• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Arceus on your side

Kalos. Outside Arche Valley. Day.

"Oh...man..." Hilbert just stood up. Around him were obliterated vines after Galaxy Master's Dragonite had used possibly the most destructive Hyper Beam they've ever seen. Thankfully, once they got back up, they were all saved.

All thanks to Mew. His barrier had shattered as he barely managed to block the Hyper Beam, resulting in him feeling the aftershock of the explosion. Everyone was in one piece though, unharmed. Dragonite's Hyper Beam was so powerful that it practically got rid of the defensive vines.

Speaking of Dragonite, it and Galaxy Master along with the rest of the Pokemon were nowhere to be seen. After the explosion, they had vanished without a trace.

"Hey! He's gone!" Hilbert gasped. "Don't tell me he dipped after attacking! That's so not Hero-like!" Hilbert roared, flailing his fists around.

"Something wasn't right there." Pinkie Pie said. "He looked fine earlier but all of a sudden, he went rogue."

"Was it by will?" Hilda asked. "Because I didn't see that coming." Hilda wiped the dust off her arms. "That Hyper Beam was something else."

"Just when we helped him up...what was up with that?" Rainbow Dash groaned.

"You guys. I saw something. With my eyes..." Pinkie Pie showed off her eyes, flashing them in Rainbow Dash's face, intimidating her. "It looked like Rift Energy. Something went wrong with Galaxy Master that made him attack us out of the blue."

"Are you saying it wasn't his fault?" Hilbert questioned. "I don't know about that...looked pretty on purpose to me."

"Oh, but I saw the Rift Energy around him right when got back up. And it didn't look friendly. Nuh-uh." Pinkie Pie shook her head. "My guess is that the Rift did something about it when he saw how were chatting it up. Or at least, when he was changing his mind."

"It can do that? I thought it was greatly weakened." Hilda replied. "But I guess Galaxy Master's been healing it recently, right?"

"By what you said, Pinkie Pie, the Rift certainly doesn't want Galaxy Master switching sides," Bertha added. "Not when he's set his sights on regenerating all that it lost thanks to Ash."

"That's right. It probably had him under its control once he listened to what we had to say. Poor guy. He's only one week old." Pinkie Pie shook her head. "So young yet so old."

"Wait a second...did he go ahead of us?!" Hilda gasped. "He said he was going for Hoopa right?!" Once she brought it up, everyone's eyes shot open. By now, Galaxy Master was far away from them and could potentially be at Arche Valley right now, still under the Rift's control.

None of the other defences had been set off though, but they couldn't take their chances. Immediately, they all set off to return to Arche Valley and they could greatly do without the obstacles, going back the way they originally came from.

Arche Valley. Day.

But lo and behold, when they showed up at Arche Valley, that wasn't the case at all. Everything seemed fine back at Arche Valley. Everyone was getting on with their day without any issues befalling this peaceful valley. Thanks to the mystical protection outside the valley, all of that noise might as well have been utterly non-existent as no one was disturbed. High or low, there wasn't a trace of him.

Pinkie Pie made one of her Slurpuff try and sniff Galaxy Master out, but Slurpuff soon discovered that Galaxy Master's scent was not present here. He didn't reach Arche Valley at all. Even Slurpuff's powerful nose was ineffective for this search and the trail went cold indefinitely.

"There you are! How'd it go?" Hoopa was still here as well, floating over to Pinkie Pie's group in one piece. He remained untouched and not a scent of Galaxy Master was on him.

"Funny. How come he didn't show up at Arche Valley? Didn't he come here for Hoopa?" Rainbow Dash wondered.

"Maybe he gave up or something?" Hilbert shrugged. "I don't know."

"Did Pinkan and everyone not beat him?" Hoopa asked.

"Uh...no, not really. He kinda got away. We're not sure where he is right now. Slurpuff's scent didn't lead us to him. He just up and vanished without a trace."

