• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Tomorrow's enjoyment. The Fifth Gym Battle

Canterlot Castle Guest Room, day.

The second day of the Pokemon Festival had arrived. Previously, the first day had come to an end.

For most, it ended on a great note with tons of excitement. But not all ended their first day on a great note. And one of them was Fluttershy.

Currently, she was in the Canterlot guest room. Last night, she had fainted after a horrible shock, leaving her unconscious for many hours.

But not anymore. Now she was finally waking up. Her eyes slowly opened as the first thing she saw was the face of Audino and Chikorita.

"Mrrgh...Audino? Chikorita?"



The two of them piled on their trainer, giving her a loving hug whilst also being greatly relieved that she was okay. Fluttershy noticed that it wasn't just her Pokemon in the room. But the rest of her friends were here as well.

"Fluttershy!" They all said in unison.

Fluttershy saw how even Eventide and Sunlight were here. The only exception being Celestia and Luna who weren't present with them.

"Are you alright?!" Rarity zipped around Fluttershy. "They didn't lay a hoof on you did they?!"

"I'm fine now." Fluttershy nodded. "Thank you. But what happened last night?"

"You fainted, remember?" Twilight said. "Audino carried you back here to safety after the Umbrage Thieves tried to steal them from you."

"Ah!" Fluttershy sat up. "I remember! What-"

"The thieves had been taken care of." Twilight interrupted. "Darkrai kept watching over them the entire night. Right now, they're being investigated and detained in the dungeon."

"Oh. Okay. I never got to say thank you to Darkrai. For saving me."

"You don't have to." Speaking of Darkrai, he was by the corner this entire time, perfectly hidden in the shadows.

"Darkrai!" Fluttershy let out a wide smile as the Pitch Black Pokemon flew over to her.

"Are you recovering well?" Darkrai asked.

"Mhm!" She nodded. "Thank you so much for saving us! I don't know what would've happened if you weren't there."

"Hmph. Those thieves honestly thought they could forever mask themselves from me. The shadows are my speciality."

"About that. You had trouble finding them earlier but then later you found me with them." Fluttershy wondered. "How come?"

"I only work best in total darkness. The festival had a plethora of lights, but the Relief Zone has no lights, so I can work with the shadows at a better rate."

"Oh...Well, I'm glad you were there to save us anyway." Fluttershy surprised the Dark-Type with an unexpected yet loving hug that caused Darkrai to jolt up a bit.

"Urgh...Y-You're welcome." Darkrai took her thanks. "But one of them managed to escape. I suspect that one might be their leader."

"If she shows up again, I'm gonna flatten her!" Rainbow Dash smashed her hooves together.

"But at least we have the others. Jackie's taking them to the nearest Officer Jenny, right over at Pewter City." Ash said.


"Glad you two are okay." Fluttershy pulled in Audino and Chikorita. "Sorry that I couldn't properly protect you both myself."



"Don't beat yourself up Fluttershy." Rarity walked up to her. "There were too many of them anyway."

"I know. I just don't want to go through that experience again." Fluttershy whimpered.

"Then let's get it off your mind," Ash spoke. "Some of us are heading to the Crystal Empire next for the second day. Sunlight and the others are already getting a head start."


"The Crystal Empire?" Fluttershy turned to Ash. "That'd be nice to see what attractions they have."

"Shouldn't you rest a little bit more?" Twilight thought.


"No-no. I'm fine now. I just fainted from a shock that's all. I won't let that stop me."

"What energy!" Pinkie dashed over. "Look at how far you've come!"

"You can all go along and continue your festival. I'm going to stay here and continue keeping watch over Canterlot." Darkrai was about to submerge into the shadows.

"You're not gonna join in, Darkrai?" Applejack turned to Darkrai.

"There's always something lurking in the shadows. You can never be too careful..." Those were Darkrai's last words as he vanished into the shadows, off to continue his duty.

"So serious..." Spike shuddered.

"Oh! I almost forgot, Ash!" Rarity exclaimed. "A friend of yours wanted to meet up with you again. Cilan."

"Huh? Cilan's here?!" Ash gasped.


"Mhm. We split up once the late afternoon came around and he didn't have the opportunity to meet you on the first day. But now might be a good opportunity."

