• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Split my Emotions

Sinnoh. Lake Verity. Day.

Appearing in front of Princess Luna was the Emotion Pokemon Mesprit. The Pokemon of Lake Verity. During the process of completing a new Sea Temple Crystal and daydreaming to herself, Mesprit appeared, startling Luna.


"W-Who are you?"Needing to know immediately, Luna quickly used her magic to unveil her Pokedex. With one scan, all the data on Mesprit had been shared with her.

Mesprit. The Emotion Pokemon. Known as the Being of Emotion and the Birth of all Emotions, In legend, this Pokémon was feared, as any who showed disrespect would have their emotions thrown into disarray. It taught humans the nobility of sorrow, pain, and joy. It sleeps at the bottom of a lake. Its spirit is said to leave its body to fly on the lake’s surface."

"You've attracted Mesprit. As to be expected from Princess Luna." Alo and the People of the Water congratulated Luna. "It must've been your fantasy about King Ash."

"You saw it?!" Luna gasped as she accidentally shot magic in the air due to the intensity of her reaction.

"Why of course! Your daydreaming was visible to all of us. You have a good sense of style too." A Sea Temple Maiden commented, only embarrassing Luna further. "That much emotion of love was certified to attract Mesprit, especially since it was here at Lake Verity.

"Mesprit!" Mesprit even found it to be humorous, giggling at a red-faced Luna. After getting some laughs in, Mesprit flew around the Moon Princess, curious about her, not just for her daydream. "Mes."

"It's already seen my embarrassing moment. What does it want from me?"

"Princess Luna. Mesprit sometimes comes to those who exhibit a great ordeal of emotions." The maiden went up to the Moon Princess. "Most likely, Mesprit is responding to those emotions."

"My emotions?" Luna repeated. "She only exhibited one emotion recently but this immediately made the alicorn think back to any other emotions she felt. There was a huge list of them but she could quickly discover why Mesprit sensed so many. Most of them came from the Birth of Nightmare Moon and Lunar Ire's emergence. "You know about those?"

"How come you all aren't surprised by Mesprit?" Luna asked.

"Our ancestors have been here before as well as us in the far past. Seeing rare Pokemon such as Mesprit isn't too surprising." Alo replied. "But since Mesprit is showing itself visibly to you, aside from sensing your emotions, that must mean one thing! Princess Luna. Could you be a new connection for Mesprit?"

"Connection?" Luna added. "W-What do you mean by that? I didn't even know it existed until now. I thought Ralts and Kirlia were the only Emotion Pokemon around."

"Mesprit." Mesprit then waved its hand in front of Luna, confusing her. She wasn't sure what Luna wanted. Considering that this was a Mythical Pokemon, it only raised Luna's confusion. Right after that, Mesprit touched Luna's head for a split second, sending a tiny Psychic wave before pulling back. "Mes."

"I wish I could understand you. If only Darkrai were here." Luna sighed.

"Mm. A crying shame indeed." Someone replied to Luna. But, right after Luna nodded in agreement, the voice that came to her sounded familiar. It sounded just like her. With a sharp turn, she noticed someone was sitting next to her.

It was her. Or more specifically, Nightmare Moon. Luna looked away for a second before looking back, spotting the familiar visage of her taller variant. She couldn't believe her eyes. "Gah!" Luna was blown back by this shocking revelation, dropping on her back as Nightmare Moon casually looked down on her.

"She seems taller, doesn't she?" A maiden pointed out, noticing the instant similarities between the two.

"How are you here?!" Highly cautious in every reasonable way, Luna stood up in a defensive position, emanating a flare of magic from her horn. The moment she saw Nightmare Moon, 'danger' was the first thing on her mind. "Why are you here?!"

"Kh! Don't you point that thing at me." Nightmare Moon scoffed, not in the least intimidated by Luna. "I'm not scared of someone as pint-sized as you."

"You...Did you do this?!" Her attention shifted from Nightmare Moon to Mesprit. She did release that Psychic wave which was brief. However, Luna wasn't blind to the series of events that occurred.


"At least nod..." Luna lowered her head, sighing. "If you're the Emotion Pokemon, does that mean you're capable of doing this? Dragging her out? In daylight, no less."

"I know right? It could have at least done it during the night, then it would be fitting. But at least I'm glad to be free. You have no idea how long I've been locked up in there. Well, you would actually."

