• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Unusual events.

Canterlot, Day.

Twilight was currently learning how to use her newfound wings. Flying was all brand new to her after all.

"You gotta really flap em hard." Rainbow Dash said. Twilight nodded as she was aggressively flapping her wings, but ended up crashing into a tree.

"Ugh.." She mumbled.

"Uh, maybe not quite that hard." Twilight then tried to fly down but ended up crashing down on the ground.

"Looking good up there, Princess Twilight." Applejack said.

"Applejack. You know you don't have to call me that."

"Why do you protest so? You've already given up wearing your crown all the time. The least you could do is embrace your new title." Rarity replied.

"If other ponies want to address me that way, I suppose it's fine but, not my friends. It just doesn't feel right. And neither does all this flying business. The Summer Sun Celebration is only two days away. And I'm never going to be ready to perform my part." Twilight sighed.

"Not if you spend all your time down here you won't. Now get up there and show everypony the big finish!" Rainbow bellowed. Twilight nodded in response as she spread her wings out, flying in the air, confident this time. It looked like she was actually doing it with ease.

"Woohoo!" She cried. Until she flew through some clouds, unable to stop flying and eventually falling back down and swooping about with barely any control, until she crashed on the ground, sliding on dirt.

"Wow! That WAS a big finish!" Pinkie said.

Canterlot Castle, Celestia's Throne Room.

There was a stain glass window art of Twilight Sparkle as an Alicorn, representing her newly achieved feat.

"You look, amazing darling. They've really captured your regality." Rarity gazed at it.

"I suppose."

"Oh don't be so modest. It's everypony's dream to someday wear a crown and have their coronation ceremony preserved in stained glass for all to see!"

"I don't know if it's everypony's dream." Rainbow replied to Rarity's words.

"My dreams are about frosting!" Pinkie retorted, dreaming about frosting right now.

"We'd better get going. We don't wanna miss our train." Fluttershy pointed out.

"Fluttershy's right. Don't know about ya'll, but I've still got bushels to do to get ready. The official celebration may be here in Canterlot, but whoo-wee has the mayor put us in charge for one heck of a party back home!" Applejack rambled.

Twilight let her head down, knowing that she was needed here and her friends would be back in Ponyville. Applejack went up to her to lift her spirits up.

"Oh don't look like that sugar-cube. You get to up there with the other princesses when Celestia raises the sun."

"And I'm honored. Really I am. It's just that the Summer Sun Celebration is what first brought us all together. It just doesn't feel right not getting to spend such a special day with my Ponyville friends."

"It doesn't feel right to us either, darling. If the mayor wasn't so desperate for our assistance we'd most certainly stay here in Canterlot. And of course, we do understand that your royal duties must come first."

"The Summer Sun Celebration may have brought us together, but it's something much bigger that'll always keep us connected." Applejack said. "Exhibit A!" She pointed her hoof at the stain glass window of the Mane 6 using the Elements of Harmony on Nightmare Moon. "The six of us are united by the Elements of Harmony. No amount of royal duties is gonna change that. Right everypony?"

"Mhm!" They all said.

"Right Pinkie Pie?" Pinkie Pie was still dreaming of frosting.

"Creamy, creamy frosting..."

"We should take that as a yes." Fluttershy said. Passion had arrived in the room, here to bring Twilight to Celestia and Luna.

"Passion?" Twilight said.

"Kirli. Kirlia."

"She says that Celestia and Luna are waiting for you out the balcony." Fluttershy translated. "And that's our cue to leave now."

"Alright. At least let me say goodbye to them at the train station?" Twilight pleaded to Passion. Passion agreed to it. She'd let her bid them farewell.

At the train station, the others were ready to leave, but Spike would stay behind. He is her assistant after all.

"We're gonna write to you and give you so many details, it'll be like you're in Ponyville with us! Right girls?" Pinkie blethered.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye." They all said doing special hoof movements.

"And you will be with us right after the celebration. We already have an appointment on the books to discuss the royal upgrades to the loft decor." Rarity said.

"All Aboard for Ponyville!" The train was about to leave soon, so no time to waste. They all gathered together to give her a farewell hug. They trotted off as Pinkie gave an extra hug by diving at Twilight.

They were all on the train as they looked out, waving goodbye to her. Twilight sighed as they were finally gone.

"I can't help it, Spike. They've only been gone a minute. And I already feel I'm missing something."

"For the princess." A mail pony arrived to deliver a letter to her. Spike took the letter, opening it and reading the words on it.

