• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Pokemon House

The beautiful and calm skies of the Sinnoh Region. Spreading out even in the cities and towns. Today, Twilight Sparkle returns the book she borrowed from Canalave Library. The Origin of the Pokemon World that is.

"Hello. I'm here to return the book. I hope I'm not overdue." She said to the librarian.

"Right on time, missy." The librarian replied.

"Thank you." Twilight placed the book back where she found it. Until another book caught her eye. Dozens actually.

"Veilstone's Myth," "Sinnoh Folk Stories," "Sinnoh Region's Mythology" "The Eeveelution Enigma," "Regi-Ruins." Countless of them to take and learn more about the Pokemon World.

"Wow! These are great as well!" She used her magic to pick up the books, heading to the librarian. "Mind if I borrow these as well?"

"That's a lot this time. I'll expect them back in at least 4 weeks."

"I'll bring them back at that time!"

"You know, missy. You seem to be highly interested in our world's history."

"Well of course. I already know a lot about my world. It doesn't hurt to know about this one as well. Plus it has much more going for it than my own! Uh don't tell anypony I said that..."

"I see. Well if you really want to go above and beyond with knowledge of the Pokemon World... then try this book." The librarian gave her a book titled 'The Aura'."

"The Aura?"

"Yes. You'll learn a lot about this world's natural life force. Aura."

"Interesting." Twilight took the book, leaving the library and returning through the gateway to Golden Oaks.

"Welcome back Twilight. Woah. You got a lot of new books." Spike greeted her back.


"The Pokemon World is huge. Apparently, there are a total of 1209 Pokemon species. And each of them has millions upon up millions, possibly even transcending the billions of their species. Countless of them roaming the skies, the sea and the land. Well.. minus Legendaries. Apparently, they're one a kind."

"Great Twilight. I kinda gotta tell you something quickly. The Pokemon house. It's almost complete."

"I'll be there to see it. By the way, have you seen Ash recently?"

"Well get this! He caught a Dragon-type Pokemon called Dragonite at someplace called Dragonite Island! Its the coolest!" Spike had gone to visit these islands with Ash and also Goh. Seeing all those Dragon-Types made him happy.

"He caught a dragon? That sounds like him to do something insane like that."

"You should come and meet it! It's super friendly! The hugs it gives are so warm.!

"Thanks, Spike. But I got some books to read."

"Alright! I'll see you at the Pokemon House." Spike headed out with Mincinno as both Twilight and Owlicious were the only ones left.

The Pokemon House. An idea sprouted in Fluttershy's head had come into fruition. It was as big as she imagined it being. Rooms and places for all Pokemon to be in, regardless of the type. Everypony, Pokemon and human had arrived to see the completion as they had helped make this happen.

"Looks great Fluttershy!"


"Thanks, Ash. All of you. You all made this happen." Fluttershy said, smiling.

"Now everypony. I can thankfully say that the Pokemon House is now open!" Mayor Mare said, cutting a ribbon to declare this place open to all. They all cheered as the Pokemon that were hanging out in Fluttershy's area had decided to venture this newfound house.

"This is wonderful." Celestia had arrived along with Passion. She caught news of this big Pokemon House project.

"Princess Celestia!" Fluttershy said.

"I can see that this will be great for all Pokemon who come here to our world. And it seems like a nice relaxation spot."


"Thank you. I had to make sure that no Pokemon felt neglected and alone. It all paid off."

"Yeah. And it looks like Pikachu wants to have a go at it too. Right buddy?" Ash talked to his partner.


"Then in that case. Dragonite can join in as well!"

"Dragonite?" Fluttershy and Celestia said in unison.

"Come on out, Dragonite!" Ash tossed his Pokeball into the air, sending out the Dragon Pokemon. Dragonite.

"Oh my! You caught a dragon Ash?!" Rarity said.

"Yeah. Me, Goh and Spike went to the Dragonite Islands. The Dragonair there were learning to fly, which evolved them further. However, one of them couldn't fly. So I decided to help the lone Dragonair by having it use Dragon Dance to master its wings. And ever since, it evolved and became attached to me. So I caught it." Ash explained.

"How sweet of you Ash," Celestia said, responding to that heart-warming tale. Dragonite had suddenly hugged, Ash, Pikachu, Celestia, Fluttershy and Ralts at the same time.

"Oh yeah.. and it's a big hugger by the way."


"How warm..." Fluttershy and the others melted in Dragonite's warm hugs.


"Oooh! I want a hug too!" Pinkie wanted that same feeling. Dragonite went over to hug Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie as well as they melted in it too. "Oh yeah. These are the best kind of hugs..."