"That can't be right. Slurpuff should be able to pick up any sense..." Bertha pondered. "Unless, because he came from a fictional world, he doesn't have a scent?"

"Whatever it is, the next time we see him, it's on," said Hilbert. "Oh. And the same goes for the Rift too."

"I think we've overstayed our visit here at Arche Valley, don't you think?" Hilda asked. "Everything seems fine here and Twilight's getting some good practice with her pendant right now. Maybe. Just gotta wait for everyone else to finish what they're doing."

"I vouch we go right after Galaxy Master!" Hilbert raised his finger. "He's not gonna get away from us that easily!"

"And how are we gonna do that?" Hilda crossed her arms. "Slurpuff can't even track his scent at all. He could be anywhere. If we're lucky, we might bump into him again."

"Yeah, if we're that lucky." Rainbow Dash sighed. "I'm still pretty bummed out about that..."

"First the Rift cheats and hides away all the Jirachi and now it messes with someone just to ruin our chances?" Pinkie Pie pouted as her face was turning red from genuine anger. Mew had the same expression on his face, feeling Pinkie's rage. Mew realized that all the work he did to make Mewie happy could be reset thanks to the Rift's interferences.


"Hmm...if Pinkan and everyone are upset, Hoopa can fix that with this!" Seeing that some of them were a bit on the downside, the Mischief Pokemon was ready to cheer them up in the only way he knew how. Objects from his ring, of course, "Alléhooparing!"

And out of those rings came a horde of Blissey, storming the direction of Pinkie Pie and the others. A large pink tide had emerged, overwhelming them as they were all suddenly bombarded with hugs. All of these Blisseys could sense the sadness in their hearts, immediately rushing over to comfort them.

"Wait! This is too much!" Rainbow Dash yelled, holding her hoof out as yet again, Hoopa brought out too many Pokemon instead of a minor amount. Soon they all received group hugs from the abundance of Blisseys who were here to make them all smile.

Much like the people at Dahara City, the people here at Arche Valley weren't all that surprised. Hoopa has lived here for a long time after all.

"Ah, but it's pretty nice..." The comfort of the Blissey was on another level. Just having a few seconds with them was enough to melt their hearts as Rainbow Dash had a pleased expression. "Thanks, Hoopa..."

"I've never been hugged by a Blissey before...I've been missing out." A relaxed Hilbert said as he was drowning in a sea of Blissey. Hilda nodded in approval as Pinkie Pie was already feeling the perfect synergy with her and the Blissey. The Blissey went a step further by throwing them up and down.

Simple but efficient. That was the way of the Blissey. They had other ways to make others happy, especially with their signature eggs, but they don't have to always utilize them. While they were previously upset about what happened with Galaxy Master, they were quickly rejuvenated with happiness.

Bertha wasn't as hyperactive as the others thanks to her old age. But even with her age, she was feeling pleasant to the core. Naturally, she was once again happy to experience something like this in her day and age and this was only possible thanks to the cast of characters that she's encountered and befriended. Taking them along with her SUV was the best idea she's had yet.

"Finally. Done." Meanwhile, Twilight had finished reading at the Arche Valley library. She was a bit saddened that she couldn't take any of the books home with her, but she received a staggering amount of information. "Wish I could borrow them but...sacred is sacred. Can't argue with that. But they were so amazing though." She took a deep sigh.

And immediately, upon sensing Twilight's mild disappointment, some of the Blissey rushed to her side. Some of them departed from the massive group hug just to cheer up Twilight as the Princess of Friendship and the Sun Pokemon witnessed a pink and white tide coming their way.

"Hang on a sec..." Twilight squinted her eyes as the amount of pink was so abundant that it delayed her vision. But once she got a clear view, she witnessed what was incoming. "Oh!"


"Blissey!" Soon, Twilight and Espeon were surrounded by Blisseys that responded genuinely to Twilight's emotions. They were given eggs this time, courtesy of the Blissey. Although, only two of them would do.

