• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Jade Skies

Day 1 of the Pokemon Festival is still underway. It was still morning so the day was gonna be a long one.

Ash and Pikachu were enjoying themselves by eating some food made by the best chefs in Canterlot.

"This stuff is good! I can't believe we've been missing out on Canterlot food like this!" Ash was chomping away at the food.


"Plus we can get enough energy from this to participate in the battle competition on the 2nd day of the festival. We're gonna win it, right buddy?!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu raised his hands up with his mouth full of food.

Team Rocket had arrived as well, still disguised as tourists. They had their eyes on the prize. All the Pokemon to grab but mostly that famed Pikachu that they've been chasing for years now.

"Eyes on the prize boys. We play our cards right, we'll make a clean getaway without anyone noticing." Jessie commented.

"A getaway so clean there won't be any tracks left!" James exclaimed.

"And no tracks means no lead!" Meowth jumped up.


Team Rocket started to blend in with the crowd as they were going along with the festival while watching Ash and Pikachu.

Whilst everyone enjoys themselves, Obsidian had put his Jade Skies plan into motion. "Alright, Jade. Go on. Learn about friendship and we'll be seeing you when you've finally understood the magic behind it." Obsidian shoved the expressionless pegasus forward as her mind started to turn on. The first thing she saw was the festival. And already she was greatly confused. The first thing she heard was the sounds of Pokemon, ponies and humans chattering away along with the sounds of young ones playing about. The first thing she felt was the wind blowing in her face. The sun rays beaming in her eyes and mane. This was the very first time she ever breathed air. And yet, she still had no emotion in her eyes as she started to walk.

Looking around her she could see so many colours for the first time. Her dull grey eyes took them all in. From the fiery textures of a Pansear to the Ethereal mane of Celestia and Luna. The skies were the next thing she had seen. How blue and azure it is as the sun shines brightly over the white clouds. Then the first thing she could smell was the food being made by the apple family. It was an odd and bizarre smell, but then again it was the first thing her scent picked up. She could also feel the grounds of Canterlot on her hooves. How smooth they were despite being rocks.

Then she came to a halt. Sitting down as she kept on sightseeing the entire festival. Looking up she had also seen the faces of Pokemon on balloons. She at least had knowledge of what a Pokemon and a pony were thanks to Obsidian's requests to the Rift. She seemed lonely until Ash and Pinkie Pie had noticed her. Pinkie went over to the emotionless pony, seeing how still she was.

"Come on. What's the matter? Aren't you enjoying the festival?" Pinkie said to the deadpan pegasus.

"Yeah. You okay?" Ash asked.


Jade had looked up to them, seeing the human, pony and pokemon. "Who are you?" She uttered her first words and they were monotone. More than Maud and Aria combined.

"I'm Ash. And this is my partner Pikachu."


"And I'm Pinkie Pie. Nice to meet ya!" Pinkie Pie grabbed her hoof, shaking it. Jade was still impassive. "Something definitely wrong. Where's your smile?"

"Smile?" She titled her head in confusion. "What is a smile?"

Hearing this made Pinkie Pie gasp. A pony who's never heard of a smile before? "You don't know what a smile is?!"

"I don't know much. I don't know where I am." Jade answered.

"Clueless huh? Do you have amnesia or something?" Ash questioned.


"I don't... think so.. I don't know."

"Well, don't worry! With us here, we can turn that frown upside down. Why don't you enjoy the festival? We've got yummy stuff." Pinkie had a cupcake in her hoof, putting it near Jade's face.

"What is this?" She asked.

"It's a cupcake. Vanilla flavour. Try it."

Jade looked at the cupcake and then up at Pinkie who was aggressively nodding her head with a wide grin. So the deadpan pony took a bite out of the cupcake. Experiencing her first-ever taste in the few minutes she has existed.

"Well?" Pinkie, Ash and Pikachu leaned it to know her answer on how it tastes.

"It tastes... like something nice."

"You mean sweet?" Pinkie said.

"I guess so."

