackout all of a sudden. Thankfully, my boutique doesn't have to rely on power, but I still need light to operate my work."

"You and me both Rarity. I'm currently trying to find a way to get the power back up. Does Ponyville have anything that can start up power again?"

"Startup power? Well, we do have a generator. One that links to the whole town and powers up such contraptions such as Vinyl's DJ Booth."

"That's great! Where is it?"

"No clue. I've never seen it. But we know it's there somewhere."

"Alright. I'll ask Mayor Mare. She's obviously the one who would know." Twilight walked off as Rarity followed her, not wanting to be alone in the dark. Soon other ponies came outside since not everyone was asleep. The night was still young after all it had just turned night 2 hours ago even.

Mayor Mare noticed that everypony gathered outside to wonder why there's a blackout all of a sudden. It was time for another one of the well-remembered speeches that she always manages to come up with.

"Everypony. Glad you're all staying calm somewhat. As you can see, our town's suffered a massive blackout. The first of its kind actually. But I can assure you, we can get the power back up without a doubt. All we have to do is start up the generator and everything will be all sorted out." The words she gave were reassuring as she went to the back of Town Hall to start up the generator. But to her dismay, that wasn't gonna happen. Because the pulse affected with countless machines, Ponyville's generator was no exception as it was broken beyond repair. "Oh no." Mayor Mare walked back out, sweating bullets as she had no idea how to break the news. "Um. Slight problem...the generator's broken."

"WHAT?!" They all bellowed.

"I know! The whole generator's been demolished. I have no idea how even."

"But I am positive that we can still sort this out. Blackouts at the end of the day are temporary. Plus...who says we can't have a second generator?"

"Oh, yeah she raises a good point." The ponies started to nod, realizing that they can just get another generator.

"That solves that issue. I was worried a small bit there." Twilight chuckled.

Everypony returned to their homes, waiting for the new generator to power everything back up. Meanwhile, at Everfree, Zecora was unaffected due to her having no need for electricity. But she was confused on what just happened outside, but she didn't bother to check it out. Team Rocket, noticing that the power was out all over Ponyville, decided to take advantage of this.

"A blackout. Total darkness." James commented.

"Know what this means? We've got the perfect opportunity to nab that twerps Pikachu in the night. With all this darkness, how's he gonna notice?" said Jessie.

"One problem, Jess. The twerp ain't here tonight. Probably off at home on the other side." Meowth replied to her. "We can't nab something if it ain't here."

"Good point. Then it that case...we'll just nab every other Pokemon in this pony paradise!" Jessie exclaimed. "Let's get to work!"


Over at Canterlot.

Celestia used her magic to radiate a bright and beautiful magic aura that granted a good amount of light. "Well. That's peculiar. Are you alright, Passion?"

"Kirlia!" She responded.

"What could've caused this? This is certainly the first time we've ever experienced a blackout." Celestia looked out the window to see all of Canterlot affected by the blackout. None of the lamps were even lightning up. Canterlot Castle didn't really need to rely on electricity. In fact, they've used it before. But the citizens of Canterlot, some of them do use it.

"Sister? Are you up still?" Luna was here, not bothered by the blackout due to her being the Princess of the Night.

"Luna. Do you have any idea on what caused this?"

"Not at all. I'm as surprised as you are. It appears that the citizen's homes have had a blackout. Perhaps a power outage."

"It's not just Canterlot..." Darkrai commented, floating down.

"What do you mean, Darkrai?" Luna asked.

"Everywhere is nothing but total darkness. From Canterlot to even Ponyville. I've checked."

"So all of Equestria has had a blackout? Even the ones that don't rely on electricity. That is bizarre."

"It surely can't last all night, can it? There has to be a way to start everything up once again. Perhaps there exists a spell that can restart these...electronics."

"A spell to restart machines..." Celestia thought for a moment. "Hm. I believe there's something similar to it. The Recapitulate spell. That might do the trick. Let's just hope it's capable of restarting electricity like it can with other things. Passion. Stay here with Philomena, Luna and Darkrai. I'll be right back. Celestia trotted off, ready to see if the spell would be of any use.


"I have dreams that I still have to watch over. Darkrai. I'll leave you with Celestia's Kirlia. I will call for you when I request any assistance."

"Fine. Guess it's just you and me, short one." Darkrai taunted.

"Kirlia!" Passion puffed her cheeks, not pleased about being called short. Even though she was. When she evolves into a Gardevoir finally, she'll mock Darkrai since Gardevoir's are naturally taller than Darkrai's, beating their 4'11 with their 5'03. Although, Luna's Darkrai was fairly taller than the average Darkrai.

Celestia went up to the first home she came across in Canterlot. This home belonged to Daylight Blazer and Sunrise Sprint, actually. Daylight answered the knocking of the door, opening it and seeing the Ruler of Equestria right on his doorstep.

"Princess Celestia?" Daylight bowed. "What brings you here? Can I help you?"

"Good evening. I'm just here to see if I can restart your electronics with my magic. May I come in?"