"That'd be great!" Ash grinned. "Barry's already headed to the Crystal Empire too. I wonder if I can get Cilan to tag along as well!"

"You'd better hurry. The train to the Crystal Empire's gonna leave soon. Cilan's already headed there too." Spike pointed out.

"Oh." Ash nodded aggressively. "Then I can't waste any time!" He dashed out of the room with Pikachu.

"Stay with us, Fluttershy." Twilight helped Fluttershy off the bed. "There's strength in numbers after all."

"Alright." Fluttershy let out a soft smile. "But um, I might need something to drink first before we leave."

"Well, I've still got a gym battle to finish with Soarin." Rainbow Dash flew up. "I'll catch up with you guys later."

The Canterlot train station.

There, two familiar friends of Ash were waiting. Barry and Cilan. This was also their first time meeting and being in the same area as one another.

"Keeping me waiting like this...!" Barry tapped his foot aggressively on the ground. "I'm gonna have to Fine all of them afterwards!"

"Someone's impatient." Cilan chuckled. "I can see a bit of Ash in you."

"Hm? No way." Barry crossed his arms. "Ash and I are nothing alike!"

"Sure." Cilan nodded his head. "And speaking of Ash..." Cilan noticed the arrival of Ash and the others minus Rainbow Dash who was preparing for her battle with Soarin.

"Cilan!" Ash ran over to him.


"Long time no see, Ash. Pikachu." Cilan replied.

"So you really are here. Awesome!" Ash got all giddy. "I'm getting pretty nostalgic seeing a ton of familiar faces lately."

"Enough chit-chat!" Barry exclaimed. "THat Crystal Empire place has a battle spot that need to put myself in and beat you, Ash! So let's go-go-go!"

"You know I'm psyched to take part in it too!" Ash grinned as he and Barry quickly entered the train ahead of everyone else.

"Wait for me!" Pinkie bounced inside of the train.

"Is having triple hyperactive individuals a bad thing?" Rarity asked.

"Maybe." Applejack responded as she and the others casually walked up to the train instead of rushing like Ash, Pinkie and Barry.

By entering the train, they were the last passengers to climb aboard. Fluttershy being behind them all. Despite her recovering from fainting last night, the thought of what happened still lingered in her head.

The Umbrage Thieves came incredibly close to stealing her Audino and Chikorita with her being completely powerless to do anything until Darkrai arrived.

Fluttershy feared that even with her having a Mega Ring and some battle experience, by herself, she might lagging behind her friends.

But her Pokemon looked up at her to reassure the pegasus that she wasn't lagging at all. It wasn't her fault that the Umbrage Thieves almost stole her Pokemon. She was even clever enough to try and defend herself with Mega Evolution and Hyper Beam but Psychic didn't let that happen.

"Chiko." The Leaf Pokemon climbed up on Fluttershy's head, giving her trainer a nice pat on the head. Both her and Audino gave their trainer comfort and a boost in confidence.

A Pokemon will always be there to make their trainer feel better, no matter what the situation or what happened before. And that is just another one of the many reasons why Fluttershy loves them so much.

But there was one other thing that plagued her mind.

The Klefki from last night.

Before it held all three of them with Psychic, it said that it was sorry. Almost as if it as apologizing for holding Fluttershy and her Pokemon in place.

Fluttershy, despite being perplexed by the sudden Umbrage Thief attack, noticed that, before she fainted, the unicorn had left behind her Klefki and Orbeetle without even taking them with her.

This made Fluttershy think that this unicorn might not care for her Pokemon and there's a high chance that there are other Pokemon that she has that might be getting little care as well.

She didn't want to think about the Umbrage Thieves any further. But she is definitely worried about the Pokemon owned by that mysterious unicorn.


Rainbow Dash stayed behind instead of going with her friends. She would catch up eventually, but there was one thing she needed to do.

Win her 5th Gym Badge.

Soarin was at his absolute best this time. Meaning that he was capable of batting Rainbow Dash without anything slowing him down. They wasted no time and got to Canterlot Gardens where the Gym Battle would take place.

The referee was there as they were both on their own sides already. The Ref didn't need to break the rules down for them since this is their second time at it.

