• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Siren's Past

Author's Note:

Oh yeah, its siren backstory time. I might do another one in the future.

The Changeling Hive, afternoon.

There at the Changeling Hive, where all changelings dwell, Adagio was among the group. She had to constantly deal with the sounds of changelings for hours on end. The noises they made were enough to drive anypony mad from hearing it since all you could hear was hissing and hissing and hissing. It just wouldn't stop.

"I wish I was at one of Ghetsis's kingdoms..." Adagio sighed as she could feel the changelings feeding off her love.

"Enjoying your stay, Adagio?" Chrysalis taunted.

"Absolutely not! This place is disgusting! And frankly, the sounds here are straight-up torture!"

"You'll get used to it. Besides. You're an excellent source of love for my changelings and me. It's honestly remarkable how much love you hold for your sisters."

"You're on about this again?" She groaned. "I don't want to be reminded of those two ever again. Even if I can't get them out of my head."

"Whatever you say." Chrysalis cackled. "But keep up all that hidden love and my hive will be eating healthy for years to come!"

"How annoying...I wish I didn't have to live under these conditions." Adagio face-hoofed. "In fact, I wish I could live back home." That's when Adagio decided to reminisce of her time at home with the rest of her fellow sirens and family.

Equestria, Many years ago.

Somewhere along Equestria, a sea unknown to the rest of ponykind located far North. Almost to the end of Equestria. This faraway sea was home to the singing creatures known as the sirens. Mystical monsters who possess a singing talent and voice that is practically unparalleled. Second to none even. They lived in a beautiful city flourishing with their kind. And here, the magic was very prominent. You could probably feel it from afar even if you weren't underwater.

"Adagio!" The voice of a siren called for the older sister of the three sirens. In this time, Adagio is much younger than she was. Her height as a young siren was still large, larger than a pony that's for sure. But for siren standards, she's tiny.

"I'm here, I'm here." Adagio groaned.

"Where are your sisters?" A much older siren asked her. This siren resembled Adagio the most out of any other siren here. From the hair to the scale colour to everything. But that makes sense since this is the mother of the three siren sisters.

Known as Vivace.

"They're right there." Adagio pointed her fin at a younger Aria and Sonata who were currently having a small little fight by pushing each other's faces and tumbling around.

"All of you! Every siren here! Line up!" Vivace bellowed, causing the two to stop fighting. "Come here..." Sonata, Aria and the rest of the sirens swam over to Vivace, nervous about what was about to happen. They knew what they did and they know that their mother knows that they know what they did. "Who here wants to explain this?" Vivace held in her fin a valuable jewel that appeared to be broken into little tiny pieces. "Who broke it?"

"I didn't do it! I swear!" Sonata shook her head.

"I was busy doing... other things. I didn't even know it existed." Aria whistled.

"Mrrgh...Singing. I was singing at the time." Adagio grumbled.

"I was hanging out with Lento so...you know..."A siren muttered.

"You all. Just confess. If you do, then I won't have to rile myself up."

"Well don't look at me. I'm too frail to break something." A green siren named Chorale flailed her fins about. "But Chime sure is."

"What? I didn't break it." Chime shook his head.

"Oh? Curious. How did you even know it was broken?"

"Because it's right there in lady Vivace's fins, shattered."

"Hmph. Suspicious!"

"If it's easier for every siren to solve. Sonata loves shiny things." A red siren named Melodia nudged her head at Sonata.

"I don't even like jewellery! Lobster food is more of my taste." Sonata replied, drooling at the thought of eating some lobster right now. "Mmm...Crunchy claws..."

"Well, it's obvious that Sonata's too dull and braindead to break something." Aria nodded.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Sonata snapped back at Aria.

"Hush up! Just confess!" Vivace raised her voice. "The sooner we do, the sooner we can get back to singing to our heart's content. Who broke it?"

"Well...Hymn hasn't said a word in a while." Chime looked over at a light blue siren named Hymn.

"Oh, really?!" And just like that, a chaotic commotion broke out between them all. Every siren denying that they broke it when it actually...they didn't. But Vivace, who shook her head, now knew who did it.

"...Adagio. It was you wasn't it?"

"Yeah..." She confessed.

"For the 7th time, Adagio!" Vivace gave Adagio a slight knock on the head with her tail.