Pikachu hopped off Ash's shoulder, going over the house. Water Type Pokemon had made themselves comfortable by claiming the water. Some Pokemon had formed groups of some sorts.

One group, in particular, was led by a Krokorok. This Desert Croc Pokemon was leading the charge of all Ground-Type Pokemon. Another was a group of Flying-Types who laid in the highest point of the house. Led by a Pidgeot, they made nests for themselves.

"It all seems to be going well. What about any food though?" Celestia asked.

"How do plums sound? That one pony sells a lot of em." Ash recommended.

"Oh, you mean Mirabelle. Her family do have a lot of plums. Applejack's family does have close connections to them." Fluttershy replied.

"Ain't that right. But we got lots of food. I got some different apple foods from my family. They wanted to pitch in as well." Applejack said.

"Did we forget about anything important?" Rainbow Dash wondered.

"Hmm. Nope. Everything seems to be in place. No Pokemon type is excluded. All 18 types of areas for all 18 types. Fluttershy, you've done it again!" She said, feeling proud of herself.

Just then from the bushes afar, Team Rocket had been peeking out.

"Well, would you look at that? It's a buffet!" Jessie said quietly.

"A Gourmet Grab for sure!" Jessie replied.

"Hang on!" Meowth stopped them for a bit. "We gotta think about this for a sec. We're Zecora's pupils. And if she finds out we've been bagging beasts, who knows what freaky voodoo she'll do on us!"

"You're right. And considering the top-pony Celestia's here and more present that big-time rulers...the odds are against us. What do you think James?"

"Hm. I say we join in on this Pokemon House without causing any trouble or snatching any Pokemon."

"Gasp! A Team Rocket plan without no Pokemon snatching?! It's unheard of!" They both said.


"We won't be going as Team Rocket of course. Time for our expert disguises..."

Back at Golden Oak, Twilight has just now learned about Aura.

"The living essence of all living beings. Those with immense aura lying within them are known as Aura Guardians. They have perfect and full control over the aura, being able to not only sense others but even read minds, create barriers or attacks and they can activate these mysterious flowers known as Time Flowers." Twilight read.

"Amazing. Aura might be just as grand as magic. But how can you tell if somepony is an Aura Guardian? And how come I haven't been able to sense Aura? If its the natural life-force then I can probably sense in Pokemon mostly." Twilight had gone over to her Minccino, Minccy, holding her fluffy cheeks to try and see if she can tap into the Aura.

"Ccino..." Minccy was getting worried and bit a confused right now.

"Hmmm..." Twilight had concentrated with such focus in her eyes. She wanted to see if this Aura thing was the real deal. But she got nothing. "Ugh. Nothing. Maybe I'm just not brimming with Aura like these Aura Guardians. But what makes them gain such a huge overflow of it?"

She continued reading as she saw an important piece of history about Aura.

"What's this now? A legendary Aura Guardian by the name of Sir Aaron, who took a Lucario as his apprentice and became a hero when sacrificed himself to stop to a war from destroying the area around the Tree of Beginning. A war happened? Tree of Beginning. And what is a Lucario?" Twilight had to know more. She kept on reading until she came across the page describing Lucario.

"There. Lucario. The Aura Pokemon. Lucario is the only known Pokemon in existence that has a powerful connection to Aura. Because of this, they are the only Pokemon that have this connection, they only go to humans with powerful aura connections as well. However, the Aura Guardians mysteriously vanished one day, leaving barely any trace. This has made Lucario's harder to find or even their pre-evolution, Riolu. Amazing. These guardians just up and vanished without a trace in the world. And this Lucario Pokemon must be incredibly rare. Wonderful!"

Twilight had learned a lot about Aura, the natural life-force of the Pokemon World. Then she thought for a bit."

"Hold on. It would make sense if I can't access aura here in my world. But if I went to the other world..."

Back at the Pokemon House, everypony was relaxing along with the Pokemon enjoying themselves. Celestia's Ralts, Passion was also with the Pokemon along with other humans' Pokemon. They were all basking in this great sunlight today.

"Ah. I feel at ease this way." Rarity said with some shades on, sitting on her couch that she somehow always brings with her.

"Yeah...The air today feels pretty smooth for some reason." Rainbow replied.

"That would be the Flying Types.. certain ones." Just when it seemed like mostly everyone was here, Brock had appeared.

"Brock? You're here too!?" Ash said.


"Yeah. Thought I'd come over to visit. I'm away from the Pokemon Nursey for today so it wouldn't hurt to take a break here. But I didn't come alone of course."