"Great! You're already getting in the mood! Come on! We'll introduce you to our other friends! I'm sure you'll have more fun around them!" Pinkie Pie grabbed Jade's hoof, bringing her along. The emotionless pegasus was still confused about her surroundings. Obsidian watched as he saw his plan going perfectly so far.

"See? It's working out so far. She's now gonna be apart of their group and we just wait for time to work its thing." Obsidian smirked.

"I can't believe you really came up with an idea like this. Then again, you have the wildest ideas out of all of us." Emerald spoke.

With the others, Rarity had lined up to try Lopunny's Dance Inferno. It seemed like it would be fairly easy. Just follow the rhythm of the song and Lopunny's movements. Rainbow Dash had flown over to get a look at this attraction. "Hey, Rarity. You wanna try this dance inferno thing??"

"Of course. I'm mostly attracted by that Pokemon over there though."

"You mean the Lopunny?" Rainbow Dash pulled out her Pokedex.

"Lopunny. The Rabbit Pokemon. An extremely cautious Pokémon. It cloaks its body with its fluffy ear fur when it senses danger. It’s notably wary and has a dislike of fighting, but at the same time, it can deliver powerful kicks with its lithe legs. Lopunny regrows its coat twice a year. Mufflers and hats made from its fur are really warm."

"Isn't it a beauty? Oh I wish to have a Pokemon like that." said Rarity.

"Just looks like an average tall rabbit to me." Rainbow Dash was unimpressed.

"How rude. Can an average rabbit do that?!" Rarity pointed her hoof at Lopunny's dazzling dance moves. Well, dazzling to everypony else but Rainbow Dash.

"Pssh. I can do those move easy. They don't seem that challenging." Rainbow Dash scoffed.

The ponies who had done the dance inferno came down from the stage, exhausted. "Yikes... those moves are aggressive." A mare said, sweating bullets.

"No kidding." So was the stallion who was apart of the dance.

"Lopun?" Lopunny was looking out for any new potential dancers. "Lopunny."

"How about we both try it." Rarity grabbed Rainbow Dash with her magic as she volunteered.

"Huh? Wait! Hold on! I didn't say I wanted to dance! I can't dance anyway!" Rainbow Dash protested.

"Nonsense. After all... you said it would be easy." Rarity went up to the stage.

"Lopun. Lopunny-Lo!" Lopunny pointed at the rules as they were fairly short and simple. They read the following. The maximum dancer size is 4. Watch Lopunny's movements when she does the moves first and then mimic them after. Once it reaches the second half, flow with Lopunny at the exact same time she performs the moves as the speed increases. The winner is the one who can flow with Lopunny the best.

"Simple enough. I've dabbled in dancing myself if you must know." Rarity said.

"I haven't." Rainbow sighed.

"Lopunny!" The music started as it was simple and slow pop beat. All they had to do was follow Lopunny's movements. Can't be too hard. Lopunny's first movements were shaking her arms up and down while moving her body left and right, ever so slowly to the beat. Rainbow Dash and Rarity stood up in a bipedal position as they moved their hoofs up and down whilst moving left and right as well. The next move was Lopunny placing her right hand on her hips while waving her left one as she looked to the right. Then she turned the left with left arm down and swinging while still keeping her right hand on her hip.

"This is pretty easy actually." Rainbow Dash said as she and Rarity mimicked Lopunny's movements fairly easily. Although they had no idea what was coming next. Lopunny then stood in one place with her hand on her hip still while waving the left arm about. The two followed suit, perfectly flowing with her. The next movements were Lopunny swinging her arms up and down like she was sending water upwards at someone. The two did the same with their hooves. Rainbow Dash was getting into this even. Then Lopunny gave of a singular pose where one arm was facing up diagonally and the other facing down diagonally. Rarity and Dash followed those arm movements, diagonally posing with their hooves.

And then the hard part kicked in. The music suddenly increased in speed. Which meant that Lopunny's movements increased as well. This is no problem for a flexible and agile Pokemon like her but for everyone else, this is where the challenge really begins. This time instead of watching Lopunny's movements first, you had to copy her movements at the exact same time she starts, which means on the spot. She did the exact same moves she did last time but with a much faster pace. Rarity was feeling the pressure now.

