• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,486 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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A Cold Comfort.

Author's Note:

You gotta think about it for a second. All of this is happening in the span of 4 seasons and onwards including an entirely new season of Pokemon that currently sits at 31 episodes. So every filler and important episode is or has already occurred.

Early day at Sweet Apple Acres.

Cold Colt couldn't sleep. Not that he didn't want to, he just literally couldn't since he wasn't naturally made. He's not but cosmic space dust after all. He was apart of the Apple family now after some intense lies so he slept in a guest room. Every day he could hear an unfortunate sound. The ringing of bells, indicating that everypony get up. And today was one of those days.

"Rise and shine, everypony! We got work to do!" Applejack bellowed. "Even you Cold Colt. Though you don't like like you sleep."

"Why do I have to get out of bed? Can't I just stay here?"

"You're apart of the family now. So that means you gotta work too. Unless you tell the truth to everypony, including Apple Bloom."

"Alright alright! I'll work. But I won't like it."

"Your first work, help me buck some apples."

"Can't be too tough."

Cold Colt was sent out to help Applejack gather some apples for the day. AJ did her usual thing. Easily gathering apples in a barrel. Cold Colt tried bucking the tree but hurt his hooves in the process.


"Heh. Can't be too tough, eh?" Applejack laughed. "Then again, you are a little colt. So I'll let you handle something easier."

"Like what?"

"Picking up some rotten weeds. That's more of your level, little fella."

"Watch me." Cold Colt walked over to some rotten weeds, sprouting out of the ground, biting onto them. He was pulling them with all his might but to his surprise, he couldn't get them out. She was straining as the weeds pulled back. "What gives?!"

"Well, I'll be. You can even pull out tiny little weeds?"

"I don't get it. The Rift made me like everypony else. Yet I can't even use that much magic, or even pull some lousy weeds out of the ground? How is this fair?!"

"Seems like your Rift ain't the brightest." Applejack mocked him.

"Grr. Rift! Make me have better magic and strength!" He yelled into the sky, but to no avail. For once, the Rift didn't come to him. His jaw opened up as he was surprised. "No way. Don't tell me I'm... stuck here forever?" Cold Colt slumped on the ground as he had a face of sadness on him.

Applejack felt a bit bad. Seeing how he can't do what other ponies do remind her of Scootaloo's disability. How she can't really fly since she lacks the light bones of a normal pegasus.

"So. You can't do what we do huh? Guess making you do chores ain't ever gonna be your forte."


"How about this. I'll help ya find something you're skilled at. Your Cutie Mark's gotta mean something."

"It doesn't mean anything. It's just a fake Cutie Mark that only exists to match my name. I'm not like you all."

"Not with that attitude. Come on, little fella." Applejack led Cold Colt out of Sweet Apple Acres and towards Ponyville.

There, AJ went to SugarCube Corner to see if Cold Colt could do well there.

"Hm. What can you do?" Pinkie put her hoof on her chin. "I know! You can help deliver these boxes of cinnamon buns."

"That's great and all... but I ain't good at magic. I can barely even lift a stick."

"Pssh. Who needs magic when you've got your back silly." Pinkie placed the boxes on Cold Colt's back as they were weighing him down. He easily fell in the floor with the buns dropping down all over the place and some landing on him.

"Ugh.." He groaned.

"Wow. That won't work. Then how about this! You can add frosting! That's super easy!" Slurpuff had placed down a cake that had nothing on it. "Just put it all over and you're good." Pinkie lent the young colt an Icing Syringe full of strawberry flavor. Cold Colt held the syringe in his mouth as he attempted to add frosting on the cake. He missed horribly. So horribly that he got the frosting all over the floor. He kept trying but he just couldn't do it right. The frosting was causing a huge mess all over the place.

"How can one pony be so bad at everything?" Applejack thought to herself. "I can see why Rainbow Dash beat him so easily."

"Okay uhh. Don't worry. We'll try something else like uh..."

"Forget it, lady. I ain't good at party stuff." Cold Colt denied any more attempts at this. "I said it already. I'm not like any of you."

Applejack thought long and hard figured there might be one thing he could be good at.

"Maybe instead of pony jobs. What if you're more of a Pokemon pony? I still remember you controlling those Weavile. So that might be your strong suit."

"I guess so. I did do that."

"Then let's see what else you can do with your... subpar horn

"I guess so. Wait, subpar?"

His first attempt, a group of a Cascoons.

"Let's see if you can make those Cascoons evolve fast enough. Go ahead."

"Okay. I got this." Cold Colt focused on the Cascoon's laying in a tree. He focused all of his magic in his horn as he fired a bright icy blue magic ray at the Cocoon Pokemon. Their bodies were enveloped in that blue light as they reached their final evolution. Dustox. "Oh. I..I did it!" Just when it looked like he had found his talent, it went south fast.

The Dustox's started to go wild and spraying poison everywhere, destroying some plant life in the process. Applejack turned to Cold Colt with a look of anger on her face.

"I didn't' meant to do that I swear! They just started to go rogue!"

"Ugh." Applejack got her lasso out as she started rounding up the Dustox's preventing them from poisoning anything else before they got to anypony. Dustox was about to drop Toxic on Octavia but was promptly pulled back by the lasso.

"This horns only meant to cause problems!" Cold Colt yelled. He sat down on the ground, placing his hoof on his cheek. Applejack dragged all the Dustox's with her as she went to Cold Colt.

"Turn them back." She demanded.

