• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Isle Monster

Universe 28. The Empress' spare palace. Day.

Celestia, Luna, their alternate universe selves and the alternate Cadence's joined by Pokemon Ranger Jackie had arrived to rescue Premium Polish.

They had a plan that they were aiming to perfectly execute. No wasting time or shortcuts. They had already used the duplication spell to create fake copies of themselves with the Shift Stone. Once they arrived here via a gateway, Empress Twilight felt it.

Just like what Emerald Aura said. Those that have a semblance of Rift Magic can sense when some of it is being used. And with the Empress being able to open gateways, that was the case.

"They're here." Empress Twilight said with a malicious smirk. Her trap had already been completed since yesterday. Speaking of yesterday, only 5 days remain until the Magical Unite is fully complete.

To enter the palace without being seen was also a difficult task. Especially if they emerge out of the Canterlot Mines. That would just raise suspicion even more. But there was an answer to that. The duplicates immediately used the Shift Stone, turning into different ponies. Some turned into troops of the Empress' side while others disguised themselves as weapons for the troops.

"Hm. Clever." Celestia approved of the improvisation as she would have her own way of entering the palace. "Alright. Go on ahead."

The duplicates left the mines with the real troops witnessing this. They weren't sure why some of their forces were underneath there. Not much left in the Cantertlot Mines after all. But to fully blend in, Universe One's Luna's disguised herself in the best possible way.

By becoming a stone statue. The other disguised Celestia's pulled the statued Luna within one of the minecarts that reside here in the mines.

"Princess Luna?!" The troops gasped, seeing her being carried. "How did you get her in this state?!"

"She came through the Canterlot Mines by using a gateway.." The fake troop replied. "Surprisingly, she appeared as stone when she came through. What do you want us to do with her?"

"If she's stone, then the Empress has a spell that can reverse this. She'll want Luna's magic. Take her to the throne room."

"Will do." The fake troop nodded as they had clarity. This was their way into the palace. A simple yet effective method to get in. They carried the frozen Luna while Luna herself gave a conscious Yes in her mind.

As for Jackie, he had a different approach to entering the palace. One downside for Jackie was that there weren't that many Pokemon in this universe. Only a few via the Umbrage Thieves and the Empress' drive to utilize Pokemon as much as she can. But, if he can get to those Pokemon, then some interesting scenarios would take place.

Darkrai himself was prepared for this as well. The shadows were his friends in this. Even though it wasn't nightfall, the sun could still give off shadows to individuals, allowing for the Pitch Black Pokemon to get creative.

Within the palace, it was heavily guarded. All for Premium Polish and of course, Celestia's arrival. Eyes were being watched from each are. High or low.

While frozen, Luna used the telepathy spell to speak with Celestia even in this state. "Sister. The layout of this castle is still the same despite its massive appearance. Much like the one in the Empress' main universe."

"I see. Then just stick the routes you know and vice-versa. If they came for Premium Polish, then obviously, there's something important about her. They wouldn't keep her in the dungeon if that was the case."

Luna had been brought into the castle by the fake troops. So far, nothing had been suspected. This trap that Empress Twilight made had yet to reveal itself. The Celestia's carried Luna without acting too unusual. Although, walking in a smaller body than they were used to felt strange.

As they walked by, they saw many guards were marching along. The sounds of their hoofsteps echoed with intimidation. Luna herself was a bit nervous about this. If there is a slip-up, they would be caught within problems that they would rather not be a part of.

When walking through the palace, Luna looked through the windows while being still. There, she saw the various laboratories within this palace. In these labs, animals from Equestria and the creatures of Everfree were being experimented on to create greater forces for the Empress.

Similar to what Fluttershy had seen in the Empress' main universe during the invasion. The sight horrified Luna and the others, but they had to press on and rescue Premium Polish.

Jackie on the other hand was taking the lower option. He was planning on using the underground of Canterlot to emerge out of it. Granted, he didn't have the right Pokemon for this situation, like a Ground or Rock-Type. But he was skilled enough to adapt.

He started burrowing his way through the ground as fast as he could. Since this was still Canterlot and he's been here before, Jackie knows his directions.

"The lowest part of this whole place is that dungeon. We'll start there and work our way up." Jackie said, burrowing while having the Shift Stone ready for usage.

"Tot! Work our way up!" And Chatot repeated.

Darkrai hid in the shadows, undetected so far. He used the shadows to enter the palace, only sticking to the shadows of multiple ponies and occasionally the corner. Mostly where the sun rays don't shine.

