• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Jackie, Jenny, Joy

Kalos. Geosenge Town. Nighfall.

The Dread League had struck again. This time at Geosenge Town. After sending two demons from the Box of 100 Demons, they already caused some havoc not just in the town but also on Route 11 which was nearby. The citizens had been evacuated by the police force thankfully, but the threat was ever rising thanks to the actions of Melody Moon and Bittersweet.

Calling for help was Officer Jenny. And the best source of help was focused on the Ranger Union as Jackie was on the phone speaking to Jenny. At the same time, Jenny's Arcanine and Herdier were dealing with the Falcon Demon indoors.

"The Dread League?!" Jackie gasped as Officer Jenny filled him in on what was happening so far. The Dread League, the demons that they had unleashed, the flames from Tartarus and the stones and their importance.

"Right. They've made their move here, finally. We're handling things here at the moment, but if there was a chance for you to find the Dread League, it's now."

"Got it, got it. We'll be there. You said that there are these flames that leave dark spots behind, right? I just need to put something on first and I'll be right there."

"Thank you. Those vampires should still be heading for Geosenge Town despite that demon attempting to grab the stones and make with them. Hurry." Jenny and Jackie finished their conversation as they both hung up. Jackie would be there soon.

"Arcanine!" Meanwhile, Arcanine and Herdier's scuffle with the Falcon Demon continued as the moment Jenny turned around, flames had already spread from the Falcon Demon's feathers. They showed up during her conversation with Jackie.

"Arcanine! Herdier! Are you two alright?!" Jenny ran over. The two of them were doing fine but this Falcon Demon was tricky for them to catch. "Let's finish this. Arcanine! Extreme Speed! Herdier, Hyper Voice!"

"Heeer!" It started with Herdier howling. This howl was strong enough to stun the Falcon Demon from its intensity, making it cry out.

"Arca!" After it was stunned, Arcanine had used Extreme Speed. Moving at speeds that went to the extreme, Arcanine tackled the Falcon Demon with blitzing speeds, knocking it away.

"Now, Flamethrower!"

"Canine!" After tackling the Falcon Demon, Arcanine followed up with a stream of flames. The Falcon Quickly recovered, flapping its wings in retaliation. The wings had clashed with the scarlet flames as it was fire against fire. The feather flames kept rapidly coming, holding back the stream,

"Now, Herdier! Play Rough!"

"Herdier!" Herdier would attack while the Falcon Demon was busy running to the side before then lunging in with a pink aura around its body.

The Falcon Demon turned to see Herdier approach as it lost focus on Arcanine's Flamethrower, allowing the flames to beat out the feathers. Not only that, but Herdier gave the demon a good smack. This combination of attacks resulted in the Falcon Demon being overwhelmed as the impact of Herdier's smack and the blast of Flamethrower pushed the Falcon Demon away, sending it through the hole that it had previously made when breaking in. Afterwards, the energy of Flamethrower had combusted, resulting in a fiery explosion.

The Falcon Demon had flown out of the explosion before losing some of its feathers. But these feathers did not combust for once. Not without the demon's command and will. The Falcon Demon may have destructive power, but it was fairly fragile.

Jenny and her Pokemon rushed over the Falcon Demon started dissipating suddenly. Its body was moulting while also unleashing sparks of ash into the air. Afterwards, the Falcon Demon cawed before getting up, flying away in defeat.

"Get back here!" Jenny cried out, looking up at the Falcon Demon as it was now slow when it came to flying. Arcanine, Fla-"

But the moment Jenny was about to give another command, that's when the Ape Demon interrupted. It smashed the ground, nearly making Jenny and her Pokemon lose their balance in the midst of running. This was one harder to take down than the Falcon Demon. Not only was it just as destructive but it was far more durable than the Falcon Demon, making this one a bigger challenge.

The Ape Demon then ended up grabbing one of the stones at last with its hand while using the other one to block incoming attacks that were trying to force it away.