"T-Thanks but I was only mildly disappointed. Not completely destroyed by it." Twilight appreciated the offer and the kindness of the Blissey. But she could get over her disappointment fairly easily. Hearing that, the Blissey respectfully went away. So did the others once Pinkie Pie and the others had their spirits lifted.

Hoopa would soon send them all back in the same ring they appeared in. He did his job and made everyone happy successfully. That was a good note to potentially end things on. They were just missing their other friends before they could depart from Arche Valley.

Arche Valley Garden.

Over at Arche Valley Garden, currently being taught Baraz and Meray was Sci-Twi. She was still receiving some lessons about the Arceus Pendant. Thanks to this pendant, Sci-Twi shared a connection with Arceus, much like her pony counterpart.

She kneeled in front of some plants, exuding her light. She could already do this easily as it didn't require that much effort to do so. When her light reacted with the flowers, it caused them to grow. But only slightly and yet it was enough to amaze her.

"I can bring life too?!" Sci-Twi gasped.

"Well, not exactly bring life but you can connect with nature in a way as well," Meray answered. "Either way, you're good at this. I didn't think you'd get adjusted to the light so easily. Usually, others just slip up with it."

"Really? How so?" She asked Meray.

"I remember when some of my friends ended up making the flowers grow too big and ended up being entangled by them. It's still a hilarious sight today."

"Well, this shows she's already awesome at it." Ash walked up to Sci-Twi. "You're a natural-born prodigy, Twi!"


"Well...I don't know about that." Sci-Twi blushed. "I just think it's pretty easy. And maybe even Arceus is helping me, just like you said."

"Don't get too confident." Baraz intervened. "Eventually, it's only going to get harder. It took a while for us to get adjusted to what we could do with this light. Sometimes, it's not pretty at all."

"Baraz is right. Things can get pretty intense." Meray stood up. "It's also reminding me of something else that happened with my friends. But never mind that. Right now, you should be at a good level. What do you think?"

"I agree! I can do this now!" Sci-Twil put her hands together, generating a holy and divine light from her hands. When generating this light, she managed to make her hair flow for a bit along with the blades of grass and the plants. She could already mildly affect the area around her. Mainly some flowers but at a minimal scale.

"You can make plants grow and heal them. That's as far as you've gone so far but you can do so much more in the future. Just remember one thing, Twilight." Meray held both Twilight's hands. "Now that you have this pendant and light, it's up to you to keep yourself safe."

"Myself safe?" She repeated.

"Mhm. Something like this shouldn't be taken lightly. You're from another world after all. Our grandfather mentioned how Arceus' light, in all of its benevolence can be moulded into various things. But it can't all be good. That's why the people at Arche Valley work hard to make sure that never happens." Baraz explained.

"W-What happens if it goes wrong?" She asked, curious about the setbacks since there was potentially some history with this divine light.

"If it goes wrong, either come to us or even look to yourself. With Arceus' light on your side, you can use the power you now have to help yourself in different ways. Mainly by connecting with Arceus, who won't hesitate to help you. Even if you can't see Arceus, it's close to you at all times." Meray added. "Hopefully, it's not too confusing."

"No. I get it." Sci-Twi made a soft smile. "I already have friends who'll help me through the toughest things. And having Arceus by my side sounds like I'm getting extra help."

"That's the spirit." Ash and Pikachu gave a collective thumbs-up.


"Then go along then. Just don't mess around with that power too much okay?" Baraz shook his head. "Know when exactly to use that power."

"Got it! I think it's time we went somewhere else, Ash." Sci-Twi asked Ash. "I'd like to meet more of your friends if that's possible!"

"Really? Ya know that means heading to Equestria. Are you still ready for that?"

"Uhh...Maybe if one of your friends are in this world right now, we can go see them." Sci-Twi preferred to stay within these limits and her own world. She was still hesitant about going to Equestria. "I should meet up with Sunset and the others too."

"Then, let's head to another region while we're at it. How does...Hoenn sound?" Ash suggested the Hoenn Region as their next destination. The region with blissful waters all around.

