• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,487 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Digging for Quillbits

Pegalysium. Feathercoast. Day.

The town of Feathercoast. Located in the most humble parts of Pegalysium which was a nation still unknown to many below in Equestria and beyond. But teeming with life and mystery.

"Hello~! Welcome back as always, Garnet! To another riveting day here at the Feathercoast Nursery!" Standing at a nursery and speaking to Garnet was a Feathercoast resident by the name of Sunpuff. Or Mrs Sunpuff for formality.

"Mm..." Garnet grumbled.

"Still so sour, are we? Come on! Where's that chipper smile you sometimes carry?" Sunpuff dashed over, holding Garnet's face, forcing a smile.

"Hard to put it on with what's waiting for me inside that nursery, Mrs Sunpuff."

"What? The children? Still struggling with them, are you?" Sunpuff playfully nudged Garnet.

"Yes..." Garnet sighed before whimpering a bit. "I'm used to taking care of kids but those ones...they're something else! I swear, they're out to get me, Mrs Sunpuff!"

"Ah, they're children. Rambunctious and chaotic is a part of their nature. If they weren't they'd be robots when you think about it."

"I'd much prefer robots...Yesterday was a nightmare, Mrs Sunpuff...Just their actions alone were enough to keep me up at night from what I had to go through. And I wasn't even at the nursey!" Garnet showed her eyes as there were visible bags.

"Ah. That calls for some Alert Pills~" She whistled before swivelling for a split-second, revealing a bottle of glowing pills to Garnet. "Open up."

"Aaaah..." Garnet opened her mouth with an unenthusiastic sound as Sunpuff had thrown the pills into her mouth. Garnet swallowed the pill as the magic within had triggered.

Just like that, her bags had disappeared and her drowsiness had been wiped out immediately. Those pills certainly made her alert. "There. All energized now?"

"Still pretty gloomy..." Garnet sighed. "Plus uh...I don't get paid enough Quillbits lately. At least, not enough to do much...When are you gonna raise my pay?"

"Garnet. Sweetie. I pay you a hooffull of Quillbits all the time when you do well at work. How is it that you keep losing so many in such a short amount of time?" Sunpuff's cheery expression changed into one of curiosity.

"Ehehehe..." Garnet started laughing nervously. "F-Forget I asked."

"Ah, it's fine anyway." Her cheery expression returned. "I'll double it if you go above and beyond at work. But from what you've said so far, it sounds like you don't want to work here that much. Am I right?"

"No, it's not that. I love being a nursery teacher and caretaker all at once but...These kids are way different from the ones I deal with. But I'm gonna get through to them. Especially that one kid. Updraft!"

"Oh, Updraft is an absolute sweetie." Sunpuff chucked. "He's just a scamp. But if he gives you too much trouble that goes too far, let me and the other staff members know. Okay? Okay."

"I tell you all the time but you never listen...Nevermind...Here goes." Garnet ended the discussion as she took a deep breath, facing the door to the Feathercoast Nursery. She then opened the door as the chaos within was about to grace her. Much to her chagrin.

And the moment those doors were opened, it was already absolute madness from within. A plethora of toys could be seen scattered everywhere with many of the plush-based ones already being ripped open. The foals were painting on the chalkboards with paintbrushes, throwing toys at each other, some of which were hard plastic. Over at the makeshift baking section, flour was being spilt. One filly was inside of a cart while another started pulling it along. A few other foals joined in, almost hitting their fellow classmates.

"Mine!" There were even foals fighting over toys, pulling them back and forth and ripping them apart. Those poor plushes didn't stand a chance against the sheer power of arguing children.

"Eugh..." Even Sunpuff, cheery as she was, could only grimace at this scene. "Lucky for you, you only have eight children as your students to worry about. Best get to finding them. I'll handle the rest." Sunpuff pranced along, ready to break up the chaos. Garnet would have to do the same while also finding her student.

