• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,489 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Ashachu 2: Electric Boogaloo

Author's Note:

This was a joyous chapter to write.

Equestria. The Pokemon House. Day.

"So, Sombra. What do you think? If you could choose a Pokemon, which would it be?" Ash said as he and Pikachu were currently at the Pokemon House. Sombra was still attached to Ash, forced to be by his side forever.

"Why ask me this?"

"You did say you were kinda interested in Pokemon. And if you had the chance to choose a partner, who would it be?" Ash asked as Fluttershy brought over some Pokemon for Sombra to look at. The options were Glameow, Skorupi, Volbeat, Nincada and Nuzleaf. Sombra looked over at the small options, unimpressed by any of them.

"Bah! As if I would want any of these tiny creatures!" He scoffed, causing Glameow and the others to gasp. "This is far off from what I would envision as my own personal Pokemon! Off with you all!"

"G-Glameow!" Glameow and the others promptly rushed off once they were yelled at. Sombra's voice had a strong intimidation factor to it.

"Oh! You scared them off!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "You could've at least said you weren't interested in any of them."

"Tch. I did. Just in the way I know best." Sombra simply scoffed as Fluttershy went to comfort the Pokemon that were yelled at.

"Oh boy..." Ash just sighed at all of this. He has been dealing with Sombra's vast different personality from his but it wasn't anything that Ash was new about. He's seen others like Sombra before.

On the bright side, him and Sombra haven't been at each other's throats at all. Mainly because Ash was on the gentle side as opposed to Sombra who was constantly berating and insulting him.

Just then, grumbling and continuing to despise his watered-down position, something had caught the attention of King Sombra in the midst of his scowling.

The cauldron of Rift Magic. Zecora, along with the assistance of her Weavile, pushed the cauldron out of the Rock-Type room, just now coming out of it. Zecora looked around for somewhere else to place it. At the same time, Sombra's eyes were alert. His heart skipped a beat as that cauldron was his biggest shining beacon of hope. That cauldron could be the best way for him to get his body back, despite Rift Magic being unpredictable.

"Yes!" Thrilled, Sombra immediately forced himself towards that cauldron. And of course, this involved Ash being dragged along with his guard down.

"Woah!" Ash cried out as he was pulled along. He almost fell over as Sombra gained a spurt of speed at the moment. Zecora and Weavile noticed the approaching head of King Sombra which surprised them due to the grimace he was putting on. Ash managed to regain control, but only for him and Sombra to crash right into the cauldron.

Or rather, into the cauldron as Ash's face was the only thing that entered it. Zecora and Weavile quickly held the cauldron back, preventing it from spilling over. But after Ash touched it, the cosmic energy started radiating, enveloping his body in a mystical light.

Zecora and Weavile managed to save the cauldron as Ash fell on his back while still being covered by the light. Fluttershy rushed over after witnessing and hearing the impact whilst Sombra believed that he had got what he had wanted. "Yes! Yes! With that magic, it has the chance of bringing my body back to its true self!"

"Oh my goodness!" Fluttershy gasped as the light only intensified. Zecora, Weavile, Pikachu and the others watched in awe as the light was only intensifying. However, Sombra soon noticed that it wasn't his body glowing, but instead, Ash's body.

"Wait a minute...it's you?!" Sombra bellowed before then seeing Ash minimize. He was going through some sort of transformation. Something that no one would expect and yet his best friend Pikachu had seen before.

The shape of Ash was becoming something familiar to all. Their jaws had all dropped. Every single Pokemon as this was something new to them. Ash himself was just recovering from the collision, rubbing his eyes.

"Oh, man..." He groaned as the light faded away. "Geez, Sombra. How come you can't warn me whenever you do stuff like that? But hey...how'd you up there?" Ash noticed how Sombra was above him along with Zecora. "You too, Zecora.

"A-Ash...Y-You..." Fluttershy stammered with a trembling hoof. Her eyes did not deceive her and everyone else. WHat they were seeing was true.

Ash had become a Pikachu.

"You're a Pikachu!" Fluttershy cried out.


"Hm?" To see it for himself, Ash took a gander at his arms. He then wiggled his tail, doing a small and cute swivel to further check himself out "Oh yeah! I didn't think it would happen a second time.

Hearing that made Fluttershy and Zecora realize this was not the first time this has happened to Ash. After years, he had become a Pikachu once more. And because he had prior experience with this, he wasn't too blown back by it. Sombra just shook his head, soon realizing that he didn't make contact with the cauldron at all, even when connected to Ash.