"Oh, dear! So this is why it's called Dance Inferno! Slow down a bit!" Rarity was trying to keep up with Lopunny, seeing the Rabbit Pokemon perform these speedy moves so perfectly. Lopunny also kicked her feet up to the beat while repeating the same moves from before. Rarity and Rainbow Dash attempted to kick up one of their hooves but unfortunately, they don't have the same balance that Lopunny has. At least Rainbow Dash was keeping up with Lopunny's speed being fast herself. Lopunny switched things up next. Instead of posing with those diagonal arms, she now did a pose where she thrust her left arm forward and then sent it back to her chest while pointing her left arm to the side and finally finishing off with the diagonal pose.

But the dance kept ongoing. She then switched to the first move that she did but this time she performed the same arm thrust and then switched into the arm wave. Then back to the arm to the chest while pointing it to the other side. Followed by the arm wave, the swinging on the lower section, wave once more, arm to the chest, wave one final time and then follow up with an arm thrust, arm to the chest and the finishing move, the diagonal pose. And thus the music stopped.


Rarity was already tired as she had trouble keeping up with her moves. The pace she was moving was tricky to keep up with especially since she had to also flow with Lopunny at the same time in the second half. The unicorn had fallen the ground, sweating and tired. Rainbow Dash was the only one who managed to keep up a bit.

"Lopun. Lo-Lopunny." Lopunny grabbed Rainbow Dash's hoof, crowning her the winner. She managed to flow with Lopunny much better.

"I can't believe I won that. Barely. You okay Rarity?"

"I'm fine... just need a rest." Rarity replied as Rainbow Dash picked her up, carrying her away from the stage. But before that Lopunny stopped them by giving Rainbow Dash a crown that said 'Dance Queen'.

"Uh. Thanks."

"Lopunny." She replied, waving them goodbye.

As for the Apple family, things were going swell. The same human who had bought something from Applejack's stand back when the humans came over to visit had spread word of their delicious food. So now the entire family was racking up bits easily. Cold Colt was brought along, but he only came because Apple Bloom was there. But it's not like he couldn't do anything else. There are still attractions to try. Pinkie and Ash had introduced the still Jade to the first of their friends, Rainbow Dash and Rarity.

"Rarity! Rainbow Dash! We'd like you to meet...uhh... what is your name?" Pinkie asked.

"Jade Skies."

"Jade Skies! She doesn't emote much. Probably because she doesn't know much at all or even why and how she's here. But I know that we can show her a good time by befriending her!"

"Really now? Well nice to meet you Jade Skies." Rarity drank some refreshing water as she went to shake hooves with her. Jade looked at Rarity's hoof, unaware of what to do next.

"What are you doing?" The deadpan pony asked.

"It's a hoofshake darling. One pony holds a hoof out and other follows suit by connecting both hooves together. Try it."

Jade gently lifted her hoof up as she connected with Rarity's. "Like this?"

"Yes. Good, Jade. Now all you do is shake." Rarity moved her hoof up and down as Jade did the same. Pinkie did it to her earlier, but she had no control in that one. "Jade, darling. You seem out of it. Are you alright?"

"Sorry, Rarity," Ash commented. "But Jade here is kinda confused right now. See she doesn't know how she got here or even what a smile is. So please don't overwhelm her a lot."


"Oh my. You poor thing." Rarity pat Jade's mane. But Jade had no reaction whatsoever.

"I'm Rainbow Dash by the way. I'm a pretty awesome pony if you didn't know." Rainbow Dash flexed her hoof muscles, showing off. "If you're feeling lost, don't worry. If you're around us, there won't be a dull moment at all!"


"Yeah! Just hang around us and you'll be full of energy in no time!"