"For 5 years straight," Luna added. "But I thought I got rid of you...My connection with Lunar Ire is proof that I finally overcame what was holding me back."

"Well, seems like you just don't have it yet." Nightmare Moon shrugged. "Maybe that's it. What a shame."

"What is this all about? Alo? Do you know why this is the case? I need a clear answer before I can solve this issue!" Luna aimed her hoof at Nightmare Moon, offending her.


"Umm..." Alo and the People of the Water looked around as they were just as confused as she was. They didn't have the answer to everything right from the start. "Apologies, but this is new to us. We've never heard of Mesprit doing this."

"Hmph. So much for that." Nightmare Moon taunted as she was only giving Luna new reasons to blast her.

"Well, Mesprit can do many things. This just looks like one of them." Alo theorized. It wasn't too farfetched to be live that Mesprit could do something like this. Seemed like its own unique thing even.

"But why would it bring you out?" Luna pondered about why Nightmare Moon was summoned. "That's what I need to know. Before I get rid of you again."

"Get rid of me again? Bah! You never did! Never will!" Nightmare Moon stood tall. "Perhaps you're just refusing to believe that I'm always a part of you from start to finish. You have everything that's happened in both worlds to thank for that."

"Mm. Hard disagree." Luna scoffed, turning around as she completely dismissed Nightmare Moon's comment. "I'm not too worried. I have other things to worry about and right now, you're not as dangerous as I remember you being."

"Just by you looking at me?!" Nightmare Moon roared. "Rude! Surely, there's a reason I'm free again. And what makes you think I'm not dangerous?"

"If you were me, you would've noticed the restraints on your hooves." The Princess of the Moon smirked, forcing Nightmare Moon to look down. The moment she said, already, Nightmare Moon had been restrained. Magical chains propped out of the ground, gripping her hooves and rendering her unable to move from one spot.

"I-Impossible! How did this happen?!" Nightmare Moon exclaimed before squirming, trying to break the spell with her own magic. But when attempting to do so, it ended in immediate failure. Her magic failed to break the spell. "Why won't it break?!"

"I told you. Lunar Ire is proof I overcame you. Though you may come from me, in the end, I'm stronger than I ever was and you simply stagnated."


"Alright. First, I'll get the crystal when it's done and then I'll deal with Galaxy Master afterwards." Luna spoke while Nightmare Moon was barking behind her, furiously moving about just to break free. "Then, I'll deal with you, Nightmare Moon. You're now separate from me, which is certainly odd. And maybe before that...I need to know why you did it, Mesprit. Why would you do this?"

Luna wanted answers. And the only one who could give her these answers was Mesprit, the one who split Luna and Nightmare Moon. Mesprit had already shown that it wasn't shy to appear before Luna. Now, it was all a matter of conversing with Mesprit.


Universe 11. An unknown dimension. Another Equestria. Canterlot. 6 hours-6 Years.

6 hours have passed. In this dimension, it was the equivalent of 6 years. Ghetsis was in here for 6 years straight, deciding to extend his time to 10 hours, equalling 10 years.

And within this reality, he aimed to interact with this ruined version of Equestria, deciding to rebuild it while also improving on his magic. And by rebuilding it, he would use the power of his Pokemon to do so. Something that he's never done before.

But staying here for what was essentially 6 hours got to Ghetsis. In the process of rebuilding this destroyed city, Ghetsis was not only being bothered by the shadow variant of himself who originally ruined this version of Equestria, but he even started seeing Ash.

Not physically, but rather mentally. Staying here for 6 years with only 4 more to go was getting to even Ghetsis, despite his great patience. While he had no issues with the duration, knowing it would end soon, he couldn't help but wonder what this strange feeling within him was. Right now, all he could think about was Ash.

"Hey, come on, Ghetsis! Let's battle to wipe that frown off your face! Maybe that'll make you feel better!" The phantom projection of Ash said, putting a wide grin on his face. This mental projection of Ash was surprisingly friendly to Ghetsis, which was throwing him off.

"Silence." Ghetsis groaned. "I'm trying to think straight. I don't even know why you've propped up in my mind."

"You just hate me that much, that's why." Ash chuckled. "Plus, you're just going through a few things. Like that creepy shadow of yourself that's next to you."

