• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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How to approach a Pokemon

The Pokemon School, Wednesday.

On this day, both the younger and older ponies, are all outside instead of being indoors this time. Cynthia, the principal of the school was currently the only human with them at the moment, but the teachers were apart of this incoming activity that the ponies would be taking part in.

"Alright, my little ponies. Listen up. Because this can benefit every last one of you." Cynthia spoke. "Today, we'll have you all approach and interact with certain Pokemon in the right way. That includes all 18 Types."

"Approaching Pokemon? We already know how to do that though." Rainbow Dash whispered to Rarity.

"Not quite, Rainbow Dash," Cynthia replied as she made Rainbow shoot up in shock. "We're already aware of your current experience with Pokemon. Especially during the earlier days of our worlds crossing over. Your experiences were less than pleasant and safe. Some of you were put into mortal danger even."

"If only she knew..." Rarity shook her head.

"Which is why you will all be heading off to a forest filled with the 18 Pokemon types. Ranging from Dragon to Fairy."

"All of them?" Diamond Tiara spoke.

"All of them," Cynthia nodded. "I won't go into further detail about which Pokemon you'll encounter. All you need to know is that the teachers will be there as well. The Pokemon are bound to interact with you in various ways, but if things get a bit risky, the teachers will protect you."

"Um. All the Pokemon there are tamed, right?" Twilight asked.

"Some of them. Some belong to the teachers whilst others are just wild Pokemon." Cynthia said with a pleasant smile whilst the students were frozen with fear plastered inside of their heads. But from the way Cynthia was smiling, she knew something for sure.

"Oh." Twilight gulped.

"Wait. Are there really only 18 Types in total?" Starlight replied. "Is it possible that there might be more out there somewhere?"

"Well..." Cynthia looked up. "I'll just let the future decide that."

"Aw..." The students groaned as they were curious about the existence of more types that go beyond Dragon to Fairy.

"The goal of this lesson is that no matter what the Pokemon, big or small, you'll be able to tackle any of the 18 types in the near future, wherever and whenever. The vital thing to know is that every Pokemon behaves differently. Some in ways that no one would ever expect to encounter. How you react accordingly to these behaviours depending on the Pokemon is up to you."

"Oh, I think I get it." Fluttershy nodded. "It's a test of courage."

"Great deduction, Fluttershy. Now. You may all team up with fellow classmates and make your way towards the forest. You can find it just South from the Pikachu Highlands. Good luck. And if you spot a medal, grab it. There are many of them all over the forest."

And with that, they all scattered, finding and creating their own teams. Twilight and her friends stuck together as always whilst the Cutie Mark Crusaders did the same but with the inclusion of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

"A forest with all 18 Types? I'm surprised many of the Pokemon there get along," said Rarity.

"Well, it might be similar to the Pokemon House where even Dragons can get along with Fairies." Fluttershy smiled.

"Yeah, but you've got Krookodile keeping watch of the place. I bet some of them aren't really great pals at all." Rainbow Dash replied.

"In any case, with the number of experiences we've had with Pokemon, good or bad, I'm sure we can interact with them the right way," Twilight commented.

"Hope so. I'm a bit nervous around Ghost's if I'm being honest." Starlight scrunched her face.

With the teams gathered, they were all ready to set out towards the forest near Pikachu Highlands. But they weren't the only ones heading there.

The school's guidance counsellor, Jessie or Jessamine as she's now known as, the two janitors, James and Meowth, have decided to tag along but in secret this time.

"All of them? That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen." Jessie spoke as she and Team Rocket were hiding inside of the Canterlot Garden hedges.

"I wouldn't say that. You'd be surprised by how well opposites attract." James raised a finger.

"Yeah. I'm looking at the biggest example right here." Meowth shifted his eyes over at Jessie and James.

"If there's a load of Fairies there, just think about all of them that I can have!" Jessie began fantasizing about the Fairy Pokemon. One of her personal favourite types. "Not only will their beauty match mine...but I'll even have the chance to bring some of them to my contests!"

"Is that all you're thinking about?" James turned to her.

"And snagging them too, obviously. Don't you two have fantasies of certain types?"

