• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,487 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Type Wild

Ponyville, day.

Currently, over at Aria and Sonata's house, a little argument and squabble were occurring. A fairly petty one too.

"Alright." Sonata slammed her hooves on the table, showing a very serious face for once. "Someone's gonna start fessing up right now?"

"What do you mean?" Aria asked.

"Last night, we ordered a large pie from SugarCube Corner," Sonata said.

"There we like, 8 slices, I think?" Aria scratched her mane. "For the two of us. You weren't here for it Adagio."

"Hm?" Adagio raised an eyebrow. "What's this about?"

"Well, we sat here last night eating some pie. Four slices each." Aria replied.

"Mhm...4." Sonata narrowed her eyes. "How about I show which corners we ate first?"

"Ok. I ate this corner, right here." Aria placed her hoof on the first corner on the left.

"Sure did. Then I ate this one." Sonata went next, pointing her hoof at the corner that was opposite to Aria's. "She ate that one. And then I ate this one." Sonata began doing it over and over again, for each corner. "She at that one, I ate this one. She then skipped this one." Sonata pointed at another corner.

"Uh, well, you know, maybe I didn't want that one!" Aria stammered.

"You skipped it right in front of my eyes!" Sonata bellowed. "Stood up and took mine from my corner!"

"Nuh-huh! I didn't take anything from there!" Aria began rambling and defending herself.

"You reached right for it and took my slice!"

"Hold on!" Adagio paused them. "Was her side bigger?" She asked Sonata

"No, it was smaller! That's why I took it!" Aria pointed her hoof at Sonata.

"Aria. Family rules. You should've eaten the pie on your end of the table." Adagio explained.

"Family rules?! I can take any piece I want!"

"No, you cant!" Sonata growled. "That was yours in front of you! You did this even back when were still sirens!"

"Oh yeah?! You're the one who took my half!" Aria snapped back.

"What?! No, I didn't!"

"Yes, you did!"

"Pah! I ate my side!" Thus, the argument could fully begin as Adagio looked left and right, watching her sisters bicker against each other. It was actually fueling her magic up a little bit. "It was you that ate my side!"

"Yeah right! I ate this side the right way! You're the one who took my side so it's only fair I take yours!"

"Stay on your side!" Sonata bellowed as she grabbed a pillow, threatening to throw it at Aria.

"You've got issues over pies!" Aria backed away, hiding behind the bed.

"It's not proper Pie Etiqquete!" Sonata threw the pillow.

"What do you know about etiquette?!"

"Aria, I swear I'm going to-"

"It's just a pie!"

"You're wrong Aria! It's not just a pie! It's-"

"Hey! Slow down you two!" Adagio stopped them from tearing each other apart. "I understand you're both upset over the great Pie Caper. But let's just relax..."

"I ain't upset." Aria scoffed. Their argument came to an end since it was something so trivial and small. And at that same time, Sunset Shimmer came through the door.

"I heard a ton of shouting in here? Is everypony okay?"

"We're fine." Sonata grinned before shifting her eyes at Aria with scorn. "Pie thief...!"

"Oh give it a rest." Aria groaned.

"Um...okay then." Sunset scrunched her face. "Well, I just came here wondering if you all would like to come along and watch a Pokemon Talent Show. It's due in 5 days and there'll be stuff like singing, dr-"

"Singing?!" The Dazzlings each screamed at the same time, dashing over to Sunset and getting up in her face.

"Uh...y-yeah..." Sunset stuttered.

"Yes please!" Sonata nodded her head aggressively.

"I need this for Popplio!" Aria stated.

"I need to win whatever reward there is..." Adagio grinned.

"Huh. Seems like you're all in instantly."

"Of course, we are." Adagio flipped her mane. "Singing is our life, after all. We'll seize any opportunity to partake in it."

"Can our Pokemon be involved?" Aria held Popplio in her hooves.


"Well, it's apparently between trainers and Pokemon so yeah. It's a talent show after all. If you three are planning on teaming up together for it then, go ahead."

"Excellent!" Adagio rubbed her hooves together. "What's the reward?"

"Well...you get a very nice looking trophy and a lot of bits or Pokedollars out of it. And other stuff that you might like."

"Hm...Eh. A trophy sounds nice. We're blitzing that talent show for sure. Get ready you two. The Dazzlings are making an amazing comeback!" Adagio grinned.