"Get your hands off that!" Jenny bellowed at the Ape Demon. The Ape Demon thundered at her before then using its other hand to swat an attack in Jenny's direction. The other officers gasped once the attack had been swatted towards Officer Jenny.


"Canine!" Thankfully, Arcanine had intercepted the attack which turned out to be Swift, burning straight through it with a stream of scarlet flames.

Not only did it beat out Swift, but it had also reached the Ape Demon, attacking its face. The Ape Demon received a scorching hit to the face, prolonging its goal of ripping out the stones. Its grip on one of them attempted to rip it out, but these stones were more seeded into the ground than the Ape Demon was expecting. Super Strength would do the job but not as quickly.

Arriving here at least were Melody Moon and Bittersweet. They were expecting the Ape Demon to have already taken the stones, but that was not the case. Thanks to the Geosenge Police Force, it was being delayed constantly.

"It hasn't taken them yet? That's annoying." Bittersweet commented. "These officers are good at doing their jobs. But..."

"Everyone gets distracted with a little melody~" Melody began her melodic humming and immediately changed the tides of this entire scuffle. Since the officers here were all affected by the Flames of Tartarus that had been dropped from the Falcon Demon's Feathers, they all had those dark spots on them. And much like how Melody Moon's melodies could manipulate the Flames of Tartarus, she could affect the dark spots too.

"Agh!" Jenny felt the true pain of these dark spots as they pulsated, sending the cruel heat of Tartarus through her. And soon, the other officers and some of their Pokemon would feel that pain. Before they could give out another command, the officers and Pokemon fell to their knees or wobbled around, grunting and groaning.

The Falcon Demon had done its job perfectly, allowing Melody Moon to take absolute advantage of the damage it had left behind. Speaking of the demon, it flew back as Bittersweet held the box, opening it for the demon.

"Good work, bird brain. You're totally gonna be needed again one day." Bittersweet said as the Falcon Demon only returned to heal up after Jenny and her Pokemon defeated it.

Thanks to the actions of Melody Moon's humming, the Ape Demon, who was unaffected by the flames, not having a single dark spot on it, could focus on taking the stones. Both the demon's hands gripped onto two of the stones, using its full strength on them. The stones started trembling as the Ape Demon had the capability to eventually rip them out.

"This has been a fun little game of ours~" Melody Moon walked over to the officers and Pokemon who were struggling to keep themselves steady. The only ones unaffected were Arcanine and some Growlithes who were immune the destructive flames.



"Oh, these dogs~" Melody sighed, standing in front of the Fire-Types who barked and growled at them. "It doesn't matter. I can always send others after you~ Like so~"

Just then, under the control of Melody's melodic voice, all the Pokemon that had been drained last night had heard this voice. They had also been evacuated when the town was being attacked, returning to their Poke Balls as their stay at the Pokemon Center had ended.

But the moment they heard Melody's voice, something changed. The Poke Balls of the Pokemon started trembling all of a sudden, alerting their trainers. They looked at their pockets and bags before witnessing their Pokemon exit. It wasn't out of their own volition, or even suddenly having the power to do so. Instead, it was Melody. They no longer felt drained. Instead, they were not only back to normal, but they now only had one trainer in their eyes.

Melody Moon.

"Wait! Furfrou!" A trainer cried out as her Furfrou suddenly started running off, heading to Geosenge Town which was still ablaze thanks to the Falcon Demon.

"Come back, Roselia!" The trainers started going after their Pokemon, wondering why they were suddenly approaching the town. However, it had been cut off. The trainers had been blocked from reaching their Pokemon as a Melody Mon made the Flames of Tartarus slide in, blazing in between the Pokemon Trainers and the Pokemon.

The flames would now affect them since they were close. Soon, the trainers would feel the Flames of Tartarus as those dark spots were already starting to show themselves.

