• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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End of the Mirror Pool

The Human World. A city. Day.

Currently, Ash and Ghetsis have swapped bodies thanks to Sienna. Ash needed to return to Equestria as soon as possible while Ghetsis currently had plans.

At the moment, Ash had Hydreigon and Bisharp out right in front of the people of this city and this world's Sunset Shimmer. There was a rising issue as being in such a populated area meant that Hydreigon wanted to cause destruction to everyone here. Sunset and a few others had their phones out to record this.

"Hydreigon!" The Brutal Pokemon roared, startling some people.

"Hydreigon, calm down please!" Ash tried reasoning with him. But so far, it wasn't seemingly working. Hydreigon roared once more, but this time, using Flamethrower as he shot a stream of flames into the air. Everyone screamed in shock and awe as they were truly witnessing a real-life dragon on display.

"Sick..." Sunset said as she was loving this. Hydreigon then turned his attention towards Ash, aiming to attack him. Hydreigon couldn't actually tell that this wasn't Ghetsis. Instead, Hydreigon's anger is so great that he would attack his own trainer at times. Only Ghetsis was capable of keeping him in control.

Unfortunately, Ash wasn't Ghetsis. Well, he was, just, not the person himself. Plus, Ash lacked the necessary control that Ghetsis has on Hydreigon. "Drei!" The Brutal Pokemon then flew over to Ash, going for Thunder Fang.

"Guess I've got no choice...!" Ash growled. "Bisharp! Use Night Slash!"

"Sharp!" Bisharp listened to Ash. He had no idea that this wasn't Ghetsis at all. But he would listen to his trainer either way due to the visage. The Sword Blade Pokemon moved swiftly, raising his arm as he had blocked Ash from harm. Hydreigon's fangs bit down on Bisharp's dark-coated blade arm.

Thankfully, since Ash has battled against Bisharp before, he knew all of his moves. The one advantage to being in Ghetsis' body right now.

"Hydrei!" Hydreigon moved his head back before going for Flamethrower. The Brutal Pokemon unleashed a stream of flames as the people here were witnessing their first-ever Pokemon Battle.

"Night Slash again!"

"Sharp!" Bisharp slashed his arm downwards, cutting the stream of fire in half. Everyone marvelled at this sight. It's rare to see fire be split in half. And this was an opportunity to witness it. One they'll never forget.

"Now, Bisharp! Head in there with X-Scissor!"

"Bisharp!" Bisharp moved in with his arms being coated green as he swung at his fellow Dark-Type. In response, Hydreigon used Brutal Swing, covering his head-arms in darkness. The two Dark-Types then started clashing within the streets with sparks flying.

Bisharp pushed Hydreion back before lunging in. Hydreigon was struck by Bisharp's next slash, causing the Brutal Pokemon to stagger. Some kids came by, already loving the view of this Pokemon Battle. Many people believed that this was a street performance. And judging by their reaction, they truly did believe it.

Unfortunately for the music street performers, they felt jealous since this battle had overtaken their performance. "Done in by a lizard again..." The guitarist sighed before sitting down. Moments later, he witnessed the battle for himself, seeing how entertaining it was. Now he was into it.

"What is going on out here?" The police officers from before showed up. Soon, they had seen the battle between Hydreigon and Bisharp taking place with the people loving this.

"Drei...! Hydreigon!" Hydreigon was clearly getting frustrated. And to show that, the Brutal Pokemon had used Frustration in response. His body glowed red as he had unleashed a gigantic burst of energy full of pent-up anger.

The ground shook as the people lost their balance. The burst of energy came towards Bisharp, threatening to blow everything sky high.

"Counter with Night Slash!"

"Bi...SHARP!" But, with excellent sharpness and vicious blades, Bisharp managed to cut the energy in half with Night Slash. Not only splitting the attack but saving everyone nearby. After doing so, Bisharp lunged in with another Night Slash. The Sword Blade Pokemon landed a harder hit than before with this next Night Slash. And Hydreigon felt it.

"This could go on forever...now's my chance!" Ash looked at the Poke Ball on the floor before picking it up. "He then held it out while Hydreigon was still staggered from that hard Night Slash. "Hydreigon, return!"

And with that stagger and nothing to stop him, Hydreigon had been sent back to his Poke Ball. Ash let out a sigh of relief as potential destruction had been avoided. And ironically, he had Bisharp to thank for that as he held his Poke Ball out as well. "Thanks, Bisharp. Return."