"I'll be honest. Choosing a favourite is difficult. I have so many great memories with all my Pokemon." James remembered his Cacnea, Growlithe, Mime Jr, Mareanie, Carnivine and more. "I can't choose! All of them are special to me!" He was tearing up just thinking about them.

"Amateurs." Meowth scoffed. "It ain't about the type. It's about looks."

"You're one to talk. You'll go all googly eyes over any Pokemon that just looks pretty to you." Jessie shook her head.

"I'm a sucker for love! There's a bunch of gals out there who could be for me." Meowth began fantasizing about having a good time with a Gardevoir, Lopunny, Gothitelle, Purrloin, Alolan Ninetales, any Pokemon that just looks beautiful to him.

"Well, in any case, we'll have plenty to choose from when we get there! Let's get rolling!" Jessie and Team Rocket stood up from the hedges, almost getting caught by Cynthia.

"Wobbu-" Before Wobbuffet could finish his sentence, Team Rocket shoved him down as they all hid back in the hedges whilst Cynthia turned around, spotting no one.

The Forest located south of Pikachu Highlands. Also nicknamed Frenzy Forest due to there being a frenzy of Pokemon with various types around.

Due to the size of this forest, a large number of Pokemon could be found here with enough space for all of them to find a territory and spot of their own.

Once the students arrived at the forest, they could already feel an odd chill run through their bodies as something about this forest was screaming Unpredictable.

"I-Is it too late to back away now." A pegasus said.

"Alright, girls. I was thinking of which Type we should tackle first. Fire." Twilight said to her friends.

"Fire? Why Fire?" Applejack asked.

"Well, Fire's one of the more dangerous types due to you know...Fire. If we can get past them, then other types won't be a problem. Besides, I already have a Fire-Type of my own right here." Twilight looked over at her Ninetales.


"I thought we would've gone for Dark or Poison-Types first." Rarity said.

"Eh...I'm a bit iffy around Dark-Types." Twilight rubbed her hoof, looking to the side. "They're still a bit off for me."

"Well, Fire ain't too bad." Applejack agreed with going for Fire-Types. "It's simple enough anyway."

"Um about simple...I was thinking we could've started with Normal-Types first." Fluttershy gave her own recommendation.

"Why Normal-Types? They're like the Toast-Sandwich of Pokemon." Rainbow Dash chuckled. "N-No offense, You guys. And Braviary too." She referred to Audino, Minccy, Castform and Spinda.

"Audino..." Audino narrowed her eyes at Rainbow Dash.

"Cinccino..." As did Minccy, but Spinda and Castform didn't mind it at all.

"I was thinking of going Normal too!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Normal may be simple, but simple is best."

"I honestly haven't decided on a Type myself." Rarity shook her head.

"Uh...I'm still not really well versed in Pokemon so..." Starlight shrugged.

"Okay. So some of us either have a type we want to see or we're just undecided." Twilight thought for a bit. "How about this. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. You two can go for the Normal Pokemon."

"Deal!" Pinkie wrapped her hoof around Fluttershy's neck.

"Applejack and I will take Fire."

"With ya already." Applejack went over.

"Rarity and Starlight, you two can go for whichever one you want."

"Great! I might learn a thing or two about types." Starlight squeed.

"And Rainbow Dash..."

"Meh. I haven't chosen yet. But...I do have some personal faves." Rainbow grinned.

"Then it's settled. Let's get exploring!" Twilight raised her hoof as the others did the same in unison, forming a perfect circle.

The lesson had begun.

For Twilight and Applejack, they set off to find some Fire-Types. The type they consider to be the most volatile of them all. Even more than Dragons.

The whereabouts of the teachers in the forest were currently unknown. But there was a guarantee that some of them were here somewhere. As for those shiny medals Cynthia mentioned, there was no sign of them anywhere. Not even a sparkle.

Twilight and Applejack had come across their first Fire-Type Pokemon which was also part Normal. They peeked their heads through a bush, spotting a Litleo and two Pyroars. The Litleo, they already knew of but the Pyroar's were new territory to them.

"Ooh. Who are those two?" Twilight took her dex out as she noticed that the two Pyroar's were different. One had a majestic and wide mane whilst the other had a longer one.