"You may both bring out your Pokemon." The Ref said.

"Let's mix things up a bit! Mienfoo! Luxio! Go!" Rainbow Dash sent out Luxio and Mienfoo instead of the first time when it was Mienfoo and Castform.



"I'll try something new myself. Torkoal! Archeops!" Same with Soarin. Instead of Snover and Buizel like the first time, it was Torkoal and Archeops up first.



Once Torkoal came out, its Drought ability kicked in, intensifying the sun and boosting Torkoal's Fire-Type moves.

"That Torkoal's got a mean Earthquake...Can't let Luxio get hit by it no matter what..." Rainbow Dash thought to herself.

"When I'm at my best, nopony's stopping me." Soarin also thought to himself.

"Battle Start!"

"Okay, you two! Wild Charge into Archeops and use Mega Punch on Torkoal!"

"Lux!" The Spark Pokemon went ahead first by outlining his body in electricity, propelling himself towards the First Bird Pokemon.

"Foo!" Mienfoo went next by bolting straight for Torkoal on a lower level.

"I don't think so! Archeops! Dragon Claw! And Torkoal, use Iron Defense!"

"Arc!" The First Pokemon gave a response to Mienfoo by summoning draconic claws with green energy around its wings. It used these claws to clash with Luxio's head, preventing Wild Charge from fully connecting. The two entered a struggle with one of them trying to overpower the other.

Torkoal just stood there. Unfortunately, it was one of the slowest Pokemon in the world. So the chances of it dodging are nigh-impossible with some expectations.

However, its defence helps it greatly as the Coal Pokemon pulled all of its limbs into its shell, protecting itself. His defence had been raised sharply. "Tor."

"Mien!" Mienfoo approached Torkoal with ferocity as she smashed her paw into Torkoal's shell. But when she hit the shell, Torkoal barely felt it. The best that Mienfoo did was making its shell wiggle a small bit. "Mienfoo?"

Not satisfied with getting zero hits in, Mienfoo began striking her paws on the shell repeatedly, hoping to make Torkoal come out of its shell.

"Heh. Rapid Spin Torkoal!"

"Torkoal!" Using its shell as a weapon, the Coal Pokemon spun its shell around like a saw blade. These rapid movements clashed with Mienfoo's fast-moving paws, causing some sparks to fly out.

"Cheops!" The struggle between Luxio and Archeops had been decided. Archeops came out on top as Dragon Claw overpowered Wild Charge, launching Luxio back down to the ground with an impactful crash.


"Ah! Luxio!" Rainbow Dash gasped.

"L-Lux!" Luxio quickly got back up from the ground.

Mienfoo didn't have the same amount of trouble. Her attacks always get faster the more she strikes, making their precision sharper each time.

Even with Rapid Spin, Torkoal wasn't fast enough to match Mienfoo's paw strikes as the Martial Arts Pokemon found an opening.

"Mien!" She smashed her paw inside one of the holes of Torkoal's shell which surprised both Rainbow Dash and Soarin as their attention was focused on those two.

But after seeing that, Soarin let out a slight smirk, knowing that it wasn't the wisest decision for Mienfoo to put her paw inside of Torkoal's shell.

"Heh. Gotcha!" Soarin exclaimed.

"M-Mien!" The reason why it wasn't the wisest decision was that Torkoal's hollow shell was full of blazing coal that had been found from many mountains.

The heat of this coal was enough to sear Mienfoo's paws as she quickly pulled her arm out, backflipping away from the Coal Pokemon.

Torkoal stopped spinning as its speed had been increased a bit thanks to Rapid Spin.

"Foo! Foo!" Mienfoo blew on her own paw.

"Good attempt, Mienfoo. But I guess touching those holes is a bad move." Rainbow Dash said.


"We'll finish this in a few hits. Torkoal! Earthquake! And Archeops, use Stone Edge!"

"Tor..." Torkoal was about to let out the devastating Earthquake as it stood up on its hind legs. Meanwhile, Archeops summoned multiple glowing crystals around its body.

"Here it comes..." Rainbow Dash growled. "Mienfoo grab Luxio and toss him at Archeops."

"Say what?!" Soarin jerked back.