But Darkrai wouldn't just move in the shadows. Some Dark Void shenanigans were due. The Pitch Black Pokemon appeared on the second floor, hiding behind two guards. He used Dark Vod, popping his claws out of the shadows and gabbing the faces of the guards.

"Mm!" The guards gasped as they were immediately put to sleep via a black orb. They dropped to the floor instantly, dozing off with nightmares inbound.

"Hey!" Another guard came by as Darkrai returned to the shadows. "No sleeping on the job!" He yelled at them, but they wouldn't respond. Dark Void wouldn't let them wake up until the nightmare was over. And they can last a while.

Over at the throne room, the Empress sat on her throne, waiting for Celestia and the others to arrive. She was also waiting for the Magical Unite to eventually finish for her multiversal reign. As for Skyblue Shine, she wanted to take a moment by getting outside. Being inside the palace where her daughter was being used made her uncomfortable.

"Going somewhere, Skyblue Shine?" Empress Twilight asked.

"I just need some fresh air, Empress." She said with a lower tone than usual before heading for the door.

"You're an android. Why would you need air at all? But if you wish to head out, then at least take under another mission with your team."

"Yes?" The android turned around.

"Tempest is busy tracking Luster Dawn so she won't assist you at the moment. But, I want you to do two things. Head to the Pokemon World and find this Sea Temple that Daybreaker spoke of. Including its region. And...head to Pegalysium. See what you can gather there."

"Yes, Empress. But...can I have some time first?"

"Fine. A day but then afterwards, you'll set out on your mission. Tempest will join you eventually." With that approval, Skyblue Shine left the room. In truth, she just wanted to take a break away from anything involving her daughter. Especially considering that she captured her.

She needed some time to think things over. Especially with what Daybreaker said to her. Those words were still ringing in her. At the moment, she wanted to head over to the Universe One. It had some tranquil areas. And even if she was now an enemy of that universe and especially wanted, it had become a second home to her.

But as she walked off, heading towards the balcony, she noticed something through the windows. The carriage with Luna and the fake troops could be seen. Skyblue Shine narrowed her eyes, surprised that a captured Luna was here.

She heard nothing about any attacks on any Luna's out there. In fact, the Empress hadn't been anywhere as of recently. She had been here yesterday after all.

"That's odd." She said before approaching one of the guards. "You there. Was there any order to head for another universe out there? To capture a random Princess Luna?"

"No, Mrs Skyblue Shine. But apparently, that Luna was found in the Canterlot mines after arriving here with a gateway She was already stone once she showed up." The guard answered.

"Just randomly?"

"Just randomly." He nodded in repeat and confirmation. That's when Skyblue Shine gained suspicions. Unless they had an ally assisting in Empress Twilight's cause or something else. Her fast-acting android brain thought of another possibility.

Celestia's group had already reached here. To test it herself, Skyblue Shine decided to approach the fake troops carrying the petrified statue of Luna. With teleportation, of course.

By using teleportation, she appeared in front of them in an instant, startling the group. "Oh!"

"That statue. Where did you find it?" She questioned immediately.

"The Canterlot Mi-"

"I know that." She interrupted. "But from who? If a gateway appeared, that means someone must've summoned it and brought her here. Did you look through?"

"Uh...w-well-" One of the disguised Cadence had no response for this. They weren't sure what excuse they could make for this question. Until one of the Luna's had something in mind. Something simple yet effective.

"Well...there is a chance that this is a trap by Universe One." She answered as the others gulped, wondering what she was up to. Even the statue was getting nervous.

"A trap?"

"Mhm. This Luna might just be a construct instead of the real one. Much like the Trojan Horse used years ago before Equestria was founded."

"Of course. The Trojan Horse trick." Skyblue Shine nodded as Luna had her right where she wanted her. The other Luna's, Cadences and Celestia's caught on as they nodded as well. That's when they all collectively had an idea.

One of the Celestia's used her magic to communicate with another Celestia from afar. "Try this. How about we send them on a wild goose chase?"

And with that message, the other Celestia nodded in understanding. She was currently standing outside of the palace, not doing much. But now was her time to act as she sent a message towards the three duplicated Celestia's and Luna's. A new plan had been sprung as the other Celestia decided to raise her voice.

"Hm? Hey!" She cried out, alerting the other guards. "Over there! The three princesses!"