"I'm already being annoyed by him. I don't need you to add to that annoyance." Ghetsis sat down, putting his hands over his face in annoyance.

"I'm surprised you're chatting with that brat." Shadow Ghetsis commented. "Something's definitely changing you...you aren't going soft, are you?!"

"Woah, seriously?" Ash said.

"No, I'm not!" Ghetsis stood up, raising his voice as he made the skies rumble.

"Well, if you're not, how come you're so off today? You looked pretty fine those past 5 years. Or hours, I should say." said Ash.

"This dimension is just different from what I'm used to." Ghetsis held his head. "But it's fine. Nothing I can't handle. This is all to make sure I don't waste my potential and catch up with all the power I failed to flourish."

"Oh, that makes sense." Ash nodded in approval as he was suddenly joined by many others in Ghetsis' head. Mainly those who opposed Ghetsis, AKA the Mane 6.

"It does." The mental projection of Twilight spoke, startling Ghetsis.

"Another one of you?!" Ghetsis pulled back, witnessing the Mane 6 standing or even hovering next to Ash. "Why do you keep showing up?! Are you even real?"

"You tell me." Pinkie Pie shrugged before flailing her hooves around like a ghost. "This dimension thing is messing with your mind. Oooh."

"The pink one is right. These are only your mental projections." Shadow Ghetsis added. "You're thinking about your worst enemies. And soon more will come."

"Figures." Ghetsis sighed. "But...I can still handle it. I had to put up with that Ketchum brat for 5 years. So I can handle the rest of his annoying colourful friends."

"Mighty kind of you to call us colourful." Applejack replied. "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to us. Haha!"

"And that's the nicest thing he's ever done. Look at how he's fixing Canterlot. Isn't that sweet?" Fluttershy added, aiming her hoof at Equestria.

Previously, when Ghetsis showed up here, he was met with a ruined Equestria. This dimension essentially showed him the future. If he was to ever win, in 30 years, Equestria would become desolate with destruction based on Ghetsis' future actions. But after rejecting that future and choosing to rebuild it, a different appearance came about.

While possessing dark grey skies, the city of Canterlot had been rebuilt from its obliterated ruins to a style that befitted Ghetsis. The original structure of Canterlot had been changed, no longer sporting its classic look.

"Not bad. Creepy, but neat." Rainbow Dash nodded in approval.

"You do have a nice sense of style, I'll give you that," said Rarity. "But why go through so much trouble for one dimension that moves at a different pace?"

"I want to rule a world in my image. The type of king I strive to be is one of a massive empire that stretches far past my world. That goes for this one. Though it may be a dimension used for specific purposes, I can still control it. Just like how I controlled the Hydreigon here."

Suddenly, bursting out of the ground itself was none other than the massive Shadow Hydreigon who was astronomically larger than a regular Hydreigon. Years or rather hours ago, it was chasing Ghetsis down. Now, that wasn't the case. The gigantic Hydreigon was casually next to Ghetsis as if nothing happened.

In just the span of 6 years, Ghetsis adjusted himself to this world, starting with rebuilding what was destroyed and conquering what attacked him.

"Impressive!" Ash applauded as well as everyone else, congratulating Ghetsis for his achievements. If Ghetsis was going to be congratulated for his efforts, he needed a crowd for it, no matter how hateful.

"Just a few more years or hours." Ghetsis commented as he was only getting started with this 6-year run that would eventually reach 10. "There's more to be done here."

Sinnoh. Solaceon Town. The Pokemon Festival. Afternoon.

Solaceon Town. The town where anyone can be free of worry. The temperate climate makes this town a relaxed and casual place for people and Pokémon to live in. Beyond a path hemmed by stands of trees, one can find the entrance to the Solaceon Ruins.

Solaceon Town is populated mostly by Ranchers and Cowgirls as it appeared to be a farming community. Most of the town residents live on the western side of town, near the main road

Arriving here were Celestia, Cynthia and now Premium Polish. Celestia aimed to take part in a Pokemon Contest for the first time as per the many things she wanted to do as a human. Solaceon Town's Contest Hall was open on time for her to participate, even if she wasn't planning on becoming a Pokemon Coordinator.

"This'll do," said Celestia. "We'll amaze all of them when we get there. Isn't that right...Reshiram?" Of course, she was bringing Reshiram along. However, when turning around, the Fire-Dragon-Type was currently hiding behind a lamp post, trying to conceal himself. "Reshiram?"

