• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Short: When that Wish comes...

Equestria. Canterlot. Day.

Months have gone by since the third Pokemon Festival and everything that happened with it. That time of the year has come again. Christmas and Hearth's Warming. The unification of two holidays. Very soon, it would've been 4 years since their worlds had met and these dual holidays perfectly represented that.

And at the moment, Ash and those that helped make the main crux of the stairway were still in the hospital. They still needed some time to heal even after many months had passed. But even if they were couped up in here for some time to recover, they still had the opportunity to go outside and meet with familiar faces.

Keeping them warm from the cold were Arcanine, Ninetales and a few of Luna's Fire-Types. They would provide all the necessary warmth that their friends needed, staying by their side. And as a bonus, Victini, who was also a patient here, would generate his own fire to keep himself warm.

"We should be out of here very soon," Celestia said. By this time, with all the months that have gone by, they've had enough time to rest to their heart's content and heal up. And for the most part, not much trouble has sprouted up in the world.

"Being in here for this long isn't so bad," Twilight added. "We needed this, don't you think?"

"Mhm." Applejack, Cadence and Cold Colt vehemently agreed with that. With them, they were kept company by their Pokemon. Most of their Pokemon were healthy while Ash's Lucario, Celestia's Gardevoir and Cadence's Sylveon had to stay behind.

"But Ash...this is the longest you've gone without exploring much of either world." Twilight pointed out one thing from this month-long rest. Ash's lack of a thrilling and expansive journey. "Are you alright?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah. It's totally fine that I haven't gone to a lot of places that much." But Ash was perfectly fine. Even if he was coupled up here, he still had a beaming and positive smile on his face. "Plus, it's not the first time I've taken a break from exploring for a while."

"It's not?" This was surprising for many of them to hear. The first thing that came to mind was Alola and how it was the one place where Ash found the most solace and peace at. But most likely, he was referring to something else at a different time.

"Nah. I took a break one time for a pretty long time. That was when I just finished up my time in Sinnoh and I wanted to cool my jets for a bit." Ash reminisced about the past. "Before anything else that would come later, Sinnoh really threw me for a loop with everything that happened there. From Darkrai, Giratina, Zoroak, Arceus, Paul and everything else that happened there. I wouldn't mind experiencing moments like that again."

"I can see why you would want to take a break from all of that." Luna nodded in response. "But for months? I would have thought a few weeks was your preference."

"Yeah. But that kinda came back to bite me a bit. I spent so much time chilling out back home that I got kinda sloppy with my skills as a Pokemon Trainer. Heading to Unova showed me that so I had to pick myself back up and hit the ground running. I found my stride once I could feel the thrill of a journey again. So this isn't so bad."

"Morning!" Barging in to see Ash and everyone else was Delia Ketchum in a rather extravagant winter getup. And in her hands, she had various bags and boxes that were also being carried by Mr Mime. "It's almost time for you to come home, isn't it? Wonderful!"

"Mom! Mimey!" Ash jumped up before nearly falling over. "Woah!"

"Careful there! You're getting better but you're not in the clear yet." Delia would catch him. "Just a bit more and you'll be moving around at ludicrous speeds in no time. Like you usually do. But for now, here are some early gifts for you all before the fateful day"

Delia would bring early presents for them. Ash, Victini, Cold Colt and Phione would have their eyes flare with excitement. Of course, it was all tailored to their own preferences and Delia certainly knew what most of them wanted. For the past months, everyone received Get-well-soon gifts from their friends and family which soon led to a decorated room.

They all had their favourite objects plastered around the room, making it pop out compared to any other patient room. But Delia wasn't the only familiar face that would show up. Sweetie Belle appeared, coming to meet with Phione. And with her, she was carrying a large cart of snow. Assisting her in pushing this cart of snow were Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

"What's up with that?" Applejack question. "How'd ya get all this snow here without melting it?"

"We had a Vanilluxe keep it cool enough so it doesn't melt so quickly." Apple Bloom explained. "Sweetie Belle thought of this."

"I sure did. You can't move around too much. So that means no snowball fights outside or anything like that. How about inside?" Sweetie Belle suggested the idea of having all the fun activities with snow inside.

"Inside? Hmm..." Ash thought about it. Having those activities inside was rather unorthodox. But it wasn't impossible, especially with how a Vanilluxe had tampered with the snow. "I guess so. We can sit around and throw them. That can still be fun."

"And make snow angels and all that! We've got full permission to drop all the snow on the floor here!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"You do?" In unison, they all said the same thing. Did the CMC really have that much permission? Even though they were allowed to bring such a large pile of snow along, could they drop it on the floor in front of patients?

"They do." A nurse poked her head through the nearby windows, confirming that they had full permission to spread this white substance.

"You've got Ninetales to keep you warm and all that. So it's all good!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders would then tilt the cart forward, dropping all of it at once. This specific room would soon be covered by this specialized snow, spreading across the floor immediately. They watched as not a single part of the floor was missed. Everything was absorbed by the snow.