"Just eight. Right..." Garnet sighed, walking ahead as she had just narrowly avoided an incoming toy train that almost hit her head. "Gather up, please!" But she didn't need to start searching. All she needed to do was shout and call for the children.

And they showed up after that shout surprisingly. The other children ignored her but seven of them did not. They had approached Garnet. There was just one more missing. Garnet and the seven children walked away from the main room, deciding to head to another to avoid the absolute carnage right here. Sunpuff and a few other staff members were left with this.

Ah...Okay." Garnet sighed as she and her students had entered another room that was less mangled than the previous one. It was still a mess, however. "Away from that and-" She then looked at her students, noticing their current states. Most of them had paint on them. "At least clean yourself first before we get started, please?"

"But we look extra colourful like you said we should be!" A filly exclaimed as they giggled.

"I didn't mean it like that! I meant your spirits-" Garnet facehoofed. Forget it. I guess they were colourful to begin with. Just get yourselves cleaned, okay?"

"No!" Some of them shook their head.

"Don't do this to me right now..." Garnet shook her head. "Nube. You'll at least go and clean yourself, won't you?" She looked at a little colt.

"Mhm." Nube nodded before most putting his paint-coloured hoof in his mouth.

"Don't do that!" Garnet gasped preventing him from interacting with the paint to his mouth. A total of 4 of her students went off to clean themselves as they could still listen to Garnet despite how rowdy and playful they appeared. "Ah...Raffle. Won't you?" She looked at a filly.

"Hmm..." The filly by the name of Raffle pouted, holding her hoof out to Garnet. She looked like she wanted something. And Garnet knew exactly what.

"Please Raffle...I just got my pay from yesterday...!" Garnet groaned.

"Mm-mm." Raffle hummed, flailing her hoof. Clearly, she wasn't going to go through with the order until she obtained the item of her desire.

"Ugh, fine!" Garnet went into her saddlebag, taking out the currency of Pegalysium. Quillbits. Similar to bits but with hard quills on the side. She then dropped it into Raffle's hooves. The little pegasus gasped as she held the currency close to her.

After receiving it, Raffle then placed the Quillbits inside of her bag. In that bag, there were more of that currency as she had certainly been collecting them.

"I'd better make it all back today..." A disgruntled Garnet spoke before seeing her students head off to clean themselves. That was when she noticed one other child missing. But she wasn't surprised at all. "Of course...Updraft is missing."

As soon as she said that, Updraft could be seen through the window, messing around in the playroom with the rest of the toys. He wasn't even with the other foals. It was just him on his lonesome. "Oh well. At least he can cause trouble without anypony around." Garnet said down, already wanting this to be over. "It's just the start of today, Garnet. Get through it all and you'll be alright."

4 hours later.

4 hours had passed. The foals had finished their time in the nursery. And with all that time, Garnet emerged out of the nursery school, having a smile on her face. She made it through. Although, it was a good indicator that it was rough as her mane was already a mess.

"Made it through. And I got 20 Quillbits. Haha!" Garnet raised the bag of currency into the air, chuckling and revelling in her success. "Ah...It's still not enough. Not sure if I'm doing the best right now. I'll need a bit more or else that rent will crush me to bits."

"Precisely. Replying to Garnet was none other than the mayor of Feathercoast and the striking doppelganger to King Sombra. Mayor Umbra Streak. "I can see that you've done a splendid job at the nursery, Garnet."

"You know it, mayor!" Garnet winked. "Since I did so well, I got some extra pay too! Soon, I'll be sitting pretty and pay my rent."

"Hm. In that case...you won't head to Big Sky immediately, will you?" Umbra's eyes then flared as she had the same intensive stare that Sombra had. Garnet froze before gulping aggressively.

"Hehehe....N-No?" She squeed, trying to act innocent.

"I know why your Quillbit amount keeps dropping Every one that you obtain, it's off to Big Sky's popular shopping area and hours upon hours wasted purchasing some of the most expensive objects there are." Umbra shook her head. "I found out a while back. It almost makes your house payment delays forgivable. Almost."

