• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Home of a darker magic

Kanto Region. Pallet Town. Professor Oak's Laboratory. Day.

A day after reuniting with Ash's hold friend Iris at Opelucid City and having a Championship battle where Ash came out victorious, reaching Rank 99 and entering the Ultra Class, they had arrived at Oak's lab for one reason. It all related to what they discovered about Axew just yesterday.

"Here's where the change started." Professor Oak showed them an X-Ray of Axew's body. Axew's Equestrian Form had changed over time, turning him into a Dragon-Psychic-Type with no one noticing. "There's one massive Rift energy right over at Axew's heart that sends out smaller ones, allowing them to flow through their blood."

"Is that how Axew changed types so quickly?" Spike asked.

"That's probably a part of the reason. The more simple answer is that the Rift Energy inside of Axew's body has been reworking his Infinity Energy gradually over time. While he may have remained as a Dragon-Type for months, the restructure of his Infinity Energy brought him a new type."

"Oh yeah...Come to think of it..."Ash pondered for a moment, thinking back to the Equestrian Scrafty back at the Glittering Island. "The Scrafty back there seemed to be weak to Electric-Type attacks. They must've probably been Water-Types from how they looked."

"And they were most likely still Dark-Fighting-Types when their transformation happened," said Oak. "We can safely say this only exists for Equestrian Forms. There could be other Equestrian Variants out there that have had their Types changed over time without them knowing. How fascinating is that?"

"Well...Guess that's a surprise, huh, Axew?" Spike nudged Axew. "Being a second type can be handy. Now Fighting-Types aren't gonna do much to you. But I guess Dark-Types and Ghost-Types are gonna be problems, aren't they?"


"Thank you very much, Professor Oak." Spike thanked him. "Good thing I didn't worry too much."

"Not a problem. And if you by chance find some more Equestrian Pokemon, I'd love to know all about them. Your Axew is already just as interesting so stop by any time, please."

Equestria. Ponyville. Day.

7 minutes later, Ash, Pikachu, Spike and Axew had gone over to Ponyville. Now they knew why Axew had suddenly changed types. Realistically, it was the most obvious answer out of any other possibility.

"Welcome back!" Fluttershy waved over at them. "How did it go?"

"Good. Turns out it's just Rift Energy doing its thing. All that energy kept building up in Axew's body and gave him a new type. That's all." Ash explained.

"Oh. That's good. I wonder if that's the same for Chikorita over here?" Fluttershy held out Chikorita. Another Pokemon affected by the Rift. But instead of gaining an Equestrian Form, she gained the power to change fate via her leaf.


"No idea." Ash shrugged before pondering for a moment. "Makes you wonder who's been hit by the Rift before. Maybe some Pokemon we know already have and we haven't seen what's happened to them."

"The Pokemon are lucky though. I kinda want Rift Magic, ya know." Spike grinned. "The things I could do..." He thought about all the possibilities with Rift Magic. What was truly going on in his mind was the thought of eating the rarest gems that he could find and nothing more.

"The day's still young. o there's a lot more to do. Might be a while before I can have another Pokemon World Championships Match. So...How about we visit some friends?"

"Changelings?" Fluttershy recommended.

"Changelings!" And Ash and Spike agreed along with their Pokemon.



"Oh! That reminds me!" Once the topic of the changelings were recommended, one other situation on Ash's mind had come back to him. "I asked Chrysalis about someplace called Magehold."

"Magehold?" Spike repeated.

"It's kind of a long story. I'll tell you along the way. Let's just hope Chrysalis knows something more when we get there. Maybe she's finally asked her mom about it?"

Out in a marshland. Day.

Speaking of Chrysalis, as a stroke of perfect timing, she was about to gather more information about Magehold and the group that reside there. The Dread League. Chrysalis knew little about them. Only her mother Mellifera knew more than her. That was the changeling to ask.

However, there was one thing that Chrysalis feared. Appearing to her mother in this form. A form that was essentially Chrysalis accepting the truest form of love. She wasn't sure how Mellifera would react to this, but she was hoping her mother could at least know beauty when she sees it.

Chrysalis stood before a cave of mushrooms, knowing that her mother would choose a location such as this. The old location where a majority of the changelings of the past had originated from was no longer habitable.

She didn't come alone. Ribombee was by her side as always. However, the Bee Fly Pokemon stayed outside, fearing Mellifera's presence a bit.

Chrysalis had entered the cave to meet with her mother. Upon entering, her mother's signature locusts could be seen buzzing around, feeding off of the mushrooms. However, the mushrooms grew back each time.