"Pyroar. The Royal Pokemon. Male and Female. The male with the largest mane of fire is the leader of the pride. In contrast, a female has a long mane and protects the cubs. A male Pyroar is usually lazy but will protect its friends at the risk of its own well-being. Pyroar viciously threatens any challenger with a fiery breath exceeding 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. However, it prefers its meat raw and does not use its breath on its prey."

"A Pokemon family? How cute!" Twilight squeed.

"S-Should we be getting close to something that eats anything raw?" Applejack gulped as the dex entry made her a bit cautious about Pyroar. "And what's with all these Fire-Types being hotter than the sun?"

"Come on. Let's greet them." Twilight was eager to meet the Fire family as she hopped out of the bush. Applejack tried to stop her but it was too late.

"Py?" The female Pyroar heard the sound of something coming out of the bushes nearby as she instantly turned her attention towards the direction of the noise.

Once turning her head, she spotted Twilight Sparkle, alongside her three Pokemon. The female was a bit defensive, especially when it comes to brand new faces.

As such, she got in front of her cub, growling at the pony and her Pokemon, forcing them to halt in place.

"Uh!" Twilight froze. "H-Hello."

"Pyroar...!" Pyroar's naturally view any other species as a threat or even food. The female was protective of her young Litleo cub, fearing that a stranger might come along and harm or even steal the little Pokemon.

"C-Cinccino..." Minccy hid behind Ninetales as she was intimidated by Pyroar's sharp eyes and teeth. Ninetales and Eve weren't as intimidated but they were cautious.

"Pyroar..." The Royal Pokemon stayed in one spot whilst the Litleo stood up, looking over at Twilight and the other Pokemon that had reached this territory.


"I don't think this is the right way to approach them..." Applejack whispered from the bushes.

"Probably...What do I do now?" Twilight spoke through her teeth.

"Don't approach too closely. Any mother's gonna protect their baby no matter what. Different circumstances trigger different behaviour. Try giving them lots of space first."

"A-Alright." Twilight took Applejack's advice as she held her breath in. The young alicorn slowly took one step back whilst her eyes were still clashing with Pyroar's.

"Py!" The female Pyroar could see that Twilight was moving away from her at a slow pace. A wise decision according to Pyroar. But she was still territorial and cautious.

The best option against a Pyroar is to not run. Not only are they fast and can cover a lot of ground in a few seconds, but even in the air, none of their prey are safe thanks to their endless access to Fire moves.

As Twilight continued to step back, the female Pyroar stopped snarling at her. But, she did mess around with them by doing a mock charge. By running forward, Twilight squealed as she hid inside of the bush.

That made the female Pyroar chuckle a bit as Twilight could see that Pyroar made her jump on purpose, getting a good laugh out of it. "Did I just get tricked by a lion...?"

"Sure did." Applejack giggled.

"Pyroar." The male Pyroar suddenly stood up, taking notice of this current situation. From what he could see, Twilight wasn't here to cause any harm to his family whatsoever. "Py." He told the female Pyroar that it was okay for them to approach. There was nothing to worry about.

"Lit! Litleo!" Litleo stood up on its hind legs as it was curious about Twilight and to an extent Applejack. This was its first time seeing a pony along with its family.

"Esp. Espeon." Eve could see that they were now inviting instead of territorial and cautious. The Sun Pokemon hopped out of the bush, making her way towards the Lion Cub Pokemon.

The female Pyroar kept her eyes on Eve. Just in case she tried anything funny. Her protective nature can rival that of even some of the most caring mothers out there in both worlds.

"Leo!" Litleo greeted Eve as it poked her on the nose as a sign of saying Hello. Although, Eve felt a slight burn on her nose.


"I guess that means...we can approach them now," Twilight said as she stepped out of the bush. She noticed that this time, the female Pyroar wasn't immediately snarling, growling or narrowing her eyes at them, ready to attack. It just stood there alongside the male Pyroar.

Seeing that she wasn't getting defensive anymore, Twilight went over to the father and mother of Litleo whilst still feeling a bit nervous around them. "H-Hello. Nice to meet you."

"Pyroar." The male Pyroar greeted back at her. As did the female.