"S-Sorry, Mayor Umbra! I just get so caught up at that place! Besides, it's only been happening for a few months now so it's not that big of a deal."

"It most certainly is that big of a deal!" Umbra bellowed as Garnet yelped, moving back. "And it could keep increasing if you do not sort it out. You're a good pony, Garnet. You do so much for our town. I would hate to see you out of here."

"R-Right. I won't go to Big Sky that much. But I'm sort of struggling a bit, mayor. I mean, working at that nursery's draining me and those kids aren't making it easier for me. Plus, even though this is sweet and all..." Garnet held her bag out. "It's not nearly enough to get me anywhere."

"I understand you want to make it big. But you won't get anywhere with that little care of Quillbits. Not at all." Umbra shook her head as Garnet raised her hoof, opening her mouth to say something. "And I am not giving you any either."


"Take good care of it. Otherwise, it could lead you through a year of the same thing on repeat. Only 5 months to go for that to happen." Umbra then walked off, leaving Garnet to think.

"Hm. She's right. I could keep doing this forever. But working at that nursery feels like forever. Can't head to Big Sky either. It's super tempting and there's this pretty dress that I want..." The caretaker started thinking. She sat down, using 100% of her brain to come up with something.

A Sky Fox came along, jumping onto Garnet's head in the process. That's when she thought of something. Or somepony. Garnet recalled how she was friends with Prince Shooting Star after a not-so-pleasant kidnapping experience. Or rather, before that.

"That's it!"

Meanwhile, over at the town hall, Umbra had come across Sunpuff, having a short chat with her for a moment. And it was about Garnet, fittingly.

"I worry about her. Garnet." Umbra said. "I'm not sure what happened in those past months, to be honest. Meeting a Pokemon for the first time must've accelerated it."

"Oh, she's still young." Sunpuff shrugged. "So she's poor with managing Quillbits. Never been a problem before. That means it can be solved."

"But why is she so obsessed with them, I wonder...?"

"It could have something to do with her parents," Sunpuff said, grabbing a cloud from the Cloud Fountain, playing around with it for a bit. "They struck gold that one time at Zephyr Mountains. By accident too. Next thing you know, they became massive tycoons in a flash."

"I do. They even planned to make a city at the Zephyr Mountains, didn't they? A shame didn't come into fruition."

"Oh, a true shame. But that's because they weren't ready for all that success." Sunpuff gave off a dramatic sigh, laying on some clouds as if she had fainted. "It was just overwhelming to them both. They're still living large over at Big Sky but...not exactly the Qullionares they once were. And that's for the best!"

"It is?"

"Why yes! You should see them now. Being free from all that was a massive load taken off their backs. Ah, what a happy ending. Alas, some of those occurring events rubbed onto Garnet. Where her parents never expected success of that level, she did and wanted to reach it. Become that Quillionare that her parents once were."

"So that's why..." Umbra nodded in understanding. "Such a large ambition. But I suppose only a pony such as her would reach that high. I just hope that everything doesn't swing poorly in her favour..."

The next day. Pegalysium Captial.

Over at the capital where the nobility and royal family live, Garnet was paying a quick visit there to a certain pony of high status. And speaking of that certain pony, he was currently holding a list.

Shooting Star was the pony she was looking for. Prince of Pegalysium and the current Pegasus of Destiny. Shooting gazed at the list as it was all about Pokemon. He also held a Pokedex in his other hoof. He finally had one of his own as experience with Ash's Pokedex had prepared him for this.

"Hm. I could go and see this Pokemon. That could be fine." He said, looking at the Pokedex and list.

"Hey, Prince." Appearing from behind, giving him a shock and causing him to fly for a bit was Garnet, speaking casually.

"Gah!" Shooting Star gasped, holding onto a tree. He then turned around to see Garnet there, having an innocent yet scheming smile on her face. "Oh...Garnet...Second time you've spooked me like that."