"Mien!" The Martial Arts Pokemon suddenly grabbed Luxio's tail as they both put their faith in each other. With all her might, Mienfoo spun Luxio around before launching the Spark Pokemon into the air, allowing him to avoid Earthquake.

"Koal!" Torkoal slammed its legs down, causing the ground to shatter as destructive white shockwaves emerged from the ground.

Mienfoo, unfortunately, had to take this damage, but she would be neutral to it since she wasn't an Electric-Type like Luxio.

"M-Mienfoo!" The Martial Arts Pokemon was engulfed by the white shockwaves.

"Archeops!" Meanwhile, with Luxio and Archeops, the Rock-Flying-Type hurled the stones towards Luxio who was being sent right at it thanks to Mienfoo's throw.

"Now use Iron Tail!"

"Lux!" Whilst airborne, Luxio's tail hardened up as he smashed it onto the stones, shattering them into pieces whilst also sending some of them back at Archeops.

"Arc?!" Archeops was pelted by its own rocks as Luxio's long tail helped him reach Archeops before he fell. With a swift move of his tail, Luxio slammed Iron Tail onto Archeops's head, dealing super-effective damage.

"Ops!" The First Bird Pokemon was sent crashing down by Iron Tail as it hit the ground hard on its head. "Arc!"

"Luxio!" Luxio returned to ground level, returning his tail to normal.

"You won't catch me off guard like that again! Torkoal! Lava Plume!"

"Koal!" The Coal Pokemon caused an explosion around it, creating a mix of smog and fire to cover the area.



Mienfoo and Luxio looked around to see that they were surrounded by fire and smog from all sides as they stood back to back from each other. The scarlet flames seemed to be getting closer, acting like actual lava by moving.

"That doesn't look good..." Rainbow Dash clenched her teeth as she was trying to find a way out of this one. She saw how tall the fire was compared to her Pokemon and how aggressive it was.

It took up the entire battlefield as the fire was so large that Rainbow Dash, the Ref and Soarin had to back away to avoid this intense fire.

This was Soarin's plan. To fill the battlefield with Lava Plume.

"Right where I want you..." Soarin smirked. "Archeops, use dig!"

"He's using Dig with all this fire around?!" Rainbow Dash winced.

"Cheops!" Archeops slammed its wings onto the ground, burrowing underground despite there being a violent plume of fire everywhere.

"This might get rough...Unless...Mienfoo! Pick up Luxio and hold him over you!"

"Mienfoo!" Taking a hold of her teammate once more, this time, Mienfoo picked Luxio up with her paws, protecting him from the Ground-Type move.


"Cheops!" Archeops came out of the ground, smashing its wings onto Mienfoo's stomach as the Martial Arts Pokemon once again, took damage for Luxio.

"Gotcha! Iron Tail!"

"Luxio!" Whilst still being held by Mienfoo, Luxio hardened up his tail as he swung it towards Archeops, avenging Mienfoo by slamming Iron Tail onto Archeops's stomach.

"C-Cheops!" Archeops's eyes widened as it was sent flying through the flames, tumbling on the ground. That Iron Tail combined with flying through the fire was enough to take out the First Bird Pokemon as it had fainted.


"Archeops is unable- Hot! Hot!" The Ref backed away further. "Unable to battle! Luxio wins!"

"Yes!" Rainbow Dash flew up. "Nice hit Luxio! And good job tanking that Dig, Mienfoo!"



"Return, Archeops." Soarin returned Archeops. "Sorry I didn't get the chance to pull off Sandstorm. Drought is already active. Alright, Rainbow Dash! You took out my Archeops sure. But what are you gonna do about the fire around your Pokemon?"

"That's easy. Mienfoo. Luxio. Return." Rainbow decided to return them both, swapping them out for another duo. "I'll deal with your fire and Pokemon at the same time. Braviary! Altaria! Let's go!"

The next duo ended up being the Flying-Type partners, Braviary and Altaria. Once they both came out, they appeared high in the air, avoiding the flames of Lava Plume.



"Oh, clever." Soarin nodded. "But I can deal with those two. Boltund! Out you come!" Soarin's third Pokemon was Boltund who would be assisting Torkoal in battle.