"Of course. But I don't really have that many electronics. The only thing of any tech is Sunrise game and all the kitchen essentials."

"That's fine. I just have to see if I can restart them. If I can reactivate them, then I can return the power to Equestria." Celestia went up to the kitchen as she saw all the kitchen appliances demolished due to the pulse. Every last one of them had been destroyed. From the oven, fridge, stove, etc.

"Yeah. I should've also mentioned that for some reason...they kinda broke down when the blackout happened." Daylight said.

"I see. I might have to repair these as well. Is your brother awake? Perhaps I can restart his game."

"Oh, right. Sunrise!" Daylight called for his little brother.

"Yeah?!" He replied from upstairs in his room.

"Mind coming down with your game for a bit?!"

"Alright! I'm coming!" Sunrise ran out of his room, sliding down on the rails of the stairs. "Princess Celestia?!" He noticed Celestia here as he fell off the rails, falling flat on his face.

"Good evening, little Sunrise. Mind if I see your game for a moment?" Celestia asked.

"S-Sure! But I don't know what you might want with it. It's kind of..." Sunrise showed his game device as it had been affected by the pulse as well. It had been damaged with a cracked glass around it.

"Oh. That too, huh? That's fine." Celestia used her magic to grab the device from his hooves. She had used the first spell, a repair spell to fix the broken glass with ease and other broken bits. Next was the real test. Could the Recapitulate Spell work? She gave it go as golden lights swirled around the device.

The result? Success! The game booted back up immediately.

"Oh! My game!" Sunrise jumped for joy as Celestia gave the device back to him. "Thank you so much, Princess Celestia!" He gave her a hug of great gratitude.

"You're welcome Sunrise Sprint. Now that I know that the spell is effective...I can get to work. Although...that might take a while considering I'll have to go across all of Equestria. Unless..." Celestia hatched an idea as she teleported out of their home.

"Celestia was in my home. I can brag about it tomorrow now." Sunrise smirked.

"Yeah, but you don't have any proof though." Daylight giggled.

Celestia returned to Canterlot Castle, heading to her fused self, Pyrestar. Since she's part Celestia and Luna, she obviously knows about the Recapitulate spell.

"Pyrestar. I need your help with something."

Moving away from Canterlot, exactly 36 minutes have passed since the blackout, and the generator that Ponyville obtained has been ineffective to Mayor Mare's dismay. She called them out for a speech once more, ready to break the news.

"Bad news everypony. The second generator isn't working." Once she said that they all started to groan in disappointment. "But! I am sure we can still solve this. Let's wait until tomorrow morning when the sun is bright and we'll see what we can do. After all, we still need some rest, don't we?"

Everypony agreed that maybe it was time to clock out early for tonight.

Twilight, Spike and the Pokemon returned to the castle as it had enough space to have some brightness involved. Plus, the moon shines through so the moonlight is also an extra source of light.

"Still no light from the outside." Twilight noticed that the street lamps were still off. "I thought Mayor Mare would've powered everything back up with the new generator?"

"Maybe it's taking some time to start up?" Spike shrugged.

"Maybe. This is a bit odd though. Don't tell me Ponyville's going to be trapped in eternal darkness forever?"

"Not forever, Twilight." Celestia's voice echoed through the room. She had arrived with Queen Pyrestar due to her plan.

"Princess Celestia! Queen Pyrestar!" Twilight walked up to the princess and the queen. "Why are you here?"

"Celestia here has found a way to solve your blackout issue. The Recapitulate spell. Capable of restarting anything it makes contact with." Pyrestar explained.

"Using this spell can help restore the electronics and appliances that may have been affected by the blackout. However, due to it affecting all of Equestria...it might take hours. Perhaps days." Celestia said.

"All of Equestria?! But I thought it was just Ponyville! What could've triggered all of this?"

"Judging by the mass shockwave that I felt earlier...it must've been a pulse of some sorts," said Pyrestar. "I have no clue what could've caused a pulse this potent, but it definitely shut everything down.

"A pulse? Where in an Equestria could a pulse like that come from?"

"No clue. Equestria is still in the early years of technological advancement. I'm not sure any device we have currently is capable of causing a pulse of that magnitude." Celestia shook her head.

"If it's most likely not from Equestria...then maybe it's from the Pokemon World." Twilight looked out the window, staring at the gateway to Pallet Town. "Their technology is much more advanced than ours anyways."

"Possibly so. But right now, we should focus on restoring power. Twilight. You do know about the Recupilate spell, right?" Celestia asked.

"Pssh! Of course I do. It's one of the most basic spells out there." Twilight scoffed.

"Then we need your help. If you can also use the spell as well, all three of us can cover a good majority of Equestria. Although, it might last until the sun rises once more. We'll need to start moving as fast as we can." Celestia explained.

"Alright. You can count on me Princess Celestia! I'll get to work right away!" Twilight proudly responded. "Eve. Stay here with Spike and the others. This might take a while."

Over at Sweet Apple Acres, the Apple Family weren't bothered by this at all. Although, they were bothered by their fridge being off. But Cold was bothered since he was after all, afraid of the dark. He sat in his room, holding his pillow close to him while the still unconsious Emerald Aura laid down on the ground.