"Sorry. Force of habit. But it's always great to see you, prince."

"R-Right. Did you need something?" Shooting Star slid off the tree.

"Hm...nothing much! I mean, I only showed up because we're friends, right? If it's not a bother, young prince, I'd like to hang out. That's all."

"Oh. Okay, that's simple enough. But wait...aren't you a caretaker at that nursery? Shouldn't you be there right now?" He asked as Garnet then scrunched her face.

"Ah, day off." Garnet chuckled. "And it's worthwhile too. Working at that nursery can be total chaos. I'm sure you've heard about it, right? It's a bit infamous."

"Oh, for sure. Mom and dad keep records of every area in Pegalysium. Not as much as that museum but that thing's getting redone now it looks like. I know about that nursery. It sounds like a hooffull for sure. But if you can get through it, then you're a real pro at your job."

"Pro is an understatement. Ever since those new kids came along, my expert caretaking skills have dropped to the bottom faster than an air diver. I miss the last kids I took care...they've gone up now..."

"Ah, you shouldn't let it get to you, Garnet." Shooting used one of his feathers as a finger, wagging it along with a head shake. "If you could handle the previous kids, then you can find a way to handle the new ones, right?"

"I mean I know that. But these kids aren't making it easy for me." She groaned. "Maybe I'm not doing something right this time around...Either way, it's messing with me. Can't talk to them nicely that much. I have to bribe one of them of my precious Quillbits..."

"Well..." Shooting Star then pondered for a moment before coming up with an idea. "How about this? I saw this from my dad. Maybe don't speak down to them even if they're kids."

"No?" Garnet tilted her head.

"Nope. My dad's kind but he's also sure to make sure that everyone's being treated the same in Pegalyisum. Especially when it comes to foals. If you be like that around them, then all that respect is gonna come flowing to you. At least, that's what my dad does. Hope that helps!" He grinned.

"Uh...Y-Yeah. I'll keep that in mind." Garnet nodded as she had something to take in when it comes to being a caretaker. "But anyway, about that hanging out part. Is it alright with you, young prince?"

"Oh yeah! It is! I-I don't get many friends to hang out with me that often so this is fun for me."

"Excellent! I was thinking that we could visit Big Sky. The biggest entertainment and shopping area of Pegalysium!" Garnet's eyes shot open with the visage of Quillbits appearing in her eyes. A mountain of expensive items were envisioned as well behind her.

"I was thinking we could go and sightsee some Pokemon." Shooting Star cut her hoof, causing the items and Quillbits to shatter as he showed her the Pokedex and list. "Check it out. I have my own Pokedex to boot."

"O-Oh...sightsee Pokemon?"

"Mhm! I've been doing it for a while. A few weeks now. Going around and exploring the area, looking for Pokemon and getting them on my Pokedex. It's been so much fun! It's extra exciting when it's all fresh. My Pokedex even tells me new facts about Pokemon I didn't know from when I had Ash's Pokedex. How about it? Is that okay, because if not then we can just-"

"N-No. It's fine." Garnet shook her head. "You're the prince so it's up to you. S-Sightseeing it is."

"Cool. It'll be the first one I do without needing guards around me. At least, I'm hoping the guards don't notice me." Shooting Star walked over, whispering a bit to Garnet while looking around. "I was thinking maybe the Floating Ait would be a good place to find some Pokemon."

"The Floating Ait? I guess that's not a bad place to start. But there's a lot of water there. We'll need-"

"I already got it covered. I can get one of the Cloud Boats we have. Have you ever rode on one of those?" Shooting Star nudged.

"Mmm!" Garnet shook her head aggressively. "I've always been pretty afraid of them. Doesn't help that they're usually used in large cloud waters!" She then shuddered. "It could sink at any time and-"

"Ah, that won't happen. Ours is high quality. Plus, it's just the Floating Ait. It won't be too intense."

"Y-Yeah...R-Right." Garnet chuckled nervously.