"Hm?" Ash wondered who else was here. From behind him, without him even knowing, a familiar girl with her Piplup snuck up behind Ash. Rarity was going to tell Ash but Pinkie made her be quiet. After all, she knows that you must never ruin a surprise. The familiar girl's fingers tapped Ash's shoulder as he turned around to find no one. The girl had turned around to avoid Ash. They had been in this situation before back in Unova. Ash would turn around while she would keep hiding from him.

"This feels familiar..."


"It should." The familiar blue-haired girl said.

"Piplup." Ash turned around to see her old friend who she travelled in the Sinnoh Region with. Dawn.



"Long time no see Ash!"

"Pip-Piplup!" To greet each other, they did their signature High Five. They never forgot it once.

"So you're here in this other world too. In Ponyville."

"Yep. I couldn't miss out on all of THIS!"

"You two know each other?" AJ said.

"Of course! Me and Dawn travelled around the entire Sinnoh Region together. Along with Brock who started with me back in Kanto and onwards. We've been friends for a long time."

"Gee Ash. You sure hold a lot of mysteries." Fluttershy gushed.

"I don't hold that many mysteries..."

"So Ash. I heard you become the Champion of Alola. Congrats!"

"Thanks. You should totally visit Alola too you know."

"Do they have contest halls?"

"Well no. Not really... but they do have amazing resorts and beaches. Can't go wrong with that!"


All of a sudden, there was a bit of conflict going on in the house. Two Pokemon weren't hitting it off. A Loudred, which was known for having a big voice was currently getting on the nerves of a Hattrem. A Pokemon that was not big on noise.

"Hattrem!" The Serene Pokemon yelled, trying to keep that Loudred quiet. However, that wasn't working since Loudred kept making noise. It couldn't help it really, it was in its genes. So out of frustration, Hattrem hit Loudred' right in its big open mouth with the braids on its head.

"What's going on over there?!" Fluttershy was worried about the current conflict.

"Who's that Pokemon? I've never seen it before." This was new to Ash as he got out his dex.

"Hattrem. The Serene Pokemon. No matter who you are, if you bring strong emotions near this Pokemon, it will silence you violently. Using the braids on its heads, it pummels foes to get them to quiet down. One blow from these braids would knock out a professional boxer." The dex said. This entry was a bit unexpected. Something that small and cute can do that?

"That explains it. It's not a big fan of Loudred. They can't help it though."

"What do we do? We have to stop this." Hattrem wouldn't let go of Loudred's mouth as the Big Voice Pokemon felt like it was choking, moving around as Hattrem followed.

"Hattrem. Please let go of Loudred's mouth." Fluttershy pleaded. Hattrem had listened to the shy pegasus, removing her braids from the Normal-Type Pokemon's mouth. "Now, all we have to do is solve this. Hattrem. You're not a fan of Loudred making so much noise now are you?"


"And Loudred. You're not a fan of Hattrem shoving her braids in your mouth."

"Loudred." Loudred replied as it made more loud noises. Hattrem was getting more riled up as Fluttershy held her back.

"This is a problem. Loudred can't help it. It just makes loud noises naturally. It is the Big Voice Pokemon after all." Brock said.

"But Hattrem doesn't feel fine with all that noise. What do we do?" Dawn replied.

"Hmm. Loudred is with all the Normal-Type Pokemon specifically. Maybe... if we find a spot where it can naturally talk we'll be fine." Rainbow Dash suggested.

"That'll be tough since Loudred kinda likes it here. And I'm not sure the other Pokemon would take kindly to its noise." AJ said.

Loudred made more noise as Hattrem jumped into the air, ready to attack Loudred once more, however, Passion had gotten in the way.

"Passion?" Celestia said.

"Ral-Ralts!" Passion tried to reason with Hattrem.

"Hattrem." Hattrem wasn't having any of it.

"Of course. Hattrem and Ralts are complete opposites of each other. Like Darkrai and Cresselia." Brock explained.

"Really?" Celestia asked.

"Well, it's mostly Ralt's second evolution Kirlia that is the opposite of Hattrem. But both of these two Pokemon and their three evolutions are rivals. Hattena's prefer calm dispositions and fears strong emotions while Ralts is drawn to those with a positive attitude and emotion. Hattrem's hate strong emotions while Kirlia's love trainers with that emotion and they develop a shining beauty. As for Hatterene and Gardevoir... its dangerous territory."

"Why is it dangerous Brock?" Celestia asked him.

