• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Human World. Out in the forest near a town. Nightfall.

Out in a forest, Ghetsis was present. After finding a portal that led to this world, he had stayed around for a while. He instantly knew that this world was parallel to Equestria, the Changeling Hive and other locations in that world.

But, Ghetsis had no idea what he could really do here. While it was interesting to be here, nothing had come up for him. However, while Ghetsis was still aiming to get stronger, he was slowly thinking of how he could not only rule this world one day but use it to his advantage.

He sat atop a tree, looking at the suburban town in front of him with people walking by. No one had noticed him. Mostly because his clothing helps him blend in the dark. As the people walked by, Ghetsis heard them chatter away with words involving Pokemon. He knew that the humans here weren't knowledgeable about Pokemon. An advantage that Ghetsis could take.

"It's weird. She should be in juvie, yet Sunset Shimmer's been found over at Canterlot High. Don't you find that a bit odd?" A man spoke.

"Probably just some poser. That Sunset has caused this town so much trouble even as a child. I doubt she'd ever get any education out there." A woman replied. "I'm more worried about these Pokemon. One of them completely eradicated a mountainside in just 5 minutes."

"5 minutes is ridiculous. That sounds like something from a comic book."

"Hmph." Ghetsis scoffed after hearing that conversation. The Pokemon in question could've been a Tyranitar most likely. Or another powerful Pokemon. "If only they all knew just what the Pokemon were truly capable of."

Ghetsis decided to get a move on. He wasn't going to make any progress sitting around. Just two days ago, he had discovered the ability to teleport. And he did so by vanishing from the tree and ending up at the farther part of the forest. Ghetsis barely needed to rest anymore. Both the Dark Aura and Dark Magic within him had altered him in a few ways. Making him look younger partially, possibly by each passing month and even changing his own stamina.

But, hunger was still necessary for him. He grabbed some fruit from the trees nearby as his Dark Aura intimidate nearby Pokemon, forcing them away. Ghetsis took a bite out of the fruit before he could focus on learning something new. But as he ate, his magic had reacted to something.

Ghetsis felt a slight twitch as he ceased eating for the time being. This twitch he was feeling was odd yet recognizable. It felt like magic to him. That's when, by turning his head to the side and the south of the forest, he saw something up ahead. It was faint but visible.

Ghetsis decided to investigate for himself. By approaching the south of the forest, Ghetsis' magical aura was acting on its own without his will. The magical aura had obliterated the grass and nearby trees as Ghetsis kept on walking. And as he advanced, he saw something.

A small pool of magic. Very little of it. It was green in colouring while having yellow sparkles fly out of it. This was the parallel to Equestria after all. So magic was to be expected.

"Hello. What's this now?" Ghetsis kneeled to see what this pool of magic had to offer. However, as he kneeled, he felt something else. This time, it wasn't magic But instead, his Dark Aura. "Gh! This again...So much for fully understanding this accursed force."

Indeed, this isn't the first time this has happened. Ghetsis' Dark Aura made him wince as he held his head. But as he did so, Ghetsis then looked at his hand to find his Dark Aura emanating without his will yet again.

This meant something and Ghetsis wanted to find out what. He began focusing on just his Dark Aura and nothing else. The pool of magic would have to wait. And as he did so, Ghetsis' eye flashed as he had seen something new that shocked and intrigued him.

Kanto Region. Pallet Town. Ketchum Household. Nightfall.

Here at Pallet Town mostly everyone was asleep as well. Almost. Ash was actually unconscious due to one reason. Delayed Aura Ataxia. However, this was on purpose.

His goal was to in the true cure of this Ataxia so that no other potent Aura users would have to fear anymore. And with him was the Staff of Sir Aaron. Waiting outside was Twilight, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie who had seen Ash pass out this afternoon. Pikachu and Delia were also waiting patiently, hoping for Ash's safety and him resolving this Delayed Aura Ataxia issue.

Inside of Ash's mind, he was already in a plane full of nothing but Aura with his eyes opening. Ash looked at himself, seeing that it was a success.