"That's Boltund," Rainbow said to herself. "I don't know what its capable of, but it's obviously super fast since it's an Electric-Type."

"Bolt..." Boltund was already getting fired up with sparks flowing through its fur.

"Let's get rid of this fire first. Use Superpower to blow it away!"

"Viary" Finding a way to get rid of this arena covering fire, Braviary used Superpower while clapping its wings together.

With that amount of power, Braviary created a powerful thunderclap that was strong enough to blow the flames of Lava Plume away.

The shockwave was even strong enough to reach Torkoal and Boltund, almost making them lose their balance as Torkoal hid in its shell in a responsive instinct.


"She's sending Braviary out this early?" Soarin gulped. "I thought she'd save her strongest for last. Oh well. Boltund! Electric Terrain!"

"Bolt!" Instead of attacking, the Dog Pokemon's body became covered in yellow electricity as it fired a beam of electricity from its body. The electricity then formed into a dome-shaped cage of electricity that went over the battlefield.



"What's this?!" Rainbow Dash had never seen this move before.

"You'll see. Torkoal, Iron Defence!"

"Koal!" Whilst still inside of its shell, Torkoal boosted its defence up once more while Boltund just stood there, waiting for more commands.

"Let's smash em flat! Superpower on Torkoal! Ice Beam on Boltund!"

"Viary!" Braviary went ahead first by surrounding his wings in energy whilst Altaria charged up a beam of Ice.

"Torkoal another Iron Defense! Boltund counter with Thunderbolt!"

"Tund!" The Dog Pokemon sent out 100,000 volts of electricity from its body, clashing with Ice Beam as the two attacks cancelled each other out.

As for Torkoal, it was still in its shell, building up its defence. Braviary smashed his wings onto Torkoal's shell as a powerful Fighting-Type move connected with the increased defence of a Steel-Type move.

Torkoal's already stellar defence combined with Iron Defense had made the Coal Pokemon more durable than it usually is as Superpower barely even phased it.

"Brav?" Even Braviary was surprised by this as he flew back.

"Koal." Torkoal finally came out of its shell with its defence being through the roof now.

"Ain't no way you're breaking past my Torkoal's defence now, Dash! You're gonna need a lot of power to take him out!"

"Hah! I've got a lot of power! Braviary, lets-"

"Viary!" Braviary suddenly interrupted Rainbow Dash. He stopped her because he knew what Rainbow Dash was trying to do.

"Huh? Braviary?"

"Vi. Braviary." Braviary looked back at Rainbow Dash. He knew that Rainbow Dash wanted to use Rainbow-Braviary in this battle. But Braviary wanted to show that he can get stronger without having to constantly rely on Rainbow-Braviary.

Plus, using it against somepony as formidable as Soarin would most likely harm Rainbow Dash's life once more, but on a more critical level.

"Braviary..." Rainbow Dash paused for a moment as she nodded in understanding. "I gotcha. Then we'll keep using Superpower! And Altaria! Dragon Pulse!"

"Vi!" Braviary was planning on endlessly striking Torkoal with the same move repeatedly in hopes of getting past its amazing defence. Meanwhile, Altaria prepared a Dragon Pulse by opening her mouth.

"Nah-Nah. I don't think so. Discharge!"

"Bolt!" Boltund acted faster than Altaria and Braviary combined thanks to its superb speed. The Bolt Pokemon sent a violent whip of electricity that went from point A to B in one second as both Flying-Types were hit by Discharge's violent electricity.

And thanks to Electric Terrain, this already powerful attack had been boosted. Altaria resisted it thanks to her being part Dragon but Braviary got the worst out of it.

Both of them were knocked out of the sky because of Discharge, allowing Soarin to capitalize and pull off more attacks.

"Now, Torkoal! Lava Plume and Discharge once more!"

"Quick! Fly up you two!"

"Vi!?" Braviary and Altaria both opened their eyes as they quickly spread their wings out. They saw how Torkoal sent an explosion of fire and smog around the area. Another whip of Lightning was sent their way as well.

Yet again, they had been hit by Discharge because of how wide and fast it was as Lava Plume filled the battlefield once more.

With Discharge yet again forcing them down, they had been surrounded by the flames of Lava Plume as they were now on a lower level.