Three duplicated Celestia's Luna's and Cadence's would be the bait. They showed themselves out in public to the city of Canterlot, grabbing the attention of every guard in sight. Not only that, but a few other duplicates had utilized the Shift Stone, transforming themselves into Passion, Arcanine and Darkrai for extra detail.

The Empress even heard this as she stood up from her throne. She immediately went to the balcony for a better view. And indeed, she saw the sight of the pony she hated the most. Celestia.

"Celestia..." She snarled as the duplicate Celestia looked up at the Empress. "I would've expected you to be a bit more stealthy about this. But then again, you and your world are known for being rowdy."

"Twilight. I don't know why you need Premium Polish. But she's coming back with us." Celestia replied.

"Premium Polish is staying here. For something great. Something she was destined for. Which fulfils what I wish for without a doubt. Of course, I don't expect you to understand."

"She's just a child!" Luna exclaimed.

"Right. But she's an android. And I built her for a reason! Not to frolic around with ponies and Pokemon for the rest of her life. No, no, no. Besides, once her purpose is done, you won't even know what hit you."

"Hm?" Celestia raised her eyebrow.

"However, now that you're here...I can take all the magic away from you as I wished to before. Including the ones from your Boundless Cutie Mark! After them!" The Empress spread her wings out as the order to capture Celestia, Luna and Cadence were made.

The citizens hid inside their homes while the guards and troops all rushed off to capture Celestia and Luna. They geared themselves up considering they were not only going up against alicorns but also ones that had Pokemon by their side.

The bait had been sprung. And the original Celesta, Luna and Cadence's were proud of their duplicates as tears fell from their eyes. Now they could move across the palace without much worry.

As for the clones, one good hit and they would end up disappearing. Much like a Double Team clone. So, to sustain their existence, they had two approaches that they would utilize.

Swap out themselves for other duplicates as fast as they can and the current one, blowing a hole through the ground. Which is exactly what the Celestia duplicate did. By using its weaker magic, the clone blasted through the ground, making a large hole for something so weak. That Boundless Cutie Mark sure is useful.

The duplicates then masked themselves in the smoke by using the Shift Stone to become clouds of smoke, flying into the hole with greater speed. This was a well-placed distraction for Celestia's side as the chase had begun.

Pegalysium. West. Afternoon.

Meanwhile, over at Pegalysium, Ash's group had arrived west, hoping to get closer to Jade. But in truth, they weren't close to her at all. At the moment, they stood on a group of islands, not seeing anything of worth nearby.

"No. Nothing here." Ash shook his head. "Where do we go now?"

"She said west. But we've been going for a while now. Do you know where we are, Prince Shooting Star?" Fluttershy asked.

"Ah, there's a small village up ahead. I guess we can try that." Shooting Star shrugged. "But the stories said that they were rich ponies that hide in secrecy. They wouldn't be in a village at all, would they?"

"Well, we have to find her somehow." Twilight sighed before walking off, hopping onto the next island. However, as she did so, Shooting Star noticed something odd about the island. And for once, it wasn't it randomly moving and swapping locations.

Shooting Star narrowed his eyes as he noticed fangs forming within the crevices of the island. He also saw red glowing berries on the island. One good look and he quickly realized what these were.

"Twilight! Get away from that island!" Shooting Star yelled before flapping his wings, soaring onwards.

"Is it gonna move too?!" Twilight gasped as she was greeted with an odd sight. The crevice of the island had opened up, quickly revealing what she was on.

The island itself was growling. But it wasn't an island. It was a monster. Those two berries were revealed to be eyes, hence why they were glowing. With the mouth of the creature opening, Twilight was about to be devoured as Shooting Star wouldn't make it in time.

"Aaaah!" Twilight cried out before looking down, seeing a massive chasm below.

"Espeon!" Luckily, her partner was there to fix that. Espeon used Psychic as had as she could holding her trainer. With all her strength, she pulled her away. And in the nick of time too. The monster had just crunched its fangs together with rubble flying out.

"W-What is that thing?!" Fluttershy shuddered as Twilight was brought safely over.

"An Isle Monster!" Shooting Star exclaimed as the monster turned to face the group. "It's a monster that fakes itself as an island just to eat up anyone who stands on it. But they usually live in the south instead of the west!"

The monster roared at the group, causing a mighty wind pressure. Out of its sides emerged massive arms and claws. Perfect for grabbing its food or even crushing them.

"Pika...!" Pikachu growled as he was ready to use Thunderbolt.

"Pikachu! That thing's got some ground on it so Electric-Type attacks won't work!" Ash quickly warned his partner before he started attacking. Pikachu lowered his electricity, knowing it would have no effect.