Zecora, soon realizing what Sombra wanted, nodded to Weavile and the other Pokemon. The order was to get the cauldron away from Sombra as they all did exactly that.

"Guess we're back to this, huh buddy? Call it a rare opportunity." Ash said to Pikachu, now identical to his height. "Come to think of it, we can have the Unown do this too, right?"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu also seemed fine with it. He had seen it before and it did not bother him that much.

"Ash..." Fluttershy was still mesmerized, grabbing the attention of Ash. "You...You...You're so cute as a Pikachu!" Much like the average Pikachu, Fluttershy found them to be adorable. And this was no different with Ash as he still kept his hat and even hair details in this electric form.

Gushing over Ash's adorable appearance, Fluttershy went to pick him up. Ash was then hugged in his miniature body as his hat almost fell off. "Thanks, Fluttershy. I think I kinda look cool too, don't you think?"

"You do! But you're mostly cute! Oh, wait till everypony else sees this! I wonder what they'll think."

"Hold on!" Sombra interjected. "What about the cauldron? The liquid was meant to transform me and not him!"

"I've ordered Weavile and the rest to take it somewhere else away from you. A shame that the only thing that came out of this was an Ash-Pikachu." Zecora smirked, causing Sombra to find a new disdain for the zebra.

"I'll remember this when I'm free..." Sombra uttered.

"Oh, wait. Are you going to be like this forever, Ash?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well, the spell ran out once when a friend named Lily used it on me. I don't know about Rift Energy. It could last longer when I think about it." Ash pondered as this was different to what happened to him that led to this form for the first time.

"Zecora. Do you think we could find a way to reverse him?"

"The only thing I can think of is more usage of Rift Magic. But unless it's controlled, the result will always be erratic." Zecora pondered. "But you can Discord fix all of this. Or maybe Cold Colt, there's honestly no limit."

"You're right." Fluttershy nodded. "I was getting worried there for a moment."

"Yeah, but I wanna try something!" Ash grinned. "I didn't get to spend that much time as a Pikachu back then. So if it's gonna have a different time limit or none, I'd better do whatever I can!"

"Sounds like a plan! Come along!" Fluttershy was on the same boat as Ash as they were off to the Ponyville streets. Sombra sighed, simply returning to Ash as that cauldron approach had failed. Ash and Pikachu matched excellently when walking beside each other.

"H-How did this happen...?" Naturally, Twilight and everyone else were given the sight of Ash's Pikachu appearance. They had a mixture of emotions. Confused, shocked, impressed or cracking up inside. It was easy to guess who was feeling which emotions.

"Rift Cauldron. Pretty neat, huh?" Ash gave off his beaming grin which worked just as well even as a Pikachu. He and Pikachu then gave each other a high-five, being in perfect sync.


"It's not the strangest thing we've seen so far." Rarity shook her head. "I mean, we were all turned into Legendary and Mythical Pokemon weren't we? Among other Pokemon back in the board game world."

"Last year was all about realms and parallel universes. Looks like this year's all about Pokemon Bodies," said Starlight. "Wish I could get a taste of it again..."

"Yep. All looks pretty tame. Plus, this is my second go at being a Pikachu. Feels comfortable already!" Ash, overflowing with energy, had accidentally unleashed a Thunderbolt into the sky. Everyone was thrown back and caught off guard as the Thunderbolt had pierced through the clouds. "Woah...couldn't do that before." Indeed, this was new to Ash. When he first became a Pikachu, that was the limit. He was just a human with the body of a Pikachu with no abilities.


"Well, that settles it. I'm gonna have a blast for the day." Ash chuckled. "I wanna do all sorts of things as a Pikachu now. Maybe things I couldn't do before."

"Sure thing. Ashachu." Pinkie Pie giggled.

"Ashachu?" Her friends repeated, realizing that Pinkie had strung two names together to form this nickname for Ash's Pikachu form. It was a clever combo. "Oooh."

"Not much we can do with this." Twilight shrugged. "I mean...you're just a Pikachu. The best we can do is see you use other moves."

"That's prime for a Pokemon Battle, don't you think?" Rainbow Dash nudged.

"Aside from the hat, you could look adorable in these!" In the seconds that it took for Ash to shoot Thunderbolt in the sky, Rarity had already brought over some clothes that were Pikachu sized.

"Wait clothes?" said Ash before being given the clothes by Rarity. The rest of them chimed in, dressing him up. Pikachu simply stood back as he had already experienced this kind of clothing attack twice. He knew how it felt and so did Ash. Ash was dressed up in a suit. A dapper one to be exact.