"Guess we're in the clear too." Applejack and her Grovyle came out of the bush next, feeling safer around this area now. They were greeted by the two Pyroar's as Grovyle and the rest of Twilight's Pokemon went over to Litleo.

"Leo!" Litleo was curious about Ninetales's many tails, so, being the adventurous Pokemon that it was, it jumped onto the Fox Pokemon's tails, feeling its soft yet mystical fur. "Lit!"

"Nine." Ninetales had heated his body, making his golden fur glow, just for Litleo.

Twilight's Cinccino tried to do the same, but when she got close, she immediately felt a powerful heat run through her body as she jumped back. "Cinccino!"

"Huh. I guess this is the right way to approach a Pyroar," said Twilight.

"Eeyup." Applejack nodded. "Principal Cynthia said that every Pokemon behaves differently. I took one look at the female and saw how defensive she got over that Litleo. Kinda reminds me of how I am when something happens to Apple Bloom."

"Ah... So is that how you were able to know what to say to help me?"

"Nope. That was just normal advice for when you come across a lion. Any lion really. Pokemon or not."

"Oh." Twilight paused for a moment. "Well, I think it's about time we got going. There are still other Fire-Types that act differently after all. Great meeting you two."

"Pyroar." The two Pyroar's nodded in understanding.

"Alright, you three. Let's go. We've got a lot more to cover." Twilight said to her Pokemon. Ninetales stopped glowing as he told Litleo they would be leaving now.

"Lit." Litleo rolled off Ninetales's tails, waving goodbye to him and the others.

With the first Fire-Type Pokemon done with, Twilight and Applejack have learned how to approach a Pyroar. Especially the females. The next time they come across another group of Pyroar's, they'll know what to do.

With Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, they were feeling extra confident about their pick. Normal-Types are common and appear practically everywhere no matter what.

A large majority of them are peaceful without having any hostile intent whatsoever. As such, they seemed easy to approach, however, there are some exceptions.

"Normal-Types are easy. You can make friends with them in an instant. Isn't that right, Spinda?" Pinkie said to her partner.


"Although...it does seem odd that they have the most variety out of any other type." Fluttershy looked up. "Can they really be considered normal?"

"Ah, nothing's normal with Pokemon, anyway."

"Dino. Audino!" Audino picked up on the sound of two Pokemon as she pointed North.

"Oh! You found some Pokemon? Great Audi. Lead the way." Fluttershy uttered. Her partner led them to the area where she heard the two Pokemon.

In between some trees, they stopped to find a familiar and brand new Pokemon right in front of their very eyes. As they peeked whilst hiding behind the trees, they spotted a Tauros and Bouffalant staring each other down.

Bouffalant was the newest Pokemon they've seen, so Pinkie instinctively took her dex out for this. "Who's that?"

"Bouffalant. The Bash Buffalo Pokemon. Bouffalant's fluffy fur absorbs damage, even if they strike foes with a fierce headbutt. They charge wildly and headbutt everything. Their headbutts have enough destructive force to derail a train. Bouffalant with more hair on their heads hold higher positions within the herd. Bouffalant that betray the herd will lose the hair on their heads for some reason."



The two Pokemon with similar stature's were currently having a showdown between each other. As a sort of territorial encounter. Fluttershy could immediately tell from the way they were staring at each other.

"What are we waiting for? Let's approach em!" Pinkie Pie hopped out of the bush.

"W-Wait, Pinkie Pie!" Fluttershy gasped as she tried to stop Pinkie by grabbing her tail, but her bouncing strength was too great as Fluttershy ended up being dragged along.

Tauros and Bouffalant both charged at each other, kicking up some dirt along the way. They both reached impressive speeds as they stayed in one consistent line.

The Wild Bull Pokemon and the Bash Buffalo Pokemon smashed their heads into each other, generating seismic waves just from their collision. These waves were enough to tremble the surrounding area as the trees themselves were almost destroyed.

"W-Woah!" Pinkie could feel the waves as she stopped bouncing immediately. She almost lost her balance whilst Fluttershy shuddered at the mere tremor of these two heavy Pokemon butting their heads.

Bouffalant and Tauros were fighting for dominance as the two kept their heads against each other with one trying to push the other back.