"Alright. I'm in here. Now, what did Sir Aaron do again?" Ash crossed his arms before recalling the key to ridding Aura Ataxia for good.

"That thing was the manifestation of Aura itself. I've heard about it but I didn't think it was really real, just a myth at first. But...It was far too powerful. I barely managed to overcome it. If it's that strong for even me, then I don't think anyone else could stop it. There has to be an easier way to get around it for all Aura users."

"Yeah, that's right!" Ash put his hands together. "Something about Aura Manifestation. But where even is it?"

"Ash?" Just then, responding to Ash was a familiar voice. One he's heard before multiple times. Ash's attention had been grabbed as he turned around to see what was the cause of it. Lo and behold, it wasn't just one. It was multiple.

Cynthia. Brawly, Applejack and the little pegasus known as Rumble were here. Each looking confused themselves.

"Cynthia? Guys? What are you doing here?" Ash gawked. "Did you get affected too?"

"Man this must be some dream. This is a dream, right?" Brawly asked.

"This isn't a dream. I've heard about this." Cynthia looked around, observing the plane of aura. "Ash. This is your mind within the Aura, right?"

"Uh...yeah-yeah. But I was thinking I was the only one meant to be here. How'd you guys get here?" Ash scratched his hair before realizing something. Cynthia owned a Lucario and so did Brawly. Meaning that they had Aura within them. "Oh...You guys have pretty big auras, that's why! Is that how you're able to get here?"

"We do. Although, it's odd that only a few of us are in here." Cynthia shrugged before facing Applejack and Rumble. "Do you two own a Lucario yourselves?"

"Nope. I ain't got one. But Brawly did say I had some potent aura in there." Applejack turned to Brawly. The Hoenn Gym Leader nodded in confirmation. "Guess that counts."

"Uh...I have a Riolu, so I guess that also counts." Rumble raised his hoof.

"Awesome. Now that we're here, where's that manifestation?" Ash looked around.

"Is the manifestation the cause of this issue?" Cynthia asked him.

"Yeah. All I gotta do is find it and overcome it. Just like what Sir Aaron did. Maybe if I just think it?" Ash put his finger on his chin, tapping his foot. Finding or witnessing this manifestation wasn't as easy as it seemed.

What even was the manifestation of Aura? He was even wondering why only Cynthia, Applejack, Brawly and Rumble were the only ones here. Ash knew other Aura users like Korrina, Riley, Maylene and more after all. Cynthia and the others were wondering what should even happen next.

They wouldn't have to wonder any longer. Just then, up ahead, a spark of Aura had occurred, drawing their attention. This spark seemed to be continuously combusting just like how an explosive would. Everyone stayed on guard, acting cautiously as they had no idea what to expect.

"Ash. This is your mind. Ya know what this is?" Applejack asked before biting her lip.

"No idea. I don't know what that's all about." Ash shook his head as the spark seemed to be getting bigger. It wasn't responding to Ash at all. Almost as if it was acting on its own will. Seeing that basically confirmed that there was indeed something within the Aura that was alive and sentient.

However, they could not see it at all. The aggressive combustion was something to behold. But despite its size, it wasn't approaching Ash and the others. Rumble stayed behind Applejack for safety. But as they stared at the spark, slowly holding their breath in, just then, the spark had formed into a vibrant white light.

The group closed their eyes from this blinding light. But after that, once they opened them, they were greeted with a new sight. The spark had torn open a hole in this aura world, revealing a door-shaped light before their eyes.

"Woah...That wasn't there before." Ash was stunned by what he and the others were seeing. "Is it a door?"

"Looks to be that way." Cynthia stepped forward. "Perhaps an entrance passage. Anything familiar possibly inside, Ash?"

"Uh..." The Alola Champion scratched his head. "Not sure. Only one way to find out!" With high enthusiasm, Ash rushed over towards the light gate without hesitation. Brawly, Cynthia and Applejack were curious about this while Rumble stayed behind.

"Y-You all can go ahead. I'm still pretty confused about all of this." Rumble stuttered.