"Ow!" Adagio held her head, having a small tear pop up in her eye.

Vivace sighed, having enough of Adagio's shenanigans with her jewellery. "Come with, Adagio. Let's have a small swim." Vivace had a swim with Adagio, moving through the siren seas. "Why is it that whenever my jewellery is broken...it's always you?"

"I just thought it would look good on me. Like how it looks good on you, mom." Adagio grumbled.

"Again? You're trying to be like me?"

"Yeah. That's why I made my hair look like yours! And if I put the pendant on then I'd really look like you. You're the best after all mom."

Vivace saw that her daughter was just trying to be like her role model. Which was her. So, Vivace couldn't stay mad at her forever. "Fine. Just...ask me next time. And I might get some jewellery for just you, okay?" Vivace pulled her daughter close. "Besides...you're lucky that it was just an ordinary jewel. If it was one the pendants that gave us our power...then there might be a problem."

"Okay." Adagio gulped.

"Good. Now. I hope you and your sisters have come up with a new song to use? This year, we've been lacking in negativity lately. And every siren is doing their best to pick up the slack."

"That reminds me, mom. Why do we have to sing to feed off of ponies bad moods? I don't get it. Can't we eat something else? Sonata eats lobster after all."

"It's not that easy, Adagio honey." Vivace sighed. "It's somewhat of a fate us sirens can't sway away from?"

"But why? We can sing whatever we want, right?"

"Yes, we can. Our voices are always beautiful when we are born. But, with these voices, they only serve one purpose. To feed ourselves in hopes of living. We feed off negativity because it is what keeps us alive. Why our species is still here."

"Can't we feed off something else? I don't know how I feel about making someone sad to make myself live on." Adagio lowered her head.

"I know how you feel, dear." Vivace raised Adagio's head up. "But, like I sid. it's a fate we can't sway away from. No matter how hard we try. Besides...trying to will end up in a horrible demise. Just like your father. He abandoned that fate to take part in something that he loved and it cost him his life, unfortunately. Those wretched ponies sealed him away once he ventured beyond the North."

"So...this is all we can do?"

"It is all we can do, Adagio. You're still young and new to the world. Especially Sonata since she's the youngest of you three. There are a lot of things you have yet to understand in life. But I can assure you, I'll be here to help you, Sonata and Aria through it all. As your mother. After all, even with our wonderful voices...there's no greater magic than the Magic of Family."

"Thanks, mom!" Adagio swam over, giving her mother a huge hug. Vivace embraced her daughter as well, feeling at ease with her around.

"Now come on. A name is needed for your song. You'll be the lead singer of your sisters again."

"Yes!" Adagio raised her fins up in joy.

Returning to the populated city of the sirens, there was news spreading around that the ponies were increasing in magic power to an unnatural degree. So much so that it proved to be a threat to the sirens who for the longest actually had unparalleled magic power.

"What's going on?" Adagio asked her two sisters.

"Apparently those horse looking things are getting pretty good at magic. Very good at magic!" Sonata answered.

"At first, I thought she was bluffing. But it's true. Their magic is really good." Aria nodded.

"How do you know? Where did you see this?"

"Allegro went up the surface and saw a really young unicorn use some crazy strong magic. It was so strong that it freaked her out! Look!" Sonata pointed her fin at Allegro who was telling every siren on what she saw. The news really hit the sirens, making them worry that they might have a large threat looming over them.

Over the years, ponies from the south have been doing their best to fend off the sirens, but they proved to have superior magic due to their amazing singing. But now that there's a single pony who's managed to exhibit such high amounts of magic that can rival that of the sirens was nerve-wracking.

"Does this mean that the ponies are going to come after us, mom?" Adagio looked up at Vivace.

"Absolutely not. If they even try to lay a hoof on you, I'll wipe them away." Vivace held her daughters close to her. Now all the sirens could do was keep a closer eye on the ponies to make sure that their magic wouldn't prove to be a further threat in the future. And to do this, they caused even more disharmony to the ponies, all in order to make sure none of them proves to be their undoing.

4 years had passed. Adagio and her sisters had grown up, but not by much. They were still incredibly young. Most of their personalities had stayed the same but Adagio had grown more cynical. She gained this misanthropic personality after she learned to have much more confidence in herself. Before she was unsure of her singing goals but now she knew what she wanted to thanks to her mother's advice.