They seemed to be evenly matched in strength as neither of them could 1UP each other. Due to their equal strength, they both knocked each other back, coming out of their clash as both Pokemon shook their heads.

They both went for another head charge with some extra power added into their charges this time as they yet again shook the area around them upon contact.

"They're fighting for dominance at the moment, Pinkie Pie. It's best that we don't approach them like this."

"Why not? If they're having a little contest, why don't we cheer them both on!" When she raised her voice, that prompted Tauros and Bouffalant to take notice.

"Uh..." Fluttershy raised her hoof, shaking her head aggressively. But it was too late. The two Pokemon had already been alerted as their eyes were now focused on the two ponies. From the way they were looking at them, it seemed like they found new objects to charge into. Which doesn't spell good news for Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.



"Ehe-he-he...Hi." Pinkie laughed nervously, slowly waving her hoof.

Both Pokemon had put their battle on hold to focus on the two of them since they had interrupted what can essentially be seen as an important moment for the two.

They both scraped their hooves on the ground, getting ready to smash into the duo along with their Pokemon as well as the pink pony gulped.

"Pinkie Pie. Just stay calm." Fluttershy whispered. "If you make any hyper movements, they're sure to charge."

"O-O-Okay..." Pinkie Pie kept her body still as she didn't bounce, zip or do any of the usual speedy movements she's capable of since she didn't want to get thrashed by the two of them. "Now what?"

"The best way to approach them is with a gentle nature." Fluttershy walked out of the trees, gently making her way towards the two Pokemon.

Fluttershy had been spotted by Tauros and Bouffalant as well. However, they could see that she wasn't as hyper or fast-moving as Pinkie Pie. So they didn't think about charging at her.

Pinkie didn't move an inch as she just made her eyes follow Fluttershy's movements. She could see that Fluttershy could easily approach these two juggernauts without budging an eye. But more importantly, Bouffalant and Tauros didn't seem like they were planning on attacking Fluttershy at all.

Once Fluttershy got close to them, she placed her hoof on Bouffalant's soft and fluffy fur, which the Bash Buffalo Pokemon somewhat enjoyed.


"See? If you approach the larger Pokemon, it's best to do it slowly and gently. Too many hyperactive and loud movements will startle them. They're not as playful as the smaller Pokemon."

"Oh. Okay..." Pinkie nodded as she slowly approached Tauros and Bouffalant.

"Taur." The Wild Bull Pokemon snorted at Pinkie Pie, causing her to freeze for a bit.

"D-Did I do something wrong?" Pinkie stammered.

"Not at all. Tauros is just being cautious." Fluttershy shook her head. "Isn't that right, Tauros?"


"I'm surprised you can handle the bigger Pokemon so well, Fluttershy. The best I've gotten is a Beartic somewhere near Yakyakistan."

"Well, most Pokemon are similar to the animals in our world. They share similar traits, behaviours and even appearances at times. So it's not difficult for me to know what to do around certain Pokemon."

"Oooh...That makes sense." Pinkie Pie nodded.


"Oh. You're about to continue your competition?" Fluttershy translated.

"Bouf. Bouffalant." Bouffalant nodded its head.

"Alright then. Let's give them some space." Fluttershy flew back, allowing the two Pokemon to finish what they started earlier.

As the two ponies stood back, they were now spectators of this little competition. Bouffalant and Tauros took their positions as they started charging into each other once more.

As they watched the Wild Bull Pokemon and Bash Buffalo Pokemon go at it, Fluttershy's Chikorita picked on a very alluring scent coming from the west.

"Chiko?" This scent was almost similar to that of honey. It was so alluring that the Leaf Pokemon felt enchanted and compelled to go over to it. She left Fluttershy presence, using her nose to track down wherever this honey scent was coming from.

"Hm? Chikorita?" Fluttershy took notice of her Pokemon suddenly wandering off. "Where are you going?"

The pegasus and her Audino followed the Leaf Pokemon whilst Pinkie kept her eyes on the duel. She found it amusing that whenever the two of them smashed their heads into each other, Bouffalant's fur jiggled and bounced a bit.

"You know, Flutter-" She turned around to face Fluttershy, but she was no longer there. "Fluttershy?" She looked, seeing that even her Pokemon weren't present at the moment. "Where'd she go?"