They didn't have to go outside when all the snow-scaped enjoyment came to them. The three fillies would high-hoof each other as they felt that this was a job well done in pending. And they were right. Because immediately, Ash, Pikachu and those that usually pack high energy would take this opportunity to frolic in the snow.

"Oh yeah! Thanks!" Ash exclaimed before dropping his body onto the snow. He got his back, immediately going for a snow angel. Thankfully, as patients, they received clothes that would keep them warm during this time. And the presence of Fire-Types helped with that.

"Nice work, crusaders." Twilight congratulated before using her magic on the snow. She raised up some snow, meshing it all together to form a shape. Instead of her hooves, she would use her magic to try and create a snow pony. But she would quickly try something new and form a snow creation of Ninetales. It was her way of showing gratitude to the Pokemon that always kept her warm.

"Ninetales!" Ninetales ran up to his snow counterpart who was the perfect height. He wagged all nine tails around before poking his nose with the snow construct. To add some life and even interact with Ninetales, Celestia would chime in, using her own magic on the Ninetales Snow Construct, causing all of its nine tails to move in response. "Nine?"

Ninetales was startled by this. The Snow Construct would mimic his tail movements as if it was communicating with him. Unaware that this was Celestia's doing, Ninetales would then scamper around to see if it was alive. And as a way to humour herself and mess with Ninetales, Celestia would manipulate the construct to also scamper, giving Ninetales a fellow Fox Pokemon to play around with.

"Things have been surprisingly fine with Nightmare Moon in charge," Luna said while opening one of her gifts. "I suppose that time we had did truly change her. I have to thank Mesprit when I have the chance."

"So what was up with that Antimatter stuff? Why'd it show up all of a sudden? And what's Antimatter anyway?" Scootaloo questioned.

"It's what Giratina creates. All of Giratina's attacks and the energy it produces are packed with Antimatter. Safe to say that the Distortion World also has it. More than anywhere." Twilight explained. "Most likely, the stairway unleashed Antimatter because that's the opposite of what Arceus has."

"How's light the opposite of Antimatter? I don't get it." Jade Skies shook her head.

"It's only Giratina's exclusive Antimatter. It's said that Giratina is apparently the Shadow of Arceus. The opposite in every way." The Princess of Friendship continued. "If my Z-Crystal was involved then I'd have to deal with that problem too."

"Phione's light would've been completely wiped out had it not been for everyone's involvement. Honestly, for such a simple effect, Bittersweet's Curse Magic is shockingly good. Whatever she touches, she can make it the opposite of what it usually is. Mainly bitter when against us." Celestia sighed.

"Curse Magic's a problem, ain't it?" Applejack chuckled. "But we still won and sent them packing, didn't we? That mane of Opal's is gonna need a lot more cleaning after what Lucario did."

"Rrr." Lucario felt proud of it too. In fact, from how he blew up most of Opal Vivacity's mane, it seemed like he did that to also mess with her vanity.

"More importantly...when we get to Jirachi, we have to make our wishes count. The Rift didn't just make an entire dimension to keep them all captive but it also foresaw what kind of wish we would make." Celestia stamped her hoof on the snow, drawing out the Rift's usual appearance.

"So what are you saying? Our wishes are gonna be messed with too? That's a shame." Cold Colt pouted. "But it can't be all that bad, can it?"

"We'll see when that time comes. For now..." Celestia would then wipe away the drawing of the snow. "Let's enjoy our time. And especially what will come tomorrow. We all have our own wishes, don't we? With all those Jirachi there, perhaps we can make them all come true."

"I know what I'm wishing for! Defeating the Dread League!" Applejack raised her hoof. "Make it a sabotage!"

"Sabotage? That's very unlike you, Applejack. But I suppose it's possible. We wouldn't want any more trouble from them. But what would that wish even do?" Luna asked.

"Eh. Take away Yveltal or something?" Applejack drank an apple drink that was given to her by Delia. "I don't want the whole place to be messed up even when I make that wish. Cause...some good vampires could be there, ya know. It'd be a shame if something happened to their home out of nowhere."

"Oh...Like Night Sprout?" Sweetie Belle brought up Night Sprout. "She was pretty nice from what Premium Polish told her. A great battler too."

Celestia smiled at that, knowing that there was more to the creepiness of the vampires. While their cruel dispositions were the majority, it was not all of them. "Vampires or not, they're still ponies at the end of the day. I wish I encountered them before in the past. Maybe I could've talked to them. But the time for talking is long gone after what they've done."

"I still find it hard to believe that Rosa Maledicta is their ruler. A regular pony." Cadence shook her head. "How'd that happen?"

"I'm still banking on that one wish that we're all thinking of. Merging both worlds forever." Ash had the ultimate wish in mind and was dead set on seeing that it came true.