With the Pokemon under Melody's control, they had arrived to intervene with Arcanine and the many Growlithe. The two Fire-Types turned to see the arrival of the other Pokemon. But they were not in their right mind. Right now, they only followed one individual now.

They had gathered around Melody Moon who put on a truly sinister face. So far, the tides had changed in the favour of the Dread League. Even though the Demon Ape was still trying to rip the stones out with its super strength, it was only a matter of time until they would be taken away.

Route 11.

Meanwhile, at Route 11, the Tartarus Flames continued, slowly destroying this beautiful route and the homes of the Pokemon that lived here. Hariyama, Sawk and Throh were trying to put it out but even though they held them back, they didn't have the means to do it so far.

"Swanna!" That was until Jenny's Swanna had used Water Gun, finally showing up to the Pokemon's side. A stream of water had passed by Throh, hitting the flames. Water was truly the only thing that would work against them as Swanna had already previously doused some of the Flames of Tartarus earlier.

"Throh?" Throh and the other Pokemon turned around to see that Swanna along with Nurse Joy and her Blissey had shown up, here to help.

"Everyone! This way, please!" Joy said as Swanna had made a pathway that was free of Tartarus Flames. Once they saw they had a path that was safe, the Pokemon took it immediately, rushing off. The three Fighting-Types stopped what they were doing to follow after the others as Swana continued to spray water on these flames of the Underworld.

Their home wouldn't be completely destroyed now that Swanna was here to douse out the flames, even if it was just one Pokemon. Nurse Joy might not be able to save it now with how it was. She would need more Water Pokemon to make these flames vanish faster and the only place for that was Geosenge Town's Pokemon Center along with all the Pokemon in there.

They were drained, however, and had evacuated the city. Either way, with how things were turning out Nurse Joy could now leave the rest of it to Officer Jenny.

"Jenny. I hope you're doing well back at Geosenge Town."

Geosenge Town.

"Looks like the big ape's finally gonna get them." Meanwhile, back at Geosenge Town, Bittersweet revealed that the ape was nearly finished ripping them out of the ground. "Those stones sure are tough, but nothing beats super strength.

"Victory is within our sights~! Ooh, I could just break out into song instead of humming~!" Melody was getting excited, harming the other Pokemon and the officers as well.

And as she casually spoke, Arcanine and the Growlithe were trying to keep the opposing Pokemon at bay, preventing them from harming their trainers. And as a crimson blaze from the depths of Tartarus colour the land, all seemed grim. And Melody's humming just added to the darkness of this terror as everyone within this city's vicinity writhed in pain, making it enjoyable for the vampires.


But there was another voice that beat out Melody's humming. But it wasn't the voice that shouted out Boomburst. Instead, a massive soundwave that drowned out Melody's humming had arrived, not only startling Melody Moon but also creating a pressure great enough to push the Ape Demon off of the stones, sending it flying back.

"What?!" Melody's melodies had been interrupted yet again as her mane blew violently in the wind. The Boomburst had put everything on pause as the violent flames stopped dancing one Melody stopped humming.

The one responsible for Boomburst was Chatot. And that Chatot belonged to one person, who Chatot had flown to, landing on his shoulder. Arriving here and wearing a special suit was the Pokemon Ranger. Jackie.

"Finally..." Jenny sighed.

"Sorry for the wait." Jackie approached Jenny and the officers as he was unaffected by the flames thanks to the suit he was wearing. Chatot was also wearing a miniature suit. "After what you told me about those flames, we had to find the best suit to negate them. Made one for Casey here, too."

"Chatot! Negate them!" Chatot repeated, also wearing a smaller variation of the suit.

"Who's this now?!" Melody growled, viciously staring at Jackie. As for the Ape Demon, it groaned, putting its hands over its ears as the Boomburst left an impact, stunning it for a bit.

"Are you doing good?" Suddenly, Bittersweet had used her magic, reversing the damage done on Melody Moon by turning it into something sweet. Healing Magic to be exact.