"Dear Twilight, you aren't missing anything. Your friends - Pinkie Pie."

"THAT'S ME!" Pinkie yelled in response, even from that far of a distance.

"But I am.. I just know it." Twilight replied to it.

All the way back at Ponyville, Brock, Dawn and even Misty who came by to help with the Summer Sun Celebration with them.

"So, getting wings and a horn makes you a princess?" Misty asked Dawn.

"Well apparently, if you already have a horn and then you get wings, you are a princess. An Alicorn as it's known." Dawn replied.


"It must be great being a princess! Twilight is so lucky. I can only imagine all the perks. Personal pets, fancy tiaras, tons of closet space, your own theme song! It must be perfect!"

"That only happens in movies, Dawn." Brock replied.

"Well, this world feels like a real movie you know. Magic is all over the place!"

"We have magic too. In the form of Fairy Types. And remember when we went back in time to save Arceus? Damos and the people there back that time referred to Pokemon as magical creatures. Pokemon is just the nickname we give all of them."

"Huh. Makes you wonder what they're really called." Misty pondered.

"Well, I don't wanna think about it too much." Dawn replied. "By the way. Where's Ash and Pikachu?"

"No idea. They're all over the place as usual." Brock answered. Everything seemed fine for now. But...

"Hm. That's odd."

"What is it Dawn?" Misty asked.

"The sun and the moon. Is it me or are they BOTH up?"

A few hours have passed. Everypony and Pokemon were asleep now as the moon was up. But something was up. Twilight, who was asleep in a guest room for her, had woken up. She'd only ever wake up if it was morning, but from what she saw outside. It was both day and night at the same time.

"Huh?! Spike! Spike!" She woke up Spike who yawned, unaware of the sudden oddity in the skies.

"Ugh... what time is it?"

"It's the middle of the night! But it could be morning...That's just it! I can't tell!" They both walked out to look at the Sun and Moon.

"Woah. That is weird.."

Just then, Passion entered the room, looking hurt.

"Passion? Are you okay?!"


"What'd she say, Spike?"

"I don't know! I can't translate Pokemon like Fluttershy."

"Your highness! You're still here!" A royal guard said, entering the room.

"What's going on? Why are the sun and soon both up? Everypony's outside panicking from what I can see."

"It's Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. They're gone!"

"Gone?! But I don't understand. Where are they?"

"We don't know. It seems that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have simply... vanished."

"Vanished?!" Spike fainted.

"This is why we have come to you. We await your command." The two guards lowered their heads.

"M-My command?"

"We are officers of the Royal Guard. We take our orders from royalty. With Princess Luna and Princess Celestia gone. And Princess Cadence overseeing the Crystal Empire now, that means we take our orders from you. Princess Twilight. There's no time to waste. We need to know what you want us to do."

Twilight wasn't prepared for something like this as her first task as Princess. But she had to do something.

"I want you to continue the search for Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. We have to find them before ponies start to panic. There must be some clue that can tell us what's happened to them. If you find something, anything, let me know immediately." She declared as the two guards saluted, heading off to do their task.

"Way to take charge, Twilight." Spike said, nudging her.

Just then, another guard arrived, coming through the door.

"Your highness! News from Ponyville! The Everfree Forest appears to be...well... invading!"

Twilight gasped as Spike fainted once more.

All the way back at Ponyville, especially at the apparent invading forest, Everfree, Team Rocket were getting the worst of this.

"What gives?! Why of all times is this forest acting wacky?!" Jessie yelled.

"These rouge roots are all over the place!" James followed.

"Boy, I don't know what humidity this forest has!" Meowth finished.


"Where even is Zecora of all times?!"

"She left, Jess. The moment these black vines came out of nowhere." James explained.

"She could've at least taken us with her!"

The Grass-Types were being bothered by this as well. They had left their areas to get away from these sudden black vines. The vines were rampant everywhere as one of them attempted to clutch onto a group of Bonsly.

"Bon? Bonsly!" The Bonsai Pokemon were luckily saved as the vines were cut in half in a flash. The Swords of Justice were here.

"Are you alright?" Cobalion said, reassuring hope in them all.

"What is this? Rampant weeds of some sorts?" Virizion wondered.

"Whatever they are, they look like they grow back too." Terrakion responded. He and the swords cut the weeds and vines but they kept on growing back. "Strange."

"At least it's good news that our swords can cut them. But where is it coming from?" Keldeo asked.