Ash already had his feelings about dapper suits. He didn't mind them but he'd rather not wear any. Even when appearing as a Pikachu. An expression of disappointment filled his face as Fluttershy then added a bow as the final touch. "There! Look at you now! All suited up!"

"The hat is a nice fit too! As always!" Applejack and everyone teased him.

"Pika-ka-ka-ka!" Pikachu laughed along with Twilight and the others.

"I don't know why you're laughing, Pikachu. You're next." But Rarity's eyes flashed as Pikachu was not safe from the clothing assault. It would potentially be his third time gaining an outfit his size.


Afterwards, Ash continued to enjoy himself as a Pikachu, while also throwing others off guard with his voice and appearance. Since Ash was friends with practically everyone, his visage as Pikachu, or Ashachu as a nickname, surprised and interested them.

And noticing Ash's appearance was Team Rocket. They were just now heading back to the Pokemon House, only to discover the shocking siht of this slightly different Pikachu with a hat.

"Hm? Is there something off with that Pikachu?" Jessie pointed out.

"I see it. The sides of its fur. And that hat. They all seem too familiar..." James added, squinting to observe Ashachu.

"And those eyes. I know those eyes anywhere." Meowth focused on Ash's eyes, recognizing that familiar gaze. Even as a Pikachu, Ash had a familiar appearance. And soon Team Rocket found out for themselves.

"That's the twerp!" They cried out in unison before hiding behind a bush. Audino heard their screams overpowering some of Ponyville's voices, but she had just missed Team Rocket.

"Looks like our eyes aren't deceiving us. The twerp's become a Pikachu. How fitting." James lowered his voice as he and his friends communicated within the bushes.

"Too fitting." Meowth agreed. "But it ain't the weirdest thing we've seen at all. Remember that Heart Swap thing years back?"

"Yeah, yeah. But hold on a second..." Just now, an idea hatched within Jessie's head after seeing Ashachu. "If the twerp's a Pikachu now, you know what this means?"

"What?" Both James and Meowth asked.

"It means that all of our troubles, every attempt at nabbing that Pikachu for the boss could end right here. Now that he looks like that."

"But that's not exactly the Pikachu we want, is it?" said James.

"No. But if you think about it...the twerp's already shown he's just as special as Pikachu. What with that Aura he has and so on. I say that we make it a twofer. We can have both Pikachu and the twerp as Pikachu!"

"Capture the twerp? That's a new thought..." James tried wrapping his head around it. There have been times where they did end up trapping Ash and his friends while taking the opportunity to steal their Pokemon, but never taking Ash away themselves. Jessie also raised a good point about Ash. Much like how there was something special about Pikachu, the same could be said for Ash. "The biggest obstacle though would be Fluttershy, wouldn't it?"

"Ah, forget about her for one day." Jessie scoffed. "This could be our big moment. We'll be out of Fluttershy's mane later once that forest comes back or when Pikachu is finally ours. Both this time. Then we won't have to worry about anything ever again."

"I don't know...She's not gonna let us go easy if we're caught red-handed." But Meowth decided to be far more cautious about this. They were still living under Fluttershy's wing after all and were also Zecora's students.

"Caught red-handed?!" Jessie couldn't believe what she was hearing. Never before had her allies had this much doubt in situations such as this. "As if that's stopped you before! You two have gone soft!"

"Soft?!" They both shouted.

"That's right! Spending time at that Pokemon House has completely changed almost everything about you. Since when are you two ever this thoughtful?" She vigorously pointed at them.

"Well, Fluttershy has shown us kindness unlike anyone else, so there's that. And what about you? Don't you feel the same?"

"Yes, she has been kind...But this is our job!" Jessie grit her teeth. "We can't let something like this get in our way. Nothing's stopped Team Rocket before! from trying! Most of the time."

"Well, got any ideas on this then?" Meowth asked.

"Nope." Jessie scrunched her face. "Do you?"

"Dry out of ideas right now. Not really feeling that spark." James shook his head as neither he nor Meowth had any of their ideas brewing. "I say, we skip out on today."

"No harm in it." Meowth shrugged, agreeing with James. Jessie only grumbled, not liking how different James and Meowth were acting. She could only blame Fluttershy's absolute kindness, which also rubbed off on her. But before she could do anything else, Ash had already left the scene, heading elsewhere.