All the while, as the creature faced the group down, over at the distance, some reoccurring faces watched onwards. The same nobles that originally told Ash and the others about Jade being seen heading west last night. Except, it was revealed to be a lie as they were Indigo Alliance Members. The same mare chuckled knowing that she was the cause of this. Her wings were glowing as she was the one who brought an Isle Monster here, just to crush the others.

"This should get rid of them." She said. "Only the King has managed to defeat an Isle Monster before and no one else. Let's report back to the Grand Judge. I don't want to see some horrific imagery."

And Audino heard that. Unlike last time, she wasn't in a heavily crowded area. So now, she could hear the familiar voices and the truth of why they were sent west. She had something to say afterwards.

As for Ash's group, the Isle Monster charged at them with claws and fangs out to grab, smash and gnaw. And considering its size, it had the range to do so as Shooting Star screeched.

"Pikachu, use Iron Tail!" Ash and the others retaliated before they could be harmed.

"Eve, Dazzling Gleam!"

"Audi, use Hyper Beam! Scorbunny, Ember and Chikorita, Magical Leaf!"

"Chu...Pika" Pikachu leapt into the air, hardening his tail to mimic steel as he swung his tail. The Mouse Pokemon struck the hand of the monster when it approached, causing some rocks to fall off.

Espeon, Scorbunny, Chikorita and Audino stood back, unleashing sparks of embers, a barrage of leaves with a magical pink aura around them, rays of rainbows and a gigantic beam of Infinity Energy.

Each had struck the monster with Hyper Beam doing the most significant damage. The monster roared as it certainly felt those attacks. A taste of what Infinity Energy is capable of.

In retaliation, the monster shot out large boulders from its mouth at great speeds. Pikachu sliced one boulder in half with Iron Tail but an array of them would be hard to take out. Especially considering how the monster was continuously firing them.

Ash and the others scattered as the boulders crashed onto the ground, shaking the island. Shooting Star was the most terrified as he stayed far back from the chaos.

The monster then aimed its boulders without stopping them at all. It wouldn't stop firing until its targets had been crushed to bits.

"Let's get up close and personal then." Ash used his horn to take out Lucario's Poke Ball. However, the Aura from his hor automatically reacted to Lucario's Aura, forcing the Aura Pokemon out of the ball.


"Lucario, Force Palm, go!"

"Ca!" Lucario rushed onwards, approaching the Isle Monster with his palm glowing. A boulder came right towards the Aura Pokemon, however, Lucario had just powered through it. His steel body was certainly of great use in this scenario.

The Aura Pokemon then jumped on the incoming boulders, using them to travel towards the monster faster. The monster gazed at Lucario with its crimson eyes as Lucario glared back with his own red eyes.

"Lucario!" Lucario then smashed all of his concentrated energy from his palm into the face of the monster. A direct hit. And a heavy one too. An explosion of energy emerged from that with Lucario jumping back. The creature bellowed but not before using the trees within it to its advantage.

By surprise, massive roots came flying out of the Isle Monster, wrapping around Lucario while he was in midair. While it may be a fake island, it still has the power of nature.


"Lucario!" Ash gasped as some more roots were coming towards him and his friends. "Pikachu, Iron Tail!"

"Eve, use Psychic to move those roots!"

"Audi, Protect!"

"Pika!" Pikachu jumped forward, cutting the roots off of Lucario with Iron Tail. However, more kept coming, threatening to grab Pikachu and Lucario.

"Espeon!" Espeon used her mind to control the roots before they could reach her. However, she soon found out that these roots were stronger than they looked, requiring Espeon to use more force.

"Audino!" Audino put up a protective shield around her friends as the roots aggressively crashed into them, forcing the Hearing Pokemon back. "D-Dino...!"

"Scorbun!" Scorbunny jumped over Audino, using Flame Charge to burn away the roots, giving less stress to Audino. However, after using Flame Charge, one of the roots grabbed Scorbunny by surprise. "Bunny?!"

The roots then pulled the Rabbit Pokemon towards it with Audino grabbing Scorbunny's leg before that could happen, trying to get him back. "A-Audino!" Fluttershy joined in, holding Audino and pulling her.

"Hang on, Scorbunny!"

"Quick Attack and Aura Sphere, go!"

"Pika-Pika-Pika!" Pikachu ran on the roots with lightning speeds, approaching the Isle Monster whilst Lucario jumped from root to root, charging up the biggest Aura Sphere he could make.