So in order to make Jade feel ecstatic, the group had let her try the attractions. They first let her have a go at Lopunny's Dance Inferno. Like everyone else, she struggled to keep up at the second half but she didn't seem to bothered by it. Then they let her ride the rollercoaster and yet she was still unaffected, even by the intense speed. Next, they let her try on a dress that Rarity quickly put together. She looked at the fancy dress as she was not phased by it.

"You look fetching in that darling. I bet any stallion would come galloping to you in mere seconds."

"You think so?" She monotonously replied to Rarity.

"Of course. Why if I were a stallion, I'd fall for you in no time."

"Yeah, yeah. Enough with the fancy girly stuff. Let's go on more Pokemon attractions!" Dash exclaimed.

"Speaking of Pokemon. We can't leave our Pokemon out of this." Ash took out this Pokeballs, sending out Dragonite, Gengar, Riolu and Farfetch'd. "You guys get to enjoy the festival too. Have a blast!"





"You too, guys." Rainbow Dash sent out her Pokemon as well. Whirlipede, Braviary, Altaria and her newly added team member Luxio.





"Oh, yeah. Meet Jade by the way. Say hi to her you guys." Ash introduced them to Jade. They said their greetings, but Dragonite did what it does best. Giving out hugs. It went over to Jade, giving her one of its nice warm hugs. This was Jade's first hug and her first time feeling it. It was warm indeed. Like all her worries were fading away. Then again, she didn't have any worries this early on.

"This feels...nice." Jade said, describing the hug. Despite this, she still didn't crack a smile.

"Ooh! You've felt your first great feeling!" Pinkie bellowed. "Still no smile though. But we'll work on it!"

"All of you are being this... nice to me. Why?"

"Why? Silly filly. It's because we look out for somepony who needs help." Pinkie Pie booped Jade's nose.

"If someone's lost, confused in trouble or anything else, we can't resist helping them." Ash leaned in. "It's practically apart of our nature, ya know."


"Indeed. That includes everypony. Even if they aren't friends." said Rarity.

"Friends? What are... friends?" Those words made Pinkie Pie gasp louder than last time. Not only does she not know of a smile but she's clueless about friendship? Ash and the others were surprised as well.

"Jade, darling. You don't know what friendship is?!" exclaimed Rarity.


"This is horrible! How can she not know?! Everypony at least knows about friendship or what a friend is!" Rainbow Dash ruffled her mane.

"Now calm down, Rainbow Dash. We've dealt with a situation like this before. Remember Maud? Pinkie Pie's sister?" Rarity commented.

"Yeah. But the difference between Jade and Maud is that Maud knows what friendship is and is friends with us even. Jade didn't even know it existed until you brought it up."

"You have a point." Rarity placed her hoof on her chin.

"Well. Then we'll be your friends. Your first ones." Ash went up to Jade.

"You will?" She looked up the trainer and his Pokemon.

"Oh yeah. And we'll let you meet Twilight and the others as well. She is the Princess of Friendship after all."


"What do you say? Friends?" Ash outstretched his arm forward as Pinkie Pie and the others smiled at Jade. Jade responded by putting her hoof on Ash's hands, sealing the deal.

"Sure. Friends."

Meanwhile, at the relief zone, Fluttershy and Victini had spent a lot of time bonding. Victini had grown fond of the pegasus, even befriending her. Her kindness reminded Victini of a certain human and his Electric Mouse who helped him a few years ago. A Tailow rested on Fluttershy's mane as all the Pokemon here were drawn to Fluttershy's positive aura. Fluttershy fed him some macarons, however, they seemed to be running out of them.

"Oh. We're low on macarons. Don't worry. I'll go get some more." Fluttershy said as she fluttered away. As she was headed over to the stand where they were selling macarons, she noticed some familiar faces. To her, it looked like it was Team Rocket. She swore she could recognize Jessie's unnaturally long hair and that signature talking Meowth. But like everyone else, even Fluttershy couldn't see through the somehow genius yet basic disguise of Team Rocket. So she kept moving along until she met up with her friends who were talking to Jade. Pinkie noticed her pegasus friend as she raced towards her while grabbing Jade who was unaffected by it all.