"Without further ado, let's go!" Exciting to get this Pokemon sightseeing venture for the Pokedex ready, Shooting Star raised his hoof into the air. Garnet wasn't too excited about this as she was hoping to go to Big Sky. But it is what it is.

The Floating Ait. East of Pegalysium. Afternoon.

They were taking a ride on a Cloud Boat, already sailing the cloudy waters of this area. Somepony was already driving the boat for them as Shooting Star already had his Pokedex out, searching far and wide for any Pokemon he could spot before it was too late to see them.

This island was floating, much like the others. A stream of cloud water fell from each direction, only to then land on the massive Sea Cloud below. The peaks of this island touched gracefully with those enigmatic singing flowers that could change depending on the mood and scenario. And right now, they were singing a peaceful song that perfectly fits the slow ride of the Cloud Boat.

"Why do you need the list?" Garnet asked. "You already have that Pokedex with you."

"Oh. I've already seen some Pokemon on Ash's Pokedex so I put them on this list in case I come across them again. Don't want any repeats. Ah, I've already seen Wingull..." He moved his Pokedex away from Wingull, trying to focus on something else. "See anything new, Garnet?"

"Nothing yet." Garnet side, laying her head on the side of the ship. Her real intention was to have a major shopping spree that Big Sky. But it all led to this. A slow moment that she was hoping to avoid. However, she then looked at Prince Shooting Star, seeing how much fun he was already having. Especially when with someone else that wasn't there to just protect him and limit him.

But then, as her eyes were wandering across the lake, that's when she spotted a new Pokemon. The evolved form of Wingull, Pelipper. It had something in its bill. Something of great value to Garnet.

Quillbits. A heap of it too. They were all within its massive bill

"Ah! Ah! There!" She pointed her hoof aggressively at Pelipper.

"Hm?" Shooting Star quickly aimed it at the Water-Flying-Type as a massive grin formed on Garnet's face. "Pelipper. The Water Bird Pokemon. Pelipper is a flying transporter that carries small Pokémon and eggs inside its massive bill. This Pokémon builds its nest on steep cliffs facing the sea. Pelipper searches for food while in flight by skimming the wave tops. This Pokémon dips its large bill in the sea to scoop up food, then swallows everything in one big gulp. It can devour more than 30 at one go!"

"Hm. Impressive." Shooting Star nodded. "I can only put 20 food in my mouth."

"We need to get that Pelipper! Or at least the Quilbits inside of it!" Garnet exclaimed, wanting the Quillbits. This was essentially the best-case scenario for her. "Free money!" She whistled in her head.

"That could be a challenge but..." Shooting Star went into the interior of the boat. He then found bait lying there. "We have some food for it. Bait."

"That'll do!" Garnet quickly dashed over, grabbing a handful of the bait. She wasted no time as Shooting Star blinked from Garnet's high-speed movements. "Hey, you there!"

"Pelipper?" The Water Bird Pokemon looked over, responding to Garnet's words.

"Heya...You feeling hungry?" She whistled, shaking the bait around as Pelipper's eyes locked onto it. Pelipper is an easily persuasive Pokemon when it comes to food. Then again, a lot of Pokemon are. They just can't resist bait even if it is from a completely different world.

"Hmm..." The sailor pony steering the boat noticed how a nearby whirlpool could be found. However, it would be easy to avoid it as a mild shrug came to him. But then, the sailor's expression soon changed once he had seen something far more dangerous than a whirlpool.

In the distance, approaching at unbelievable speeds was a fin. That fin made a trail of water that was split in two different directions. The sailor's hat flew up as his eyes widened. He got out his binoculars to see what could possibly be approaching so fast. "What in the Alta-Pegasi is that?"

Having a closer look, it was Sharpedo.

Approaching here at its usual blitzing speeds, the Brutal Pokemon had some prey in its sights. Everyone within the ship but also the Pelipper that was nearby. "Y-Young prince!" The sailor gasped, shouting Shooting Star's name while also having the immediate instinct to move this boat away from Sharpedo as fast as he could.