The creature both made more roots and shot out some boulders from its mouth at the same time. Pikachu jumped over the boulders while running on the roots. He got close, smashing his head onto the monster's face. As for the boulders, Lucario took out a majority of them with a massive Aura Sphere consuming them.

One boulder passed by, going straight for Shooting Star. The young prince gasped as he ducked for cover, closing his eyes. Thankfully, Chikorita used her vines to pull the young prince away, saving him before he was crushed. "Chiko!"

"Oh...thanks..." Shooting Star sighed.

"This thing is resilient!" Twilight exclaimed as Eve jumped away from an incoming root. "We're just stalling for Jade at this point."

"We won't stall anymore." Ash put on his serious face before turning back into his human form. He stood up tall, adjusting his hat before putting his hand out. Ash closed his eyes as everyone was wondering what he was doing. "Aura Staff! Come!"

Appearing right in front of him was the Staff of Sir Aaron. He had used his Aura to enlarge it, summoning the staff to his hand. Ash gripped the staff as his Aura was showing. Shooting Star's eyes opened after witnessing this.

"Fluttershy. Twilight. Mega Evolve now." Ash commanded while looking at the monster. "I'm gonna try and use my Aura for this one."

"A-Alright!" Twilight nodded before sending Absol out. "Come out, Absol!"


"Mega...Evolve?" Shooting Star tilted his head, wondering what Mega Evolution was. That was when he remembered a dex entry in the Pokedex that Ash gave him. He had recalled seeing Mega Lucario in the dex. "Oh, wait! You mean...!"

"Mega Evolve!" Both Twilight and Fluttershy said at the same time. Their stones reacted to the keystones with golden and red lights emerging, forming the DNA symbol. Absol and Audino became enveloped in this aura of Infinity Energy. Their appearances were altered as bursting out of the energy was Mega Absol and Mega Audino.

"Okay! Now use the strongest moves you can think of!" Ash gave another order with Twilight and Fluttershy nodding.

"Got it! Absol, Giga Impact!"

"Audi, Hyper Beam!"

Two of the strongest Normal-Type moves had been used. One that was up close and personal and the other that was from afar. Absol lunged forward while Audino stod back. That's when Ash tried something new with his Aura. By using Sir Aaron's staff which was going, he coated Absol and Audino's attacks in Aura.

"Yes, it works!" Ash cheered.

"You coated them in Aura?!" Twilight gasped as Absol looked around him. He could work with this. However, as new as this was, Ash couldn't fully keep it forever as the Aura was starting to fade. But not in vain.

Hyper Beam and Giga Impact had connected, smashing and blasting the Isle Monster with the combination of Infinity Energy and Aura. And it was beyond effective. The face of the Isle Monster cracked with massive rubble falling out. It had also been knocked back, crashing into another nearby island from the force it was launched.

With that much damage, the Isle Monster had no choice but to retreat. It wasn't winning this battle as the Aura faded away from Absol and Hyper Beam.

"Whew..." Ash sighed. "Nailed it."

"Ash! How did you do that?!" Twilight went up to Ash. "When did you learn to do that?!"

"Well, I figured if Aura can used to coat me and stuff, why not put it on someone else. Plus...I kinda heard a voice in my head tell me to."

"That was totally wicked!" Shooting Star flailed his hooves around. "That's Mega Evolution?! Oh, that's the coolest thing I've ever seen!"

"Isn't it?" Ash gave a thumbs up before shrinking the staff.


"Audi. Audino-Audi." Now was a good time for Audino to tell Fluttershy what she had heard. She told them about those same nobles and how they led them here, just to be attacked by the Isle Monster.

"So...West was a trap the whole time." Fluttershy translated, grabbing everyone's attention. "By those same ponies who told us to come here."

"Then that means, they're in the Indigo Alliance," Ash replied. "They don't just want us far from Jade. They want us out of the picture entirely."

"Well...What do we do now that we know about this?" Twilight asked. Everyone thought for a moment about how to approach this.

Delays were being made at this point without any success in finding Jade Skies at all. At this rate, they'll end up being lost in Pegalysium. Even with Shooting Star by their side. That's when Twilight gained an idea. "Aha! I've got it! Prince Shooting Star. Can you take us to see your dad?"

The day carried on. Jade had yet to be found. And as for Premium Polish, only 5 days remain until the Magical Unite is completed. However, with how Celestia and the others were in the palace, the scales may tip. But that all depends on fate itself as the journey continues.

Chapter 539 End.

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