"That was awesome!" Sunset cried out as many applauded what they thought to be a street performance. Cheers filled the air as money was passed by, given to Ash. "Yeah, it was worth staying around. Thanks for the show, old man!"

"Old man...?" Ash paused for a moment. "Uh, no problem." He laughed, seeing all the money fall to him. Even the previous street performers couldn't help but praise this.

"Do it again! Do it again!" Some kids jumped up and down, wanting to see a repeat Pokemon Battle.

"Sorry, but. I gotta get to Canterlot High fast." Ash said to all of them. "My body's been swapped so I need to get it back."

"Your body's been swapped?" Sunset said as some of the people scratched their heads. Ash said a strange sentence indeed, making him sound odd.

"Yeah uh..." Ash then thought of something to make it sound believable. There was an obvious answer here. "See, there's a Pokemon that has the power to swap bodies. And it happened to me and some other guy. I'm in his body now."

"Oooh." That they could believe. Since Pokemon are so mysterious to everyone, it's not too farfetched to believe something like this.

"Where can I get the train to Canterlot High?"

"Canterlot High? Ugh, that place is for squares..." Sunset muttered. "Is your real body there or something?"

"No, uh...It's complicated...A bit.." Ash rubbed the back of his hair as Sunset pointed over at the west. That was where Ash could find himself a train. "West, huh? Okay! Thanks, Sunset!" He then rushed over to the west while grabbing the money that had been given to him.

"Hey, old man!" Sunset cried out to him before Ash could leave the area. "What's your real name anyway?! And teach me how you did all of that?!"

"It's Ash! Ash Ketchum! I might see you again when I come back as my real self! I'll teach you everything I know!" Ash gave a thumbs up with a smirk before rushing off.

"What a weirdo..." Sunset said after that look Ash gave her. "But if I could do something like that with those Pokemon or whatever they're called, that'd be amazing."

Indeed, this world's Sunset Shimmer and many others were interested in Pokemon. And after seeing how someone was able to command these Strange and Wonderful Creatures, opportunities were in the air.

Ash had rushed to the west of the city. He couldn't use Hydreigon to fly considering the relationship right now. The only way Hydreigon could be used is if he was away from a big populated area.

Ash instantly arrived at the train station, using the money he gathered from his battle to pay for the ride. Since so many enjoyed the battle between Bisharp and Hydreigon, he had enough money to pay for an hour or more long train ride. He asked where the train to Canterlot went to. And he was just in time. The train was just arriving.

"Yes!" Ash pumped his fist, witnessing the train coming. "Just you wait, Pikachu. Everyone. I'll get there as soon as I can."

Equestria. The Everfree Forest. Day.

Over at Equestria, Ghetsis was making his way towards the Everfree Forest. His interest had been piqued by the Mirror Pool. He had found a lot of interesting things about Equestria, mainly spells that he could utilize. As for the Everfree Forest, it was close to finishing up due to the regeneration that was Rift influenced.

Many familiar spots of the Everfree Forest had been restored, even the Castle of the Two Sisters had been rebuilt. Just in time for Ghetsis to take his chance. But spotting Ghetsis were the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Just like everyone else, they were unaware that Ash and Ghetsis had swapped.

"Ash! Hey, Ash!" Scootaloo cried out as the three fillies rushed over to him. Ghetsis immediately stopped, knowing that distractions were bound since Ash is friends with an abundance of ponies, if not almost all of them.

"Great..." Ghetsis sighed before putting on a fake smile for the three of them. He then turned to face the trio. "What is it?"

"Great news!" Apple Bloom exclaimed as her friends took out multiple Poke Balls from her saddlebag. She also took some out, revealing them to Ash. "I got a bunch of Grass-Type Pokemon like I said I would! A whole bunch! Well, some of 'em are repeats but still!"

"And we helped." Scootaloo let out a proud smile with her eyes closed.

"Mhm." Sweetie Belle nodded.

"But now that I've got a lot of Grass-Types, what do you think I should do next? Electric?!" Apple Bloom squeed.

"I chose Fire for her," Scootaloo said. "Fire's cool."

"Well, I choose Fairy." While Sweetie Belle raised her hoof. "But what do you think works best, Ash?" They had questions that were brimming. Many questions that only a child could bombard someone with.