"What is that?!" Shooting Star quickly went to the sailor's side once his name was called. There, he also spotted the Water-Dark-Type's rapid approach. That called for another Pokedex usage.

"Sharpedo. The Brutal Pokemon. Nicknamed 'The Bully of the Sea', Sharpedo is widely feared. Its cruel fangs grow back immediately if they snap off. Just one of these Pokémon can thoroughly tear apart a supertanker. Its fangs rip through sheet iron. It swims at 75 mph by jetting seawater through its body. Any ship entering the waters Sharpedo calls home will be attacked—no exceptions."

"Oh!" Shooting Star gasped, realizing that this part of the water was Sharpedo's territory. And due to this, immediate action was taken by Sharpedo's choice.

"Peli-Pe-Pepper!" Pelipper hummed as it was approaching the bait with an open mouth. The Quillbits could be seen in all their glory as Garnet nodded her head approvingly, waiting for the right moment to grab all that currency. But at the same time, when Pelipper got incredibly close, lunging at the Water Bird Pokemon was the Brutal Pokemon.

"Sharpedo!" Sharpedo roared as it had flown past Garnet. Garnet gasped as Pelipper backed away immediately. And adding to this sudden increase of speed in a few seconds was the sailor, making the Cloud Boat rapidly change directions. Garnet lost her balance from this directional change, falling on her back while Sharpedo dove into the water.

"Best not to be around that one!" The sailor exclaimed.

"Peli? Pelipper!" Pelipper still wanted the bait. The moment the boat started moving along the water clouds, the Water-Flying-Type pursued it. Free food was free food and being offered it wouldn't stop this Pokemon from getting its meal.

The same went for Sharpedo. It was an unrelenting Pokemon. After diving in, the Water-Dark-Type also started pursuing the boat immediately. That went for Pelipper too. Everyponyand that one Pelipper would be free food to it.

Soon a chase began. An escape from this area and Sharpedo while the pursuit of food was involved. And as always, the magical flowers started singing at a faster and more aggressive tempo to fit the current situation. Garnet got up, looking over to see Pelipper approaching. It still had the Quillbits in its mouth, thankfully. That made Garnet happy. But her smile faded away once she saw Sharpedo approaching at high speeds. "What is that absurd speed?!"

"75 mph. See?" Shooting Star casually showed Sharpedo's dex entry to her. "That's almost as fast as-"

"Sharpedo!" Easily catching up to them and cutting Shooting Star off was a jumping Sharpedo. It appeared in the air, already having a Pokemon move in store. And that move was Dark Pulse.

"Look out!" Shooting Star quickly got in front of Garnet, using his magic as protection. The azure pattern on his wings started glowing as a large magic circle appeared above him. Garnet looked up to see it as the pulse of darkness had struck it. But it didn't go through.

"Peli!" Immediately after the Dark Pulse, Sharpedo had been blasted with an incoming Water Pulse from Pelipper. Pelipper wasn't too happy with Sharpeo trying to get rid of its free food right then and there.


"Ooh! Nice hit!" Garnet applauded that.

"Pelipper!" Pelipper saluted to Garnet, appreciating the compliment. But moving as fast as always, Sharpedo's recovery was swift. It jumped back out of the water, using Aqua Jet to crash right into Pelipper, moving with a liquid aura. "P-Pelipper!"

"Sharpedo!" Sharpedo then knocked Pelipper aside, making it gasp. The Water Bird Pokemon had been knocked out of the sky from that attack, falling in the direction of the boat.

"Oh! I got you!" Shooting Star ascended, holding his hooves out to grab Pelipper. A successful catch, however, Pelipper was heavy, throwing Shooting Star off balance as he almost crashed onto the boat. "Woah!"

"Is it okay?!" Garnet asked as Shooting Star descended, placing the Water Bird Pokemon on the floorboard.