Sitting there in the darkest part of this cave was Mellifera, having her usual scowl of hatred within her eyes. Chrysalis stood before her mother in her new form with her heart beating. She was fearful of the reaction before striking a pose that could only be followed up with "Ta-dah!"

"...You look ridiculous." Mellifera's response was the most expected one. She was not a fan of this, insulting Chrysalis's new appearance.

"Oh, of course, you'd say something like that!" Chrysalis groaned.

"What were you expecting?! You come back looking like...this?!"

"Why can't you be happy for me for one?! This is what I look like when I fully grasp love in its purest form! Something that we've been trying to control for so long!"

"If I were to control it, I wouldn't appear in such a hideous form. So droll..."

"Hmph. Whatever. I think I look good either way." Chrysalis puffed her cheeks, sitting down and crossing her hooves, facing away from her mother. Mellifera did the same. Minus the puffed-up face.

"Why did you even come here? To show me that hideous form?"

"Ugh...No. I came here for something else. It's the only thing that will make you listen to reason at least." Chrysalis faced her mother once more. "It's about the Dread League."

"The Dread League...?!" Mellifera gasped. Chrysalis was right. This would make her listen as she faced her daughter with open eyes.

"That's right. From Magehold in the far frozen north. I never learned all about them. Only seeing you speak to some of them when I was small. You may hate me in this form now, but you will at least tell me what you know about them, won't you mother?"

"Hmph. I will. And perhaps you will change your mind once you learn of the amazing magic that the Dread League has to offer." Mellifera smirked, wanting her daughter to pursue something on the darker side. Hopefully. "What you should know is that the Dread League are just as old as the changeling race. For centuries, residing in that far frozen north were necromancers and vampires."

"Necromancers? Vampires?!"

"Oh yes. A hidden and rare breed of magic that you've yet to see for yourself. Or rather, you've seen glimpses of it from me at times. The ancient and long-lived Dread League are one of the most peculiar nations in all of history, with a system run by two societies of necromancers and vampires. The necromancers who can raise ancient bones and skeletons as zombies to create a powerful tide of mindless horror. And the vampires...well, I don't need to say much about them, do I? They're vampires. I myself learned some magic from there."

"This kind of magic exists?! And you've learned from them?!"

"Certainly. We the changelings have had connections with the Dread League for centuries. Our connections only stopped at a certain time. Strangely, it was when you went off to start your own hive. After that, they essentially became invisible to us. I kept their magic but the rest of what they had was gone. Mostly ordered by the leader of the Dread League. But they still exist in the far frozen north, hidden in secrecy."

"But they're still there, aren't they? In the far frozen north? That's near the Crystal Empire now that I think about it?"

"They are. But I can guarantee it's much further away from any civilization. Since you've asked me about this, perhaps you've come to the realization of where you can obtain higher power." Mellifera approached Chrysalis, circling her. "That is an excellent choice, daughter. The teachings of the Dread League open a gateway to magical arts that can be considered unnatural."

"I-I didn't come here for that. I was just asking for my friend, Ash."

"Tch. Friend." Mellifera scoffed. "Either way, even if asking me about it, taking the pathway to that kind of magic is a necessity, Chrysalis."

"That kind of magic is horrifying! I would never use that!"

"It is horrifying. But it can be accepted. Just as I did with it. In fact, this talk about the Dread League has made me want to try and revisit it. How about we go together? As a family, hm?" Mellifera held her hoof out, offering Chrysalis the chance to travel with her towards the Dread League.

Chrysalis stared at her mother's hoof for a moment. Chrysalis was uncertain about all of this, but this was the only way to know about the Dread League and find its location. Her mother knew where it truly was and only her. No one else.

However, aside from that, Chrysalis saw a chance to at least bond with her mother try and maybe fix a crooked relationship. So, she accepted it, touching her mother's hoof. "Fine. I'll go with you. But don't get the wrong idea."

"Don't you worry. You'll come to learn new things eventually." Mellifera smirked, still believing that she could turn her daughter to another path.

It would be her, Ribombee and her mother venturing past the Crystal Empire to an uncharted area.

The Changeling Hive. Afternoon.

Meanwhile, arriving at the Changeling Hive were Ash, Fluttershy, Spike and their Pokemon, here to see their friends. Thorax was the first to greet them along with Anthophilia who still saw Ash as her father even though he was not.

Once meeting with each other, they caught up on things, just hanging out as friends. Although, Ash was wondering where Chrysalis was at the moment.

"You know, one day we could come over to Ponyville," said Thorax. "Or even better, maybe the Pokemon World and see what it has. We haven't done that yet. Queen Chrysalis has even been thinking about it recently."