"Kricketot!" Kricketot popped out of Adagio's mane.

"And...a few extra members." Adagio looked up at her partner.

"Well, you're gonna have to work extra hard on a new song. Because there might be trainers who can best you," said Sunset. "Just saying."

"Pssh! No one is beating us in terms of music!" Adagio narrowed her eyes as she stared at Sunset. But from how Sunset Shimmer was smirking, she was instantly reminded of how they lost the Battle of the Bands. "...Almost anyone."

"What do we sing though?" Aria wondered.

"Hm...We only know songs about brainwashing and control. Not sure those would work anymore." Adagio sighed.

"Oh! How about some Pokemon songs?! That might be really good!" Sonata gasped.

"Pokemon songs sound interesting enough. But what do we make it out of? Types?"

"Uh..." Sonata was looking for ideas. Her eyes moved around the room, but so far, there wasn't anything here they could make a song of. All she knew was that it had to be Pokemon themed. "How about...?" Her eyes then turned to the outside.

And usually, outside, Ash is there. Either chatting, battling or just helping out like he normally does. Speaking of which, yet again, he was in a Pokemon World Championships match. "Ash!" Sonata exclaimed.

"Ash?" Adagio and Aria looked out at the window, witnessing Ash's current Championship battle. It was his Lucario against a trainer's Solrock.

"Solrock! Overheat!" The trainer commanded.

"Sol...!" The Meteorite Pokemon body glowed red as fire surrounds its body. Solrock then unleashed a big stream of fire from its body. "Rock!"

"Lucario! Aura Sphere!"

"Ca!" Lucario held one ball of Aura Sphere out as he used it as a shield. Overheat came flying forward as Lucario's Aura Sphere managed to hold it in place. "Lucario!" Lucario then increased the size of Aura Sphere by a small bit.

But that small size increase was enough to utterly overpower Overheat as the ball of aura flew through the stream of fire, heading straight for Solrock.

"Solrock?!" Solrock gasped as it had been struck by Aura Sphere while Overheat had been destroyed by it as well. "Rock!"

"Now, Force Palm!"

"Lucario!" Lucario advanced with his palm glowing orange.

"Quick! Stop them with Shadow Ball!"

Sol!" Solrock shook its head as it quickly generated a blob of shadows in front of it. The Rock-Psychic-Type then fired a shadowy blob straight at the Aura Pokemon.

"Lu!" But, Lucario front flipped over the Shadow Ball, dodging it as he smashed his palm onto Solrock's body from above. "Ca!"

"S-Solrock!" An explosion of energy happened afterwards from Force Palm connecting as Lucario jumped back, sliding next to Ash.

"Oh! Solrock!" The trainer gasped. The smoke was clearing as her Solrock had fainted.


"Solrock is unable to battle! Lucario wins! Thus, the winner is Contestant Ash!" The Rotomdrone said.

"Nice, Lucario!"



"Just when I trained my Solrock to fight against its weaknesses..." The trainer sighed. "Oh well. Good job, anyway, Solrock."


"Yeah, Ash!" Scootaloo and Pinkie Pie cheered.

"Based on the results of this battle, the Pokemon World Championships rankings will be updated!" The Rotomdrone flew off, leaving this world like always.

Ash and the trainer shook hands, complementing each other with an enjoyable battle. They bid their farewell as the trainer returned to her world with her Solrock.

And as always, the Dazzlings and Sunset Shimmer got to witness this. It seems that whenever they look out the window, a championship match is always happening.

But besides that, looking at Ash is what inspired Sonata.

"We make a song about Ash!" Sonata said.

"A song about Ash? Really?" Aria began thinking about it. "Hm...Ash does have a lot going for him."

"He sure does! We can sing about how he wants to be a Pokemon Master and all that! That's what we'll do!" Sonata declared.

"Hey! I'm the leader of this band!" Adagio interrupted. "And I decided what song we'll come up with!"

"Okay. Have you come up with a song?" Sonata crossed her hooves with a confident smirk.

"Uh...wel...no...Most of them are just about brainwashing..." Adagio sighed.

"Mhm." The energetic siren nodded her head.

"Even if we do make a song about his whole Pokemon Master goal, wouldn't he have to be the one singing as the lead? I'm not having any of that." Adagio shook her head.