"I can't do that. The Rift only created us to cause problems. Not solve them. So I can't reverse the effects, no matter what."

"So you're stuck like this, are ya?" Applejack asked. Cold Colt nodded his head, looking away. Now Applejack felt nothing but sympathy for him. Having the ability to only make everything worse because you were made like this was horrible. To make it worse, he was just a young boy. "I didn't know, Cold Colt. Honestly. Why didn't you say so in the first place?"

"Like it would've mattered." He kept on facing away from the Earth Pony.

"You know Cold Colt. If it makes you feel any better. I won't force you to work or stay at Sweet Apple Acres anymore. A pony like you doesn't really deserve any of this."

"You'd do that for me?" He turned to her.

"Sure. And I'll be honest. You have a... 2% chance of being with my sister."

"I'll take it! But where do I go now?"

"I might have an idea of where you can be." Applejack's idea was located at the Pokemon House.

"You want me to make him stay here?" Fluttershy said to AJ.

"Come on Fluttershy. I know he ended up causing those Weavile to go wild but he's honestly a good kid. Just... lost. I'd be too if I was just suddenly created. You understand right?"

"Well... I guess if he's still young, he can learn and grow as a pony. Maybe he can make friends with the Pokemon here as well." Fluttershy replied.

"Exactly. And besides. If he ends up causing any Pokemon to act up, you can just do what you usually do and return them back to normal. Oh, and speaking of which. Mind helping these little ones out?" Applejack bought the Dustox's closer. Cold Colt was sitting next to some Wooper's who walked towards him.

"What do you little things want?" The Wooper's had piled on his hoof, laying there. He squirmed a bit, not moving away from them.

"Okay. Cold Colt. I've decided that you can be here at the Pokemon House. I'm sure you'll get along with every Pokemon here and you'll grow into a good stallion." Fluttershy said.

"I can't grow. At least... I don't think I can."

"Whatever the case, Fluttershy is the pony to look after you. And I'll come by often to see how you're doing."

"But I'm gonna be further away from Apple Bloom though." Cold Colt pouted.

"She can come here too. So you won't be far at all. And you're still a part of the Apple Family. Well, I got work to do back at the farm. Little overdue. I'll leave you two to it." Applejack left, returning back to her home as it was just Fluttershy and Cold Colt now.

"So. Cold Colt. How would you like to start things off?" Fluttershy talked to the young one.

"I don't know. I didn't really plan for anything. For a while me and Emerald Aura have just been causing problems for you and your friends to solve. I don't really have anything else left to do."

"How about catching some Pokemon? There are a lot of options here. Some Pokemon that I don't' even know are around here."

"I guess I could. Obsidian gets his own Pokemon, Cofagrigus. So I want one as well!"

"Wonderful. So which one will you pick?" Fluttershy pointed her hoof at the selection of Pokemon. There were so many to choose from. "You can have maybe a Phanpy, Girafarig, Ledyba, Skitty. Oh! There's a lot of Water-Types to choose from. I bet they'd fit your name 'Cold' huh?"

"Hmm. All these Pokemon seem a bit... underwhelming."

"Well, their pre-evolutions maybe. But once they evolve, they improve greatly. In everything."

"Well, do you have a Pokemon of your own, Fluttershy?" He asked her.

"No, not really. But one Pokemon who loves to hang around with me is this Audino. It really likes to help me take care of Pokemon that are hurt. Isn't that right, Audi?"

"Audino." The Hearing Pokemon replied.

"Oh! But you must know something about Pokemon, right Cold Colt? Obsidian seems to know a lot."

"Me? Nah. I only know about their types and names. I'm clueless about everything else." He laid on his back, looking to the sky. Fluttershy thought long and hard. Cold Colt wasn't as difficult as Discord but he was definitely lost. It was her duty to help this little pony no matter what. And get him a Pokemon.

"Then I know the Pokemon just for you!" Fluttershy walked into the Pokemon House, looking around for that specific Pokemon. "Hello. You can come out."

Out of the corner, the Pokemon that showed itself was a Cubchoo. The Chill Pokemon. Infamous for having a runny nose, all the time, even if it was healthy.

"There you are Cubby. I have a trainer for you." Cubchoo's eyes were filled with happiness when hearing that but its nose was running even more. "Oh, dear. Audi!" Audino came in, putting a paper towel on its nose. "I'll admit. I'll never understand how some Pokemon work." Fluttershy giggled as Audino picked up the Ice-Type. "Here you are Cold Colt. Your Pokemon."

Cold Colt looked at the Cubchoo, seeing its cute yet strange appearance.

"A Cubchoo? You're gonna give me THIS Pokemon?"

"Mhm. Its fitting for two reasons. You're both ice-based so it fits. But I also think that you two are in the same hole together. You're both lost and don't know what to do. So I think this is the Pokemon for you. Audi." Audino passed Cubchoo to Cold Colt as they both looked each other in the eyes.

Cold Colt held the tiny little baby Pokemon, getting a good look at it.

"Hm. It is cute." Cold Colt smiled, liking its appearance.


His face was met with a sneeze. His entire face felt extremely chilly, covered with cold Cubchoo snot. Ew.

"Look at you two. Getting along already." Fluttershy and Audino giggled as she wiped his face clean. Cubchoo hugged its new trainer. Cold Colt hugged it. After being with Applejack and her family for a bit and being here, he came to realise that it's not so bad. In fact, he likes it here. He likes being like everypony else. It didn't matter if he was a cosmic creation, he found a place where he can enjoy himself finally.

Chapter 63 End.

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