"By the way. Where is Chrysalis?" Ash asked while Anthophilia was pulling at both Pikachu and Axew's faces.

"Oh. Well...She said she was going to meet up with her mother. The former Queen Mellifera. Something to do about a Dread League from what I heard?"

"Oh! From Magehold!" Ash stood up. "That's great! Hope she's doing okay around her mom, though."

"What's with that anyway?" Thorax asked. "Is there something important about this Magehold place? And what's a Dread League?"

"I don't know myself. But that's why Chrysalis said she'd head out and find out for herself. Her mom knows the most about this stuff anyway."

"Oh. Well, we're all hoping she's okay. Mellifera still terrifies us...Plus, this Dread League sounds intimidating. A-Are they intimidating?"

"No clue." Ash shrugged. "But no need to worry. Even if she's heading out there, she's got Ribombee by her side to help her. And we can always call her with the Xtransceiver."

"You're right. Worrying about nothing here." Thorax chuckled. "I think. I hope so."

North. Out in the arctic.

The frozen north was already an easy place to access. It was near the Crystal Empire after all. This was where Chrysalis and Mellifera had ended up at. But they would have to travel further.

"There. This is one step closer to reaching Magehold." Mellifera said as they were standing before a gigantic mist of ice that was only revealed via Mellifera's magic. "What lies beyond here is as large as an entire island. The only way to reach Magehold is to pass through it. But I should warn you about what lurks in there."

"I'm not afraid," Chrysalis replied. "I've seen and been through far worse than what could be within there."

"Perhaps." Mellifera shrugged as she, Chrysalis and Ribombee approached the mist, passing through it. Once they went through, they were in uncharted territory. At least, for Chrysalis. This was not new for Mellifera as she knew what to expect here.

When passing through, it felt like going through the gateways only there was a terrifying chill behind it. However, they resisted the chill as they had entered this island that was hidden behind the mist. And residing in this arctic island was a mini-forest.

The forest was tremendous, murky, and seemingly dead while still appearing rich. Its canopy was marked by ash, beech, and linden, and sparkling light dancing between the frozen branches allowed for a mosaic of bushes to take advantage of the moist and fertile bottom layer below.

Massive ice shards dominated the area as well as icicles located in ditches. The trees, while having frozen branches, were also affected by the chill, losing their leaves.

The skies themselves gave off a dark blue appearance while also having a green tint with green sparks hiding within the grey clouds. All of this was unnerving to the eyes, but more than that, Chrysalis and Ribombee had seen frozen statues.

Statues of living creatures. Mainly animals as no Pokemon has found this place yet. Not even the Ice-Types. At least from how it seems. Not only that but the frozen statues of animals showed their age. They seemed to have been frozen for many years now.

That explained the minimal absolute silence here with only the sound of the cold wind howling through the atmosphere and occasional rumbling of thunder. Even the lake was frozen.

"This is the Hyperborean Island. An unforgiving chill that dwarfs any tundra or arctic." Mellifera explained. "And there's a reason for that."

"Let me guess. The Dread League?"

"Not at all. For you see, you're standing in the home of the Wendigos."

"The Wendigos?!" A shocker to Chrysalis. The Wendigos were also known by the changelings as well. Not just the ponies. How could they not be? They affect Equestria as a whole and beyond. But she never expected to stand where they originated from.

"That is correct. One of their homes anyway. There could be more out there. But this one is notorious. At least for us changelings and the Dread League. Residing here is the perfect way to stay hidden from many, I must say."

"Ribombee..." Ribombee stayed close to Chrysalis, scared. Chrysalis wrapped her wing around Ribombee, using a heat spell to warm her.

"So. I would advise you to not grab their attention. And make sure not to fall over, why don't you?" Mellifera said before nudging her head to the side. She used her magic to cut apart some more mist. Once she did so, more of the island had been revealed.

Not only were they on an island, but this island was incredibly high in the skies, touching the clouds. Even though there were other clouds above. Chrysalis gasped, seeing how high up they were. It only made sense since the Wendigos are mostly seen above.

"Mmm..." Chrysalis gulped. "We'll be fine. The Wendigos only respond to conflict, don't they? Ribombee and I would never be at odds with each other."

"Of course, you two wouldn't. But something tells me you'll bring them to us either way." Mellifera scoffed.

"At least you're aware of our relationship..." Chrysalis grumbled. "Why can't you then understand me, mother? It's probably not the best idea to be in a place such as this with how things are for us."

"You went against everything we stood for, Chrysalis. Even before that, when you were young, you ran off one day. Your full potential was something that I and many other changelings back there were anticipating. And you left before any of that could come to fruition."