"We'll have to find the source then. Follow the weeds. The more there are, the further we'll get to the source. Terrakion. I want you and Virizion to take care of the Pokemon. Protect them from the weeds. Keldeo. Come with me." Cobalion declared.

"Alright!" The Colt Pokemon responded.

It wasn't just happening on the ground. Even the skies were affected. The clouds were moving on their own along with them having thorns inside. The Flying-Types were being disturbed by this. They couldn't rest and fly with all of this. Including the Pegasi. Not only that, but they were shooting lightning out. Rainbow Dash was doing her best to try and stop these clouds, but there were too many of them.

But it also wasn't just limited to the land and the skies. Some ponies were being affected by this as well. Specifically Unicorns. Each time they used their magic, something went awry. Like they couldn't control it.

"What is going on?!" Dawn shouted. Piplup was freaking out at the current sight.

"These vines and weeds are everywhere. First, the sun and the moon both end up being out at the same time and now THIS?" Brock said.

"What in Equestria is going on?!" Rarity said, looking at the weed-infested Ponyville. The rest of the girls were at Ponyville's main center as they were trying to get away from these rampant weeds.

"How are we gonna deal with all of this?"

"I know!" Brock shouted. "We'll use Steel-Types to get rid of them. Or any Pokemon that can cut real good."

"That's a great idea, Brock!" Applejack replied.

"Don't bother. It won't help anyways." Virizion shut down his idea as she and Terrakion appeared, protecting the Pokemon that were walking beside them.

"Oh my! Look at her!" Rarity was admiring the beauty that was Virizion. Another regal Pokemon.

"Now's not the time for that, Rarity." Applejack said.

"W-What do you mean it won't help?" Brock muttered.

"We Swords of Justice tried it already. Our swords can cut them, but they keep growing back. They won't stop no matter what." Terrakion explained. "Right now, Keldeo and Cobalion are off to find the source."

"The source? Where would that be?" Dawn asked.

"I can take a pretty good guess. The Everfree Forest." Applejack answered. "And from what I can see, it doesn't seem content on just taking over Ponyville."

"So it's just gonna keep going? What if it reaches our world?!" Misty bellowed.

"There is only one thing left to do! Twilight's library. She always has a book with an answer to everything!" Rarity exclaimed.

On the other side of the spectrum, Twilight was already headed here with her Crown, as fast as she could, even if she couldn't handle flying yet.

"There it is! Golden Oaks Library! We need to get the Elements of Harmony and find the others!" She was closing in on the library moving at top speed.

"Incoming!" Spike shouted. Twilight realised that was gonna crash, but could stop. So out of instinct, she used magic to teleport herself inside the library instead. Her friends were already inside, browsing the number of books for anything. She rolled on the floor as Spike crashed into the window, sliding down.

"Oh, thank goodness." Rarity sighed.

"Oh. I hope you know we wouldn't normally go through your books without permission." Fluttershy said. Spike entered after finally being free from that terrifying flight.

"Sweet ground." He kissed the wooden floor. "Sweet, sweet wonderful ground."

"Okay! I get it! I need to work on my flying."

"I don't know if you've noticed. But the Everfree Forest is just a teeny tiny bit... out of control!" Pinkie chided as her tail was shaking. Her Pinkie sense was active. A large vine came out of nowhere and hit Rainbow Dash as Pinke Pie ducked.

"We have a problem, girls. You see... Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are.. well.."

"THEY'RE MISSING!" Spike shouted, making them all worry.

"I don't know who has taken them. But I've got a hunch that we're going to need the Elements of Harmony to get them back." She took the Elements out of the glass case as she placed it on each of her friends.

"Well. Who's behind all of this? And how?" Dawn asked.

"Hm... Half-Day. Half-Night. Strange weather patterns, out of control plants I think I'm starting to get a pretty good of who we're up against. Two actually." Twilight theorized.

"Two?" They all said.

"Yes. Only two can be capable of something like this. It's either The Rift or Discord."

"Well, which one of them do you think did it?" Rainbow asked.

"Let's see. The Rift can alter reality and change up many things, whether they're living or not. Like change up the properties of Pokemon or even create new life like Cold Colt, Emerald Aura and Obsidian. But Discord is more of a random problem. Making everything all wonky. So, I suspect that Discord is the most likely candidate. Girls. We know what we need to do."

They all went outside with their elements, ready to summon the Lord of Chaos. Their elements began glowing as the rainbow surrounded them. A whirlwind of rainbows appeared as it had summoned him here. But right now, he seemed to be taking a bath, singing the Winter Wrap-up.