"Later. I'm busy." Ghetsis replied before facing the forest. "There's something I need to do."

"You're heading into the Everfree Forest?" Sweetie Belle spoke. "Wait, is it done now?"

"Looks pretty done to me." Scootaloo squinted at the forest, seeing how it had retained its original shape over the past weeks and months after what Luster Dawn had done to it. "Ooh, is there something new in there? Can we come?"

"Yeah, can we?"

"No. This is something I'm doing on my own." Ghetsis replied. "I need something in there. Plus, this forest is far too dangerous for you all."

"We can help you find it, maybe. If ya didn't know, Ms Roxie's been teaching us neat tricks. Like how to be like a Pokemon. I think I have a good chance of being a Charizard." Scootaloo said.

"I don't know about that..." Apple Bloom laughed. "I think I'd make a pretty great Staraptor, don't you girls think?"

"Ah, those are too way out there. You need to think simple." Sweetie Belle put her hooves close to each other. "Like um...Stoutland!

"Stoutland's too basic though." Scootaloo pouted. "I mean it's cute and all but..." As they spoke, Ghetsis went ahead, not having time for their childish conversation. "Oh, Ash! Wait up!"

"What happened to not coming along?" Ghetsis growled, using the hat to hide his facial expression.

"Yeah, we know. But we're safe around you, right? No one can scare you!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "Not even the Everfree Forest!"

"Still creeps me out..." Sweetie Belle shuddered as the trio started chatting once more. They had simple conversations that were not that entertaining. At least to Ghetsis. He was starting to lose his cool with all of this talking. Scootaloo rambled on about how she wanted to be a mixture of Ash and Rainbow Dash when she grows up. Almost like she'd be the most fearless Trainer out there.

Sweetie Belle went on about her contests and how when she's older, she could make it big time with all of her contest achievements and reach the same kind of popularity status as certain Pokemon Celebrities. Being a Pokemon Celebrity wouldn't be too bad. Apple Bloom was even thinking of being a Pokemon Breeder or Doctor now that she's gotten so far in her Monotype goal.

"That'd be great wouldn't it?" Scootaloo giggled. "I can't wait!"

"Neither can I! What do you think, Ash?" Sweetie Belle and the others turned to him.

"Yeah?" Scootaloo and Apple Bloom both said at the same time.

"SHUT UP, YOU ANNOYING BRATS! I SAID I'D DO THIS ON MY OWN!" Ghetsis lost his cool in front of the fillies. His eyes glowed a vibrant yet dark red as he gazed at the fillies in their eyes. Even his Dark Aura was unleashed as it filled the atmosphere, sending fear into the three of them out of pure rage.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle froze as they had never seen Ash like this. In truth, Ash would never act like this. Only Ghetsis. Their hearts raced as they backed away. Ghetsis then walked deeper into the forest on his lonesome.

"O-Okay...See you later then." Apple Bloom said as the three of them walked away. After being yelled at by Ghetsis, with such overwhelming rage too, the three of them started crying, trying to hide their tears.

"Pestering gnats. Of course, Ash Ketchum would be able to handle such annoyance..." Ghetsis sighed before putting his hand on his face. He only had the pool in mind right now.

But Ghetsis knew he had created one issue. Yelling at the CMC. He knew that would create problems and form a chance of his cover being blown. But, that was something he chose to bypass.

As he roamed through the regenerating forest, he came across one of the few creatures residing here. With the forest being regenerated, many of the creatures that once lived here had returned to their natural habitats. One of which being the Cragadile. Ghetsis entered the murkier parts of the forest as the Cragadile could be seen emerging from the mist.

It growled at Ghetsis, seeing him as prey. But as soon as the Cragadile emerged, Ghetsis gazed at the creature with a greater intensified stare.

"I'm not in the mood right now. I'd suggest you scurry along if you wish to see tomorrow's sun." Ghetsis said with a devious tone. He even exuded his Dark Aura to intimidate the creature. Immediately, the Cragadile gained an expression of fear as it ran off, not wanting to experience what Ghetsis had to offer.

The Mirror Poo.

Finally, the Mirror Pool. What Ghetsis was looking for. After showing up here, he gazed upon the pool that had the capability to clone anyone who so uses it. Truly a useful form of magic. One that Pinkie Pie used but had backfired hard. However, Ghetsis was not only aiming to absorb the magic from it but use it to his full potential.