"It'll be fine, for sure." Shooting Star nodded as the hard-hit on Pelipper's chest caused it to cough up some of the Quillbits in its mouth. It wasn't over, sadly. Sharpedo was still in hot pursuit. After hitting Pelipper, the Brutal Pokemon then used Aqua Jet once more, crashing into the boat and leaving a visible mark on it. The boat trembled from the impact as Sharpedo continued to do this.

"It could bring the whole ship down if it keeps doing this! What do we do, young prince?!"

"I'm not one for hurting others but..." Shooting Star thought for a moment as Sharpedo's next Aqua Jet managed to break right through the boat, causing a gaping hole to be left behind. He then burst out of the floorboards of the boat, appearing before the two ponies and the other Water-Type.

"Sharpedo!" Once there, Sharpedo had used Ancient Power, summoning rocks around its body.

"Yikes!" Shooting Star yelped as Garnet hid behind him. The young prince had then used his magic to protect himself, Garnet and now Pelipper once more. The rocks came crashing down, pelting the magic circle constantly. It was also revealed that Sharpedo could float without needing to rely on the water so much. That just made it worse for them.

"Oh come on! It can float too?!" Garnet groaned as Shaperdo hovered there, sending constant rocks to the circle. The boat was also having some water spurt through it after Sharpedo crashed right through with Aqua Jet. The sailor pony was still managing the boat, however.

Shooting Star's magic circle was on the verge of breaking as he was looking around to try and figure something out. "What to do? What to do?" He spoke rapidly.

"Peli...!" For the time being, Pelipper was on their side. Once the water broke, the rocks came through. But getting in their way was Pelipper. The Water Bird Pokemon used Water Pulse to blast one of the fossilised rocks, destroying them as they became pebbles afterwards. But some still came through, hitting the Water-Flying-Type. "P-Peli!"

"Pelipper!" Shooting Star gasped after witnessing that super-effective hit. Once the rocks finally connected, Sharpedo descended a bit as the boat was starting to gradually sink, despite the sailor still moving it. The floorboards were already being filled with water.

"Why you...!" Garnet growled, picking up the Quillbits. But she wasn't planning to turn tail and take off with them. Instead, she started throwing them at Sharpedo. "Get back!"

"Shar?" Sharpedo stood there as the bits were being rapidly pelted onto it. The currency barely did a thing as Sharpedo did not budge from it. If anything, this was just agitating the Brutal Pokemon. The Quillbits, after failing, all fell through the hole that Sharpedo made, becoming a part of the water. It was safe to say that they were lost right now. But that was the least of Garnet's worries as she backed away. "Sharpedo...!"

"Ehehe..." She laughed nervously after her failed pelting attempt.

"Hey." But Shooting Star stood in front of Garnet and the down Pelipper, making sure they were safe. "I don't want to hurt you, Sharpedo. But threatening my friend isn't something I'm gonna allow."

Shooting Star was still fairly intimidated. It was a shark after all. Anyone would be intimidated by it, especially one that moves that fast and can do more than just bite. Garnet saw how Shooting Star's hooves were shaking and sweat could be seen. He was truly nervous but brave enough to stand in front of this fearsome Pokemon.

"Sharpedo!" Sharpedo could care less. In response, it had used Dark Pulse, releasing the embedded cruel thoughts in the form of a beam. Shooting Star closed his eyes as he allowed his magic to do the rest. The blue tips on his feathers started glowing, but that wasn't all. His mane also flew up as out of his wings, an array of 100 magical sparkles came flying out.

Those sparkles multiplied, reaching 200 and soon 300 immediately as they stared battering the pulse. Dark Pulse didn't last that long as it had been obliterated by these blue magical sparkles. "Shar?!" Sharpedo gasped as the sparkle then bombarded it repeatedly. It felt like a hundred tiny meteors were constantly raining down on it. "S-Sharpedo!" Sharpedo cried ut as the last couple of hundred sparkles had then knocked the Brutal Pokemon far back.