Currently, Adagio and Sonata were looking for Aria who had gone missing one day. Adagio was especially worried since she couldn't live without one of her sisters. Or any of her family for that matter.

"Aria!" Adagio called out. "Where are you?!" The seas they travelled in were vast and humongous. It was easy to get lost in them. Which is most likely how Aria got lost. "Sonata! Have you found her yet?"

"No. I checked everywhere...And nothing." Sonata sulked.

"This isn't good. Aria's not great with being alone!" Adagio was starting to panic.

"What do we do, Adagio?!"

"Let me think! Umm...We've tried the sea caves and nowhere else..."

"What about that one area?" Sonata asked. "She might have lost herself there!"

"Which area?"

"The place that leads to this hippo...something?"

"Hippogriffs," Adagio answered. "And we can't go there, remember? We're not allowed at this Seaquestria place. The water there will blow us away!"

"But what if she is there?!" Both of them weren't making the situation easier for themselves at all.

"What's wrong you two?" Vivace swam over, seeing her two daughters in a worried frenzy.

"Mom! Mom! Aria's missing!" Sonata flew up to her mother, placing her fins on her and looking up at the tall siren.


"We were playing around and..." Adagio twiddled with her fins, nervous to say what actually happened. "I'm sorry! I was supposed to be the big sister and I lost her!" She felt guilty.

"Hold on. I know how to find her." Vivace had a solution. A song that she always used to sing to her daughters to bring them close to her. A sort of luring spell.

This enchanting song echoed across the seas in perfect harmony. Aria was actually lost in an area full of nothing seaweed. She hated being alone and if she was alone for too long, she'd break down into tears. Which she did. She was trying to call for her sisters and mother, but the distance between her and them was too great, making it impossible for them to hear her. But, Vivace's voice was potent enough to reach Aria, no matter how far away she was.

Aria wiped her tears, following the voice as she knew it belonged to her mother, filling her with hope. This song was great for finding those that you've lost. And no siren did it better than Vivace. Even though they all have amazing voices, Vivace's was one of a kind. She was described by other sirens as a 'Point one percenter.' A one of a kind that you would rarely come across in your lifetime.

Soon, Aria found her way back as she saw her family there, waiting for her. "Mom! Adagio! Sonata!" She dashed through the seas, giving her two sisters an aggressive hug full of love as she caused them both to fall.

"Doh! Aria! You're choking me!" Adagio squirmed.

"Can't....breathe!" Sonata raised her hooves up.

"You three," Vivace spoke, making the three of them jump up. They turned around to see their mother narrowing their eyes at them as they each gulped. "How many times do I have to tell you...don't go further to the north!" She gave them each a good bonk on the head with her fin.

"Ow!" The three said, holding their heads.

"Your curiosity is something, that's for sure. But I'm glad you're okay, Aria. And I'm also glad that you two did your best to try and find her."

"Yeah...Aria. Sorry that I made us go very far." Adagio rubbed her head. "You must've been scared."

"Me? Please. I never get scared!" Aria was denying it even though she was mortified.

"That's the biggest lie I've ever heard!" Sonata exclaimed.

"It ain't a lie! You'd probably get more scared than me with your brain levels!"

"Would not!"

"Would too!"

Soon, the two younger sisters began fighting once more, flailing their fins around towards each other and tumbling about as Vivace shook her head.

"My poor little babies. But that's why I love them. Adagio. Continue to be a great big sister to the two of them, alright? I can trust in you to protect them in the future just as much as I protect you three."

"I will! You can count on me, mom!" Adagio gave off a soft smile.

11 years passed.

Adagio and her sisters now looked like how they look at the present time. Much older and brimming with life. Adagio even resembled her mother even more. For these past few years, the sirens have been doing an excellent job in making sure the ponies don't accelerate their magic prowess any further. At least, the ones in the North. South, east and west were still untouched by them.

Today, the sirens continue their usual routine of spreading more and more disharmony across the land. But it wasn't long until a certain bearded pony from the south arrived to put an end to the sirens and their disharmony actions. The older sirens, which consisted of practically the entire siren race minus Adagio, Sonata and Aria, confronted the legendary pony known as Starswirl the Bearded. He was their biggest threat, mostly because he was the pony that Allegro saw use an overwhelming amount of magic. And he wasn't alone this time. He had five other ponies by his side for assistance.