His reflection emerged on the mirror pool. But surprisingly, as he looked at the reflection, instead of showing Ash, it showed his real self. The Mirror Pool was capable of even seeing through body swap magic. How impressive.

"I can't get any further with the magic I have." Ghetsis spoke to himself as his voice echoed throughout the area. "I need more magic. Magic that I've yet to tap into. And this is where I can begin." He looked at the Mirror Pool as he summoned an aura of black flames around his arm.

Ghetsis then placed his arm inside the pool as he began the process of absorbing the magic within. It was similar to the Magic Siphoning Jar made by Grogar. The only difference was that Ghetsis needed to make direct contact with his target.

The pool started rippling with horrible tremors going through. Ghetsis' flames not only layered but polluted the pool with what Ghetsis was performing. The flames began spreading, rising from the water and filling the atmosphere and area with its ebony horror.

The cave system was met with a terrible and uncomfortable field of Dark Aura that only had the intentions of consuming, destroying and so much more. And this horrible feeling wasn't just around the cave and the Mirror Pool. It could be felt beyond the Everfree Forest, even reaching Ponyville.

Twilight was currently hanging out with Applejack, Pinkie and Goh until she felt the atmosphere change. A chill ran through her body as Absol's horn started vibrating. It only ever vibrates when disaster is prone. And after sensing this, the Disaster Pokemon sat u from the floor. He had to investigate.

"Twilight. Are you okay?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Fine. Just felt something weird happen." She shuddered in response, not thinking too much about it. However, as soon as she saw Absol leave the castle in a hurry. If Absol is in a rush like that, something was up. And Twilight knew this about Absol after the times they've been together. "Uh, hold on. Maybe I was onto something."

Twilight immediately started following Absol. Absol's intuitions are always on point. "What is it, Absol? Is Ghetsis already here? Should we tell Princess Celestia right now?"

"Absol." Absol didn't know the answer since his horn can only detect disasters, not know what the disaster is going to be exactly. He and Twilight would just have to wait and see when they get there.

But meanwhile, at the Mirror Pool, Ghetsis had successfully absorbed all the magic from the Mirror Pool. His arm started trembling but he endured it. Ghetsis then pulled his arm back as a howl echoed from the Mirror Pool. All of the wonderful magic that it once had was robbed, gone forever. A mythical mystical spot was now devoid of magic.

And that form of magic now belonged to Ghetsis as he looked at his arm. It was now pulsating with magic. He had never absorbed magic like this before. A grin graced his face as he could feel everything that the Mirror Pool had to offer. And what's more, he knew what it was capable of.

Not only did Ghetsis absorb the magic from the Mirror Pool, but he had also copied its capabilities. Ghetsis raised his arm as he created a pulse of darkness that filled the area. After doing so, Ghetsis had created copies of himself that appeared out of thin air. Just like the Mirror Pool and what it could do. Ghetsis was now his own walking Mirror Pool.

He created around 7 versions of himself that all appeared. The right number he felt necessary at the time. However, since the Mirror Pool had the power to see through body swaps and reveal a person's true form, all of the clones appeared as Ghetsis.

"Interesting. Being able to see through the body swap. This pool is truly stellar." Ghetsis observed his clones before reaching into Ash's bag. "But...That can be arranged." Out of the bag, Ghetsis had taken out one of the few items he stole and brought along with him.

The Shift Stone.

A source of Rift Energy he couldn't ignore. After feeling its power connect with his Rift Energy, Ghetsis knew he had to take advantage of it. And he did. He gave shards of them to his clones. All 7 of them.

"You all. We've got work to do. Many magical secrets lie within Equestria and I am going to find them no matter what. But even with this favourable situation, I can't do it alone. All of you will scatter and find what you can. Ash Ketchum and his meddling friends have tons of information as well. Find every magical spot and gather as much information as you can. Use those stones to disguise yourself.

"We know. We're one-in-the-same after all." A clone said as they all concentrated their focus onto the Shift Stones. After doing so, they each transformed into Pokemon.

Specifically, Pokemon that their voices are similar to. Considering that the Shift Stone does not change the voice and keeps it the same. FInding the Pokemon that matches Ghetsis' gruff and low voice was surprisingly easy. One that they could mimic. The Pokemon they chose were Nidokings.