"You can head out of here Rumble. Just uh...wake up or enter the dream world, maybe." Ash snapped his finger. And the moment he did that, Rumble suddenly vanished out of thin air. Ash and the others gasped before witnessing Rumble disappear. "Oh!"

"Woah Nelly..." Applejack's hat almost fell off before she readjusted it. "How'd you do that, Ash?!"

"I-I don't know. All I did was say something and then snap my fingers like this." Ash snapped his fingers as he thought about Rumble. And when he thought about Rumble while also snapping fingers, along came the little pegasus, reappearing into the area.

"Hm?" Rumble's eyes blinked after reappearing. Everyone was stunned by this as Rumble needed a moment to gather himself. "How'd I get back here? When did I get back here?"

"Awesome..." Ash looked at his hand as it was exuding Aura afterwards. Cynthia and the others went to take a closer look at Ash's hand themselves. I can do that?"

"I've heard of this," said Cynthia. "Sir Aaron knew about many Aura secrets. One of which was that Aura users can have complete control within themselves. I assume he meant the mind of an Aura user instead of the outside. Ash. You might have the same thing right here."

"Really? So I can do anything?" Ash was being more amazed by the second. This was essentially a dream world with what he was capable of doing. Anything he wanted really. At least, that seemed to be the case. Ash wanted to test things out for himself. "Slowpoke Tail!" He snapped his fingers.

But, lo and behold, that didn't work. Much to his chagrin.

"Aw, man...I thought that would work." Ash slumped with disappointment.

"It must only work with anything related to Aura." Cynthia chuckled as Rumble scratched his head, still lost on how he reappeared here. "Perhaps we will have more answers once we enter the door."

"But do we even know what's in there? If this is Ash's Aura mind...place...whatever, then what's it holding?" Brawly asked.

"Well...Maybe staying here a bit longer won't hurt." Rumble squeed, changing his mind. He was curious about what was beyond there. After all, he was a child, so curiosity was one of his stronger urges that would be impossible for him to resist.

Now that they understood a few things about this Aurascape, it was time for them to pass through this light to see what was truly beyond it. They walked through together, ready to embrace it all.

They passed through with the white light enveloping them both. They closed their eyes to avoid any blindness. Then, as they passed the light, the white shifted into blue once more, to represent the door closing. Or rather, vanishing from existence was the accurate term.

Opening their eyes gave them another dazzling sight. This time, the view was plentiful with so much to take in. Their eyes widened at what they were seeing.

Around them all, an abundance of large Aura Spheres could be found, filling the area. And within these many spheres were familiar faces. Pikachu, Delia, Misty, Brock, Professor Oak, Twilight, Gary, Celestia, Fluttershy and so on. Everyone that Ash has met and made friends with could be found here seemingly.

Every corner, he could see all these familiar faces. Inside of these spheres, the familiar faces were all standing still with no motion. The only motion was the moving Aura Spheres. Only their faces could be seen with familiar expressions. Happy, cocky, grinning and so on.

The other objects that seem to act as extra terrain were large asteroid-like objects that float around with Aura around them. Within the background are odd vibrant colours that circulate the landscape.

"No way...This is like...everyone I know," said Ash. "What is this place?"

"Oh, there I am!" Brawly pointed at his Aura Sphere. "And Roxanne, Wattson and...well every Gym Leader I know from Hoenn. Huh."

"I even see myself as well." Cynthia went up to her Aura Sphere, seeing not just herself but also her grandmother, Professor Carolina. "Are these your memories by any chance, Ash?"

"I don't think so." Ash crossed his arms, thinking as he was trying to figure things out. "Still no manifestation of Aura. How do we even pull this stuff out?"

"Can we touch it?" Applejack wondered, putting her hoof out. Unfortunately, the Aura Spheres were all in the air, so making contact with them would require some higher ground.

But, to test this out, since this was his own World of Aura, Ash had actually ascended. He managed to fly by himself, realizing how much control he truly has. "Oh, sweet! I can fly!"