"Chiko...!" Chikorita's nose was getting closer to the scent of honey. She couldn't wait to taste it for herself since it was so enticing.

"Chikorita. What are you picking up on that's so-" It didn't take long for Fluttershy to finally obtain the scent of the honey. She could now see why Chikorita wandered off. The aroma was potent.

"Dino..." Even her Audino enjoyed the scent as well, feeling compelled.

The trio continued their way towards the location of the scent until they finally came across the main source of it all. A gigantic beehive. Not just any beehive, a beehive filled with an abundance of the Tiny Bee Pokemon Combee.

"Combee! Com!" An impossible number of them were flying about as they simultaneously flew out of the beehive, in search for more honey to bring to their leader.

"Oh, it's just some Combee searching for more honey. I'm not sure what type of honey they're gathering, but it smells amazing."

"Chikori." Wanting to taste it, the Leaf Pokemon approached the beehive carelessly. But Fluttershy picked her up, stopping Chikorita from advancing any further.

"Sorry, Chikorita. But we can't just taste their hard-earned honey. Not unless we get permission from the queen."

"Hey, Fluttershy!" Pinkie Pie's voice travelled through the ears of Audino, Fluttershy and Chikorita. She was able to track them down by having Slurpuff pick up on their scent. "You three just ran off without saying a word. What's up?"

"Sorry, Pinkie. But Chikorita and now Audi and I picked up an enticing honey scent."

"Slur..." Slurpuff could see what Fluttershy meant as the Meringue Pokemon enjoyed the scent of the honey around this area.

"Honey?" Pinkie took a moment to pick on the honey herself. Once she did, her mind accelerated along with her senses. It was possibly the best honey her nose has ever come across. "Ooooh! That is enticing! Where can I taste some?!"

"From there." Fluttershy pointed her hoof over at the beehive. "But I'm afraid we can't. The Combee worked hard to get that honey and I'm pretty sure that the Vespiquen of this beehive wouldn't be too fond of us just tasting her honey without asking."

"Well, then why don't we just ask her? I'm sure she wouldn't mind if we get one lick." Pinkie approached the beehive, eager to taste the honey for herself.

She was expecting to see a Vespiquen here as the ruler, sitting on a throne, but instead, she was given a completely different result. There was indeed a Vespiquen but she was currently tied up by her own string.

"Q-Quen!" The Beehive Pokemon squirmed around, trying to free herself from the string as she wriggled on the ground. But it was no use.

"Uhh..." Pinkie Pie took a moment to process the ruler of the hive being tied up. But she was also curious about who could've done this.

The answer was revealed to her once she took her eyes off of Vespiquen. She looked ahead to spot four Pokemon keeping the honey for themselves.

Those four were 3 Nickit's and 1 Thievul. Pokemon that were completely new to Pinkie and Fluttershy since this is their first time seeing them.

"Who are you four?" Pinkie took out her dex.

"Nickit. The Fox Pokemon. Cunning and cautious, this Pokémon survives by stealing food from others. Aided by the soft pads on its feet, it silently raids the food stores of other Pokémon. It erases its tracks with swipes of its tail as it makes off with its plunder."

"Thievul. The Fox Pokemon. It secretly marks potential targets with a scent. By following the scent, it stalks its targets and steals from them when they least expect it. With a lithe body and sharp claws, it goes around stealing food and eggs. Boltund is its natural enemy."

"Did they overthrow the Vespiquen?" Fluttershy wondered. She noticed how they had some jars to place the honey inside. Most likely, they found a nearby jar and stole it.

"Vul. Thievul." Thievul had spotted Fluttershy and Pinkie, alerting the three Nickits. They were hoping that no one else other than the Combee would come in here and catch them in the act, but clearly, someone did.

"Nickit!" The Nickit's realized that they've been caught. So they used their tails to store the jar inside as they were ready to make a run for it.

"Quen! Vespiquen!" Vespiquen shouted at Pinkie and Fluttershy, telling them to do something already since she had been overthrown and betrayed by her own Combee thanks to the arrival of Thievul and Nickit.

"They overthrew and betrayed their own queen?!" Fluttershy gasped.