"Good. Now let's get moving." Ghetsis cackled as the clones hid the Shift Stones away and were ready to take action.

Ghetsis' plan was now in motion. He arrived out of the Mirror Pool with his clones disguised as Nidoking. And as they were leaving the forest, Twilight and Absol had shown up. Absol was searching for the disaster.

But he was too late.

Ghetsis had already finished the disaster that was absorbing the magic pool. His horn stopped vibrating as he gasped, halting his movements. "A-Absol?" This has never happened to Absol. Where a disaster had finished before he could warn or reach the scene.

"What's wrong, Absol?" Twilight asked. But the Disaster Pokemon stood there perplexed at how he had missed a disaster. Now he had no idea what that disaster was.

And coming into view were Ghetsis and his clones. He had seen Twilight as kept his low profile. If there's anyone he didn't want to be caught by, it was Twilight and her smarts.

However, Ghetsis knew one thing. He could also steal magic from Twilight. He had always been aiming to discover the Magic of Friendship and how he could harness it into his own power to use. Absorbing magic from the Princess of Friendship might be that solution.

"Good..." Ghetsis said to himself before facing his clones. His clones already had the right idea. Since they shared the same mindset as Ghetsis, they knew what approach was needed for this steal.

"Ash? You're here?" Twilight said. "What's with all the Nidoking?"

"I was busy. The Nidoking here had-"

"Nidoking!" One of the clones had suddenly attacked, rushing over towards Twilight. This was part of their plan.

"Twilight!" Ghetsis cried out as he had picked up Twilight from the ground, moving her away from the attacking clone. Just what Ghetsis needed. Direct contact.

"Ab...Sol!" Absol then used Dark Pulse, unleashing a blast of darkness that had struck the clone. The clone was sent flying off into the distance before vanishing into dust. That was one of Ghetsis' clones destroyed.

A necessary sacrifice as it got Ghetsis to absorb Twilight's magic. And he did. In the split second that he managed to grab Twilight, Ghetsis' Dark Magic started secretly stealing magic from Twilight.

"Dust?" Twilight gawked after seeing the clone vanish.

"I knew there was something wrong with that Nidoking. Looks like the other Nidoking are 100% real."

"Weird. But nice save, you two," Twilight said to them both.


"Um...Ash. You can put me down now." Twilight blushed for a moment. "But if not then that's okay-"

"Ugh...!" Ghetsis grimaced as he felt uncomfortable by this. He immediately placed Twilight down, cutting her sentence off as he had drained her magic successfully.

"Oh." Twilight held her head, feeling the drain's effects kicking in for a moment. She almost lost her balance as Absol managed to keep her steady.


"I'm fine, Absol...Just a bit woozy there." She groaned before blinking a few times.

"Get some rest." Ghetsis said while walking past Twilight. "I'll be busy with the magic still."

"Oh. Right. But I've never seen you so focused Ash. It's actually kinda creeping me out. Well aside from the fact that you have Ghetsis' eyes and all." Twilight chuckled.

"This will all be over once I solve it. By the way...when do you plan on coming to the Human World with me?" That's when Ghetsis struck while the iron was hot. He needed to know how Ash would return to Equestria and the Pokemon World respectively.

"Well, I mean...you're obviously busy with my human self right now." Twilight shrugged. "Can't interfere since you're teaching her everything you know about Pokemon. Spending quite an awful lot of time with her too." Twilight spoke under her breath with that last sentence. It was clear that she was slightly jealous of herself.

"Why not you too? You know a lot about Pokemon yourself. Why not help her then?"

"I guess I could do that. I mean, no one knows me better than me, right?" She squeed. "Or does this count? I mean, it's me, but-"

"And about Ghetsis. Since he's still in the human world, your other self's already in peril. And maybe here if Ghetsis finds a way to pass through."

"You're right." Twilight nodded before running in front of Ghetsis. "We still don't know when Ghetsis is going to show up here. But if he finds the portal at Canterlot High..." Twilight then thought of her friends on the other side. "Ash! We need to warn them quick! Maybe they can see Ghetsis coming first before we do."

Hook, line and sinker. Just what Ghetsis wanted. Since he's felt Ash arrive at the human world a few times, he already knew that there was a way of entering that world that he had yet to find. And now was his chance to find that way.