"Ooh!" And so did Rumble. But he could naturally fly thanks to being a pegasus anyway. He flew towards Ash, joining him in an airborne state. Cynthia, Brawly and Applejack looked at each other as they were curious about their own control in this world.

Rumble flying made sense since he was a pegasus and this was Ash's own Aura World, so it was his will to fly about. But what about these three, who can't fly at all?

Cynthia tried it out herself. She lifted her leg from the non-existent ground or even surface. And once she did, her aura was showing. It reacted to the aura around her as the Sinnoh Champion ascended, just like Ash. "Oh. This is something."

"Seriously?" Brawly gawked as he repeated Cynthia's own movements. And when did by lifting his leg, his Aura showed, lifting the Hoenn Gym Leader as he was now airborne. "Nice!"

Applejack gave it a go as well. She jumped, instantly having her Aura show. Applejack's Aura was fainter than the rest. Mostly because the others had Lucario and a single Riolu. Applejack didn't really have a Pokemon like that. But, either way, she could fly as well.

But the real test would come from connecting with the Aura Spheres. Ash went up to Pikachu's Aura Sphere to see what would happen if direct contact was made. All of this was his own Aura after all. And his Aura has the same pattern as Sir Aaron's. It would have to do something.

However, the moment Ash got close to Pikachu's face, he was suddenly forced back unexpectedly, rocking to the non-existent ground while making a crash landing. "Woah!"

"Ash!" Applejack and the others cried out before having their bodies crash down as well by some unseen and unknown force. They tumbled around, being denied the chance to touch the Aura Spheres. At least for now.

"W-What happened...?" Ash wondered as he sat up. But as he regained his balance, he felt something from behind slowly creeping up from behind him.

He felt a foreboding chill, one that was familiar to him. Ash stood up, swivelling to face the cause of this chill. Once he did, he saw something else that threw him off guard and the cause of him and the others being pushed back.

The face of Ghetsis was here.

"Ash Ketchum. What a different encounter this is, hm?" The floating face of Ghetsis with darkness surrounding it spoke as Cynthia and the other faced this abnormal force.

"Ghetsis?!" Ash cried out as Rumble quivered in fear, hiding behind Applejack for safety. He's heard about Ghetsis so being afraid was a rational response. However, Ash and the others were wondering how Ghetsis managed to appear here in this kind of form.

Reality. Outside Ash's Mind.

Meanwhile, on the outside, Ash himself was experiencing something while unconscious. His body was emanating a vibrant aura with darkness being slightly inside of it as he started writhing around. Most likely Ghetsis' doing.


"What's happening?!" Twilight and the others gasped after seeing Ash's Aura emanate with his body moving. The Staff of Sir Aaron was also moving around as well, responding to Ash's Aura.

"Ash!" Delia rushed over, holding her son in fear and worry. But Ash would obviously not respond. Not in the state he was in. He couldn't hear her either. However, as Sir Aaron's staff trembled with Aura exuding out, Lucario had emerged. He forced himself out of his Poke Ball.


"Lucario?" Delia and the others said. Lucario stood before them with narrowed eyes and a steely look. He saw how his Trainer was suffering and couldn't ignore it.


Lucario had to help. He stepped forward as his Aura was also reacting. Lucario had the most Aura out of any Pokemon after all. The Aura Pokemon closed his eyes, allowing himself to react with Ash's Aura.


"Well, isn't this something? Sinnoh Champion Cynthia." The face of Ghetsis spoke with a smirk.

"How'd you get here, Ghetsis?!" Ash bellowed.

"I could do this before. Invading the minds of others. But, having to invade something like this is above it. I'm learning new things myself, boy.

"You're just one big face now!" Applejack stepped forward. "What can ya even do here?"

"This." To demonstrate, Ghetsis breathed out black fire from his as if he was a dragon. Ash and the others scattered from these flames as they ferociously struck the non-existent ground.

Ghetsis laughed as he redirected his flames, navigating them to chase Ash and the others down. And he certainly did. Ghetsis continuously breathed black flames, chasing the group down. Its flames obliterated parts of Ash's Aura.