"Fine! Fine!" Melody yelled before keeping her cool. "He just caught me off guard."

"We've been looking for you, Dread League. In partnership with Princess Celesti and Equestria, you're already shaping up to be a handful for both our worlds," said Jackie. "We don't want all life to be wiped out by Yveltal. On both sides. So, you understand that we have to stop you, right?"

"Tot! Stop you, right?!"

"Hmph. If you can. Because right now...you're near the flames~" Melody hummed, harming the others once again, restarting the dancing of the Underworld Flames. However, she soon realized that Jackie was unphased, putting on a smug expression. "What?!"

"Didn't you hear me? The suit. The suit." Jackie tugged his suit.

"Chatot! The Suit!"

"Plus, not only do we have to take you in, but we also need to do something about that box." Jackie then pointed at the Box of 100 Demons that Bittersweet was holding. "Confiscating it is probably the best approach. Of course, it'll be up to Princess Celestia."

"Don't mess with us blondie...I can still get rid of you in other ways!" Sigilyph, Air Slash!" Melody Moon roared at Jackie who had already gotten on her nerves. The Pokemon that she now commanded had continued attacking Arcanine and Growlithe, who were currently the only lines of defence.

"Arca! Arcanine!"

"I'll try and get rid of him as well." Bittersweet stepped up. "Mismagius! Shadow Ball!"

"Mismag!" Mismagius would attack alongside Sigilyph sending out blobs of shadows while along with slashes of air. Jackie was on the move right afterwards as Chatot flew off his shoulder. Jackie managed to avoid them once he dashed away, but that only prompted Sigilyph and Mismagius to pursue him.

"I need to get that box first..." Jackie focused on the box more than anything right now.

"Jack!" Jenny yelled while gripping her arm. "She's controlling the other Pokemon with her voice. "You know what to do!"

"Please, call me Jackie! And I'm already on it." Jackie smiled as another Air Slash and Boomburst were sent his way. "Casey! Aerial Ace!"

"Chatot!" Chatot then flew in front of Jackie when Shadow Ball and Air Slash came his way. The Music Note Pokemon had then used Aerial Ace, moving at confounding speeds. He managed to hit away Shadow Ball, not only being immune to it so he wouldn't have to worry about any recoil damage but he also sent it back at Mismagius. dealing super-effective damage.

"Magius!" Mismagius was hit bits own attack. And after the damage it received previously during the battle with Blissey and Swanna, it had fainted, dropping to the ground. "Mismagius."

"Huh? Hey!" Bittersweet rushed over to Mismagius once it fainted. As for Air Slash, Chatot used the speed of Aerial Ace to fly around the blades of wind. Despite being a shoulder Pokemon, Chatot could indeed battle thanks to his experiences with Jackie, making him a glass cannon. From being a Pokemon belonging to a pirate to now belonging to a Pokemon Ranger.

"Sigilyph! Ancient Power!" Due to Jackie already riling her up, Melody shouted instead of using a sweet melody. This allowed the officers to feel some ease as well, putting them back in the action.

"Sigil!" Sigilyph fought back, using fossilized rock that came from the ground before then unleashing them at the Normal-Flying-Type.

"That's a problem! Boomburst!"

"TOT!" Chatot broke the rocks with a mighty blast of sound. The soundwave had reached Sigilyph after obliterating the rocks, knocking his fellow Flying-Type away. ANd with an attack as powerful as Boomburst, Sigilyph was also down and out, fainting once it crashed down.


"What?!" Melody Moon bellowed as Chatot made sure it would reach her too, slightly pushing the vampire. Melody turned around as her Pokemon had been defeated as well. Chatot cleared those problems away easily as Melody Moon ran over to Sigilyph. BIttersweet was using her magic to heal Mismagius and soon she would have to do the same to SIgilyph.

"Done and done. The next thing we need to do is this." Jackie then held out his Capture Stylus before facing the Pokemon that were being controlled by Melody Moon. "Capture...on!" He unleashed the Capture Stylus, sending a beam of light that spun like a spinning top.