"We can just sing it for him in 3rd person." Sonata hopped off the bed. "He doesn't have to. Besides, I'm not sure that Ash can sing. Can he?"

"He can sing," Aria replied. "That lullaby to his Pikachu's pretty good on the ears."

"How about you ask him, first?" Sunset suggested.

"Good thinking!" Sonata zoomed out of the house, rushing off to ask Ash if they could make a song about him. All the while, Ash was gearing up to do something else for the day, like he always does.

"Hmph. I still think it should be a song about us." Adagio puffed her cheeks. "It's probably not going to be that creative. I mean, what kind of song can you make out of a goal?"

"Hey, Ash!" Sonata slid in front of him.

"Hm? Yeah, what's up, Sonata?" Ash asked.

"Just a quick question. You know that Pokemon Talent Show contest that's coming up soon?"

"Oh yeah! Everyone's super psyched about it." Ash nodded.


"Yeah. So...my sisters and I are gonna join it and do some singing. And we were wondering, well I was wondering if you'd like it if we made a song about you."

"A song about me?"


"Mhm! We've got a lot to work on with you, ya know! You're gonna be a Pokemon Master, right?"

"The greatest master of them all." Ash gave a thumbs up.


"Right! That's what we wanna do! If that's okay with you that is."

"Sure is. You can go ahead and do that." Ash was fine with them making a song about his goal to become a Pokemon Master.

"Great! But uh...could you maybe...write the song for us? We don't know too much about you aside from a few things. Or you could sing with us too if you want."

"Write the song? Uh..." Ash scratched his hair. "I don't know. I've never written a song before."

"That's where we come in." Pinkie appeared on Ash's shoulder.

"Pinkie?" Ash turned to face Pinkie Pie.

"We know a lot about Ash. A looooooot. If you want somepony to write you some songs, then you can count on us."

"Wait, us?" Scootaloo noticed that Pinkie was looking at her.

"You've got a Fanclub for Ash, don't you?" Pinkie said. "We can use that too."

"Oh...I gotcha."

"Perfect! How does that sound you two?" Sonata turned to face her sisters who were looking out the window.

"Fine by me." Aria went with it.

"Whatever." Adagio was neutral with it.

"It's a good thing we also got some stuff about Ash from his mom too." Pinkie hopped off Ash's shoulder. "Trust me. This song's gonna be so worth it when the talent show comes around."

The decision had been made. It would be the song about a Future Pokemon Master. They figured that writing the song in 1st person over 3rd person would actually work more efficiently. Besides, everyone knows who Ash is and what he wants to be so they'll understand.

To make this type of song, Pinkie Pie was the one who wrote the lyrics for them while Ash shared more information about himself. And as a bonus, the rest of their friends chimed in.

5 days later. The Pokemon Talent Show was here.

Enough planning and practice had been made to prepare for this day. For everyone that was taking part in this. The three judges of this talent show were Princess Celestia, Luna and the Pokemon Weekly reporter Eli.

The song about Ash had shifted from the whole Pokemon Master motif into something more simple and less extravagant. The one who simplified it was Ash himself.

"I can't believe we actually went with this..." Adagio groaned as she and her sisters were already dressed for the occasion with the song fully ready. "Why does it have to be about him, anyway?"

"We didn't really have too many options," Aria said. "Besides. Most of our songs wouldn't really slide well with everypony here."

"It's gonna be a smash hit! And maybe later, we can make a song about you Adagio! When we get home."

"Hmph. I would like that." Adagio smiled. "If we hadn't chosen to make a song about Ash, we would've probably had a perfect song about how amazing I am."

"Just you?" Aria squinted her eyes.

"Who else?" Adagio laughed. "Although...this song isn't so bad. What was it called again? Type Wild? What happened to the whole Pokemon Master shtick we were going for before?"

"Eh...it was way too difficult." Aria placed Popplio down. "Plus, Ash isn't really one for being a huge showoff anyway. It's why he changed it."

"Don't worry. This Type Wild song's just as good. It's definitely gonna beat out everyone here in the talent show." said Sonata.

"It'd better. I need that trophy! Just imaging me holding it while everyone adores me for my amazing talent!"

"You mean our talent?" Aria corrected.

"Oh, right. Sure."

While the Dazzlings prepare themselves, everyone else already took their seat. Ash was in the crowd, waiting for this show to start. The part he was looking forward to wasn't actually the song about him. He was way more excited about other parts.