"Deal! Thank you, Baraz! Meray!" Sci-Twi put her hands together, thanking the two of them for what they did. "I won't forget this."

"No problem. But ya know...We're not just going to stick around her forever." Meray winked. "The Pokemon Festival might not come to Arche Valley since it's hidden but we can't resist it. Well, I can't resist it. Baraz here's not too big about it."

"I'm big about it." Baraz crossed his arms. "I just don't show it. That's all."

"Well, since you're involved in it, why not check out another region?" Ash gave another suggestion to them both. "Any place is good."

"Another region? Oh well...we'd prefer to stay in Kalos but that's not a bad idea honestly." Meray thought about it. "Which region would we even go to?"

"Anywhere will do. But if you're feeling extra adventurous, you can visit the other world and Equestria. Lots to see there." Ash replied.

"Hm. We haven't been to Equestria. But from what I hear, that's where most of the big events happen. And it's a place brimming with this Rift Energy too." Baraz said.

"Wait, we're heading there first? It's because of all that energy, isn't it? It's not all that. Our pendants have the better energy anyway." Meray held up her Arceus Pendant.

"Definitely. But, I just want to take a gander. That's all honestly and see how the magic works there. I'm more of a mystic fanatic than anything, Meray."

"I guess so. But I don't think we can learn anything there. Arceus' light is all we need anyway."

"We're gonna head off now. Is it okay if Hoopa tags along?" Ash requested Hoopa to join them. He wanted to spend some more time with the Mischief Pokemon.

"Hoopa's enjoying this festival greatly so go ahead. But be sure to bring Hoopa back on time before this all ends. We don't want things getting out of hand." Meray waved at Ash and the others once they ran off.

"You got it! Catch ya later!" Ash shouted with his voice fading in the distance.


Unova. Undella Town. Day.

Meanwhile, shifting to the Unova Region and Undella Town, Cynthia and Princess Celesti were having themselves a quick morning bite before they do anything energetic.

They mixed and matched their favourite flavours of cake, sweets and ice cream, sharing them with each other. At the same time, the peaceful Undella waves blessed their ears.

"So. How do you enjoy being a human so far, Celestia?" Cynthia asked.

"It's too much fun! It was fun the first time and it's certainly fun the second time. My favourite part is having fingers. So much versatility it's amazing." The Sun Princess giggled.

"Mhm. Now I'm thinking that we might have to swap one day. If you can become a human, then perhaps I wouldn't prefer being a pony." Cynthia was already thinking about a potential species swap where the roles are reversed.

"You? You want to be a pony?"

"Just for a bit. I was wondering what would happen if I became one myself." Cynthia started daydreaming, picturing herself as an entirely different species. "I'd argue I'd be as tall as you since we're both the same height as humans. Or maybe...I'd be a dragon for some spice."

"Not a bad choice. But sometimes I like to dream differently. When I was young, I dreamt of being a special kind of species. Granted, I made it up as a child and it didn't make any sense, but it was fun. But if you were to become a pony...then I'd still be large and in charge."

"I charge yes, but large? We're the same height here, Tia." Cynthia shrugged before smirking. "Are you sure about that?"

"Positive! I'm Equestria's tallest pony. Well, excluding my parents who hang around the Ambrosial Plane mostly. And I suppose outside of Equestria, there are those Giant Pegasi that live up at Pegalysium. So...I'm only the tallest back at Equestria. Even though Passion is much taller than me and Ash comes around Equestria so many times that he practically lives here..." She lowered her head before realizing others were taller than her. "Oh. So much for me being large and in charge."

"Haha." Cynthia giggled. "Oh, but you still have the power, don't you? Who needs to be large and charge when you're potentially at the peak of your species? At least, I believe you are. Are you?"

"How kind of you to say that, Cynthia. There's no determined stage to what a peak pony looks like. Many would just go for an alicorn. Though I suppose if everypony in the future was an alicorn, that would truly be the peak. And a somewhat intimidating sight."