"Oh! Hoho! Now Twilight. You know Princess Celestia said that you were to give me a heads up before you summon me with that little spell she gave you. In case you haven't noticed, I was in the middle of a particularly invigorating shower."

"Enough! Release Princess Celestia and Princess Luna! And stop the Everfree Forest from invading!" Twilight shouted at him. A vine wrapped around her as it turned out to be Discord.

"Why, whatever are you talking about?"

"Don't you play dumb with us Discord! We know you're the one behind all of this!" Applejack exclaimed.

"Don't get me wrong. I absolutely LOVE what you've done with the place. But I couldn't possibly take responsibility. I'm reformed, don't you remember?" He said, moving closer to Fluttershy, who helped reform him.

"Yeah right! This has got your cloven hoofprints all over it!" Rainbow Dash thundered.

"I'll have you know, that I have only ONE cloven hoof." He responded as cloven hoof rose up, kicking Dashie in the flank. "Such accusations. And here I thought we were friends."

"...Is he meant to be a horse or a snake?" This was Dawn, Misty and Brock's first time seeing Discord.

"Drop the act, buster! We're onto you." Pinkie hissed.

"Ladies. Ladies. I'm innocent. Would I lie to you?"

"YES!" The 5 of them all said.

"Um... Maybe?" Fluttershy responded with a much gentler tone.

"Well then. It seems we've reached an impasse. I'm telling the truth, but you think I'm lying. What do friends like us do in a situation like this? Princess Twilight? Congrats by the way, on the promotion. You TOTALLY deserve it."

"I say we blast him back to stone!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Works for me." AJ agreed.

"Hear, hear." So did Rarity. The three of them got their elements ready but Fluttershy stopped them.

"Hey! We can't do that! What if he really IS telling the truth?"

"Well finally! Somepony willing to give me the benefit of the doubt. The rest of you could learn a lot about friendship from my dear friend Flutterfly here." He mispronounced her name while grabbing Rainbow Dash instead.

"Um, it's Fluttershy." She corrected him.

"Oh right, whatever."

"If you're not the one responsible then it has to be The Rift." Twilight said.

"If I were you, I'd ask your zebra friend what's up." He was knitting the vines as he made an arrow that pointed to Zecora who was leaving the forest with all her stuff.


"From my home, I have had to flee. The forest has grown too wild, even for me."

"Any idea why all of this is happening?" AJ asked.

"I'm afraid it is a mystery to me as well. But, I may have something that if combined with a spell, I do not dare to use it myself." She got out a potion with purple liquids in it. "The result would be tragic. It only responds to alicorn magic." Luckily, Twilight was the only alicorn here. "Princess Twilight. You can turn the potion from purple to white. After a sip, you may see why the sky is day and night."

Twilight concentrated all her magic on the potion. The same magic aura that Sombra has emerged on her horn as it shot a magic ray that made contact with the potion, turning it white.

Twilight lifted up the potion with her magic as Zecora encouraged her to drink it. Once she drank the now white potion, she didn't really feel much.

"Doesn't seem to be working-" Just then her eyes had flashed white.

In a somewhat familiar place. One also told in books of lore. Twilight was in this familiar place.

"Where am I?"

"Not another step." A familiar voice called out. It was from Luna. She was here.

"Princess Luna. I don't understand. Where are we? Why did you and Celestia disappear?" She asked the princess of the night.

"Did you really expect me to sit idly by while they all bask in your precious light?" It was like Luna didn't even notice Twilight.

"Precious light?"

"There can be only ONE princess in Equestria. And that princess... will be ME!" She stamped her hooves down, breaking a piece of the upper section as her eyes flashed white. Cracks began rising behind her, going up the walls as shadows emerged. The window behind her broke as the sun was revealed in all its bright and golden glory. And now the moon was rising up, blocking out the sun, as dark lights rained down, surrounding Luna in ominous black energy. She was undergoing a transformation. One all too familiar. She had become Nightmare Moon, once more. She laughed maliciously.

Nightmare Moon fired a magic beam as she was starting to destroy the place. Twilight moved away from the large falling debris, as she was met with the hooves of Princess Celestia herself. Celestia flew to her sister, who only shot a beam at her. She moved away from it but a huge hole was left in the ceiling.

"Luna! Think of how long you were banished to the moon! You'll give us no choice to send you back there if you don't stop!" Twilight tried to talk some sense into her.

"Luna! I will not fight you. You must lower the moon. It is your duty!" Celestia exclaimed.