"Looking forward to your part, Ash?" Twilight asked.

"Hm? Yeah. But I'm really looking forward to that acrobatics part! I'm so pumped!"


"What a shame." Rarity sighed. "I made so many preparations for so long. I didn't enter in time. Oh well. At least there's a second one confirmed to be arriving in 2 months."
"So, it's about you aiming to become a Pokemon Master, right?" Twilight questioned.

"Nah. I changed it up. It's mostly about my journeys." Ash answered. "It's nice to hear something nostalgic you know."

"Oh, it's starting!" Pinkie Pie pointed out. It was indeed starting as the lights had turned off. The Talent Show could finally begin.

And there was a lot to be seen and experienced. Good or bad. But either way, it'll be a day to remember. And it will all take place in the same room where Shining Armor and Cadence married. Good enough space.

It started off simple with multiple statues of many Pokemon trainers and some Pokemon. All of the statues were lined up as they had the appearance of citizens of old-timey ponies. And they were all surrounding one statue in the middle that seemed to be a queen sitting on a throne and holding a Poke Ball in her hoof.

"Hm." Celestia narrowed her eyes while looking at the statues. And so did everyone else here. They thought that someone had just placed some random old statues from somewhere on the stage and just called it a day. But in fact, they didn't.

Because after 7 seconds, bells were starting to ring as everyone across the room heard the bells ringing. But they couldn't exactly tell where it was coming from. Although, Audino could.

"Is this part of the act?" Luna navigated her head around.

"You think they're alive...?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Nah. No way. Look at how rusty they are..." Applejack whispered back. "Probably been sitting out somewhere for years, I bet."

Everyone else thought that they were just normal statues. From how rusty they were and the fact that one of the statues was starting to come off with small stones falling to the floor. Only a statue would do that.

Until one of the heads moved.

"Oh!" Everyone shot up after witnessing the head move to the right at an instant speed. They even heard a neck crack. And after that one head moved, the other statues started to move as well.

One by one, all the surrounding statues were moving their heads. The ones on the left moved their heads to the right while the ones on the right moved theirs to the left.

Their rusted bodies were actually starting to transform right before everyone's eyes. Multicoloured lights started to emanate out of them as the statue of the queen in the middle shined brighter than them all. The light was a bit blinding since it was growing as everyone covered their eyes.

The multi-coloured lights engulfed all the statues and the stage before fading away. Once the multicoloured lights faded away, the statues had gained a new texture. Gone were the hard-rusted-stone texture. Now, the statues were made out of golden diamonds that radiated across the room.

And as for the statue in the middle which radiated the most colours, it was actually revealed to be Gothitelle dressed like a queen. It was a pony shell this entire time. And all the other pony statues broke their shells, revealing to be a group of Bisharps instead.

"Oooh!" Everyone was impressed by the sight of this.

"Ah! A shining Queen Gothitelle and a guard of Bisharps!" Celestia recognized what this was meant to be. "Excellent!"

"Uh-uh!" Eli stood up. "It's radical, that's for sure!"

"S-So are they statues or not? How are they shining? And did they break their shells? Is that size even accurate at all?" Luna wondered.

"Sure did." Just then, behind the statues of Gothitelle and Bisharps, the ponies who were modelled after the statues had revealed themselves by walking to the side.

And the main one in the front was none other than Trixie. She had entered the talent show while keeping herself in disguise until the act was over. And appearing above her was none other than Misdreavus, who might be the explanation behind the shells.


"How's that?" Trixie grinned as she had just pulled off her best trick yet. And her Pokemon played a major part in it.

She had modelled the statues after other ponies she had met before. Just with different clothing. And their Pokemon merely replicated that. That certainly confused and impressed everyone watching.

"Well then..." Luna's jaw dropped. "That's certainly never leaving my head...But it was a treat to experience either way. Well done you all!"

"Well done is right. Golden diamond statues disguised as ponies and Pokemon in such a way? That takes heavy thinking. I know my mind and eyes are a bit perplexed right now.

"I couldn't tell what was real or fake with that. Good stuff!" Eli gave a thumbs up.

"Chatot! Good stuff!" His Chatot repeated after him.

Thank you!" Trixie each said as the Pokemon also stood up. They were actually alive as they now had a golden diamond body radiating multiple colours. But there was one final surprise.