"Well, you'll certainly be around long enough to see it."

"And I'll be around long enough to do all the things I love. What about you, Cynthia? Aside from battling, you love being an archaeologist, right?"

"That much is true. If I'm being honest, I love being an archaeologist more than a Pokemon Trainer." Cynthia looked up at the sky. "Something about it always made me so excited. Battling does the same thing, but not on the same level. Sometimes, I even think about retiring just to continue exploring."

"Retiring from battling? Especially as a champion? That's a massive decision." Celestia held out a piece of cake, sharing it with Cynthia.

"I haven't decided on it yet. But I'll make up my mind one day. You've probably had enough time to make countless decisions, right?"

"If there's something you love, why not take the risk to sacrifice something else? That's what I used to do back then when I was a filly. But after becoming a Princess and the ruler of an entire nation, I couldn't sacrifice my role. Instead, I practically sacrificed my chances of having all the fun I wanted to have." Celestia sighed, thinking about all the things she missed out on for centuries.

"But that's not the case now, is it? You look to be partaking in everything that you couldn't do before. That sacrifice was worth it, wasn't it?" Cynthia flipped her hair.

"Oh, it was! And it all led to me having an amazing outfit!" Celestia stood up, showing off her outfit once more. "I'd say those centuries were all worth it. Patience is a virtue~"

"Alright. I think we've had enough chat about time and age. I'm feeling a bit old bringing it up. It's time I helped you practice with your Kommo-o. And maybe your other Pokemon." Cynthia also stood up. "I sensed something great in you, Celestia. It also makes me excited to see what you can do."

"Really? Is it my magic?"

"Not your magic." Cynthia walked past her. "You seem to be a prodigy at Pokemon Battling. Back at the Vast Poni Canyon, your battle with Totem Kommo-o helped me witness something. Honestly, I'm glad you aren't entering the Equestria League."

"Hmmm. So I have innate battling skills too? Well, Passion and I do work exceptionally well when we fuse. Since you saw it, I'd love to see myself bring it out some more. I'll use everything I can. Especially my Harmony Phenomenon. Which is...all I have now that I think about it."

"Ah. That reminds me!" Cynthia gasped. "You didn't receive a Z-Crystal!"

"I didn't?" The Princess of the Sun tilted her head, wondering why that was so important right about now. She didn't even think about Z-Crystals at all.

"I knew I forgot something. Since you caught Totem Kommo-o and won that battle, you should've received a special Z-Crystal from it. The Kommonium Z. But I suppose you didn't confirm that you were doing an island trial at all."

"Oh. Is that so?"

"Ah, well, let's not worry about that right now." Cynthia dismissed it. "We can deal with that later. In the meanwhile, let's have our practice battle."

"With pleasure!" Celestia ran over to find herself the perfect spot to battle Cynthia. Undella Town was fairly populated during Summer, so there wouldn't be many open spots. But they found a place either way.

Once they found a spot to have their battle, they took their respective positions. Cynthia stood on the left while Celestia took the right. And naturally, when the people here saw Cynthia standing apart from someone else, that meant only one thing. Someone was about to battle Cynthia.

They couldn't help but focus all their attention on this incoming battle since Cynthia was involved. They would sit back and watch how this would unfold, unaware of who this mysterious trainer was facing Cynthia.

"Personally...I want to see the Harmony Phenomenon in action." Cynthia thought to herself. "Celestia and everyone there have found something amazing. And it looks like she's the one to have tapped into the most. I'd love to see what that kind of power brings out.

"I hope you're ready, Cynthia!" Celestia held out her Poke Ball. "We may be friends, but I refuse to take things easy! Plus...it is my first time battling a friend like this."

"I'm not expecting anything less, Tia." Cynthia also held her Poke Ball out. "Come. Let's battle!" The energies between the two of them were clashing, albeit invisible. A practice battle was about to occur but there was something in the air saying otherwise. This wouldn't be so swift as many others were thinking.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 859 End.

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