"Since when could he do that?!" Applejack gasped. Ghetsis laughed as he was able to cause a tremor whilst laughing. To further demonstrate what he could do, Ghetsis suddenly made black aura hands appear out of thin air, grabbing Applejack, Rumble and Brawly from behind. "Mmmph!"

"O-Ow!" Rumble cried out as Brawly was being pulled back.

"Quick learner, aren't I?" said Ghetsis as Ash and Cynthia hadn't been grabbed yet. Ash figured that since he could do a lot in his own Aurascape, he could also defend himself.

And so he did. Ash put his hand out as he caused an Aura Pulse. This pulse had wiped away the dark hands, scattering them like in Ash and the wind. Applejack, Brawly and Rumble were freed while the pulse removed the rest of the hands.

Ash grinned before realizing what he could do now. Ghetsis scoffed, knowing that Ash had options. And when he has options, Ash will use them to his fullest. Ghetsis breathed fire from his mouth once more while Ash put his hands up, creating a barrier of Aura.

The flames met with the barrier, pouring on it with fury and hatred. But, Ash had a home-field advantage since everything here was his own Aura. He was able to fend off the flames while expanding his barrier. The expanding barrier blew away the flames while also hitting Ghetsis' face.

"Gah!" Ghetsis cried out as he suddenly felt a sting with the pulse hitting him. He growled as his eyes glowed red. He was ready to test out more of his capabilities. However, he felt that twitch again in his body as he paused. "Not again...Seems as if I'm not ready for something like this..."

"Huh?" Ash lowered his hand. Ghetsis' face was suddenly fading away before his eyes and everyone else's.

"We'll meet again brat. When I fully understand this Aura nonsense." Ghetsis' voice faded away as he couldn't handle this kind of Aura usage yet. He was still a novice with it. But he was aiming to master it one day.

Speaking of fading away, Ash also felt his body twitch as the Aurascape around him was fading. He paused, feeling odd. "Oh man...right now? We're leaving?"

"Wait, now?" Rumble looked around as the Aura Spheres were all fading away. Including him, Applejack, Cynthia and Brawly. "Aw..."

"Seems as if your Ataxia didn't last this long either," Cynthia said.

"No, wait. It's something else. Lucario." Ash recognized this Aura feeling. It wasn't just him leaving the Aurascape and becoming conscious. Lucario was helping from the outside. "Man. Thanks, buddy. We'll pick off next time when we're in here guys. Sorry that I dragged you into this."

"It's fine. Anything to help." Brawly gave a thumbs-up as he was the first to vanish.

"Yeah. This was pretty fun. Let's come back here soon!" Rumble jumped for joy as he faded away next.

"I know you'll overcome this and stay strong, like you always have, Ash." Cynthia nodded as she was slowly fading away. "Overcome this Ataxia for all of us."

"Just don't overdo it so much, alright?" Applejack nudged Ash before fading away after Cynthia. Once all of them were gone, it was Ash's turn. He gave a smile before closing his eyes, ready to become conscious once more.


Ash had woken up with Delia and Pikachu hugging him out of worry. Tears flooded the room as Ash grumbled from his mother's potent hug. Lucario had a smile of relief. He certainly played his part in protecting Ash.

"So, Lucario. You can break me out of the Ataxia?" Ash said.

"Cario..." Lucario looked at his palm. That was his first time achieving something like that. It wasn't just Ash and Ghetsis learning something new.

"Alright. We need to put more work in." Ash stood up, adjusting his gloves. "Ghetsis isn't the only one improving. We can't let him catch up and overcome us. We need to do it before he can. Right, guys?"



After that bizarre experience, Ash's goal to rid the Ataxia was speeding up. But not without help. He couldn't do this alone as seen by Lucario, Cynthia, Applejack, Brawly and Rumble. Before Ghetsis can fully understand Dark Aura or even Dark Magic itself.

In short, all they have to do is 1-UP Ghetsis along the way. And that's what they intended to do. As the journey continues

Chapter 524 End.

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