"Fluttershy! You HAVE to meet our new friend! Jade Skies!"

"Oh. Well, hello Jade. My name is Fluttershy."

"Fluttershy. Hello." She replied with an impassive voice.

"You'll have to get used to that. You see she-" Pinkie Pie went on to explain everything about Jade so far. How she hadn't known about friendship before.

"I see. Well, I'll do my part to help you learn about friendship. But first I need to get some more macarons for Victini."

"Victini? You saw a Victini?!" Ash spoke up.


"Yes. It's right at the relief zone." Fluttershy pointed her hoof at the area.

"Man. I haven't seen a Victini in a long time...I gotta see one again!" Ash reminisced of the Victini back at the Kingdom of Vale.

"What's a Victini?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Victini's a special kind of Pokemon. It can bring victory to anyone and give then unlimited energy that it creates. I actually got to feel Victini's infinite energy once, ya know."

"A Pokemon that grants victory no matter what?! That exists?!" Rainbow Dash was a bit perplexed by that.

"Pokemon can do all sorts of things. In fact, they can do anything!"


"Victory huh? How does it feel?" Fluttershy asked as she bought some macarons.

"It's an amazing sensation. If a Pokemon gets affected by it, they can ignore the type-disadvantage they have. If a human gets affected by it, they become like Superhuman. Well, I'm saying that cause that's what happened to me. I jumped from a far distance by instinct." Ash replied as he and the others were walking with Fluttershy to the relief zone.

"To have a Pokemon that grants victory always sounds like all the luck in the world." Rarity said. "Perhaps you should catch Victini, Rainbow Dash."

"No way. I wanna win based on my skills alone. I don't wanna cheat to victory."

"That's the spirit Dash." Ash responded to Rainbow Dash's words. They had arrived to the relief zone as Victini spotted more ponies coming along as it hid by turning invisible. However, it quickly became visible when it noticed a familiar face. It was Ash and Pikachu. Victini still remembered them. The Victory Pokemon's eyes lit up with joy as it flew over to the two.

"Tini!" It flew around Ash, glad to be back with him.

"Victini... You're THAT same Victini! It's so good to see you again!" Ash smiled as he gave Victini a hug.

"You've already met? Wonderful!" Fluttershy commented.

"Glad to see you're free to go wherever you want now Victini."

"Victini! Tini!"

"Dragonite?" Dragonite went to Victini. The Victory Pokemon looked up at the Dragon Pokemon, terrified at the stature of it. But that fear was diminished as Dragonite gave it a hug. At first, Victini was about to turn invisible and release its psychic energy. But again, Dragonite's hugs are just that comforting. "Dra."

"Tini..." Victini melted in the Dragon Pokemon's loving hugs.

Jade was just watching all of this happen. Seeing them all talk and be happy while they feed Victini macarons and eat some of their own was still something she didn't understand. Is this what friends do? Sit around and chat all day. Pikachu went up to Jade, holding a macaron in his hand.

"Pikachu-Pi?" Pikachu raised the macaron up, wanting to give it to Jade. Jade couldn't really understand Pikachu at all as she just looked at him with dull eyes.

"I think Pikachu wants to give a macaron," Fluttershy said to Jade.

"Give me?"

"Mhm. That's what friends do, Jade. They share."


So, Jade took the macaron and bit into it. The second best thing she's eaten today. "This also tastes good."


"When we get to Twilight, I'm sure you'll understand friendship in no time." Fluttershy smiled as she sat next to her fellow pegasi.

The first day of the festival was coming to an end. Twilight and Cadence had tired themselves out in the library as they fell asleep. Twilight dozed off on Cadence's stomach as they were slumped on the pile of books. But even with night time closing in, the festival will still continue. But some are here for other reasons. Adagio was lurking in the shadows, bent on ruining it all for Twilight. Her plans to ruin Twilight all failed so far, but she felt lucky about this one. Because she had sought out of the many enemies of Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Her solution?

Team up with Chrysalis.

Chapter 93 End.

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