"W-W-Why is it still dark?" Cold shuddered.

"You okay in there, Cold?" Applejack opened the door, making him jump.

"EEK!" He ended up smashing his head on the ceiling, falling back on the bed.

"Afraid of the dark, are we?" Applejack chuckled.

"N-No...yes...." He admitted to his fear.

"Well, you just get some rest and ignore all of it. Sunlight's coming up tomorrow anyways." Applejack went up and tucked him in. "By the way. Ain't you gonna do something about her?" Applejack nudged her head at Emerald.

"Oh, Emerald? Well, she still hasn't woken up yet. But when she does...I have no idea how she's going to react. Is she gonna freak out, be mad or be okay with it?"

"We'll know when she finally wakes up. Whenever that is. Get some sleep. We're gonna need a lot of energy for next week."

"What's happening next week?"

"Didn't ya hear? Everypony's going to visit the human world next week. Humans already came over here last time to visit our world, so only fair if we do the same."

"Oooh. I've never seen most of the Pokemon World. I bet it's gonna be so much fun."

"I bet. G'night." Applejack closed the door, leaving the young unicorn to sleep.

Whilst the blackout situation is being dealt in Equestria, as for the Pokemon World...

Ash was at Cerise Lab as he and Goh attempted to use flashlights. But due to the pulse, the flashlights ended up being destroyed in the process.

"No good. It's way too dark for me to find anything else." Ash said.


"Professor Cerise. Isn't there a way to start up power already?" Goh asked.

"Sorry. But nothing we try is working. Even the emergency power won't turn on." Cerise answered.

"How powerful do you think that pulse was?" said Chloe.

"How powerful? Judging by how it only shut everything off but also managed to destroy the machines at the exact same time...this must've equaled a force of 90,000,000 volts of electricity."

"90,000,000 volts?!" They all exclaimed.

"That's almost close the exact same amount of power of the Legendary Pokemon Zekrom. Which is said to have the most powerful Electric-Type attacks. Whatever caused this must've been near the same amount of power Zekrom can give off."

"You think it might've been Zekrom itself?" Chloe asked.

"Probably not. If it was Zekrom, we would've noticed since it brings a cloud of storms with it. So this had to be the work of something else."

"I'll go to Ponyville and see if I can get some help. Maybe Twilight knows some magic spell that can help bring back the power." Ash suggested as he and Pikachu took off.


"W-Wait Ash!" Goh followed him along with his Raboot and Sobble.

"Alright! Good luck! We'll just stay here...in darkness." Cerise sighed.

Ash and Goh were making their way to Ponyville. Along the way, they saw how every home they passed by had been shut off with people outside their homes, trying to start up their generators, but to no avail. They soon reached Pallet Town, where the gateway to Ponyville was. Delia noticed that her son and his friend were in a hurry this late at night.

"Ash! Where are you two headed?" Delia stepped out.

"Sorry, mom. In a bit of a hurry. Trying to solve this blackout problem."

"Well, you'd better solve it tomorrow morning. Don't you think it's a bit too late to go out? Especially to the other world?"

"I promise I'll get it sorted out soon. Besides, I'm big enough to take on the dark!" Ash grinned.


"If you say so. Just be careful. Night is when things start to go awry."

"You got it!" Ash ran off towards the other world.

"Bye, Mrs Ketchum!" So did Goh.

Returning back to Castelia City, the apartment where the pulse first began. The teenager looked over his broken TV and how it got demolished just from the pulse alone. He groaned, knowing that all that money had been wasted.

"So much for movie night. Guess I can call it a night and order another one tomorrow." He sighed walking over to the TV and placing it on the couch. He then went over to the adapter, grabbing the plug to remove it. But once he did, he accidentally set the electrons off once more. "Oh what now?!" He moved his hands back as another pulse was about to begin. It seems that the adapter has absorbed so many volt to the point where it has become a vessel for high amounts of electricity. And any interaction with it will set it off. And that doesn't spell good news for the world once more.

A second electrical pulse was unleashed, spreading across the Pokemon World and Equestria once more. All the progress that Twilight, Celestia and Pyrestar made had been thrown out the window. But it got worse. Due to there being a second pulse, it was now powerful enough to affect buildings. The apartments were slowly starting to come down with the windows, doors and all sorts of furniture breaking apart. Thankfully, the buildings haven't toppled...yet. Equestria wasn't safe as well.

Cold Colt looked up to see the ceiling break apart due to the pulse. This even woke up Granny Smith and the others as they had no idea what was going on. Celestia, Twilight and Luna could see that a second pulse had emitted as it destroyed the ceilings and windows of many homes in Ponyville and even all the way over at Canterlot. This wasn't just a blackout anymore.

The adapter had become an object of destruction. And if a solution to stopping it isn't found, it could end up reaching a point where it will have enough power to demolish both worlds.

Chapter 133 End!

Author's Note:

New story plot. At night. Which involves everyone this time.

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