Far enough to leave the boat and anywhere near its vicinity. The sparkles carried Sharpedo into the distance, still lingering as they illuminated the area, giving it a glorious blue tint. The flowers sang a triumphant sound as Sharpedo was sent to another side of the lake, still landing in the water after all of that.

"Hoh..." Shooting Star took a deep breath, sitting down as he was perplexed by that. That was a new kind of feeling. "Oh boy..."

"Young prince! You did it!" Garnet cheered, laughing with great relief in her heart "Oh, that was close! And amazing too! I didn't know you could do that!"

"Y-Yeah...I mainly use it for light shows but they can do more than just that. Not a big fan of using them that way though...But at least it got the job done."

"Peli. Pelipper." Pelipper sat up, approving of Shooting Star's approach and victory. It was grateful to them.

"Um...I would hate to ruin this triumphant moment but... the boat is still sinking. It's best that we leave it be." The sailor walked in, seeing that there was no hope for this boat due to the massive hole made inside of it by Sharpedo. The only thing to do was leave it be.

They stood on land this time, away from the Clou Boat. As for the boat itself, it started sinking immediately. They watched as it descended into the waters of the Ait. Thankfully, an Ait is still a small area so the water wasn't too deep. But either way, it was gone.

"That's an expensive boat gone...Oh well." Shooting Star shrugged. "It's not that big of a deal. We've got loads more back at the palace."

"Mmm." The sailor nodded in response.

"But, boy, that was fun!" Shooting Star then laughed. "Dangerous...but fun! Thank you so much for this, Garnet. It was my first time coming out here on a small Pokemon search with a friend. I only got two dex entries but still."

"Oh. Y-You're w-welcome." Garnet stuttered. "Glad I could be of help and everything..."

"Pelipper." Pelipper nudged Garnet's head as it still wanted some food. Even after all of that, the Water Bird Pokemon was still peckish for the bait.

"I only managed to get two." Garnet held out two pieces of bait. "Sorry about that."

"Peli!" But that was fine for Pelipper. It would eat the bait in small numbers either way. It immediately feasted off of Garnet's hoof, making her laugh. "Pelipper!" Pelipper was satisfied. After getting its fill, the Water Bird Pokemon took the skies, deciding to leave. Its wings were still active even after that previous attack. "Peli-Pelipper!" And as thanks, it gave another salute to the ponies. They saluted back.

"Thanks for the help, Pelipper!" Shooting Star said before changing his salute to a wave. "See you around the Ait another time, okay?!"


Garnet smiled, feeling somewhat at peace with Pelipper happy. Then, she thought about the Quillbits and how they were gone. She sacrificed them when throwing them against Sharpedo, which proved to be ineffective. However, she didn't feel as disheartened by it as she thought. She then looked at Shooting Star, holding her breath. "Y-Young prince."

"Yes?" Shooting Star turned to Garnet.

"I want to apologize." This was about her intentions. Being the prince meant that he would have access to a mountain of Quillbits naturally. And that was Garnet's main goal at first. But after what had just happened and how happy Shooting Star had been made, Garnet had a different reaction.

"You don't have to apologize for anything. All of that was just an accident that happened." Shooting chuckled, unaware of what Garnet was apologizing for. "And we're all in one piece, aren't we?"

"M-Mhm." Garnet nodded before turning around. "You know... never mind. It's nothing." She dismissed her apology afterwards.

"We still have some time to kill. How about we try Big Sky now? Like you wanted to."

"No, no. It's fine." Surprisingly, Garnet turned it down. "I think today's good enough with our hanging out. But maybe next time. And someplace else."

"Oh. Okay! Next time, it's your choice! I can't wait to head back and tell mom and dad what happened. Oh but they're not gonna like it are they...?"

"Best keep it a secret then~" Garnet playfully nudged him as they both chuckled afterwards. That was a certified blast for them. Garnet's quest for higher currency wasn't over yet, but it has certainly slowed down a bit as the journey continues.

Chapter 665 End.

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