"About that...what do you think will happen when our worlds are together forever?" Twilight faced everyone. "I mean..obviously we'll keep everything even if the Rift leaves. But what about the gateways? If the Rift leaves, will they vanish too? Ponyville and Pallet Town might be on different sides but they're easy to enter with the gateways. Cold. Do you have an answer?"

"An answer? Well..."Cold Colt thought deeply. "If the Rift does leave...there's a good chance that everything it left behind could vanish."

"Everything? Does that mean..." Twilight paused.

"Yeah. I guess we might vanish too." Cold Colt's pupils shrank. "And everyone affected by Rift Energy might lose what they gained. Bayleef's Fate-Changing could be ripped away for good. Spike's Axew will just stay as a Unovan Axew without having the chance to transform into a Haxorus whenever he wants. It would be back to square one. And the Arcane Sea might vanish too..."

"Vanish? I don't want to vanish." Jade Skies, expressionless as always, was actually terrified by this thought. The thought of suddenly ceasing to exist once the Rift leaves was mortifying.

"Is that true?" Cadence asked, hoping that wasn't the case.

"I don't know. I guess the only ones who can answer that are Obsidian and Emerald. Wonder what Obsidian's doing nowadays..." Cold Colt pondered.

"That won't happen," Ash interjected, causing everyone to focus on him. "That wish we're gonna make...is gonna fix that. I promise. No one's going anywhere and no one's gonna vanish or lose anything. Not even the Rift. I promised the Rift's...Lucien and Sienna's parents that I'd bring them both back. So until I live up to that promise and even when Jirachi makes our wish come true."

"Do you think that the Rift's no longer going to take that form if you?" A curious Twilight questioned. "Lucien and Sienna are already hanging around in the world."

"Only one way to find out." Ash grinned. "There's a lot we gotta unpack, isn't there? So, let's discover it. And don't worry about how the world's gonna look when it all comes together. We can still see each other."

"I guess so." Twilight rubbed her hoof. "Just a bit nervous after all. The future can do that to me."

"You'd better brace it for Twilight." Celestia nudged the younger alicorn. "As an alicorn, the future is plentiful. It's all a matter of how you make it. The past is an example and the present is the mould. The future is the finishing touch. A touch that never ends."

"Aw...You guys are getting too sentimental for me!" Scootaloo tried holding back her tears but it was pointless. All of this talk was too touching.

"But it's wonderful for you all to say this. Perhaps, after everything that's happened even from day one, those above could see how it all played out. The good and the bad." Celestia would then look up at the snow-covered sky through the windows. "Whether it's our parents or even those who have passed on. Granted, we can talk to them again thanks to the meteors but still. I wonder if it wasn't just them that have been watching us..."

"Who else could be watching us?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Well...possibly the angels." The Sun Princess giggled, bringing up the opposite of the various demons that many of them have seen and encountered.

"Angels?" Many of them repeated.

"Right. Angels. If there are 100 Demons...then are 100 Angels. Probably more than that, looking down at us while they frolic in the Ambrosial Plane. I used to dream about angels. I even saw my parents as them when they became alicorns. Of course, that wasn't the case."

"Woah...there are angels up there?" Ash's eyes lit up as he recently made a Snow Angel prior to this being brought up. His worldview was expanding even further. So many species and races to see. And now, it was reaching a point where the most stellar of races were involved. From Demons to Angels. "Man...I'd love to see them too if I could."


"You don't have to. There's already an angel right here for me to love." Delia kneeled holding Ash's face. "Isn't that right?"

"Aww...Mom!" Ash groaned, prompting the laughter of everyone here. The motherly love was truly powerful, especially during moments that involved pain and healing at the same time.

"Darkrai. Anything to report?" Luna asked Darkrai who emerged from the shadows.

"Good news. Those suits that'll help us in space and that passageway are close to being finished. You'd best be ready." Darkrai revealed that the specialized suits were nearing completion ever since the months went by.

"We'll totally be ready, Darkrai." Ash gave a thumbs up. "And guys...when we make that wish...what do you wanna do after that?"

"I want to continue exploring and be the first to enter the Equestria League while I wait for everyone. The Pokemon World will finally be endless." Luna went first, declaring what she would after the wish was made.

"I want to find Reshiram as soon as I can. And I want to make that dream of mine possible. A world where status doesn't distance close bonds at all." Celestia declared her wish. "Zekrom may be fine since he helped defeat one of the demons...but I'm hoping for Reshiram's safety."

Everyone else shared their dreams and what they aimed to do after the wish is made. Because once the worlds are together, everything was their oyster. Nothing would hold them back at all. And during this festive time, those wishes were elevated.

The wishes of many were all the same but still wonderful. This moment. This experience. And even these events. All of it was something no one wanted to forget or abandon. How will the world turn out after that? That remains to be seen. And the answer could be very close as the journey continues.

Chapter 992 End.

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