"You see... Gardevoir's are fiercely protective of the ones they love. If it's loved one is in danger, it will use the full power of its psychic powers to create a small black hole. Whatever it takes to protect the ones they love. Even giving up their own life. For Hatterene, its a completely different story. It tears others apart once it reads their emotions. Doesn't matter which emotion it is. So its no wonder these two aren't fond of each other."

"Goodness. How can they have so many differences?" Fluttershy and everypony else were shocked at this. They never knew that some Pokemon had rivalries between each other. Celestia was laughing suddenly.

"This reminds me of me and sister. Only it's not as extreme as this."

Passion stood next to Loudred, not bothering to move once. Hattrem was getting annoyed as it accepted that Ralts would not move no matter what. Hattrem walked off, knowing it was defeated.

"Poor thing. I wish it could somehow take loud noises and strong emotions." Rarity sighed.

"It's a shame. Some creatures just don't get along at times. Whether it's what the other does or if its predator or prey." Celestia replied.

"Oh, dear. I have to make some adjustments. So that every Pokemon is happy. That's another week of building."

"No need for that Fluttershy. I may have a solution to all of this. Ash. There are some Pokemon experts at building aren't there?" Celestia said.

"Yeah. Mostly fighting types and some ground and rock types."

"Could you maybe find some that can help make a secluded space for Hattrem."

"You can count on me Celestia."

"Wow! Your mane is amazing!" Dawn was gawking at Celestia's ethereal mane.

"Why thank you."

"That's the mane of a princess. Wonderful isn't it?" Rarity said to Dawn.

"A Princess?!" Dawn yelled. "Oh wow! A real pony princess! And you have both a horn and wings! How beautiful is that?!"

"That's because I'm an Alicorn. Half Unicorn, Half Pegasus and Half-Earth Pony."

"Oooh. You're amazing!"

"You should see her sister." Berry Punch said.

The day went on. Some had gone home to rest after a long day here at the Pokemon House. Team Rocket didn't get the chance to do anything since Zecora had some errands they wanted them to run the minute they got out of the bush. Ash and Dawn did some talking on what they've been up to lately, while Celestia had returned back to Canterlot.

"It's been a long day. That sun's coming down soon." Ash said, looking at the sunset.

"It's beautiful." Fluttershy said.

"So romantic." Rarity followed.

"Eeyup." Big Mac finished off.

"Oh well! Before I head for a rest! I'm in the mood for a battle!" The moment Ash said that... Rufflet had escaped from its Pokeball, eager to accept Ash's challenge.

"Huh? Rufflet?" Rainbow said.

"You wanna battle me Rufflet?"


"I'm not sure about that. Pikachu's a bit out of your league."

"Rufflet! Ruff!" Rufflet still wanted his battle. Meanwhile, Darkrai and Luna had made an appearance.

"Luna. Darkrai. You're here."


"What is all of this?" Luna asked.

"The Pokemon House. Pretty cool huh?" Ash said.

"Hm. Yes.. cool."

"Right now Rufflet wants to fight but I think I'm too strong for him. But! You can train with us."

"He can?" Rainbow butted in.

"Yeah. If you wanna get through the future gym battles much cleaner, you're gonna need some training. Pikachu and I will only focus on using defense rather than offense."

"I'm cool with that. Rufflet and I do wanna get stronger."


"Okay, Pikachu. Ready?"


"Awesome! Rufflet! Wing Attack!"

Rufflet flew in using its glowing wings to hit Pikachu, barely dealing any damage to him and barely making him move.

"I want Rufflet to be much faster! That way he'll outspeed every Pokemon! Fly faster and keep using Wing Attack!" This kept going on for a while as the training continued on.

Night had arrived. Luna raised the moon, Darkrai was hanging out more near the Pokemon House, The Pokemon fell asleep... at least the ones that aren't active at night and the rest of the ponies had also fallen asleep from all the fun they had. Pikachu slept on Fluttershy whilst Dawn and Piplup fell asleep on the belly of a Snorlax. Darkrai and Luna looked over this, seeing how peaceful they are.

"It's nice seeing them like this. But it makes me hate myself more for causing nightmares." Darkrai said to Luna.

"I can understand how that must feel. Being forced to only give nightmares to others... even if you do not mean to." Luna replied. Now she stopped talking with the royal 'We' and talked like everypony else. "But do not let it get you down Darkrai. Now I must head into their dreams. Guarding them against any potential nightmares that may appear."

"Nightmares...Come to think of it. I can still enter another's dream without having to cause nightmares. I'm coming with you."

"Splendid." They had both entered the dream realm, however...

They were unaware of the incoming disaster that was in Everypony, Pokemon and people's dreams.

Chapter 31 End.

Author's Note:

Yay, Dawn's back.

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