"Teleport us there. It'll be quicker."

"Teleport. Got it." Twilight winked as she and Absol gathered around Ghetsis. The clones were left to their own devices for this. And with a flash of magic from Twilight's horn, they had immediately arrived at Canterlot.

More specifically, the room that led to the portal to the human world. Ghetsis was playing his cards well. He truly created a scenario where Twilight was fearing for the worst to come. Twilight approached the mirror as she was ready to jump through it. Ghetsis had found access to the human world.

"It's almost time for the afternoon. By this time, everyone would've been at the cafeteria. So we might be right on time to warn Sunset and the others." said Twilight. "Let's hurry."

"Go through. I'll warn Princess Celestia." Ghetsis chose to stay behind. He had now seen the portal for his eyes. So he knew what to do next time.

"Right. Come on, Absol!" Twilight nodded before jumping in with her partner.

"Absol!" The two of them had passed through the portal with Ghetsis witnessing. He had smirked afterwards before approaching it. But he wasn't going to go through it. Instead, Ghetsis found the opportunity to take its magic.

He placed his hand on the mirror, absorbing the magic that it had held. Ghetsis already had the power to move through worlds thanks to his gateways. But not the power to move through this world as it lacks gateways. That is until he messed with every gateway, bringing some of them to the human world. But having a spare form of teleportation would not hurt at all.

With his Dark Aura emanating he had successfully absorbed the magic from within. Afterwards, he walked off. But not before doing one final thing.

"I won't forget the rest of the magic I need from you, Twilight Sparkle. But just to make sure you don't come back here..." Ghetsis then pointed at the mirror before unleashing a bolt of darkness. That bolt had enough power to crush stone and it certainly had the might to damage this mirror.

And so it did. The mirror to the human world had been hit by Ghetsis' bolt. Right in the centre too. But Ghetsis didn't stop there. He performed a few shots to the side of the mirror. With all of this, Ghetsis had disrupted the mirror. First, he had stolen its magic and now he had damaged it, filling it with his Dark Aura.

Now the access of the mirror to the other world had been interfered with. Ghetsis' finger started smoking as he started laughing. He had much more than he wanted to do.

"Splendid! Just splendid!" He cackled. "This is the greatest feeling yet! How ironic it's in this body." He then placed his arm out. "Alright then. Another thing for the meanwhile. Princess Twilight. Thank you for the magic. Teleportation should be easy as 1 2 3. Like so."

By using teleportation, Ghetsis had instantly left the area. But he had a unique way of doing it. While Twilight's teleport involves a flash of light based on her magic colour including other unicorns and the alicorns, Ghetsis left behind a burst of black flames that immediately started burning whatever was close.

The carpet within the room had been burnt into nothingness as even other objects here were affected. Ghetsis had left. And moments later after he left, Passion and Celestia were searching for the presence they felt. Celestia could send Ghetsis' magic after all.

"Where is he? Where did he go?"

As for Ghetsis, he used teleportation to arrive at Twilight's Castle. There was a certain loose-end that he needed to tie up. One that involved a certain Rift Pony. Cold Colt.

Speaking of Cold Colt, he was enjoying some good food in the meanwhile. Courtesy of the ponies that he sees as his family. The Apple Family. Obviously, he sees Apple Bloom as something else. And it wasn't family.

"Don't eat so fast." Starlight said to Cold. "You'll get a tummy-ache."

"Mm-mm." Cold shook his head with his mouth full. "Applejack's apple pies are the best. How can I not?"

"If they're the best, wouldn't it be better to savour them instead of rushing?"

"Oh-" Cold paused for a moment. "You've got a point." He then started eating the apple pies slowly. Such wonderful food would need to be savoured so it felt like eating it for an eternity.

And after showing up here, Ghetsis opened the door to the room, appearing before Cold Colt and Starlight Glimmer. He had unfinished business with Cold Colt. Specifically his Rift Magic. Immediately after entering, the room became cold and horrid once more. Starlight and Cold turned around to see who they assumed to be their friend. Ghetsis' eyes flared red as he was here to claim another prize.

"Oh, hey Ash. What's up?" Starlight Glimmer said. But as soon as she spoke to him, Ghetsis started approaching the two of them with his shadow lingering over. He was about to get more physical now.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 582 End.

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