"Urgh..." Rainbow Dash growled, realizing that things were slowly turning for the worst. "That Boltund's too fast...! This would be so much easier with Rainbow-Braviary but..."

"What now, Dash?" Soarin grinned.

"Hm. Torkoal's defence is only great physically...but with ranged attacks. I got it! You two! Switch places quick!"

"Switching won't help! Discharge one more time!"

"Block it with Steel Wing!" Rainbow Dash expected Soarin to use a move as useful as Discharge, so she counteracted by having Braviary harden his wings with metal.

"Viary!" The Valiant Pokemon got in front of Altaria, protecting her from Discharge. Braviary's steel wings became conductors of electricity, allowing him to nullify the Discharge. "Brav!"

"Absorbing my electricity are you? Then I'll come to you! Use Double Edge!"

"Bolt!" The Dog Pokemon became surrounded in streaks of white aura, charges into the opponent with great force.

"Keep those wings up!" Rainbow Dash allowed Braviary to keep blocking with Steel Wing whilst Altara stayed behind Braviary, waiting for her turn to strike.

Boltund crashed into Braviary's wings at full-force, creating a loud clang sound in the process. Braviary's body felt some vibration but not as much as Boltund, who took heavy recoil from it.

"B-Bolt!" Boltund staggered back after connecting with Braviary's hard wings whilst using a double-edged sword move like Double Edge.

"Gotcha. Slam and pin Boltund with Superpower!"

"Vi!" With Boltund staggered, Braviary raised its wings with an orange outline forming as the Valiant Pokemon smashed Boltund's back, causing the Dog Pokemon to crash on the ground with a crater forming.

"Ah! Boltund!"

"Here we go! Now unload Dragon Pulse on Torkoal! And don't stop!"

"Taria!" Altaria flew up whilst Braviary had Boltund pinned on the ground. A Dragon-shaped blast was fired and due to Torkoal being slow, it was not avoiding this attack at all.

"Torkoal! Get in your shell!" Soarin gasped.

"Tor!" Torkoal quickly hid its limbs and head in its shell, but it was only bulky in a physical sense. When it comes to special attacks such as Dragon Pulse, not so much.

As such, the Coal Pokemon had been engulfed by Dragon Pulse with Altaria pouring it on the Fire-Type. Boltund managed to break itself free from Braviary's wings thanks to its superior running speed, but Torkoal was still being overwhelmed.

Eventually, Dragon Pulse came to an end as an explosion of draconic energy occurred. The smoke cleared up and it was revealed that Torkoal had fainted.

And with Torkoal down, Drought had vanished.


"Torkoal is unable to battle! Altaria wins!"

"Yes! And I'm still sitting pretty with no fainted Pokemon!" Rainbow Dash squeed.

"Pinning my Boltund like that was a good call...Return, Torkoal." He brought Torkoal back its ball. "You did good, pal."

"Phew." Rainbow Dash wiped the sweat off her forehead. "That got a bit too stressful. Your Boltund's pretty fast, ya know. Then again, it's an Electric-Type so I should've seen that coming."

"Oh, Boltund's more than just fast. Just you wait and see." Soarin smirked. "This Gym Battle's far from over." Soarin held out another Poke Ball.

Rainbow Dash was expecting to see either Snover or Buizel up next as she was prepared to tackle them both. Even if Braviary and Altaria might have some trouble against Snover.

But in truth, Soarin had swapped Snover for someone else.

"Come out! Eiscue!" Soarin tossed the Poke Ball, revealing a new Pokemon to Rainbow Dash in the form of the Penguin Pokemon Eiscue.


"What is that?!" She was shocked that it wasn't Snover at all as she took her dex out for this Pokemon.

"Eiscue. The Penguin Pokemon. Ice Face. It drifted in on the flow of ocean waters from a frigid place. It keeps its head iced constantly to make sure it stays nice and cold. It fishes for its food, dangling its single hair into the sea to lure in prey."

"Get ready, Dash. Because this is where things change!"

Rainbow Dash's Gym Battle with Soarin is far from over. Even with two of his Pokemon defeated, Soarin is still proving to be a formidable and tricky opponent as the journey continues.

Chapter 304 End.

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