Ash also decided to venture off as a Pikachu, going straight for Canterlot next, but not before also spending time around more Pokemon as a Pokemon. Mainly, Espeon and the others plus the fitting theme in the Pikachu Highlands. Ash came before all of them as Ashachu, surprising the Pikachu that all lived here.

"This is how I greet, right?" Ash held his tail out. Every Pikachu greeted each other by connecting their tails and performing a jolt of electricity with another Pikachu. "Nice! Kinda tickles though!"


Further on, Ash felt what it was like to run as a Pikachu. He raced his partner to Canterlot, trying to use Quick Attack. Ash currently knew that he had Thunderbolt at his disposal. But the remaining moves were unknown. Pikachu had already used Quick Attack, zooming across the land.

"Faster Ash!" Rainbow Dash cried out, zooming past him with Fluttershy and Twilight by her side. "Come on! Now that you're a Pikachu, you should be quicker!"

"Trying to!" Ash cried out, but he did not have Quick Attack. But he still had great speeds thanks to his smaller body. And in a spurt of energy, Ash had revealed his second move. Volt Tackle. In a burst of energy, Ash took off like a rocket with a sparking electrical aura, blitzing past Pikachu and all of his friends.

They gawked as Ash left a trail of electricity along the way. However, since it was a quick burst without him realizing it, Ash ended up crashing through a tree, knocking it down. But instead of crashing and stopping, Ash didn't stop. At least, not his momentum.

"Huh?!" Volt Tackle ended as he felt some of the recoil. Ash had zoomed so fast that he ended up falling down a cliff whilst still keeping the momentum. And since these cliffs led to sloped hills, that meant only one thing. Once Ash fell, the body of Pikachu allowed him to roll as his friends all gasped. "Oh! Hey, wait a sec!"

Once he started rolling, Ash soon found enjoyment in it. As he does with many other things. Ash started laughing, rolling down the hill with his Pikachu body and letting the wind and adrenaline overtake him. His friends looked over to see Ash rolling along, heading in the direction of Canterlot.

"Look at him. Always having fun." Twilight commented, feeling somewhat jealous that Ash could always find fun in any scenario, even if it was sometimes out of his control. "Nothing ever stops him from doing so."

"Yes. He does bring great, doesn't he?" Rarity agreed. "I suppose that's another thing he and Pinkie Pie have in common, isn't it?"

"Hahaha! Yeah!" Ash laughed whilst rolling away. His friends followed him promptly while Pikachu, Espeon, Delta Riolu and even Pinkie Pie started rolling on the hills to gain that adrenaline pumping momentum too. Ash was having a blast as a Pikachu. Even though, realistically, there wasn't much for him to do as a Mouse Pokemon. But even still, he found a way.

Eventually, he showed up at Canterlot in his new appearance. Ash's eyes felt dizzy from all the hyper-fast rolling that he had done. So did Pikachu, Espeon, Riolu and Pinkie. Here at Canterlot, the pegasi from Pegalysium were still visiting Equestria. The unity between the two nations had already been declared, leading to constant visits from the ponies in the skies.

And among these visitors were the familiar faces of Shooting Star, Garnet, Kaleidoscope, Clear View, King Paramount and Queen Luminary. It wasn't their first time here. But it was for Clear View at least.

"So. What do you think?" Celestia showed them the golden staircase. "Once it's complete, we'll be able to reach Jirachi and connect the worlds."

"Dear. Are you still thinking about what the Pokemon could do to the world in the future?" Luminary asked Paramount.

"Eh. I could say I'm over it. They helped save us after all." Paramount replied. "I say let them stay if this is what-"

"Woohoo!" Still feeling some rush of adrenaline, Ash had shown up, sliding past other ponies. Ash had just discovered that he also had Surf on his display. He had made a mini-tidal wave that he started moving on, carrying the smaller Pokemon along.

"Oh my. Look at that Pikachu." Luminary pointed out.

"I-Is that...Ash!?" Celestia and Luna recognized that voice, those eyes, those side and front hairs and that hat anywhere. They had born witness to Ashachu for the first time.

"Hey, guys! Check me out! I'm a Pikachu!" Ash pointed at himself, chuckling constantly as he slid past the royals from two different nations. Celestia and Luna were still blown back while, Paramount, Luminary and Shooting Star just stood there, trying to gather their minds.

"Believe us. That is not the weirdest thing you will end up seeing in Equestria." Darkrai spoke, letting the Royal Family know that everything that happens here in Equestria is constantly bizarre with little signs of slowing down. Ashachu was tame compared to what happens regularly.