"Luna? I am ...Nightmare Moon. I have but one royal duty now. To destroy YOU!" She fired another beam at her older sister. Celestia flew away, heading out into the sky.

"And where do you think you're going?!" Nightmare Moon chased after her. Twilight followed the two princesses up in the night sky. Nightmare Moon kept firing at Celestia, trying to hit her as she was destroying parts of Canterlot in the process. She eventually struck Celestia, hitting her right the middle as she screamed in pain.

"CELESTIA!" Twilight cried out as she chased after the downed princess. Nightmare Moon laughed as she felt victorious. Celestia was down on the floor as Twilight started to cry. "No... why would Luna do this?" She continued to cry as Celestia got back up. Twilight stopped crying, gaining a smile on her face. "You're alright. You're alright!" Despite Twilight saying all of that, Celestia did not hear her. "Princess Celestia?"

"Oh, dear sister. I am sorry. But you have given me no choice, but to use these." Celestia turned her back as out of the ground rose up the Elements of Harmony. All 6 of them. But in the form of gems.

"Are those... the Elements of Harmony? But that's how they looked in... The past! This is the night you banished her." Twilight had just caught on. This is a past event. And with all of this, followed one particular entity who is an expert at time. From high above the skies, a ripple appeared as Twilight looked up at it. Out of that ripple emerged a portal. "W-What's going on?" Out of the portal emerged the Temporal Pokemon.


Dialga's presence with time was so grand that it could even be seen by those in the past.

"What is THAT?!" Nightmare Moon exclaimed. Dialga looked down as Twilight had somewhat noticed it. She remembered the book she got from Canalave Library. How it mentioned the Creation Trio. Not only that but it also showed artwork of them, and one of them resembled Dialga.

"T-That's the Legendary Pokemon. Dialga. The Guardian of Time." Twilight said. Dialga would normally never show up in this world because it is not his, but since both universes have been connected, he now knows of this universe's timeline.

"No matter!" Nightmare Moon. did not mind Dialga, not thinking too much of it. Celestia flew to the Elements, gathering them. They circled around her as both light and a rainbow were apart of her. She flew up to her sister as she began to cry, not wanting to do this.

Both fired beams at each other. One of malicious intent, and one of harmony. The harmony beam had overpowered the malicious one, making contact with Nightmare Moon.

"Noooo!" She cried out as she was defeated. And just like in the past and stories, she was banished to the moon. Thus creating 'The Mare in the Moon.'

Dialga floated down to Celestia and Twilight. Celestia didn't know what to make of this Pokemon. She didn't even know what a Pokemon was at this current timeline. Twilight was shaking from the absolute size of it. Dialga let out a mighty roar as Twilight returned to the present suddenly.

She was still here. In the same spot with all her friends there. They all had looks on their faces like they were worried.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?"

"It's just... you were mumbling to yourself..." Applejack started.

"Ooh! And don't forget the uncontrollable sobbing." Pinkie followed.

"We were really worried about you." Fluttershy finished.

"And you mentioned Dialga. You saw Dialga?" Brock said.

"Who's Dialga?" Rarity asked.

"The Legendary Pokemon that controls all of time." Dawn explained.

"So I was in the past. And that's why Dialga showed up."

"I for one found it delightful." Discord loved every second of what he saw. It was pretty chaotic from their point of view. "Sort of a one pony theatre piece if you will. You should really consider taking it on the road." He got out a scroll which showed the recreation of Twilight breaking down and crying.

"So? What did you find? Any answers?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"No. I only saw what happened in the past. No Rift involved."

"Perhaps farther back still are the answers you seek. Another sip of the potion will give you a peek." Zecora lent the potion over to her once more. It was time for another go.

"Wait. If I drink this, Dialga will show up again. What does that mean?"

"It could be that Dialga's trying to tell you something." Brock said to her.

"Tell me something?"

"Dialga watches over time for a reason. So it came to you, trying to give you pointers." Dawn said.

"...Alright. If I come across Dialga, I'll talk to it. if I can that is."

Twilight drank the potion once more, going through another flash.

On the other side of things, Cobalion and Keldeo have reached the Everfree Forest, getting closer to the source.

"We're close Keldeo. Keep your guard up."

"Right!" As they moved in deeper, they came across something odd yet beautiful. It looked to be some sort of tree. With a familiar Cutie Mark on it.

"What is that, Cobalion?"

Cobalion didn't say anything. He knew what this means though.

"This is something bigger than us Keldeo."

Chapter 48 End.

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