"I had to leave. I didn't want to be there anymore." Chrysalis stopped walking suddenly. "It felt like all of my dreams were melting there if I'm being honest..."

"Huh?! If you were to be raised at your full potential, all of your dreams would come true!" Mellifera bellowed, turning around. "You yourself even chose to follow in my hoofsteps, making your own hive and feeding off love just as I and many others did."

"I know that!"

"So then why did you run off on that day, hm?!"

"I just didn't feel free, okay?!" Chrysalis bellowed back at her mother with a louder tone. "I felt so trapped there. Waiting for days and days which soon become months. Staying in that room was driving me mad and all I could see were ants gathering at my hooves more than anything else."

"You could've reached greatness if you had understood why you were kept in that room for so long. Such potential can only be made with care and control. And the moment you ran away, that potential vanished forever. And the hive I commanded had to suffer."

"Well, I'm sorry I couldn't be everything you hoped. I chose to live my life my own way. You were only turning me into...whatever I could've been."

"Bom! Ribombee!" Seeing the tension rise, Ribombee went to calm them both down with some of her pollen from pollen puff.

However, due to this conflict, the island reacted similarly to the Wendigos. From out of the misty shadows, a violent cloud of mist had emerged in the form of a claw. It moved rapidly, grabbing Chrysalis.

"Huh?!" Chrysalis gasped as she picked up from the ground by the mist claw as Ribombee dropped her pollen afterwards.


"This island reacts similarly to the Wendigos. Any conflict and it will take action. I knew this would happen anyway." Mellifera shrugged.

"Grr! You helped in it! And how come you aren't being-" Chrysalis growled as more claws appeared, wrapping around Chrysalis's mouth. "Mm-mm!"

"I've been here before. My experiences with this island have made me practically impervious to this. You, on the other hoof, not so much. This new form of yours with an altered variation of love has made you vulnerable to the Wendigos and their power."

"It's not an altered variation!" Chrysalis roared with her horn glowing. "It's True Love!" She then blasted the mist away with a mighty pulse of magic. The claws had been dissipated as Chrysalis had freed herself. Mellifera was not impressed as Chrysalis's impressive magic didn't seem all that to her. "Something you wouldn't get," said Chrysalis as she descended.

"Hmph." Mellifera did not respond that much, turning around and continuing on her way.

"Let's just at least not bicker along the way. Otherwise, this whole forest will take me out."

"Bombee." To make Chrysalis feel better, Ribombee brought over another pollen from Pollen Puff.

"Thank you, Ribombee." She took the pollen feasting on it. Ribombee went over to Mellifera, wanting to give her some pollen as well.


"Tch. I'd rather starve." Mellifera replied as Ribombee pouted after that. She denied the delicious pollen as Chrysalis comforted Ribombee afterwards.

They continued along their way through this massive frozen island with Chrysalis and Ribombee being cautious of the threats here. Any moment and something could snatch them up.

They saw more frozen animals while venturing here. Frozen rocks covered virtually every surface they could see, which made traversing this landscape tricky and dangerous.

The conditions in this world were horrifying and undeniably pleasant as the cloud continued sparking green lights. Just then, once they reached a higher point within this island, that's when they saw the destination they needed to be at. Magehold.

"Do you see that over there?" Mellifera pointed her hoof forward into the far distance. "That is Magehold. The nation for the Dread League."

Bordered between a dark forest to the North, a swampland to the South, a marsh to the East and a crystal forest to the West, the nation of Magehold was fierce. There resided an entire civilization hidden from many, surviving in this harsh frozen wasteland. However, it was all connected to one gigantic palace. There were no other buildings located here.

The nation's landscape showed more dangers when getting further; gloomy forests, withered flower fields and steep, sinister mountains are just a sliver of the melancholia Magehold had to offer. And there stood the palace.

Bigger than even the island. However, they were still far from reaching Magehold despite seeing it in the distance. There was still a trek towards it as a green mist blocked off its appearance.

"Hello there." Just then, a voice echoed through the area. Chrysalis looked around, wondering who made that voice. Appearing from out of thin air with a flash of black and red magic was a pony. Particles spread out as that pony descended in front of Chrysalis, Mellifera and Ribombee.

"Greetings. My name is Fractured Note." He bowed, getting to introductions instantly. "And what brings you here to Magehold?"


"No need to be cautious, you two. If you wish to be. Because what you're seeing before you is a vampire. Although, I understand if you would be cautious." Mellifera revealed.

Encountering a vampire and arriving at this forest, this quest to find out about Magehold's location could be considered nearly over. However, even Chrysalis knew that something was coming over the horizon that she would not expect at al. An unnerving feeling as the journey continues.

Chapter 638 End.

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