Ash had made his tidal wave bigger, causing others to join in. Pinkie Pie hopped onto the tidal wave of Surf, joining in on the fun. Very soon, everyone else was surfing along. Twilight and everyone else along with Canterlot residents, mainly the younger ones.

"Hah..." Glittercook, the one who worked at the Pokemon School's Cafeteria and have a small stand outside, sighed before then clocking out for the day. But as she started stretching her hooves, she noticed the approaching force that was Ashachu's Surf, which seemed to grow each time someone else joined in. "Hm!?" Glittercook's mane stood up as it was within her line of sight.

The unicorn put on a protective shield, but that was pointless. The Surf had soon carried her when she chose to stand still. It wasn't 100% in Ash's control as he was still trying to figure this out. But once it carried her along, Glittercook was surprised that she wasn't being overwhelmed.

"Hey there, Glittercook! Welcome to the Surf Crew!" Pinkie Pie blurted out. "Shouldn't have stood still, ya know."

"Oh. This is..." Glittercook took a moment to feel out the flow of Surf. Despite it being a moving stream of water that was also intended to cause damage, it was surprisingly comforting. As if the calming waves that are always heard by the beach had suddenly manifested into their ambience variation, becoming physical. This is what it felt like as everyone on the Surf laughed away.

"How'd you do this, Ash?!" Applejack laughed as the Surf was now starting to pick up Pegalysium citizens. And added to the mix were Canterlot Guards, but even with their stern expressions, they found themselves having a ball too.

"I have no idea!" Ash was just in the moment. He didn't care how he did it. As long as he was enjoying himself. "But I'm loving it!"

And at the end of the day, that's what Ash saw in all of this. Fun. He didn't care if he was a Pikachu, he just enjoyed having fun. There wasn't much he could do as a Pikachu aside from pulling off all of these moves and having different biology. It was all standard fare. But even with that limited choice, he always found a way to make the most out of something.

After the Surf party was over, Ash indulged in more excitement. And he did it with the same individuals he was carrying, right at the Canterlot Gardens where some Pokemon could be found. Some of the Deerling from Deerling Forest even come here from time to time.

Ash started singing as a Pikachu, expecting something unique to come out. But instead, it was just his regular voice as he looked silly, holding a spoon that acted as a microphone, singing about it and making others laugh. He also used Pikachu's innate ability to mimic others.

He and others joined in on these face charades. Ash mimicked some of the ponies in front of him along with the Pokemon too in creative ways by stretching and squashing the soft face of a Pikachu. He even had his friends get certain parts right. And to witness this, he had sent out the rest of his Pokemon.

Needless to say, Dragonite and the others were clearly surprised to see their trainer as a Pikachu. Butt, of course, it was not the strangest thing they had seen considering what they've been through. Dragonite couldn't help but hug this smaller and softer Ash in the process.

They continued to dance and party until the late afternoon sun would show off its radiant orange glow. But curious about this was the Royal Family. Both of them. Celestia and Luna were feeling the atmosphere that Ash was creating, approaching it. Shooting Star didn't have a second thought as he flew over to enjoy himself.

Ash started playing Rock, Paper, Scissors with everyone else, using his smaller hands plus his tail. He won and lost a few of them in the process. Some food was made and brought over by Pinkie Pie and Glittercook for all of this partying to make everyone stuff themselves while they enjoyed this thrilling moment.

"Come on! Let's all sing!" Ash cried out. Everyone started singing, but not in their usual melodic tones. It was in a joking manner. They were laughing too much to act all glorious with their voices. Even those so sophisticated couldn't help but let loose. Fleur-de-lis and Fancy Pants included.

Photo Finish among a few others started taking pictures of Ashachu and this entire party that had sprung out of nowhere out of pure enjoyment alone. Ash pulled off various poses as a Pikachu. Mainly cool, but sometimes cute, which he could now pull off. And he had others to add to the flair of these photos.

Passion performed a photobomb in one of them whilst Arcanine rubbed his massive fur onto Ash, making him laugh. These photos would definitely be saved and kept in good condition for how joyful they were. And due to the joyful feeling of this, certain Pokemon that respond to emotions were feeling all kinds of adrenaline.

Mainly Passion for being a Gardevoir and Twilight Velvet's Kirlia. Starlight obviously had to keep her Hatterene at bay for this. Some drums were brought over for Ash and his friends to play. Ash and Pikachu used their tails to smack on the drums, creating a nice rhythm. They were both joined by Goh's Grookey to play those drums.

"See, Mewie?" Pinkie Pie spoke to the second Mew from Holon whilst her own Mew was already partying away. "This is what you've been missing out on. Doesn't it all just look fun?"