The opposing Pokemon were too focused on Arcanine and the others to notice what was coming their way. Their attacks had been postponed as the effect of the Capture Stylus had kicked in. Arcanine and the others had stopped as well once the beam of light circled their opponents.

"Nice save, Jackie." Jenny went over to the Pokemon Ranger. The Pokemon had all managed to snap out of it for the time being. The Capture Stylus and Jackie's commands would bring them back to their side. And thanks to Melody's singing being interrupted constantly, the flames were no longer as aggressive.

"The Capture Stylus received some neat upgrades. It's all we need to break that mind control." Jackie then snapped his finger as the light from the capture stylus faded away, leaving the Pokemon. "Just like that. From one mind to another."

"Oh! Roselia!" Roselia's trainer ran over, hugging Roselia. "Why'd you suddenly run off?"


"So, that's what it is..." Jackie looked over at Melody Moon. "Your voice is what controls those flames. But you also controlled those Pokemon too. Blocking a Trainer from seeing their Pokemon and controlling them too. Harsh."


"Come to think of it...you could've controlled the trainers too." Bittersweet pointed out. "They were drained as well."

"You drained the trainers! I drained the Pokemon!" Melody roared at Bittersweet.

"Oh yeah. Nevermind."

"I still have more! Grab those stones, already, ape!" Melody Moon no longer felt like singing in a beautiful melody. All she cared about was getting the stones.

"Casey. You know what to do." Jackie whispered to Chatot

"Chatot! Know what to do!" Chatot flew away from Jackie's shoulder before then approaching the Ape Demon who was still dedicated to ripping out the stones. It managed to move one of them in the process with the second one gradually being lifted.

"I won't let you! Bittersweet! Heal them now!" Melody Moon would return to her melodies, aiming to use the flames against Chatot. Even if they couldn't give Chatot dark spots, they were still flames at the end of the day.

"Think fast!" But Jackie had an answer to that. From his pockets, he had a surprise for Melody Moon. Next to his Capture Stylus, this was his second best object to use. It wasn't even meant for attacking but when he used it on a Team Plasm Grunt, he's found use in it.

A Cheri Berry.

He flicked the berry at high speeds as always, sending it to Melody's mouth. Now was a bad time to have her mouth open especially with all of that anger. With this one chance, the Cheri Berry had entered Melody Moon's mouth.

"A-" Naturally, this was a big target for Melody's voice. She would be interrupted in another way. This time via a berry. She scrunched her face as it turned red from all the heat burning up from within. The berry had already taken its effect. Its spiciness was similar to that of the underworld flames. Now, Melody would know what they felt like. Her eyes widened as she suddenly breathed out fire from the heat. "Hot!"

"Now! Extreme Speed!"

"Arca!" Arcanine took this chance to attack. Moving at lightning speeds, Arcanine had knocked Melody Moon over. Bittersweet had postponed her healing just to help her fellow vampire out. But, it was now that she realized how outnumbered she was.

As for Chatot, he flew next to Ape Demon's ears, doing what needed to be done. Instead of unleashing a powerful attack, Chatot did something less destructive to keep the stones safe. He had used Sing.

By singing into the Ape Demon's ear. The Ape Demon hadn't yet noticed Chatot, too fixated on the stones. But it would never notice Chatot as it felt drowsy now. The grip on the stone had weakened from this beautiful lullaby that was being played.

The Ape Demon yawned, removing its hands before then lowering its head. The Ape Demon then slowly fell on its back, making a loud thud noise as it had been defeated as well. That was two demons down. Bittersweet could see that defeat was imminent. She and Melody were the only ones left.

"This won't happen!" Melody sat up. "Bittersweet! Release all of the demons now!"