"Look who showed up." Chime commented as every siren looked down upon Starswirl. "You're that pony that Allegro saw many years ago? He looks like a total geezer!" Chime cackled. "What did you bring your friends to play along?"

"Sirens! That is enough disharmony out of all of you! We will not allow you to feed off the negativity you spread across Equestria!"

"Oh, please! Even if you have an overflowing amount of magic, there's only six of you! And we are many!" Hymn smirked. Every siren had 100% confidence that they could cause disharmony on Starswirl and his comrades since they outnumber them my a large margin.

"Leave now, Starswirl! You're only causing our species harm with your so-called harmony!" Vivace bellowed at him.

"It is through harmony that this world can flourish. But you all negate that and seek and spread disharmony!"

"And you think we don't have a choice? Harmony does nothing for us! Only disharmony!" Vivace snapped at him.

"Harmony exists in all. But you cannot see that."

"Silence! We don't need to hear pointless babble from you!"

Adagio and her sisters, poked their head out of the water to see what was about to happen on the surface between Starswirl and the rest of the sirens. They even saw their mother there with the rest. They were the only ones in the water now since they were the youngest out of the entire siren species.

The next thing the three sisters saw was an unexpected one-sided battle between the sirens and Starswirl's group. He had easily cast a spell that conjured up some sort of portal. The sirens were all led to this unknown portal to another world, eventually ending up banished. They were either lured into it, tricked or knocked back through the portals. And each time they were sent through it the portals would close, granting them no chance of returning back home. Very few remained due to this. And the few that were there were so intimidated by the six ponies that they fled. They didn't just flee back into the ocean, they fled the North in general. Adagio and her sisters gasped as they saw how quickly their fellow sirens were defeated.

Vivace was the last one here as she noticed that her daughters were watching from below. The mother siren decided to halt her attack on the ponies and focus on getting her children to safety so that they don't suffer the same fate as their fellow sirens. Vivace swam over to them, pushing her daughters underwater with a tail smack to the head. She then removed the pendant on her neck, tossing it to the water with her daughters. And just as she did that, Starswirl managed to summon a portal behind her, pulling Vivace through it. The last thing she saw was the horrified faces of her daughters.

And just like that, a gigantic majority of the siren race had been utterly defeated. Whether they retreated or were sent through those portals, they lost either way. And the last three around this area were Adagio, Sonata and Aria, alone in the siren seas.

"W-What just happened?! Mom just vanished!" Sonata was hyperventilating, worried about what happened to her mother. The sirens had no idea what portals were at the time. So they assumed a horrible demise came upon their mother and the others.

Aria was shaking uncontrollably, terrified on what just happened right in front of their eyes. Out of the three sisters, she was the most prone to break down if something terrible were to happen. "Mom's gone...They're all gone."

"They're not all gone! Calm down you two!" Adagio grabbed her sisters, snapping them out of it. Adagio was doing her best not to break down into tears. She was the most resilient out of her sisters, meaning that it was nigh-impossible for her to get upset and cry since she hides it all behind an iron stare. But she was indeed heartbroken by what she saw. Despite her cynical nature that she gained as she grew up, she did have powerful feelings for her family and species. And seeing them vanish and flee tore most of her world apart!

"What do we do?! What if they come after us?!" Sonata curled up, terrified.

"They're not going to come after us! Alright?!" She pulled them both towards her. "Mom left this for us." Adagio showed her mother's pendant in her fin. "Mom's pendant is the strongest out of all of them...she must've given this to us for a reason."

"W-Where did they go? What were those swirly things?" Sonata gulped.

"I don't know..." Adagio turned around, looking at her mother's pendant. She decided to put it on, replacing the one that she owned and throwing it away. Now she really was her mother. A spitting image. "But I know one thing...those ponies are gonna pay for what they did!"

Flashback Sequence, over.

Adagio had finished reminiscing about her past. Remembering it all reminded her why she despised ponies so much. This only fueled her revenge even further. And she couldn't wait for her, Chrysalis and Ghetsis to defeat all of ponykind with a vengeful hoof/fist.

"Just you wait, Equestria. Sparkle. I'll make sure you get what you deserve. Every last one of you.

Chapter 165 End!

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