In truth, there weren't actually any Bisharps in the group. They were just Zorua's and a single Zoroark in disguise. So, the crowd and judges have been tricked one last time. That definitely deserved thunderous applause. Which is what they received.

"Beat that everypony," Trixie smirked as she and her Pokemon walked back to the stage, knowing that they really put on a show.

"Holy moly..." Sonata's jaw dropped. "How are we gonna compete against that?!"

"Not sure singing's gonna top something like that..." Aria said, starstruck.

"Grr...!" Adagio bit her hoof. "Don't mind that! We can still have a chance! We're not just going to sing casually after all. That's why we brought these." Adagio used her magic to hold up three buckets of water. That Popplio of yours better manipulate all this water in the right way. Just like we practised.

"She will," Aria replied. "But it's gonna be tough to beat that..."

"Pssh. Nothing can beat music..." Adagio scoffed, having great faith in their victory. "You'll see."

With that act out of the way, the other acts could be played out. Everyone had something they could bring to the table. Whether it was dancing and comedy ventriloquism, acrobatics, which is what Ash was looking forward to and he was not disappointed or even just singing, some acts may have had similar themes but they were all different in their own way.

And as acts kept coming and going, it was gradually building up to the Dazzlings, who were nervous themselves. They could see how everyone was pulling off impressive feats that could easily match and possibly surpass their singing. The first act alone was by far the flashiest one of them all so far.

They were so nervous that their hearts were beating rapidly. Usually, they're up for any chance to sing. But in a competition with such impressive performers and the fact that their singing isn't as wonderful as it used to be anymore, the thing they love doing the most was now making them a bit fearful.

All except for Adagio, who had 100% confidence in herself.

And once the current act finished, it was the Dazzling's turn to perform.

"Alright, you two. No time to be weak in the knees," said Adagio. "Time for us to shine again. Kricketot. Get ready to sing. And Aria. You and your Popplio better be ready to put on a show, alright?"



"O-Okay!" Aria and Sonata nodded. Their sister sparked some courage in them as everyone was waiting for the next act to arrive.

Their names had been announced. It was showtime. With the buckets of water for Popplio being grabbed along. Kricketot hopped out of Adagio's mane as the show lights had been turned on. The music in the background was ready to be played as it had been made by Delia who helped out with writing the song as well. She knows her son very well after all.

The Dazzlings stood on the stage as everyone was looking forward to this new act. They were all having the time of their life so they were expecting more fun with this act.

The music began to play as the Dazzlings started their song with Popplio humming along with the music, slowly manipulating the water. Kricketot joined in with his own singing too.

Remembering the days I trained hard and I played
in our Pallet Town.

The water of Popplio transformed into a figure of Ash and Pikachu in their early days. When they first started on their journey. Popplio also made the water figures run to show Ash and Pikachu progressing with their journey.

Feeling so proud of the friends I made
Knowing that our goals are the same.

The water then made a figure of Misty and Brock as well, running alongside Ash and Pikachu alongside a Togepi water figure in Misty's hands.

The sneakers that I wear the coolest of all pair
Take me everywhere
You'll only find them in Pallet Town
Worn out but the best you will find
They help me get through my journeys
Time after time.

The water figures then transformed. This time, showing more of Ash's companions along with his Pokemon. It showed all of his Kanto Pokemon, transitioning into his Johto Pokemon. A figure of Tracey had also shown up next to Misty and Brock.

And before you know it..........TYPE: WILD!
Gonna reach my goal.............TYPE: WILD!
Keep on going............TYPE: WILD!
Gonna be strong...........TYPE: WILD!

Travelling by day, competing along the way
Is my history.

Popplio then replicated a Pokemon battle with the water, showing Pikachu battling against other Pokemon with Ash making commands. It also showed Ash winning the Orange League many years ago and battling against his first rival and childhood friend Gary.

No guides or maps to tell me where I'm going
My heart just leads the way.

Then, it shifted from Johto to Hoenn, showing Ash in a brand new outfit along with new Pokemon and new companions. It showed his Hoenn Pokemon, May, Max and Brock next. It also showed Ash and them surfing on waves to replicate the many water adventures they had during Hoenn. It even showed the Battle Frontier. Something that nopony has yet to see.

Friends I made while travelling
Help me to keep going.