Reshiram's body was very visible to everyone's eyes. Only his face was hidden as there was nothing here that could hide the Vast White Pokemon's body.

"Don't tell me you're shy?" Celestia walked up to him.

"Maybe." Reshiram made a quick reply before shimmying in front of the lamp post. But it was completely pointless.

"You'll be fine. All we have to do is dazzle them all and leave a massive impression. And you needn't worry. If it's a Tag Performance, Passion will help you."


"You might go up against coordinators who are super skilled in there, Princess Celestia," said Premium Polish. "Even if you have Reshiram, it'll be hard to compete with them."

"She'll be fine, my little pony," Cynthia replied. "Trust me. From what I've seen from Celestia, she learns and grows faster than anyone can expect."

"Thanks. Just follow our lead Reshiram. Though...getting you inside might be a problem." Celestia soon realized one crucial issue. Reshiram's size compared to the building. Getting him indoors would be an issue. "You don't have a Poke Ball anymore...so how do we get you inside?"

"I got an answer for that!" Premium Polish bellowed. "Why don't you catch Reshiram? That'll make it easier!"

"Catch Reshiram? Hmm..." Celestia thought about it before looking at the Vast White Pokemon. "I've never thought about that ever. Reshiram. What say you?"

"I'm not that easily caught. You all know what it takes for me to stand by someone."

"For Zekrom, it's standing up for Ideals. And for you, it's the Truth." Cynthia answered. "Trainers who stand strongly with either one are chosen by you two. The same went for the two Princes in the past."

"That's it? Well, that won't be a problem. Right?" Premium Polish had high confidence in her ruler. However, Celestia's face said otherwise. Right now, the Princess was in deep thought. "Princess?"

"Hmm...Truths and Ideals. Which one do I stand for?" Celestia pondered as she didn't have an immediate answer. This was something she had to think about. In the midst of her pondering, a fanfare went off over at Solaceon Town's Contest Hall. That was an audio cue of the contest reaching its beginning phase.

"That's your cue, Celestia. It's best to get going now." Cynthia alerted the Ruler of Equestria, breaking her out of her deep thought.

"Oh, right! Stay out here, Reshiram! At least behind the building! I'll figure something out!" Celestia departed, rushing off to quickly sign up before it was too late. Reshiram would have his chance. But it was only a matter of what Celestia could do with such a big Pokemon.

As for Reshiram himself, the concept of Truths and Ideals put him in deep thought as well, blankly staring at Princess Celestia. However, whereas Celestia was wondering where she stood with Truth and Ideals, Reshiram wondered the same.

In the eyes of Reshiram, it could sway either way. She was the ruler of an entire nation and the concept of Truths and Ideals was powerful in her case. The question was, which one was she most likely to dominate at? Reshiram would have to wait for that answer eventually.

When entering the Contest Hall, Celesti quickly signed up just on time before registrations could close. She was the very last one to do so. Premium Polish, despite being a coordinator herself, chose to stay out of it and instead opted to cheer on Celestia.

8 coordinators had arrived. Celestia being the 8th and upon entering the waiting room, she was met with the other 7 coordinators. Five were human and two were ponies. These two ponies had yet to recognize Princess Celestia as the hairstyle, eye colour and crown would've been a dead giveaway at first.

Though, they probably wouldn't notice at all if not for the sound of something stomping nearby. The coordinators were lifted off the ground while some were lifted off their seats. That also applied to the crowd.

This stomping was the result of none other than Reshiram and his large body. Larger than even the Contest Hall, Reshiram's footsteps shook the Contest Hall as he tried to be discreet as he could. But that wasn't happening and it would probably get worse once he enters the hall. If he could.

Reshiram would take a peep inside, finding the outfit room where various clothes could be found. But Celestia found her Human Outfit to be just perfect. Perfect enough to qualify and perfect enough to be approved by everyone else.

And even when inside, Reshiram had to ponder what Celestia stood for. Truth or Ideals? Ever since that question had been raised, Reshiram couldn't get rid of it. But if he had to guess, Reshiram already deduced something.

"Celestia. I may know which side you may sway toward. But...the more I think about it, the more it makes me believe that you might only sway to that side because of her presence that is lurking within you. Because of Daybreaker."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 883 End.

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