"As if! We'll destroy the stones if we cause any more trouble. Let's withdraw for now!" Bittersweet saw that the odds were greatly stacked against them. She opened the Box of 100 Demons, immediately retrieving the Demon Ape back into the box as if it were a black hole.

"You won't escape! Arcanine! Extreme Speed!"


"We'll get you back for this, for sure," Bittersweet said as she and Melody had turned into bats for quicker mobility. Melody's claws had grabbed onto the Box of 100 Demons, having enough strength to carry it. They took the skies at equal speeds to Arcanine's Extreme Speed.

These vampires called it a night. It was a failed mission. However, they knew about the location of the stones either way. n aggravated Melody felt like hitting something but since it was summer, the Sun would rise faster than usual, making her time here limited. The vampires fled into the night.

"I can't believe we failed...Another progress on Yveltal completely squandered!" Melody groaned.

"It's not a total loss. I managed to snag something." Bittersweet brought some hope.

"What? You did?"

"That Ape Demon couldn't grab the whole thing. But some of the damage left some rubble behind. Like this." Bittersweet revealed that she had some rubble from the stones. "Might as well work with what we have, right?"

"Tch. Fine. We'll return it to the Lich Queen. And next time, some of those crystals." They got something at least. While not the entire stone, it still counted as something. This mission was not a total failure.

But for Officer Jenny and the police, it was a success. The town had been saved along with the preservation of the stones. Granted, there was still some damage thanks to the flames, but for the most part, they were no longer dancing and could be put out now. Some of those Pokemon that had been controlled were Water-Types or at least knew a Water-Type attack.

The trainers could also return to their Pokemon, reuniting thanks to Jackie's efforts and Jenny's recommendation. Things were settling down now at Geosenge Town.

Peace had returned to the town of Geosenge. Repairs were being made as Swanna and other Water-Type Pokemon were putting out the flames. The Pokemon reunited with their trainers as they could continue to rest up.

Nurse Joy made sure that every one this time was healed. The entire town was now her duty to heal them all. The Pokemon Center received minimal damage, making it functional and safe to be at once the flames were put out.

"There. You should feel better now." Nurse Joy said to the Pokemon. She only needed some extra time to heal those who had been drained. But of course, those that had been affected by the dark spots would take some more time. "Everyone. Every single one of those dark spots will be gone soon enough. Hopefully, before the sun rises."

"The hospital's all clear now." Jackie walked up along with Officer Jenny, "The trainers can finish their checkup. Looks like you need that as well, Jenny."

"It's Officer Jenny, please. I'll be at the hospital soon. Wish I could've caught those vampires though..." Jenny sighed. "Oh, well. At least everyone is safe. That's what matters."

"About the vampires. We're still focused on getting that box of theirs." Jackie replied. "Pretty soon, once we get ourselves a big lead on the Dread League, we'll infiltrate their base. And by we I mean me. I've got a Shift Stone ready, all I need is just something to go off."

"I can help with that!" Jenny gasped. "Arcanine and Herdier have been around them at last. They can probably pick up on their scent. Will that do?"

"Hm-hm. Good stuff. Princess Celestia's already thought of that same thing with her Arcanine. It's still pretty tough to reach them even if we have sensory advantages. They seem to know exactly how to hide."

"Oh, take it off your mind for a bit." Joy intervened. "Jenny. Why not just rest? You stayed up all night and you could knock yourself out at any time."

"You're right. I am feeling tired already." Jenny yawned. "We'll chat again, Jenny. Goodnight."

"As for me, I'm preparing to infiltrate a new country. Wish me luck." Jackie grinned before walking off with Chatot.

"Tot! Wish me luck!"

"The next time those vampires show up, I'll be more than ready for them." A determined Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy both said at the same time in their heads, vowing to perfectly deal with the vampires next time. Whenever that chance would come, they'll be ready.

Aside from that, it was back to their regular duties minus the threat of demons and vampires. And most definitely, their family all across the Pokemon World would do the same. Vampire or not. As the journey continues.

Chapter 832 End.

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