After Hoenn, it showed Sinnoh, bringing in all of Ash's Sinnoh Pokemon, Dawn and Brock alongside their Pokemon too. Ash's outfit changed once more. The water figures then displayed Ash's gruelling battle with his other fierce rival, Paul. And of course, it showed one very particular trainer with a very strong Darkrai and Latios as well. That was its own little story that was major.

A master is what I'm gonna be
I'm getting there but not easily

The water figures then ascended, showing Ash through his time in Unova. His newest companions, Iris and Cilan were created along with their own Pokemon and Ash's Unova Pokemon. It showed Meloetta too and when she first met Ash, along with Victini and the Swords of Justice and beyond.

But I can't stop
Trying to be what I wanna be.

The water figures then accelerated, showing Ash's Kalos journey. It showed off his Kalos Pokemon with the addition of Serena, Clemont and Bonnie. His newest companions. It then showed Ash and his Greninja transforming together into Ash-Greninja. It also showed Ash's battle against his other rival Alain and his fearsome Charizard X.

And before you know it..........TYPE: WILD!
Gonna reach my goal.............TYPE: WILD!

The water figures then shifted into Ash's Alola journeys, showing off his Alola Pokemon and a larger cast of friends this time. Lillie, Mallow, Kiawe, Lana and Sophocles alongside Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet. It showed his entire second family. It even showed off his time wining the Alola League and Pikachu's Ultimate Z Move.

Keep on going............TYPE: WILD!
Gonna be strong...........TYPE: WILD!

And then, the water figures showed every iteration of Ash all lined up together, running alongside each other. Kanto in the front with Alola all the way in the back. It also showed water figures of every Legendary and Mythical Pokemon Ash has met as well as all the Gym Leaders and champions too.

And before you know it..........TYPE: WILD!
Gonna reach my goal.............TYPE: WILD!
Keep on going............TYPE: WILD!
Gonna be strong...........TYPE: WILD!

Then, they all slowed down. All of Ash's iterations were then transforming into one single Ash. The current day Ash, showing off his current outfit, Pokemon and his friends from both the Pokemon World and Equestria.

For I know, this will be reality
So follow all your dream.

And thus, the water splashed down as the song had ended with Popplio's singing coming to an end too. The buckets of water were almost empty. Popplio laid on her back as she was exhausted after using that much water.


"Oh, that's one way to do a song!" Celestia sat up as everyone in the crowd was applauding. "A trip down memory lane, I presume."

"Mhm." Sonata nodded. "It took us a long time to get every little thing down. Well, actually...we didn't get everything. We missed out on some stuff."

"But we got a good amount," said Aria. "I know that was nostalgic for a certain someone sitting in the crowd."

"I certainly felt it too," Luna spoke. "Not sure why. It just had a nostalgic feeling to it. And I do enjoy nostalgia, honestly."

"I got to see water variants of certain champions and Legendary and Mythical Pokemon. A real radical experience that was." Eli gave a thumbs up. "Nice work manipulating all that water!"

"Chatot! Nice work!"

"Heh," Adagio smirked, flipping her mane. "Naturally. When it comes to singing, everyone can't help but be amazed."


"Good job." Ash and Pikachu were without a doubt feeling nostalgic after seeing all of that. It really took him and Pikachu back.


Roaring applause is what they wanted to hear. And they received it as Aria and Sonata let out sighs of relief. With their act over, they could leave the stage and let the remaining performs come on.

"Hmph. That wasn't so difficult now, was it?" Adagio laughed.

"Easy for you to say..." Sonata sighed as she fell flat on her face.

"Great job, Popplio. Songstress Primarina would be proud if she was here," said Aria.


"We have to win that trophy at this rate." Adagio sat down. "First place must be within our sights."

"We could get the second place prize. Could be better than the trophy." Aria suggested.

"Pssh. What's better than a trophy?" Adagio scoffed. "Now, we wait for it to be over."

Confident in their victory, mostly Adagio, the Dazzlings waited for the result as other performers continued to go on to showcase their act.

2 hours later.

After many acts, the decision had been made. There would be a certified 1st place winner in all of this. And of course, 2nd and 3rd place too. All the way up to 6th place.

Only 6 finalists were chosen based on the audience's decision. Those finalists were the Trixie who were responsible for the statue act, a ventriloquist, the Dazzlings, another singer, the acrobat Ash was looking forward to, and a detective of all things.