"What?! Nopony steals somepony else's tasty food like that!" Pinkie Pie growled. "Spinda, use Dizzy Punch!"

"Da!" The Spot Panda Pokemon jumped out of Pinkie Pie's mane, immediately taking action. A rainbow-coloured orb appears around Spinda's fist as she ran over towards the four Pokemon.

"Nickit!" The Nickit's responded to Spinda's attack by simply not attacking in the first place. Instead, they used Quick Attack to make their escape as they dashed the past the Spot Panda Pokemon, making her Dizzy Punch miss.


"Thiev." As for Thievul, he used his tail to whack Spinda away, making his getaway as well.

"Chikorita, quick! Use Vine Whip!" Fluttershy commanded.

"Chiko!" Two green vines came from the bud necklace on Chikorita's neck as she sent them towards the four Pokemon. She only managed to grab two Nickit's by wrapping the vines around their tails. But the other Nickit and Thievul managed to escape.

"Ah! They're getting away!" Pinkie Pie yelled.

"Not for long. Audi! Toss Chikorita!"

"Dino!" Audino went over to the Leaf Pokemon, picking her up whilst the vines were still wrapped around the Nickit's. With all her strength, she tossed Chikorita like a baseball.

The Leaf Pokemon was soaring through the air whilst the Nickit's were dangling beneath her, screaming in fear as they were also along for the ride.

Thievul and the other Nickit looked behind them to see the incoming Chikorita heading straight for them like a missile as they both gasped.

"Chiko...Ri!" Chikorita then flipped herself over, slamming the other two Nickit's onto the backs of Thievul and the single Nickit. The impact caused them all to drop their jars of honey out of their tails whilst also forcing them to the ground.



"Nice shot." Pinkie was impressed by Audino's great throwing and Chikorita's precise aim. She had her Slurpuff remove the string from Vespiquen, finally freeing her.

"Ves...pi...!" Clearly, Vespiquen wasn't too chipper and jolly at the moment. The second she was freed, the Bee Hive Pokemon hovered over Pinkie, Fluttershy and the others as her eyes were glowing red.

Slurpuff slowly backed away as she didn't want to get in the way of Vespiquen's wrath. The Bee Hive Pokemon dashed through the air, setting her sights on Thievul and the Nickit's. The things she was going to do to them were unimaginable. But the situation would be worse for the Combee once they return.

"W-Wait!" Fluttershy got in the way of Vespiqueen's charging as she put her hooves up.


"Let's not go crazy now, um your highness. Maybe attacking them isn't the best form of punishment." Fluttershy tried to reason with her.

"Vespiquen." She asked what would be a better alternative. Plus, she also wanted to deal with the Combee's when they return with fresh new honey.

"Maybe a punishment that's less physical?" Fluttershy squeed.

"Vespi..." Vespiquen thought about it for a moment. She could just obliterate them here with any of her Bug-Type moves. But since it was really the Combee that she was mad at, she would go a bit easier on the Nickit's and Thievul. But not by much. "Quen."

"Okay, good. I'm sure they won't come by and steal from your hive ever again. Right you four?" Fluttershy turned to them.

"N-Nickit!" They nodded aggressively as they didn't want to feel the wrath of Vespiquen. Not only that, but Chikorita intimidated them by keeping her vines around their necks this time.

"Thiev!" So did their ringleader.

"But uh...if you don't mind. You could side some honey our way, eh?" Pinkie Pie held out a jar, shaking it in front of Vespiquen's head.

"Quen!" The Bee Hive Pokemon slapped the jar out of Pinkie Pie's hoof, startling the earth pony.

"O-Okay! That's fine. It's all yours! Let's go, Fluttershy!" Pinkie dashed off.

"Goodbye, Vespiquen." Fluttershy waved over at her. "Good luck with your hive!"

"Vesp." Vespiquen gave her regards. Now that Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were gone, she had the four criminals all to herself. Even though Vespiquen didn't have a mouth, anyone could tell that she had a devious look on her face. The things she was about to do made the Pokemon shudder.

The lesson is currently ongoing with some ponies already finding ways to interact with Pokemon who behave differently. What Pokemon they might encounter and how they face them has many possible outcomes. For better or for worse as the journey continues.

Chapter 276 End.

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