"Mew...Mew!" She could see the fun. Everything about this was rubbing off on her. Very soon, she partook in this bliss.

"Alright...Go!" Ash also tried more physical things with Pokemon. He got into a wrestling match with his Pikachu, wanting to see who had the superior strength. Everyone cheered for their respective sides as Ash and Pikachu had a sumo-style match. Surprisingly, their strengths were equal to each other.

Apart from the food, everyone was given some cider along with other sweet drinks to have. They drank away, chuckling with bright smiles on their faces. Circling the skies were multiple Flying-Types as nearby Pokemon couldn't help but get in the mood too. Everything about this radiated such wonderful emotion.

Celestia's face was covered in cake, already indicating what she had done during this. She had her hooves wrapped around her little sister and Luminary, bawling and laughing her eyes out. Everyone started sharing stories with each other. Mainly silly ones that only intensified the laughter.

Audino's ears felt joy hearing all of this, making her rock her head back and forth as even the more silent Pokemon got a bit active. Darkrai was an example. But Darkrai just nodded his head slowly while standing in the shadows.

Arriving at Canterlot, was Team Rocket. So much for stealing Ash now with all of this. But the truth was, they didn't have an idea at all. At the end of the day, Jessie lost the argument between James and Meowth as they had witnessed this festive sight.

"Team Rocket! Over here!" Fluttershy waved her hooves, calling for them.

"See? Isn't it great?" James said to Jessie as more of Fluttershy's kindness kept on showing itself to them despite their antics. He and Meowth made their way to the party while Jessie could only shrug.

"Fair play. Fair play." Jessie accepted defeat. But it was a defeat that didn't involve them blasting off this time. Rather, it was a gentle yet heartwarming defeat. Jessie soon joined the others.

Ash showed off all of his moves in a Pokemon Battle next, just like what Rainbow Dash suggested. It was him against her Braviary. Ashachu had used Thunderbolt which caused his body to flare up 100,000 ferocious volts. Braviary dodged it, promptly rushing in with Aerial Ace. Ash seemed to have double the reactive instincts that he had as a Pikachu. Combined with his Aura, he could jump over Braviary's Aerial the moment his Thunderbolt had ended.

The final move at his disposal was Quick Attack. He ended up knowing it after all, now having two speedy moves to utilize as he and Braviary went back and forth. Sparks of electricity and other colours illuminated Canterlot for minutes on end. Eventually, the sun reached its peak with the moon slowly rising via Luna's control.


This party had come to an end. Many were exhausted from all the fun they had, falling asleep on the sot. Or even from all the food they ate. Either way, they were satisfied. Ash himself wasn't close to feeling tired at all despite everything that had just happened.

"What a day..." Ash spoke, laying back on one of the hedges. Fluttershy had fallen asleep on Audino's stomach along with Rarity making herself comfortable with Leavanny's silk. She was wrapped in a String Shot cocoon, like an actual bug. Pinkie Pie held both Mews together whilst Twilight used the warmth of Ninetales nine tails to cover herself while also resting on them.

Ash reflected on everything that's happened. A truly joyous moment. And something like this is what Ash pursued. And now that it was over, giving him to time think back to the whole event from start to finish, Ash nodded slowly.

"Yeah. This is it. This is one part of being a Pokemon Master." He said, looking at all of his friends while also gazing at the golden stairs that could soon lead to the cosmos. "Being this happy...Being this free. It's exactly what I've always kept my mind on. And someday, it's gonna be for everyone out there."

He referred to the two worlds being kept together even after the Rift leaves. He looked at the night skies and how the stars shined brightly with some Minior passing by.

"I swear I'll keep everyone together." Ash held out his tiny Pikachu hands, aiming at the skies. "I'll help the Rift and bring back the family that was lost in it. I'll defeat Leon and become the World's Strongest Trainer. And after that, I'll continue on my journey to become a Pokemon Master."

Just as he said that, his body started glowing. His time as a Pikachu was up. He clenched his fist while still having a remnant of his Pikachu body left. The clenching of his fist symbolized him not just seizing his main dream of becoming a Pokemon Master but also fulfilling everything else had promised. His true self had returned as there was indeed a time limit even with Rift Magic.

"Just you wait, world." Ash announced to everyone, even if they all weren't awake or present there. But even if he was speaking to nothing or even the skies where barely anyone could hear him, he made sure that his ambitions would burn bright as the sun as the journey continues.

Chapter 734 End.

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