"Alright. We've had two a million half votes that have been counted by everypony here," said Celestia. "Time to reveal the results."

"Let me." Luna took the results paper. "We'll go in reverse order. That makes it more climactic. The 6th place act in the final Pokemon Talent Show is..."

Everyone, especially the finalists held their breath in. Adagio's teeth were clattering as she was actually getting nervous right now. Even when she tried to play it off like she wasn't worried.

"Cloverstreams and her solo singing act," Luna said as everyone applauded. "What a shame...that was my favourite. In 5th place...Foam and his ventriloquist act."

Foam bowed his head along with his Slowbro puppet which actually turned out to be a real Slowbro that was controlling Foam instead.

"Hm." Luna let out a small chuckle from seeing that. "In 4th place...The Blue Unicorns and their acrobatics act."

Adagio's heart was slowing down as the numbers were decreasing. She was hoping she wouldn't be the third to be called out along with her sisters.

"In 3rd place...Makeshift and his detective act." Luna continued as it was now coming down to the wire. "And in 2nd...The Dazzlings for their musical tribute act."

There it was. Adagio had been hit by hearing those words. 2nd place. She was so close to reaching the very top. The beautiful number one. But it wasn't happening.

Except, it went to somepony else. And considering there was one who hasn't had their name called out, it was clear who the winner was.

"And for 1st place. Trixie Lulamoon and her Golden Diamond Statue Act!" Trixie was declared the winner alongside her Pokemon. And with the first-place winner being declared, the loudest applause filled the room by far.

"Yes!" Trixie jumped as she hugged her Misdreavus. "Success!"


All the finalists clapped for Trixie's victory. They played well. But it was clear that Trixie's act was the most favourable out of them all. Aria and Sonata clapped too. And even though Adagio lost, she didn't let it affect her too much.

She shifted her eyes to the left, letting out a frown as she also clapped. But her clapping was lighter than everyone else's. She knew when to accept defeat. Sometimes anyway.

"With that. Let's hand out those prizes." Celestia used her magic to bring out the 6 prizes for the 6 winners.

1st place was obviously the golden trophy along with over 500,000 bits and Pokedollars. 2nd place was a silver trophy with 300,000 bits and Pokedollars. 3rd was bronze with 200,000. 4th was a chance to be on a premium cruise on the Royal Unova with 100,000, 5th was a ticket to an exclusive vacation resort in the Alola Region with 90,000 and 6th was a shining certificate that was a bit too big to fit in a house plus a total of 80,000.

All in all. Pretty fair. Everypony had something major they could use.

Everypony was handed their rewards as Trixie held the trophy close to her. Adagio looked at the silver trophy, holding it with her magic. After thinking about it, the 2nd place prize wasn't so bad. It showed that she and her sisters were very close to utter victory. But she was still jealous.

"Hmph." Adagio scoffed. "I'll take it. I did want to be adored anyway."

"Sorry we didn't win 1st place, Adagio," said Sonata. "We know you were really shooting for it."

"Yeah. Guess we still need practice for our singing." Aria spoke.

"It's fine." Adagio shrugged. "It's not too big of a deal. Besides, I had fun singing with you two again. Honestly, that's all that matters."

"Aww!" Sonata and Aria gushed as they rushed over to hug their big sister.

"H-Hey!" Adagio growled. "Not in front of a huge crowd! Get off!"

The first Pokemon Talent Show in Canterlot had ended. Everyone was now heading home. Adagio carried the reward with her magic as her little sisters helped out.

"We may have come 2nd in this one...but next time, we'll certainly achieve gold." Adagio still had high hopes. "By that time, the two of you will have your perfect singing voices back. Right?"

"Uh...Maybe?" Sonata squeed.

"Don't count on it too much," said Aria.

"Whatever. Besides that, it feels wonderful to be adored yet again. I mean, did you see the look on their faces during our performance? It's no wonder why we came in 2nd."

"Pretty sure they were just looking at the water." Sonata let out a small laugh as Adagio growled. "I can bet Ash liked that though."

"He'd better. Making a song about him wasn't my preferred choice but it was surprisingly entertaining." Adagio replied. "For his sake, I hope he's grateful."

"It's Ash. He sure is." Aria already knew. And with the sun setting,, the three sisters babbled along and had their usual petty squabble along the way while heading home.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 379 End.

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